The Charges

By Tags

Published on Nov 24, 2023



This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters portrayed herein represent any real person, living or dead. It includes characters invented by Chip Masterson including the muscle super kid, "Danny Henderson" who appears in a number of stories created by Chip. These characters are used in this story with his express permission, (Thanks, Chip!) although this story differs substantially in tone and theme from stories written heretofore by Chip. There are inconsistencies between Chip's story line and mine. The characters in my scenario dwell, therefore, in some sort of parallel universe.' Also included in this story is a character inspired by "Billy," the lead character in John D's "Billy Muscles up." One incident is borrowed directly from the "Billy Muscles Up" series and some of the things Billy does in this story echo "Billy Muscles Up." However, although this "Billy" begins with more or less the same personality and physical strength as the original, events take "my Billy'" in a somewhat different direction. My use of the "Billy" character is with John D's express permission. Thanks, John D!

If you are looking for erotic stimulation, please look elsewhere because you won't find that here. Aside from some coarse language and violence, this story could almost be rated "G." But if Chip's "Danny" series is one you have enjoyed, you may find this story entertaining as well. My interest in Chip's "Danny" series has been mainly, "what are people thinking and feeling?" (Something Chip has preferred to leave to the reader's imagination.) This story delves into that question in just a little bit more detail. Of particular interest to me as well, is how some of these characters respond to situations and circumstance that could happen to anyone as well as how they react to extraordinary situations.

I've introduced my own characters in this story, among them, "Andy Jackson Partlowe," and, to some extent, this is HIS story... how he came to meet Billy, Danny and his friends and how he reacts to their phenomenal strength and abilities.

My thanks to the web master for his work in maintaining this site and for posting this story. I would like to express my special thanks to Chip Masterson and John D. for graciously sharing their characters with me and especially for their work and creativity in creating their stories. This story is dedicated in their honor.

Thanks a lot for sharing, Chip and John D...


Thursday (the second)

Billy was up early. Even with Andy in his mind as they'd dreamt' together, he'd managed to conceal his little surprise' from Andy... his little truck restored to road worthiness. The little four-banger still needed a fresh coat of paint, but it had needed that even before nosing into that bomb crater in the road Monday morning. Billy could never have hidden ANYTHING from Andy if Andy had wanted to `probe' aggressively. But Andy had never, WOULD never do that to Billy or to any of the other guys.

Billy pulled up to Andy's mom's and pounded on the horn. He couldn't wait to see Andy's face. Andy opened the door and just stood there, thoroughly surprised. Finally, his face broke into a goofy grin that made Billy's heart melt. That look on Andy's face had made Billy's little restoration project totally worth it.

"Oh, Billy! I never thought I'd see my truck again! Did YOU do this?"

"Sure did, lil bro. And I wish you coulda seen the look on your face just now! That made the whole thing worthwhile. I wish I woulda brought a camera!"

Andy laughed. "A good thing you didn't, Billy! I'd a prolly broken it!"

Billy proudly showed Andy his handi work, including the new heavy duty shocks he'd installed. "The ride will be a little stiffer, but, hey, this is a truck, not a Lexus. At least with these new shocks, Salas' prediction that I won't be able to ride with you any more is 'short-circuited."

"Aw, bro, thanks! Damn! It sure is nice to have a super guy like you around. Man I love this lil' truck. I really thought I'd never get this thing back on the road again."

"Well, all I hadda do besides the new shocks was to hammer out the fenders and the hood and fix the radiator. With a little paint, she'll be as good as new."

Andy gave Billy a big hug and Billy hugged back. Billy handed Andy the keys. "Your car, sir."

Andy snatched the keys and grinned at Billy again. "OK bro, let's go inside and see mom. She's got breakfast waiting for us... Then, let's hit the road!"

When they arrived at the shop, Salas, Danny and Cole were waiting. They had each run there since Salas' car hadn't moved since they'd run out to Salas' base Monday morning. Salas said to Andy, "Well, your little piece of shit doesn't look too much for wear from it's little 'run-in' with that bomb crater..."

Andy grinned. "Yeah, I guess not. Kinda nice to have a `superman' around to get it back on the road for me."

Salas turned to Billy. "Wow, kid, you're learnin' fast! What'd yah hafta do? I thought that lil' thing was on it's last legs before. I've been after Andy to take the bailin' wire off his billfold and trade it in on another one since I met him. Now, like a cockroach, you went and fell into my stew."

"Aw, it wasn't as bad off as I thought. I hadda hammer out the fenders and the hood and fix the radiator. I replaced the shocks with heavy duties while I was at it. I know Andy's never gonna let go of this lil' `antique,' so I figgered I better do somethin'..."

Any said, "Yah, thanks to you, Billy, ole `Nellie Belle' oughta be good fer at least another twenty years now..."

They all laughed.

All six musclemen men crowded into Salas' police cruiser and she sunk down on the shocks all the way to the stops. Billy commented, "Well, Salas, looks like I'm gonna hafta put a set of `heavy dudes' on this baby, too!"

"Boy, this car is property of Orange County. You touch `er and I'll run yer ass in!"

They all laughed again.

They arrived at El Toro medical and the Admiral and Vince were waiting at the entrance. They went inside and checked in at the front desk. A corpsman petty officer ushered them down the passageway to a conference room and asked them all to have a seat around the table.

A few minutes later, three navy physicians entered the room, including the ICU physician who had been Andy's `attending' the night he'd gotten shot.

He spoke for himself and his colleagues. "Good morning, Admiral, gentlemen. We've gotten our test results back and I think you'll find them... very interesting..."

