The Chemistry Professor

By Lewd Shrewd

Published on Feb 15, 2014


Disclaimer: This is a work of gay, erotic fiction; please do not read if it is illegal for you to do so. This work is entirely fictional; any resemblances to real people, events, or institutions are coincidental.

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Thanks, and enjoy!


Chapter 7

Thursday morning rolled around, and I awoke drenched in sweat. The apartment was totally dark and eerily silent; apparently the power had gone out, and the air conditioner wasn't working. Our bathroom didn't have any windows, and I didn't want to shower in the dark!

"Shit!" I said to myself, "I can't work all day smelling like my own sweat!" I fumbled through the apartment back to my bedroom. I found my phone, and called James.

"Morning, Rob; what can I do for you this early?" James said when he answered his own phone. "You've interrupted a rather important morning ritual; I wouldn't normally answer my phone in the midst of a morning wank, but for you..."

"Oh, man, sorry to interrupt! My power's out, and I just wanted to see if you had any idea how I could shower before work?"

"Well, I live in totally the wrong direction, or I'd offer my bathroom. There's a private bathroom with a shower in the science building at work, on the first floor; you could always just shower there."

"Right, good idea! I forgot about that. Thanks James; enjoy the rest of your morning ritual."

"Trust me, I will, especially now that I know you're going to be naked two doors down from my office! Still on for dinner with Aaron and me tonight?"

"I'm looking forward to it. Later!"

I contemplated giving some attention to my own now-hard cock, but decided against it; I didn't have a good way to clean up, if I wasn't going to be showering at home. I quickly pulled on some jeans and a T-shirt, packed a gym bag with a towel and clothes to change into at work, and headed out the door.

When I got to work, I headed straight for the private bathroom on the first floor of the science building to shower and dress for the day. As I passed by James' office on the way, I popped my head through the open doorway.

"Morning, James; thanks for the tip on the shower here!"

James looked up from the paperwork covering his desk. "Morning, Rob. No problem about the tip. I've had to use that shower a few times myself; power cuts off pretty often around here when it's over a hundred out. I guess the grid just can't handle all those air conditioning units. I'm sure they'll have your building's power fixed by tonight.

"Oh, and your voice was a big help this morning," James continued nonchalantly. "I shot like twenty seconds after you hung up." He grinned mischieviously, and I blushed.

"Glad to be of help!" I tried to sound casual, though I was still uncomfortable with the less-than-professional aspect of our relationship. "OK, I'm gonna go clean up. See you at your place this evening at 8?"

"Deal; have a good day, handsome."

I showered and dressed quickly, and a few minutes later settled in at my desk for a long day of lecture writing. I got two more lectures finished, and the first semester's lab procedures written out for the students. The day flew by, and before I knew it, it was already 7:30, and my stomach was grumbling. My quick lunch at noon hadn't been very satisfying, and I was looking forward to dinner with James and Aaron.

I wrapped up the last few notes on one of the lectures, packed up my things, and locked my office. James had given me directions to his and Aaron's condo, and as I sat on the bus heading in that direction, I couldn't help wondering what the evening would entail. I was eager to meet Aaron, but wasn't sure how to deal with James' inevitable flirtation with his husband present.

Promptly at 8, I rang the buzzer at James and Aaron's building, and they buzzed me up. When the elevator doors opened on the fourteenth floor, a tall, skinny, strawberry-blond man with a dashing white-toothed smile and disarmingly warm green eyes greeted me. "You must be Rob; it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Aaron; James is in the kitchen watching the risotto. Come in, come in!" Aaron beckoned me through the entryway. "Just take your shoes off, if you don't mind. You can leave your things in the closet here. Red wine OK for you?"

The barrage of greetings was almost funny. I hadn't had a chance to get a word in edgewise; Aaron was clearly a talker. "Uhh, nice to meet you, Aaron, and yes, red would be great; thanks!" Aaron bustled off down the hall while I sat down to take my shoes off. I took in the decor; it was an eclectic mix of stone carvings, paintings, and statues that clearly hinted at the owners' extensive travels. After a minute, Aaron returned with a glass of wine for me, and led me down the hall toward the kitchen, rapidly asking me questions about myself and leaving no time for me to answer between.

