The Charges

By Tags

Published on Dec 7, 2023



This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters portrayed herein represent any real person, living or dead. It includes characters invented by Chip Masterson including the muscle super kid, "Danny Henderson" who appears in a number of stories created by Chip. These characters are used in this story with his express permission, (Thanks, Chip!) although this story differs substantially in tone and theme from stories written heretofore by Chip. There are inconsistencies between Chip's story line and mine. The characters in my scenario dwell, therefore, in some sort of parallel universe.' Also included in this story is a character inspired by "Billy," the lead character in John D's "Billy Muscles up." One incident is borrowed directly from the "Billy Muscles Up" series and some of the things Billy does in this story echo "Billy Muscles Up." However, although this "Billy" begins with more or less the same personality and physical strength as the original, events take "my Billy'" in a somewhat different direction. My use of the "Billy" character is with John D's express permission. Thanks, John D!

If you are looking for erotic stimulation, please look elsewhere because you won't find that here. Aside from some coarse language and violence, this story could almost be rated "G." But if Chip's "Danny" series is one you have enjoyed, you may find this story entertaining as well. My interest in Chip's "Danny" series has been mainly, "what are people thinking and feeling?" (Something Chip has preferred to leave to the reader's imagination.) This story delves into that question in just a little bit more detail. Of particular interest to me as well, is how some of these characters respond to situations and circumstance that could happen to anyone as well as how they react to extraordinary situations.

I've introduced my own characters in this story, among them, "Andy Jackson Partlowe," and, to some extent, this is HIS story... how he came to meet Billy, Danny and his friends and how he reacts to their phenomenal strength and abilities.

My thanks to the web master for his work in maintaining this site and for posting this story. I would like to express my special thanks to Chip Masterson and John D. for graciously sharing their characters with me and especially for their work and creativity in creating their stories. This story is dedicated in their honor.

Thanks a lot for sharing, Chip and John D...


Roy and Robbie returned the van to the motor pool and breezed through their detachment procedures. Then they returned to their barracks and packed up their gear. They carried their things to their cars and set out for Salas' base. When they got there, they settled into the bunk room in the hangar and went back to the office building. They set up the LAN and organized the 'paper empire' for the facility. They worked through the night, taking brief cat naps from time to time. Neither boy was a superman, but both their sleep patterns were very unorthodox. Neither of them required more than four or five hours in a twenty-four hour stretch and most of this they got taking brief fifteen or twenty minute catnaps. Both young men were workaholics and, typically, they worked round the clock. Although neither man had been educated beyond high school, both of them were super geniuses, literally. They'd given higher education a try at a junior college in Tulsa the summer after high school graduation. They hadn't been scheduled for Marine Corps boot camp until the following September. One of their motivations for signing up with the Marines had been the education benefits. But they'd found their summer junior college classes boring and unchallenging. Now neither boy was so sure 'higher education' was all it was cracked up to be.

Roy was the more tightly wound of the two, a classic "A" type personality. Robbie was the "B" man between them. Half the time Robbie regarded his friend with sort of an affectionate bemusement. Roy was clearly the leader between the two of them. He had always been more of an 'idea man.' Sometimes, he'd just leave the implementation to Robbie. But he had a photographic memory and a keen eye for detail. Although neither young man had anything like the 'mind linking' abilities that Andy and now Scotty had been gifted with, Roy and Robbie knew each other so well and how each other thought that they rarely communicated with each in complete sentences. There was almost never any need.

Back in Tulsa, both boys had a broad circle of friends. One of their school mates was the son of a crop duster. Roy and Rob had both learned to fly light planes and helicopters and saved up a bundle from all the money they'd earned crop dusting in the afternoons after school and during their summer breaks.

Roy had a penchant for gambling. He'd always fleeced the guys in the barracks at poker... that is, until they all got wise to him and cut him out of the action. In Vegas, Roy had discovered the craps tables. He quickly learned that everything on the table but the 'line' and 'come' were 'sucker bets.' He only went to the casinos that offered 'ten times odds on 'line' and 'come' side wagers. Roy had computed the house's edge on max odds line bets at nine tenths of one percent. He had amassed a gambling bank of over twenty-five thousand in cash which kept it in a steel lock box in his foot locker. Only Robbie knew his secret. Robbie had never been as ballsey as Roy at the craps table but Roy had taught him the game well enough. Without even trying hard, Robbie had his own 'cash stash' of over six thousand dollars. Neither boy ever played for 'the big score' or merely for 'entertainment.' They both played to WIN.

Saturday (the second)

Next morning, Salas and Andy drove up to the head shed within minutes of each other. They found Roy and Robbie in the OOD office adjoining the quarter deck. Roy stepped up to the service counter. "Good morning, Major. Coffee's ready. It's in the galley. Shall I bring a cup down to your office?"

Salas grinned. "Aw naw, Kid. Thanks. I'll get it myself. I want us all to meet in the conference room as soon as we get our cups all charged up with battery acid."

Billy shepherded Roy, Robbie and the guys into the conference room and they all sat down at the table. Billy stood by the open door and when he spied Salas coming out of his office to join them, he called, "Standby."

As Salas entered the room Billy snapped, "Attention on deck!"

The boys all rose from their seats to attention.

"At ease, gentlemen. Go head and have a seat, everybody. I wanna go over the 'plan of the day' with you guys and see what everybody thinks."

Roy and Robbie looked at each other quizzically... Roy muttered under his breath, "...He's gonna see what everybody THINKS?"

Salas caught it. "Son, I know you've been used to doin' business a certain way since you and Robbie joined the Corps. But we do things a little differently among ourselves. And now that you two are on board with us, you'll be involved in a lot of the decision making we do around here. You see, the thing is, we gotta have a consensus on our long term objectives. Once we do, then the chain of command falls back into place, just like you're used to. But everybody here participates in the decision making process, one man, one vote... Majority rules."

Roy shrugged and said, "Well, yes sir."

"And that's another thing, guys. Whenever outsiders are here, we fall in line and 'play the game' the military way. But when it's just us, we drop all that and go back to business as usual. No more of this 'sir, yes sir' bullshit. And my name's 'Salas,' NOT 'Major Salas.'"

Roy exhaled and shook his head. Salas asked gently, "You gotta problem with that, son."

"Well, sir..."

"That's 'Salas,' not 'sir..."

"Uh, yes, sir... sorry, sir... I mean, uh, 'Salas.'"

"OK, boy. Lets hear it."

"Well, sir... uh... sorry `bout that.... I mean, 'Salas,' I think we're liable to get into some bad habits doin' things that way. We'll all just get real sloppy. One of us is liable to slip up when these so-called 'outsiders' come around. I think that idea's just a bad reflection on you most of all, since you're in charge, but really, on all of us."

"Well, son. That's a good point. Fair enough. Guess we got our first 'vote.' Somebody make a motion."

Billy laughed. "OK, Salas. I move that we chuck the 'sir, yes sir' and all the military bullshit when it's just us around."

Danny piped up, "Second."

Salas asked. "Discussion?"

Roy shook his head. "I got nothin' more to say. Not that big a deal, really, I guess. Y'all heard what I had to say."

There was no more discussion.

Salas continued, "OK, guys, motion's been made... seconded... All in favor, say aye."

Billy, Scotty, Andy and Danny said 'aye.'

Robbie had watched Roy closely, wanting to match his vote with his friend's. Since Roy hadn't said 'aye,' neither did he.

Salas asked, "Opposed?"

Roy said 'neigh' and Robbie quickly followed.

Salas concluded, "Four 'ayes'... two 'neighs'... the 'ayes' have it." He grinned at Roy. "I guess you two boys have been outvoted. From now on, among ourselves, we dispense with the military titles and all the spit and polish. And now you guys are 'equals partners' in this little 'enterprise' of ours."

Roy and Robbie grinned back. Then Roy muttered to Robbie, "Well, now that we gotta frickin' 'democracy' on our hands.... guess my plan to run this whole damn show myself just went out the window." They all got a good laugh outta that one.

Salas went on, "OK guys, now that we've walked Roy and Robbie through our little 'decision making protocol' and that little 'exercise' is over. I want us to gather `round and skull out the rest of this construction. Roy, seems like you're the 'architect' among us so why don't you take some notes."

