The Charges

By Tags

Published on Nov 20, 2023



This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters portrayed herein represent any real person, living or dead. It includes characters invented by Chip Masterson including the muscle super kid, "Danny Henderson" who appears in a number of stories created by Chip. These characters are used in this story with his express permission, (Thanks, Chip!) although this story differs substantially in tone and theme from stories written heretofore by Chip. There are inconsistencies between Chip's story line and mine. The characters in my scenario dwell, therefore, in some sort of parallel universe.' Also included in this story is a character inspired by "Billy," the lead character in John D's "Billy Muscles up." One incident is borrowed directly from the "Billy Muscles Up" series and some of the things Billy does in this story echo "Billy Muscles Up." However, although this "Billy" begins with more or less the same personality and physical strength as the original, events take "my Billy'" in a somewhat different direction. My use of the "Billy" character is with John D's express permission. Thanks, John D!

If you are looking for erotic stimulation, please look elsewhere because you won't find that here. Aside from some coarse language and violence, this story could almost be rated "G." But if Chip's "Danny" series is one you have enjoyed, you may find this story entertaining as well. My interest in Chip's "Danny" series has been mainly, "what are people thinking and feeling?" (Something Chip has preferred to leave to the reader's imagination.) This story delves into that question in just a little bit more detail. Of particular interest to me as well, is how some of these characters respond to situations and circumstance that could happen to anyone as well as how they react to extraordinary situations.

I've introduced my own characters in this story, among them, "Andy Jackson Partlowe," and, to some extent, this is HIS story... how he came to meet Billy, Danny and his friends and how he reacts to their phenomenal strength and abilities.

My thanks to the web master for his work in maintaining this site and for posting this story. I would like to express my special thanks to Chip Masterson and John D. for graciously sharing their characters with me and especially for their work and creativity in creating their stories. This story is dedicated in their honor.

Thanks a lot for sharing, Chip and John D...


Danny continued. With a smile he said, "Well now that little order of business has been attended to... Where was I? Oh yeah. So, anyway, we've got not one, not two but THREE little mysteries goin' on here... One: How did Andy heal up so fast? Two: Where did that `mind link' between Scotty and me come from? And Three: How was Scotty able to move so fast on the roof last night?"

The men around the table looked at one another. Nobody said anything. The only sound came from an institutional looking round analog wall clock as the second hand ticked past the hash marks arrayed around the circumference... The time was 0000, midnight.

Wednesday (the second)

Finally Salas spoke. "Anybody got any ideas?"

Danny spoke again. "Anything I could come up with would be a shot in the dark. But, yeah, I have some ideas,' if you could call em that. But I really think we oughta have the docs take a look at both Andy AND Scotty. Mebbe they could come up with something a little more substantial... Unless anybody else has a better idea."

Billy said, "Well, Danny, last time you guys let some military types poke and prod you, isn't that when all the trouble with Lassiter started?"

The Admiral broke in. "Billy, Lassiter and his whole base were a `special case.' C'mon, son, you've worn the uniform yourself. You know very well we're not all monsters like that."

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. It's just that, you said it yourself. Letting word get out about us isn't such a good idea."

"I agree to some degree, Billy. But this is El Toro, not Lassiter's base. They don't have any `hidden agendas' here. And we can keep the guys at medical quiet about anything they come up with. I'll just have the information classified and that'll keep a lid on things."

Salas said, "Well, Scotty, are you OK with this?"

Yeah, sure, Salas. I'd kinda like to get some answers myself. I don't know where that mind link' came from or my super speed. And I don't think I've got any of that speed stuff right now, unless Andy links me up with one of you guys. But that mind link,' even if it didn't come from Andy, sure doesn't explain how my BODY was able to move so fast last night. That's just plain out the box!' And then there's Andy! Andy, have you got any ideas on the mind thing between Danny and me,' my super speed last night or how you healed up so fast?"

"Not a clue, Scotty."

Danny said, "Well, all I'm doin' is guessing. But I'd say maybe Andy and Scotty have assimilated at least some of our characteristics, somehow. I can't begin to guess how. Maybe Andy's `mind meld' thing has caused some kinda 'bleed over' into these two."

Andy responded, "Well, if that's the case, it sure wasn't from anything I did intentionally. I don't see how that's possible, Danny."

"Well, Andy, you've underestimated yourself before. Maybe you didn't do it on purpose, but I can't see how ELSE any of this could've happened. Your super fast healing, that mind meld' thing between Scotty and me... and Scotty's super speed on the roof last night... those are characteristics unique to guys like you with the mind thing, and Billy, Salas, Cole and me with the super speed. Andy, you've been with us a little over a month. And you've only been 'mind linking' with us a little under two weeks. Scotty and I have known each other almost a year and never once did he show any evidence of anything like what happened with him last night until you showed up. And, Andy, I don't think you ever showed any evidence of super fast healing before you got shot, did you? That only happened after you started hangin' out and mind melding with us.' You're the only new factor in our equation and we're the only new factor, that I know of, in yours. And so that's why I'm guessing your mind meld' might've had something to do with all this that went down with you and with Scotty. Hey, it's a shot in the dark,' but it's all I got. I can't wait till tomorrow morning. I wanna see what the docs come up with on you guys."

Salas said, "Well, let's not jump the gun, Danny. We all know how badly you'd like to see something like this happen for Scotty... and Andy. But let's not let wishful thinking make us jump to premature conclusions. But, hey guys, I can't dismiss Danny's idea altogether. We sure don't wanna try to re-test Andy's rapid healing ability. How the hell could we test that without shooting him or something... A bit radical as a test measure, eh? ...And that might've been just a one time thing..."

Everybody nodded.