The admiral nodded and said, "Proceed."

"Well, sir, we've identified several anomalies in both sets of MRI's."

The ICU `attending' opened a thick folder and removed two sets of MRI transparencies. One by one, he popped them, under the clamps, side by side, on a wide, backlit panel mounted on the bulkhead.

"We'll start with Mr. Partlowe, although our conclusions are similar for both subjects. First, the muscle tie ins are... well... unusual. They're substantially out of normal position... But from the look of it, the additional leverage' obtaining from this anomaly' would appear quite extraordinary! And then there's the muscle tissue itself. Very unusual! We've studied these MRI's and the muscle fiber in these images is like nothing any of us has ever seen... Sufficiently challenged, the muscle pictured here..." The doctor pointed to the MRI's clamped to the backlit panel. "...could be developed to a level nothing short of phenomenal... by any standard. Admiral, I know I'm not supposed to ask questions so I won't... But I'll state for the record.... I've heard 'scuttlebutt' about some of the tunneling' activities out at Lassiter's base the night of the engagement' out there. I wouldn't be inclined to credit these two men with that because, despite the impressive physical development of these two gentlemen, what you're looking at in these MRI's is more muscle development potential' than accomplished fact. But if these men were to develop their muscles to the degree that my colleagues and I feel is entirely within the realm of possibility, I'd say such unusual activity' as is reputed to have occurred during that engagement night before last, could conceivably be well within reach of these two young men..."

The Admiral looked hard at the three physicians standing across the table from him. "Do you other gentlemen agree?"

They both nodded and one of them spoke, "Yes, Admiral, we do. And there's more... The density of the bone tissue pictured in these images is well beyond the normal `envelope.' With normal bone tissue, if this muscle..." He pointed back to the MRI images. "...were developed to a degree remotely approaching full potential, it is unlikely the underlying skeletal structure could bear up under the stress of max muscle loading... just not enough sheer and tensile strength... That isn't the case here. The bone tissue you gentlemen are looking at in these images approaches the hardness of tempered steel. This would indicate that the physiological anomalies pictured here are the result of a 'dynamic process' that either is, or was, ongoing. The severing of Mr. Partlowe's clavicle by the round that lodged in his lung could not have happened to bone tissue like that pictured here... The round would have been deflected. Simply stated, Admiral, Mr. Partlowe's bones are much harder now than they were when he was admitted to ICU night before last. But we have been unable to determine what is 'driving' this process..."

"...Frankly, sir, none of us would have believed those 'tunneling' rumors, but now we are certain that everything we've heard lies completely within the realm of possibility. Admiral, these two gentlemen are, at least potentially, supermen'... in every sense of the word. And there are most certainly more men like them out there' somewhere. I am sure you see the implication. Apparently, sir, some such men were involved in the `engagement' against General Lassiter's rebel forces. And, unlike these two gentlemen, they have clearly developed their potential to substantial degree."

The Admiral asked, "Anything else?"

"Yes sir, there is. We've taken blood and urine samples... We've also taken EEG's and EKG's. In every instance, the results are off the charts. For example..." The doctor retrieved the file folder from the ICU attending. "... If you like, sir, I can show you the results of our examination of their immune systems..."

The Admiral interrupted. "Just `bottom line it for me, doctor..."

"Sir, yes sir. The long and short of it is, Admiral, these two men appear to be immune to nearly everything. And the response of their systems to acute trauma... this would explain the seemingly `miraculous' recovery night before last of young Mr. Partlowe, here... The list goes on..."

The Admiral interrupted again. "I want that file and everything else you have. All your material will be classified top secret, compartmentalized. Whom else have you spoken to about these two men?"

"Sir, as per your direct order, no one outside this room has been apprised of anything."

"Are there any other copies of any of this material or of any related information regarding your examination and your reports?"

"None, sir."

"That's good, doctor. You are to discuss this with no one without my authorization to you personally, IN WRITING. Is that clearly understood by all three of you?"

They all responded, "Perfectly, sir."

"Good. Now, gentlemen, thank you for your report. That will be all. Leave all of your material here."

"Aye aye, Admiral."

The three physicians excused themselves and left the conference room.

There was a very... long... silence...

Finally, the Admiral spoke. "Well, gentlemen. There you have it. Something has happened to Andy and to Scotty... It seems clear from the physicians' report, that you weren't born this way. I can't imagine how such characteristics may have been transferred to you, but it has happened somehow. I know you may have some questions. I'll make copies of this material available to you, Salas. You may share it with anyone present in this room but with no one else. I'll have it reproduced as soon as I relieve at Naval Intelligence Command... and your copies will be hand delivered by navy courier."

Salas replied, "Thanks, Admiral. Thank you for everything."

"Next order of business, Salas... Have you men reached a decision on my proposal?"

"Yes, Admiral, we have. And, assuming we've understood your offer. We've decided to accept."

Admiral Tucker smiled broadly, pumped his fist and exclaimed, "Yes!!!"

"OK, Salas, this is fantastic news! I've made some preliminary arrangements. We'll be able to get you and Cole direct commissions in the Marines. Salas, we'll bring you in as a Major. You'll be assigned as detachment O-in-C (officer in charge - Ed). Cole, you'll come in as a Captain and you'll be Salas' deputy O-in- C. Scotty, Billy, Andy, you're willing to enroll in the Naval ROTC at Cal Tech?"

They all answered, "Yes sir."

"And, Danny, you're OK with it if we bring you in as a third class petty officer?"

