The Charges

By Tags

Published on Dec 26, 2022



This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters portrayed herein represent any real person, living or dead. It includes characters invented by Chip Masterson including the muscle super kid, "Danny Henderson" who appears in a number of stories created by Chip. These characters are used in this story with his express permission, (Thanks, Chip!) although this story differs substantially in tone and theme from stories written heretofore by Chip. There are inconsistencies between Chip's story line and mine. The characters in my scenario dwell, therefore, in some sort of parallel universe.' Also included in this story is a character inspired by "Billy," the lead character in John D's "Billy Muscles up." One incident is borrowed directly from the "Billy Muscles Up" series and some of the things Billy does in this story echo "Billy Muscles Up." However, although this "Billy" begins with more or less the same personality and physical strength as the original, events take "my Billy'" in a somewhat different direction. My use of the "Billy" character is with John D's express permission. Thanks, John D!

If you are looking for erotic stimulation, please look elsewhere because you won't find that here. Aside from some coarse language and violence, this story could almost be rated "G." But if Chip's "Danny" series is one you have enjoyed, you may find this story entertaining as well. My interest in Chip's "Danny" series has been mainly, "what are people thinking and feeling?" (Something Chip has preferred to leave to the reader's imagination.) This story delves into that question in just a little bit more detail. Of particular interest to me as well, is how some of these characters respond to situations and circumstance that could happen to anyone as well as how they react to extraordinary situations.

I've introduced my own characters in this story, among them, "Andy Jackson Partlowe," and, to some extent, this is HIS story... how he came to meet Billy, Danny and his friends and how he reacts to their phenomenal strength and abilities.

My thanks to the web master for his work in maintaining this site and for posting this story. I would like to express my special thanks to Chip Masterson and John D. for graciously sharing their characters with me and especially for their work and creativity in creating their stories. This story is dedicated in their honor.

Thanks a lot for sharing, Chip and John D...


Friday (the fourth)

It was just after two a.m. The day and early evening had dragged by... They'd taken advantage of the time to eat, rest and plan.

Sal would drive. Liam would be posted as lookout outside Schmidt's headquarters building. Cole, Danny, Hernandez, Alexi and Ivan would enter the building, break into the Admiral's office and search for hard evidence.

Sal drove his FBI van along the street abutting the fence line of the Pearl Harbor naval installation. He found a secluded spot and stopped. The men got out. Salas held onto Liam and Alexi held onto his brother Ivan as they leapt over the fence... All except for Sal who remained behind with the van. Then they made their way across the base to Admiral Schmidt's headquarters building, a two story white stucco, quasi Moorish monstrosity. The coast was clear. With Liam on his back, Cole leapt up to the window ledge outside Schmidt's corner office and easily pried open a window with his bare hands. Liam remained outside on the ledge and motioned for the others to join him. Alexi, with Ivan on his back, leapt from the ground up to the ledge and the two Russians moved into the Admiral's office. Then Hernandez and finally Danny leapt from the ground, through the open window.

The supermen surveyed the office through the gloom. Their range of color vision was much broader than ordinary men's. They scanned the room with their infa red sensitive eyes. Ivan went to the bulkhead and surveyed the texture with his finger tips. He found a seam and hissed. Alexi came to his brother's side. Ivan guided Alexi's fingertips to the seam. They conferred in low voices briefly and then Alexi stepped back away from the wall, pulling his brother with him.

"Yes, Ivan, this would appear to be what we are looking for..."

"Now we must find the latch, Alexi. We should find what we need inside"

After a minute or so of searching with his infa red vision, Alexi found what he was looking for... a cleverly concealed 'pressure point.' Alexi placed his right index finger on it and pushed gently. A part of the wall slid open, revealing a bank of side-loading suspended file drawers. Cole, Hernandez and Danny moved in front of the opening in the wall, joining Alexi and Ivan. The men each took one of the drawers and began rifling through the contents. After a short time, they began to find what they were looking for. They withdrew the incriminating files and Cole dropped them into a satchel he'd brought with him. Alexi heard a soft 'hissing' noise and perked up his ears. Danny, Cole and Hernandez heard it too.

"Gas! Alexi whispered. We must get Ivan out of here, now! But then, it was not Ivan, but the four supermen who dropped to the deck. Just before he lost consciousness, with his mind, Hernandez, 'called' out to his super friends, locked down in the brig across the base, advising them of their predicament. Ivan grabbed Cole's satchel and made a break for the window. He had just gained the ledge and stepped to the side, out of view, when the door to Schmidt's office burst open. Ivan motioned to Liam and both men leapt off the second floor ledge down to ground level, landing in an ornamental hedgerow which broke their fall. They rolled off the hedge, onto the ground and sprinted away...

In his cell, Salas 'heard' Hernandez 'cry' for help. He tried to respond but there was no answer from Hernandez. He 'signaled' the other detainees, Scott, Billy, Andy, Roy, Robbie, Nguyen and LeBlanc. "Guys! I just 'heard' from Hernandez. He called to me with his 'mind!' He, Danny, Cole and Alexi are in Schmidt's office and they're in trouble! We've gotta break outta here, NOW, and get over there! They need our help.

As quietly as they could, the supermen began dismantling the outside wall of their cells. Following Salas' example, each man used his index finger to pulverize the mortar between the cinder blocks. Then they pushed the cinder blocks out of the way and broke out of the building, landing on the volcanic cinder gravel outside. They all joined up on Salas' lead and leapt over the high cyclone fence, topped with razor wire, landing outside the brig perimeter. Then they vanished, reappearing not far from Schmidt's headquarters. Liam and Ivan collided with Billy and Scotty immediately after they reappeared. There was momentary confusion but they soon sorted it out. Ivan explained...

"There was some kind of gas. It has incapacitated our friends but, for some reason it had no effect on me. We have the evidence. But we must find a way to rescue our men..."

Salas started to lead the supermen to Schmidt's headquarters building, but Ivan and Liam called after them. Ivan spoke... "No! You cannot. That gas will get you too. We must be the ones to extract our friends. You can get us closer. But you must remain outside...

Salas said, "We'd better get this evidence off the base, now..."

Liam answered. "We have a friend, waiting outside the fence with a van. Send one of your men out with the satchel..."

Salas turned to Roy. "OK, son. You're elected."

Roy took the satchel from Ivan and vanished. He easily found Sal waiting by his van. Roy introduced himself. The two men boarded the van and Sal drove them away.

A detachment of Marines and naval base security petty officers had burst into the Schmidt's office, followed by Lieutenant Commander Kinkaid. Kinkaid switched on the lights. Cole, Alexi, Hernandez and Danny lay on the floor, unconscious.

Kinkaid smiled. "Ah, our 'little surprise' has worked! Don't worry, gentlemen, it's completely harmless to us. But to these mutants it's lethal, after awhile. We'll just let them lie there till they die. We can't remove them until then. Once they were clear of the nerve agent, if they weren't dead, they would recover very quickly, and then, rest assured, you men could never hold onto them... Another half hour should do the trick... So... let's just wait..."

Kinkaid saw the wide open access panel, exposing the open file cabinets. He stepped over and examined the contents.

"Some very sensitive classified material has been removed from these file drawers. There's no sign of any of those folders in this room. These men had accomplices. We must find them and kill them."

Kinkaid picked up the phone on Schmidt's desk and called the Marine Barracks. He spoke into the mouth piece. "They're here. Initiate 'plan alfa.'

In less than sixty seconds, several truckloads of heavily armed Marines were rolling. They drove to Schmidt's headquarters building, arriving in less than five minutes. They dismounted and most the contingent surrounded the building, establishing a security perimeter. The rest of the unit fanned out and began a search of the area between the HQ building and the outside fence.

Salas and his boys, accompanied by Liam and Ivan, approached the headquarters building. As they neared their objective, they came upon a wide expanse of open ground. They were about half way across, moving rapidly, but not at super speed, when the Marines roving the base in their search made contact with them. The Marines immediately opened fire as the supermen dodged the incoming rounds. Salas shoved Ivan to the ground diving over him, shielding the Russian with his body. Scotty did the same for Liam. Both supermen regained their feet, shifted the normals onto their backs and all the supermen began to take off at a dead run. But it was no go. Now they were surrounded. Billy and Andy made a desperate charge at the line. A young man leveled his weapon at Andy's abdomen prepared to shoot. But he didn't. He held his fire as Andy closed on him. Andy expected a 7.62 round to tear into his abdomen any second, but the shot never came. Andy stopped in front of the young Marine and a split second later, Billy drew up alongside. The boy threw his weapon aside and just stood there...

Andy asked, "Why didn't you shoot?"

The kid answered. "I know who you men are. I was at Lassiter's base. I just got transferred out here to Hawaii. They've told us you're a bunch of renegades. But now I know that's a lie. They lied to us a-goddamn-gain!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, "guys HOLD YOUR FIRE! ...CEASE FIRE!"

The other supermen had been desperately dodging the cross fire. Gradually, the shooting stopped. The lieutenant in charge of the detail trotted up to the young Marine. The kid spoke. "Sir, this is bullshit! Just like it was back where just I got transferred from. General Lassiter lied to us about these same guys. It was bullshit then and it's bullshit now. We're on the wrong fuckin' side... again... We gotta help these guys, sir..."

The kid explained everything... How General Lassiter had duped and bullied the young Marines in his command, even murdering those who refused to follow his orders. The whole debacle was widely known around the country, although the role of the supermen in the assault on Lassiter's base had been effectively suppressed. The young marine told his lieutenant how two young supermen had dug tunnels onto Lassiter's base, saving the lives of countless men in Webster's force, not to mention the lives of many of Lassiter's defenders who might've been lost had there been a bloody frontal assault.

