The Charges

By Tags

Published on Dec 4, 2023



This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters portrayed herein represent any real person, living or dead. It includes characters invented by Chip Masterson including the muscle super kid, "Danny Henderson" who appears in a number of stories created by Chip. These characters are used in this story with his express permission, (Thanks, Chip!) although this story differs substantially in tone and theme from stories written heretofore by Chip. There are inconsistencies between Chip's story line and mine. The characters in my scenario dwell, therefore, in some sort of parallel universe.' Also included in this story is a character inspired by "Billy," the lead character in John D's "Billy Muscles up." One incident is borrowed directly from the "Billy Muscles Up" series and some of the things Billy does in this story echo "Billy Muscles Up." However, although this "Billy" begins with more or less the same personality and physical strength as the original, events take "my Billy'" in a somewhat different direction. My use of the "Billy" character is with John D's express permission. Thanks, John D!

If you are looking for erotic stimulation, please look elsewhere because you won't find that here. Aside from some coarse language and violence, this story could almost be rated "G." But if Chip's "Danny" series is one you have enjoyed, you may find this story entertaining as well. My interest in Chip's "Danny" series has been mainly, "what are people thinking and feeling?" (Something Chip has preferred to leave to the reader's imagination.) This story delves into that question in just a little bit more detail. Of particular interest to me as well, is how some of these characters respond to situations and circumstance that could happen to anyone as well as how they react to extraordinary situations.

I've introduced my own characters in this story, among them, "Andy Jackson Partlowe," and, to some extent, this is HIS story... how he came to meet Billy, Danny and his friends and how he reacts to their phenomenal strength and abilities.

My thanks to the web master for his work in maintaining this site and for posting this story. I would like to express my special thanks to Chip Masterson and John D. for graciously sharing their characters with me and especially for their work and creativity in creating their stories. This story is dedicated in their honor.

Thanks a lot for sharing, Chip and John D...


They arrived back at Salas' and carried Scotty's belongings inside. Scotty said, "Guys, lets just set everything down on the floor except my clothes. I'll get those hung up and we can get on out to the base.

Salas asked, "Are you SURE you're OK, Scott?"

"Well, Salas, I will be, thanks to you guys. Yeah, I really wanna see if we can do something constructive with the rest of the day. Funny thing, my muscles are craving some really heavy resistance right now. I wanna break a sweat real bad. And now that it's harder than ever to make that happen, I'm gonna need you guys to show me how."

Salas smiled, "OK, kiddo, I'm sure we'll come up with a way to make that happen."

They arrived at Salas' base around 1000. Salas lined up the young men and said, "OK fellahs, we're a little behind schedule, so lets make the rest of today really count." He turned and pointed.

"I have some administrative details I need to handle over at El Toro Mainside. I expect to be back here around 1500 (3:00 pm). See those four derelict aircraft hangers over there? Well I went `em down.... all of 'em... by the time I get back over here from mainside. And I want you to salvage as much of the building material as you can. Have that stuff neatly stacked sorted by category, I beams, roofing material. siding, lumber, drywall, windows, doors... everything... Cuz tomorrow, you're gonna be using it to build us an admin. building, mess hall and some other support facilities. So when you pull those hangars down, this won't be a 'destruction derby.' I want you guys to do your best to recover everything you can so we can make best use of it. We'll be gettin' our 'OPTAR' (base annual operating budget) from the Admiral, but that money won't be a bottomless pit. Guys, I'm coutin' on each one of you to help me squeeze every nickel we get of Uncle Sam's money till the buffalo squeaks. So go on ahead and get to work!"

"Sir, yes sir!" They all called out in unison. And then they vanished.

It'd been a rough morning. But now his charges had their minds and their bodies focused on something constructive. He got into his car and drove toward the gate of his base, enroute to MCAS El Toro. In his rear view mirror, he could see the first hanger being dismantled. As he'd expected, the guys were working faster than the normal eye could follow. The derelict old structure begin to disintegrate from the roof down. The scene looked like time lapse videography, as the hangar was rapidly but methodically dismantled by these exuberant young supermen.

Salas smiled to himself as he drove on.

Briefly, Billy had lined up the guys in front of the first hanger. OK, guys, you heard the man. We gotta take this thing apart and salvage the building materials. So we start on the roof, pull off the corrugated panels. Andy, you and Danny hop up on top, pull off the roofing panels and toss em off to Scotty and me. We'll stack em down here. Then we'll, pull off the siding and stack that. We'll hafta work together to get the interior rooms dismantled. That flaky old drywall inside's gonna be tricky stuff to save, but Salas said we gotta make it happen. And the doors and windows... that should be fairly easy... Salas didn't say anything about the electrical wiring. Mebbe we oughta try to salvage as much of that as we can, too. I guess the insulation is fairly badly frayed, but maybe we can find something useful we can do with that. If nothing else, we can salvage the copper... OK, lets do it.

With a mighty leap, Andy and Danny hopped up onto the roof and started to work. From up there, they could see Salas' car slowly receding in the distance. Before he was out of sight, they had completely removed all the roofing panels from the hangar and started on the exterior walls.

They had all four hangars dismantled in less than an hour. They had lugged their salvage to the spot Salas had designated and finished sorting it. Billy spoke again. "OK, guys, we gotta find some vis queen to cover this old sheet rock. I dunno how much of this stuff we're gonna be able to use, but, knowin' Salas, he'll make us figure out a way to use every scrap. Gonna be a lotta tapin' and floatin' to piece that shit together but, hey, I guess we'll manage..."

Danny said, "Well, now that's done and it's not even 1115. Salas isn't supposed to be back till three. Now whadda we do?"

Billy grinned, "We're all US Navy sailors, here, or soon will be. We use our 'initiative,' of course. Andy, Scotty, one of you two 'link' us up. I got an idea and I wanna see what you guys think."

Andy turned to Scotty. "I'll let you do the 'honors.'"

Scotty 'linked' their minds and immediately, broad mouthed grins appeared on the faces of all the boys as soon as they realized what Billy was thinking.

All of them, even Danny, were wearing regulation camouflage navy work utility uniforms, like those worn by the 'Seabees' (naval construction battalion engineers). Billy wanted them to take the flatbed truck that had been allocated to their installation from MCAS mainside and carry it as they ran on foot over to General Lassiter's former base. They'd set it down away from the base, clamber aboard and drive it right through the main gate. The gate sentry would wave them and their military vehicle right on through without a thought. They intended to "plunder" the base for raw materials for their idea. Billy had learned a lot more at the naval academy than just theoretical 'book' knowledge. He'd managed to pick up concept of the time honored naval tradition of "comshaw." (Derived from a Chinese word, "comshaw" is a polite term for "moonlight requisition.") They would scrounge as much as they could from piles of wreckage scattered around the base left over from the fighting earlier in the week. But their primary target was General Lassiter's former office. Billy and his young friends intended to "requisition" everything from his office suite except his general's flag. The furnishings, the carpet, ceiling light fixtures, even the mahogany paneling. They would leave the place stripped to the bare walls.