Andy turned to Danny. "Well, funny you should ask if I'd had any prior experience with super fast' healing... When I smashed my hands and wrists against Salas' face and gut over at St. Joseph's after you and I had our little misunderstanding' at the mall, I DID heal kinda fast... Nuthin' like last night, but the doctors told me it'd be months before I got full use of my hands. I was completely healed in a couple of weeks... Where did THAT come from?"

"...And as far as the 'new factor' in my 'equation,' I've only just met you guys. But Billy and I have known each other half our lives. And, except for the last two years, we've had this 'mind meld' thing for most of that time, even though it was kinda limited..."

Danny smiled, shook his head and answered, "So many questions, Andy... So little time..."

Salas said, "Well, there is one little test' we don't hafta wait on. Scotty, why don't you see if it was YOU who induced that mind link' between you and Danny. It might've been the other way around, but my first guess is, if it wasn't Andy, it must've been you... because you also had the super speed thing with your own body. And Andy said his first experiences with mind linking' between him and Billy were more or less spontaneous.' He's said he didn't actually TRY to induce a `link' between himself and Billy when it first happened. Isn't that right, Andy??

"Yeah, Salas. That's how it first started out. Then I found I could induce a `mind link' with Billy whenever we lifted with no problem. I used to think we hadda be lifting for it to work. But, of course, now we know that's not the case."

Salas asked, "Scotty, why don't you see if you can do it now?"


"Sure, why not?"

"Oh Salas, I don't think so. I wouldn't even know how to start. Last night, that just sorta `happened.'"

Andy said, "Yeah, Scotty, I know. That's exactly how it was when it first started between Billy and me. And, look, Scotty, I KNOW you might be a little afraid of this. We both know I sure was. But don't be. And, Scotty, if it DOESN'T work, don't be disappointed, either. It may take some time for this thing to really kick in for you with any consistency. We don't really know exactly HOW or WHY it works."

"Well, like I said. I wouldn't even know how to start."

"Well, Scotty, I've got an idea if you're game."

"OK, Andy. Let's hear it."

"I'll link you and Danny up. Then I'll just back out of the link... Let's see if you can maintain it on your own. If I 'back out,' the link' oughta collapse. If it doesn't, it has to be either you or Danny keepin' it open.' After that... Scotty, you break off your link' with Danny. Then I'll link' you with Billy. If that `link' between you and Billy stays active after I back out... well, Scotty boy. It would hafta be YOU."

"Well, I guess so. I guess we could try that."

Andy quickly established the "link" among Danny, Scotty and himself. Through the link' and verbally, he said, "OK, we're online.'"

Danny said, "Yeah, I got it. How `bout you, Scotty?"

"Yeah, me too."

Andy said, "OK, guys, I'm backin' out..."

"OK, Now I'm out. You two try communicating through the link."

Scotty thought' to Danny. "Can you hear' me?"

Danny stood up wide eyed. Through the link' and out loud he said, "Yeah... Yeah... YEAH! Scotty, I can't believe it! I heard' you... You asked me' in my head if I could hear' you!"

Scotty said, "Yeah, but we still don't know whether it's you or me that's maintaining the link.' And, Andy, are you SURE you're outta the loop?'"

"No doubt in my `military mind,' Scotty. But you're right. Next, let's break the link between you and Danny."

Scotty said, "OK, well, I think I've done that now. But I'm not really sure."

He and Danny quickly verified that their `link' was no longer active and each confirmed this verbally for the benefit of the group.

"Well, Scott, let's take this on to the next level. Why don't YOU try linking with Billy on your own?"

Scotty stood to his feet and slipped into Billy's mind with almost no effort. "OK, Billy, can you hear me?"

Billy `thought' back, "Oh fuck yeah, Scotty!"

Then Scotty `thought,' Andy, are you in here with us?"

Scotty got no response.

He asked Andy verbally, "Billy and I have just made a successful mental exchange' Are you in the link' with Billy and me?"

"No, Scotty, I'm not. That's all you, bro... All YOU!"

Salas whistled, "Well, we've just lost our last normal' guy in this little group. Scotty, now it looks like you're just as 'weird' as all the rest of us. See, I TOLD you you'd earned your stripes' last night."

Scotty was a little shaky. He sat down and exhaled. "Well, I never would've thought anything like this could ever happen to me... not in a million years! Now what?"

Andy said, "Well, I'm wondering if any of the rest of you guys may've gotten a little `touch' of what Scotty seems to have gotten.

After a few minutes of trying, it was apparent that none of the 'supermen' had.

Andy said, "Well, evidently, if what Scotty has, came through me, at least so far, it's only affected us weaklings.' There could be any number of reasons for that. Maybe it takes longer for you strong guys to assimilate characteristics from weaker guys like us. Maybe you can't assimilate' anything from Scotty or me at all. Who knows?"

Admiral Tucker spoke up. "My God. Do you have any idea the implications of something like this? It's not inconceivable that you two guys could clone' an army of mind benders.' I think maybe we should go through the motions with the medical guys with Andy tomorrow. But maybe we better just sit tight on this `mind thing' with Andy and Scotty. I think the temptation for abuse would be just too hard for some people to resist."

Salas concurred, "Well, I'm glad to hear you're thinking that way, Admiral, because I couldn't agree more. Andy, let em poke and prod on you a little, tomorrow since you've already agreed to that. Might be a good idea to have them check you out, too, Scotty. But I then want you both outta there. Don't either of you mention anything about the mind thing.' But, I do want `em to do MRI's and take tissue and fluid samples from both of you. You've both demonstrated some physical characteristics typical of Danny, Billy, Cole and me. I don't feel nearly as skittish about letting them do that as I would about letting them delve into your mental abilities."

Everybody agreed.