"Sir, I probably owe these guys my life! And I won't shoot at them. You can do what you want to me, but that's were I stand."

The young lieutenant thought for a minute and said. "Yeah, everybody knows about that asshole Lassiter. And you were there. If and you say these guys are OK, that's good enough for me..."

The young lieutenant called to his men. "OK, guys, gather round..."

He explained the situation to his detachment and they all agreed to follow him.

The lieutenant spoke to Andy. "OK. We're with you guys. Tell us your situation and what we can do to help."

Ivan explained. "There are four other men, like these. They were overcome by some kind of gas in Admiral Schmidt's office. I was there. The gas did not affect me and I got away with some very important evidence that shows Admiral Schmidt was complicit in General Lassiter's plot to over throw your country's federal constitution and institute military rule by decree. That evidence is now on its way to a secure location for safe keeping. But my friends are in trouble. These men cannot help. They too would be susceptible to the gas. But you will not be. You can help us rescue those men."

The lieutenant recognized the foreign accent. He asked, "Hey, isn't this guy a Russian?"

Ivan answered. "Yes, young man, I am. And my brother is among the men now lying helpless in Admiral Schmidt's office. Some of these men were responsible for rescue of two submarines full of young sailors, some of them Russians and some of them Americans. My brother was out there, helping with the rescue. And he came back here to help these young men as they helped our submariners. And I came along to help my brother."

Salas spoke. "Lieutenant, we need to get back to the headquarters building right now and get our guys out. I have no idea whether or not we can make it in time or if that gas is even lethal. But if this man is right, there will be nothing my guys and I can do. Because, if it knocked our guys down, it'll do the same to these guys and me. But from what we know, it will have no effect on you or any of your men. You guys are our only hope..."

Salas still wore his cami uniform... the uniform of a United States Marine Corps major. It had never been taken from him by the guards in the brig. The lieutenant saluted, "Sir, my men and I are at your disposal. Lead the way..."

Salas did not return the salute. Instead, he held the young officer by his shoulders, looked into his eyes and said, "Thank you, son! Follow me!"

The lieutenant, his men, Liam, Ivan and the other super guys followed Salas as he approached Schmidt's headquarters. As they neared the building, the young lieutenant called out...

"Hold up!"

He spoke to Salas. "Major, we can't just waltz up to the head shed like we're on our way to a ball game or somethin'. That place is ringed with other Marines. They're our guys and they've been told the same thing we were.... that you guys are a bunch of renegades. We'll get into a fire fight with our own guys quicker than you can bat an eyelash if we don't do this just right. My guys'll 'escort' you up to the building... You'll be our 'prisoners.' We'll just walk you guys on into the building and then make our way on up to the Admiral's office. One of the Admiral's 'henchmen', a Lieutenant Command Kinkaid's bound to be in there. He's always around whenever the Admiral has any 'dirty work' he wants done. You and your guys'll 'hang' just outside in the passageway. My guys and I'll go on in, do the 'takedown' and pull your guys out."

Salas answered, "Kid, you and your guys pull this off, I promise you, you'll have a friend for life. And, let me tell you, my guys and I can be VERY good friends to have in a pinch."

"Sir, I don't doubt it! Now let's move out!"

The young lieutenant's formation surrounded Salas, his guys, Liam and Ivan and escorted them up to Schmidt's headquarters. They were met by the officer in charge of the guard detail that had surrounded the building. The lieutenant explained, "We've taken these men into custody. I'll wanna escort them up to the Admiral's office. Commander Kinkaid's up there, isn't he? I think he'll be VERY glad to see these gents."

The officer in charge grinned. "That he will. And I'd say you and your guys can look forward to at least thirty days of 'basket leave' for this. Congratulations!" ("Basket leave" is extra paid vacation time that doesn't get charged against a service member's thirty day's annual allotment.)

The lieutenant led his detail and his "prisoners" into the building. He took the stairs up to second deck and approached the Admiral's office suite. There were two Marines in full combat gear guarding the entrance. The lieutenant briefly explained that he and his men had 'captured' the "renegades" and that he'd be going into the Admiral's office to report in to Lieutenant Commander Kinkaid. The Lieutenant motioned to a couple of his men to standby outside with the two guards.

He explained. "I'll leave these prisoners out here with you men." Once the lieutenant and his men were inside the Admiral's office, his two men disarmed the two guards and took their places outside the door.

"The lieutenant led his men into the Admiral's suite and they made their way to Admiral Schmidt's corner office. They entered the room with their weapons drawn. "Lieutenant Commander Kinkaid, you and your men step aside. We're just gonna pull those guys lying on the deck outta here..."

Lieutenant Commander Kinkaid stepped in front of the young lieutenant, pulled out a pistol that he'd had stuffed into his belt at the small of his back, released the safety and lay the muzzle alongside the lieutenant's temple.

The young Marine who had refused to fire on Andy strode up and placed the muzzle of his assault rifle at Kinkaid's temple.

The lieutenant spoke to his man. "Back off, Marine. Now! This is between Lieutenant Commander Kinkaid and me. No need for you to get involved in this."

"Well, Sir, I don't see it that way..." The boy spoke to Kinkaid. "Commander, you see, it's like this. The second you pull your trigger on my lieutenant, I pull mine on you. Now, sir, what's it gonna be?"

Kinkaid smiled maliciously at the young Marine. "You won't get away with this you little shit."

"Oh well, sir, maybe not. They'll probably throw the book at me. But YOU'LL never get the satisfaction of seein' it, cuz, like I said, you shoot my lieutenant... I'll kill yah. Drop your weapon, sir... Do it NOW!"

Kinkaid dropped his weapon and the lieutenant and his Marines dragged Cole, Alexi, Hernandez and Danny out of the room into the passageway. They escorted Kinkaid and his men to a secure office with no outside windows, ripped the phones out of the wall and locked them inside.

Within minutes, the four stricken supermen began to revive.

The lieutenant said, "OK, we'll just 'escort' you guys on out of the building. We'll tell the perimeter guards we're taking you over to the brig. Once we're clear, you guys can beat feet on outta here."

Salas said, "Thanks, son. What's your name?"

"Sandage, Sir. Alan Sandage. And this man who spoke up for you is Private David Loraine."

Well, Alan, David. Thank you guys for goin' out on a limb for us. Thanks to ALL of you guys. You've just saved my four friends' lives! But now you and your guys are gonna hafta come along with us. YOUR lives are in danger now. At least until we get this mess straightened out. We're not gonna leave you and your men alone to your fate."

"Well, sir, thanks for the offer. But my guys and I can take care of ourselves."

"Mebbe so, Alan, but, all the same, you're my responsibility now. And, that being the case, I'm not gonna take any chances with any of you. You and your guys are coming with us."

Lieutenant Sandage led the party out of the building and moved them off toward the brig. Once they were out of sight of Schmidt's headquarters, they altered course for the fence. There were a dozen men in Sandage's detail, including Sandage, along with Liam, Ivan and the eleven supermen.

The supermen each took a 'normal' and leapt over the fence. Sandage, Loraine and another young marine remained inside the fence. Salas, Cole and Alexi hopped back over the fence and got them.

Liam said, "OK, guys, we'll make our way to the safe house. Salas said, "Cole, Billy and I will carry two men. The rest of you super guys grab a man and we'll just 'disappear.'"

They arrived at the safe house. Sal and Roy were waiting for them. They had sifted through the material and it was damning. Sal explained to Salas. "This oughta get Schmidt hauled up on charges." Once that happens, I'd expect your legal problems to fall through the cracks. This place'll be in an uproar.

Sal, Liam, Ivan, Salas and Alexi boarded the FBI van. Sal had arranged to meet with a Federal District Judge in his chambers in downtown Honolulu. He would issue the warrant. By the time they were done, federal marshals had been dispatched to take Admiral Schmidt into custody. The case would be remanded back to the navy for court marital, but this would take Admiral Schmidt out of circulation immediately.

At daybreak, a bevy of US marshals arrived at Admiral Schmidt's quarters and placed him under arrest. A warrant had also been issued for Lieutenant Commander Kinkaid's arrest, for attempted murder, but he had broken out of the office he'd been locked up in and was still at large.

Cole called Admiral Tucker on his nationwide cell and filled him in on the situation. "Now, sir, we just need to get all these charges dropped."

The Admiral called deputy CINCPAC, a former Naval Academy classmate, and read him in on the situation. The new acting Commander in Chief Pacific immediately ordered all charges dropped on grounds that they were spurious and founded upon a personal grudge. The supermen were free to go.

Salas huddled with Lieutenant Sandage, Private Loraine and the other Marines. "You guys saved my friends' lives and put your asses on the line to do it... My guys and I will never forget it. If any of you ever need any help from us, you call on me..."

Lieutenant Sandage replied for his men. "Will do, Major."

Salas thanked Sal for his help... profusely.

"My pleasure, Major. I may need a favor from you someday."

"Call me anytime, Sal... anytime."

Salas and his guys boarded a navy C-9, along with Alexi, Ivan and Liam.

They landed at El Toro at around nineteen hundred, pacific time. Salas thanked Liam as enthusiastically as he had Sal and Lieutenant Sandage. "Well, mebbe you might be able to give me a hand one day too."

Salas smiled. "I sure will, Liam. Anytime you need it. Just make sure you don't call the same time as Sal. Even I can't be in two places at the same time."