"Yes, sir."

"Uh, no, Roy, that's 'Salas.'"

"Oops! Sorry, sir... uh... 'Salas.'"

They huddled for about half an hour. Next to go up would be the enlisted barracks. Actually this would be a small bungalow for Roy and Robbie, but with enough room for Hernandez and his guys in case they wound up as part of the team. There would be an adjacent galley and chow hall, actually not much more than a residential kitchen and dining room. There would also be a good sized storage shed, to be built as an addition to one side of the aircraft hangar. Finally, there would be a gym facility. Roy was vehemently opposed, ostensibly because this was a waste of scarce materiel. But Salas had insisted and the super boys went along. Roy was outvoted again. This time Robbie made no pretense of siding with his friend. He had voted with the majority.

Salas explained, "Roy, I can see very well you just barely measure up to minimum Marine Corps physical standards, if even that. I am going to personally take charge of you and Robbie and whip you both into shape. I can't MAKE you give up those cancer sticks you insist on polluting your body with, but once I get you goin' on your physical training, I guarantee, you'll give `em up on your own... You may not quite measure up to these guys here when I get through with you.. But I've taken guys a lot skinnier than you, startin' out, and helped them make themselves into very VERY strong young men. You and Robbie won't believe how much better you'll feel once you make that happen for yourselves... with my help."

Roy had whined and sniveled. He HATED PT (physical training). Except for the Marine Corps biannual PT tests, which he waited till the very last minute to whip himself into shape for, barely, he ignored the ongoing PT requirements entirely, preferring to 'pencil whip' the documentation showing that he was 'on track.' He'd carefully explained to Salas. "If the minimum weren't good enough, it wouldn't be the minimum!"

Salas laughed. "Yeah, well, you shoulda thoughta that before you let yourself get 'shanghaied' into THIS outfit! I ain't gonna leave you alone on this, boy. I love you way too much for that."

In addition, there would be an obstacle course... de rigeur for any Marine Corps installation. Not much use to the superboys, but essential for the 'normal' Marines. Roy hadn't been too keen on that idea either, insisting that the obstacle course over at MCAS mainside was good enough and close enough. Again, he was outvoted.

Danny went over to Roy to console him. He laughed, "Don't feel lonely, dude, Salas runs our ass off, too, and really makes us break a sweat. And you wouldn't BELIEVE what we hafta go through to make that happen!"

Roy moaned. "...And I don't wanna know, kid. I really DON'T wanna know."

The meeting broke up and Roy went to work on his plans. He whipped them out in less than fifteen minutes and handed them off to Salas with a grin. "OK, I did my part. Now I guess I'll step outside and have a smoke while these guys go tah work, implementing my 'genius.'"

Salas smiled back. "Well, kid, you be sure to enjoy that smoke. Cuz yer smokin' days are soon drawin' to a close..."

Roy watched as the superboys blurred into invisibility. Very rapidly, the buildings began to take shape. Anyone else on earth would've been ogle eyed, but Roy soon got bored just watching from the sidelines. He went back into the head shed and started working the phone. There were some other things he wanted for their base.

Around fifteen hundred (3:00 p.m.), as they guys were wrapping up, there was a thwak thwak thwak of helo rotor blades overhead. Roy went outside as two UH- 1N Huey's set down on the parking ramp. Roy walked over to the helos as the pilots alighted from their aircraft. Salas came up alongside as the senior pilot handed off a ream of paperwork to Roy. "What's this, Roy?"

Roy took Salas' arm and led him off about a dozen feet or so. "Salas, somebody needs to drive these helo jocks back over to mainside. These are our new station helos. I requisitioned them for us this morning. Don't worry, none of this comes off our OPTAR. These birds are just excess so nobody'd hafta pay for them. If I hadn't taken `em, they'd have gone to the bone yard at Davis Monthan Air Base in Arizona. And the maintenance and fuel dollars come outta mainside's budget."

Salas shook his head. "But, Roy, nobody here is rated in rotary wing. Who the hell did you think was gonna fly these birds for us?"

"Well, me and Robbie, of course. We've both got FAA helo ratings. And since these birds are excess, and always were classified strictly as logistics, not combat aircraft, civilian contractors can fly em... Don't hafta be designated Marine or Naval aviators. Robbie and I are qualified DOD (department of defense) contract helo pilots. We both worked for a crop dusting outfit outside of Tulsa. And we used to do some side work ferrying aircraft for the Naval Air Station over in Olatha. Just because Robbie and I are in the Corps now, that don't mean WE can't fly em."

Salas just smiled, shook his head again and started to walk away. Roy called him back. "Of course, Salas, Robbie and I could always teach YOU to fly `em. Least we can do since you seem dead set on makin' the two of us into supermen."

Salas spun around and walked back to Roy. "What'd you say?"

"I said I'd teach you how to fly our birds..."

"No. After that..."

Roy laughed. "Oh, about the 'superman' thing?"

"Yeah, kid. That."

"Well, hey, Salas. I know I'm just an ignorant Oakie... Me and Robbie both. But neither Robbie or I either one just fell off the turnip truck yesterday. I think I know now what's in store for us if we hang around here. You're gonna try to make us like these other dudes aren'tcha... All that bullshit about the gym earlier this morning... that was just a 'trial balloon,' now wasn't it?"

"Well, youngster, what makes you think that?"

One thing you'll learn about me once yah get to know me, Salas. I'm observant. I pick up on stuff fairly quick. Last Monday night, out at Lassiter's base, those two over there..." Roy pointed to Scotty and Andy. "...were as 'normal' as I am. I saw em both. And I saw Billy haulin' Andy in his arms outta the tunnel from Lassiter's HQ into the main tunnel back to field hospital outside the fence. It was obvious Andy was hurt pretty bad, not only because of all the blood, but I could see Billy cryin' like a baby right before he took off like a fuckin' blue streak into one of those tunnels leadin' off the base. So there's Andy's all healed up better than before he got wounded. Now, Salas, we both know that ain't normal. And now there's not a chance in hell of that boy gettin' hurt like that again today. I bet he's about as tough as nails right now. Just look at em... him and Scotty. I know they weren't either one of `em BORN that way. Yet, now here they are, a couple of supermen. So, hey, I think I know the score. I don't rightly know HOW you pulled it off, but it's kinda obvious what's goin' on around here unless yer some kinda dumbass moron."

"Well, son... and I'm not sayin' you're right... But what if you were? How would you feel about that?"

"You mean how do I feel about those two 'normal' guys turnin' into supermen overnight?"

"I mean how would you feel, Roy, if something like that happened to you?"

"Aw, I dunno. I guess I never thought about that too much. Probably wouldn't make all that much difference one way or the other to me. I'd still be me, no matter what. But, bottom line, if that's what it took for me and Robbie to say on board here, I guess I'd hafta go along with it. My first choice would be to stay here and stay normal. But I'd go along with the 'superman' deal if that's what it took me to stay here with you guys."

"So, Roy, yer tellin' me that if you had a choice, you'd stay normal?"

"No, not if that meant I hadda leave. And to tell yah the truth, Robbie'd prolly think that was pretty cool doin' all the stuff yer boys can do."

"Well, son. The fact is, we're not absolutely positive what made Scotty and Andy the way they are now. But we do think it spread to Scotty and Andy from Billy and Danny somehow."

"You mean like a virus or something like that?"

"Well, not exactly, Roy. But we do think their super-traits were transmitted from the other guys somehow."

"Well, I guess eventually, we'll find out if it'll happen to Robbie and me. Like I said, Salas, I'm OK with it if it happens. But if it did, well, hey, that's a big responsibility. Nobody has a right to that much power unless he's got the inner strength to keep himself in check. I'm just glad nuthin' like that ever happened to the likes of General Lassiter. Cuz if it had, we'd all be in real deep shit about now."

"Well, Roy, it'd sure be a lot easier on all of us if we knew you and Robbie would be OK if it happened to you. We're not positive that it would, but, actually, there's certain capabilities Scotty and Andy have that we haven't told you about. And we think their super strength is a byproduct of that. We haven't told you and Robbie about any of this because we wanted to give you guys a chance to settle in first and see how you made out workin' with us first. But once we let you in on that and got you involved in it, well then, there'd be a very good chance you could be affected by the super strength thing... You and Robbie both."

