The Charges

By Tags

Published on Jan 16, 2023



This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters portrayed herein represent any real person, living or dead. It includes characters invented by Chip Masterson including the muscle super kid, "Danny Henderson" who appears in a number of stories created by Chip. These characters are used in this story with his express permission, (Thanks, Chip!) although this story differs substantially in tone and theme from stories written heretofore by Chip. There are inconsistencies between Chip's story line and mine. The characters in my scenario dwell, therefore, in some sort of parallel universe.' Also included in this story is a character inspired by "Billy," the lead character in John D's "Billy Muscles up." One incident is borrowed directly from the "Billy Muscles Up" series and some of the things Billy does in this story echo "Billy Muscles Up." However, although this "Billy" begins with more or less the same personality and physical strength as the original, events take "my Billy'" in a somewhat different direction. My use of the "Billy" character is with John D's express permission. Thanks, John D!

If you are looking for erotic stimulation, please look elsewhere because you won't find that here. Aside from some coarse language and violence, this story could almost be rated "G." But if Chip's "Danny" series is one you have enjoyed, you may find this story entertaining as well. My interest in Chip's "Danny" series has been mainly, "what are people thinking and feeling?" (Something Chip has preferred to leave to the reader's imagination.) This story delves into that question in just a little bit more detail. Of particular interest to me as well, is how some of these characters respond to situations and circumstance that could happen to anyone as well as how they react to extraordinary situations.

I've introduced my own characters in this story, among them, "Andy Jackson Partlowe," and, to some extent, this is HIS story... how he came to meet Billy, Danny and his friends and how he reacts to their phenomenal strength and abilities.

My thanks to the web master for his work in maintaining this site and for posting this story. I would like to express my special thanks to Chip Masterson and John D. for graciously sharing their characters with me and especially for their work and creativity in creating their stories. This story is dedicated in their honor.

Thanks a lot for sharing, Chip and John D...


Salas drove Danny and Andy to meet with the Cohens and the Scheinburgs. He pulled up to the guard house at the entrance of their gated community in Santa Ana and flashed his badge. "We're here to see the Cohens..." Salas gave the guard the address.

"Yes sir. Are they expecting you?"

"No, they're not. But this is police business. So I'd rather you NOT call ahead to let them know I'm coming."

The guard nodded and waved them through.

Salas pulled up to the curb in front of the Cohen's home. It was a large, traditional two story brick house. They walked up to the front door and Salas knocked. Mrs. Cohen answered. Salas held up his police credentials for her. "Mrs. Cohen, I am Detective Salas. I am here to see you and Cantor Cohen about your son, Ari..."

"Oh? Is there some problem, Detective Salas?"

Salas smiled. "No, Mrs. Cohen. Ari's not in any trouble. But this is very important. May we come inside?"

Mrs. Cohen nodded nervously and led them in. She escorted them into their formal living room and offered them a seat.

"Mrs. Cohen. Is Cantor Cohen at home?"

"Yes, he's in his study. I'll go and get him."

"Thank you. And would you please telephone Doctor and Mrs. Scheinburg? I'd like to meet with them as well. This involves them and their daughter, Miriam. Danny here has already spoken with Mrs. Scheinburg and she will be waiting for your call. She hasn't given you any kind of 'heads up' on this because Danny asked her not to. This is something we need to tell all of you together. And please ask Ari to join us."

Mrs. Cohen called the Scheinburgs and then called Ari down from his room.

About ten minutes later, the Scheinburgs arrived.

Salas spoke. "OK, Danny. This is your show. You take it from here..."

Danny stood up. "Well, really, this is Ari's show..."

Danny smiled reassuringly at Ari. He hefted the two foot length of I-Beam. "C'mon dude. Lets show `em watcha got... No, wait... I gotta better idea..."

"... Cantor Cohen. Could you step over here for just a second?"

Danny set the I-beam down on the floor. "Sir, I'd like you to try to bend this top cross piece down on both sides... Just see if you can fold it down around the vertical part..."

Cantor Cohen was a little taken aback. "But that looks like solid steel. How could I manage something like that?"

"Just try. I need you to see if you can do it."

Of course he couldn't.

"And now you, Doctor Scheinburg. Now you try."

"But what is the point, young man? Of course I can't."

Danny smiled. "I just want to make SURE you know you can't. This'll all make sense in just a minute."

Doctor Scheinburg obliged and, of course, he had no more luck than Cantor Cohen had.

"Now you, Ari. You try it."

Ari was a little nervous. "Mom, Dad, I know this is gonna be a shock. It sure was to me, yesterday. But, please don't freak out on me... Remember, after this is over, I'm still the same kid I always was..."

Ari looked at his parents and at the Scheinburgs. They shifted in their seats nervously. Cantor Cohen said to his son. "Just show us what it is this young man has asked you to do. Obviously, he thinks you can do what neither Jacob nor I could do..."

Ari knelt alongside the I-beam and easily folded the cross plate down both sides along the vertical member. It was much easier for Ari than it had been the day before...

Danny grinned. "Yah see, Ari... You're a lot stronger now than you were yesterday. And yer just gonna keep getting stronger... A LOT stronger... Now lets see if you can bend it back the way it was..."

Again Ari easily complied...

"Now, Ari, see if you can pull that top piece off. Just tear it loose."

Ari did. It was a little harder than the bending, but not by much. He pulled the top horizontal member free.

The Scheinburgs and the Cohens were stunned. Cantor Cohen exclaimed, "But HOW? How could our little boy be so strong? How could you manage that, Ari? You are as strong as Samson! I would not have believed this if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!"

Doctor Scheinburg was equally shocked. "Ari," Doctor Cohen asked, " long have you known this about yourself. We've known you since you were a baby. And we've never seen you do anything like this before..."

Salas explained. "With some of us, this comes out when we're very young. But others like us never discover this innate ability on their own. But people like us can 'sense' each other. And Danny 'sensed' this in Ari as soon as they met yesterday. I can tell you, until yesterday, Ari COULDN'T have done anything like this. He's always had the potential, but, until Danny showed him, he might never have discovered this on his own. And this is only the beginning. Danny and I and some other friends of ours have this strength as well. And we've come here to ask you to let us help Ari develop his abilities. It will take a lot of his time, but, I assure you, it won't interfere with his school work. In fact, as Ari's body grows stronger physically, his mental acuity will grow too. I doubt school will be much of a challenge to him. Very soon, you may need to place him in an academically accelerated environment..."

