The Charges

By Tags

Published on Jan 21, 2023



This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters portrayed herein represent any real person, living or dead. It includes characters invented by Chip Masterson including the muscle super kid, "Danny Henderson" who appears in a number of stories created by Chip. These characters are used in this story with his express permission, (Thanks, Chip!) although this story differs substantially in tone and theme from stories written heretofore by Chip. There are inconsistencies between Chip's story line and mine. The characters in my scenario dwell, therefore, in some sort of parallel universe.' Also included in this story is a character inspired by "Billy," the lead character in John D's "Billy Muscles up." One incident is borrowed directly from the "Billy Muscles Up" series and some of the things Billy does in this story echo "Billy Muscles Up." However, although this "Billy" begins with more or less the same personality and physical strength as the original, events take "my Billy'" in a somewhat different direction. My use of the "Billy" character is with John D's express permission. Thanks, John D!

If you are looking for erotic stimulation, please look elsewhere because you won't find that here. Aside from some coarse language and violence, this story could almost be rated "G." But if Chip's "Danny" series is one you have enjoyed, you may find this story entertaining as well. My interest in Chip's "Danny" series has been mainly, "what are people thinking and feeling?" (Something Chip has preferred to leave to the reader's imagination.) This story delves into that question in just a little bit more detail. Of particular interest to me as well, is how some of these characters respond to situations and circumstance that could happen to anyone as well as how they react to extraordinary situations.

I've introduced my own characters in this story, among them, "Andy Jackson Partlowe," and, to some extent, this is HIS story... how he came to meet Billy, Danny and his friends and how he reacts to their phenomenal strength and abilities.

My thanks to the web master for his work in maintaining this site and for posting this story. I would like to express my special thanks to Chip Masterson and John D. for graciously sharing their characters with me and especially for their work and creativity in creating their stories. This story is dedicated in their honor.

Thanks a lot for sharing, Chip and John D...


Salas had arrived at the base with Ari at around 1530. The rest of the guys were mustered in the conference room. Scotty had held his tongue at Salas' request. "OK, guys, everybody have a seat. I've got some bad news for all of you... at least potentially bad news..."

The guys braced for the worst.

"Last night, Scotty and I got to talking at dinner and I told him something about myself that I've never told any of you. Frankly, I felt it was personal and private and nobody's business but mine. But now it turns out, this may affect all of you. When I was a young man, I got married. It turned out my wife and I couldn't have children. At first, we thought the problem was with my wife, so finally she went in for tests and they couldn't find anything wrong with her. Her OBGYN suggested I get tested and the problem was ME all along... and I just never knew. Scotty has raised a very important question. `Does my problem relate in any way to my unusual genetics?' If it does, guys, it might mean none of you can father children. I've arranged for all of you to be tested over at mainside this afternoon. The results will be available right away. Right now, the only one who WON'T be tested is you, Ari. There is no point. But I think the results from the other guys will be a fairly good indicator of how you'll wind up in a couple of years. I don't know any easy way to break this to you. And I just hope to God everything turns out OK, ESPECIALLY for you guys who were born normal that we've brought into this. Maybe this'll turn out to be just me. I really and truly hope so..."

The room was silent. Finally Hernandez spoke up. "Salas, if this turns out like you're afraid it might, I don't want you to torture yourself over it. You didn't know, man. And, as for me, well, even if I'd known, I'd have gone ahead with it. Any dude can breed a kid. How many guys would kill to have what we have. Hey, for me the choice would be a no brainer. I wouldn't change a thing, no matter HOW this thing turns out. So, sure, I'm willin' to get tested cuz I'd really like to know. But any woman who wouldn't marry me because of that, I wouldn't wanna be married to anyway."

The other guys agreed. Billy said. "Salas, this doesn't really effect Andy or me. We DO wanna adopt someday. We thought about it some, like maybe a stand in' birth mother or something like that, but, no... there's just way too many kids who need a home as it is. We don't need to bring any more kids into the world by some artificial something or other when there's kids all over the place who just need somebody to take em in and love em and give em a home. So, hey, man, with us this just isn't an issue. We'll get tested if you want us to. But beyond idle curiosity, I couldn't care less."

Andy nodded in agreement.

Robbie, Nguyen and LeBlanc were equally emphatic. If they got married and their wives agreed, they'd adopt. They'd let their prospective wives know beforehand what their situation was and if that weren't good enough, the marriage just wasn't meant to be.

Danny nodded. "Not that this really has all that much to do with me. Hey, I was BORN this way. But the guys are right. If I ever meet a girl and wanna get married, It'll be a better bet that she's really the right one for me if she can accept me the way I am, warts an' all."

Ari sat silently, looking down. Finally he looked up. "Salas, I wanna go home now. I gotta talk to Miram and then we gotta talk to our moms and dads." He was close to tears. "I'm sorry, Salas. But I really just need to see Miriam. I need to let her know about this..."

Salas answered. "We don't know anything for sure, yet, Ari. I'll take you home as soon as we get the test results back... No sense having Miriam or your folks getting all upset over nothing. And it may very well BE nothing. We just don't know yet."

They guys all drove over to mainside. Their test results came back very quickly and Salas' worst fears were confirmed. None of them would be able to father children. Salas was devastated. The guys all did their best to cheer him up, assuring him that none of them would have decided any differently, even going into this with their eyes open.

Just as they were about to depart the medical facility, Salas cell phone chirped. It was the mainside control tower. Roy's and Maxim's flight was on final approach into MCAS, El Toro. They would be arriving at the transient ramp within the next fifteen minutes.

Salas had contacted Alexi from home immediately following his conversation with Scotty to advise him of their concerns. Roy and Maxim had already taken off but Alexi had assured Salas that he would transmit an emergency message to the aircraft as soon as they rung off.