"Well, OK, Salas. Why don't we do this? I say we just keep this conversation just between us for now. Let's not go into what we've talked about with anybody else. If that's how it's gonna work out, I'd wanna be sure Robbie and I were ready for something like that. I don't know you all THAT well, Salas. But I know you well enough to respect your judgment on something like this. Robbie and I'll hang around and work our fingers to the bone for you guys. You keep and eye on us and let me know if you think we could deal with something like that... If you think we could be responsible with it... and then, if you think we'd measure up, well then, I guess I'd be willin' to go along with the program."

Salas just looked at the young man standing in front of him. "Son, from what you've just told me, I'd say you're ready today. Right now in fact. I'd only hold off if you asked me to."

"Well, yeah, Salas. Yeah. I'm askin' exactly that. I want us both to make sure about this. Unless you knew some way to reverse the process, which I'm sensin' you don't. If that kinda thing happened to Robbie and me, well, we wouldn't wanna turn into a couple'a outta control monsters. We'd wanna be like Billy and Andy and Danny, and you. And it'd be way easy for me to say now that I'd be OK with it. But that'd be bullshit. I guess yah can never really KNOW till it happens. Still, once we got to know each other better, we could both make a lot better educated guess... Hey, we got nothin' but time. Let's you and me TAKE some time and see if Robbie and I can really fit into that kinda thing. Then, if you think we can hack it, I'll talk to Robbie and see what he thinks. How's that sound?"

"Son, you really are one in a million. I really am glad you're on board with us. Either way, you'll have a place with us as long as you want."

"Thanks, Salas. Same to yah. Now, as I was sayin', if you want, Robbie and I'll take all of you guys up in the birds and teach you to fly `em. You never know when a skill like that might come in handy for you guys."

"Well, Roy, I'd be all for that. But part of what Scotty and Andy have could really accelerate that learning process for them and all the rest of us. With that, you could teach us all to fly those helos every bit as well as you and Robbie do in a single afternoon..."

"Hmm... Yeah, now I get it. Andy and Scotty can 'hook' yer brains up somehow and do data dumps amongst yourselves, can't they? They're like 'mind readers,' huh..."

Before he could stop himself, Salas blurted out, "Goddamn, boy! You figured that out with almost NOTHING to go on!"

Roy smiled. "Well, Salas, I told yah, I ain't no moron and I ain't just fell off the hay wagon day before yesterday."

"Boy. Yer almost startin' to scare me. Really! It's like you got some kinda sixth sense or somethin'."

"Naw, Salas. Nothin' like that. Robbie and I are about as 'normal' as you can get. But we ain't a couple of dummies."

Then Roy said, "Well, as long as everyone's about done here. Think I'll mosey on over to mainside with these pilots. Then Robbie and I'll come back here and see what kinda constructive stuff we can get into."

"No, kid. I wantcha to take tonight off and all day tomorrow. No workin'! Is that clear? We'll start fresh on Monday morning."

"Well, OK, Salas. Mebbe Robbie and I'll go out 'steamin'' tonight... Have us a couple a brewskies..." Roy grinned mischievously. "Mebbe we'll both git lucky an' git laid."

Salas laughed. "OK, boy. I'll see you Monday morning bright'n early."

Salas walked back to the admin. building. "Another really super guy," he thought. I can't believe our luck runnin' into him." He found himself wondering how Staff Hernandez, Nguyen and LeBlanc would work out. They were due to report TAD Monday morning. Over at MCAS mainside the day before, Salas had been given the appointments for himself and his guys, as well as the official designation of his base as MCALF El Toro Alfa Three, from El Toro. He'd have to send Billy, Scotty and Andy over to the NROTC unit at Cal Tech to be sworn in as Naval Reserve Midshipmen. And, except for Billy, they'd need to get fitted out with their midshipman uniforms. He would take Cole and Danny over to MCAS El Toro where they'd all be sworn in. Salas regretted that they couldn't all be sworn in together, but those were the breaks. Mebbe he'd get lucky and find a way to work that out. But, one way or the other, come Monday, it would all be official.

Andy, Billy and Danny crowded into Andy's little pickup. Andy started for Danny's house. Danny asked, "Do you think you guys'd like to come to church with us tomorrow morning?"

There was a brief silence and then Andy answered. "Well, Danny, maybe we better not..."

Danny was disappointed. "Aw man, why not? I thought you hadda good time with us last Sunday..."

"Well, Danny, I sure did. But a lot's happened since then..."

"So? What's that got to do with this?"

"Well, c'mon, Danny. Now Billy and I are together, in large part thanks to you. I don't think we'd exactly fit in at your church... now that he and I are a couple..."

Danny thought for a moment. "Well, Andy, I think you've got that wrong. Pastor Rick is really kinda special. When you were unconscious in the hospital last Monday night Billy asked me to call him to your bedside and he came. He prayed really hard for you, Andy. And you got better, like it was a fuckin' miracle! That oughta tell you somethin', Andy... Pastor Rick'd be really hurt if he knew you were afraid he'd turn you and Billy away from church just because you love each other. I'm not sayin' he'd condone the lifestyle. He probably doesn't. But he always said, 'church is for the sinners, not the angels.' And, really, who's to say what you guys have with each other is some kinda sin? I know I sure don't buy off on that and I never will. How could I? And Pastor Rick always said, 'Judge not...' So I'm tellin' you guys, don't make the mistake of stayin' away from church because you're afraid of bein' judged down there. Cuz you won't be... I'm askin' both of you, as a personal favor to me... Please come to church with me tomorrow morning..."

Billy said, "Sure, Danny. We'll be there."

Danny smiled and took Billy's hand. "Thanks, bro. Andy, think you could drop by the house and pick me up? I'll ride to church with you guys if you don't mind. And, Billy, like I said to Andy last week. Don't dress up. We go casual..."

Salas and Scotty rode over to mainside, checked out the jet and flew it to Kansas City. Neither he nor Scotty had their new uniforms yet, so Salas had brought along his old Air Force uniform and Scotty brought his ARMY ROTC uniform. They changed into them from their nomex flight suits in the mens room at the fixed base operator facility where they'd parked the jet at MCI (Kansas City International Airport). Then Salas drove them in a rent car to Grandview, a suburb at the southern end of the Kansas City metro area, to meet with the family of the boy who'd died last Monday night with Scotty at his bedside.

Scotty knocked on the door and a middle aged lady answered. Scotty spoke up, "Mrs. Dodson?"

"Yes. I'm Mrs. Dodson."

"I'm Scott McFarlane and this is Juan Salas..."


"Well, Mrs. Dodson, first, I'd like to offer my condolences on the loss of your boy, Stephen. I was with him last Monday night when I died. Me we come inside?"

Mrs. Dodson nodded.

Scotty and Salas followed Mrs. Dodson into the living room, Salas turned and closed the front door behind him. Mrs. Dodson offered them a seat and asked if she could bring them anything to drink. Both Scotty and Salas agreed on coffee.

Mrs. Dodson called her husband into the living room and, after brief introductions, he sat down.

Scotty gulped. This was gonna be harder than he thought but he 'soldiered' on.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dodson, I am so sorry to bother you like this, but, like I said, I was with Stephen in the hospital at El Toro when he died and he asked me to get in touch with you... He wanted me to tell you how much he loves you..."

The two bereaved parents nodded.

"He was a brave young Marine. He died, serving our country, and I want you to know, he was in no pain at the end and he died peacefully. I wish there were something more I could say... or do that could lessen this horrible loss for you. He was so worried about you..."

"...He told me you'd given him such a good life here at home... such a happy childhood... And he asked me to tell you something..."

Scotty choked momentarily. Valiantly, he fought back against his emotions.

"...He just wanted you to know that if you ever felt a warm summer breeze on your faces... That would be him... That he would always be 'with you...' And that, one day, when it comes your time to join him, he will be waiting to welcome you 'home...'"

Mrs. Dodson's eyes were moist and her voice was a little shaky. But she was a very strong woman. "He was our only son. Our only child. He was always such a good boy. He was an Eagle Scout... very active in sports in school and an honor student. We didn't have the money for his college so he joined the Marines. He wanted to serve his country and get the education benefits... Said he'd be killing two birds with one stone..."