Cantor Cohen nodded. "We had no idea that this could happen to our boy or to ANY young boy. But, of course, we must support Ari and we will do what we can to encourage him and nurture him through all of this. ...Are you willing to do this, Ari? Will you cooperate with Detective Salas and let him lead you into this? You can do so much more with your life than your mother and I had ever dreamed. I don't suppose now that you can expect to follow in my footsteps. And a part of me will regret that. But your destiny is obviously elsewhere. And your mother and I will do all we can for you."

Ari replied. "Well, but Danny told me I don't hafta give up my life. He said I can do this and still continue with my plans to become a cantor one day. I won't give that up, dad. Never. Not even for this. It's all I know. It's what I was meant to do. I WANT to follow you and be like you. And I won't do this other if I hafta give that up."

Danny faced Cantor Cohen. "Ari's right, sir. We all have our lives. Salas is a cop. And so is Cole. And Andy is gonna be a doctor..."

"... Oh, Mrs. Scheinburg, I almost forgot. This is Andy Partlowe. He's the guy who saved your daughter at the mall..."

Mrs. Scheinburg rose to her feet and approached Andy. "I've wanted to thank you, Andy, for what you did for my little girl and for all those other people. But I couldn't find you. The people at the mall wouldn't help me get in touch with you..."

Andy nodded. "I am just glad everything worked out like it did, Mrs. Scheinburg. And Danny's OK now. You know that don't you?"

"Yes, I do, Andy. And Danny told me he owes that to you and your friends. I'm glad you were able to help him..."

Doctor Scheinburg asked. "What is this? What are you talking about?"

Mrs. Scheinburg answered. "I'll tell you later, Jacob. Miriam and I never told you about this, but we'll tell you all about it when we get home. Let's deal with one thing at a time."

Cantor Cohen asked, "Well, Salas. Now how should we proceed with Ari? What must we do?"

"I'd like Ari to spend time with us. We need to help him develop his strength and his other abilities. And there are things we can do now that he can't. We'll want to impart those capabilities to him as well. I'll explain it all to you. But let's do like Mrs. Scheinburg suggested and take these things one at a time. Do you think it would be all right if Ari spent time out at our base each weekday afternoon? Like I said, it won't interfere with his studies. Very soon, Ari will be able to master a great deal of academic material, even very advanced studies, very quickly and easily."

"I can drop him off after school."

"For now that will be fine, Cantor Cohen. But, very soon, he won't need you to do that. He'll be able to make his way out there on his own..."

"You mean on foot?"

"Yes, sir. Faster than you could drive him there. A LOT faster. And you won't have to worry about him. A ten year old out on the roads by himself is something no parent would allow under normal circumstances. But nobody could hope to catch Ari. And even if they did, it would be too bad for them. He'd make short work of anyone who tried to mess with him. Your notions of what he needs will soon hafta go by the boards. For one thing, he'll need very little sleep. Once he gets done with his 'adjustments,' no more than half an hour to an hour a night. And he'll be able to go for days with no sleep at all if he needs to. I know that will be hard for you to accept. It just goes against parental instincts. But maybe you should meet with Danny's parents. Danny's been like this since he was a baby. They'll help you to understand. I know they will... And Ari will need to eat. He'll need to eat like an army. And he'll need diet supplements. Danny has explained your dietary strictures to me. But we can get Ari what he needs. Just leave that to me."

Danny nodded. "And there's one thing Ari won't forget. You're still his parents. You're still the boss in this house, Cantor Cohen... Right Ari?"

Ari nodded. It hadn't occurred to him to question that.

Danny caught Ari's expression. "Well, Ari, all this is still new to you. But you'll wanna remember this conversation once you can lift a full size car over yer head like it was nuthin' but a tin of sardines.... or lob a softball into orbit. Yer really gonna NEED your parents, Ari. Now more than ever. Don't loose sight of that like I did with my folks. You'll spare yourself and them a lotta hurt an' heartache in the long run if you'll just hold onto that. Hey, dude, it's still OK to need your mom'n dad and depend on them, even when you're strong as a nuclear dynamo. And you got us, Ari... And you got Miriam... Don't ever feel like you're alone, man. Cuz we'll all be here for yah."

Ari nodded again. "I'll do the best I can by all of you. I know I gotta lot to learn. Just be patient with me if I turn out to be a little bit of a slow learner. Hey, I'm only a ten year old kid."

Salas nodded. "We'll see you tomorrow, Ari. Don't worry son. We'll help you get through all this..."

Salas gave driving directions out to the base to Cantor Cohen. Then he, Danny and Andy excused themselves and left.

As the Scheinburgs were leaving, Ari took Miriam aside. "Nothing changes between us, OK, Miriam? I really need to know that. I need to hear you say that to me..."

"No, Ari, of course not! I'm the one who told you to go ahead with this. Remember? I'll stand by you, Ari. I won't let you down."

Ari nodded gravely. "Thanks, Miriam. I needed to hear you say those words."

Maxim returned to the hangar after about three hours locked away in his quarters. He found Roy, alone busily pounding away on the keyboard of his notebook computer.

"I see you are already hard at work, my friend. I am ready to bear a hand now..."

"Well, I have listed everything I can think of for our materiel requisition. But I will need you to check it over to make sure there is nothing I have missed..."

Roy didn't want to press Maxim for his decision so he bit his tongue.

Maxim smiled. "I know what you are thinking, Roy... You are wondering what I have decided."

Roy laughed. "One does not need to be a mind reader to know that, Maxim..."

"Well, I have decided to agree, of course. Alexi wants this for me very badly. He has never said so before, but I have known the he has wanted this all along, even though until now, such were not possible... He has wanted this not because he feels that, as a normal, I am deficient. He has made that clear enough. But he has wanted me to share this with him and the rest of the men. He always felt badly for me that I was excluded from certain things he and his men can do. Even though this has never bothered ME at all. But I owe him some gratification if this will do it for him. He took me in when I was orphaned and been like a father to me. I will do what he wants."

"But, Maxim, Alexi only wants this for you if you want it for yourself... He would not permit you to proceed if this were not what YOU wanted."

Maxim smiled. "No, of course not. As for me, I will adapt, as you have. It will be hard, but it is not impossible. Alexi and his men have dealt with this since they were children. And now I am a mature adult. How can I refuse? If this will make Alexi happy, I will cooperate and let him do it."