"Yes sir."

"I expect those appointments to be made within thirty days. We'll also have your base stood up as an auxiliary field of El Toro by then. Of course, Salas, the real estate will still belong to you, but you'll receive a nominal sum in annual lease payments. I'm not sure how much I can get you, but I'd say a somewhere between one hundred fifty to two hundred a year..."


The Admiral laughed and shook his head. "You civilians! Uh, no, Salas, that would be 'thousands."

Salas responded, "Admiral, I'm not lookin' to get rich on this deal. I'll take a dollar a year if you'll funnel the rest of the money into our operating budget. And I'd like some of that money to go for supplemental income for all of the guys... Some kinda 'cost of living' allowance or something..."

"OK, Salas, if that's how you want it. It's your money."

The other guys tried to argue him down but Salas wouldn't hear any of it.

"Guys, the base isn't 'mine.' Not by rights. It belongs to all of us. It's only fair that you guys should have a decent income to live on from this arrangement. None of us will get rich, but at least now we can afford to make this more or less a full time job. I'm not gonna turn in my badge. It's way too useful. But now I can sure afford to cut my hours way back so I can spend more time with you guys."

The Admiral said, "Your appointments will all be retroactive as of one July. That way, your participation in the action out at Lassiter's base will make you eligible for the recognition you all deserve... I know I shouldn't jump the gun on this, but, hey, I'm only human..."

"All of you will receive Silver Stars and, Andy, you'll get a Purple Heart, to boot since you were wounded in action. All of you will get silver stars, that is, except you, Scotty. I'm putting you in for the Navy Cross! What you did at the National Guard Armory and later, on the roof of Lassiter's HQ has more than earned you that decoration. The awards will be presented on the parade ground at the Naval Academy at my outgoing change of command ceremony in about six weeks."

All eyes were on Scotty. Billy said, "Scotty, I don't know if you really appreciate what this means. With that Navy Cross on your chest, you'll be looked at almost like a 'god.' And, man, you really deserve it for what you did. I'm really proud to have you as my 'shipmate,' dude."

Andy added, "Me too, Scotty! Congratulations, 'super hero!'"

Danny said, "Scotty, you always were a 'superman.' Even before you got the muscle and the 'head thing.' I know I might've been a little slow to recognize it when we first met. But... well, Scotty, I'm so happy for you and so proud of you I could fall over in a heap!"

Salas said, "Scotty, I'll say it again... Even though it looks like you and Andy both are well on your way to joining our ranks in the super strength department, it's more important that you are both GOOD men than it is that you're 'SUPER men.' Guys, I'm so proud of ALL of you I could bust wide open. I think this has gotta be one of the happiest days of my life! It's been a helluva week, but it sure seems to have wound up on a good note! Admiral, thank so much for setting this up for us. My guys and I won't let you down. I promise you won't regret what you've done for us."

"Salas, of that, I have no doubt. You guys are a magnificent band of warriors. I am looking forward to serving with you and having you as shipmates. Welcome aboard! All of you!"

Salas said, "Admiral, while I've got you in what seems like a very good mood, I'd like to make a request..."

The Admiral smiled, "OK, Salas, I knew this was way too easy... Whadda yah want?"

"Sir, I want Staff Sergeant Hernandez and those men in his fire team assigned to me as permanent cadre."

"Shit, Salas, you DO drive a hard bargain! I had my eye on Hernandez for myself. He and his troops are good men! By the way, Andy, I promised Hernandez the honor of pinning that Purple Heart and Silver Star on your chest. I hope you don't mind. He's goin' up for a Navy Cross too, by the way."

Andy answered, "That'll be awesome, Admiral. I'm honored! Staff Hernandez is a good man!"

The Admiral went on, "Well, Salas, like I said, you drive a hard bargain. Tell yah what. I'll ask Hernandez and if he goes for it, I'll get him and his men assigned to you. But I wanna leave it up to him."

"Well, that's all I could ask, Admiral Cuz if you offer to send him to me, I KNOW he'll jump at the chance! That guy's one in a million! When we were in Lassiter's HQ, he wasn't intimidated at all by your three stars. He was all respectful and 'sir, yes sir,' with you... But he didn't hesitate to take charge and do his job like a pro. A lotta good guys might'a choked havin' a flag officer lookin' over their shoulder. And he wasn't intimidated at all by Billy, Danny or me and our super strength. He just took it all in stride like it was the most normal thing in the world and just did his job, superbly. That man has incredible 'poise' and grace under pressure! Damn straight I want him on our team!"

The other guys around the table nodded in agreement.

The Admiral stood and the other men rose to their feet. He reached out to Salas and they shook hands. "Well, OK, Salas. Looks like we gotta deal here. As soon as I get back, I'll FAX you some blank Navy Reserve Form 3500's so you can start to document your training hours. Just make a note someplace until you get them and back fill the forms starting with any hours you log today. You'll FAX your completed 3500's to me weekly and we'll get you paid twice a month. You'll be issued military ID cards as soon as the paper work comes through. While you're on duty, you'll have full medical bene's. Not that you'll be needing them unless, like Andy here, you wind up gettin' yerselves shot..."

Everybody laughed.

"... and you'll have commissary and exchange privileges here at El Toro. So, guys, welcome to the government tit! OK, Vince, let's get outta here... I'm not lookin' forward to seein' my desk when I get back. I'm gonna be assholes and elbows gettin' that thing cleared off by change of command."

The Admiral and Vince strode out of the room as Salas barked, "Attention on Deck!"