They made their way, running on foot to a point about a mile from the base, arriving there in only minutes. Had they driven all the way, it would have taken the better part of an hour. As it was, their run lasted only a few minutes. Billy had insisted that Andy carry the flatbed. He grinned at him. "You're always talkin' about bein' the 'weak sister' in this little bunch. I think havin' you be the one to carry the flatbed oughta disabuse you of any misconceptions on that score."

They had come to stop on a deserted street about a mile from their destination. As Andy lowered the flatbed to the street, Billy said, "OK, Scotty. You drive. I'll ride shotgun. Let ME do the talkin' when we get to the gate. Danny, Andy, hop onto the back."

The gate sentry waved them onto the base before Scotty'd even had a chance to brake to a full stop. Military and civilian contractor vehicles had been moving on and off the base all morning with all the salvage and reconstruction going on around the base from the damage inflicted during the battle last Monday night. Security was unusually lax.

They pulled up to Lassiter's ex-headqarters building. It was pockmarked with bullet holes. Some of the windows had been shot out and there were black scorch marks on the veneer at one end. There were a couple of young marines standing just outside the front entrance, skylarking and smoking cigarettes. Aside from them, the building appeared deserted.

Billy walked up to the young lance corporal who seemed to be in charge and said, "We're here from the El Toro salvage yard. I got written authorization to clear some stuff outta the building and haul it back to the defense property disposal warehouse on our base. Billy proffered his superbly forged 'documentation' but the kid didn't even look at it.

He motioned Billy and his friends to proceed. "Sure, knock yerself out. We got nothin' to do... Want us to give you a hand?"

Billy smiled. "Ah naw. Thanks. We got it. We'll be outta yer way in just a few minutes. We're gonna move the truck around back to the freight entrance and load up. I'll send one of the guys back around here to let you know when we're done. Is the back door unlocked?"

"Yeah, they've had survey teams in and out of the building all morning. So I figured some of you guys would be along before too long. I think they're gonna near about start over with this base. Way more than half our guys are in detention because they sided with that fuck, Lassiter."

Billy said, "Yeah, I heard that was a real bad scene out here last Monday night. Glad you guys made it through OK..."

"Yeah. Thanks. It was a near thing. Me and Robbie were scared shitless some of the General's henchmen might get wise to us and our lieutenant for takin' sides with the good guys. It was our mortar unit that pasted Lassiter's die hards when General Webster and his guys were gettin' hammered right when they first came outta that tunnel for their initial assault. I still got my red armband from Monday night. Now I carry it everywhere I go for good luck."

He fished his red armband out of his pocket and proudly showed it to Billy.

Billy's face fell. "These two young men had been every bit as heroic as he and the guys had been that night. He didn't want them to get left holding the bag because of his "comshaw" operation. He turned and said, OK, guys. Game over. I can't do this to these guys."

"The young lance corporal asked,"Game over? Whaddaya mean?"

Billy said, "OK, dude. I can't lie to you and I can't let you guys to take the fall for this. Me and my guys are working for MCAS El Toro. We're standing up an auxiliary landing field east of there. We just came over here to a little unauthorized scavenging for our outfit."

The young lance corporal grinned wickedly. "Yeah, and I bet I know just what you came here for... Yer gonna clean out the General's office and take that shit back for yourselves, huh."

Billy looked down and shuffled his feet. "Yeah, for our Det. O-in-C, actually. He's a great guy and we were gonna surprise him..."

"Well, I promise not to rat on you guys on one condition..."

"What's that?" Billy asked.

"You gotta let us help you load out."

"Huh? Won't you get in trouble?"

The kid laughed. "Are you kidding? This base is total chaos right now. The dumb assholes in charge may not even have sense enough to miss all that stuff. And if they do, fuck `em if they can't take a joke."

Scotty drove around back with the guys riding on the flat bed. The two young marines went through the building, met them on the rear loading dock and swung open the wide double freight entrance service doors.

There were a couple of large flatbed dollies parked on the loading ramp. The two marines wheeled them into the building and made for the freight elevator. "C'mon guys. Follow us. We gotta move fast before those survey teams come back..."

The group entered the General's office suite and the guys started to sweep odds and ends off the receptionist's desk onto the deck. They were moving at normal speed. The young lance corporal turned to Billy and said. "Hey, I know you guys! You and that young fellah over there..." He pointed to Danny. "...are the two 'tunnel rats!' No tellin' HOW may grunts' lives you saved by diggin' those out for us the other night... cuz otherwise, we'd a hadda make a frontal assault."

Now from what I saw of y'all the other night, I figger you boys can move a lot faster than this... We'll help y'all out as best we can, but you better kick it in the ass and move it if you really want this all stuff. Once those survey teams get back here and tag it... color it 'gone.' I reckon Robbie and I can help you best by stayin' outta yer way. Then when you get done here, we'll come along with you guys and show you where to get some more of the really good stuff."

Billy and the guys had General Lassiter's office stripped bare and the contents loaded onto their flat bed truck in less than a minute.

The young lance corporal exclaimed. "Shit! That WAS fast! Tell me... Is there anything you guys CAN'T do?"

Billy grinned. "Well, we can't get to any more of that really good stuff you mentioned without your help... All we figured on getting were some scraps. Watcha got?"

"Well, lets get this flatbed outta here first. Here's the deal. We'll ride over to motor pool and I'll requisition a big van. Ought take me five or ten to get that squared away. Then you get a couple of your guys to drive the flatbed back to your base. We'll load the van and follow in that sucker. I want at least two of you to 'hang back' and ride to your base with Robbie and me. We'll be off this base so fast with so much 'loot' you won't know what to do with it all."

Billy asked, "What about you guys? Won't you two get in a lotta shit if you leave your posts here?"

"Yeah, normally. But, like I said, this place is in such a cluster fuck right now, nobody'll notice. But if you want this stuff, we gotta strike while the iron is hot so we better get a move on if you wanna do this thing."

Scotty hopped into the cab of the flatbed. The young lance corporal climbed into the passenger seat and directed him to the base motor pool. Everyone else climbed onto the back, riding with their loot from Lassiter's office.

They pulled up outside the motor pool. As the Lance Corporal got down, he called back up to Scotty. "OK, dude, just drive on out through the front gate. Nobody'll stop you if you just act normal like you know what you're doin."

Scotty asked, "Hey, dude, what's yer name? You said your buddy's name is Rob."

"I'm Roy... Roy Fuchs. That's pronounced "FYOUKS," not "FUCKS." And this here's Robbie Bukowski. We enlisted together on the 'buddy program' right outta high school back in Tulsa."

Scotty ginned. "Rob, Roy, nice to meet you guys. Thanks! Thanks a LOT!"

"No problem, dude. Now move out. And take one of these guys with you. We'll be along with that van in no time. You guys are really gonna like what I got for you..."

Danny got into the cab of the flatbed with Scotty and he drove away.

Roy had a big van requisitioned from the motor pool in about ten minutes.

He climbed up into the driver's seat and Robbie, Billy and Andy all crowed into the cab with him.

Roy drove over to the base warehouse complex and came to a stop. He backed up to the loading dock and hopped out. He turned to Billy. "You got that paper work you showed me earlier?"