As the plane rolled to a stop on the El Toro transient ramp, Salas and the guys were waiting. Within minutes, Roy and Maxim emerged from the port side crew access door. Before breaking his mind link with Maxim, Roy had given Maxim his knowledge of English. Just as Roy's Russian was as textbook perfect as Danny's, so Maxim's 'accent' in English was an exact duplicate of Roy's, right down to the drawl and the "y'alls."

Roy and Maxim strode up to Salas and the guys.

Roy asked, "What's goin' on, Salas? What's the deal with the 'mind link' between me an' Max. Y'all got as scared half to death."

Salas nodded. "I'm sorry Alexi couldn't go into more detail. I'll fill you guys in on the way to medical. We need to get you and Maxim both tested for fertility. Turns out none of the rest of us super guys can father kids. We need to verify that with you, Roy. And we need to find out about Maxim. I just hope to God it's not too late for him."

Maxim asked. "So, yer afraid if I go through with this, I can't have any kids?"

Salas looked at Maxim. He was a little taken aback by the Oakie drawl. Maxim smiled. "Well, Salas, whadaya expect. I got my English from Roy."

In spite of himself, Salas chuckled. "Oh, Maxim. You poor POOR boy!"

El Toro Medical confirmed that Roy, too, would be unable to father children. The condition was endemic among all the supermen, natural born and otherwise. Maxim, on the other hand was normal in every respect, including his ability to father children. Salas led them out of the medical facility to the parking lot. "We'll drive over to the base and call Alexi right away. Ari, as soon as we're done with that, I'll drive you home. I'll call your folks and the Scheinburgs to let `em know we're coming. I'm sure they'll all wanna hear the news together..."

"Oh no, Salas. Please no. PLEASE don't call ahead. I wanna get with Miriam first. Just the two of us. I don't know where Doctor and Mrs.. Scheinburg are gonna be on this. But, even if they wanna go ahead, I won't do it... not if Miriam doesn't wanna. Having kids some day is something I KNOW is important to her. If I'm not gonna be able to give her children, I won't let our parents force her to marry me. We gotta work this out between ourselves first... Please, Salas. This is between me and Miriam first. Then we'll tell the `rents."

"All right, Ari, I'll take you to Miriam's. You can talk to her, but I want all this to shake out today. You talk to Miriam. Then we'll call your mom'n dad and get them over to the Scheinburg's and hash this out. Ari, I am so sorry this has turned out like this..."

"Oh, Salas... nobody can blame you. You didn't know. None of us did. And with me, it wouldn't have made any difference anyway since I was BORN like this..."

"Well, Ari, we don't know how it might've turned out if we'd just left you alone. Maybe if we had, you might still have been able to have kids."

"Maybe, Salas. But I doubt it. Yah know, no matter what a normal guy does, no matter how hard he tries, without the `mind link' he couldn't get what we have. And I bet no matter how hard I might've tried, I couldn't give Miriam any children. That's how it is and we just gotta face it."

"Well, with you, Ari, we still won't know for sure for a couple of years, but, given what we know so far, I'd say it's all but a foregone conclusion."

Ari nodded. "Yeah, well, maybe. But miracles have happened before. I don't think any of us should ever give up hope. And, like the other guys said, there's always the adoption option.' I'd be all for that. At least that's a few kids with no home or no one to love em that I could do something about. I guess it all depends on Miriam. We'll do whatever she says. We'll tell our parents, but we're gonna go whichever way Miriam says, no matter WHAT they say."

They arrived at the base admin building and Roy and Maxim followed Salas into his office. Salas placed the call to Alexi over a direct satcom voice link between the two bases.

Alexi answered. He'd been waiting for their call. "Alexi, Maxim and Roy are with me..."

"And is Maxim OK?"

"Yeah, Alexi, he is. We've had him tested and he's just fine. He CAN have kids. None of the rest of us can, though. Looks like being childless just goes with the territory with us super guys..."

Alexi was grim. "That has been the same result with me and my men... May I talk to Maxim?"

Salas handed the phone to Maxim.

Alexi spoke in Russian. "Maxim. Thank GOD we stopped in time. Are you all right?"

Maxim drawled back in English. "Aw yeah, Alexi. I'm OK. But, hey, I'm gonna go ahead with this thing with Roy. I don't care about not havin' kids of my own. I'm goin' into this with my eyes wide open, but I still wanna go ahead with it. If I want kids, hey, I'll just do like these other guys and just go ahead and adopt."

"No, Maxim. I will not permit that. At least not until you've gotten married and had a chance to have children of your own. There is plenty of time for this. I will not let you do something you might very soon regret."

"Aw, gee, Alexi. Hey, I'm sorry you feel that way..."

Maxim reverted to Russian.

"...Because, Alexi Iurevich, I am beyond your reach at the moment. I will proceed with Roy and there is nothing, NOTHING that you can do about it..."

Alexi replied. "Maxim, please, I am begging you... Do NOT do this. There is no need for you to rush this. We can ALWAYS do this for you once you've had an opportunity to have children..

Maxim changed back to English. "Yeah, nice talkin' to you, too, Alexi, see yah soon."

Maxim broke the connection.

"OK, Roy, it's all decided. I'm ready to get back on track. Just go ahead and re- link with me."

Roy and Salas both shook their heads. They knew very well that Maxim was lying. Not only had they both understood Maxim's Russian, with their extremely sensitive hearing, they'd heard Alexi's every word over the telephone. Salas spoke. "Maxim, we'd hafta hear that from Alexi. It's hard to believe he would agree out of hand with you on something this serious. I think we'll just get Alexi back on the line and hear it straight from the horse's mouth."