Ivan, Alexi and the super guys were all driven in a Marine Corps van from El Toro to their base. Everyone gathered in the conference room.

"Well, guys, it's been a rough couple of days. But thank God it all worked out OK. Alexi, Ivan, I can't thank you both enough for your help..."

Alexi replied. "Salas, we have come away with some very important information which bears further investigation. Now your navy has a weapon, harmless to most men but lethal to men like us. We must find out more about this weapon. And we must discover an antidote if we can. And we should do all we can to keep knowledge of this weapon, this gas, from anyone who would use it against us."

Roy said, "Well, Captain Milkuyin..."

"No, Roy, call me Alexi."

Roy laughed. "Oh Gawd! ...another fuckin' 'Democrat!' ... OK, uh, 'Alexi...' Well, the genie's outta the bottle now. We don't stand much chance of keepin' a lid on all this. Too many people already know about it. I think an antidote's the only answer. And we'll hafta carry it with us where ever we go."

Andy interjected, "Well, if you DO come up with an antidote, I'd never use it."

Billy asked, "Andy! Why not?"

"Because they'll never stop, Billy. They'll just keep on till they find another chemical compound that can take us out. But how do we know that, next time, they won't come up with something that'll just kill everyone? and normal guys too. There's men out there who'd be perfectly willing to annihilate a whole city just to get us. I'd rather it just be me..."

All the supermen looked at each other. Alexi spoke. "Andy is right. They'd never give up and, eventually, they would find another chemical agent to bring us down. And, as likely as not, as Andy has said, they would find something that would simply kill everyone. And, as we all know, there are men in this world who would not hesitate to murder thousands, maybe even millions to kill us. Perhaps we should seek an antidote, perhaps not. Our best course for now is to try to make sure as few people as possible know about the gas that Admiral Schmidt and Lieutenant Commander Kinkaid used on us. Meanwhile, we must find out as much as we can about this gas."

Roy said, "I'll get right on that, Alexi..."

Salas answered, "Well, Roy, get some of these other guys to help."

Alexi added, "Ivan will also be of some use to us in this. And perhaps Liam and Sal can help as well."

Danny piped up, "Well, once they got us outta there, we came to fairly quickly. Just getting away from that stuff seems to be antidote enough..."

Roy said, "Yeah, as long as we can get away in time..."

Danny answered "Or, mebbe we can just hold our breath. We can do that for a long time. If we can keep from breathing that stuff, it might not hurt us at all."

Alexi countered, "We don't know that. It might seep through the pores..."

Danny asked, "Well, if that's how it works, why did the effects start to wear off once they got us outta the Admiral's office?"

Alexi answered, "It could be anything, Danny. Maybe sustained exposure is required for the gas to maintain its effectiveness. We already know this gas affects us very differently from the way chemical agents do normal men. We must obtain a sample of this gas. There is too much we do not know about it."

Everyone agreed.

Salas asked Alexi, "Can you and Ivan stay with us awhile? It'd be nice just to kick back and relax with you for a couple of days, if you could make the time."

Alexi smiled. "Well, since I was a little boy, I have always wanted to visit Disneyland. I never dreamed I might actually have the opportunity. It is not far from here... yes?"

Danny grinned. "Not far at all. Mebbe we could all get together and do that Sunday after church. And, Alexi, Ivan, maybe you'd like to come to church with us."

Alexi gave Danny a surprised look. "Well, perhaps I shall! As a youth, I was in 'Komsomol' ('Young Communist League'). I have never entered a church in my life. It would be a new experience for me."

Ivan said, "Well, my brother, it seems you will have an interesting weekend. Would that I could join you. But I must return to Washington... Pressing duties at the embassy, sad to say. If someone could take me out to the airport... I will try to get a flight back to Washington tonight if I can."

Salas said, "I'll drive you out to LAX if you can book a flight. But let's call first and make sure you can outta here tonight. I don't want you spending all night at the airport..."

"I would find a motel room nearby if not..."

Salas countered, "Ivan, you'll do nothing of the kind! You'll say at my place... You and Alexi both. Right Scotty?"

Scotty grinned.

Salas went on, "This is ridiculous, Ivan. You're NOT goin' back to DC tonight. At least stay over until tomorrow. We'll all go out and get us a nice seafood dinner and just kick back and relax."

Danny said, "Well, Salas, I really think I better get on home. Mom's probably worried sick about me. I think I oughta have supper with mom and dad..."

"Your probably right, son. I'll drive you home right now, Danny. But why don't you give them a call first and let `em know we're on our way?"

Ivan and Alexi accepted Salas' invitation to remain over night. Ivan would catch a flight out of LAX in the morning. Alexi would fly to DC to rejoin his brother Sunday evening and remain with him for a day or so, then rejoin his men at their base in Yekaterinburg, flying there from Dulles, via Moscow.

Billy and Andy begged off for supper, too. They were very anxious to get home to see the moms. But they would see everyone at the base in the morning... and they would spend Sunday with the guys, going with them to church and to Disneyland afterward... every one, that is, except Ivan who would be leaving early in the morning. They went up to Ivan. Billy spoke for the two boys.

"Thanks, Ivan. Thank you so much for helping us."

Ivan smiled. "I am sure our paths will cross again and I am very much looking forward to it. I only hope that, next time, it will be under happier circumstances."

Salas dropped Danny off at his parents...

As Danny went inside, he called out, "Mom, dad, I'm home."

Mrs. Henderson tried to contain herself but she failed miserably. She wrapped her son in a desperate embrace, lay her head on his strong, broad shoulder and wept with joy and relief. Danny held her in his powerful arms. "It's OK, mom... It's OK..."

Mrs. Henderson collected herself after a few minutes. "Oh I'm sorry to go on like this, Danny."

"It's all right, mom." Danny hugged his mother again, comforting her and drawing comfort from her in return.

"I'm OK, now, Danny. Go and see your father. He's in the study."

Danny knocked on the door jam. The door was open. Mr. Henderson looked up from his computer screen. "Come in son. Welcome home." He stood up and offered his hand to his son, but Danny brushed past the proffered hand shake and wrapped his arms around his dad, holding him as tightly as he dared. Oh, God, dad, you have no idea how good if feels to BE home..."

"It was bad, Danny, wasn't it."

Danny looked his dad in the eye. "Yes, dad. It was... I just thank God it's over now and we're all OK."

"Would you like to talk about it, son?"

"Yeah, dad, I would. I really NEED to talk about it... to YOU... I need it really bad."

"Sit down son. And take your time... Just take your time."

Danny related everything, from the submarine rescue, through the horrible day when his friends had been hauled off to the brig and then flown out to Hawaii to stand charges. How he'd been 'downed' by the poison gas in Schmidt's office. He unburdened himself to his father... As amazing as Danny's account was, Mr. Henderson marveled even more at the boy's desperate NEED to share it with HIM! Danny was allowing himself an emotional dependence on his father that Mr. Henderson hadn't seen since his son was a little boy.

"Thanks for listening, dad... I appreciate your just letting me get all this out."

Mr. Henderson smiled at his son. "Well, Danny, no need to thank me. That IS what fathers DO, after all."

"I know, dad. And I've been such a fool all these years. I never admitted to myself how badly I need you and mom. I thought I was so different from other kids my age, so much stronger. Now, come to find out, I'm no stronger than anybody else..."

"Well, son, in some ways you are. But you're still human. You can't expect to be all that different from the rest of us in most ways..."

"Well, dad, now I KNOW how much I need you and mom. Guess I owe that to Scotty and Salas. I've needed them, too. And I've learned that it's OK to depend on your family and friends... It's OK..."

"Welcome home, son. Why don't we join your mom and let's have supper."

After supper, Danny followed his dad back into his study. "Dad, if you're really busy, I'll bug off..."

"Oh no son, have a seat. Nothing here I have going on that can't wait. What's on your mind?"

"Well, dad, I was wondering... You've never said much to me about your time at NASA and your shuttle mission..."

Mr. Henderson smiled. "Well, Danny, you never asked me before."

Danny looked at his dad. "Well, I'm asking now. I wanna hear all about it..."

Mr. Henderson couldn't believe this change in Danny. Chills ran down his spine and a warm glow began to build in his heart. As Mr. Henderson told his son about his shuttle mission, Danny listened with rapt attention. Mr. Henderson could see the look of admiration and pride on his son's face. He talked about his exploits as a combat pilot in Vietnam. He talked about his childhood, things dads talk about with their sons but which he'd never shared with this young super boy. And then Mr. Henderson asked his son to tell him more about his exploits with Salas and the guys.... and Danny told him everything. Father and son had arrived at a new level in their relationship.

Billy and Andy arrived at home. They knocked on both front doors and Mrs. Hartlander and Mrs. Partlowe answered almost simultaneously. It quickly became one big 'group hug.' They went into Mrs. Hartlander's unit. She made them all sloppy joes which the boys ate greedily. It was just so good to be home. They told the moms the whole story... The submarine rescue. The arrests. The charges. All of it. They needed their moms' support as bad as Danny had needed his dad's.

Around midnight, the boys kissed the mom's goodnight and they 'adjourned' to the pool house.

Saturday (the fourth)

Billy closed the front door behind them. And now, lil bro. I've finally got you where I want you. Billy wrapped his love in his powerful embrace. "Oh God, lil bro. It feels so good just to hold you like this again. Seems like it's been a hundred years, at least!"

"Mmmm... Yeah, bro... At least... They stripped and went to bed. The did not make love this night. The just snuggled in the warmth and safety and comfort of each other's embrace. They dropped off to sleep.