"Yeah, but it's not gonna be any good for this."

"Aw sure it will. You don't think they're actually gonna READ that shit do you? Lemma see it."

He snatched the paperwork out of Billy's hand. "AYH, this looks 'official' enough. This'll be all we need." Roy led the guys past the desk just inside the warehouse loading bay, waved the paper work at the supply sergeant on duty who just gave him a bored nod.

Roy climbed onto a forklift and started it up. "OK guys, follow me. He drove to the rear of the building, Billy, Andy and Robbie following behind. He raised the fork, maneuvered it under a shrink wrapped pallet and lifted it off the huge storage shelf. He backed out, wheeled the forklift around and lowered the pallet about half way down. "OK, you guys wait here. I'm gonna load this skid into the van. I'll be right back."

He was back in about five minutes. He made two more trips and then lead them to another part of the warehouse.

In three quarters of an hour, Roy had the big van loaded to the gunnels with fresh loot.

Roy parked the forklift and led the guys back to the truck. "OK, lets mount up and head on out to your base."

As he drove along he described what he'd "comshawed" for his new friends. I got you guys a brand new AS-400 server and more work station nodes than you could shake a stick at. I got you all the fiber optic cable you need. All the peripherals, hubs, routers, laser jets, modems, scanners, and a half a dozen notebook PC's, shrink wrap software, brand new in the box, and a couple of real nice compilers... like I said, everything you need. Unless any of you guys are computer geeks, you'll need Robbie's help to set all that up. He's a total computer guru. So of course it figures the Marines'd put his ass in a fuckin' mortar battery... And I'll hafta 'wall paper' you guys with the documentation to cover your ass. All I'm really doin' for you is just a 'shortcut.' You could prolly get at least some of this stuff on your own if yer willin' to wait six months to a year for it. And then yah can make book they'd tell yah 'no' on at least part of it. But, hey, after what you did for us with those tunnels last Monday night, why should I let YOU guys wait or let `em tell yah 'no' on any of this?"

"I got several pallet loads of office furniture and office supplies... work desks, cubicle partitions, office chairs... paper, staples, paper clips, all the government forms you need, the whole schmear. Now you got three FAX machines and four copiers. One of the copiers I got for y'all is a real sweetheart... really does it all... staples, binds.. It's a double sided hi-speed multi-copier. You guys'll be goin' first class right from the jump."

Billy shook his head. "Man! How'd you get wired into all this? Kinda funny that a lance corporal from a mortar outfit has his fingers so deep inside the supply chain, especially as junior as you are."

Roy laughed. "There's a few guys like me in all the services. I guess I just gotta nose for this kinda thing. I dunno how in the hell I wound up in a mortar unit. Whudda waste of my talents. Just like with Robbie here. Typical, though. I should gotten assigned to supply. But I guess it's always been that way in the military. Damn receiptors and classifiers... fuckin' idiots! Anyway, once you learn how the system works, if you got the balls, you can requisition anything you want and as long as it's in stock, they'll just give it to you. They ain't never told ME 'no.' Not even once. Now here's the truth. I never stole one damned thing from Uncle Sam for myself. But I sure helped a lotta guys 'bypass' the system to get what they need. You wouldn't believe how useful that's been for me come payback time..."

Billy grunted. "OK, Roy, whadda yah want from us?"

"Oh, not much. For one thing, I DO wanna get into supply. I did the military correspondence courses in my spare time and I'm gettin' my MOS (military occupation specialty) changed from artillery to supply. I want a transfer out to your new installation. I wanna get in on the ground floor over there. They'll bump me up at least one pay grade, maybe two and I'll run the whole supply show for you guys. And I wanna bring Robbie here along. He'll take care of your computers. He can write code like nobody business in, like, a whole shit load of programming languages... and he's a qualified system and data base administrator. And he's a telecommunications genius. I think you'll find our services more than worthwhile. All we gotta do is talk your Det. O-in-C into givin' me the nod. I'll handle gettin' the transfer paper work all lined up. He won't hafta turn a hand to that. That's another one of my specialties, by the way. I know Navy and Marine Corps bureaucracy like the back of my hand. And lemme tell you, I found out from day one, 'my trusty GI Skillcraft pen is mightier than the sword.' You got your paper work ducks in a row, you'll run the whole goddamn show. I got majors and colonels all over the place jumpin' through hoops for me..." He chuckled. "...Little do they know."

Billy shook his head. Damn this guy was such a little pirate! He knew he'd catch hell from Salas for this but, shit, the kid had kinda 'adopted' them, like some stray cat that had wandered up to the back stoop 'panhandlin' for a saucer of milk.

As he drove, Roy took his hand off the steering wheel, pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his utility uniform pocket and tapped the bottom against his opposite wrist. The tip of one of the cigarettes popped out. He raised the open end of the pack to his mouth and drew the cigarette out between his lips. He offered the pack to Billy, seated right next to him. Billy shook his head. "Those things'll kill you yah know..."

Roy grinned. "Fuck you too, sir."

"Man!" Billy thought. "This guy's cockier than Danny ever thoughta bein'. And he's such a fast talker, he makes Andy look like a piker in THAT department! Whatthefuck did I get myself into?"

Andy said, "Billy, this is sure gonna be a tough sell to Salas. You know what he said about Staff Hernandez and his guys. Now he's REALLY gonna freak!"

Roy said, "Yeah, mebbe so at first. But I'll get my way. You don't hafta worry about that. You two won't hafta say a word. You just gimme five minutes alone with him and he'll be eatin' outta my hand."

Andy asked, "How yah gonna manage that?"

"Oh, I got my ways. For one thing, you guys sachet onto our base and make off with the General's office, lock, stock and barrel. I'm sure he won't want word of that to get out..."

Billy's jaw fell open. "But you said you wouldn't rat on us!"

"Sure I did... And I wouldn't..." Roy grinned impishly. "... But HE don't know that..."

"...At least, I won't rat unless you try to side track my little plan to get me and Robbie assigned to your base. All you guys gotta do is keep yer yaps shut. That ain't too hard to do is it?"

Roy drove the van onto Salas' base and pulled up alongside the loaded flatbed.

He got out and saw the salvage pile the guys had stacked up earlier. He eyed it greedily. Billy put his hand on Roy's shoulder and turned him around. "Oh no yah don't. Our boss has plans for that."

"Yeah? Like what?"

"We're gonna build some support buildings out of that stuff... An admin. 'head shed,' supply storage depot, living quarters, chow hall... You know... a regular support complex."

"Hmmm... Wish I'd known that. There's other stuff we coulda snagged over at my base... Oh well. Guess we'll hafta just 'make do' with what we got."

Andy said, "Well, we'll just unload your van and you guys can be on your way..."

Roy tipped the ash off the end of his cigarette and replied a little absently, "Yeah. Go ahead and unload, y'all. Meanwhile, I'll just do a little 'survey' of this salvage pile."

Billy said, "Well, look, Roy. The guys and I sorta had plans for the rest of the afternoon. So, once we unload, mebbe you an' Robbie outta saddle up and shove off..."