Maxim sighed. "Well, don't bother. He's already said `no.' He got me all pumped up fer this an' now he's pullin' the rug right out from under me..."

Salas answered. "No he's not, Maxim. He just wants you to have a chance to have it all. Kids and all this. You are the lucky one, man. You CAN have it all. And we're not gonna let you throw that away, not Alexi or me either one. Once you've hadda chance to marry an' have kids, there'll be plenty of time for you to have all this that we have."

"Yeah, an' then, likely as not, I'd just be gettin' married for all wrong the reasons. Just to get it done so I can breed a kid to make Alexi feel better about himself. That's bullshit. This is MY decision... It's MY goddamn life, Salas... not his... not yours... It's MY choice. And I wanna go ahead with this, right fuckin' NOW!"

Salas shook his head. "Not unless Alexi agrees. And, even if he does, I'll be against it. I'll do whatever he says, Maxim. And I'll give you a fair shot at changin' his mind. But I'm gonna take my shot too. I'll be doin' everything I can to talk him into lettin' yah wait."

Salas reconnected with Alexi. "Oh Salas! Thank God! I've been trying desperately to get through to you..."

"Yeah, Alexi, I can imagine... I've got Roy and Maxim right here. Maxim wants to talk to you..."

Salas handed the phone to Maxim.

In crisp Russian, Maxim spoke to Alexi. "Alexi Iurevich, this is Maxim. Unless you approve my change into a superman, now, I shall go out and get a vasectomy. We have already decided between us that I am to be transformed into one of you. I have already made the transition in my mind. You cannot face me in one direction and only to turn me around simply because of this... I would not marry a woman ONLY to have children. And to say that children will not be an option for me, simply because I could not father them myself, is absurd. There are too many homeless and orphaned children in this world already. But when I find a woman... a woman I can love and share my life with, we will make certain there is at least one less such unfortunate child. Do you not think that I of all people understand this? YOU have taught me that, if nothing else. I am not your blood, but one would never know it. You have become my father in my father's place. And you think I cannot do the same for a fatherless child? Now, Alexi, I am begging you. Let me go forward to meet my destiny, now."

Alexi was silent for a very long time. "You really want this, Maxim. You want it for yourself... not just because this is what you think it is what I want?"

"I have never wanted anything more than I want this... I did not feel that way at first, but I have considered everything. Even the prospect of not fathering children of my own. Even this I have considered, very carefully. This is an opportunity afforded to very few, and I am anxious to embrace it and move forward, not only for you, but for myself. And what I will loose is nothing compared to what I will gain. So, again, Alexi, I ask you to say `yes'"

Alexi sighed. "Maxim, I believe you are making a mistake. And I am asking you, begging you to reconsider. I do not tell you `no' on this. You know how badly I want this for you. But you have time. I want you to experience all of our wonderful gifts for yourself, but, also, I want for you what I cannot have... Children of your own. Children of your body...:

"As I have said, Alexi. That is not important to me. I would rather proceed now than wait. And, for me, the tradeoff is worthwhile. As I have told Salas and Roy, this should be MY decision... Not yours, Alexi... or theirs."

Alexi choked. "Maxim Yevgenevich, I love you. I love you as the son I know now I shall never have. I only want the very best of everything for you. I will give you what you have asked for, if you are sure this is what you want for yourself, not what you think it is that I want or what I expect of you. I need you to tell me, from your mouth to my ear, that this is what you want for yourself and yourself alone."

"Iurevich, this is what I want. This is what I want for myself, not for you or anyone else. I want this for myself. This is not what I believe is expected of me. This is what I want. And I ask you again to give it to me... now."

"I will agree, Maxim, very reluctantly. I wish we could be going forward without the misgivings I now have, but, as you have asked, I will give you this. But now, Maxim, I ask that you will do something for me..."

"Of couirse, Alexi. What is it that you want?"

"You must go to Gloria. And put her in touch with me. Please do not tell her any of this. I must do that myself. She must know that I cannot give her children. But I must be the one to tell her myself. Would that I could tell her face to face, but this news must not wait."

"Alexi, I cannot imagine that this will make any difference to her. I will go and find her. And I will arrange for her to speak with you. But, of course you can have children, as will I. You can simply adopt. And science continues to progress day by day. Perhaps one day soon, a way will be found for those like us. I believe this will happen sooner rather than later."

"Would that I shared your optimism, Maxim on both accounts. I shall wait to hear from Gloria. Thank you for accomplishing this for me."

"Of course, Alexi. Of course."

"And now, Maxim, I must speak to Salas and assure him it is all right to proceed."

Maxim handed Salas the phone. Alexi said to him. "Maxim has insisted that we go ahead and I have agreed..."

"I think you're making a mistake, Alexi... both of you. There's no reason for Maxim to rush into this. He's got nothin' but time..."

Alexi sighed. "I know this, Salas. How very well I know. But Maxim is very headstrong and he has worn me down. Please proceed. I ask you on behalf of this boy. And I ask that you do it for me..."

Salas responded. "Well, Alexi. You know the arguments. You've made your decision. Both of you. We'll go ahead with this, right away..."

"Thank you, my friend. Salas, thank you for everything. Thank you for your concern for Maxim. And I thank you for your friendship..."

`Alexi, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. If there's anything you need... anything... EVER, you call on me..."

"As with me, Salas. If there is anything I can do for you, let me know. I will be ready."

The two supermen rung off.

Salas looked sternly at Maxim. "You know what this means, son. You can never go back. This can never be undone..."

Maxim drawled back. "Yeah, Salas. I got the BFP (`big fuckin' picture') on all this. And the choice and any consequences are mine, not yours or Alexi's. You did yer best to talk me out of it. So don't feel like you have any of the blame for anything that goes wrong. I know there might even be risks none of us ever even thought of. But I'd rather take the risk than not. An' all'a that's on my head. Nobody'll blame you or Alexi, no matter what happens."