Salas drove Alexi, Ivan, Scotty and Cole down to Newport Beach to a seafood restaurant and they ate and talked. The Americans and Russians cemented their friendship amid good food and good company. Alexi was especially taken with Scotty. Scotty told Alexi frankly about his unhappy childhood and spoke proudly of how Salas had taken him in and informally 'adopted' him as a 'son.' "Alexi, I don't know where I'd be without this man..."

Alexi said, "Well, I know it was hard on my parents, raising a super boy. I'm sorry it worked out that way between you and your parents but I am not all that surprised."

"But, Alexi, until only two weeks ago, I was normal. I wasn't born like this. It's true... when my father found out I'd turned out like this, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. But it would've been only a matter of time, even if this had never happened to me."

Alexi nearly fell out of his chair. "Impossible! There is no way! You could not POSSIBLY have been born as a 'normal!'"

Salas said, "It's true, Alexi. I've known Scotty for about a year now. I met him and Danny at the same time. The only ones among us who were BORN this way were Cole, Danny and me... and, oh yes, Billy. But even Billy didn't begin to realize his enormous potential until about a month or so ago. He was always very strong, even as a child, but even though he had all the makings of a superman, he's lived most of his life as, essentially, just a very strong 'normal.'"

"Do you mean to tell me, Salas, that every one of those other boys was born... NORMAL? Even Nguyen and LeBlanc??? ...who rescued our submariners???"

Salas smiled. "They are our newest 'converts.' ...them and Hernandez and Roy and Robbie."

"But how, Salas? How???"

Salas said. "Lets take this to my place, Alexi. Scotty and I will explain everything. Alexi, you may be taking a new capability back to Russia with you. You WILL if you can arrange to extend your stay with us for a few days. I guarantee it. I'll hafta run this by the other guys in the morning, to make sure they're OK with it. But I know what their answer will be."

Salas pulled into the driveway and the guys went into the house. Salas gave Ivan his bedroom for the night and Scotty insisted that Alexi sleep in his bed. Salas took the sofa and Scotty took a bedroll from Salas garage. He would sleep on the living room floor in that. Salas tried to get Scotty to take the sofa, but Scotty laughed. "Naw, 'dad.' 'Old guys' like you need their beauty sleep. You take the sofa and I'll take the bedroll on the floor."

The men gathered in Salas' living room. Salas and Scotty went into the kitchen and brought out two cans of Bud apiece, one for themselves and one each for Ivan and Alexi...

"Alexi, Ivan. There is another capability we have. Andy was the first. I told you he was born 'normal,' but that's not entirely accurate. When he came to us, he had none of the super strength, agility, speed or senses we all have now. But he had his own 'ability' which is, arguably, as amazing as anything Cole, Danny, Billy or I were born with..."

Alexi's eyes were riveted on Salas'. He smiled. "Salas, I KNOW this is will be VERY interesting!"

Scotty interrupted. "Salas, maybe you outta demonstrate..."

Salas grinned. "Only if we want Alexi and Ivan to completely freak... Naw, son, I'd better tell `em first..."

Salas exhaled. "Where to begin? ...Well, I guess the best place is... at the beginning. It's kind of a long story and it started last month... With Andy and Danny..."

Salas showed Alexi and Ivan the tapes from the mall. They were appalled at Danny's mayhem, amazed at Andy's courage and coolness, but even more so that Andy was clearly NORMAL at the time. ...And Danny's last second 'save' of Andy before he could kill himself with his Glock...

Alexi shook his head. Andy was very brave! And we can see he was quite normal then. But at the end of it all, young Danny was transformed before our very eyes. After everything he had done, he went all out to save Andy's life. I don't know if I had been there whether I could've managed to do that!"

Salas sighed. "Danny said later that it took everything he had!"

Alexi marveled, "Well, neither of those boys is like they were that day. Andy is a super boy now. And Danny is... well... he's different from what we just saw in those tapes, except at the very last. What a transformation! ... More amazing than Andy's, really."

"Alexi, you SAW the moment of Danny's transformation on that TV screen just now. Danny told Andy, with me in the room, that the moment Andy placed the muzzle of that pistol in his mouth, he saw himself through Andy's eyes. And it terrified him as much as it had Andy... Danny is growing and maturing into a very strong, sensitive young man. But what you've just seen is where all that started. Before then, Danny was a very confused, tormented and angry kid..."

Ivan spoke. "Well, thank God Danny beat Andy in the scramble for that pistol!"

Salas sighed. "Yes!"

Salas went on. "I spent some time with Andy in his hospital room after that. The boy was hospitalized immediately following the incident at the mall. When he woke up, I told him about Danny and how Scott, Cole and I had been working with him for nearly a year, trying to help him master and control his strength, and his passions. Well, Andy freaked... he pasted me pretty good. He split open my face and lip... and he threw up against the wall! He was furious that I'd kept everything about Danny a secret. He said the public should've been warned."

Alex asked, "But he was normal then... How could he do that?"

"Adrenaline can be a very strange thing, Alexi. You hear about it from time to time... how mothers lift full sized autos off their children, pinned underneath. This was something like that. But Andy shattered his hands and wrists in the process! And he had a coronary! No serious damage to his heart, thank God... But he was in surgery for his hands and wrists for over six hours... He was released from the hospital the next day and Scotty and I took him home. Scotty stayed with Andy while he recovered. That's how they became friends. And Danny went over and helped Andy a few times, too. And THEY became friends. As you can see, Danny and Andy are very close now."

Alexi nodded. "Yes, I saw that..."

"Well, then Billy came into the picture. He and Andy had met in middle school as kids and went all the way through high school together. Billy had gone off to the Naval Academy. He completed his second year there last spring. He's just transferred to Cal Tech and will complete his education there..."

"Oh? Why did he leave the Naval Academy?"

"I'll get to that... Andy told Scotty about Billy... How very strong he was. Not as strong as Danny, or Cole or me, but still, very strong. Andy arranged a meeting between Billy and us. We have a place away from the base where we meet sometimes. That's where Andy brought Billy to meet us... We had Danny demonstrate some things for Billy. We weren't sure what Billy's capabilities were at first. But we soon found out. Billy had not even BEGUN to realize his phenomenal potential... It didn't happen for him the way it had for Cole or Danny or me. Billy had always known he was very strong, but he hadn't even scratched the surface of his latent abilities. I guess everyone with this is different. It all came to me very naturally, but Billy needed to be shown and led into it. But his muscles and his strength grew, practically before our very eyes. His strength had increased more than tenfold by the end of the very first day..."

"And finally, Alexi... well, I told you all of that so I can tell you this..."

"I had Danny lift my car over his head and do military presses with it. He did, for one hundred ten reps, before I had him set the car back down on the deck. Well, Billy had done ten presses with my car just before that. This was all he thought he could do. I cajoled him and demanded he go for one hundred ten, just like Danny. At first he just flat refused... said 'there's no way.' But he finally did it... all one hundred and ten reps. He'd had no idea he was capable of that. He was so overcome with emotion at his feat that he cried like a baby afterward. That seems to have been a common thread among our guys once they become like us. As many as not have had a strong emotional response after their first real demonstration of super strength. That lift of Billy's was an emotional moment for all of us, I guess..."

Alexi nodded. "I can imagine!"

"Well, but here's where it got interesting. About half way through the set, Billy asked Andy to 'talk to him.' Andy began to rattle off a line of encouragement, just talking Billy through his lift. It really seemed to help Billy get through it. It helped a lot more than it seemed like it oughta. This went on all day... Billy would lift and as he did, he INSISTED that Andy talk him through his lifts... Well, finally I asked Billy about it and that's when he told me.... He told me that Andy spoke to him, not only with his voice, but also with his mind..."

Alexi looked puzzled. "I don't understand..."

"Well, Alexi, you will. Billy explained that Andy had somehow entered his mind... that he established a mental 'link' between them. Andy and Billy could communicate telepathically. Andy had never, to that day, admitted to Billy that it was going on, even though both he and Billy knew very well that it was. Andy damn near freaked when Billy 'confronted' him about it in front of the rest of us. But Andy owned up to it... very reluctantly. At first, he refused to acknowledge it was anything important. But it was important. So important to Billy that he said he needed to stay close to Andy to help him as he developed his strength and other abilities. Not only that, but also because Andy was such an important part of Billy's life that he couldn't bear the separation from him any longer. So that's why Billy dropped out of the Naval Academy."

"Alexi, Andy's gift was as formidable as anything any of the rest of us had. At that time, not withstanding his 'normal' physical strength... well, I say 'normal.' Andy was no superman at the time, but his strength was anything but normal. He was phenomenally strong for such a little guy, even before he became a superman, physically. But, Alexi, Andy's 'mental gift' made him, undeniably, the strongest among us. Not only could he 'link' all of is in a kind of mental 'communication network,' he could've overpowered any one of us with the power of his mind. He never tried that with any of us. But he had General Lassiter writhing on the deck in agony when we went over to his office one afternoon after he tried pullin' some nasty shit on us over at our shop. Sure scared the hell outta ME. Made me positive as hell that all I ever wanted to be was on Andy's good side..."

Alexi asked, "So, now he has the super strength, too. How did that happen?"

"Well, yes, Alexi, now he has the super strength. But before he got that, he got some of our other characteristics... like how our injuries... what few of them guys like us get... heal really fast.."

Alexi nodded.

"Well, he was badly wounded at Lassiter's base the night of our assault. We were scared shitless we were gonna loose him. But by the next afternoon, he was completely healed. And he'd gotten very strong. ...almost like the miraculous 'healing' had triggered something in Andy...