After the Admiral and Vince had left, Salas told his men, "OK, guys, stand fast for just a minute..." Salas shut the door. "...I want us all to hold our tongues till we get back to the car. No gabbing about this medical report on the way out of the building. I know everybody's gotta be excited as hell about all this, but just hold it down till we get outta here. Then you can yak yer heads off."

As Salas pulled out of the parking lot, Danny was first to speak... of course. "Well, Scotty, looks like you and Andy are gonna hafta step up your workouts. No more 'pussy weights' for you. And, dudes, I can't wait to run your ass all over the countryside. No more excuses!" He giggled.

Scotty was, of course beside himself. "Man! What a crazy couple of weeks! Andy, what is it with you, man? You waltz in here and the whole damn world turns upside down! This is like some kinda dream! Somebody fuckin' pinch me!"

Billy, too, was beyond himself. "Oh, Andy, I can't believe this! I've always wanted something like this for you so badly!"

"Well, Billy, if you're happy, I'm happy, too. I guess Scotty and I are gonna have a tough row to hoe getting up to speed with this. But, to be honest, right now, I'd give my left nut for some more stick time in the harrier. Dunno why, but I got off on that more than anything I've ever done in my life. Yah know, if I hadda choose between that, the 'mind thing' or the super strength, I'd take my stick time in the jet! Of course, without the 'mind thing,' I'd never have learned how to fly that thing, but I don't think I could ever get enough time in the air, especially with you guys! It just seems like when we got up there hasslin' 'one v. one' with Salas, we just worked together so incredibly as a team. I really think that kinda aircrew coordination among ourselves will carry over into a lot of other operational areas. And, funny thing, in the cockpit, we were all like equals... Us 'normal' guys and you 'super guys.'"

"Well Andy," Salas, interjected, "your days of being 'normal' are about over. With the 'mind thing' you and Scotty got goin' you've both left that behind. And now it looks like you guys are gonna wind up bein' at least as strong as Cole and me... More likely as strong as Billy and Danny! Cole, looks like us ole farts are gonna be the weak sisters in this bunch."

Andy said, "Well, once we manage to get up to speed, it might turn out that, if my 'mind meld' had anything to do with it, you guys might wind up being affected by it more. You might've been resistant while Scotty and I were 'normal,' at least physically. Who knows, maybe now that resistance'll go away. If it does, and if you wind up assimilating Danny's characteristics, or Billy's, since you two guys are the biggest, you'd wind up being the strongest, and I, of course, as the 'runt' will be the weak sister, as usual..."

Everybody laughed. (These guys sure do laugh together... a LOT!)

Andy finished his thought, "...No WONDER I like it best when we're flyin' the jet! At least in the air, I can hold my own with the rest of your guys!"

When they got back to the shop, Salas stopped his police cruiser at the access door. Billy got out, slid open the door. Salas drove inside and everybody else got out.

OK, Andy, you're up first. Step up to the front end of my car and see if you can lift it. Let's not get over ambitious. Just see if you can do what Billy did with that big Dodge duelie last Christmas.

"Oh, Salas, I dunno. All the doc said was that I've got 'potential.' I'm more liable to get a hernia than I am to get the front end of that thing off the deck right now."

"No, Andy, like I said to Billy last week, it won't work that way. And even if you did rupture yourself, you'd heal up fast. You've gotta challenge your muscles like never before! With your new physiology, they'll grow and grow fast. You've gotta make your muscles scream. Once you light that fire, you're muscles will CRAVE the resistance! And, just like Billy last week, your strength and muscle growth will surge, even while you're still doing your reps. Now get up there and lift that sonofabitch... Right now, son! C'mon, Andy. Go for it 'superman!''"

Andy stepped up to Salas' car, bent at the knees and wrapped his hands under the front bumper...

Billy stepped up beside him. "No lil' bro. Not that way. All you'll do is rip the nose cap off. You gotta reach way under it like this..."

Billy demonstrated.

"Now, lil bro. Lessee watcha got."

Andy reached under the car and lifted the front end over his head. He paused momentarily and started pumping off his reps. He got up to seventy-five before he began to tire. But Salas was merciless. Keep goin' son. Yah gotta get outta your 'comfort zone.' Yah gotta make it hurt, son. Make your muscles scream! That's how you get `em to grow! Your body will regenerate even while you continue doing your reps and before yah know it, you'll be getting stronger. C'mon, son, keep it up... Andy, it'd be just fine if you pulled Billy into your head just now. Why don't you let him help you? You OK with that, Billy?"

"Oh Salas! Am I EVER! C'mon lil' bro lemme in there with you!"

Andy pulled Billy into his mind and, together they continued to pump off Andy's reps. Billy 'thought' to Andy, OK lil' bro, lemme 'take it' for awhile. I got an idea..." Andy immediately knew what Billy wanted to do...

"Are you sure?"

"I've done this before, Andy, remember? Just sit back and enjoy the ride. You're not gonna believe this!"

Billy 'took over.' He extended Andy's arms, walked Andy's hands under the body of Salas' car and lifted the car clean off the deck! Both men could feel new found power surging through Andy's body! With Andy's body, Billy stared doing overhead presses with the heavy police cruiser. With Andy's voice, Billy started to count off...

"One... Two... Three..."

Billy thought to Andy, "OK, lil' bro, were goin' for 110, just like I did last week. I'm right here with you man. But I want YOU to take it from here. It's gonna hurt some... aw shit, I ain't gonna lie to yah, it's gonna hurt like HELL, but just stay with it. I'll keep up the line of chatter in your head, just like you did for me last week. C'mon man, we're in this together... Just remember, Andy, no matter what happens, I love you. Now lets do this..."