Salas turned to Roy. "OK, son. Go ahead and reestablish your standby link with Maxim."

Roy turned to Maxim. "OK, dude, I'm gonna go ahead an' do this. It's against my better judgment, but I need you to look ME in the eye and tell me to go ahead. Yer gonna hafta say it to ME."

Maxim nodded. "Yeah. I WANT you to do this for me. Please, Roy..."

Roy established his link with Maxim. He thought' to Maxim. "OK, guy, I'm in.' Now I'm just gonna drop back to standby.' You wanna communicate with me, you just call out to me in yer head and I'll roger' right up."

Maxim thought back to Roy. "Thanks, buddy. I will."

Maxim said to Salas. "We gotta find Gloria and get her in touch with Alexi. He wants to tell her. He's waitin' to hear from her."

"Yeah, Max, would you and Scotty go an' get her and take her to my place? I'll be over there as soon as I get done with Ari and Miriam."

Max said, "Yeah, sure thing, Salas. We'll see yah over there."

Salas drove Ari to the Scheinburgs. He knocked on the door and Mrs.. Scheinburg answered. "Oh, hello, Detective Salas, Ari..."

"Mrs.. Scheinburg, Ari needs to talk to Miriam, alone. And then he and I need to talk to you and Doctor Scheinburg and to Cantor and Mrs. Cohen."

"What's this all about, Detective Salas?"

"Lets let Ari and Miriam talk first. Then we all need to talk. But they're gonna need to be alone for awhile. Please let them have this time by themselves, Mrs.. Scheinburg. It's important. Let's just wait on them. Could you call Miriam down here, please? And then please call Ari's parents and ask them to come over here right away."

"Miriam's in her room. Why don't you just run on upstairs, Ari? We'll wait down here and I'll call your mom and dad."

Ari nodded and took the stairs, two risers at a time. He knocked on Miriam's bedroom door. She opened it.

"Ari!" she smiled, "I wasn't' expecting YOU... I thought you'd be with the guys out at the base."

"Miriam, I've got something real important I gotta tell you. Can I come in?"

"Sure, Ari. It sounds serious. Is everything OK?"

Ari shook his head. "No, Miriam, NOTHIN's OK."

"Well, Ari. C'mon in an' sit next to me on the bed. And let's hear it."

Ari sat next to Miriam. He looked at her and took her hand in his. "Miriam, I've never known a time when there was no `you.' I don't even REMEMBER how or when we first met. You've just always been there..."

Miriam squeezed Ari's hand. "OK, Ari. I can tell this is gonna be somethin' really hard, so, please, just TELL me... What's wrong?"

"Miriam, there's no easy way for me to tell you this. But we just found out today, I can't father children..."

Miriam knitted her brow, confused. "Well of COURSE not, Ari. Yer only TEN."

"No, Miriam. I'll NEVER be able to have kids. Not EVER. It goes with this super stuff I've got. It's just part of it."

"Well, Ari, you can't know that. Not yet..."

"Yeah, Miriam, I can and I do. All the other guys have been tested. And NONE of them can have kids... Not one of them."

Miriam considered that for a moment. "So... we'll adopt. We can always adopt."

"Miriam, you don't know what your saying. Neither one of us does. Not really. We haven't even reached puberty yet... But when you do, yer gonna have certain needs... Needs I won't be able to help you with... A wife NEEDS her husband for certain things... things I won't be able to give you. A woman needs a man for herself and a father for her children. And I'll never be able to give you any of that..."

Miriam turned and kissed Ari on the cheek. "Ari, maybe there's things neither one of us knows yet, but I think I got the facts of life' down fairly well. And there's more to love than just two people rutting like animals. I don't guess I'm really IN LOVE with you yet, Ari. Hey, I'm still just a kid and that's for grownups. But I DO love you, Ari, with all my heart. I love you more than anyone else in the whole world, even mom'n dad. And that can't change. You said it yesterday. Nothing changes between us.' And nothing has. It never will. If I can't have your kids, I just won't have kids. Like I said, when the time is right, we'll just adopt... And, Ari, if I can't have you as a man, I certainly don't want any OTHER man."

"But Miriam, this means you'll never be a real mom... No kids of your own."

Miriam shook her head. "Ari, cats and dogs can breed. Anybody can do that. That's not what makes a mom or a dad. Think about it, Ari. It's who raises you and does all the things moms and dads do for their kids. And, if I can't bear your children, I won't bear children for ANY man. It's you or no one, Ari... you or no one... no matter what mom'n dad say, no matter what anybody says. We've come way too far with each other ... I can't give you up, Ari... and I won't."

Ari nodded. "OK, Miriam. I'm not gonna lie. I was scared to death to come over here an' tell you this. An' maybe I oughta just leave you alone an' hope that, one day, you'd find a guy who could be a real father and a real man for you, no matter what you say. But I CAN'T leave you alone Miriam. I'm just not strong enough for that."

Miriam held the boy close. "Ari, you're strong in every way that really counts. And, one day, you WILL be a `real father.' And I'll be a real mom... We'll just adopt a house full of kids and that's all it'll take to make us a real parents."

Ari held Miriam in his arms, lay his head on her shoulder and wept. She gently stroked his wavy black hair, taking care not to disturb his kipa.

Finally the boy sighed. "Well, I guess we better go downstairs an' tell the `rents."

"Well, OK, Ari. But just remember, no matter what THEY say... it's what WE say that counts. You'll stick with me on that, right Ari? If we hafta, we'll fight for each other."