But Scotty also had a strange experience that same night. He had acquired our super speed. And also he had gotten the same mind linking ability that Andy has! And Scotty used his new ability right away. The next night he went over to the base hospital at El Toro mainside. He moved among the wards, using his mental gift to take away the pain and anguish from the wounded and dying and into himself..."

Salas choked... He reached over to Scotty, placing his arm over the boy's shoulders. Momentarily, Salas' memory of Scotty's mission of mercy at the base hospital that night had 'ambushed' his emotions... He looked up at the Russian superman. "I'm sorry, Alex... I'll be OK in a minute." Scotty held onto Salas and lay his head on the man's shoulder... Scotty was more like Billy now, wearing his heart on his sleeve. After a lifetime of being compelled to hide his feelings, now Scotty reveled in his new found freedom to display them without fear of being despised.

"Oh God, Alexi, I love this boy with all my heart and soul. He's the son I never had..."

Alexi looked at Scotty. "You are a very compassionate young man. And very brave. That cannot have been easy for you."

"Easier than leaving those kids to endure their pain all alone... I couldn't stand by and allow that, Alexi... I just couldn't!"

"That is essentially what your young Marine... Sergeant Nguyen said to me... I told him I knew how hard it must've been to enter our submarine to rescue our sailors against orders. He told me it was easier to do that than it would've been to obey his orders and let our men die..."

"...Salas, I know you are very proud of all these young men. They are so courageous and selfless and good."

"Alexi, I am the luckiest man alive to be with these guys. I pinch myself every day because I'm so afraid I'll wake up and all this will turn out to be nothing but a dream."

Alexi smiled. "I understand. I find myself doing that same thing sometimes because of the young men I lead back home. To a man, they are strong but tender hearted. They cannot abide human suffering and they've pledged their lives to combat it, wherever they find it... So different from so many of my countrymen who are, sadly, so indifferent and resigned to suffering, even their own."

"Well, Alexi, to get to the nub of the matter, we began to suspect that the 'mind link' had something to do with transfer of these 'traits' we have to normal guys. We weren't sure at first. But then Roy and Robbie and Hernandez, Nguyen and LeBlanc came along. I had Andy and Scotty set up a sustained 'link' among all of us and, within a couple of days, every one of those guys was as strong as any of us. And, finally, even I began to get stronger. I've always been very strong and so has Cole. But until the last few days, Danny was stronger than either of us. A LOT stronger, even though he's only thirteen. But now Cole and I have become as strong as Danny is... Actually, right now, Cole and I are both stronger than Danny is. But that's because we're both older and bigger... well, at least for now... until Danny grows up... And now we all have the same mental linking ability that, at first, only Andy had."

"Well, Salas, Scotty mentioned something about a 'demonstration.' Could you do that for Ivan and me right now?"

Salas slipped into Alexi's mind. He 'thought' to Alexi... "Can you 'hear' me in your mind?"

Alexi registered a look of complete shock. Salas had explained this to him but NOTHING could've prepare Alexi for the experience first hand. He sat bolt upright and concentrated intensely with his mind... "Yes, Salas. I hear you. And I can 'feel' you. I can feel everything you're feeling and I can 'see' through your eyes as well as my own. I'm looking back at myself through your eyes! ... And, yet, at the same time, I am looking at YOU through MY eyes! This is incredible!"

Salas smiled. "Scotty, why don't YOU do the 'honors' with Ivan?"

Scotty slipped into Ivan's mind. "Hi, Ivan! It's me, Scotty... Can YOU 'hear' ME?'

Ivan was as stunned as his brother had been! "Yes, I can 'hear' you in my mind. And, like Alexi, I can see through your eyes and sense what you are feeling, even as I can see through my own eyes and sense with my own body, all at the same time!"

Salas said, "There's more, Alexi... Now, Scotty, you link us all up."

Scotty did.

"OK, Alexi. Now try communicating with Ivan. And don't try so hard. You really don't hafta concentrate so hard to make this happen. Just relax and 'think' to Ivan. It's easy."

"Ivan, can you hear me."

Ivan replied, "Yes, Alexi, I can 'hear' you and feel you and see myself through your eyes. Can you 'hear' me?"

"Yes, I 'hear' you perfectly. And I can tell it is you, Ivan... not Salas or Scotty!"

With his normal voice, Ivan asked. "But now won't this cause me to become like you men?"

Salas answered, "Not at first. One time won't do much, if anything at all. But, eventually, yes. At least that's how it's worked so far."

"Well, perhaps it would be best if we discontinued this 'experiment' for now. I don't imagine your government would want you to give such capability as this to a Russian Federal Security Service Officer."

With his voice, Salas answered, "Well, our abilities are NOT 'US government property.' And, if Alexi agrees, and if my guys agree, as I know they will, I have every intention of giving everything we have to him. Why wouldn't I do the same for you as well?"

Ivan answered. "I think for now, we should wait. I know it would be a wonderful gift, but let us defer on that decision for now. I think one strong man in the Milkuyin family may be enough."

Salas and Scotty broke their mind links with Ivan and Alexi.

Salas asked. "Well, what about you, Alexi?"

"Salas, if you shared this mental ability with my men and me, it would be a most wonderful gift. One that we would have some difficulty repaying. We have no such gifts to offer in return. You already have the strength and other physical abilities. In fact, it is possible you are stronger than me and my men..."

"Well, Alexi, whoever is the strongest... The genetics associated with the strongest among all of us would be the governing factor. So, if you are stronger, before long, we would come up to your level. If WE are stronger, it would work the other way around. The mind link should eventually assure genetic parity. We still don't understand HOW or WHY it works that way... All we know now is that it DOES."

"Salas, we must find a way to get all of our men together! And we shouldn't wait until next summer. I don't know how we can resolve the time conflict with university studies of some of your men. But there must be an answer if we search for it hard enough."

"Well, I'll talk to our guys tomorrow morning. Maybe we can work something out for the Thanksgiving break. Perhaps you and your men could come back here. Better you should come here than that we should go to Russia. I know most of our guys, at least the locals, are gonna wanna spend Thanksgiving day with their families. Thanksgiving is a big family occasion for us."

Salas looked at Scotty. "And now, finally, after all these years, I got 'family' to celebrate with... Scotty, would you be OK with it if Alexi and Ivan spend this Thanksgiving with us?"

Scotty smiled. "Alexi, I sure do hope you and Ivan will come. This'll be the first real 'family' Thanksgiving Salas or I either one have had in years! We'd love it if you'd share it with us."

Alexi grinned. "I will be honored."

He added. "And I will bring my taller, skinny older brother along, even if I am obliged to drag him here against his will, kicking and screaming.

Ivan laughed. "There will be no need of that, Alexi Iurevich! I will come out here of my own accord!"

The four men continued to talk well into the night. Finally, they went to bed. Salas and Scotty had finally persuaded Ivan to remain with them through the weekend. He and Alexi would not leave for Washington until Monday morning.

Next morning, Salas arrived at the base with Scotty, Alexi, Ivan and Danny. Roy was in his usual place in the OOD office off the foyer of the admin building...

"Mornin' Salas..."

Salas grinned, "Yeah, Roy, I know... Coffee's on... message traffic is processed and the guys are waiting in the conference room."

"Yeah, Salas. Right on."

Salas turned to Alexi. "This kid spoils me so bad. He the one who really runs this place. All the hell I am is some kinda 'figurehead.'"

Roy laughed. "Serves yah right, yah fuckin' 'Democrat.'"

Alexi smiled. "And you, Roy... Does this mean you are Republican?"

Roy narrowed his eyes at Alexi but he was smiling broadly, "Yah mean you gotta ask? ...yah fuckin' Communist."

Ivan and Alexi laughed heartily. Ivan countered, "Communists! When we became men, we put away such childish things."

Roy replied, "Touché'! First Corinthians thirteen eleven! A fuckin' Communist who knows his Bible!"

Salas grinned. "Don't mind Roy, you two. Everyone who disagrees with him is either a 'fuckin' Democrat' or, worse, a 'fuckin' Communist.'"

Roy had the last word. "Fuckin' A!"

Salas chuckled, "OK, lets join the rest of the guys in the conference room."

Roy, Ivan and Alexi, Scotty and Danny each took a seat at the conference table. Salas remained on his feet. "Guys, today is gonna be a short one... "Oh, wait! Billy, Andy, could you join me outside in the passageway for just a minute?"

Salas, Billy and Andy followed Salas out of the conference room. Billy asked, "What's up, Salas?"

"Well, guys, Ivan and Alexi have agreed to stay over through the weekend. Would it be OK if they came along tonight.?"

Billy and Andy grinned. Billy answered for both of them. "You bet, Salas! That'd be awesome!"

"OK, guys, that's all I had. I'll let you make the invite."

They went back into the conference room. Billy spoke. "Alexi, Ivan... Andy and I are having a little get together this evening over at our moms' place. It'll be kinda different, but you'd be welcome if you'd like to come..."

Alexi, answered, "Well, of course we would love to come. But, different? so?"

"Well, Alexi, the thing is, Andy and I are kind of an 'item.' We're gonna do an exchange of vows tonight, and the guys are all gonna be our witnesses."

Alexi looked over at Roy and winked. "Even YOU, Roy? You will be there too?"

Roy winked back at Alexi, nodded and answered, "Fuckin' A, again!"

Alexi laughed. "Well, if our unrepentant young 'Fascist' friend will be attendance, how could we two 'Communists' possibly say 'no?' We will, of course, be honored."

All the guys laughed.