"But, Maxim, that's not the point. Alexi wants you to want it for YOURSELF, not for him..."

"But, Roy. What is the difference? If I can do something, ANYTHING for Alexi, it is the same as doing it for myself. There is no difference. I only want Alexi to be proud of me. If this will help me accomplish that, it WILL be for me."

"Maxim, you love that man, do you not?"

"Yes, Roy... more than my own life... as though he were my father... which, for all intents and purposes he has become for me. And if, in this small way, I can repay him for all he has done for me, with very little thanks I have given him so far in return, well, it is, after all, a very small thing. Let us find Alexi and give him the news."

They found Alexi in his Spartan office. He looked up a little apprehensively. Maxim spoke. "I have decided to accept your gift, Alexi. I am ready to proceed..."

Alexi rose from his chair and looked into Maxim's eyes. "Are you absolutely sure, Maxim. You must be sure, because once it has been done, there can be no turning back..."

"Yes, Alexi Iurevich. I am absolutely sure. And I thank you for your faith in me. I will do all I can to make you glad of your decision to bring me into this..."

Alexi stepped around his desk and embraced Maxim. "You have made my very happy Maxim. But I would have accepted your decision either way... " Alexi looked down and then back up at Maxim. "No. That is not true. I would NEVER have forced you. But I would never have accepted 'no' for an answer. I would have worn you down. I could not have peace if I withheld this gift from you. I would never have given up trying to persuade you."

Maxim smiled. "This I know all too well. But now such will not be necessary. I will cooperate and receive the gift whenever you are ready, Alexi."

"Then I must link our minds, Maxim. Do not be afraid. It will be a very different experience for you, but you will get used to it."

"Very well. I am ready."

Alexi entered Maxim's mind. "Can you hear me in your mind, Maxim?"

Maxim answered verbally. "Yes, Alexi. I can hear you inside my head."

"It is not necessary to answer with your voice, Maxim. Just think your answers in your mind. I will hear you. Practice that with me now."

"Maxim 'though' to Alexi. "Can you 'hear' me now?"

Alexi replied through the mind link, "Yes, Maxim, I hear you perfectly. Now I will withdraw, but I will keep the 'mind link' in a 'standby' mode. If you wish to communicate with me, simply 'call out to me' with your mind and I will answer. It may take some days, but you will receive all our strength and this mental communication ability as well. Then, together, we will develop your strength and your speed and your agility. And then you and Roy will go to America to build our airplanes."

"And who will do my work while I am gone?"

"Jakov will fill in for you. With your mind you will teach him all you know. He will manage while you are away."

Alexi could not resist. He embraced Maxim again. "I am so happy you have made this choice. You have done the right thing."

"I will do my best to vindicate your decision to share this with me, Alexi. I will not fail you."

"I know you will not, Maxim. I have always had faith in you... always..."

And now, Roy, my standby' mind link.' It will not interfere with your `mind link' with Alexi?"

"No, Alexi. I can link with him and exchange information with him. You can go active' anytime you want or just remain on standby.' That won't affect Maxim and me at all."

Roy linked with Maxim and they exchanged information. Maxim was, of course, able to keep up with Roy's now super fast mind. Within minutes, they had planned a preliminary strategy for design and construction of their prototype aircraft. First, they would crawl over both the Harrier and the YaK. They would pour over the harrier NATOPS (the aircraft operating manual) and the YaK operations manual. Then they would attack the maintenance documentation for both aircraft. They would disassemble both aircraft and study the components first hand. Finally, they would reassemble the two aircraft and begin to flesh out plans for their hybrid. The hybrid would be powered by Russian engines. Unlike the harrier, the YaK-141 does not employ "vectored thrust" from the propulsion engine. Instead, the YaK is fitted with a propulsion power plant and a separate lifting engine. But on the new aircraft, there would be not one but two propulsion engines. These would be modified for vectored thrust. And the lifting engine would be modified to enable it to double as an auxiliary propulsion engine. The new aircraft would be able to remain airborne in level flight or in a hover using any one of it's three engines or any combination of two. The propulsion engines would be uprated to afford nearly double their normal thrust. But the fuel control would be metered by an onboard computer to allow selection from optimum thrust to maximum fuel economy. And since the new aircraft could cruise single engine, max range would far exceed either the harrier or the YaK. This aircraft would be faster, have greater range and payload and be far more agile than either of its `progenitors.'

Tuesday (the sixth)

Scotty, Danny, Billy and Andy arrived at the base right at 1400. Salas, Cole, Robbie, Hernandez, Nguyen and LeBlanc were already waiting in the conference room.

Salas nodded to the college boys. "OK, guys, have a seat. Cantor Cohen should be out here with Ari on about an hour and a half. We'll take Ari into the new training facility and see how fast we can get him up to speed. And I think it would be a good idea if we installed a similar facility over at the shop. I still want us to do be able to do most of this stuff over there as well as here..."

Billy asked. "How far along is Ari right now?"

Danny answered. "Not too bad for as little time as I've had with him. He's already stronger than any normal man. But he's only had about an hour in the old weight room at the shop. He went through those weights about like a hot knife through butter. And you saw that I-beam he mangled. With you, Billy, we had whole days, six days a week for nearly a month. All we've got with Ari are a few hours each weekday evening and no Saturdays. But I'd be willing to give up my Sunday afternoons to work with him. I'm hopin' his schedule can change some. Once this thing really starts rollin' for him, I doubt his school situation will stay the same. Maybe we can get him into Cal Tech. Even though he's only ten, he should be able to hack under grad, no sweat. If we can get him morning classes, then he could just come on out to the base with us. That'd give him a good hour and a half more with us each week day."

Andy asked, "Well, do we have any idea how strong Ari can get? We don't really know where he falls on the scale, do we?"

Danny shook his head. "No idea. But once we start mind linking with him, it'll all be moot. Ari might wind up stronger than any of us. Or maybe he might not even be as strong as Salas and Cole were before we got the mind linking and everybody came up to the highest level among all of us. So, hey, we may NEVER know where he might've wound up without that."

Salas said. "Well, for as little as he's done so far, he's awfully strong. What he did to that I-beam at his parents' house yesterday... well, it sure knocked me for a loop. I've lived with this all my life, but it's still kind of a shock to see a ten year old kid do something like that."