The Admiral spoke up. "Well, now that we've about beat that horse to death, I'd like to talk to all of you about something else. Salas and I hadda little chat earlier today. And I've had some time to think about it some more. I wanna make a little proposal. It'll take just a few minutes to lay it all out for you. So I'd like all of you to just listen up till I'm finished. OK?"

Again, everybody agreed.

The Admiral turned to Billy. "Son, I've said it before. I'm sorry as HELL to see you drop out of the Naval Academy. You've been one of the finest midshipmen we've ever had. I've had my eye on you since you first showed up there. But, realistically, you'd be better off... I think we ALL would be... if you remained here with Salas and his bunch. But I don't think it's necessary for the Navy to loose you entirely..."

"Well, Admiral, like I said, I don't wanna hafta hide who I am and what I can do from my shipmates. And if I stayed in, I'd get detailed off someplace where I'd be separated from Andy. Sir, that's not gonna happen. I'm stayin' close to these guys and I'm never gonna let Andy outta my site again..."

"Just hear me out, son. All of you... just let me finish..."

"Salas, your little group represents a substantial capability that could be of value to the nation. You've already proven that, in spades. The challenge is to prevent the wrong elements in the Pentagon from getting wind of what you guys can really do, ESPECIALLY Andy and now Scott. Lassiter and his bunch aren't the only ones who would be tempted to try to abuse your abilities or you men as individuals. So, we'd be obliged to keep this information `compartmentalized.' As Director of Naval Intelligence, I'll be able to make that happen. And once my tour of duty is done there, I'll have veto power over whomever my relief would be..."

"...Here's what I'm thinking. It'd take some doing to hammer together an arrangement like this, but I've got the stroke to swing it if all of you agreed..."

"Salas, I'd have your outfit commissioned' as a special reserve detachment of the Naval Intelligence Command. I'd get Navy or Marine Corps direct commissions for you and Cole... Billy, Andy and Scotty, I'd want you guys to enroll in the Naval ROTC unit at Cal Tech. I know the Professor of Naval Science there. He used to work for me as admin. department head during my F-14 squadron commanding officer tour. He's a good man. Scotty, I can arrange your transfer from Army ROTC to the Navy side with no problem. Andy, they have a two year contract' program so you could start your Junior year next month as a midshipman second class with Billy and Scotty. The `two year' NROTC program is geared to bring you up to speed with no problem. Besides, I think you've already got a good handle on a lot of the basics..."

Billy interjected, "Sir, does he EVER!"

"Danny, that leaves only you. You're only thirteen so I can't get you into a commissioning program until you're eighteen. But I could arrange to have you brought in under a special enlistment, with SECNAV approval. We could bring you in as a third class petty officer. There would have to be special restrictions in your case. By law, we couldn't officially allow you to go into combat until you're 17 and even then, only with your parents approval in writing... although you sure as hell bypassed that policy last night... The thing that makes this a good deal for all of you is that, Billy, Andy and Scotty, you'd receive Naval ROTC scholarships to cover your tuition, books and fees. And this stipend wouldn't interfere with any other financial aid you may already be receiving. In addition, as members of the special reserve unit we would be establishing for you guys, the Navy Department would pay you whenever you mustered together for training. You'd be on the honor system' to log your training and operational hours, but I'd get a special waiver so you wouldn't have to document for the Navy any specifics of your training activities. So, you would all get paid by the Navy for what you're doing anyway... Oh, and, Salas, I could get special funding for that base you've got. We'd stand that up as an auxiliary field' under MCAS, El Toro. Administratively, you'd fall under command of the CO here at El Toro, but operationally, you'd answer directly to me."

Salas turned to the Admiral and said, "Well, that's mighty generous of you. But there's no such thing as a `free lunch.' What do you want in return?"

"Well, as for a free lunch,' Salas. I'd say you're pretty much paid in full.' Remember, you guys are the ones primarily responsible for saving the nation from a fascist dictatorship. If you never did another thing for us, I'd say you guys have paid your way... But I WOULD like to be able to `tap into' your services from time to time..."

"Well, Admiral. I think I know how these things usually go... And we won't kill for you. None of us wants anything to do with that..."

The rest of Salas' group nodded.

"...So don't even think about calling on us for an operation like that. We're not gonna let anybody turn us into a band assassins and cut throats. Hell, Cole and I are cops. We make our livin' collarin' creeps who do stuff like that"

The Admiral smiled, "Well, Salas, you drive a hard bargain. But, yeah, I already knew that. And, frankly, it's your strict sense of morals that makes this idea so attractive to me. I've worn the uniform all my adult life. And I've been in combat situations where I know I've contributed to taking human life... even though, thank God, I've never had to kill a man face to face..." Admiral Tucker's faced darkened. " so many of those kids were obliged do last night out at Lassiter's base. But I'd make sure you guys never got a mission assignment that would involve your having to go out and assassinate some one. Besides, we don't do business that way..."

Salas snorted, "Yeah, right."

"Well, Salas, let me put it this way... I don't do business that way. It wouldn't happen on MY watch at Naval Intelligence Command. I give you my word. I would never send you guys out on assignment where the mission objective is cold blooded murder. I'd never send ANYBODY out on a mission like that. But I can't guarantee that you'd never find yourself in a position where you'd hafta kill a man. This can be a very nasty business sometimes. I'd need to know that, if the time ever came, none of you would hesitate to kill if that's what it took to defend yourselves or each other. That's just the nature of the beast..."

Salas turned to Cole, Scotty, Billy and Danny and said, "Well, guys, the Admiral has given us a lot to think about..."

Billy said, "I'd like us to get off by ourselves and hash this out. There's some `pros and cons' I can see in an arrangement like this. Admiral, would you be OK with that?"

