The Charioteer

By Jake

Published on May 31, 1999



Suddenly, speeding into the view of the anticipating crowd careened the chariot drawn by four of the finest slaves, gathered from the corners of the empire. Each selected for their obvious attributes of physical beauty and musculature; none appeared to be over 20 years of age. Their magnificently bronzed and hairless chests were enhanced by the fine leather strapping and chains which bound them. Each slave was adorned with a leather scrotum collar, which more than comfortably stretched their testicles, so that each ball was clearly defined against the taught sacs. To each collar, two brass rings were attached, one at the front, and one behind. Pencil-fine leather reins were passed through each ring from front to back, which allowed the charioteer to control the pace and direction of the chariot, by causing the slave's entrapped balls to be squeezed and separated by tugging on the reins.

From each stallion a small bell was suspended from a strand of patent leather, looped around the tip of each erect organ.

The Charioteer stood at the front of the chariot with a bemused expression and one of determination upon his face. Behind him and tethered to a raised platform at the rear of the chariot was a freshly captured slave, who it was claimed was a Prince from a newly captured territory. He was no older than the slaves who pulled the chariot, and was even more of a beauty. His tresses of long golden hair fell over broad muscled shoulders and partially covered his divine features as his bronzed and taught body shimmered with perspiration as he struggled to escape from his bonds. His wrists tied behind him were fixed to the rear of the vehicle and his ankles were bound with calf's leather and fastened to rings on the floor of the vehicle about a yard apart. This forced his body to arch backward, displaying every ripple of muscle to perfection.

It was immediately apparent from the Prince's cries and the contortion of his features that the bar which had been adjusted to display the oversized organ horizontally, preventing it from reaching its natural erected position was also administering a devilish stimulation as the chariot progressed. A simple curve, crafted into the bar slipped perfectly behind the tip of the organ and an elaborate mechanism ensured that every bounce and vibration of the chariot's wheels was transmitted mercilessly to tantalise the slave's defenceless penis.

Fine strands of Persian silk had been wound expertly to extend his scrotum and define each large testicle. The ends of the silk were tied to a long chain that extended behind the chariot to which a solid brass ball, the size of an orange was attached. As the chariot progressed, it bounced and sparked off the cobbles of the Piazza to the consternation of the Prince and the amusement of the crowd.

By means of a small lever, the charioteer adjusted the sensation transmitted to the slave's organ causing him to plead and cry even more as he drew closer and closer to orgasm. As the chariot passed over cobbles and flagstones, the vibration transmitted to the organ fluctuated wildly. Gradually the stallions began to tire, the pace of the chariot slowed and allowed some boys to kick playfully at the brass ball playfully, occasionally causing some relief from the monotonous tugging, but more often that not, causing the Prince indescribably agonies as his balls were yanked by the chain. The charioteer pulled hard on the reins and the slaves cried out and increased their pace in effort to release the agony in their balls.

Tears rolled down the Prince's face and as the chariot started down the hill on the fifth lap of the Piazza, gathering speed, until the stimulation began to overcome his efforts of control. Throwing his head back as the waves of ecstasy rolled over him, the Prince prepared himself for the ultimate humiliation before the crowd. Realising that the Prince was on the precipice, and anxious that the crowd's entertainment should not be concluded so soon, the Charioteer quickly adjusted the small lever, which disconnected the apparatus and stopped the vibration on the organ's tip. Again, he snapped at the reins, causing yelps and cries ahead, as testicles were squeezed painfully in an attempt to speed up the chariot.

The ball bounced more violently, causing pain to reverse any idea or attempt to orgasm by the Prince. He could not believe the humiliation was to continue; that he should be denied the pleasure so richly deserved and cried out as his swollen balls were yanked more vigorously as the stallion's increased their pace. The lever engaged the mechanism once more and the process started anew.

It wasn't long before the Prince's straining member was oozing strands of colourless fluid as the vibration sought to undo him. His head fell back and his cries were could be heard above the jeering of the crowd. This time, there was no reprieve and the stallions gasped as they were encouraged to increase their pace with another snap of the reins. Finally the Prince shook his head and cried out as the torment undid his most valiant efforts to deny the crowd the spectacle of his humiliation. Spurt after spurt of thick semen erupted in wildly arcing trajectories as the bar continued to orchestrate the effects of its merciless torment. The cries of pleasure overwhelmed the Prince; in part due to the violence of his orgasm and in part due to the vicious tugging on his scrotum. Nine or ten long spurts were sprayed before the Prince's straining body, hitting the charioteer in the back and the crowd on either side of the speeding vehicle.

His task complete, the charioteer dismounted and received the cheers of adulation from the appreciative crowd, enthusiastically accepting the flowers and gold pieces, as the tears rolled down the face of the young Prince. Steam rose from the sweating bodies of the enslaved stallions, who adjusted themselves as best they could to avoid the attentions of the inquisitive crowd. The ringing of bells and the panting of his stallions signalled that it was time for one final snap of the reins, lest his team grow too weak for the journey home.

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