At 1530, Cantor Cohen drove up with Ari. Salas and Danny went out to meet them as they got out of the car. Salas greeted them. "Hello Cantor Cohen... Thanks for bringing Ari. We'll take good care of him, sir... and we'll get him all the way to where he was meant to be...."

"Thank YOU, Salas. Thank you for what you and your friends are doing for my boy. I'll leave him with you. What time shall I return to pick him up.?"

Salas smiled. "No need for that, sir. I'll drive Ari home. And, if you'd like, I can arrange for one of us to pick him up from school tomorrow. All I'd need from you is to let Ari's school know it's OK for him to come with one of us. This won't be necessary for very long. Like I said yesterday, very soon, Ari will be able to make his way out here on his own. And one of us will drive him home when we're done. We'll try to have him home every day by supper time."

Cantor Cohen addressed his son. "All right, son. You go with Detective Salas and Danny and do your best. They're going to go all out for you. So I'm depending on you to go all out for them, too. Just do what they tell you and try your best."

Ari nodded. "I sure will, dad."

Salas led Ari and Danny inside. Salas asked Ari. "Did you bring your school work?"

"Yes sir. I got my books right here."

"OK, Danny, you take Ari into the conference room. Lets get him started tapping into his mental abilities. Ari, I want you done with your school work in ten minutes, by the clock... Might take you and Danny a half an hour to get you up to speed, but then, when he thinks you're ready, you'll do your homework on your own. And you'll have it done in minutes. Ten at the most I'd think."

Ari laughed. "Well, you don't know how they load us down at Brith Shalom. I was figurin' on pullin' an all nighter once I got home."

Danny said, "Naw, Ari. We'll get this done in a snap. Just come with me. I'll teach you to speed read in about two minutes. You'll get the hang of it."

Danny was right. Ari had his homework done in less than three minutes. "Wow! That was weird. I wonder why I never figured out how to do that on my own... That really bothers me. That I've had this all along and never figured it out for myself. I'm such a dunce. You tapped into all this all by yourself, huh, Danny."

Danny reached over and took Ari's hand. "Don't say that, Ari. Don't beat yourself up over that. I got this on my own. But, Ari, when I was your age, in fact, until only last July, I was thirteen goin' on about six. The things I did with what I have I'm ashamed to tell you. Sure, I had all this. But it was eatin' me alive and turnin' me into a monster. If it weren't for these guys, there's no tellin' how I might've wound up..."

"...Ari, Miriam told me what you said when she told you about what I did at the mall last July... how you said that I was all hurt and confused and that you hoped I'd find my way and that you and Miriam should pray for me.... Well, Ari, I wish I'd had that kind of maturity and human compassion when I was ten. I'm not sure I've got what you have even now... So if yah wanna compare yourself to me... well, please don't. Cuz I don't come out so well on that score."

"Well, Danny, the only thing I've seen in you is a super hero. When you spoke to us up there on the Matterhorn, you were just so... I dunno... it's just that you made us all know everything was gonna be OK. I knew right then that I wanted to be like you... not so much with all you could do with the physical stuff. I sure never thought that could happen to me... but the other... how you said everything was gonna be OK and how you told Miriam we all needed her to be brave... It was like you were a grownup talkin' to us that way. And you're not all that much older than me... But you sure act a lot older than you really are..."

"Well, Ari, I guess sometimes yah just hafta rise to the moment. But, hey, it's great that you're here now. Cuz sometimes it gets kinda old havin' to be `grown up' all the time. I can't wait to get us off by ourselves so we can just act like a couple of kids with all this... Nothing bad or mischievous, but I'll bet you an' me can find some neat ways to just have some good harmless fun with what we can do."

Ari grinned. "Yeah! I can't wait for you to show me how to lob a softball into orbit! I really wanna do that. You really did that?"

"Yeah, Ari. Sure. And so will you. It's easy..."

Danny lit up. "Oh, by the way, Ari. You mentioned something about music. Do you play?"

"Yeah, I play classical. We don't use musical instruments in our religious services. Everything's acapella. But, sure, I play classical piano and violin. I don't know any of the modern stuff though. I don't know guitar or anything like that."

"Well, I've been known to do classical. Mebbe we can play together. I'm pretty fair on a keyboard and the violin, too. And if you wanna learn guitar, it'll take you all of about two seconds to learn. I'm glad we got another musician in the group. We got a few of us who're pretty good. And we don't get to do near enough of that. I love music, Ari. All kinds. And I'm glad you do too!"

"Well, I'm open to whatever. My dad doesn't much approve of rock... Says it's degenerate. I know that sounds close minded. But he backs up what he says with some strong arguments. He thinks classical is about the best music there is. It's geometric and systematic. He calls it a rigorous investigation of intervals in the audial range of the electromagnetic spectrum.' Dad doesn't believe in art for art's sake.' He says if it doesn't competently reflect the beauty of creation and if it doesn't uplift the soul, it's `ugly,' by definition."

Danny grinned. "Well, I don't know that I agree, Ari. But it sounds like your dad's given it a lotta thought. I'd sure be a fool not to listen to his arguments. But, hey, I think music's good for all kindsa things. And one of `em's just havin' fun. I'm all for the hi-brow stuff. I do like classical best. But I can relate to all kinds'a music..."

"Well, Danny, maybe you can teach me guitar. I'd sure be willing to give it a try..."

Salas walked into the conference room. "Well, Ari, you about done with your homework."

"Yes sir. All done. Danny showed me how to blow through it in nothin' flat."

"Good! OK, guys. Let's get on over to the training facility. We're gonna work you really hard, Ari. You'll hafta get used to a new kinda pain. But it'll grow on yah..."

Ari and Danny followed Salas to the new gym. The other guys were hard at work training their muscles on the new mechanical contraptions they had devised. Heavy steel frames with high test cables attached to stacks of crushed automobiles enabled them to isolate their muscles for a balanced workout. Salas turned around to the boys and spoke. "Danny, you work with Ari and track his progress..."

Danny led Ari to the dressing room. He stripped off his street clothes as Ari turned away, his face deep scarlet... "C'mon, Ari. Get a move on. We gotta get out onto the floor an' get started!"

Ari wouldn't look at Danny and he made no move to undress.

"What's wrong, Ari?"

Ari asked. "Don't they have someplace private where I can change? I can't do that here, in front of you..."

"Why not, Ari? It's just a couple'a us guys gettin' changed for a workout. Guys do this in workout gyms all the time. Nuthin' to it."