"Sure, Billy. But I would like to get back together with you as a group, or with some of you individually if you prefer, and go over any objections you may have. I can see this as a `give and take' process as we try to define some kind of working relationship between my organization and you guys."

Salas turned to the Admiral. "Well, that seems fair enough. Maybe we could get back together tomorrow morning or early afternoon, once Andy and Billy are done with their exams over at station medical."

They all agreed.

The Admiral said, "Well, why don't we get with your families and see if we can't get some rations down at the mess hall?"

On their way out the door, Andy took Scotty aside and said, "When we get back from chow, I'd like to see you alone in my quarters, just the two of us."

Scotty said, "Sure Andy... What about?"

"I'll get to that. Let's wait till we're by ourselves."

"OK, Andy."

All hands had been billeted in separate rooms in the BOQ. Andy went straight to his quarters after returning from the mess hall. There was a knock at the door. It was Billy. Scotty walked up right behind him.

"Billy, could I come down to your room in just a few minutes? I'd like to have a word with Scotty alone. No big deal, but I think he'd be more comfortable if we went over some stuff by ourselves."

Scotty broke in, "Look, Andy, I'm OK with it if Billy stays..."

"OK, Scotty, let me be more direct. I want this to be between just the two of us... Billy, please don't think I'm shutting you out. Cuz I'm not. But I really need this to be just Scotty and me."

Billy was just a little hurt at being `shut out' by Andy, but he tried to put on a good face. "Sure, Lil' Bro. S'OK. I'll be in my room... just whenever. I'm not goin' anywhere."

"Thanks, Billy."

"Andy pulled Scotty into the room and shut the door behind him. "Look, Scotty, what I've got to say is no big deal. But I thought you might be more comfortable if I said this to you while we're alone... Now that it seems like you've got this mind thing' goin' for you, I just want you to be prepared. At some point, this whole thing could really come crashing down on you, hard..."

"Well, Andy, I can't see any real downside' to any of this at all. Now, for the first time, I feel like maybe I might really BELONG in this group... I guess I got a little of that when we flew in the Harrier and at the National Guard Armory last night. But to have a little somethin' extra' goin' for me like the rest of you guys. Well, hey, I couldn't be this happy if I'd hit the jackpot in the lottery..."

"Well, mebbe so, Scotty. But you saw how I fell apart in front of you guys at lunch last Tuesday. And Billy about came unglued after he did all those reps under Salas car earlier that morning. You're gonna find that, in a sense, the old Scotty' is dead. Not that you won't be essentially the same person you always were. But things can never be quite the same for you ever again. It can be a little disorienting. And you might find yourself mourning' for the old you.' If you do, Scotty, hey, I think know you fairly well by now... From what I've seen so far, you're not much for letting your feelings out, especially in front of the rest of us. Don't make the mistake of trying to bottle up your feelings. Not with this. You're gonna need your friends to help you get used to being different.' If you don't, you might find yourself getting overwhelmed... A word to the wise, eh?"

"Well, gee, Andy, thanks for lookin' out for me, bud. But I think I'm gonna be OK... Really."

"Well, mebbe so, Scott. If so, you're a lot stronger man than Billy or me. Just remember what I said."

"OK, Andy. I will."

Scotty left and went back to his room. Andy walked down the passageway and knocked on the Billy's door. Billy answered.

"Well, Andy, that was quick."

"Yeah, Billy. Can I come in?"

Billy smiled, "Well you sure better!"

Billy let Andy in and closed the door.

"Billy, I'm sorry I made you leave a minute ago... I just wanted to get Scotty and me off by ourselves for just a minute to make sure he's OK with this mind thing.' You remember how you kinda lost it' last Tuesday right after you did all those reps under Salas' car... and how I about came apart at the seams with my mind thing.' Well, I just wanted to give Scotty a little heads up' on that. He's really excited about it right now. But once the new' wears off, I was just afraid he might find himself where you and I were last week. Scotty's kind of a corker.' He's not much for letting other people see him get all emotional. I told him not to make the mistake of trying to bottle up his feelings if he finds himself getting a little overwhelmed over all this that he's got goin' on now."

"Andy, you're such a sweet guy. No wonder I'm so crazy about you. You're gonna make a fine doctor one day. You'll have the best bedside manner of any doc in the business. I'm almost sorry I can't get sick. Cuz you'd be the man I'd come to if I ever did!"

Andy looked down at the deck and said, "Awww, Billy..."

Billy put his arm around Andy and led him over to the sofa and sat down with him. They sat there and just held onto each other, drawing comfort from the physical contact.

After a few minutes, Andy ventured a little kiss on Billy's cheek. Billy took it from there. He kissed Andy tenderly on the mouth. The fires of their passions began to burn and, through their clothes, with their hands, they began to explore one another's bodies. Finally, they stripped and moved over to the bed. For the first time in either of their lives, they made love. Andy slipped into Billy's mind and, at the same time, pulled Billy into his own. The intimacy they shared as they joined with their bodies and their minds was unlike either of them could have imagined possible. Physically, it had been a bit tentative, awkward and `virginal' at first, but from the very start, so intense and yet so tender. They completely lost themselves in one another.

Neither young man spoke as they pulled on their clothes.

Finally, Andy ventured, "I guess I'd better get back to my room..."

"You're leaving... Now?"

"Yeah, Billy... I don't want anyone to find us together in the same room here in the BOQ. I know the Admiral is `cool' with us. But let's not put him in an awkward position..."

"Well, that's one of the `con's' I was thinking of with Admiral Tucker's offer. I hate having to lie and cover up."