Andy's muscles were on fire. But they were growing. His sweatshirt filled out sureally. And then the seams began to split, affording a glimpse of his chiseled surging muscles. At rep fifty, the jersey suddenly exploded. Sweat streamed off Andy's body and he was in agony. But he kept going. The engine of his body was at 'full rev.' He felt new found energy coursing its way through his muscle.

When Andy had finally pumped off rep 110, Billy said. "OK lil' bro. We're not done yet. Lets do some squats."

"OK, Billy, I'm game. Andy did fifty squats under Salas police cruiser before Salas said, "OK, son, I think you've made your point. We'll have plenty of time before the day is out to push you a lot harder. But now it's Scotty's turn. Think you can match Andy's performance, Scotty?"

"Well, Salas, we'll soon find out."

Andy lowered Salas' car to the floor and stepped away.

Billy spoke up. "Wait! Danny, wanna give Scotty some help?"

"I sure as hell do! C'mon, Scotty, pull me in there with you!" Scotty, did.

Scotty stepped up to Salas' cruiser, lifted the front end, walked his hands aft. He lifted the car off the deck, raised it over his head and began his count. He began to tire at rep twenty, but by rep thirty five, his super recovery "engine" kicked in and he "exploded" against the weight. His jersey also filled out, split at the seams and then shredded as the irresistible muscle expanded beyond the jersey's ability to accommodate. He stopped at rep 110. He wasn't feeling particularly competitive at the moment. Then he did fifty squats. He was somewhat fatigued, but he could've done more. All the while, in Scotty's mind, Danny sustained a line of chatter and encouragement like Billy had done for Andy. But he'd insisted that Scotty carry the ball. These reps were all Scotty. Scotty lowered the car back to the deck and stepped away.

Danny 'thought' to Scott. "OK, big bro. I guess I'll 'back out' now."

Scotty broke his 'link' with Danny.

Danny ran up to Scotty and wrapped his arms around him. "Oh, wow, dude! Oh man!"

Danny was overwhelmed. He started to sniffle and then just let go. He wept with tears of joy. He hugged Scotty tight and then, laughing through his tears he said... "Oh brother... here go the 'water works' again!" This time, Scotty laughed and hugged Danny in his powerful arms. Danny hugged back... hard. He was no longer obliged to 'hold back' his phenomenal strength from Scotty's newly resilient body.

"Oh God, big bro. You have NO IDEA how fuckin' awesome that feels! I think this is the happiest day of MY life!"

There was no doubt about that. Danny and Billy were more excited than either Billy or Scotty about this new turn of events. The dream that neither had really dared hope for had come true. Scotty and Andy were full fledged 'supermen,' in every sense of the word. All that remained was for them to fully develop their new found potential as Danny had done and as Billy had nearly done.

... More feats of strength for Scotty, Andy and Billy, as well as Danny, who had taken his place alongside them, were lain on. Andy and Scotty were both "initiated" on the boiler with Danny doing the honors of setting up by dismantling Billy's work from last week for Scotty's test and Billy dismantling Scotty's work for Andy. Neither Scotty nor Andy bested Billy's time, but both finished in just under ten minutes.

Danny led them all down to San Diego and back, turning around at the NAS Miramar fence. They returned from their run to the shop 11 minutes and 32 and eight tenths seconds after they'd first vanished from the shop door.

During their run, Scotty had established a 'mind link' among all four guys, Andy deciding to let him 'carry the ball,' remaining himself in 'passive mode.'

When they reappeared at the door and reentered the building, Salas and Cole were waiting for them in the lunchroom. Salas called out to them. "C'mon back, guys. Time to refuel. You growin' boys gotta eat sometime."

As they sat down, Scotty shook his head. "Damn, you guys! Somebody PINCH me again. This has GOTTA be some kinda dream! I still can't believe this is happening!"

Danny reached over and tried to oblige but couldn't. "Damn, Scotty! Look! I tried to pinch you, but your skin is stretched so fuckin' tight over that muscle, I can't get ahold! Goddamn, dude, your muscle feels like ROCK... It feels like rock, to ME! I've never felt THAT before! Shit man, now I'M springin' a woodie!"

Scotty laughed and said, "Down boy! I think you better go take a nice cold shower!"

Scotty looked across the table at Billy and asked, "Do any of you guys think this kid may be growin' up just a little too fast?"

Billy winked at Danny and said, "Yeah! You could say that. He's 13 goin' on 35!"

Danny giggled and stuck out his tongue, if for no other reason, to prove he was still all boy at heart. For the first time in his life, he was surrounded by men who were at least his equal in strength and intelligence. For the first time in his life, this young lad did not feel so completely alone and isolated.

Danny said, "Scotty, I wanna arm wrestle you again. Remember the last time we did that.?"

Scotty smiled wryly, "I've been tryin' to forget..."

"Well, Scotty boy, at least this time you'll have a fighting chance. Not like last time when I creamed yer ass."

"Yah, well, Danny dude, gimme a week or two and I'll take you up on that, little man."

Danny grinned. "Yah? Well, Scotty, I'll STILL wipe the deck with you!"

"We'll see, sonny. We'll just see about that."

There was laughter all around but before it was over, Scotty suddenly became pensive...

Danny saw it and said, "A penny for your thoughts, Scotty."

Scotty was silent for nearly a minute... "Danny, did you ever think you'd live to see the day when you'd say to me what you just did?"