Ari quickly pulled off his street clothes with his back turned to Danny and started to pull on his workout clothing. Danny stopped him and turned him around. "Ari, you should never be ashamed of your body. You are a very beautiful boy. Hasn't anyone ever told you that before?"

Ari quickly pulled on his workout gear and then he replied. "Well, only Miriam. But she's never seen me without my clothes on, Danny. Never! Nobody but my mom'n dad... and even them only when I was little..."

"Well, what about at school. You said you played sports. You never changed in front of a bunch of guys before, Ari?"

"Oh no. We have private dressing stalls at school. I've never seen another boy with no clothes on before... Never."

Danny smiled. "Well, Ari, I can see you've lived a sheltered life. Yer gonna hafta get over that with these guys. They'll raz the heck outta yah if you let `em know that bothers you... And, b'sides, before it gets too late in the season, you'n me are gonna hafta go down to the beach. An' what I wear down there.. well, hey, it's darn near next tah nuthin. The minimum I can get away with. And I won't let you get away with much more than that, Ari. I wanna take you down there an' show you off. Cuz, man, you're lookin' really great. It's almost a sin to keep what you got covered up."

Ari nodded, not so much in agreement with what Danny had said as that he just wanted to get this little chat over with. He said to Danny. "OK, I'm all set. Guess it's time to go out there an' face the music."

Ari's progress was very much like Billy's had been... nothing short of phenomenal. Danny led him through all the workout stations. It was evident by the end of the day that Ari was nearly on a par with Danny! And he was three years Danny's junior. "Wow, Ari. You're nearly as strong as I am now! I'm beginning to think you may outclass all of us before we're done with you. "C'mon dude, take your shirt off. I wanna see those muscles churn while you do these last sets."

"Aw, Danny, I dunno. In front of all these other guys? They'll think I'm some kinda showoff. I'm not as strong as any of you. And I'm just a ten year old kid. I don't think so..."

Danny persisted. "OK, Ari. I'll pull my shirt off and then you won't be shirtless all by yourself. "C'mon I want the guys to see this..."

Danny pulled his shirt off and then so did Ari. Danny led him over to the military press rack. Danny led off military pressing the equivalent of twenty automobiles for reps with ease. He wore nothing on his beautifully sculpted upper body but a light patina of sweat. Then it was Ari's turn. His olive complexioned upper body, chiseled to perfection, gleamed with a light `dusting' of perspiration as he did his reps. By the time he was finished, the other guys had gathered around calling out words of encouragement to him. They could see Ari's muscles growing before their eyes as he continued his last set. Finally, he lowered the weight and looked at Danny. His shoulders were incredibly broad, his lats flared unbelievably. His arms had grown to an incredible sixteen inches. His chest had swollen. His nipples pointed down at a forty-five degree angle. This looked so incongruous on this young frame. With his handsome face, topped by a mop of wavy black hair, capped by his black kipa, he looked like a young Davidic warrior hero. All of the men had fallen silent. They were hypnotized by Ari's incredible power and his sublime, innocent young masculine beauty. Ari looked back at them and smiled shyly... "What?"

Danny shook his head. "Hey, don't mind us, Ari. It's just that you've come so far so fast. It's not every day that we see a ten year old givin' us all a run for our money. I think you're gonna wind up stronger than any of us... A LOT stronger... Hey, Salas, I KNOW he could lift your car by now."

Salas asked Ari. "Yah wanna give that a try, son? Yah wanna see if you can do that?"

Ari giggled. "Yeah, right. Like I'm gonna LIFT your police car. Nobody can do that..."

Danny jumped in. "Well, Ari, you've already lifted a LOT more than that. These weights you've been schleppin' are compacted junk cars. And you've been liftin' a whole stack of em. Salas car'll be nuthin' fer you."

Salas left the training facility and trotted over to the admin building. He drove his car to the entrance of the new gym and called everyone outside. "OK, Danny, show Ari how it's done."

Danny did. Then he turned to Ari. "OK, dude. Your turn. C'mon over here and do yer stuff."

Ari lifted Salas' car and did 110 reps. It wasn't even much of a strain. Since he'd lifted so much more in the training facility. The supermen were in awe. This ten year old boy had mastered a lift that only a few short weeks before would've been impossible for some of them and a grueling test for any of them but Danny. But the bar had since been raised for all of them. And now here was this ten year old, raising the bar for all of them all over again!

Danny rode with Salas and Ari. He beamed with pride over Ari's progress. "Dude, you did fantastic! Man am I glad we found you!"

Salas agreed. "Ari, we're all very proud of you. You put your heart into this today and all the guys saw it. And this is only the beginning. I think Danny may be right. You know, not all of us are gifted at the same level. Danny was naturally far more gifted, far stronger than Cole or me. Things have happened since that have brought us more or less on the same level with each other. And tomorrow, we'll demonstrate that for you. And I think it'll be YOU, Ari, who'll wind up bringing US up to your level."

Ari replied. "Well, Detective Salas..."

"No, Ari. Just call me Salas.' We're a Marine Corps base, so if military VIP's ever show up, I'd appreciate it if you could remember to all me Major Salas.' And you'll learn all the military titles of the other guys. But when it's just us, we go by first or last names only. So, hey, I'm just `Salas.' OK?"

"Uh, yes sir, uh, `Salas.'"

"Anyway, Salas, I was just gonna say, I don't see how I could be stronger than any of you guys. Hey, I just got started in this and I'm only a ten year old kid. I don't see how that's possible."

Salas laughed. "Well, when we first met Danny, he was barely twelve. And he made short work of Cole in a little tussle they had. It's just that Danny was far more gifted than Cole or me. And it's starting to look like your gifting may be even greater than Danny's or Billy's. They were the two most naturally gifted among us. And, Billy was just like you. He's had some idea of his super strength since he was about twelve. But until he met us, he hadn't even begun to realize his full potential."

Ari asked. "Well, what made you guys more equal? How did that happen?"

"We'll get into that tomorrow, Ari. And I want you to understand, it won't be a just a one way street. If you really ARE the strongest, you'll bring us all up to your level, eventually. But you'll receive a gifting in return that is, in some ways, far more phenomenal than your physical strength, speed or agility."

Ari asked, "Oh, you mean that `mind thing?'

Salas asked, "You KNOW about that, Ari?"

Danny answered. "I linked Ari and Miriam up with me when we were at the shop. I did the grenade thing with `em."