"Well, Billy. I'm all for the Admiral's idea. Come to find out, I kinda like working with him... A lot. And since, most of the time, it'll be just us guys, off by ourselves, it's not like we'd be hiding anything from THEM. And whenever we operate or train with other elements in the Navy or Marines, we'd just hafta use a little discretion. Hey, I got no problem with that, Billy. C'mon, this is the real world we're livin' in. Besides, what we have between us is kinda private. It's not like I'm wanton' to go out and share all the 'gory details' with anyone else."

"Billy answered, well, like I said... I just hate having to hide. I wanna shout it from the roof tops I'm so head over heals in love with you, boy! I wanna do something public. Like some kinda exchange of vows in front of witnesses. How could that work if we did this thing with Admiral Tucker?"

"Well, I'd be fine with that idea, Billy. But we couldn't very well invite the Admiral or Vince to the `ceremony.'"

Billy giggled... "Not in a million years!"

Andy continued, "But it's not like there'd be a public record or anything. We could talk to Salas and see what he says. We don't really know where the rest of the guys are at with this thing. But, Billy, you and I are part of something bigger than just ourselves. We gotta think of these other guys. I love you with all my heart and I'm not ashamed to say so. But we need to consider how public' we go with this and how it affects the other guys. Nothing can take away what we have with each together. And it doesn't take some kinda formal ceremony' to make that real. If it's important to you, hey, man, I'm all for it. But I don't want anything we do to foreclose our options with Admiral Tucker."

"OK, Andy, we'll see how this thing plays out. Even though I hate to let you go back to your room tonight..."

"Well, Billy, it's only for one night. We've got the rest of our lives together. Besides, I think I got an idea... We wouldn't hafta be completely apart. I'll `link' us mentally and, in a sense, we'll still be spending the night together."

Billy's eyes lit up. Oh, Andy, I gotta be the luckiest guy in the world to have you. But just lemme look at you for just a minute before I let you go."

Billy put his hands on Andy's shoulders and held him at arms length. "Oh, God, Andy, you have no idea how much I love to just look at you."

They stood there like that for a couple of minutes and then Billy pulled Andy into a warm embrace. "I love you, lil' bro."

"I love you too, Billy."

Andy slipped into Billy's mind and then, physically, he left and went back to his room. Although Billy didn't require much sleep, he could sleep all night if he wanted to. That night, in their separate beds, they shared one another's dreams. It was different from their physical joining but very special... very intimate. These two young men discovered that with Andy's special gift,' they need never be truly apart' from each other ever again.

At 0600, Salas knocked at Andy's door. Andy was already up and about. He'd made up his rack and was nearly dressed. "I'll be right there."

He answered the door and Salas said, I'm gettin' the guys together in my quarters to go over the Admiral's offer. I'd like to kick this around a little before breakfast We're gonna meet with the Admiral and your folks down at the mess hall in an hour. Then we'll hafta get you and Scotty over to medical. After that, we'll meet back with the admiral and talk with him some more.

"OK, Salas. I'll be right down. I'll go check on Billy and see if he's up yet."

Salas, Cole, Danny, Billy, Andy and Scotty gathered in Salas' room. Scotty was looking just a little `out of it.' Danny picked up on it right away. "S'matter, Scotty? Everything OK?"

"Yeah, Danny. Sure. Why wouldn't it be?"

"Well, bro., you just looked a little down. You sure?"

"Yeah, Danny. I'm just fine. Mebbe I'm still just a lil' tired from last night. Guess I didn't get quite as much sleep as I needed. But aside from that, I'm OK."

Danny wasn't convinced but he let it go for now.

Salas asked everyone to take a seat. "OK, guys, I'm not expecting us to make a decision on the Admiral's offer right now. But I want us to kick this around among ourselves just a little bit. This isn't the time to decide. We'll vote on that later. And when we do, I think it oughta be unanimous either way. We may not get that kinda consensus, but that's what I'd like us to shoot for."

Danny spoke. "Well, it's like Billy said, there's `pros and cons.' Get me something to write with and I'll make two lists, one for the pros and the other for the cons."

Salas glanced Danny's way. "Good idea. Go for it. There's paper and a pen on the desk over there."

Danny got up and fetched a notepad and pen off a little writing desk and sat back down.

Salas asked, "OK, so, who wants to go first?"

Nobody said anything and Salas laughed. "Don't everybody talk all at once! ...OK... well, I'll start off...

"One thing on the pro side is obvious... Money. It sure may not make the world go round, but it's a helluva start, especially for you college boys." Salas pointed to Andy, Billy and Scotty. For one thing, you could forget about having to hold down a job. THIS would be your job. And, Andy, for the first time you could cash in on an ROTC scholarship. Might be a help. Billy, Scotty, you've already been suckin' on the government tit' for education dollars... Billy, you at the Naval Academy and Scotty, you with Army ROTC. Be quite an adjustment for both of you if you let that money just go by the wayside. And Navy Department funding of our base, as an El Toro outlying field... Well, you guys don't need me to tell you how much of a help that'll be... for all of us."

"On the downside, we loose at least SOME of our independence. We wouldn't be entirely our own bosses anymore."

Andy interrupted, "May I say something, Salas?"

"Sure, Andy, I'm glad to have somebody contribute something here besides me."

"Well, if it were anybody else, I might no be so sure. But I think Admiral Tucker is OK. He's everything we could want in a boss as far as I can tell. And besides, even after he leaves Naval Intelligence Command, you know he's not just gonna go away, even when he retires from the Navy altogether. He'd sure be a good contact for us..."

Salas responded, "Good point, Andy. I couldn't agree with you more..."

Scotty started to speak. He said, "I uh... I uh... I uh..."

His eyes had glazed over. He was unable to continue...

Danny moved over to Scotty and put his hand on his shoulder. "Scotty, what's wrong?"