"Plans? What plans? We're just now gettin' acquainted here. Whadda you guys got lain on for this afternoon?"

Billy thought, "Man this guy was forward!"

"Well, we're gonna try to get started on some of our construction."

Roy's eyes lit up. "Oh yeah? Well now, this is your lucky day! I'll bet, fast as you guys move, you could have one whole building framed up, sided and roofed in no more than a couple of hours. My dad's a general contractor back in Tulsa. I've worked construction jobs for him off and on since I was a little kid. I can whip out a set of plans for you guys in a jiff! Gimme something to write on and I'll rough out a floor plan.. We can start with your 'head shed' (base admin. building). I'll give you exactly the layout you need and you guys can go to work. Since I can't move like you guys, I'll just hang out and supervise."

Billy pulled off his cap and scratched his head. He had no doubt that Roy's claim to have colonels and majors jumping through hoops for him was true. Now it looked like he was about to have four 'supermen' doing his bidding!

Roy hopped back into the truck and found a yellow legal pad stuck in a pouch mounted on the driver's door. He pulled a black government issue Skillcraft ball point out of his pocket and lay the legal pad on the left front fender of the van. He had the floor plan roughed out in less than five minutes, dimensions and all.

Andy looked over his shoulder as he worked. When Roy was done, Andy took his work and said, "Hey, dude, this looks pretty good! You did that really fast!"

"Well, I think I got an idea what you need. Based on that and what all materials we got here, this oughta work out OK."

Billy said, "Lemma have a look."

"Yeah. Looks OK. All but the Det. O-in-C's office. We need that to match General Lassiter's old office dimensions exactly."

Roy looked at Billy. "OK. Draw that in and I'll make adjustments so the rest of the building fits."

They were done in another five minutes.

Roy was a superb draftsman. He worked freehand and he worked really fast. Then he quickly drew up a framing plan and turned to Billy. "OK, here's what you need. We'll build on pilings since we'd never get a concrete slab poured, dried and ready to go today. I'll stand aside and let you guys do your thing. I'll wanna see this..."

Billy looked at Andy, Scotty and Danny and just shook his head again for the umpteenth time since he'd met Roy. This "Oakie" had just completely taken charge of the whole damn situation, like he owned the place. He'd lain out plans for a single story office building. It was to be a long, narrow structure with an entry foyer in the center. The foyer extended from front to rear. There were passageways leading both to right and left with modest sized offices on both sides. All except the rooms that would serve as Salas' office suite. They would be the largest rooms in the building. There would an auxiliary hallway running from front to rear of the building with exits at both ends. This hallway would separate Salas' office suite from the rest of the building. Double doors into the suite would be situated immediately inside hallway exit leading out to the front of the building.

There was a somewhat smaller office set aside for Cole as deputy O-in-C, a file server room, a conference room, storage room, a small break room and galley. Two rest rooms and a large office at the far end of the building from Salas' office. The cubicles would go in there. There was a small office to the left side of the entry foyer with an opening in the wall for a service counter. This would serve as the installation "quarter deck" where the "Officer the Day" and his "Duty Petty Officer or Marine NCO" hung out. And Roy had allocated a small, private space for himself and Robbie.

Roy took the yellow pad again and sketched out plumbing, wiring, fiber optics and phone line installation plans. He didn't have super speed but he sure worked fast. Danny, Billy, Andy and Scotty all just shook their heads. Robbie just laughed.

Roy turned to Billy and said, "OK, sir. I've done my part. Robbie and I'll just step aside and have us a smoke while you guys get to work. Yah got any questions, lemme know and I'll step in. But everything oughta be fairly clear. I'd say you guys oughta be able to have this thing roughed out in an hour or so. Maybe less. When's your boss due back?"

Billy asked, "What makes you think he's gone?"

Roy said, "Well, duh... Where the hell is he? He sure ain't around here that I can see. And if he was here, how'd you explain that little comshaw run you boys went out on this morning? Did HE authorize that? ...I don't THINK so... So, when's he due back?"

Billy answered. "Around 1500 (3:00 p.m.)"

"Oh man, that's gonna be tight! Y'all better get a move on!"

Billy and the rest of the guys blurred into invisibility and started to work. They had the building roughed out in less than half an hour. Roy and Robbie followed them inside and surveyed their progress. "Well, dude. This is fairly good, so far. Now you need to lay in all the electrical, phone and fiber optic wiring and the plumbing. Then, once I check that out, you can rough in the drywall. After that, you'll tape, float and texture with quick dry and then paint with a flat white latex, also quick dry. Then, we'll pull the stuff off the flatbed and get your boss' office set up. And last but not least, we'll pull that office furniture outta the van, get that inside and then get your computers installed. Robbie and I won't have the time to get the computer network completely set up like I want this afternoon. But, hey, that's what they made 'tomorrow' for. When your boss gets back, I got an idea for a little surprise that'll knock his socks off. I guarantee I'll close the deal for him getting me transferred over here if you guys play along.

When they were done, Roy walked with them through the building. Maybe he should've been more impressed by what the four young supermen had done with his building design in so short a time, but he was so full of HIMSELF he all but shrugged it off. He didn't let it pass completely, but his kudos were breathtakingly offhand. "You guys work pretty fast... workmanship's kinda OK... it'll do... I think your boss'll be satisfied, anyway. Let's have a look at his office one last time. I wanna check something."

Robbie and the guys followed Roy into Salas' new office. It was Lassiter's office completely reconstituted except for the red Genera'ls flag which they'd left behind. It was the only thing that remained in Lassiter's former office space, now stripped completely bare. Momentarily, Roy had found what he was looking for. The general's, now Salas', high back office chair had a rip in the upholstery. Roy wore a mock scowl on his face. "Damn! I missed that, didn't I!"

Billy explained. "Major Salas, that's our boss... He ripped out a strip of leather outta that thing to tie up General Lassiter's hands when we took him into custody..."

Roy grinned, reached into his pants pocket and pulled out the leather strip. "Were you looking for this?"

Billy's jaw fell open. Roy seemed to make that happen a lot. "Where in the FUCK did you find that?"

"Well, when they got the General outside the HQ building after they arrested him, I was there. They pulled this off his wrists when the MP's snapped some real handcuffs on him. They dropped the leather strip to the ground, so I went over and picked it up. Seemed like kind of a cool souvenir so I went for it... One of you guys stitch that back into place and it'll give that chair some real character. Like a 'battle scar' or somethin'."

Scotty and Andy laughed. Danny asked, "Dude. Just tell me. Is there anything YOU can't do or ANYTHING you don't have at your finger tips?"

Roy chuckled. "Well, I'm fresh outta smokes for one thing... Left mine in the van on the front seat..." He bummed yet another cigarette from Robbie and lit up. "...And, yeah, sure, there's lotsa things I can't do. That's why I'll be keepin' you boys around... Somebody up in here's gotta do the 'stoop labor.'"

Roy rubbed his palms together and then clapped his hands. "OK guys, time's awastin'. We gotta get kinda half way squared away here before the ole man comes back. Spiff up, y'all! Straighten up yer gig lines! We're gonna be yer boss' little 'welcoming committee.' Here's what we're gonna do when he shows up..."