Salas said, "Guys, we're gonna make today a short one. We wanna give everybody a chance to get home and get ready for tonight. Especially Billy and Andy..."

Salas explained his desire to use a sustained 'mind link' with Alexi. This would impart their mental gifts to him and insure more or less genetic equality as to their relative strength. But he wanted the guys' OK... The 'ayes' had it by unanimous acclamation.

Andy established a 'standby' 'mind link' among all the supermen, including Alexi. They spent the day comparing notes and demonstrating feats of strength, speed and agility for one another. It soon became clear that, with his physical gifts, Alexi was about on par with Andy who was of similar size and stature. They broke up around fourteen hundred.

Just before they did, they gathered in the conference room. Salas said, "Guys, there's one more decision we gotta make. I'd like Ivan, Alexi and his men to join us here for the Thanksgiving holidays. We'd spend time with together, learning as much as we could from each other and training and learning to work with each other..." Again, the favorable vote among the guys was unanimous.

"... And maybe we could all get together on Thanksgiving day... All of us and the families." Everyone was all for it. Billy and Andy would sell the idea to their moms. Danny would do the same with Mr. and Mrs. Henderson.

Salas spoke. "Well guys, this has been quite a month! I don't think any of us will ever be the same! ... Since Andy set up our meeting with Billy over at the shop, we've all been on one helluva rocket ride. Guys, hold onto these memories. You'll cherish them for the rest of your lives, as will I... We'll continue on at a reduced schedule, starting Monday. You college boys, please do your best to schedule early morning classes. If you need my help, let me know. I'll work with Captain Meyers, the Professor of Naval Science of the NROTC unit over at Cal Tech, to help you get your schedules worked out. I'd like us to be able to meet out here each weekday around fourteen hundred. We'd secure around eighteen hundred. As fast as you guys can work, this shouldn't interfere with your studies at all..."

Salas dropped Danny off and then drove home with Scotty, Alexi and Ivan.

Danny went into the house. "Mom, I'm home."

Mrs. Henderson popped her head out of the kitchen. "OK, Danny. Your dad'll be home in a couple of hours... Have you decided what you're gonna wear tonight?"

"Yeah, mom. It'll just be some shorts a tee and some sneakers, I guess, since it'll be a pool party... And I'll take some swim trunks."

"Not that skimpy thing you wear out to the beach, I hope."

Danny laughed. "Naw, mom. I'll be good. I got something a little more conservative for tonight."

About two hours later, Mr. Henderson arrived home. Shortly after, he asked Danny to join him in his study.

"Danny, your mom and I will be arriving over there a little later on. You go on ahead. We'll join you later."

"Well, OK, dad. What's up?"

"Son, we want to be there for your friends. But not for this 'exchange of vows.' You know how your mom and I feel about that. We just don't think it's right for us to be there for that part of the evening. I'd like you to telephone us over here as soon as that's over with. Then we'll go on over there."

Danny sighed. He was disappointed. "Well, dad, I guess I'll hang back with you guys, too. I know that's what you'd really RATHER I do. So, I'll honor that, even though I don't agree."

"No, son. That isn't necessary. Please, Danny. It's OK. Fathers and sons disagree sometimes. It's OK for you to go on ahead."

"No, dad. For once, I'm gonna do what you and mom want... Not what I want. I know Billy and Andy will understand..."

Son, you've promised to obey me. I appreciate that. We both know I can't force you to do anything you don't want to do. All I can really do with you is ask and hope. I would never ask you to do anything I didn't believe was for your own good. You are not really grown up yet and it is my duty to guide you as best I can. And there will be times when I must tell you to do something or not do something that you may not like... and that's my right and my responsibility as your father. But, even though you're not fully grown up yet, young men your age begin to have their own ideas... different from their parents. And parents start to let go and let their sons begin to make at least some of their own decisions. And now that I finally have my son back, it is already time to start the process of 'letting go.' I know how strongly you feel about this with Billy and Andy... and how strongly you disagree with your mom and me.... And, I concede, there are some persuasive arguments in favor of your view, even though your mom and I go with the arguments on the other side..."

"... Son, I can't tell you how happy I am that you are willing to submit your own will to mine, even though I've given you my permission to be there for Billy and Andy's exchange of vows. But, Danny, I think in this, because this issue is a matter of 'interpretation,' there is enough latitude that I can in good conscience let you go on ahead..."

"Well, gee, Dad, thanks. But I think I'll just hang back all the same..."

Mr. Henderson answered gently, "Well, then, son. I withdraw my 'permission' for you to go. Now, as your father, I 'command' you to go and stand as a witness for your friends..."

With his super fast mind, Danny reviewed the long history of his 'slights' against his father's mastery of his own home... how many times he'd callously overpowered and usurped his father's prerogatives as man of the house. And now that he'd offered his submission to his father's will as the only restitution he could make at this point, his father was giving it back to him as a gift. Mr. Henderson had realized that merely giving his son 'permission' to be there for Billy's and Andy's exchange of vows was not enough. It HAD to be an order.

Danny embraced his father, lay his head on his shoulder and wept. "Oh, Dad, I am so sorry. All the things I've done that hurt you. I was so insensitive and cruel. Oh, God, I'm so sorry. I don't deserve a dad like you. I should've had a dad like Scotty's..."

Mr. Henderson hugged his son. "Danny, through it all, your mom and I never stopped loving you. We never stopped praying for you... And we never gave up on you... I think it was God. He brought these men into your life, and they have brought our son back to us. I love you, son. Oh God, your mom and I love you so much..."

"OK, dad, I'll go. And I'll call you when that part is over..."

"No, son. On second thought, I've decided we'll all go together. We'll be there with you for this 'ceremony.' You want to stand by your friends and, son, right now, I really NEED to stand by you..."

"Oh, God, dad... You're the best father any son could have. I love you..."

"I love you too, son... Now lets get dressed and get ready to go."

Andy and Billy arrived at home. They went into the still sparsely furnished pool house. Andy said to Billy. "I guess I better call Gloria and give her directions over here."

Andy called and Gloria answered right away. "Hi, Gloria. It's me, Andy. I just called to give you directions over here. Yer still comin' arent'cha?"

"Of course, Andy. I've been looking forward to it. It's at seven, right?"

"That's right, Gloria. And thanks fer comin'!"

"You bet, Andy. I'll see you and Billy there at seven."

Andy gave Gloria directions to the house and then they rung off.

Andy said, "Well, maybe she'll meet some of the guys this evening. She's such a super gal. The guys'll prolly be all over her. We may wind up havin' t'play chaperone or somethin'."

Billy laughed. Yeah, especially with 'Romeo Roy boy' around. He'll be 'rollin' in' on her fer sure! We'll hafta watch out fer that one."

Andy exclaimed, "Oh, no! I just remembered something, Billy! Do you know what TODAY is?"

"Well, aside from it bein' the day we're gettin 'hitched,' no..."

"It's Scotty's birthday!"

"Oh man! That's RIGHT. Shit! I completely forgot! Now we gotta get `im a cake."

"Naw, that 'groom's' cake just got appropriated. But we'll need to get candles for it..."

Billy laughed. "Uh oh... I guess those 'Ken' dolls'll just hafta give way to Scotty's birthday candles..."

Andy rolled his eyes. "We can only thank heaven fer small favors. But what else? We gotta get `im some kinda present. I'd wanna make it somethin' special. Somethin' from us that really MEANS somethin'..."

Billy thought for a moment. His eyes lit up... "Well, lil bro, how `bout ...?"

Andy nodded. "Oh yeah, bro! That's perfect!"

Danny and his parents left the house. He had his guitar with him and he carried another guitar case as well... his gift for Scotty's birthday.

The guests began arriving a little after seven p.m. Mrs. Hartlander and Mrs. Partlowe had gone all out decorating the patio for the occasion. They'd refused to allow the boys to help them, insisting they do it all on their own. There were helium filled balloons and streamers strung from the covered back porch. Outdoor furniture tables and chairs had been set around the patio for the guests. The barbq pit was stoked and they had a great assortment of food and drink for the guests.

The pool presented a bit of a quandary for the super boys. For normals, it would've been more than adequate, but for these guys, who could swim trans Pacific in a matter of hours, a backyard pool was something of a joke. But they made the best of it. There was a little bit of horseplay in the pool between Danny and Scotty in the beginning, until it became obvious that unless they 'cooled it,' they'd have all the water in the pool sloshed all over the other guests on the patio.

Gloria was last to arrive. Andy and Billy introduced her around, finally coming to Salas, Scotty, Ivan and Alexi. As soon as Gloria and Alexi clapped eyes on one another, the fireworks went off. They just stood there looking at each other for a moment. Finally, Alexi came to himself. "Oh, I am sorry, Gloria... I am very pleased to meet you... " It was obvious from the start that the two were smitten with each other. Gloria was a nurse. Between under grad and nursing school, she had spent a year in Russia as a missionary, sponsored by her church. She had spent most of that year in, of all places, Yekaterinburg! She knew the area very well, and she was quite fluent in the Russian language. She'd never heard of the military installation where Alexi and his men were stationed. But this was not unusual. The Russians, even in these times are not very loquacious about any of their military bases. And even the particulars of the AMERICAN supermen's base were kept hidden from the public.

Ivan elbowed Salas. "I think my brother is very taken with this young Miss Gloria!"

Salas smiled. "And I think she may be equally so with Alexi!"

Alexi and Gloria did their best to mingle with the other guests, but they just kept looking across the patio at each other and 'gravitating' back to one other. Alexi could not bear to take his eyes off this young American nurse.