She smiled sadly and then started weeping, softly. Mr. Dodson put his arm around his wife and wept with her. Scotty was close to tears himself, but he held them back. He didn't dare look at Salas for fear of "loosing it."

Mrs. Dodson looked up at Scotty and said. "Young man. You and your friend have gone to a lot of trouble to come here all the way from Southern California. This means so much to Stephen's dad and me, that we could talk to someone.... someone who was there with Stephen at the very end. I know some folks might think people just want to be alone with their grief when they loose a loved one, but that's not how it's been with us. We've needed this more than we might've expected before this horrible thing happened... just someone to talk to..."

Scotty answered, "Mrs. Dodson, I would be honored if you and Mr. Dodson found it in your hearts to let me be the one to be here for you..."

Sunday (the third)

Mrs. Dodson nodded. Scotty and Salas stayed with the Dodsons through the night. Mrs. Dodson told them about their boy and the short life he'd lived. They shared their photo albums and family stories... about the boy's school days, summer vacations, family outings, camping trips... The boy's days in Scouting... His volunteer work at a soup kitchen downtown run by their church... Scotty found himself regretting that he'd not known Stephen as a friend except at the very end. He had a keen sense of this couple's terrible loss.

It was daybreak. Mrs. Dodson looked out the window and commented. "My goodness! It's dawn! We've kept you men up the whole night!" She insisted on feeding Scotty and Salas breakfast before letting them go. Just before they left, Mrs. Dodson embraced both Scotty and Salas, thanking them for making the trip to see them. "You have done more for us than I could possibly ever thank you for..."

Salas drove them back out to MCI and they flew back to El Toro. They landed right at ten a.m., Pacific Time.

About an hour before Salas and Scott had landed at El Toro, Andy had pulled up in front Danny's house. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson had already left for church. Danny was waiting out front. He flashed a grin and greeted them warmly. "Yah made it! All RIGHT, guys!"

Pastor Rick's message was very apropos. It was on 'compassion.' He cited an ancient Hebrew parable about Noah and Abraham. Among his remarks, "The Rabbis will ask, rhetorically, 'Why was it Abraham, not Noah, who was anointed as the father of our faith and the father of The Lord's chosen people?' It was because Abraham had compassion and Noah did not. When the Lord told Noah of his coming judgment, Noah did not protest. But when Abraham was told of the judgment against Sodom, he DID protest. He pled that they be spared for the sake of a thousand righteous... Well, Abraham was a shrewd and bold negotiator. He whittled The Most High God himself down from a thousand righteous to ten... But the parable goes on to say, 'Abraham was not pleading for the righteous. He was pleading for the wicked!' He had compassion for THEM! He had love for the presumably unlovable. The Lord Himself found favor in this. And, so the parable goes, it was because of this that Abraham who was anointed as the father of our faith... Because he had compassion for people most of us would probably have written off."

"What do we have? Our principles? Well, principles are fine, of course, but compassion comes first. We are in no position to judge others. Only The Lord knows the heart. Only HE is the competent judge. It is our place to love one another and to serve one another... This is NOT an 'option' This is our mandate!"

"There may be people sitting among us this morning who are afraid and who are hurting. They may be afraid we will judge and reject them. But they would be wrong. We set no conditions, no qualifications on our welcome here... because The Lord himself has not. Beloved, this is a 'come as you are party.' You will be loved here, no matter what, you will be accepted here, no matter what. If you are struggling with 'issues' in your life, if you have questions, search your hearts. Inquire of The Lord. He is faithful and He will answer you. And He will give you peace...

As they drove away in ole "Nellie Belle" after conclusion of the service, Andy turned to Danny and said, "Thank you, bro."

Danny was sitting in the middle between Andy and Billy. He reached out and took Andy's right hand in his left and Billy's left hand in his right and held them as they drove back him back to the Henderson's.

As he got out, he thanked them for coming and said, "Hey, guys, Scotty and I are supposed to meet later on, yah wanna come?"

Billy and Andy looked at each other... Andy said, "Sure, Danny, sounds good. We'll be at Billy's mom's. Just give us a call."

Danny grinned. "Sure thing! Talk to yah later."

As Andy drove away, Billy took his right hand and gently squeezed. They didn't say anything. They didn't have to.

Later on that afternoon, Scotty called Danny. "Hi baby bro. We're back. You still up for gettin' together this afternoon?"

"Yeah, big bro, sure am. Is it OK if Billy and Andy come along?"

"Oh heck yeah. That's way cool, Danny. So, when do yah wanna get together?"

"Whenever. How `bout right now? I'm not doin' anything. You wanna call Billy and Andy or shall I?"

Scotty answered, "Well, hey, kid, this is your gig. Why don't you call `em?"

OK, lets meet down at Laguna beach. I'll see yah down on the board walk by Las Brisas. I'm just gonna run down there unless yah wanna meet me over here and we'll run down there together."

"OK, Dan. That sounds like a plan. I'll be over there in... well..." He laughed. "I dunno HOW long it'll take me to get there. All this super speed is still kinda new to me. I'll just get to your house when I get there. Then we can run on down to Laguna together."

Danny giggled. "Bring your swim suit. And make it a skimpy one. We'll wanna show off all that muscle you got when we get down to the beach."

"I'll take that under advisement, kid. See yah soon. You gonna call Billy and Andy?"

Yup, soon as I get off the horn with you. I figure you oughta be down here by the time I ring off with them."

Scotty went into the living room. "Salas, I thought I'd go down and meet Danny. He wants to go down to Laguna Beach for awhile. Wanna come along?"

"Naw. Thanks, young'n. Lets just make that you youngsters. S'matter of fact, Cole's got us some tickets for the Dodgers game tonight. I'd ask you along but now it looks like you got your own plans. Can you get your own supper tonight? I might be home kinda late."

"Yeah, Salas. Sure thing. I'll prolly eat somethin' with the guys."

"Well, if not. The larder's full. Just help yourself to whatever."

"OK, Salas. Thanks! See yah."

Scotty went back to his room and changed. He pulled on the skimpiest bathing suit he had... one he'd never had the nerve to wear in public before. He'd bought it on a lark and then never could screw up the courage to wear it out to the beach. But, whatthehell, if Danny wanted to show off his 'big bro,' he was more than willing to oblige. He pulled on some walking shorts over his swim trunks and a loose fitting T-shirt... "Well," Scotty thought, "This one USED to fit me fairly loose." Now it was skin tight, showing off his phenomenally sculpted muscle. He pulled on some sneakers and, on his way out the front door called back to Salas, "OK, I'm outta here.."

Salas called back, "OK, son. Don't forget your front door key."

Scotty said, "Oops! I damn near did!"

He snagged his key, stepped out the front door, closed it and vanished.

Momentarily, he reappeared in front of Danny's house. He went up the driveway and knocked on the door. Danny answered right away. He smiled. "Wow, Scotty. You made it faster than I thought. You got that bikini on under those shorts like I asked you to?"

Scotty grinned, pulled down on the right side of the elastic waistband of his shorts giving Danny a glimpse of his very revealing red bikini. Danny had on shorts and a black wife beater. He pulled his shorts down his flank and gave Scotty an eyeful his what little he had on underneath. A bright yellow bikini.

Danny said, "We'll knock their socks off! We'll be the 'muscle bro.s' down there at the beach."

"You shameless little tease," Scotty taunted.

Danny giggled. "Fuckin' A," Scotty boy. If yah got it, flaunt it!"

A few minutes later, Andy and Billy blurred into view. They were both appropriately attired... walking shorts, sneakers and a T shirt.

Danny said to them. Well, Scotty and I are all set to be the heart throbs of the beach. We got the minimum the law allows under these shorts. I hope you guys do too."

Billy laughed. "Well, I did... wore my speedos..." He pointed to Andy. "...but ole 'gramma' here pulled on a pair of jams. And he already told me he wouldn't take off his T shirt once we get down there. Seems he wants to work on his 'farmer's tan.'"

Danny looked Andy in the eye and said, "Well, nuthin' we can do about those jams now... unless we find a place down there where we could snag yah some butt floss that shows off all that muscle you got. But I swear to God, Andy, that T-shirt's comin' off as soon as we hit the beach. Even if I gotta rip it off yer back."