Ari kissed Miriam tenderly on the cheek. "You're my isha chai' (valiant woman), Miriam. I'm nothing without you. And mebbe I AM too young to be IN love. But I think I'm beginning to get a sense of what that's all about. You know The Song of Songs,' don't you, Miriam?"

Miriam smiled. "Of course, Ari. It's my favorite book in the whole Bible. It's the love poem between `Shlomo Melech' (King Solomon) and the Shulamite woman."

Ari asked, "Do you remember the passage where King Solomon said to the Sulamite? `...Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah. Comely as Jerusalem, terrible (awesome) as an army with banners. Turn away thine eyes from me, for they have overcome (conquered) me...'"

Miriam smiled. "We've conquered each other's hearts, haven't we Ari!"

Desperately, they held onto each other. Presently, they got up and went downstairs to face their parents.

Salas, Doctor and Mrs.. Scheinburg and Cantor and Mrs.. Cohen were waiting for them in the Scheinburg's living room.

Ari and Miriam walked into the room hand in hand. Ari spoke. "Mom, dad, Doctor and Mrs.. Scheinburg, we found out something today that I hafta tell you..."

Ari looked at Salas who nodded. "Go ahead, Ari.. I think this should come from you. We waited for you and Miriam."

Ari continued. "...Well, the thing is, we found out that guys like us, well, we can't have any kids. It's just part of what it means to be born like I was, or just to BE like this. I'll never be able to give Miriam a baby..."

There was a very long silence. Finally, Doctor Scheinburg asked. "Salas, are you sure?"

Salas nodded gravely. "We're not positive about Ari, of course. But all the rest of us were tested today. Not ONE of us can father children. We have some associates over in Russia. There's six Russian navy guys and they're just like us. And THEY'VE all been tested with the same result. We won't know for sure about Ari for at least couple of years, but all the evidence so far indicates he'll be unable to father children just like the rest of us... Ari wanted to tell Miriam first..."

Miriam spoke up. "And that doesn't change anything. I told Ari that yesterday and I told him again today. Nothing's changed..."

Doctor Scheinburg said to Miriam, "I know you mean that. You mean it now. But a mature woman has needs you know nothing about now. You can't know now what you'd be giving up. You just don't appreciate what that means, yet..."

Salas interjected. "You should understand, Doctor Scheinburg, all this means is that Ari probably won't be able to father children. But, as for the rest, he should be able to perform normally, just like other men. This is serious, of course, but you need to understand how far this goes and how far it doesn't..."

Miriam said, "Well, Salas, Ari and I didn't understand that. And, dad, I may not know it all, but c'mon, I'm not totally ignorant. I think I know about 'the birds'n the bees' as well as anyone my age could. And, even though I don't feel those needs' you mentioned, at least not yet. I'd stay with Ari no matter what... even if he COULDN'T satisfy those needs.' And now Salas seems to think that, one day, Ari can at least do that."

Doctor Scheinburg replied, "But Miriam, you must understand, there will be no children. That's the most important thing in a marriage..."

"That's chazerai' (roughly, hogwash'), dad. The most important thing is that Ari and I LOVE each other. And when we get a little older, we'll be IN love with each other. I think I'm really almost there already and so is Ari. And as for not having any kids, we'll just adopt."

Doctor Scheinburg said to his daughter. "We will discuss this privately, Miriam, among ourselves. And a final decision will take some time. There are many important things to consider. All we want is what's best for you, Miriam... and your mother and I will decide that..."

Miriam stared hard at her father. "Well, dad, what's best for me is to give me your blessing to stay with the boy I love. And what's best for me is no different than what's best for Ari. You and mom have already made your decision. You did that when you arranged our marriage in the first place. Ari and I have lived with that all our lives. You have no right to take it away from us now. You've got no right!"

Cantor Cohen spoke. "Miriam, your parents have an arrangement with Ari's mother and me. But it was based upon certain assumptions. Assumptions we now know may no longer be valid. Jacob, we will not hold you to your agreement. Of course we can't do that..."

Doctor Scheinburg nodded. "We still don't know enough. We can't make any kind of decision on this right now. What Salas has told us about Ari is very important, both that he may not be able to father children but that he should be able to perform his husbandly duties otherwise. There's a lot to consider. And that is what we must do. And we must, first of all, consider the welfare of both of these children. We must not be too hasty. This requires serious consideration by all of us. And, of course, our first responsibility is for our Miriam and your Ari..."

Miriam interrupted. "Dad, mom, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. But I'm gonna stay with Ari no matter what you say. I won't go with any other boy. Never! If I can't have Ari, I don't want any man... So you can talk and talk and decide and decide. But Ari and I have already decided. This is a no brainer, really. What's to decide? We love each other. That's all there is to it. You CAN'T play with our heads like this. Do you think if Ari was some normal kid and he was hit by a car and got crippled that I'd let you make me turn my back on him?"

Mrs.. Scheinburg turned to her husband. "Jacob, we can't do this to these kids. If we hold this over their heads they'll be living in hell till we finally decide what to do. And in the end, they'll defy us. You are my husband and you're the head of this family. I can't TELL you what to do, Jacob, but I can beg.. Please leave these children alone. In heaven's name, lets not make this any harder on them than it already is. Can't you see we're breaking their hearts? Look at their faces, Jacob. LOOK at our daughter... and the boy who has been like a son to us all his life. LOOK at them!"

Doctor Scheinburg sat in silence for several minutes. Finally he spoke.

"I only want what is best for you, Miriam. But, yes... your mother is right. It is too late to turn back now. You and Ari have come too far with each other. I can see now that we could never pull you and Ari apart, not with a crowbar, if I know both of you." He turned to the Cohens. "Yosi, Noni, I consider this matter closed as long as you do."