"Aaron, shush, let the man answer!" James called out loudly as we approached the kitchen. He was wearing an apron over his work clothes, standing at the stove, stirring a risotto that smelled of truffles and parmesan cheese.

"Sorry, sorry, I get a little ahead of myself when I see blond adonises enter my apartment." Aaron winked at me.

James chuckled, "I told you he was handsome. But he's actually a good conversationalist, too, so let him talk! I didn't invite him over to flatter and deafen him with a barrage of incessant compliments!"

I felt awkward, to say the least. I was already a fairly shy guy, and all of a sudden, I was being complimented by two extremely sexy fellow professors, talked to by a total chatterbox, and overwhelmed by being in a new situation. So I just stood there, stammering, "Ummm, thanks. You're both really handsome too, and I like your statues. And the food smells good. And where did you get the blue painting by the door?"

"Relax, Rob! Drink your wine. No need to outdo Aaron's talkativeness with your own!" We all three laughed, and the ice was broken.

Over the next two hours, we had a delicious meal of pork chops, risotto, and roasted vegetables, drank a couple of bottles of wine, and had some of the most pleasant conversation I'd had in years. Aaron kept his talkative tendencies in check, and all three of us bantered amiably about being professors, our academic histories, my soccer background, Aaron's extensive world travels, and James' penchant for cooking.

By the time 10:00 pm came, I was as comfortable with James and Aaron as I'd been with any of my best friends in graduate school. Wine had lubricated our conversation, and I felt enough at ease to ask the question that had been on my mind since I'd learned of James and Aaron's marriage: "So, I take it you two have an open marriage?"

Aaron and James caught each other's eyes and grinned. Aaron was the first to respond, unsurprisingly. "James and I met for the first time after a meeting of the university's Board of Trustees, where we both made cases for domestic partner benefits. We were eating each other's cum less than three hours later. We never really had a traditional courtship; we worked together professionally on the LGBT advocacy issues at school, and fucked incessantly when we weren't at work. Of course, you get to know each other pretty well when you do both those things, and we really did fall madly in love. But we were always seeing other people the whole time, and were never secretive about it. Our marriage works for many reasons, not the least of which is that we're both open to sex and love wherever it crops up."

I listened intently, fascinated. Neither of my significant relationships had been open, but in graduate school, my then-boyfriend and I would regularly fool around with thirds. I didn't really know how I'd feel about having a fully open relationship, but I was certainly happy that James and Aaron's seemed to work so well for them.

"That being said," James said, "we've never had sex with another professor."

I blushed, suddenly feeling even more awkward than I had at the beginning of the evening. I knew I really wanted to get naked with these sexy men, but I was still uncomfortable having that kind of relationship with coworkers. "I don't know guys; you're both extremely hot, and I'm clearly interested," I said, pointing out the growing bulge in the left leg of my jeans, "but I don't want to jeopardize two new friendships, especially with colleagues..."

Aaron and James both smiled, and Aaron responded, "Of course; don't think we're trying to pressure you! I mean, I would love to take both your loads right this instant, but I wouldn't think of making you uncomfortable. We're really laid back about sex, clearly. If it happens, that's fantastic, but if not, I for one just enjoy your company."

Relieved that there was no expectation of sex, I relaxed again, smiling. "Well, I didn't exactly say no... but maybe I should keep it in my pants tonight."

"No problem, gorgeous! We didn't invite you over here for that, anyway," James said. "Besides, I like the anticipation."

"Now that that's out of the way, let's play a game," Aaron suggested, prying his eyes away from the outline of my dick in my pants. "Just a friendly way to wrap up the night, before we all have to hit the sack."

For another hour, James, Aaron, and I played Settlers of Catan, all distracted by the boners in our pants; I knew it was inevitable, but the time wasn't right.

I arrived home at midnight to a blessedly cool apartment. Lisa, my roommate, was already in bed. I quickly brushed my teeth and got naked for bed. I fell asleep fifteen minutes later, after an incredibly intense orgasm brought on by a thick metal plug in my ass, my own hand's ministrations on my throbbing cock, and images of Aaron and James's cocks spurting hot jizz in my mind. I slept like a baby.

Next: Chapter 8

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