Salas drove onto the base. He saw the new structure off to one side of the lone surviving hangar. "What the heck is this?" he wondered.

He pulled up in front of the new building. It was quite impressive. The sides were corrugated steel, neatly painted in off white. The metal roof was painted a dull reddish brown. There was a neatly manicured lawn surrounding the building and a broad cement walkway leading up to the entrance. It was lined on both sides by a white painted chain, strung between upright artillery shells. There were three regulation flag poles set in front of the building... One in the center of the cement walkway, leading up to the front entrance, another off to one side and yet another on the other side of the walkway. From the center flag pole, the stars'n stripes waved in the gentle Southern California breeze. The red Marine Corps and blue Navy service banners flew from the flanking flag poles. As Salas alighted from his police cruiser, the guys came running out the front door of the building. Billy cried out, "Side boys! Lay to the 'quarter deck'!"

The guys lined up flanking the walkway. Danny was lined up first on Salas' right. Next to him was Scotty and then Robbie. Billy lined up with Andy on Salas' left along with Roy. The guys faced each other across the walkway. Billy barked, "Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field El Toro, Alfa Three, Arriving!"

Danny drew a regulation navy bosun's pipe out of his shirt pocket and "piped Salas aboard."

Billy called out, "Hand salute!"

All the guys rendered Salas hand salutes and a little uncertainly, Salas saluted back.

Billy responded, "Ready... Two!" and the guys snapped their arms back down to their sides.

Billy executed a smart, parade ground right face and said to Salas, "Sir, your new administration facility... ready for inspection!"

Salas just stood there. He didn't know what to make of this. Finally, his curiosity got the better of him. He decided to go along and see how all this played out. He answered, "Very well."

Billy spoke again, "Sir, with the Major's permission... we will show you the new facility."

Salas, just a little bemused, chuckled a little and replied, "Very well, Midshipman Hartlander."

"Aye aye, Sir. If the Major will follow me..."

Billy led Salas into the building, opening the aluminum framed double glass door for him. Andy, Scotty, Danny, Roy and Robbie followed behind. The building was completely finished out and furnished inside. It looked like a typical military office building... very neat and functional but somewhat austere. The entry foyer had been dressed out as a "quarter deck" with Marine and Naval flags at the rear of the room. Framed portraits of the President, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Navy, Admiral Tucker and the Commanding Officer of MCAS El Toro hung side by side in a row on the rear bulkhead between the two flags. The obligatory OOD office lay to the left with a window - service counter opening into the entry foyer. The tan vinyl tile floor had been waxed to a mirror shine. Salas could see the color of his eyes in his reflection on the deck. Billy turned to Salas. "Major Salas, I'd like to introduce our new supply NCO, Lance Corporal Roy Fuchs and our new computer tech, Lance Corporal Robbie Bukowski."

Salas said, "Billy, I'd like YOU to join ME... outside... NOW!"

As soon as Salas got Billy out the door he asked, "What in the FUCK is goin' on here, boy? Who are those two?"

Billy had known this was coming... All because he'd gotten a wild hair up his ass to go on that "comsahw" run this morning. "Well, Salas, I guess I better lay it all out for yah an' take my licks."

"Yeah, son, I guess you better! Now who are those guys and what are they doing here?"

"Well, I took our guys over to Lassiter's base to pick up a few things from over there..."

"Oh? Did I TELL you to do that?"

Billy looked down at his feet. "Uh, no, sir. I sorta did that on my own...."

"A little 'moonlight requisition' raid, eh?"

"Uh, yes, sir, that's about the size of it."

"And how did these two newcomers figure into that?"

"Well, sir, we went to Lassiter's HQ to get some stuff outta there and those two fellahs were guarding the building... And when they found out what we were up to, well, Roy recognized Danny and me from our tunneling last Monday night. He saw the whole thing when we dug out those tunnels. So, he and Robbie offered to help us. Then he took us over to base supply and helped us get a bunch of other stuff..."

Salas was about to come unhinged. "Which you just lifted without authorization??? Are you guys fuckin' nuts?"

"Well, we sorta got the authorization now, sir..."

Salas interrupted. "Billy, would you stop with all that 'sir' bullshit? This is serious! Now HOW did you get this authorization... 'so called'"

"Lance Corporal Fuchs sorta back filled all the documentation. He pencil whipped everything after the fact. He swears it'd pass muster with the IG's (inspector generals)."

"And you believed him... Who did he get to sign the requisition forms?"

"Uh, that'd be you, Salas. As Det. O-in-C."

"WHAT? You mean that little shit forged MY goddamn signature and you LET him??? Jesus H. Christ almighty!"

"Well, Salas, I really don't see what the big deal is. If the documentation is all in place, hey, we're covered. It's not like we took all this stuff home for personal use. It's all set up for official business. Fuchs said all we did was take a little shortcut. Now we got everything we need from jump street. If we don't HAFTA wait six months to get our requisitions filled, why should we? Besides, this way, nothing in the building will get charged off our OPTAR budget... Hey, it's all stuff we're gonna need. And you DID say for us to 'squeeze our nickels till the buffalo squeaks.'"

Salas sighed. "That I did, Billy... That I did... I guess those two saw everything when you guys threw up this building..."

"Yeah, Salas. Lance Corporal Fuchs supervised the whole thing... drew up the plans and everything... in a flash. We just built out everything the way he told us to."

"Well, so much for keepin' our little secret under wraps... I can't believe this, Billy..."

"Aw, Salas, he doesn't know any more now than when he got out of his rack this morning. He saw everything Danny and I did with those tunnels last Monday night. He and Robbie were in that mortar outfit inside Lassiter's base. Your remember... They're the ones who came to General Webster's rescue early on in the action. None of us had to do anything or even say a word to him about what we can do. He had the whole 'BFP' (big fuckin' picture) on us already. I'd already planned on us trying to throw up a little building outta some of this stuff from the hangars we pulled down this morning... plus the stuff we brought back from Lassiter's base. But Fuchs just sorta took over and 'adopted' us. Now there's no way he's gonna leave... Say's he wants to get him and Robbie reassigned out here... permanently..."

"Oh?" Salas asked. "And how in the HELL is that supposed to happen?"

"His orders are waiting on your desk. All they need is your signature."

"Well now... I'm surpassed he didn't forge my signature on that, too."

"He seemed fairly sure you'd sign `em yourself..."

"And if I don't?"

"I think, Salas, at this point, it'd be a lot easier on everyone if you just went ahead and signed. He refuses to leave. Andy and I both tried shooin' him off. He wasn't havin' any of that."

Salas took Billy by the arm. "Let's go back inside. You and I are gonna have a little TALK with this Mister Fuchs."

Salas stormed back into the building with Billy following sheepishly behind. Roy looked up at Salas and drawled, "Well, Major, did y'all get everything all squared away out there?"

"Son, why don't you and I step outside for a just minute? I'd like to have a word with you. Billy, on second thought, you stay your young ass inside. This is gonna be just Fuchs and me, man to man. Then I'll come back in here and deal with you."