"So, little man, you cracked my safe and just helped yerself to my stash?"

Danny sighed. "Yeah, Salas. And I'm sorry. I know I shouldnt've. I guess I just got carried away... again."

Salas just shook his head. "Young man... Young man..."

He didn't press it, though. He knew very well that Danny was perfectly capable of handling a live grenade. If he weren't he'd never have let Danny try it in the first place. But even SALAS, as a superman sometimes had trouble remembering, the normal rules just don't apply to a boy like Danny.

Danny turned to Ari. "I just wish there was some way we could we could include Miriam in all this."

Ari nodded. "Yeah, Danny, me too. I wouldn't even BE here if it weren't for her... Since she's the one who arranged for us to meet in the first place. I hate it that she's gettin' left out. I wish there were some way I could share some of this with her."

Danny smiled. "Ari, yer one lucky dude. I told Miriam that, already. You'll be sharin' yer whole lives together. When she first told me you two would be married some day and that it was one of those `arranged' kinda things, I sorta felt sorry for both of you. But boy was I wrong. I think you guys are two of the luckiest people I know. I wish my folks could find me someone like Miriam. I'd love to be looking forward to the kinda life you're gonna have with each other..."

"Well, Danny, Miriam and I have had a long time to get to know each other. I hear all these stories about `love at first sight,' and maybe it's true. But our way just works so well for us. It worked for my parents and for Miriam's. We LEARN to love each other... and depend on each other... I've never known what it's like to be without her. When the time comes and we get married, It'll just be the next step in our lives, but we already know each other almost as well as we know ourselves. In fact, I don't think either of us really sees ourselves as separate people. It's almost like we're already two halves of one person..." Ari laughed at himself. "I KNOW that sounds crazy, Danny. Hey, I'm just a kid. But I don't live under a rock. I know how this stuff is supposed to work. It's just that what Miriam and I have... and what we're gonna have between us someday... it's not just some physical thing. Heck, I'm only ten! I'm not even THERE with that kinda stuff yet. But, already, I love Miriam with all my heart and soul. And I already love the kids we're gonna have together someday... the new lives we'll bring into this world together. The HOME we'll build together. Like the homes we grew up in. Yeah, Danny, Miriam and I live in a very structured and maybe a very sheltered world. But it's a world where we know our place, know where we're going and most of all, we just KNOW we're loved. I can't even begin to fathom what kids all over this town with broken homes and no safety or security or even a roof over their heads must be going through. But I think about those kids a lot. And it breaks my heart. But, Danny, besides being a cantor someday and now this, I'd give anything if I could do something about those kids. I don't even know where to begin, but I'll find out. And, someday, Danny, some DAY, I'm gonna find a way to DO something for kids like that... After all, there's more than one way to save a life."

Salas and Danny just looked at each other. Finally, Danny murmured. "Miriam was right about you, Ari. You have a beautiful soul."

Wednesday (the sixth)

Maxim and Roy had nearly all of their prelim work done on the new aircraft and completed the final draft of their requisition list. A "Dalnaya Aviatsiya" (Long Range Aviation - the airlift component of the Russian Air Forces) IL-76 cargo jet would arrive at the base tomorrow, loaded with their materiel. It would fly Maxim, Roy and their materiel to the super guy's base in Orange County. Alexi had decided there was no need to delay their departure. Roy could maintain a standby' mind link' with Maxim and the gifts would be imparted to Maxim soon enough. Roy and Maxim would both need Maxim to BE a superman to bring off their aircraft prototype project. They would use components provided by the Russians and the Americans, but most of these, they would be obliged to modify substantially and they would need to fabricate over fifty percent of the new airframe themselves, with their bare hands and only the most rudimentary of tools.

Salas arrived at the base with Ari and Miriam. Scotty, Danny, Billy and Andy were already there and waiting with the other guys in the conference room. Danny brightened as soon as they entered the room. "Ari! Yah brought Miriam! Awesome!"

Salas smiled. "Ari insisted. He already had it set up with her parents and the school He's about like you, Danny, or Roy! He's a slick little operator."

Miriam went over and hugged Danny. "This was YOUR idea. Ari told me. It's so sweet of you to wanna include me. I don't know there's not much I can DO, but, hey, it'll sure be fun to watch you guys doin' yer stuff."

Danny exclaimed, "Man! I can't believe this. I'm sure glad I met up with you two!"

Salas said, "Ari, there's the mind linking' we talked about yesterday. Andy was the first. He can link' our minds. As you know, we can communicate with each other mentally, without speaking. And we've all acquired that ability from Andy. And you'll get it, too. And, somehow, we're not exactly sure HOW it works, our strength and speed and agility have spread to those of us who weren't born with it. It doesn't happen right away, but after repeated exposure to the `mind linking,' well, that's how it's worked so far..."

Ari shook his head. "I'm not sure I follow, Salas. You're saying some of these guys weren't born this way? They didn't even have the potential?"

Salas nodded. "That's right, Ari. Even Andy didn't have the super strength and other abilities... only the mind linking.' But eventually, his mind linking spread to all of us and he got our abilities. The only ones of us who were born with any of this are Danny, Cole, Billy and me... and Andy with the 'mind linking.' The rest of these guys were born completely normal. We want to give you the mind linking,' Ari. Like I said, it won't happen for you right away. But within a few days, you should have it on your own."

Ari asked. "And that lets you pass along all this other stuff, too?"

Salas nodded again.

"Well, could we give this to Miriam? We could make HER like us, too! Then she could be just like the rest of us!"

Salas caught his breath. He hadn't even THOUGHT about Ari's going there.

"Uh, well, Ari... uh..."

"But, Salas, you just said it's possible. Miriam's everything to me. I don't wanna keep this just for myself. I wanna share it with her, too..."

Miriam saw Salas' discomfort and immediately came to his rescue.

"No, Ari... NO! I won't let that happen to me. I'm so glad this has happened for you. But I don't want it for myself. You know me, Ari. I just wanna grow up and be a good wife for you and a good mother for our children. How can I be a good wife and mother if I'm goin' all over the place with you guys doin' all this super stuff? And if I had everything you and these men have, how could I stay home? I'd be obligated, just like you'll be. I know you're gonna hafta be away from home, Ari, a lot of the time. But one of us has got to stay behind... Not now, maybe, but ten years from now. We've gotta think of our future and the kids we'll have some day. So, really, I don't mind just watchin' you guys do yer stuff. Just be my hero, Ari... like you've always been. That's more than enough for me."