Scotty's body was trembling slightly. He had his arms resting on his legs as he sat. His hands were balled tightly into fists and the muscles in his forearms were tensed. He was staring straight ahead, beads of sweat beginning to form on his forehead.

Scotty did not respond to Danny. He continued to stare straight ahead.

Danny looked at Andy. "Dude, something's wrong..."

Andy got up and knelt in front of Scott. "Come on, buddy... c'mon now... snap out of it, man. Tell us what's wrong."

Again, no response.

Andy slipped into Scotty's head and immediately saw what was torturing his mind. The night before, while the others were sleeping, Scotty had gone back to the base hospital to see what help he could offer with his new mental powers. He'd tried to get into the wards and was initially turned away. But he simply stepped back and, with his mind, removed any realization in the charge nurses' minds that he was even there. Scotty had gone from ward to ward, moving among the wounded and dying. He had entered their minds, alleviating their pain and thinking' words of comfort as best he could into their minds. But he had assimilated much of their agony and anguish into himself. And now Scotty was overwhelmed. He was struggling to contain his emotions. He rarely allowed himself to show his feelings in front of others. As a child, he'd never received much attention or affection from his parents. He had almost no grid for demonstration of emotion, affection or any kind of physical touching. And, yet, last night, he had shared intimately, with an intensity beyond imagining, with wounded and dying men in the El Toro medical center... their pain, their terror, lost hopes, loves and dreams. He'd drained himself giving them what comfort he could. It was a singular act of selflessness and compassion quite beyond anything Scotty would've ever thought himself capable of. And, yet, when dealing with his own emotions, he was almost dysfunctional. He willed himself to contain his feelings. He would not let them out. Andy thought' to Scotty, "Yah gotta let go, bro. You can't keep all this inside of you. Just let it out, Scotty... C'mon, man! We're here for you."

Scotty tried desperately to eject Andy from his mind, but he was still too weak from last night. Systematically, in Scotty's mind, Andy knocked down his inhibitions and when he did, the `floodgates' swung open. Scotty's body was racked with sobs. Danny clutched his friend rocking him back and forth, gently stroking his back.

Andy spoke to the others. "Scotty has all of the pain and fear and anguish of all those wounded men back at the hospital inside his head. He went there last night and he took it from them into himself. Now he's carrying all that on his own. I'm gonna help him and I hope you guys are willing to help me. But I gotta tell you, there's an awful lot and its really bad. If you don't think you can handle it, I'd understand, but it would sure be a help if some of you could."

They were only too willing to help. Every one of them.

Andy said, "No, not you, Danny. You're still way too young for anything like this. You're growin' up way too fast as it is. I can't let a young man your age try anything like this."

"Andy, Scotty is my best friend. He saved my life last night... TWICE. Please don't shut me outta this. Yah gotta let me in. Please, Andy, I'm beggin' you. Let me help you guys with this. Let me help Scotty. I'll never ask you for anything ever again if you'll just give me this. PLEASE let me do this with you, Andy... PLEASE!"

Rather than argue any further, Andy linked' everyone to Scotty... even Danny, although it was against his better judgment... and they all began to absorb some of his pain into their own minds. It was terrible for all of them. But none of them could imagine the pain Scotty must've endured having carried all of it by himself. Then, tapping into Billy's and Danny's mental speed, Andy accelerated' all of their minds. They processed everything in a few seconds. And then he erased all their memories of the details. He would not remove the memory of the pain. He wanted them to keep that and remember it. But none of them would be hounded by memories of the details. He left one memory with Scotty... a young man whom he'd visited. He was near death and he was too weak to speak. But with his mind, he had asked Scotty to tell his family 'good-bye' for him, and that he wanted them to know he loved them. They boy had given Scotty his family's contact information and Scotty had promised faithfully that he'd get in touch with them. Andy left that memory intact for Scotty so he could fulfill his promise to the dying young Marine.

Danny continued to hold onto Scotty. He looked at Andy. "Thank you for being our friend. I won't forget this, Andy."

Andy nodded solemnly.

Salas looked around the room. "It's nearly zero seven hundred. We need to get down to the mess hall and eat. We're due down at the hospital at zero eight. Think you guys can handle it?"

Everybody nodded. Wearily, they all got up and headed for the door, Danny helping Scotty along.

After chow, they arrived at the hospital. Everyone was ushered to a conference room. The admiral was waiting for them there. "OK, guys, thank you all for coming. The docs are gonna do MRI's on both Andy and Scotty. And they'll do tissue biopsies and take blood, urine samples from both of you. Then we're free to leave. They'll get back to us with the results as soon as they can. But we'll want to move your families back home. I've already arranged for transportation for all of you. Andy, Scotty, remember... Not a word to anyone to anyone about your mental abilities."

"Yes, sir," Billy replied.

Scotty nodded.

They were done in an hour. Station medical had promised to have preliminary results ready within about twenty-four hours. "Admiral Tucker had Salas' bunch muster one last time in his quarters at the BOQ. Guys, it has been an honor to meet all of you. The country owes a debt to you that I doubt the public could ever really appreciate, much less repay. I hope you've had an opportunity to discuss my offer among yourselves... Because I would very much like to keep our association alive, not only from the standpoint of operational considerations, but also just personally. I've come to regard each of you as a friend..."

"Salas responded, "Well, thanks Admiral. We all feel the same way about you. We got together this morning before we went to the station hospital for Andy's and Scotty's exams. But we only managed to get started. We really need to break up for the rest of the day. Scotty, Danny, Andy and Billy need to get their families back home. Cole and I both need to check in with our headquarters. WE need to at least make a pretense of working on some of our more `prosaic' cases. We'll meet out here with you and Vince tomorrow morning for the medical exam results. I'm hoping the guys and I can get together this evening to hash out this your offer some more. I hope we can have an answer for you in the morning, Admiral. I can't promise we'll be ready even then. But we'll do our best."