As soon as they were outside, Roy looked the Major square in the eye and said, "I wouldn't be too hard on the boy, sir. You know how it is with these kids... the exuberance of youth, an' all. Actually, all things considered, everything's turned out fairly well. I think you owe the kid a letter of commendation for posting in his service jacket..."

Salas couldn't believe the pluck of this skinny young jar head, no more than a year or two Billy's senior, if even that. Before he could open his mouth to speak, Roy went on...

"...Actually, he deserves a lot more than that, seein' as how he managed to talk Robbie an' me into comin' on board with you guys. I'll be the best damned supply sergeant in the Corps, and with Robbie, you got a computer genius on your hands. I'd say we're both worth our weight in gold to you guys. At any rate, we're worth a helluva lot more than all that good shit your boy managed to 'requisition' for you."

"That he fuckin' STOLE, you mean..."

"Well... 'stole?' ...That's kinda harsh, Major. You don't wanna say that too loud. Somebody might get the wrong idea..."

"...Here's the deal, Major. I'll keep my mouth shut if you will. But I just need you to sign my transfer request... oh yeah, and mine and Robbie's promotion to sergeant..."

"Kid, this is startin' to sound an awful lot like blackmail..."

"Oh, Major, there you go again... 'Blackmail' is SUCH an ugly word... Let's just call it a 'very credible threat,' shall we?"

"...Sir, I think, at this point, the best thing you could do is just sorta go with the flow. I really AM a very good worker and so is Robbie. Tell yah what. You gimme a shot for a week. You don't think I can cut the mustard for yah... Robbie and I'll bug out... no hard feelin's. But yer just gonna hafta put up with us for a week. I'd say that's more than fair, wouldn't you?"

"I can't get you two promoted to sergeant from lance corporal. That's two pay grades."

"No problem there, sir. I already made corporal from my last service wide advancement exam and so did Robbie. All you gotta do is sign our promotions and it becomes effective immediately. I took the liberty of having the paperwork FAXED over here. Like I said, all yah gotta do is sign. And I dated our spot promotions to sergeant effective tomorrow. Spot promotions, one grade, are perfectly legal... And there's no 'time in current pay grade requirement' for spot promotions. I think you'll find all the 'Ts' are crossed and 'I's'' dotted."

In spite of himself, Salas started laughing his ass off. "Kid, is there ANYTHING you haven't thought of?"

"Sir, no sir."

"Goddamn, kid, I'd hafta be crazy not to let an 'operator' like you come to work for me if he wants to. OK, your in."

Roy had been cool as a cucumber up until this point. But now he rubbed his palms together, clapped his hands and flashed Salas a grin so broad, he looked like a little boy at Christmas time!

"Sir, yes sir. And I promise, you won't be sorry. Robbie and I'll make you glad you saw things my way."

"Well, son. There's one small stipulation... From now on, we do things MY way. No more 'freelancin' on yer own. We do anything like this 'heist' you pulled this morning... and I damn well might ask you to do that again someday... it's not without MY authorization. If anybody catches us, whoever ELSE hangs, since I'm in charge, I'd swing with `em. So that makes it my call... Fair enough?"

"Sir, yes sir. Fair enough. Shake?"

"Yeah, kid. We got us a deal. Welcome aboard!" They shook hands and started to walk back inside.

Just before Roy opened the door for them, Salas stopped him. "Oh, by the way, kid, that was very brave of you and the guys in your mortar unit. I know what General Lassiter was doing to anyone he or his goons deemed unreliable. You guys all risked your lives to do the right thing."

Roy gave Salas a solemn look. Yes sir, and so did a lot of other guys all over our base. And not all of `em made it OUT with their lives. Sir, all we were doin' was just our jobs. Robbie and me both swore an oath when we put on this uniform, 'to defend the Constitution.' And, sir, I want you to know, he and I both take our oath serious. We won't ever let you don't on that score, Major... either one of us."

Salas nodded. He was really starting to like this kid.

Billy completely broke character from his military bearing... Like a puppy, he trotted up to Salas as soon as he and Roy reentered the foyer from outside. Salas started to tell Billy and the other guys, but Roy beat him to it. "Robbie and I are in..."

Salas added... "...Starting tomorrow morning."

Roy responded, "Sir, yes sir. Robbie and I'll get our gear moved over here tonight. They got a bunk room on the left side the hangar. We'll settle in over there..."

"Well, son, tomorrow, if you're game, you and the guys can set up some more suitable quarters. Think you could work with my boys on that?"

"Yes, sir, Major. Can do..."

"...Sir, think you could sign our transfers now? Robbie and I need our detachment orders to get off the duty roster back at our base. Paperwork's waiting on your desk. Then I just gotta get `em countersigned over at our base... That's just a formality, but Robbie and me wanna get all our ducks in a row tonight so we don't hafta go back over there."

Billy spoke up, "Sir, would you like to inspect the rest of the facility?"

"Sure. Let's have a look."

Billy turned to Roy. "OK, this is your baby, I'll let you do the honors."

Roy led Salas and the guys through the facility, leaving Salas' new office for last. "... And now, Major, your new office spaces, Sir..."

As soon as Salas entered the reception area, he knew... "This is Lassiter's stuff!"

Roy responded, "Not any more, sir. He's gotta nine by twelve at the Marine brig in Portsmouth, Maine. That's where they're holdin' him till his court martial. Just consider all this stuff a 'prize of war.'"

Salas turned to Billy. "Was this your idea or his?" Salas pointed to Roy.

"Mine, sir. But we'd never have gotten any of this stuff without Roy's OK. And as for a building, we'd have thrown something together, but nothing like this, if we hadn't had Roy here runnin' the show. He's been the brains behind this whole damn operation."

Salas whistled. "Damn! And with you super-geniuses, that's really sayin' somethin'!"

"...OK, guys, this place is really shit hot! Great job everybody! Let's break up for the day. I'll see all of you back here at zero seven thirty..."

Roy and Robbie got Salas to sign their transfers, left the building, climbed aboard their van and drove off.

Salas called Billy off to the side. "OK, Billy. You guys know NOT to do any 'mind linking' in front of those two. At least not for now. Maybe we can bring them into this later but lets give `em awhile to get settled in. And I sure wish I knew more about how much that 'mind linking' had to do with Andy's and Scotty's getting their super strength and Scotty's getting his 'mind melding.' We gotta handle those two with kid gloves on this, Billy. We don't know HOW Roy would react if he woke up one morning super strong like you guys."

"Salas! Yer tellin' me? I think he kinda likes things just the way they are... Him givin' the orders and us guys doin' the work. Likely as not, he'd freak. Cuz then he wouldn't have an excuse to go off with Robbie for a smoke while me and the guys do all the 'coolie labor.' And yah know, he was barely phased by how fast we can move or how super strong we are. He was more impressed with himself than he was with any of us." Billy shook his head. "That guy's gotta be the cockiest lil' sombitch who ever trod shoe leather."

