The Charmer

By Hut Panda

Published on Jun 16, 2011


"I am Nigel Riddle" the guy was creepy.A bit handsome,if you were blind! His eyes looked evil and his smile crepted in a weird way.

"What do you want?" I asked angry.

"Your blood,dripping from your lifeless body" his smile turned even more creepy.

"Master what we should do with the others?" One of the deatheater asked.Nigel turned to them and a disgusted face covered him.

"A dog and a mudblood? Kill them" Aiden growled.The three of us were pushed to the trees and we couldn't move.Nigel was pointing his wand at Megan.

"Avada Keda..." a fireball flew to Nigel and he fell.Many fireballs were flying to him and all the deatheater.They were throwing random spells to the source,but the fireballs kept coming.

"Ty,Megan let's get out of here!"Aiden shouted.I nodded and ran towards them.

"Not so fast charmer" I was pushed again and I fell to the ground.I black out. I heard my name been called.But it all soon became a blur.

I woke up and my back ached.It was a bit dark and I was on the ground.I didn't recognize the place.A firepit was near where I rested and some clothes were too.

"Good Morning" A voice said near my ear.I jumped a little and took out my wand.

"Who are you?" I pointed to the guy standing infront of me.He smirked.He looked quite handsome.Muscles in the right places,big arms and wide pecks.His blue eyes shone under the sunlight.

"So you control water"he said walking towards me.I backed off till my back touched a stone wall.We were in a cave.

"You didn't answer my question" I said rudely.He chuckled.

"Fiesty"I glared at him," My name is Trevor"he took out his hand." and I am,like you,a charmer" my eyes grew wide.I shook his hand and then he smirked.

"So you were the one who threw those fireballs?" he nodded smiling.I hugged him.He seem taken back but hugged me back.

"Thanks! You saved our lives!" Then I realized something."Where is Megan and Where is Aiden?" I asked worried.He smile.

"They are in the castle I guess,or still looking for you" we walked towards the exit of the cave.

"Wait...Mariel! I promised Emerald I will save her" his look was calm and peaceful.

"It was a tramp,the mermaid never left the lake,they made the mermaids think she did,she is just in a sleep" he grabbed my hand as we walked and I let it go.He smiled funny at me and we continued walking.

"So is there more of us?" I asked the mysterious guy.

"Hardly,maybe just one of each element if they haven't killed the others" I gasped.Thor told me there were many of us before Nigel arrived.He most had killed many of our kind.

"We should stick together you know,for safety" he said blushing.I nodded.

"I have to find Aiden and Megan,they most be really worried" I said heading to the castle.He grabbed my arm.

"First,we have to stop at the black lake,the mermaids should know" I nodded.It was a 10 minutes walk to the lake.We chatted about life at school and about charmers.

We arrived at the black lake and heads were visible in the surface.Emerald rushed to me and hugged me in the shore.She glared at Trevor.

"Don't worry,he is family." Trevor smiled at my comment and I smiled back.

"Emerald,Mariel never left the lake" Emerald looked confused.

"Then where she is?" she asked.

"She is at the lake" Trevor took his wand and pointed to the lake.A light was visible in the surface and a body was left above the water.A mermaid's body lied in the surface and in a short time it recovered it's life.Mariel was happy swimming with the others.Emerald hugged me and then thanked Trevor.She dove into the water and left.

"That was nice of you,helping the mermaids"I said.

"I am not as bad as you think" he winked at me.

"We'll see" I said and we made our way to the castle.

"How could you leave him there!?" Tom was pushing Aiden and they were about to fight in the gardens.Megan was trying to calm them down ,but they were mad.

"Guys stop"I said.They both turned to me and hugged me.Megan hugged me too and she took my hand.

"Let's go,we have to check you in the nursery"She dragged me to the nursery without noticing Trevor.

"Wait, Whose him?" Tom said angrily.Trevor shot him a glare.

"Look you little piece of..."I cut Trevor off.

"He is Trevor,he is with us now"I said and then Trevor followed us to the nursery.

"So you are?" Megan asked Trevor.Trevor smiled and shook her hand.

"Trevor,Fire charmer"Megan looked suprise.She gave me the "Is he lying?" look and I shook my head.

"Nice to meet you Trevor,I'm Megan" Megan smiled politely as we walked.

"I don't need to go to the nursery Megan, I'm fine" Megan was dragging me to the nursery and we were in the hall.Studenta gave Trevor curious looks and he just smirked.His hand tried to grabbed mine a couple of times,but I just let it go.

"Are you afraid of me?" he asked me.

"Should I?"I asked.A smile covered his face as he nodded no.

"We are family now,and always" he hand grabbed mine and took a hard grip.I just let him hold it this time,but let it go when I saw Professor Baldwin.

"Mr. Pennington,who is this?" he said pointing his wand at Trevor.Trevor looked offended and he took his wand too.

"Don't Worry Professor,he is a friend of mine,we have to talk to professor Dutch" Baldwin nodded and continued his way.I noticed his cape was covered with mud in the bottom and his left leg was covered with bandages.

" I don't like him" Trevor said glaring at the professor's back.His short blonde hair looked sexy and his blue yes shone brightly.

"A picture lasts more"Megan giggled from behind. I smacked her arm playfully.Trevor walked with us to the professor's office.He was sitting in his desk and drinking a coffee.He smiled when he saw us arrived.

"Mr. Pennington,what a warm surprise"he said ignoring Megan and Trevor.I smiled and shook his hand.

"Good Afternoon Professor"I smiled," Well I would like you to meet Trevor,he is also a...charmer"Professor Dutch looked curiously to Trevor,making him uncomfortable.

"We need to stay together,he is back and he wants us dead"Trevor said to Dutch.He nodded in agreement.

"So where you yesterday at the forest?"I nodded."Do you saw him?" I nodded again."And you are alive.Well that's a miracle" he said caressing my cheek.It was uncomfortable and I was shaking a little.

"Hands off" Trevor said grabbing my waist and pulling me back.

"Oh,I get it" Professor Dutch was creepy.

" You can stay,but you will have to protect the castle and of course him" he pointed to me," same as the werewolves,they want to be here,they have to pay their housing.Also,you need to go to classes,I'm not having more lazy students"Trevor nodded happily.Professor Dutch caressed my cheeks and sat.We walked out and Tom was there.

"Ty,I have to talk to you" he said pissed.Trevor glared at him and he took my hand.

"It's ok" he let go and I walked away with Tom.

"Are you alright?" Tom said caressing my cheek.I smiled.

"Yes,Thanks for asking" his look turned to another one,One I couldn't describe.

"Who's Him?" he said pointing to trevor who was glaring his way.

"He is another charmer,he saved Megan,Aiden,and me last night"he looked upset.

" Why didn't you told me about your plan?" Tom said sadly.

"I didn't want you to get hurt or maybe worst" he caressed my cheek again.

"I don't care,Next time tell me,no mattr what,got it?" he said smiling.I nodded and he hugged me for a bit too long.

"Let's go back with the others" We walked to Trevor and Megan.

" Trevor this is Tom,Tom this is Trevor" tension was sensed in the air.They didn't even shook hands,just glare at eachother.

"Ty,we have class" I nodded and left with Megan.Tom just stood there glaring at Trevor.This might get bad.

Hey guys,well this got answers and showed a new character.if you want to email me with suggestions and comments please feel free to send them to:

Thanks and please send me some feedback.

Next: Chapter 5

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