Andy chuckled. "If yah can catch me Danny dude."

The four boys vanished and quickly reappeared on a deserted side street in Laguna, about a block and a half from the beach.

The superboys strolled down to the boardwalk and onto the beach. They found a public locker room, stripped off their walking shorts, shirts and shoes, secured them in the little cubby hole lockers they'd rented and pinned the keys to their swim trunks. Then they headed back out onto the beach where immediately they started turning heads. Four of the most gorgeous hunks of young beefcake in the world walked down the beach side by side. Danny was in his glory.

They hadn't gone far when a gang of a dozen or so cutoff clad young toughs decided to take umbrage at the superboys' display. They approached the foursome. The biggest among them went up to Billy, the biggest among the superboys, and announced... "No faggots allowed on this beach..."

Danny stepped up between him Billy and said. "Oh yeah? You and whose fuckin' army is gonna make us leave?"

The big bruiser grinned maliciously. He was delighted by Danny's challenge. "Well punk, we won't be needin' the Army to deal with you pussy boys. I think we'll manage to clean vermin like you off this beach without any help from them."

Andy and Billy pulled Danny back. Andy spoke softly to Danny, "C'mon bro. This ain't worth it. Let's bug out."

The big tough looked from Danny to Andy. "What makes you think we're gonna just let you queers walk away, fruitcake?"

Right then, of all people, Roy and Robbie walked up. They'd seen everything from a distance and recognized their shipmates. Roy stepped in front of the bruiser. "Is there some problem here, dude?"

"Fuck off, beanpole. We're just dealin' with these cutsie muscle twinks. When we get through with `em, they'll get the message... perverts don't belong on our beach."

Roy looked down at his feet for a moment and then looked the big bruiser in the eye. "Ah gee, yah know, fer a minute there, I thought I heard you call my pals here a buncha fags. But, hell, I know that can't be right... I musta heard wrong..."

"You heard right, shit head. And if they're your friends, that makes you a faggot, too. Guess we'll just hafta fuck yer ass up along with them."

That was all Roy needed. He landed his fist on the big bruiser's face and laid him out on the sand. He'd moved so fast even the superboys couldn't believe it. Roy faced the rest of the ruffians. "Now I just wanna make this crystal clear for all of you. I'm the relative 'pussy' in this bunch. If my friends here hafta lay into yah, even that little 'punk' right there..." He pointed at Danny. "...they'd kill yah with their bare hands. I sure hope I won't hafta to prove that to you. Now you guys just pick up that big asshole and haul his butt off the beach... And I think it'd be a great idea if y'all just head on home." He stared at them hard and, surprisingly, they backed down, picked up their leader and moved away.

Once again, Roy had amazed the four superboys. Finally, Billy said, "Roy, it was really sweet of you to stand up for us like that... But you KNOW that wasn't necessary..."

"Aw hell, sure it was... Only Christian thing to do... I did it for those assholes, yah know... much as I did it fer y'all. All I did was lay that fucker out. He'll be OK by tomorrow mornin'. You mighta killed im. Least with me an' Robbie, they'd a hadda fightin' chance. If I'da left em to ya'll, after yah put all their asses in the hospital, or shit, out in the fuckin' graveyard, you'd a wound up havin' to go through a buncha rigmarole, answerin' all kindsa questions with the beach patrol an' all that shit. All I did was bypass all that hoo ha for yah. I know you guys'd do the same fer me an' Robbie if it ever came tah that."

Scotty shook his head. "I never would've figured you could fight like that, dude. How'd you move so fuckin' fast?"

Roy just laughed. "Well, me'n Robbie here are fairly decent street scrappers. That's kind of a 'national pastime' back home in Oklahoma. Yah gotta learn young tah stand up fer yerself back there or yah'd never make it. Really, that was nuthin'. Whudda buncha pussies. 'California boys!'" Roy shook his head and chuckled.

Roy said, "Well, whatsay me'n Robbie tag along with you boys in case yah need us to do any more of yer light fight'n for yah?

Billy laughed. "Well, I hope that's all that kind of excitement we get for the rest of the afternoon. But sure, Roy, Robbie, c'mon along. We're glad for the company."

They found a beach side refreshment stand with a scattering of umbrella topped metal tables and ordered a round of beers, except for Danny. He had a coke. They chatted some and then Roy turned to Robbie. We'll pardner, guess we'd better git on along back to the base. I got some stuff I wanna check on before I hit the rack for forty winks. Then I think I'll pull me another all nighter... Let's pick us up a pizza along the way." They said their good byes and left.

Andy shook his head again. "I can't believe that guy! Somethin' comes up... whatever... and he just pulls it out of his ass and deals with it. I'm startin' to think mebbe He's some kinda superguy."

Billy laughed. "...And now, lil bro, you know what you've put ME through all these years. I can see a lottta YOU in that guy. It's almost spooky. Except, unlike you, that Oakie's gotta a fuckin' ego as big as goddamn Texas. But I'm sure glad as hell he's on our team. I'd hate to hafta go up against him. I'd be afraid he might pull somethin' out of his ass on me and FIND some way get the upper hand."

Danny giggled. "You an' me both bro! I bet he'd find some way to hand ME the short end of the stick!"

Danny's eyes lit up. "Scotty boy! How `bout that arm wrestle? I think yer about ready for that now. There's a concrete piling over there. Oughta be just what we need! C'mon dude!"

Scotty laughed. "Not yet, baby bro. I'm not near ready fer that. You'd still cream me! Gimme a couple of weeks at least. I still gotta lotta catchin' up to do..."

"Well, Scotty, whoever wins gives the looser a rematch. So, c'mon dude. Let's do it."

Scotty grinned. "Yeah, figgers you'd ambush me like this in front of witnesses. Last time you whupped my ass, at least it was in private."

"C'mon, Scotty boy. Don't chicken out on me now." Danny hopped to his feet and cocked his head, motioning for Scotty to join him alongside the piling.

They stood on opposite sides of the cement piling, set their right elbows down on the top of it and clasped their hands. They appointed Billy as ref and he said, "OK, guys, we'll start you off on count of three...





Danny got the initial advantage. He had Scotty's arm bent backwards at a forty five degree angle. But, gamely, Scotty fought back. Beads of sweat began to form on both boy's foreheads. Scotty had his arm back to vertical and was struggling to move Danny's arm backward. As the two iron men continued to battle, their muscles exploded to phenomenal proportions. Scotty was the bigger man, but Danny still managed to hold his own. This being the case, since Danny was so much younger and smaller, it was clear that Scotty had not yet reached his maximum muscle development potential. Finally, Danny's arm began to quiver and give way but he made Scotty fight like hell for every inch he gained. Cracks began to appear in the top of the concrete piling and then down along the sides. Andy and Billy began to wonder if the piling would survive the contest. Finally, Scotty wrestled the back of Danny's hand to within an inch of the top of the big piling. Danny surged, exploding his power against Scotty's, but Scotty wouldn't budge. He just held Danny there, the back of his hand an inch away from defeat. Danny squeezed his bicep, pulling out all the stops in his 'reserve' but still he couldn't overpower Scotty's grip. It began to dawn on Danny that he was going to loose this contest but then, inexplicably, his arm began to move back up to vertical. He was obliged to use everything he had to overcome Scotty's powerful arm but he had gained the momentum. Scotty fought back, making Danny work for every inch he gained. But finally, it was over. Danny bounced the back of Scotty's right hand against the top of the piling, making it shatter to pieces. He hopped away from the crumbled remains of the piling and started a little victory dance... but then he stopped, turned around and faced Scotty. It had dawned on him to wonder...

Danny flashed Scotty a broad mouth all boy grin and asked, "Did you LET me win, big bro? Cuz yah know, I was fairly sure you had me beat for a minute or two. Then all of a sudden after I was damn near outta gas, things started goin' my way."

Scotty gave Danny a wide eyed innocent look and said, "Why no, baby bro. You won. Fair'n square..." He quickly added, "...Now remember, you owe me that rematch in a couple a weeks."

Danny giggled, "Liar... You had me beat... I know yah did... You just let me win cuz yer my 'big bro.'"