Cantor Cohen turned to Miriam. "You are willing to accept the possibility that our boy may not be able to give you children of your own? ...That you may never know the joy of bearing a child?"

Miriam asked, "Cantor Cohen, would you give up what you have with Mrs.. Cohen for anything... or do you think she would ever give you up?"

He answered. "Well, no, of course not..."

"Well, you knew each other when you were kids, didn't you... just like Ari and me? ...And your parents arranged your marriage for you when you were just babies, just like you did for us?"

"Yes, Miriam... You know that. Noni and I have known each other all our lives. And, yes, our parents arranged our marriage not long after we were born, just like we did for you and Ari."

"Well then, just put yourselves in OUR shoes. When you were our age, picture your parents trying to pull you apart after you'd been told all your lives that, one day, you'd be man and wife... Just imagine having them try to tear you two apart after all that time. Think back and ask yourself, Cantor Cohen, how would you feel?"

Cantor Cohen answered. "I can't imagine, Miriam. I can't imagine life without Noni. There has never been such a time in my life... I could not imagine..."

He smiled at Miriam. "So young you are... and, already the quintessential Jew! `Answering my question with a question!' Very good! And who knows, maybe one day medical science will have an answer for you and Ari. Or, as you have said, one day, you certainly COULD adopt. You'll both make such magnificent parents. Miriam, thank you for standing by our son. Bless you for loving him so much. And, know this, Miriam, Ari's mother and I love you very much."

Miriam melted Cantor Cohen with her sweet smile. "I love you too, Cantor Cohen. You and Mrs.. Cohen, both... every bit as much as I love mom'n dad."

Ari looked at Mrs.. Scheinburg with tears in his eyes. "Thank you," was all he could say.

Doctor Scheinburg said to the boy. "It was foolish of me to think any of this could make any difference, Ari. I am so sorry for the anguish I've caused you."

Ari shook his head. "No, Doctor Scheinburg, you were just lookin' out for Miriam. I can't fault you for that."

Salas smiled. There were tears in HIS eyes. He was overwhelmed by these two children. "Oh God," he marveled to himself, "what a pair!"

Salas stood up. Well, I guess I'd better get out of your hair. I've got some stuff I gotta handle and the day's waning fast. Please, don't any of you get up. I'll see myself out.

Ari and Miriam intercepted Salas as he hurried for the door. They both hugged him. Ari spoke for both of them. "Salas, Miriam and I have only known you for a few days, but thank you so much for everything. Thank you for coming with me to do this. I love you, Salas." Miriam added, "Yeah, Salas. Me too."

"I love you kids, too."

He quickly turned and let himself out. He hadn't fully regained control of his emotions until he'd passed through the front entrance of the gated community.

As Salas drove home, he called home on his cell. Scotty answered. Salas asked, "Have you got Gloria over there?"

"Yeah, Salas. And it's been a bear holdin' her off. She's worried sick."

"What'd you tell her?"

"Nuthin', Salas. But she read me like a book. She knows it's gonna be bad news. Don't worry, she's in the living room and I'm in my room. I took the call in here so she couldn't hear me. I figured this hadda be you callin'."

"Good boy, Scotty. Just hold down the fort. I'm on my way... be there in about twenty."

"I gotcha covered, Salas. Max an' me both. We'll see yah when you get here."

Salas pulled into the driveway and went into the house. Scotty and Max were waiting with Gloria. She rushed up to Salas. "What is it, Salas. I've been worried sick and Scotty and Max won't tell me anything. Is Alexi all right?"

"Gloria, I'm gonna get him on the line for you right now. He's waiting for our call. But this is nothing life threatening. As for what it IS, he needs to tell you himself."

Alexi called out to the base admin building. Roy answered.

"Roy, go ahead and patch me through to Alexi..."

Roy had the connection established in about three minutes. Alexi came on the line. Salas spoke. "Alexi, I've got Gloria right here. I'll put her on."

Alexi carefully explained the situation to Gloria, told her he loved her but that he'd understand if, under the circumstance, she wanted to call off the wedding.

"Oh my GOD, Alexi! I've been in hysterics all this time over that?"

"I am sorry to have caused you worry, Gloria. But this IS serious..."

"Yes, Alexi, it is. But it doesn't change how I feel about you. If you're willing, we could consider adoption or surrogacy or, who knows what else these doctors might come up with in time. Our marriage is still `on,' Alexi. You're not gettin' away from me THAT easy."

"I am relieved to hear you say that to me, Gloria. Because you cannot have been any more worried than I was..."

"You mean you thought I might back out on you because of this, Alexi?"

"Gloria, I honestly didn't know WHAT to think. With something like this I suppose I was inclined to fear the worst. I just didn't know."

"Well, Alexi, `let me make something perfectly clear' as our President Nixon used to say. I'd marry you of you were a hunchback. It's YOU I fell in love with, Alexi, not what you look like or what you can or can't do. It's YOU... what's inside you... that's the man I love. Now, are YOU OK? I know how you men are. You get so worried over some of the craziest things..."

Alexi's voice quavered. "I am fine, now, Gloria... and most profoundly relieved."

"Yeah, well, no more than I am. You have no idea all the horrible things that've been going through my head. I was halfway afraid you might've decided to call of the wedding..."

"Gloria, permit ME to make one thing perfectly clear, there is NO chance of that. It is as I told you before. I cannot conceive of how I would live the rest of my life apart from you."

"Well, Alexi, don't even GO there. I can't live without YOU. I want you to KNOW that, Alexi..."

"Well, Gloria. I know it now. And I am sorry for having doubted you. But the decision to go forward had to be yours."