Salas had eye contact with Miriam. Neither he nor she said anything, but they didn't have to. Salas thought to himself. "That's twice this little lady has come to my rescue... Ari really is a very lucky young man. This little girl has such a quick mind and a good heart. God are their kids gonna be lucky to have these two for parents!"

Ari said to Miriam. "Well, Miriam, you just say the word and I'll give you anything I have. That's all you gotta do... You just say the word and everything I have is yours..."

"I know that. But all I want from you is to do your best with these guys. And I wanna see it. I wanna see it all. I'm so proud of you. You know that, don'tcha Ari?"

Salas couldn't contain himself. "Miriam. We're all proud of Ari. But, we're all just as proud as we can be of you, too. You did fantastic the other day on television, coverin' for us like you did. You're one sharp little lady. Your mom'n dad did a real number on you the way they raised you."

Miriam smiled sweetly at Salas and the man just melted. Very soon, she'd have all these supermen wrapped around her little finger, like she'd always had Ari and now Danny and Salas. She didn't NEED to be a superwoman. Not with all these super guys around.

Salas spoke to Ari. "Well, young man. Are you ready to try the `mind link?'"

"Yes sir. I am if you are."

Salas slipped into Ari's mind. "Can you `hear me, Ari?"

"Yes, sir. Just like you were talkin' with your voice."

Salas linked with Danny. "Now, Ari, try to communicate with Danny. I've got him linked up with us...

"Danny. This is Ari. Can you `hear' me?"

"Yeah, Ari. I `hear' you just fine."

Salas spoke over the link. "OK. Now I'm gonna break my link. Danny, I want YOU to establish a `standby link' with Ari and keep it active around the clock. Think you can do that?"

"Sure thing, Salas. I'll set mine up with Ari as soon as you break off."

Salas lead the group to the new workout facility where all the guys put on a show for Miriam. By the end of the day, Ari had caught up with Danny. He was actually a little bit stronger than Andy. And it was clear that he would soon surpass all the super guys. He would be he strongest, at least until, through the 'mind link,' he brought the rest of the group up to his genetic level. The end result of Ari's entry into the group would be that they'd all be stronger than any of them had ever been.

Salas had dropped Danny, Ari and Miriam off and driven home. Scotty had beat him home and already started supper. He smiled at Salas as he walked into the kitchen. Salas shook his head. "I dunno, Scotty. Someday I think I'm gonna write a book. I still can't believe everything that's happened since I first met you and Danny. It's like I told Alexi. I gotta keep pinchin' myself cuz I'm so scared that I'm gonna wake up and find out this was all a dream."

Scotty nodded. "Yeah, Salas. That lil guy Ari's somethin' else! What a sweet lil guy. And, Miriam. Damn! I know what Danny means. God, if only she was just a little bit older. Ari's sure made out like a lil' bandit. And to think his folks and hers ARRANGED their marriage. I take back everything I ever said or thought about arranged marriages. Cuz I think theirs must've been arranged in HEAVEN or something. I can't wait till they get married an' have kids! Cuz those'll be some gorgeous lil' babies. I think all the guys'll wind up spoilin' the hell out of `em."

Salas chuckled. "Well, Scotty, that's a ways off yet. First we gotta get YOU married off. Cuz, like I said, I wanna start off spoilin' YOUR kids. Yah know, Scotty, yah don't hafta stay home with ME every night. Why don't you get out and circulate a little bit. I seem to remember you were quite the Romeo before you got into all of this. And yer sure not gonna find yourself a bride if you don't get out a lil' more."

Scotty grinned. "Well, I might say the same about you, Salas. You're not gettin' any younger. Why don't YOU get out and meet some of the ladies?"

A pained expression crossed Salas' face. He tried to hide it, but Scotty's lightening fast senses couldn't be fooled. Scotty asked. "What's wrong, Salas? Did I say something wrong?"

Salas tried to cover up. "Naw, Scotty. Not at all..."

"Well, Salas, SOMETHIN"S wrong. I saw that look. What is it? What'd I say?"

Salas shook his head. "No, Scotty, nothin's wrong. Nothin' at all."

Scotty looked skeptical. "Well, I don't buy it, Salas. If you don't wanna talk about it, that's up to you. But if I said somethin' that hurt your feelings, I'm sorry. I sure didn't mean to."

"Aw, Scotty, don't think that. You didnt' say anything wrong at all. It's just that..."

"What, Salas? What is it?"

Salas sighed. "Well, Scotty, I've never told this to anybody. Not even Cole. And we've known each other for years. But I guess I don't have any right keepin' secrets from you. And this has been a very deep dark secret. But I guess I oughta tell somebody. And you're about the closest person in the world to me, so I guess if yer willin' to listen, I'll unload on yah."

Scotty said, "Well, sure, Salas. And I promise, none of this gets out. Nothing goes beyond these four walls. But lemme get our dinner on the table. Then you can lemme have it."

As they sat and ate, Salas explained. "Scotty, there's a REASON I'm not married. Actually, as a young man, I WAS married. I met a girl. We fell in love, got married. We both agreed we wanted a house full of kids. And we tried. For two years we tried and tried and nuthin'. Finally, Isabella, that's her name, went to an OBGYN to get help. Well, it turned out they couldn't find anything wrong with her. Nothin' wrong at all. So her doctor suggested I go in for tests. And I did. Well, the problem was with me. Scotty, the thing is, I can't father kids. I never knew it, but all the while, I was just firin' blanks.' There's NO chance I can ever be a father. At least not a natural father. Well, Isabella wanted kids... kids of her own. She wouldn't consider adoption. The marriage fell apart and, finally, she asked me for an annulment. Not a divorce, mind you... an ANNULMENT! Well, what else could I do? I gave it to her and that was that. I'm damaged goods, Scotty. I'm just not a man' that way."

"Aw, Salas. That's not what makes a man a man! My God, how can you SAY that? It takes a hell of a lot more than bein' able to father kids to make you a man. And as far as bin' a father,' well, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't even know the meaning of the word! You're the only real FATHER' I've ever had. Besides, there's plenty of women who'd love to have you as a husband. And you could always adopt. Plenty of ladies'd go for that. And there's kids all over this world who need a mom and dad. That's sure as hell what I'd do if I couldn't have kids... And yah know, Salas, until you took me in off the street, I'd ever thought about that much. But I think I'd adopt at least one kid even if I CAN have children of my own. There's just way too many children out there who need a good home. And after what you've done for me, that's somethin' I really I think wanna do someday."