"OK, Salas. That's all I can ask for. Vince and I will hafta go back no later than day after tomorrow. But we can hang out here until then.

"Thanks, Admiral we'll see you over at medical tomorrow morning."

The Admiral and Vince shook hands all around and everyone parted company.

Salas arranged for everyone to meet at his house at eight p.m. The parents would have managed to get settled back into their homes with life had starting to get back to something a little closer to normal... well, normal for them.

At Salas' house at eight, the superman started filtering in. Danny arrived last. He had run there. Billy had borrowed his mom's car and brought Andy, since Andy's truck was still abandoned, lying nose down in that bomb crater in the road not far from the shop.

Salas spoke first. "Danny, did you bring your lists?"

"Got `em right here. Shall I go over what we've got so far?"

"Might be a good idea."

"Well, we've got a pro' list and a con.' There's two bullets' on the pro' side... The money and workin' with the Admiral. On the con side, I'm showin' loss of some of our independence. Anybody need any more detail? There's some more specifics, especially under the money.'"

Nobody needed the details.

Salas looked around the room. "Anybody else have anything they wanna add?"

Cole said, "Well, if we work with the admiral and his people, more folks are gonna find out about us..."

Billy broke in. "Cole, that's undoubtedly true. But after last night, you've got at least a brigade's worth of Marines who have a fairly good idea about us. If you think the guys who saw Danny and me doing the tunneling last night are gonna sit on that, you're dreaming. Scuttlebutt gets around a military unit like wildfire. That cat's already outta the bag. The admiral may be able keep it outta the media, but there's already a lotta folks in on our little secret. At least they have SOME idea what we can do. And, yah gotta figure, before long, no matter WHAT we do with the Admiral we're gonna find the guys from Sixty Minutes' knockin' on our doors.... Naw, I think we'd be a LOT better off hidin' under the Admiral's wings on that score. I'm for putting that bullet AND "loss of independence" in the PRO' column, not the `CON.'"

"Cole chuckled. "Well, Billy, you sure blew that objection outta the water. I take it you're in favor of the admiral's proposal. And I can't say I'm all that opposed to it myself. Unless anybody else has anything else, I say we put it to a vote right now."

Salas asked, "Anybody got anything else, pro or con?"

Everybody shook their heads.

"All right, everybody OK if we go ahead and vote?"

"I'm fine with it, Andy said."

"Me too," said Billy and Danny almost simultaneously.

Danny turned to Scotty. "How `bout you, bro?"

"Well, I wasn't really sure I hadda vote."

Salas went over to Scotty and put his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Scotty. You've got the DECIDING vote. You'd have that even WITHOUT this mind' and super speed' thing you got last night. Don't ever forget, Scotty, you've been as much a part of this team as anybody from the gitgo.' In fact, strictly speaking, it's you and Danny who are the charter members.'"

Scotty said, "Yeah, well, thanks, Salas. But until last week, I always felt I was just along for the ride. And I'm just startin' to get my arms around this `mind' thing Andy gave me."

Andy interjected, "That I MIGHT'VE `given' you. We still don't know that for sure..."

Salas looked at Scott. Son, it's like I told you a month ago, you've proven a man doesn't hafta have super strength or mind melding' or anything like that to be a superman.' Scotty, more important than being a superman,' you are a GOOD man.' There's nobody in this room who has more right to decide which way we go on the admiral's proposal than you do. So, Scotty, what's it gonna be. "Yes?" ...or `NO?'"

"Scotty looked down at his shoes. He was on the verge of tears. He'd never dared hope he'd ever be anything but an observer' and a tag along' in this bunch. He gulped. He managed to 'hold on,' but just barely. Danny sat alongside Scotty and hugged him... You're home, big bro. You belong with us... You've always been one of us. And you've always been there for me."

"And you for me, Danny. All of you..."

Scotty was back in control. He said, "OK, I say we vote now."

Salas said, "Well, this has to be unanimous. Everybody agree to that?"

They all said "yes."

"All right. All in favor, say `aye.'."

Everyone said "aye."

"Opposed... say `neigh.'"

There were no `neighs.'

"OK, the motion carries. We're in the Navy now!"

Andy picked up a chorus... "...We're not behind a plough... You'll never get rich yah sonovabitch... We're in the Navy now!"

Danny sang another round and midway, Andy joined him...

They all laughed.

Salas said, OK, guys, I don't know about you, but my stomach's growlin'. You guys up for gettin' somethin' to eat?"

"Yeah!" Everybody said at once.

They all left and went to that chain coffee shop Salas and Scotty had visited about a month ago, when they had gotten together the evening before Salas and Scott had gone together to St. Joseph's to take Andy home from the hospital.

This time around, Andy and Scotty held their own with the supermen. They were all ravenous.

When they had finally eaten their fill, they all ordered coffee. There was no heavy discussion... Not in a public place like this. But it was just good to get together this way in a relaxed atmosphere. They'd not had much of a chance to do that as a group.

Finally, as they started to get up to go, Salas said, guys, we're behind schedule now. If everybody's up for it. I say we meet at the shop tomorrow. We'll go out to El Toro to meet with the admiral and Vince and get Andy's and Scotty's test results. Then lets get back to the shop and try to get ourselves back on track. We've got some catching up to do. Billy, I'll want you and Danny to get back out on the road. And, Danny, I want you to come up with some creative, NONDESTRUCTIVE ways to get Billy all the way up to where he outta be. He's almost there, but I want you to push him hard. You're the best man for the job, Danny. Scotty, Andy, we're gonna step some things up with you two. I gotta feelin', before too long you're both about to out grow the weight room. Cole and I are gonna be working with you. So, everybody, we'll meet at the shop at zero seven thirty.