Gloria changed the subject. "Well, in spite of the awful state I've been in, I've met Maxim. He and I have been getting to know each other. He's a wonderful boy, Alexi. A bit old to be calling me mom,' but he really IS so sweet and I want you to know that I'll be the best mom' I can be for him. He'll always have someplace to come back to and call home' as long as *I* have anything to say about it. We've already more or less adopted' each other as `family,' Alexi..."

"Gloria, that means so much to me. You and Maxim are the two people I love most. I am so happy that you could find it in your hearts to love each other."

"Well, Max and I are certainly off to a great start. And you should hear him speak English! He sounds like he was BORN over here. He got his English from Roy and he talks just LIKE him!"

Alexi laughed. "Does he? It is Roy who gave him his English?"

Gloria laughed, too. "Roy has nothing if not a sense of humor. Of all people for Max to get his English from!"

"Don't think Maxim was not in on that. He could've taken his English from me or any of my men. Maxim's sense of humor is every bit as twisted' as Roy's. And now, together, they will butcher the Queen's English...'"

"Gloria, again I say, I am relieved my inability to father children for you has not changed your mind... I am counting the days, the hours and the minutes until we are together again. But now I must go. I have duties that require my prompt attention."

"Well, Alexi. OK... I'll see you soon... Love you."

"And I love you... Oh God, Gloria, I love you!"

They rung off.

Friday (the sixth)

Danny escorted Billy, Andy and Scotty to the office of the President of Cal Tech. Given his academic credentials, Danny had easy access. He said simply, "My friends need to be tested for advanced academic placement. They're at least as smart as I am... maybe smarter. My friend Billy Hartlander here wants grad placement in Bio. This is Scott McFarlane. He wants to study law.... and we need your help to get Andy Partlowe here into UCLA Med School."

The President was surprisingly accommodating, at least surprising to Billy, Andy and Scott. Danny pressed a bit further. "I have another friend. Ari Cohen. He's at Brith Shalom Hebrew Day School in Irvine. He's another boy you'll want to have tested. And I'm fairly sure I can get him for Cal. Tech. Might be a bit of a challenge, though. I think MIT may have the inside track with him, but I'll do my best to get him to give Cal. Tech. a shot. And, oh, by the way, I need morning classes for these guys. Might be kind of a challenge for Andy over at UCLA Med School, but that's real important, and Andy needs to stay enrolled over here in the NROTC unit. Can you make all that happen for us?"

Again, the university president was very accommodating. "If these boys can cut the mustard as well as you've said, I certainly can."

As they left the administration building, Billy was all over Danny. "Wow, lil' dude, you got that guy wrapped around your little finger. I can't believe how he was fawning all over you."

Danny nodded gravely. "Well, I just hope it'll be that easy for me to sell this to Ari's dad. I'm gonna run over to his office right now. You guys go on ahead out to the base... I'll catch up to you out there..."

Scotty said, "Aw, Danny, let's all drive over there together. Yah never know... Might be an easier sell if we all go."

Scotty pulled up to the gate of the gated community. He spoke to the guard. "We're here to see Cantor Cohen at Congregation Adath Emeth inside the community..."

The gate guard called Cantor Cohen's office at the synagogue inside the compound, received clearance to admit them and then waved Scotty on through.

Cantor Cohen met the guys in the parking lot, shook hands and escorted them to the synagogue library. He explained, "I'd invite you to my office, but it's just a small cubicle, barely enough room for me. We'll be more comfortable in here. Please have a seat. All of you."

Scotty explained. "We've come to see you about Ari."

Cantor Cohen smiled. "Another surprise?"

Danny broke in. "Well, yes, sir. Sorta.... You see, sir, the thing is, there's more to all this with Ari than just his strength and his other physical gifts. I know Ari's always been really smart. But now he's learning to tap into mental resources as advanced as his physical powers. He'll die of boredom in grammar school. High School's not the answer. We need to get him into college... soon. If you'll give me the OK, I KNOW I can get him into Cal Tech right now. And, Cantor Cohen, we'll all have morning classes and we'll watch out for him. And we'll just take him with us out to the base in the afternoons..."

Cantor Cohen nodded. "But what about his friends and his emotional maturity. Would it be truly fair to Ari to wrench him out of an environment with children his own age? There is more to education than just academics. He needs companionship of young people his own age for at least part of the day. He could be crippled in his socialization skills if he is deprived of this now. And there's his religious education to consider and his participation in our community life. All that would be lost to him..."

Danny replied, "Cantor Cohen, Ari will master all the material in his religious education at Brith Shalom in an afternoon. If he's gonna be challenged, you'd need to get him into Yeshiva..."

"But Ari is only ten. He could never be accepted in any Yeshiva until he's thirteen..."

Danny shook his head. "No sir. Rules like that are made for normal guys. But, sir, Ari's exceptional in more ways than just his muscle and brain power. I wonder if you know how really emotionally mature he is... how courageous... how compassionate... I'd like to tell you a couple of things about your son that you may not know..."

Cantor Cohen nodded. "Yes, go ahead, Danny..."

"Well, sir, Sunday before last, when I pulled those kids out of the lead car on the Matterhorn roller coaster, Ari was there for them as much as I was. He wouldn't let me take him off until last. And he knew very well those carriages could've fallen at any time. But he took charge up there and kept the other kids calm and sitting still. Every time I got back up there, Ari was there for ME, passing the other kids to me, moving the kids around in the car to keep the load evenly distributed, helping to keep the car balanced on the track... Sir, I'm not really sure I could've brought off my part of that rescue without Ari's help."

Cantor Cohen smiled with pride. Then he replied, "Well, Danny, you and your friends were very brave, yourselves..."