Salas laughed. "Yeah, Billy. And he's a little manipulator. When I got him outside for our little 'man to man,' he just took over and played me like a goddamn fiddle. We're gonna hafta keep a tight leash on him and I'm countin' on you to help me out with that. I think that boy's gonna be as much of a handful as Danny EVER was! But, Billy, he sure seems like a super guy. I think we may've really struck gold with him." Salas laughed again. "I know HE sure as hell thinks we did! And Robbie seems OK, too. Especially if he can do all the computer and telecommunications stuff Roy says he can."

Salas called to Scotty and Danny. "OK, guys, let's head on out... Billy, would you and Andy lock up?"

"Sure, Salas. We got it."

Salas dropped Danny off. Before he got out, Danny asked, "Scotty, yah wanna hang out together tomorrow night?"

"Aw, baby bro., that'd be cool, but I got somethin' I gotta do tomorrow night and Sunday. But I'd sure like that. Can we get together maybe later on. Sunday afternoon or evening?"

"Yeah, Scotty. Sure. Yah gonna call me or shall I call you?"

"Let me call you, Danny... See yah."

As Salas drove off, Scotty asked, "Salas, after work tomorrow, could you run me out to LAX? I gotta fly to Kansas City. There's a family I gotta go see. I was with their boy when he died Monday night over at the hospital at El Toro. I promised I'd get in touch with his folks..." Scotty's eyes were a little moist."

"No, Scotty. You and I will fly to Kansas City in the jet right after work. I'm not gonna let you do that by yourself."

"Aw, Salas. You don't hafta do that. This is just somethin' I gotta do."

"No, Scotty, I WANT to come along. When we meet that boy's family, I'll hang back and let you do the talkin', but I'm comin' with you and we'll make the flight to Kansas City in the jet."

"Well, gee, thanks. I really appreciate you're doin' that for me, Salas."

"Scotty, if you only knew how much I appreciate YOU, boy. I never had any kids. Now I guess it doesn't look like I ever will. But if I'd had a son, I'd want him to turn out just like you."

Scotty was silent for a few minutes. Then he said, "Salas..." For just a moment, he couldn't go on. Finally he said, "Salas... Thanks! That's all I can say... Just thank you, for everything."

When they got home, Salas made supper for both of them. Scotty cleaned up the kitchen and then went straight to his room. A few minutes later, Salas came in to check on him. Scotty had moved his belongings into a corner and was neatly stacking them.

"What're you doin', son? Yah want me to help you get settled in? Let's get this room set up and a little more homey for you..."

"Aw, Salas, I really hated bargin' in on you like this. Hey, man, this is your home. I appreciate your takin' me in for a couple of nights. But you didn't take me to raise. I gotta get myself a place so you can get back to normal around here."

Salas looked at Scotty. "Son, it's like I told you before. You're NOT goin' anywhere. I got way too much house just for myself. Let me do this for you, Scott. At least let me try. I'd like to try and make this little place a home for you if you'd let me. I don't pretend to be able to play the role of 'parent' for you, boy. Hell, you're almost a grown man now. But, Scott, that's 'ALMOST.' You're not quite there yet. And even if you did decide to move on one day... shit, I know how that goes, everybody flies the nest eventually. But if you'd stay here with me, at least for awhile, then you'd always have someplace to come back to. Someplace you could kinda call 'home.' Doesn't look like you ever had much of that in your life and I want you to gimme a shot at tryin' to make that up to you."

Scotty looked up at Salas. "Yah know, Salas, I never dreamed when we first met in the locker room over at Cal Tech that things would turn out like this. I guess you and Danny are about the two best things that ever happened to me. I hope someday I find a way to make all this up to you. Cuz, God knows, you sure didn't hafta do this for me..."

"Yeah, Scotty. I did. I'm doin' this as much for me as I am for you. I got you and all the guys, now, and there's nothin' I could be doin' with my life that could make me any happier. But here at home, I got no one. I'm all alone in the world. I came from a big family, Scotty. But they all died in a hurricane down in South Texas back when I was just a kid. I was up in Gonzales, near San Antonio at the time, with my grandparents, helpin' em out some on their farm. I was real strong even way back then. But now my grand parents are gone, too. It would mean more to me than you could ever know if you could find it in your heart to call this place 'home.' I guess I oughta hope things get smoothed over between you and your folks, Scotty. And if they ever did, that'd make me very happy for you. But I'm not gonna lie to you. Frankly, a part of me hopes that'll never happen. Cuz, Scott, at least I'd APPRECIATE you for who and what you are. I've felt that way from the day we first met. I'd be proud and honored to call you my son. Hell, If you ever settled down and got married, I'd be like a grandfather to your kids an' spoil em real bad for yah... I'd do all that 'family' stuff for you that you really never had. That'd be all I'd need to make me the happiest man alive. So, like I said, I'm not just doin' this for you. I got my own selfish motives here. And, Scotty, I'll NEVER turn my back on you. No matter what. I'll always be there for you till the day I die. Son, I don't think I could love you any more if you were my own flesh and blood."

Scotty was just a little overwhelmed. Finally he looked up at and said, "Salas, you're everything anyone could want in a father. I guess I'm kinda sorry you never married and had kids, cuz you'd have made such a wonderful dad. There's nothing that would make me prouder than to introduce you to everyone I meet as MY dad."

Salas embraced Scotty and said, "Welcome home, son."

Salas had pulled up in front of the Hendersons, let Danny out and driven away with Scotty. Danny went inside. His mom had supper almost ready. She and Mr. Henderson looked up and she said, "Oh hi, Danny. You're just in time."

Danny smiled, went over to his mom and gave her a hug. He was careful to make it just right. Not enough to hurt, but strong enough to let her know he really meant it. This morning, after what had happened to Scotty, Danny had resolved never again to take his parents' love for granted... He'd already 'turned a corner' with them since Scotty and then Salas had come along. And his experience with Andy at the mall had been another major 'breakthrough.' But after this morning with Scotty, he had new insight just how important 'family' was to him. As he and his parents sat down to eat, right after Mr. Henderson had returned grace, Danny said, "Mom, Dad, I know in a lotta ways I've been a real disappointment to you in the past. And, no doubt, I'll disappoint you again from time to time. But I just want you both to know, I'm gonna try a lot harder than I ever have before to make you proud of me. I really want to make you glad, not sorry, I turned out the way I did..."

Mrs. Henderson was quiet for just a moment. Then she said to Danny, "Son, we love you no matter what. You're our son, no matter what. There aren't any conditions on that. There never have been and never will be. We don't love you because of what you do... or what you CAN do... We love you because of who you are... You're our little boy..."

"I love you too, Mom and Dad. More than I could ever tell you."

Andy and Billy pulled into the driveway at Mrs. Hartlander's. Mrs. Partlowe's car was parked alongside the curb. Andy said, "Oh wow! Mom's here..."

They went inside. Mrs. Hartlander and Mrs. Partlowe were waiting for them at the table. Mrs. Hartlander spoke. "Boys, we've got dinner ready. Why don't you two wash up while we set the table?"

Billy and Andy kissed the moms and went off to wash up. When they were alone, Andy said, "They've got somethin' up there sleeve. This ain't just a friendly get together. I know my mom and I know yours. This is business."

Billy said, "Well, I wouldn't worry too much. I don't have any sense it's anything like bad news."