He said to her. "So amazing that we were so close back home and, yet, I had to come all the way to southern California to meet you..."

Gloria smiled. "Ships passing in the night."

Alexi sidled up to Salas. "Perhaps you could get an extension on my visa. I should like to remain here for a few more days..."

Salas grinned. "Oh yeah, Alexi. I understand completely. I'll make that happen first thing Monday morning. How long?"

Alexi laughed. "Well, perfect would be for the rest of my life. But my duties would never permit that. Perhaps until the middle of next week. By then, I will have had the time to persuade Gloria to come to Russia for a visit."

Billy and Andy were delighted that their special moment had led to this. Andy mused, "What're the odds, bro., that these two would meet up like this?"

Mrs. Hartlander and Mrs. Partlowe came up to Billy and Andy. Mrs. Hartlander said, "Well, maybe we should get down to the business at hand. Then we can all sit down and eat."

Billy nodded. "Sure mom. Now's as good a time as any... Yah wanna call the 'meeting' to order?"

Mrs. Hartlander called out to everybody. "OK, you guys... You all know why we're here..."

She turned to Billy and Andy. Billy spoke for the two boys.

"You guys... Thank you all for coming. This is a special moment for Andy and me. And we sure appreciate having our friends and family here to stand by us as we take this important step together..."

He turned to Andy. "Well, lil bro, are you ready?"

Andy nodded. "I've BEEN ready for this..."

Billy started off... placing his left hand over Andy's heart and his right hand over his own, he said, "Andy Jackson Partlowe, I take you as my life partner, for better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health... I give you my heart... my mind... my soul and my body... all that I have and all that I am... I pledge to you and you alone I promise to love and cherish you without conditions. To protect and nurture you. To share your joys and your sorrows, your triumphs and your disappointments, your strengths and your weaknesses... and make them my own. You are my day and my night. You are the sun, the moon and the stars. Andy, you are my life... ... for as long as we both shall live. This I solemnly vow before these witnesses, our family and our friends."

Andy responded in kind...

They stood facing each other, They took each others' hands, stepped closer, embraced and kissed. Andy, normally the more reticent of the two with this kind of public display of affection showed no such inhibition this day. He didn't care if the whole world saw them like this. He was lost in the moment.

They broke their kiss. Billy murmured in Andy's ear. "I love you lil bro. I'll love you till the day I die. Thank you for making me the happiest man on earth."

"I love you too, Billy. I always did and I always will. Thank YOU for choosing ME to spend the rest of your life with."

Danny pulled his guitar out of the case and played a romantic melody. It was a very intricate piece, with complicated string patterns, but very moving. It was perfect for slow dancing. Billy and Andy moved together as one as their friends looked on...

Roy pulled out his guitar and Robbie set up his keyboard. They played several up to date dance melodies, but there were only two couples who took advantage, Billy and Andy.. and Alexi and Gloria. The rest of the group was content just to watch...

Finally, the group sat down to eat. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and Danny took a seat across the table from Billy and Andy...

Mr. Henderson spoke for himself and his wife. "Andy, Salas showed me the video tapes of you and Danny at the mall. Danny's mother and I saw everything..."

Andy was stunned. He had known how desperately Salas had fought to keep the news of that whole affair from Danny's parents. He could think of nothing to say.

Mr. Henderson continued. "We saw how terrified you were of Danny... for yourself and those other poor people at the mall. And yet, you didn't try to shoot my son. I thank you for that, Andy. Danny is our only child..."

Andy looked across the table at Danny's parents. "Did you see that Danny saved my life?"

"Yes, Andy, I did. After everything he did, at the very end, he finally came to himself and did something his mother and I can be proud of. I know your mother must be very proud of you. I know I sure am. Not only of your courage, Andy, but for your mercy on my boy. I think almost anyone else in your position would've tried to kill him..."

"Well, Mr. Henderson... 'tried' perhaps. But he was never in any danger. I would've missed. He can dodge a bullet, you know."

"Perhaps, Andy. We'll never know for sure, because you never made the attempt. And, yes, I did see what Danny did to save your life... after he'd put you in that awful position in the first place. I just thank God he managed to save you... that he was ABLE to do that... You see, Andy, that was the day you gave me my son back. That's when he finally started to 'come home' to his mother and me. We'd almost given up on Danny as a lost cause. And, after Danny was born, my wife and I couldn't have any more children. I just wanted you to know, Andy, that I know you were behind Danny's transformation. You cannot begin to know the joy you have brought to me and my house..."

"Mr. Henderson, I am so glad everything has happened the way it has. I certainly didn't realize it then, but it turned out to be the start of the best days of my life. I might not be here now, with Billy, if it weren't for Danny... Even my start with Danny was 'kinda rough,' he's been a blessing to Billy and me..." Andy turned to Danny. "We love you, bro., Billy and I both. And we always will..."

Danny lowered his eyes, then looked back up and smiled. "Andy, I love you and Billy too. Both of you..."

After supper, Danny spoke up... "Guys, we have another happy occasion to celebrate... It's Scotty's birthday today!"

Scotty grinned. "Aw, baby bro, I thought I was gonna get away without anybody knowin'."

Danny smiled back. "Fergit, that, big bro. Yer flat busted. An' now yer an ole man! ...not a teenager any more! Yer twenty! And I got a lil' something for yah, Scotty...."

Danny slipped into Scotty's mind and gave him all of his musical talent and skill. Scotty lit up with the realization of what Danny had done for him. His eyes misted over. "Aw, Danny! This is such a beautiful gift! Thanks so much. This is so wonderful!"

Danny handed Scotty the guitar case. "Go ahead, big bro, open it! ... And play somethin' for us!"

A little tentatively, Scotty open the case. The guitar was a beautiful work of art. "I made it myself!" Danny smiled proudly.

"Baby bro, this is beautiful. I don't know what to say..."

"Well, don't SAY anything, big bro... Play somethin'... and SING for us."

Scotty pulled the guitar out of the case... It was unfamiliar and yet familiar at the same time. As Danny's knowledge and skill 'unfolded' inside his mind, he strummed a few chords and then began to play. He played Danny's song from church, the one he and Andy had sung three weeks before, "Brothers on the Road."

Danny had never before heard anyone else sing his song for him. There was something especially poignant hearing his words come back to him in Scotty's voice. As Scotty launched into the chorus, Danny and Andy joined him. When they finished, Alexi spoke. "That was very beautiful, Scotty. I hope you will play some more for us."

And Scotty did, along with Roy, Robbie and Danny... and Andy sang along in his beautiful voice.

Andy and Billy went up to Scotty with their gift. Together, they had sketched a superb, almost photo realistic charcoal monochrome drawing. It was a picture, drawn from memory, of Scotty and Danny as they'd embraced on the tarmac out at the airfield after Scotty had dominated Cole's harrier. Andy and Billy had executed the sketch from their photographic memories of that day. The likenesses of Scotty and Danny were remarkable.

Scotty exclaimed, "Oh, guys! This is incredible! This is fantastic! This is... is... Oh man... This is the best birthday I ever had!"

Salas said, "It's not over yet, Scotty..." He pulled out his cell phone and punched in a phone number. "OK," was all Salas said into the phone. And then he rung off. A few minutes later, everyone heard a car horn. Somebody out front was pounding on a car horn, raising a racket...

Everyone went through the side gate to Mrs. Partlowe's driveway. There sat Cole in a beautifully restored 1970 marina blue Pontiac GTO! Scotty went weak at the knees. "Oh my God! It's my car! Some months before, in a little 'misunderstanding' between Danny and Scotty, with his bare hands, Danny had totaled this car. It had been Scotty's pride and joy. He'd worked evenings and weekends for over a year to save up the money to buy it. It had been lain up in a friend's garage all this time. Salas explained. Cole and I put `er back together for you, good as new and Danny helped us...

Scotty was overcome. "Oh Salas, Cole, Danny. I can't believe you guys. I dunno what to say..."

Cole cocked his head. "Don't say anything, Scotty. Just c'mon over here an' look her over!"

Scotty did. The car had been restored to factory mint condition... all except for the engine. It was brand new. Cole explained. "The block was shot. We hadda re-engine. I think you'll like this baby... Just watch that heavy foot! This thing'll move out like a scared jackrabbit! She'll outrun anything on four wheels in the whole county!"

"Aw, guys, thanks! This really has been my best birthday ever! Really, these gifts are awesome. But it's you GUYS that really made it for me... Oh God, I love you guys..."

The party broke up around eleven and everybody went home. Alexi rode home with Gloria in her car and kissed her goodnight at the front door. He asked her to join them for church in the morning and she agreed. Alexi smiled as he explained. "I have never been to church before. This was not the 'thing do' back home when I was growing up. Perhaps it WOULD be best if I had someone like you nearby. That way I can be sure lightening will not strike as I enter the church!"

Gloria smiled. "Well, you never know. Perhaps it might. But, in this case, Alexi, if it happens, it will be in a good and glorious way. I'm glad you've asked me to come along. I'll see you in the morning." Alexi kissed her and said, "Salas and I will be here to pick you up at a quarter of nine. Gloria gave Alexi a quick buss on the cheek and went inside her apartment. Alexi stood there for a few moments. He let out a happy sigh and then he vanished.

Alexi arrived at Salas' just as Salas drove up with Scotty and Ivan. They all went inside. Alexi said to Salas. I am going to church with Danny tomorrow morning. And Gloria has agreed to come along. Will you take us, Salas?

Salas grinned. "Oh, Alexi, I wouldn't miss it for the world! "That OK with you, Scotty... if we skip Mass this week and go with Alexi and Ivan to Danny's church?"