He went over and gave Scotty a big hug and Scotty hugged him back.

Danny smiled. "Next time, Scotty boy, we do this straight up. You give it everything yah got and so do I. I'll cream yer ass next time... fer real... just you wait!"

It was nearly dusk. The boys returned to the locker room, dressed and went off to find something to eat. They ate, laughing and joking together as they did. Then they split up and went their separate ways back home.

Monday (the third)

Salas arrived early with Scotty and Danny. The admin. building was open and the lights were on. Roy appeared in the passageway, coming out of the galley. "Mornin', Salas. Coffee's on."

"Mornin' Roy. We'll be meetin' in the conference once Andy and Billy show up. Did you and Robbie have a good time on liberty?"

"Yeah, Salas, thanks."

"Roy, I'm gonna hafta go over to mainside with and Danny this mornin' and get us all sworn in and draw our uniforms. Can you call over there and get that set up for me?"

"Already in the bag, Salas. But I've taken the liberty of setting up a joint swearing in for all of you guys. They'll be doin' it this afternoon at thirteen thirty (1:30 p.m.) over at the Naval ROTC unit at Cal Tech. The skipper over there's navy, Captain Meyrs, and Lt. Col. Sanborne, the XO ("executive officer," number two in command), is Marine. They can get all of you sworn in at one time. Andy and Scotty can get their uniforms all squared away over there after they get sworn in ...and then y'all can all just pass on back by mainside and pick up your gear on the way back here. Robbie and I'll fly you guys over to mainside in the helo. I arranged with motor pool over there to have a van standing by on the ramp... OK if Robbie and I ride along with y'all over to Cal. Tech. for the swearin' in?"

"Aw, Robbie, that'd be great! And thanks for settin' this up. I'd wanted us all take our oaths together but really didn't think I could swing it. I appreciate your doing that for us."

"OK, Salas, sure thing. And oh, by the way. I know you don't need me to tell you, once we land at mainside, standard military courtesy and all that is the order of the day."

"Yeah, Roy, but, you're right. I'll make sure and remind the guys."

"Just lookin' out for yah, Salas."

"You sure are, Roy. Thanks."

"Oh, and, Salas, as soon as we break up from "mornin' quarters" (their morning meeting) Robbie and I gotta fly over to mainside and pick up Staff Sergeant Hernandez and two other guys, Sergeant Nguyen and Lance Corporal LeBlanc. I understand you've got em detailed over here TAD. Once we land back here, I'll help get em settled in. I'll have that all done by eleven thirty and then we can launch for the flight to mainside."

"Well, do you think you could leave `em over there and arrange to bring them along to Cal Tech for our swearing in?"

"Yeah, Salas, but then Robbie and I'd hafta fly both birds over to mainside to bring everybody back home. Cuz the 'Novembers (UH1-N helos are sometimes called "Novembers" for the last letter in the aircraft designation) are only rated for six pax (passengers), and two crew, max."

"There'd be me an' Robbie up front. You, Cole, Billy, Scotty, Andy and Danny... well, that'll max us out with only one bird... No room left for Hernandez, Nguyen and LeBlanc... Or, we'd hafta make two trips."

"Have Robbie bring the second bird, Roy. I don't want Hernandez and his guys to hafta wait over there and I don't want you and Robbie to hafta make two hops."

"OK, Salas. And, oh yeah, I better make sure motor pool over at mainside lays on a bigger van for us."


"Yeah, Salas..."

"I really appreciate your diggin' in and takin' charge of all the details for me this morning. I figgered I'da been on the phone all mornin' and still maybe not been able to bring all this off."

"Sure, Salas. That's m'job. I told you yesterday that Robbie'n I'd work our fingers to the bone for y'all. Least we can do to thank you for givin' us both a shot."

Salas laughed. "Well, Roy, you really didn't give me much choice on that."

Roy laughed too.

Salas, Scotty and Danny went down to the galley and filled their coffee cups. Salas walked down to his office. Robbie came out of the computer room and he, Roy, Scotty and Danny went into the conference room.

Scotty put his arm over Roy's shoulder. "Roy, What you did for us out on the beach yesterday...'

Roy turned around and faced Scotty. "That's OK, Scott. I did what I hadda do. Like I said yesterday, it was just better all around you lettin' me take a shot at handlin' the problem. I almost hated to sucker punch that guy like I did. That was kind of a cheap shot, I know. But, hey, all in all I guess things worked out OK for them and for us."

"Well, if they hadn't, Roy, we'd never have let you take a beating from those guys..."

"I knew that, Scotty..."

Billy and Andy walked into the conference room. Billy said, "Hi guys..."

Danny answered. "Hi Billy, Andy."

Salas walked in. "OK, guys, we've got a full agenda today but things won't really get started until around eleven thirty. Roy and Robbie'll fly us over to mainside in the helos and we'll pick up a van over there and ride over to the NROTC unit at Cal Tech to get sworn in. Remember guys, we 'play the game the military way' while we're over there at mainside..."

"...We're gonna try to hook up with Staff Hernandez and Nguyen and LeBlanc at mainside and invite them to come along. Then we'll ride back over to mainside and fly on back here. By the time we get that done, the day oughta be about over. We'll wanna hang back for a few to help Hernandez and his guys get settled in but that'll be about all..."

Andy asked, "Roy... You and Robbie comin' with us over to Cal Tech for the swearing in?"

"Sure thing, Andy. We wouldn't miss it fer the world. I'll wanna be the first to welcome you guys aboard as shipmates. This is gonna be a real special day for alla y'all. Mebbe once we secure, we outta go out an' tie one on. You know, nothin' too adventurous cuz of the youngster, here. But I think we outta do somethin' in honor of the occasion."

Salas grinned. "Great idea, Roy. You guys up for that?"

Everybody said "Yeah!"

"How `bout you, Danny. Think it'll be OK with yer folks if you came along? Mebbe we could go out for some chow and then find us someplace kinda decent where they'd let us all in with a thirteen year old."

Danny looked at Salas. "OK if I call home? I wanna ask mom... There mighta been a time not long ago when I wouldn't have bothered. I'm sure it'll be OK, but I'd like to call her just to make sure she's all right with it."

"OK, Danny. Want me to ask her for you?"

Danny laughed. "Only if she tells ME 'no.'"

Roy spoke up... "Well, now that we got everybody here with nuthin' to do for the moment, why not lets all move down to the computer room. Robbie's got the LAN all set up. There's some applications he'll wanna show you... Salas, Robbie's got an AUTODIN feed directly to your desk tops. (AUTODIN: "Automatic Digital Information Network," the US Department of Defense global command to command radio teletype communications network.) You can even access the unclassified message traffic from your notebook PC at home if you dial into the LAN over here. But, of course, you can only get to classified material from here. And Robbie's got a subroutine that separates your "action" and 'info" traffic into separate folders. They're auto-routed into sub folders by priority, date time group and S. I.. C. (subject identifier code). And the flash and immediate traffic sets off a video and audio alarm on your console, so, guaranteed, you'll never get caught with yer pants down and you'll never get an "ADTAKE" (advise action taken, or "whatthefuck, over?") You'll breeze through the morning message traffic in no time. Then you can route the action messages to whichever one of us you want to with just a click of your mouse. And then just drag'n drop. Robbie's set up a lotta other apps for you guys, too. For you college boys, he's got a dedicated broad band link to your university mainframe. Don't ask me how he swung that. Once you get your accounts open after yer classes start, you'll have direct access to them from here if yah want. No havin' to log in over there by dial up at least from here..."

Salas turned to Robbie. "Damn, son... I guess you ignored what I said and worked all last night on that, huh. I thought I told you both to take some time off."

Robbie usually let Roy do the talking but not this time. "Well, Salas, doin' stuff like that ain't exactly 'work' for me. Lotta times, I just do that kinda thing for fun. So, for me, it was as much 'recreation' as it was 'work.' And don't let Roy bullshit you. He had as much to do with all this as I did."

"Salas draped his arms over both boys' shoulders. "You two guys are really sumthin'! So, lets have a look at this whizbang lashup."