Danny thought about it for a moment and then looked Scotty in the eye and replied, "Well, Scott, yeah. In some weird way I kinda did. You know, I never told you this. But I've been havin' this dream... I may not sleep much, but even I hafta sleep some. And when I do, yah know, this dream always seems to come back to me... That you'd be like this bigger, stronger older brother I never had... There to protect me from some badass bully out to whup my ass... And yah know, it wasn't so much that I was scared of the bully... It just felt so good to know that there was somebody there who was big enough and strong enough and who cared enough to stand up for me... But, Scotty, you jumped the gun on me... You did that for me twice the other night. But you were still 'normal' then, for all practical purposes, at least at the National Guard Armory. When you busted in there with that big Ford pickup, I knew, even before I saw you... I just KNEW who it hadda be. Scotty, when you did that, you made my dream come true. There you were, this big ballsey jock come to take on the whole damned world for me and it really was my dream comin' true. Don't ask me how I knew, Scotty, but I just knew that if one dream could come true, I was free to dare to hope for all this to come true too. And then, what you did on the roof at Lassiter's HQ... Well, then I knew, Scotty, I just KNEW... My God! It happening! It's really fuckin' HAPPENING!"

Scotty reached over and gave Danny a powerful hug. Danny melted into Scotty's embrace and said, "Don't stop doin' that, big brother. Please... Don't EVER stop!"

"Don't worry, baby bro, I'll be here for you. I'll be here for you till the day I die.."

The afternoon was taken up with other feats of strength by the two fledgling 'supermen.' They ripped and mangled I beams. Exploded hand grenades in their palms. Speed swam and dodged bullets. They leapt onto the long catwalk, slung under the ceiling of the construction hall, leaping back down to the deck with a thud, leaving cracks in the concrete floor where they landed.

Before they left, Salas told them. "OK, guys, this has been one fantastic day. Go home everybody and rest up and tank up... Cuz we're gonna have another big day ahead of us tomorrow. Andy, you're gonna get your wish. I'm taking you guys flyin' again tomorrow. But we've got some other activities on the agenda with the jet once we finish our sortie in the Lima One training box. We'll fly to our base and then, I promise, things will get really interesting for you guys... Danny, think you'll be ready to show these 'newbies' how to 'play' with the jet?"

"Danny grinned. Sure thing, Salas."

Andy looked at Scotty. "What's he grinnin' about?"

"You'll see, Andy... and when you do, yer not gonna believe it. But I ain't tellin' yah now, cuz I don't wanna spoil it for yah. Just get ready to get your socks blown off. Especially when it's your turn 'at bat.'"

"OK, guys, lets meet at our base tomorrow morning at zero seven thirty, not here at the shop. We'll drive from there over to El Toro. We're scheduled for a zero eight thirty launch."

As Andy and Billy were driving back to his apartment, neither boy said much until they were about half way home. Billy spoke, "Yah know, Andy, this is like something I never dared hope for. But it kinda seems to me like you're just sorta takin' all this 'in stride.' Like you're not near as excited about 'all this' as I am. What's with that lil bro?"

"Well, Bill, I guess I'm kinda excited about it. But, in a way, I guess I'd have been just as happy either way. Once I got used to the 'mind melding,' I kinda felt like that was enough to almost hold my own with this bunch. I guess I really felt like I didn't need the 'super strength' thing all that much. I loved my strength, the more or less 'normal' strength I used to have, thanks to you. I was way stronger than average and that was plenty enough for me. At least it was once I got my arms around my 'mind linking' abilities. Super strength always seemed like it was your department. I guess you'll always be stronger than me, even if my genetics come all the way up to your level. Your just a lot bigger guy than I am... like it is between Salas and Cole. They're both on about the same level, genetically. But since Cole is so much bigger than Salas, he's the stronger man between those two. As for me, I wasn't bullshittin' when I said my first love in all this is stick time in the jet and my second is the 'mind thing.' So I guess, for me, this 'super strength' thing is kinda anticlimactic." It doesn't make any difference between us, at least not to me. And, I guess, even though it seems to have changed things some between Danny and Scotty, it's not as big a change as I might've expected. What Scotty did at the National Guard Armory already started things in that direction for them. And I guess, that change between has sorta been coming on in more subtle ways long before that. When I first met Danny in my hospital room, one of the first things he said to me after he apologized for all the hell he put me through at the mall was how much Scotty meant to him. He called Scotty his 'guardian angel.' I think in some weird way, Danny has ALWAYS sorta idolized Scotty, even back when he used to lord it over him with his super strength. So, yeah, Billy, I'm just fine with this 'super strength' thing. But I guess I'd be just as happy either way. But if it makes YOU happy, Billy, I guess I'm happy too."

"Well, lil' bro, I'm not gonna lie... I guess the only thing that ever made me happier is when you said 'yes' to me the other night. I've missed those early days when we used to workout together. And, strong as we both are now, we're gonna have that with each other again. We still had it some with your 'mind thing,' but now we've got it ALL. You have no idea how much I'm lookin' forward to training with you and makin' each others' muscles really BURN! Man, I was so excited when I was with you inside your head under Salas' car this afternoon I thought I was gonna die! I think I gotta be the luckiest guy on earth!"

Andy smiled, "Uh, no, Billy boy, that'd be ME!"

"Well, we'll just see about that, little boy, just as soon as I git you home! Cuz t'nite, I'm sure gonna do all I can to make you FEEL like you're the luckiest guy on earth. I'm gonna turn you every which way but loose!"