Salas smiled sadly. "You're right, of course. And I've thought about it some. But, hey, there's way too much water over the dam. I'm just too old to think about starting a family now. And now that I've got you, Scotty, I guess I don't really need to..."

"Well, Salas, that's not all there is to marriage. There's plenty of ladies out there who wouldn't even wanna have kids. You don't hafta spend the rest of your life alone. Hey, man, you're a great lookin' guy and you're still young. Most of the ladies in this town'd fall all over themselves just to have a date with you. You could damn near take your pick."

Salas chuckled. "Yeah, Scotty. Maybe so. But, hey, now I got you. And I've got the rest of the guys and I guess I just sorta lost interest in all that somewhere along the way... Don't worry about me, boy. I struck out in the marriage department, maybe. But now I've got you and I've got the rest of the guys. I've never been happier. We all suffer disappointments in life, Scotty, but all in all, I'm really happy the way my life turned out. I've missed out on some things, sure. But I wouldn't trade what I have with anybody on earth. I really am very happy the way things are. And, Scott, having you here with me has meant more than I ever dreamed it would. You just don't know what it means to me NOT to come home to an empty house. You've given me so much more than I've ever given you."

Scotty shook his head. "Salas, that's not true. You've given me a HOME. Something I never really HAD before. You've shown me what it's like to be loved and just accepted without any conditions. I don't know where I'd be without you. And yah know, the lives you've touched. Look at Danny. Where would HE be without you. And his folks. When Andy said everybody matters," you proved his theory in spades. You've got a gift, Salas... Like a Midas touch.' It seems like everyone's life you touch turns to gold."

Salas smiled. "I love you, Scotty boy."

"No more than I do you, Salas... No more than I do you."

As they were finishing their meal, Scotty had a thought. "Salas, do you think maybe your problem with having kids might have something to do with the fact that you're a superman? Maybe NONE of us can have kids."

Scotty might as well have socked Salas in the jaw. "Oh my God, Scotty! I never even THOUGHT of that!"

"Well, Salas, I'm not sayin' that's what it is. But if yah think about it. The only other superman I know who's even close to your age is Cole. And he's not married. I don't know his story, but, hey, where's his wife'n kids? The only other super guys I know who were born that way are Danny and Billy, and now Ari. Well, with Billy, I guess we'll never know since he's with Andy. Only way they'll ever have kids if they find some way to adopt. And Danny and Ari are still kids. Well, all that leaves is Cole. Might make sense to have us all tested."

"Oh, God, Scotty. If that turned out to be true, I dunno what I'd do! All of you guys I brought into this. Oh God, Scotty... Oh my GOD! I'd never forgive myself if I did that to you guys!"

Scotty held Salas' hand. "No, Salas. Don't say that. Even if it turns out to be true. Don't even THINK that. If you think that would bother me, well, you're wrong. I'd do it all over again, even if I knew it would mean I could never have kids of my own. Sure, I'd like to raise children someday. But, like I said, even if I CAN have kids of my own. I'm GONNA adopt at least one if I can. There's just way too many kids out there who need a home. I won't let you do this to yourself, Salas. I WON'T."

Salas said grimly. "We're gonna hafta have all of you guys tested. I've gotta know. Oh dear God. Oh sweet Jesus, I KNEW all this was too good to be true. My dream. Oh God, my dream! This is turning into a nightmare."

Scotty said. "Well, Salas, there's only one way to find out. Mebbe we could find some way to get us all tested right away. Damn, I could KICK myself. I wish I'd never said something that stupid. I'm so sorry Salas. That was a really stupid thing for me to say. I spoke before I thought. Oh God, Salas. I am so sorry."

Thursday (the sixth)

The Dalnaya Aviatsiya' IL-76 cargo jet landed at Alexi's base outside Yekaterinberg at 0915 local time. Roy and Maxim were ready to go. Roy had maintained his link' with Maxim for nearly seventy-two hours. In addition, Alexi had maintained a supplemental "standby link." Alexi escorted Maxim and Roy to the ramp. He suggested that Roy break his link with Maxim and he did so as well. "Now, Maxim, let us see if you can establish a link with me on your own."

Maxim tried and failed. "Then, Roy, why not reestablish your link and maintain it until the `change' has its effect?" Roy nodded and re-linked with Maxim.

"Maxim, I will miss you while you are away. But I know you will be in good hands with our American friends and they will be in good hands with you. And you will meet Gloria. You two will get on well, I am sure."

Maxim had made his engagement announcement to his men and told them that they would all be going to American in November to celebrate the American Thanksgiving holiday and to attend his wedding to Gloria. Maxim was incredulous. "Married?" He asked. "You?"

Alexi had grinned. "Why is this so hard for you to believe, Maxim?"

Maxim laughed. "I shall leave that one alone, Alexi Iurevich, and simply extend to you my congratulations. I look forward to meeting this young American woman. I am, of course, very happy for you both."

"Will you stand with me, Maxim? Will you stand for me as best man?"

"I shall be honored, Alexi. Of course I would be glad to do this. But why not your brother, Ivan?"

"Ivan will be there, of course. But he will understand why it must be you who stands with me."

Maxim grinned. "I cannot believe I will be going to America.. I would never have dared dream such could happen to me. I am sorry you will not be there to introduce me to Gloria, yourself, but I am sure we shall get on well. Of course, if there is anything I can do for her while I am there in America, I will spare no effort to make myself useful to your future bride."

Alexi replied. "I am sure you will, Maxim. And I thank you. I look forward to your return. This will be my last look at you this way. When I see you again, you will be a superman."

Maxim and Alexi embraced. Alexi embraced Roy and then Roy and Maxim boarded the aircraft for the flight to Southern California.

As the plane was entering Canadian airspace, an emergency action message rolled off the teletype at the radio operator's station at the rear of the cockpit. It read:


The radio operator hurried back to the passenger compartment and handed the printout to Maxim who in turned showed it to Roy. Roy read it, immediately broke his standby 'mind link' with Maxim and scrawled a reply to Alexi on the bottom of the printout.


Roy's message was transmitted by Narrow Band Secure TTY satellite link direct to Alexi at his base in Yekaterinburg. They received Alexi's reply within ten minutes.


(To be continued)

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Next: Chapter 30

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