"No, Cantor Cohen... None of us was ever in any danger. Any one of us could dive headfirst from up there and land on our heads without so much as a scratch. It's Ari who was really brave. His life WAS in danger... wouldn't be if something like that happened again today, but, sir, that day, Ari's life WAS in mortal peril and he knew it. But he refused to let me rescue him until last and he helped me, sir. Like I said, I'm not sure how it would've gone with that rescue if it weren't for Ari... and he's only TEN! Sir, if you wanna see a real live hero, just look at your son..."

"And I talked to Miriam. She told Ari about me. Sir, I did a horrible thing last July but my friend, Salas, managed to keep it out of the media, HOW I don't know..."

Cantor Cohen nodded and said, "At the mall..."

"Yes, sir... And Miriam told Ari about that. And do you know what HE said to her? He didn't condemn me, which would've been the most natural thing for anyone to do. He said that I had to be hurt and confused to do what I did. He said he and Miriam should pray for me, and they did. As awful as what I did was, when Miriam told Ari about it, his first reaction was compassion... for ME! ... And Ari's only TEN!"

And when we found out about his fertility thing... Ari wasn't worried for himself... He didn't even think about himself... His ONLY thought was for Miriam's welfare... What was best for HER... And, Cantor Cohen, your son is only TEN!"

"... Cantor Cohen, I've got three years on Ari. But I'm not good enough to bend over and tie that boy's shoe laces. Sure he's smart and he's strong. But more important, he's got this inner strength and sweetness about him... He's bold as a lion and gentle as a lamb... I'll bet there's not a seminary in this country that wouldn't be glad to get their hands on him right now!"

Cantor Cohen smiled at Danny. "I'm proud of my son and I thank you for telling me these things about him... But DON'T sell yourself short, Danny. You saved all those lives. And Talmud teaches, 'He who saves even one life is as one who saves the world entire.' ...And now you've taken my son under your wing and made his welfare your personal responsibility. You 'discovered' his marvelous gifts and then you made it your business to help him cultivate them. And now you've come here to intervene yet again to help him get the best education he possibly can..."

"... I will discuss this with Ari's mother. We will study our options.... We want what's best for Ari... as I know you do...."

Danny nodded. "Please let me know what you decide, sir. I've already spoken to the university President at Cal Tech. It's not too late to get Ari in over there. Late registration's not over until a week from today. If you let me, I'll arrange to get him tested right away. Please at least let me set that up. Then, if you and Mrs.. Cohen decide to let Ari go ahead, at least it'll be an option..."

Cantor Cohen agreed. "If you would be willing to do that for Ari, I would be very grateful. Please let me know what you need from me..."

Danny grinned. "Scotty and I will pick Ari up here Monday morning at seven. All I need you to do is let his school know he won't be there on Monday."

Roy, Robbie and Maxim flew in one of the helos over to mainside and entered the hangar where the YaK and the super harrier were housed. They crawled over both aircraft, taking photos, scribbling notes. They conferred over Roy's 'mind link'. After working all morning, they re boarded the helo and flew back to their base. They had a working lunch, pouring over the YaK and harrier operations and maintenance manuals. After they'd finished eating, they gathered up the manuals and their notes and moved over to Roy's and Robbie's office in the admin building. Roy loaded his CAD program and, together, they fleshed out a rough concept for their prototype aircraft. Maxim suggested a special wing configuration. Spring loaded through-wing "shutters", activated by exhaust jets, powered by fifth stage compressor bleed air from the two propulsion engines. Venturi action would induce an airflow from the top of the wing down through the spring loaded 'wing shutters.' This through-wing air flow would afford additional lift to augment the hover engine and vectored thrust from the propulsion engines. All three men agreed that the penalty in range was extreme. A wing so configured would displace fuel cells normally positioned there. They agreed on a quick change wing. Just as weaponeering and mission software could be swapped out, so could the wings. There would be three wing configurations. One would be a simple wing with no lift shutters affording room for fuel cells, resulting in optimum operational range. Another would be a fully shuttered wing with no wing tanks, only a centerline fuel cell and drop tanks mounted on the wing tips. The outboard fifty percent of a THIRD hybrid exchangeable wing would be shuttered, with the inboard fifty percent housing a fuel cell. Mission requirements would dictate which wing would be selected for a particular sortie. Normal maintenance crews could effect an aircraft wing change in less than an hour. The super guys could swap out the wings in less than a minute.

Roy asked Maxim. "You think you could try mind linking with us now? I'll break my link. This thing oughta be about ready to kick in for you by now."

Maxim entered Roy's mind. "Can you 'hear' me, Roy?"

In answer, Roy just grinned.

"Now try it with Robbie. Maxim entered Robbie's mind and Robbie replied, "Yeah, Maxim, I gotcha."

Roy said, well, now we still gotta get you the strength and the other stuff. That might not've kicked in yet. I wasn't around then, but when Scotty got all this, but I understand he got the mind thing a little BEFORE he got the strength and other physical gifts. And, Maxim, if that'd kicked in for you by now, I'm fairly sure I'd know. But now, I'm gonna let YOU maintain the 'standby link' between us. Should take another twenty-four to forty-eight hours if you're anything like Scotty. And then we'll hafta work you hard for at least a day or two to get it to really kick in... Now, Maxim, it's still not too late... I really hope you know what yer doin'."

Max replied. "Yeah, Roy, I do. And even if I COULD have kids, I'd adopt. I've really come to believe in adoption, Roy. Alexi took me off the street and gave me a home. And, God knows, I sure didn't make it easy for him. It took a lot of love and patience on his part. But, like I've told you, he NEVER gave up on me. I wanna do that someday, too, Roy. I've gotta do that. So, yeah, Roy, I DO know what I'm doin'. I know EXACTLY what I'm doin'."

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Next: Chapter 31

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