The group broke up. Billy and Andy got into Billy's mom's car and Billy started off in the direction of Andy's apartment.

Andy said, "Billy, I really think I oughta stay at mom's tonight. And I think you oughta stay at your mom's. They've both been through a hell of a lot and we need to be there for them."

Billy said, "Well, I think you're right. You and I have the rest of our lives with each other and I think I WOULD like to make sure mom gets settled back in OK at her place. Yah know, I think what I really wish is that we could get your mom and mine to move in with each other. They're both alone now. In fact, even better would be if we could find a house where we ALL lived together. I think that would be perfect for all of us, Andy."

"Well, I dunno. We might all get in each other's way. Mom kinda likes her privacy. That's one of the reasons I moved out and got my own place. She never said anything to make me go. But when I told her I was gonna get my own place, she never said anything to stop me either. I see her fairly often... two or three times a week at least. I think that's about enough for her..."

"Well, Andy, if we got a place big enough, we could have the best of both worlds. We'd all have all the privacy we wanted. And we'd still have our moms close by."

"Well, there's the money, Bill. A place that big would cost a fortune to rent..."

"Yah, Andy, but, remember, we're both gonna have our school expenses covered. And if this thing with the Admiral pans out, we'll be getting paid for our training with Salas. With your income and mine and both our moms', who knows, maybe we could swing it. We might be able to find a place that could work. God, I'd love it if we could make that happen."

"Well, Billy, a lot of pieces to the puzzle would hafta fall into place. And we don't even know if our mom's would go for that. And it might put kind of a damper on us. I know they're both happy as can be about us. But I wouldn't feel comfortable even so much as holding hands with you in front of your mom or mine. I don't wanna ram stuff like that down their throats. I guess you could say I'm gay now, Billy. But I'm never gonna BE one of those militant `in your face' types with it. If it weren't for you, I'd never even THOUGHT of goin' with a man."

Billy asked gently, "Any regrets, Andy?"

"No, of course not. You know very well that's not what I meant. I'm just trying to be realistic. I'm not sayin' no' to this idea, but I'm no sayin' yes' to it, either. I don't know how my mom or yours would feel about it. Hell, Billy, I'm not even sure how I feel about it yet. Lemme think about it some and lets talk about it again before either of us brings this up with the mom's. OK?"

"OK, Andy. I'll keep mum till we talk again. But even if we didn't move in with `em, I'd feel a lot better if they moved in with each other. I don't like either of them livin' alone."

"Well, lets chew on that some and talk about this again before we mention any of this to either of them."

"OK Andy. Like I said, I'll hold off till you're ready."

Billy pulled up in front of Andy's mom's and let him out. "OK lil bro... This is your stop. I'll see you at zero six."

"We'll have breakfast ready, Billy, so bring an appetite."

Billy smiled. "No problem there, lil bro. You know me. I've ALWAYS got an appetite handy."

Billy drove his mom's car home and then ran out to the road where Andy's little truck had been abandoned. He found it right where he'd left it after Lassiter's men had made off with Andy and he'd turned and run to the shop the day before yesterday.

It was nosed down into the bomb crater, the front end badly crumpled. Andy loved this little bucket of bolts and Billy was determined to have it road worthy by sunup. He hopped down into the hole, muscled the truck back up onto the road and surveyed the damage. The fenders and hood were in fairly bad shape. He lifted the front end and examined the frame. His senses were as powerful as Danny's now. Even though it was nearly pitch dark, he was able to survey the frame by starlight He could see clearly that it was undamaged. Both fenders and the hood were badly crumpled and he'd seen steam jetting from the radiator right after the truck had come to rest in the crater.

He tried to raise the hood. It was jammed against the fenders but he easily pulled it free. He removed the fenders with his bare hands and, with his fists, hammered them back into perfect shape. Then he removed the hood and went to work on it. Finally, he checked the radiator and found the rupture. Rubbing rapidly with his hands to heat it, he softened the metal to easy malleability and fused the rupture closed. Then he reattached the fenders and the hood and surveyed his work. He thought, "Still needs a paint job to make it perfect, but this'll get the little truck back on the road." Billy climbed in. The truck sagged under his weight. The keys were still in the ignition. He cranked the engine and it kicked right over. "Yeah!" Billy thought. He drove to an all night auto parts store and bought four heavy duty shocks, drove Andy's truck to his mom's and parked it in the driveway behind his mom's station wagon. He had the heavy duty shocks installed in less than two minutes. He'd drive it to Andy's tomorrow morning. As Billy surveyed his work, he smiled and thought, "Andy's gonna be so surprised. I can't WAIT to see his face tomorrow morning."

He went inside. His mom was up. She was surprised to see him. "Oh, Billy! I thought you'd be staying at Andy's tonight!" Billy hugged her and said, "Naw, mom, Andy and I both wanted to stay at home tonight. I'll be staying over there tomorrow night. I guess I'll kinda be hoppin' back and forth between here and there for awhile."

"Well, Billy, I don't want you to feel like you have to do that. Just don't forget where I live. I do wanna see both of you now and again."

"You won't hafta worry about that, mom. You're not gonna git rid of either one of us that easily."

Billy hugged his mom, kissed her goodnight and went to bed.

He wasn't very sleepy so he just lay there thinking. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to get Andy and both their moms together with him under one roof. Just before he dropped off to sleep, Andy `knocked at the door' of his mind and with Billy's OK, he slipped in. In their separate beds, under separate roofs, they fell asleep and dreamed together.

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Next: Chapter 18

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