Robbie led them to the room at the opposite end of the building from Salas' office where the individual cubicles had been set up. He sat down at one of the work stations. He logged in and demonstrated all the applications he and Roy had installed and customized for them. By the time he was done, everybody had a fairly good idea what was available on the LAN.

Roy said, "Well, Salas, if y'all will excuse me, I gotta few loose ends to tie up. Robbie, I'll be down in our spaces if anybody needs me. We launch at 1130 sharp so we better meet up at our quarters and change into our zoom bags (flight suits) around 1045. I'll want us to have plenty of time to preflight the birds before we launch. And, Robbie, could YOU call over the flight planning at mainside and file our flight plans? We'll just go VFR (visual flight rules)."

Danny said, "Salas, I'll call mom now about tonight."

Roy turned around and called to Danny. "C'mon down to my office, Danny. You can use the phone in there."

They went down the passageway together.

When Roy got Danny alone in the room, he said, "You might wanna let me make that call for you. Cuz once she said 'no,' to you, it'd be just that much harder for me to get her to change her mind."

Danny said, "Well, OK Roy. I guess that'd be OK."

Roy made the call and spoke to Mrs. Henderson. "Mrs. Henderson, This is Lance Corporal Fuchs. I'm calling from over here at the base for Major Salas. Today's our swearin' in for these guys. Do you think you and Mr. Henderson could arrange to meet us over at the Naval ROTC unit office spaces at Cal Tech this afternoon at one thirty p.m.? This swearin' in is kind of a 'big deal' for your boy and I thought you might like to attend."

"Well, thank you, Corporal Fuchs. I'll be there. And I'll see if I Danny's dad can get off work."

"Oh, and later on, we'll be goin' out to supper together. We want Danny to come, of course. But we thought you might like to come along as well. We might also take a ride down to someplace else afterward. Someplace appropriate for the boy, of course, but where we could all just spend some time visitin' before it got to be too late. Then y'all could just take Danny on home from there."

"Well, Corporal Fuchs. I'll be at the swearing in, for sure. And if Danny's dad can break loose from work, so will he. And we'd love to come to dinner with you. But as for afterward, we'll just let you boys do that by yourselves. And as far a ride home, we know well enough that Danny won't be needing that. He can make his own way home just fine. But may I talk to him just a minute if he's available?"

"Well, sure, Mrs. Henderson. He's standing right here."

Roy handed the phone to Danny."

"Danny, I appreciate your having Corporal Fuchs call me. I'm looking forward to this afternoon. I'm gonna try to get ahold of your dad and if he can make it, he'll be there, too. I told Corporal Fuchs it'd be OK for you to go along with the other men after supper. But we'll try to make it for dinner with you men if we can. You can make your own way home later on."

"Sure can, mom. Thanks. See yah..."

Fuchs took the phone back from Danny... "...Oh, and Mrs. Henderson. Make sure you bring your camera along."

"Oh! Good thinking. I'll get that out right now."

They rung off.

Danny grinned. "Well, you sure finessed mom like a pro. Thanks man!"

"Like I said, kid, it's just m'job. Now I gotta invite Billy and Andy's moms."

He sent Danny out the door to join the other guys. Then he called and set that up too and then got on the horn over to mainside to set up the rendezvous with Hernandez, Nguyen and LeBlanc. Finally, he called over to the Naval ROTC unit at Cal Tech and confirmed that everything was in place for the little 'surprise' he had set up for Salas and the rest of the guys...

Before going over to his quarters to change into his flight suit, Roy told Salas, Billy and Andy that he'd invited Danny's and their parents to attend the swearing in at Cal Tech and for supper later on that evening. Andy said, "Roy, thanks! I never even thought of that. But probably I would've after the fact and then I'da been kick'n myself for not thinking of it myself."

"My pleasure, Andy. Y'all, this really is kind of a big deal. I think you'll be glad your folks were there for the big event. I told all the folks to bring their cameras along and I'm sure gonna bring mine."

At 1130 sharp, the guys manned up the birds. Roy flew with Salas, Scotty and Danny. Robbie flew with Billy and Andy. Salas sat next to Roy in the left front seat. In helos, the command pilot sits in the right front seat. Roy turned around in his seat and gave a quick in-flight safety brief to his passengers. He brought the engines online and the rotor began to turn. At first, the helo rocked gently from side to side until rotor head RPMS came up to speed. Roy pulled in on his collective lever and the helo lifted off, Robbie's bird rising alongside. Roy took the lead and Robbie followed as they flew off toward MCAS mainside.

Salas marveled at Roy's competence and professionalism in the cockpit. Roy had learned to fly on his own, with no shortcuts, no 'mind linking' or any other special abilities. Salas felt a warm glow of pride welling up inside. "My God! What a magnificent band of young men! Every one of these boys brings so much to the table."

They set down on the transient line at El Toro mainside. A stretch van was waiting for them. Hernandez, Nguyen and LeBlanc came out of the operations building to join them. Roy took Salas aside for a minute.

"Salas, I wonder if I could have a word with you just a minute."

"Sure Roy, watcha got?"

"Well, what's the 'party line' with Hernandez and his bunch? As soon as they clap eyes on Andy and Scotty here, they're gonna figger out something's up with all this stuff you got goin' on. They know as well as I do that Scotty and Andy were as normal as they are last Monday night. Yah catch my drift? Whaddo I say if they ask me sumthin'?"

"Roy, that's one of the things I like about you. Always thinkin' on yer feet... Just refer em to me. I'll deal with em. OK?"

"Yes sir... 'Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.'"

"Thanks Roy."

"Sure, Salas."

"But watcha gonna tell `em?"

"Well, if they ask, I'll lay it all out for em. Everything I know. I hadn't thought about any of that when I first asked for em to be assigned over to us. But I've thought about it a lot since. The main reason I requested those fellahs is because of how cool they were with us in Lassiter's HQ when we did the takedown with them. Admiral Tucker's put Hernandez in for a Navy Cross for what he did that night. My guys didn't phase him or Nguyen or LeBlanc at all. They just did their jobs and let us do ours. I'm pretty sure if this stuff spread to them, they'd handle it like pros. They'd hafta adapt, just like Scotty and Andy... and even Billy to some degree since he's only started to tap into his natural abilities. But I think they'd handle it just fine. And I really think YOU would, Roy, if you'd let us try to do this for you."

"Well, let's wait on me, Salas. But if you want, I'll be glad to be the one to read Hernandez and his guys in on 'the program' whenever you think they're ready. That might be better comin' from me than from you, since I'm a 'normal' like them.. Know what I mean?"

"We'll play it by ear, Roy. But I'll sure keep your offer in mind. I just hope you do the same with mine."

"Yeah, Salas. Will do... Keep it in mind, that is."

Hernandez, Nguyen and LeBlanc crossed the ramp and walked up to Salas. The other guys were standing by the helos as Salas and Roy wrapped up their little chat. Hernandez saluted Salas and said, "Staff Sergeant Hernandez, Sergeant Nguyen and Lance Corporal LeBlanc reporting for duty as ordered, Sir."

Salas saluted back and said. "Very well."

Then he extended his hand and Hernandez shook it. Salas greeted him warmly. "Good to see you guys again, Miguel. Welcome aboard!"

"Thank your, sir. Glad to be aboard. Lookin' forward to serving under you, sir."

"I've been lookin' forward to workin' with you guys too, Miguel. Things'll be a little different than you're used to out at our base, but I think you'll find them, uh, interesting."

"Well, from what I saw of you guys the other night, I don't doubt that. And it just keeps on gettin MORE, uh, interesting!"

Hernandez stepped up to Andy. "I didn't expect to see you here today. I was really worried about you, man! Hey, I called over to medical at El Toro and finally went over there to find out how you were. And I ran into a stone wall. Nobody knew anything. I had no idea how to get in touch with any of you guys! When I got the word that me and the guys were gettin' detailed to you guys I thought, well, at least I'll find out about how you turned out. I'm sure glad as hell you're OK. But I hafta admit, I wasn't expecting you to be back on your feet this soon!"

Andy smiled. "Thanks, Miguel. Turned out I wasn't as bad off as everybody thought."

Hernandez looked a little skeptical but he let it pass.

Salas introduced Miguel to Roy and Robbie. Hernandez said softly to Roy, "Man, I'll wanna get together with you later. I got some questions I wanna ask you... a LOT of `em, actually."