"Depends." Andy responded. "Depends."

They sat down with their moms to eat. The conversation started off with idle chit chat until Andy said, "OK, ladies, what's this all about? What is it yah wanna tell us?"

Mrs. Partlowe laughed. "You mean it's that obvious?"

"Yeah, mom. It's written all over both of your faces... So... What's up?"

Mrs. Hartlander spoke. "Well, Andy, Billy, we've found a house. It's a duplex not far from here. And there's a pool in back and a nice pool house behind that. We'd like you two to take a ride with us over there after we're done with dinner."

Andy shot a look at Billy who responded, "Don't look at me, lil' bro. I had nothin' to do with this. Honest."

Mrs. Hartlander asked, "What's that?"

Billy answered. "Well, I'd thought about us all tryin' to get us a place together. But this sounds a lot better than anything I'd hoped for. We'd have the best of both worlds... Sounds like with a setup like this, we could all be together and still have some privacy."

Mrs. Partlowe asked. "Well, what do you think, Andy?"

"Oh, I dunno. I guess we could have a look at the place. Then maybe think about it some before we did anything."

After supper, they rode over to the duplex. Mrs. Partlowe explained their idea. "I've managed to save up a few dollars and Emily will sell her house. She's got some equity she'll come away with from that. And with your income from the navy, maybe you boys could help us out. You'd be paying rent someplace, anyway. Might as well make that count for something besides just a roof over your heads and a stack of apartment rental receipts... since, one day, the place would belong to you two."

Billy grinned. "Oh wow! I can't wait to see this place!"

They pulled up in front of the duplex. It was a single story ranch contemporary, veneered with mud tan brick and a red terra cotta roof. There were twin single car attached garages flanking the house. The two sides of the duplex had mirrored floor plans. Two small palm trees had been planted in the front yard, flanking a walkway leading up from the street to the front porch The front doors to the two units faced each other from opposite ends of the front porch.

As they stepped onto the front porch, Mrs. Hartlander fished a key out of her purse and opened the realtor's lock box, hanging from the door knob of the unit on the right hand side. She found three keys in the lock box, one for each unit. She opened the front door to the right hand unit and they went inside. It was a well appointed three bedroom. There was more floor space than in Mrs. Hartlander's single family dwelling. All the amenities had been included. It was obvious both she and Mrs. Partlowe had fallen in love with the place.

They went out the back door. There was a covered patio running from end to end at the rear of the house with an elaborate built in brick barbq pit. Beyond that, the entire yard was paved in pea gravel except for flower beds set around the perimeter, surrounded by a high brick wall. Ivy climbed the wall in several places. There was a large pool in the center and an in-ground hot tub right next to the shallow end. Andy shook his head. "There's no way we could swing this. This place has gotta go for at least a quarter mil!"

Mrs. Partlowe smiled. "That's a pretty good guess, Andy. That's exactly what it's been appraised for. But this is an estate sale and we can have it for one eighty. Emily and I have already signed an earnest money contract and put down a thousand dollars apiece. We have a week to weasel out and we can still get our money back. Now lets have a look at the pool house."

Mrs. Hartlander unlocked the glass door and they went inside. Billy gasped... "Oh wow! A FIREPLACE!"

The living area was huge. There was an adjoining galley style kitchen set off to one side with a serving bar between the kitchen and living area. The floor was covered in charcoal gray high gloss flagstone and there was high beamed ceiling. There were two master bedrooms, each with it's own bathroom fitted with separate garden tub and standup shower. There was also a third half bath immediately adjacent the living area...

Billy turned to Andy. "Well, whaddaya think, lil' bro?"

Andy looked down. "Well, I dunno. I'd wanna run the numbers and see if this all makes sense financially. This is a really fancy place. I'm not at all sure we can swing this. I for one don't wanna be a 'house slave' with all our money goin' to keep up the mortgage... Why don't we all go back to your mom's and talk this over. And, since we gotta week to make up our minds, I wanna take every bit of that time to think about it..."

"What's to think over, lil bro? If the numbers work out, which we can check on as soon as we get back home, what else is there to consider?"

Andy flashed Billy a hard stare. "We'll talk this over later, Bill, just you and me."

When they got back to Mrs. Hartlander's, Andy took a calculator and a legal pad and ran the numbers. He had quite a bundle saved up by now and could've made the down payment is cash even with no help from his mom or Mrs. Hartlander. He looked up and said, "Well, we got the down payment and among the four of us, we got the monthly installments... principle, interest, taxes and insurance... we got all that in the bag. And the interest rate seems fair enough. And it's an assumable FHA loan so we won't even hafta qualify. On paper, the deal looks OK. Lemma chew on this with Billy and we'll letcha know.

Billy said, "Well, Andy, I'm all for it. So now the only one we gotta convince is you... Why yah hangin' back, lil bro? What's wrong, buddy?"

"We'll talk, Billy. I just wanna make sure this thing really makes sense all around. As long as we got a little time to decide, we might as well take advantage of it."

Mrs. Hartlander looked at Andy and said, "You remember what I told you before..."

Andy looked at her and said, "Yes ma'am. I do..."

Mrs. Partlowe interjected. "Andy, I think I know what's bothering you. Emily and I have talked and I want you to know, there'll be no 'holding back' between you and Billy in front of us. Andy, I know you'd rather be off with Billy someplace by yourselves. But this really is a big place. You'll have all the privacy you could ever want. But, someday, Andy, I wish you could bring yourself to trust Emily and me to accept you for who you are. You have no idea how thrilled we both are that you two are together. I just wish you were a little more comfortable with that in front of the two of us the way Billy is. I guess with you maybe it's just gonna take a little more time to adjust. But there's plenty of privacy for you boys in the meantime. There's no good reason for you not to say 'yes' right now."

Andy sighed. "Well, OK. I guess I won't be the only stick in the mud... Let's go ahead and do the deal. And I'll cover half the down payment if you two will cover the other half."

Mrs. Hartlander and Mrs. Partlowe both shook their heads. Mrs. Hartlander spoke. "No, Andy, you hold onto that money for now. We've got the down payment just fine. All we need from you is help with the monthly note."

Andy nodded. Well, OK. Just let me know if you change your minds or need any help, cuz I'd need at least twenty-four hours notice to get the money for you."

Mrs. Partlowe said, "Boys, Emily and I will go ahead and set up the closing for Monday or Tuesday. Then we can set up the moves. I think we're doing the right thing here, by all of us. You'll see."

Andy said, "Well, OK. I guess we got that settled. Anybody up for playin' a couple of hands of Canasta?"

When Billy got Andy into his room, he took him into his arms and gave him a big hug. "I guess I know you've really hadda stretch yourself, Andy. But thanks lil bro for goin' along with this. I just wantcha to know I'll take it easy around our moms till you get a little more comfortable with us in front of them... hard as it'll be for me to keep my hands off yah."

Andy smiled. "Thanks for bein' patient with me, Billy. Thanks a lot."

"Oh God, lil Bro. I love you so much. What'd I ever do to deserve the likes of you?"

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Next: Chapter 21

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