Scotty smiled. "Sure, Salas. I told Danny I'd come. This'll be great!"

The men sat up and visited for awhile and then went to bed, not that any of them except Ivan needed to. But at least it was an option and they took it.

As Salas lay on the sofa and Scotty curled up in his bedroll. Scotty said to Salas, "Thanks for the best birthday present of all!"

"Oh? What's that?"

"A home, Salas... And for bein' my dad!"

Salas answered. "I love you, son."

"I love you, too, dad."

Sunday (the fifth)

Danny arrived at church with Andy and Billy. They sat with Mr. and Mrs. Henderson. Shortly after, Salas arrived with Scotty, Alexi and Gloria and Ivan. Roy showed up a few minutes later, this time with Robbie. Even Hernandez, Nguyen and LeBlanc came along! Finally, Cole walked into the church and sat with the group.

Pastor Rick's message was on the Gospel of St. John, chapter one, verse forty... the story relating the account of St. Andrew's having brought his brother Simon, the man who became St. Peter the Apostle, to meet Jesus... He pointed to young Danny. "This young man has followed St. Andrew's example. He has brought more and more of his friends here... I do not know what has happened in Danny's life that has turned him into such a faithful witness in so short a time, but, whatever it was, I know that divine providence has been at work in his life. I know the hand of the Lord is upon him..."

There are no fancy words doctrines required to be a good witness, no deep theology... All you need are three words... "Come and see..."

That afternoon, all the guys, Mrs. Hartlander, Mrs. Partlowe, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, Ivan, Alexi and Gloria all piled into the cars and went to Disneyland in Anaheim...

Together, they strolled down "Main street USA." As they ventured deeper into the park, they approached the "Matterhorn" roller coaster. It was immediately apparent there was trouble. People were screaming and running in panic. The super guys looked at each other. Then they dashed off in the direction of the "Matterhorn." A section of track had collapsed. The roller coaster carriages were balanced precariously on a section of track that had broken free and fallen onto a cluster of cross members of the support structure. A large part of the ornamental covering had torn loose and fallen to the ground. Much of the interior of the enclosed roller coaster was now exposed to the open air. The passengers in the cars were screaming in terror. As the supermen drew alongside the structure, Salas called up to them in a loud, booming voice. "Don't anybody move! Everybody remain as still as you possibly can. We're coming up there to get you down!"

Salas, Cole, Scotty and Billy leapt from the ground onto the structure, landing on a surviving section of track. They looked down at the roller coaster carriages filled with people just below... It would be impossible to bring their strength to bear to raise the entire section of broken track back into position. They would be obliged to maneuver themselves onto the section of broken track, approach the carriages and take the passengers off in ones and two's. There were over seventy- five people in desperate need of rescue. Salas called down to the rest of the guys. OK fellahs, c'mon up. We're gonna hafta do this the hard way. The supermen who had remained on the ground hopped up onto the trestle, joining Salas, Cole, Scotty and Billy, high above the ground. Each of the men maneuvered along the support scaffolding, approaching the carriages, resting on the broken section of track. Danny was first to reach his objective, the lead carriage in the train. It had three rows of three seats, each seat occupied by a young child, nine of them in all. Gingerly Danny stepped onto the track and stood in front of the car. He faced the children, none of whom was older than ten or so. They were terrified but surprisingly calm. Danny spoke reassuringly to them. "You guys, don't worry. I'm gonna get all of you down, safe and sound... It's a long way down, but you'll be safe with me." He reached out to a young girl, seated in the first row. She looked to be maybe nine or so. He immediately recognized her from that day with Andy at the mall! She was the young girl with whom Andy had leapt off the stair into the reflecting pool as Danny had torn it loose out from under them during his rampage back at the mall. And the little girl recognized Danny! She cowered from him in horror. He looked into her eyes. "I'm here to help. I'm not like I was that day. Please... take my hand. It's gonna be OK. I'm gonna get you down. Your friends'll see you on the ground safe'n sound. And then THEY'LL know it's gonna be OK. We all need for you to be brave now..."

The little girl, although she was only a child, could tell Danny was for real and that he'd meant what he said. Because she'd seen what he'd done at the mall, she had a very good sense of his awesome strength and agility. She fought down her fear and spoke to her friends. "I know this boy! He says he'll help us... He can do this and he will! You'll see."

She reached out to Danny and he took her into his arms. Then he leapt to the ground, landing on his feet, flexing at the knees into a deep crouch, cushioning the fall for the little girl cradled in his arms. He stood up, set the girl down on her feet and smiled reassuringly. "You did great! You were so brave! Thank you for trusting me..."

She smiled back. "Well, thank YOU for saving my life! Now go! I'm OK... Just go back and get my friends!"

Danny returned to the teetering carriage and one by one, he took the children off and leapt them safely to the ground.

The little nine year old girl who had been Danny's first rescue hugged him. "I see that you've changed. I don't know what's happened to you between here and the mall, but whatever it was, you've really changed."

Danny smiled at her again. "Well, so have you! You've grown up into a very brave young lady in a very short time!"

She pointed to Andy who had just landed nearby with another rescuee. "He taught me! Back at the mall, he showed me what it means to be brave! And now he's changed too! Now he's like you! Back at the mall, he wasn't like that at all... He couldn't do anything like that back then. I don't understand all this, but I do know one thing. I'll never forget either one of you. Thank you.

Danny bent over and gave the little girl a kiss on the cheek and then he remounted the scaffolding.

The supermen had completed their rescue in under ten minutes.

A large crowd of onlookers had gathered and began a spontaneous applause. The guys quickly vanished. They reappeared in a remote section of the park, returned to the public area, blended into the crowd and rejoined, Mrs. Partlowe, Mrs. Hartlander, the Hendersons and Ivan. Then they went about the business of just having a fun, relaxing Sunday afternoon.

A bit later on, as they cued up for one of the rides, Danny found himself standing directly behind the nine year old little girl he'd rescued no more than an hour before. She recognized him too. She placed her index finger vertically to her lips and winked. Danny smiled and winked back.

The group broke up around five.

Salas drove Scotty, Ivan, Alexi and Gloria back to his house. Scotty insisted that Alexi take Gloria back home in his car..

"You guys take your time. I'm not goin' anywhere tonight."

Alexi took Scotty's right hand in both of his. "Thank you, my friend. I WON'T forget this!"

Alexi drove Gloria home and she invited him into her apartment. They chatted for awhile. Then she ordered two home delivery Pizzas for them from Domino's. Alexi asked to see her tomorrow night and she readily agreed. "I will remain here until Wednesday. And then I must return with my brother to Washington. And then I must go back home. But I would very much like for you to come to visit me in Yekaterinburg. Again, she agreed. Alexi screwed up his nerve. "Gloria, I have never met a woman like you before. I will think of you every minute we are apart. I lay awake all last night thinking of you. I cannot get you out of my mind."

Gloria smiled. "I wouldn't want you to get me out of your mind, Alexi. I confess, I thought about you all last night, too. And I'll think about you all night tonight. I'm sure I'll look a holy mess by tomorrow morning going with so little sleep..."

Alexi laughed. "Gloria, you could not look a 'holy mess' if your life depended on it. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

Well, Alexi, I WILL come to Yekaterinburg. You just name the date. I'll be there."

"Gloria, I may not let you leave Yekaterinburg."

"I may not WANT to leave, Alexi."

He smiled. They sat in silence for a long time. Finally, Alexi stood to his feet. Gloria, I do not need much sleep, but you do. I will see you tomorrow night... and the next night. But now it is time for me to go. I must return Scotty's car before he begins to worry that I have demolished it again.

Alexi pulled Gloria to her feet and they kissed. She felt so safe in his strong, powerful arms.

She thought to herself, "This is the one!"

Alexi thought the same thing to himself at the very same moment.

Although nothing had been said between them, as they parted, they both knew, they just KNEW... They would spend the rest of their lives together.

Salas, Scotty and Ivan were waiting when Alexi came in. Ivan greeted him. "Ah, welcome back, my younger brother! How did it go?"

Alexi smiled. "Ivan Iurevich, I shall marry that girl! ...That it how it went."

"Oh, you proposed?"

"Tomorrow night."

"And you are certain she will accept?"

"I know she will."

Scotty grinned. "Well, maybe this is premature, but, congratulations! ... To BOTH of you!"

Salas added, "Yeah, Alexi! From me too!"

Alexi sat down and spoke to his brother and to his friends of Gloria. The words tumbled from his lips and he got all tongue tied. He reverted to Russian. Salas and Scotty had no trouble understanding. By now, they knew Russian very well, thanks to their 'mind link' with Danny during the submarine rescue.

The guys talked for awhile and then they went to bed. Tomorrow would begin a new phase in all this. Alexi and Ivan would remain with Salas and Scotty until Wednesday. But four members of this core group would begin registration for their fall classes at Cal Tech tomorrow morning. The daily routine would change to a somewhat slower pace, but he would still see all of his charges six days a week. Before he dropped off to sleep, Salas thought back to the time, a little over a year ago, when he'd first met Danny and Scotty. So much had changed since then! And then Andy had come along... and then Billy... and Miguel, Nguyen and LeBlanc... and Roy and Robbie... and now Ivan and Alexi and his men.... Salas had become a bit more introspective since these men had come into his life. He tended to stop and 'take stock' a bit more often now. But he decided this was a good thing. Yes, this was a very good thing, indeed...

Monday (the fifth)

(To be continued)

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Next: Chapter 26

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