"Yeah, Staff. I reckon you do." But just hold yer questions fer now. I'll fill you in as best I can when we get back to the base and off by ourselves. I'll tell you right now, some of the stuff, yer gonna hafta get from Major Salas. But he'll shoot straight with yah."

"OK, thanks Fuchs."

"No problem, Staff."

Scotty drove them in the van over to Cal Tech for the swearing in. They were early. They walked into the NROTC office. Salas spoke to the civilian receptionist explaining that they'd come for swearing in. She smiled. "Oh, yes, Major Salas. Captain Meyers is expecting you. If you gentlemen would have a seat over there. He should be back from lunch in about ten or fifteen minutes."

The guys all went over and had a seat in the reception area.. All except for Roy. He excused himself saying he hadda go to the 'head' (the men's room).

About ten minutes later, Roy let Admiral Tucker, General Webster, Captain Meyer, Lt. Col. Sanborne, Danny's parents and Billy and Andy's moms into the room.

Salas grinned. Well, Admiral, General, this sure is a surprise. Danny got up and went over to his mom and dad. "Thanks for comin', you guys!"

Billy and Andy got up and went over to the moms. Mrs. Hartlander explained. "Lance Corporal Fuchs called and invited us."

Salas turned to Roy. "You mean YOU engineered all this?"

"Yes sir, Major. Took some doin' to get the Admiral and the General here, but, hey, if it was easy, hell, anybody could do it." Roy winked at Salas. "Just remember this on my next eval."

Salas laughed. "I'm gonna start havin' to take me some notes. I'm already startin' to loose track!"

"Oh don't you worry about that, sir. I'll have my input on yer desk in time for the next eval cycle."

General Webster and Admiral Tucker laughed. Tucker spoke. "That's quite a little operator you got there, Salas... Where'd you find him?

Salas laughed. "Admiral, ask me no questions... I'll tell yah no lies."

"Oh one a THOSE deals..."

Admiral Tucker said, "Well, OK everybody. Let's line up and we'll administer your oaths. It'll be the General here for you jar heads and me for all you squids. Parents, you might wanna step over here if you wanna take pictures."

Everybody lined up and the oath was administered while Danny's, Billy's and Andy's mom's and Roy snapped away with their cameras.

Roy, forward as ever, stepped right in front of Admiral Tucker and General Webster moving down the line, welcoming everyone aboard.

Then General Webster turned to Roy, Robbie, Hernandez, Nguyen and LeBlanc. He grinned and said, "You Marines are ALL a disgrace! Every one of you is outta uniform!"

They all gave Webster a blank look and then started looking themselves over as best they could... Everything SEEMED OK...

"Hernandez, you are wearin' Staff Sergeant Stripes. But from now on, yer a Gunnery Sergeant. Nguyen, your a Staff Sergeant, effective immediately and LeBlanc, you've been bumped up from Lance to full Corporal. Fuchs, I have it on good authority that you and Bukowski, have been advanced to Sergeant. You men all need to draw new strips from small stores for you uniforms. Congratulations to all you men. When's the 'wetting down?'" (A 'wetting down' is a military tradition where the newly promoted by a round of drinks for their friends.)

Roy Answered for all the new promotees, "Sir, that'll be this evening, after chow. And as for chow this evening, that'll be on me."

General Webster looked a little skeptical. "Well, son, there's a pay increase that goes with your promotion to Sergeant, but it's not all THAT much."

Roy smiled at the general. "Sir, rest assured, my Marine Corps salary ain't my only source of income. I've done fairly well in Vegas my last few trips. And when Fuchs wins, EVERYBODY wins!"

General Mitchell smiled and responded, "Well, that's mighty generous of you, son. I for one would be a fool to turn down a free meal."

Andy and Scotty were escorted by a Naval ROTC unit staff petty officer to the uniform issue locker where they were issued a full kit of uniforms. Now they had joined Billy as full fledged naval midshipmen, second class... Now they were naval officers, at least in a qualified sense. Billy went with them to the uniform issue locker. He was beyond delighted that Andy and Scotty would soon be joining him in the ranks as naval midshipmen. Billy took them aside and gave them his own 'welcome aboard.' "Guys, this is fantastic. It's sure been great havin' you as 'shipmates' all along. But now it's official!" He turned to Andy. "Lil bro, when I got back home three Sundays ago..." He paused. "...Well, I just never would've dreamed things would turn out like they have!"

Andy exhaled... "Boy, yer tellin' me?"

Scotty said. "Yeah! sshheeezzz!"

The three boys rejoined their party in the NROTC reception office, Andy and Scotty with full duffle bags slung over their shoulders. Roy rubbed his palms together and clapped his hands. "OK, y'all, time's a wastin'. We need to get on over to mainside and get Major Salas and Captain Cole fitted out for their uniforms. Danny, I'll make a run down to NAS, Miramar tomorrow and draw your sea bag from small stores down there. I'll need your sizes to get you all squared away. I wanna git this all done right in one trip if I can get away with it... Now we better get a move on." He turned to Admiral Tucker. "OK y'all. I've got everything set up with our dinner reservations. We meet over at Las Brisas down in Laguna at nineteen thirty (7:30 pm). It's a real nice place and we can watch the sunset while we eat..."

Admiral Tucker said, "Outstanding, son! That's a great place. Been there many times. I'm looking forward to it."

"Me too, added Gen. Webster."

Roy nodded to Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Partlowe and Mrs. Hartlander. "Y'all gonna be there too, right?"

They all smiled and said, "Yes."

They met at 7:30 p.m. at Las Brisas. Everyone enjoyed the food and the company. Admiral Tucker and General Webster especially enjoyed getting acquainted with the boy's parents. The Admiral turned to Scotty and said. I'm sorry your folks couldn't make it this evening. I'd like to have had a chance to meet them!"

There was a long, awkward silence as Scotty looked down at his lap. Then he looked up and smiled. "Admiral, you're looking at my 'family' right here. These guys are my brothers and Major Salas here is the closest thing I ever had to a real dad..." He echoed Salas' words to him of last Saturday night. "...Admiral, I couldn't love this man any more if he were my own flesh and blood..."

Scott had caught Salas completely off guard. Salas looked at the boy. He didn't say anything, but his eyes gave him away. He quickly looked away. "By his simple, heartfelt words, Scotty had moved Salas nearly to tears."

Salas might've liked to have acknowledged Scotty's words, but he couldn't. The Admiral quickly rescued him. He spoke gently to Salas, "You've got a lot to be proud of in Scotty... in all of these young men."

Salas looked up and replied, "Thanks, Admiral." He meant both, "thanks for the compliment" and "thanks for the quick 'rescue."

A few minutes later, Roy announced, "Now y'all, I've got us a little after dinner 'recreation' lain on at the 'all hands club' over at El Toro..."

The parents thanked Roy for supper and got up to leave. They all thanked Roy for the invitation to join the men for a round but said they'd leave that celebration just among the men in uniform.

Mrs. Henderson kissed her son and said, "Danny, I know you'll be OK. You've always been able to take care of yourself. But, still, it's a mother's instinct. Have a nice time but do be careful."

Danny gave her a hug. "Don't worry, mom. I will."

Mrs. Partlowe and Mrs. Hartlander kissed the boys goodnight. Mrs. Hartlander said, "We'll be going to the closing tomorrow morning. And I've got a realtor coming over to show the house tomorrow afternoon. So we might be moving as early as this weekend if that's OK with you boys."

Andy laughed. "Well, I guess I'd better get on my adjuster's tail. Bill and I are gonna need some furniture for the pool house."

"Well, meanwhile, if you need some odds and ends, we can loan you a few things to get you started."

"Well, I've got a few bucks. I won't really hafta wait for my claim draft to get some more stuff. Billy and I will probably just go to a used furniture place this Sunday. I'll prolly rent a U-Haul van and Billy and I'll just fill it up with stuff we get from there. We'll be ready to go when you are."

The 'wetting down' was nice if a bit muted. The presence of a flag and general officer mandated the festivities be a bit toned down from the more traditional rauckus affairs these occasions sometimes degenerate to. They broke up a little before eleven thirty p.m.

(to be continued)

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Next: Chapter 22

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