Andy laughed. "Not t'nite, dear... I gotta headache!"

Billy's hand drifted to Andy's ribs... He had a wicked grin on his face... Andy giggled, "Watch it, bub, you KNOW how ticklish I am! Yah wanna make me wreck the car?"

"Well, hey, lil bro, no problem if you do. I'd just hammer out the body work again good as new. And as for us, hey, not much chance of us gettin' any damage... either one of us."

Andy snickered. "Yeah, but we gotta watch out for the other guy."

Billy grinned. "OK, Andy, I'll be good... for now... But just you wait, boy... When I get you home..."

As soon as they got inside Andy's apartment, Billy shut the front door, lay his hands on Andy's shoulders and turned him around. "I hope you don't care about these clothes you got on your back..."

And then, with his powerful paws, he proceeded to tear them off Andy's body as though they were made of tissue paper. Then, Billy flexed the muscles all over his body. His clothing simply shredded to ribbons and exploded off his body. Both Andy and Billy kicked off their shoes and pulled off their socks. They stood nude before one another. Billy held Andy by his shoulders at arms length and surveyed his love. "Oh God, Andy, I'm in love with everything about you. You are so beautiful..."

Billy's hands roamed over Andy's body, trying to squeeze the unyielding, rock hard muscle in his powerful grip. He couldn't make a dent. Billy murmured, "Andy, the doc was right. Whatever is happening to your body is still going on. Your muscles are so much harder and denser even than night before last! I can't get over this! This is happening so fast! I'm startin' to wonder if mebbe yer gonna wind up even stronger than me!"

Andy laughed. "Well, I doubt that. He squeezed Billy's bicep. "See, I can't put a dent in that either... Feels good, Billy. Feels really good! Take me to bed... NOW!"

Billy did. And their lovemaking, unlike their first time, was lusty and energetic. They collapsed the bed frame but did not let that interrupt their passion. Again, Andy slipped into Billy's mind and pulled Billy into his own. Again they achieved a level of intimacy perhaps unknown by any other two human beings on earth. Their joining was total. Their bodies, their minds, their souls and their spirits melded into one.

Friday (the second)

Andy woke up. He looked up from the bed which he and Billy had collapsed to the floor with their love making and saw on the LED display of his digital alarm clock that it was just past midnight. He started to shake Billy awake, but he was already coming around on his own...

"Billy, we got trouble. I smell smoke!""

Yeah, lil bro, I smell it too. We gotta get some clothes on and get outta here!"

"Well, Billy, we gotta a lil problem there, or at least YOU do. You shredded every stitch you own right before we got into bed!"

"Oh shit, Andy!"

"No worry, I got some really loose gym shorts in my dresser. Mebbe you'll get lucky and they'll fit!"

Andy was at the dresser in a flash. He pitched his oversized shorts over to Billy, pulled on another pair and flew out the bedroom door. Billy was lucky. Andy's oversized shorts were just big enough for him to wiggle into He was 'street legal,' barely. The two supermen dashed out the front door of Andy's second floor apartment. The unit immediately next door was ablaze.

"Oh my God, Billy, there's a lady in there with her kids... three little boys!" There was only one way in and out... the front door. And it was blocked by flames. Through the window, they could see the entire room had become a raging inferno. Billy broke the window glass of the front bedroom. Thick, acrid smoke billowed out. Andy inhaled, taking a deep breath and blew hard through the window, driving the smoke out of the room with the awesome power of his lungs. He saw the three little boys in their beds, all of them overcome by the smoke he'd just blown out of the room, through the open door leading into the living area. Unlike Andy's apartment, this was a two bedroom unit, the two bedrooms joined by common bath situated between the two bedrooms. Andy hopped through the window and scooped up the three children as Billy ran past, through the adjoining bath and into the back bedroom in search for the children's mother. He found her in bed, also overcome by smoke. He picked her up off the bed and tried to go back out the way he'd come. But he was trapped. The flames had migrated through the attic and the ceiling of the front bedroom had collapsed. The flaming joists had fallen through and the fire had spread to the contents in the room. Billy turned around and with the woman in his arms. He kicked a hole in the exterior wall. He continued his kicking, expanding the hole, finally jumping through, to the ground at the rear of the building.

Billy lay the woman down and checked her pulse. She was breathing but she was unconscious.

With the three children in his powerful arms, Andy had leapt from the bedroom window to second floor walk way. From there, he jumped over the walkway railing, landing in the parking lot below with a thud. He lay the three children down side by side. Two of them were breathing but unconscious. But the little two year old toddler was not breathing. He began to administer CPR. "Oh, sweet gentle Jesus..." Andy prayed in his mind, "...please let this little boy be OK!" Momentarily, the little boy coughed and resumed his breathing. "Oh Thank God!"

By now, neighbors in the complex had begun to emerge from their apartments. Andy looked up and saw his downstairs neighbor. He called the young lady over and said to her. "Take charge of these kids. I've gotta try to do something about this fire. And call 911! The young woman nodded and said, "I've got these kids... Go!"

Andy leapt back from the parking lot to the second floor walkway, landing in front of the burning apartment. The flames had spread to his own unit, now a raging inferno. He inhaled deeply and blew hard against the flames. At first, they burned more fiercely, but finally, the power of his super lungs began to overcome the fire. Momentarily, he was joined by Billy and within less than a minute, the fire was out. Billy turned to Andy. I gotta get down to the parking lot to check on that lady I pulled outta the back bedroom next door. I think she's gonna be OK, but I wanna make sure."

Andy nodded. Billy started to jump over the rail back down to the parking lot but Andy stopped him. "Take the stairs, Billy... Emergency's over. We got witnesses now... all over the place. Lets not give `em any more about us than we hafta."

As close to a "normal" as Billy could manage, he ran the few paces to the outside stairway and dashed down to ground level. By this time, the fire trucks and ambulance were arriving. The paramedics hopped out of their vehicle and took charge of the three little boys and their mother. The were all conscious now, coughing violently and covered with soot, but, mercifully, OK.

Billy turned and mounted the stairs, walking this time. He rejoined Andy on the upstairs walkway in front of his apartment. It looked like almost a total loss. Billy hugged Andy tightly and asked, "You OK, lil bro?"

"Yeah, Billy, I'm just fine. Don't worry about all that..." He pointed at the charred remains of his little apartment. "... all that's in there are just 'things.' I just thank God that lady and her little boys are gonna be OK."

Billy nodded. "Yah, but, damn, lil dude, all your clothes. All you got is that skimpy pair of shorts you're wearing."

"Naw, I got plenty of stuff over at mom's. She always insisted on doin' my laundry for me. I got at least half my wardrobe over there. Guess I'll hafta bunk with her for awhile till I can find me a new place."

"C'mon lil bro. Lets get outta here. These firemen are gonna start askin' questions and I don't think we wanna be around for that."

"OK, Billy, let's shag. But we'll never get my truck outta here now. It's blocked by that fire unit. Well just hafta make our way on foot."

"OK, bro, you get on over to your moms, get yourself cleaned up, pick up a change of clothes and come on over to my mom's as soon as you can. And, oh, by the way, what about your car keys? We're gonna need `em in the morning."

"They're still in the apartment, but I got a spare set in a magnet box under the left front fender. We'll come on back over here tomorrow morning and get the truck."

Billy started to walk along the upstairs walkway to a stair at the far end. Andy followed. As they walked, they continued their exchange. "Andy, I'm sorry about your little apartment. All your furniture and stuff..."

"Don't be. All that 'borax' is just old used stuff I bought really cheap. Nuthin' I really cared about. And besides, I got renter's insurance. Doesn't cost all that much... I only pay one eighty a year for it. I'll be back in business in less than a week... As soon as I settle up with the claim adjuster at State Farm and find me another place."

"As soon as WE find US a place, you mean," Billy rejoined.

Andy slapped his forehead and said, "Yeah... duh."

They trotted down the street till they were alone. "OK, lil bro, guess I'm gonna head on over to mom's. You get yourself some stuff together and beat feet on over there as soon as you can."

"Naw, Billy, we better not. I can't sleep with you over there. I'm gonna bunk over at my mom's..."

"Andy, you're comin' over to MY mom's and stayin' there with me tonight and that's the end of this conversation."

"Billy, we can't do THAT! My God. No way, dude. Not now! Not with your mom there and stuff. It's not like we're a couple of innocent kids on a Friday night sleep over!"

Billy put his hands on Andy's shoulders and looked him hard in the eye. "Lil bro, you got thirty minutes to get yer young ass over to mom's. You're not there in half an hour, I'll come lookin' for yah. And I swear to God, if I hafta come after you, I'll make a scene so bad, I'll embarrass the piss outta you." Then, without another word, he vanished.

Andy stood there for a minute or so. He doubted Billy would make good on his threat to cause a scene in front of his mom, but there was no doubt in his 'military mind' that Billy would be knockin' on his mom's door in... "uh oh!" ...less than twenty nine minutes! He vanished.

Andy knocked on Mrs. Hartlander's door with less than a minute to spare. Most of the time had been taken up relating his account of the fire to his mom. He'd also taken the added precaution of having her call over to the Hartlander's to let Billy know he was on his way. He'd packed a small duffel bag with a change of clothes and underwear and some spare toiletries he kept at his mom's.

Billy opened the front door. "He grinned. Well, you just barely made the deadline, lil bro! I was just comin' out the door to come get yah."

Billy took the duffel out of Andy's hand and, with his arm over his shoulder, led him inside. Mrs. Hartlander was awake. She was sitting on the sofa in the living area. She looked up at Andy and spoke. At first, her demeanor as 'stern' as Billy's had been on the street where they'd parted company no more than a half hour ago. "Andy, you and Billy are to stay right here with me as long as you need to. Billy's room is plenty big enough for both of you till you two can find another place of your own..."

Andy tried to interrupt but Mrs. Hartlander went on...

"No, Andy, I don't want any argument out of you. I want you to 'get over it' if you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable with Billy when you're around me. I mean it, Andy. And I meant what I said to you the other night. I'm happy and proud the two of you are together. Don't you dare ever feel you have to hide anything like that from me. Remember, Andy, I was in love with Billy's dad. I was never ashamed of that. It's no different now with you two. Don't ever feel ashamed of who or what you are in front of me, Andy. Because I'm proud of you and Billy both. You're as much a son to me as Billy is and I love you every bit as much as I do him... every bit as much. This is your second home, Andy... It always has been. It always will be... I want you to always feel comfortable and at home under this roof. Don't ever forget that. Understood, young man?"

Andy, mildly chastened, muttered, "Uh, yes ma'am."

And then she flashed Andy that warm Hartlander heart melting smile that left no doubt which parent Billy had gotten his from.

Billy leaned over and kissed his mom 'goodnight.' Andy did likewise and said, "G'nite 'mom.'"

Billy took Andy's hand. "C'mon lil bro. Let's go tah bed."

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Next: Chapter 19

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