The Charges

By Tags

Published on Nov 13, 2023



This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters portrayed herein represent any real person, living or dead. It includes characters invented by Chip Masterson including the muscle super kid, "Danny Henderson" who appears in a number of stories created by Chip. These characters are used in this story with his express permission, (Thanks, Chip!) although this story differs substantially in tone and theme from stories written heretofore by Chip. There are inconsistencies between Chip's story line and mine. The characters in my scenario dwell, therefore, in some sort of parallel universe.' Also included in this story is a character inspired by "Billy," the lead character in John D's "Billy Muscles up." One incident is borrowed directly from the "Billy Muscles Up" series and some of the things Billy does in this story echo "Billy Muscles Up." However, although this "Billy" begins with more or less the same personality and physical strength as the original, events take "my Billy'" in a somewhat different direction. My use of the "Billy" character is with John D's express permission. Thanks, John D!

If you are looking for erotic stimulation, please look elsewhere because you won't find that here. Aside from some coarse language and violence, this story could almost be rated "G." But if Chip's "Danny" series is one you have enjoyed, you may find this story entertaining as well. My interest in Chip's "Danny" series has been mainly, "what are people thinking and feeling?" (Something Chip has preferred to leave to the reader's imagination.) This story delves into that question in just a little bit more detail. Of particular interest to me as well, is how some of these characters respond to situations and circumstance that could happen to anyone as well as how they react to extraordinary situations.

I've introduced my own characters in this story, among them, "Andy Jackson Partlowe," and, to some extent, this is HIS story... how he came to meet Billy, Danny and his friends and how he reacts to their phenomenal strength and abilities.

My thanks to the web master for his work in maintaining this site and for posting this story. I would like to express my special thanks to Chip Masterson and John D. for graciously sharing their characters with me and especially for their work and creativity in creating their stories. This story is dedicated in their honor.

Thanks a lot for sharing, Chip and John D...


Tuesday (The Second)

They landed at El Toro around midnight, Pacific Daylight Time. They were flown to Salas' abandoned air base by marine helo. Cole, Danny, Scotty and their LAPD and Orange County friends had been joined by a detachment of Marines from El Toro. Some of Lassiter's goons had made probing forays around the perimeter, but the area was secure.

Salas took the Admiral to their makeshift headquarters where the Admiral started working the phone, trying to ferret out, as best he could, where Lassiter might've stashed his hostages. In less than an hour, with help from his contacts, the Admiral had managed to locate the site where Andy, his mother and Billy's were most likely being detained. Lassiter had commandeered a California Army National Guard Armory in LA, just north of the Orange Country line as a satellite headquarters for his occupation forces. Admiral Tucker stepped over to a map of the LA metro area and pointed. "There. He's taken your people there. I'm gonna call the California National Guard Adjutant General up in Sacremento and have him FAX us a floor plan of the building."

The Admiral went on, "I've found out from my phone contacts that Lassiter's made a major miscalculation. He failed to take into account the patriotism of many of his men. His formations are riddled with informers who are feeding us information as best they can. Most of the kids in those units didn't sign up to trash the Constitution and enslave their countrymen. Lassiter's goons have been killing men out of hand they deem unreliable. But they're having trouble keeping up. Whole units have lain down their arms and refused to go along with Lassiter's scheme, officers included. Other units have simply defected and joined forces with our people. Lassiter's whole plan is falling apart. But the men in the unit guarding that National Guard Armory are die hard Lassiter thugs. We won't get your people out without a fight. And we can't use air cover. That facility is surrounded by residential neighborhoods. It'll be dicey."

Salas said, "We'll get LAPD to clear civilians out the area immediately adjacent to the facility."

Admiral Tucker said, "Salas, I don't think you can do that. The whole neighborhood is crawling with Lassiter's troops. And like I said, they're all die hards. Those civilians are just more hostages as far as Lassiter is concerned. A frontal assault would be risky. Not to mention, as soon as those thugs in the National Guard facility get wind of a takedown, they might decide to kill their hostages. We'll never take those bastards alive. They'll defend to the last man. I KNOW it! "

Danny spoke up. "Well, sir, I guess that just leaves us. I'll go in there and take out those fucks with my bare goddamned hands."

At first, the Admiral was inclined to attribute Danny's bravado to the exuberance of youth.

Billy interjected. "Not so fast, Admiral. I think we can be a lot more use to you and your guys than you might think." He stepped over to a door, ripped off the doorknob mechanism and handed it to Danny who crushed it in his fist and rolled it between his palms into a sphere no larger than a pea.

Billy asked, "Could YOU do that, Admiral?"

The Admiral was, to say the least, taken aback...

Billy went on, "Well, what you just saw this boy do is NOTHING. It was just the quickest demonstration I could come up with at the spur of the moment. Sir, you have no IDEA what he can do, or what I can do or what Salas, Cole and these LA cops can do. We're sort of genetic freaks with strength, agility and speed beyond anything you've ever imagined. We'll do the takedown, sir. Just like Danny said, with our bare hands. We could do it bare ass naked if we had to. But we need these marines to help us. We need a diversion to strip off as much of Lassiter's defenses around that National Guard Armory as possible. But I'm asking you to come with us, in harm's way.' I don't know if it will help, but a flag officer like you might be able to talk those die hards out. Their game is over. Like you said, it's only a matter of time before Lassiter's little enterprise' gives up the ghost. But you might be our only hope. We might not be able to bust in there and get to our people in time, before those guys take them out. But maybe, just maybe, if we can get you close enough, you just might be able to talk `em out."

"Son, I don't mind telling you, I'm in shock. I don't begin to understand what's going on with you and these guys. I wish we had time for you to show me more. But I've seen plenty enough. If you and your friends say you can do something, I believe you CAN do it. We'll keep our options open, now that we've got more of `em than I thought."

The Admiral turned to Salas and the other men. I'll speak with the marine detachment commander. Before we get started, I wanna have a little `talk' with his men. I assume at least some of them will get an eyeful of what you guys can do and I'm going to make damn sure they all keep quiet about it. It's obvious, Billy, that letting the word get out about what you can, do is the wrong way to go. Lassiter has proven that well enough. I don't blame you for keeping your strength a secret from us at the Academy. THAT was the RIGHT way to go. I'm gonna clamp a lid so tight on all this about you guys, none of those marines will dare utter a peep about it when this is over with.

Salas said, "Thanks, Admiral. Thanks a lot... I just wish to hell I'd never let on to Lassiter about us. We trusted him and we were damn fools."

"Well, Salas, in hindsight, it'd a damn good thing you did. Because if you hadn't, Lassiter and his pals might've gotten away with his little coup and then we'd all be in chains. And I doubt you guys would've been able to pull this country out of a mess like this on your own, no matter how powerful each one of you may be individually. He's already got you guys by the balls just by grabbing your loved ones. Salas, Billy, I'm gonna GIT that sonofaBITCH Lassiter if it's the last goddamned thing I do on this earth. After we bust your people loose, you guys are going to escort me to his headquarters. But I wanna be the man who takes Lassiter down. He's broken the faith and defiled his uniform. He's spit on the Constitution. He's destroyed the faith of the American people in our military institutions for at least a generation. And he is going to pay for that."

Admiral Tucker stepped outside and ordered the marine detachment commander to muster his troops to prepare to `mount out.' He briefly explained that they were going to embark on a rescue mission, personally ordered by the Secretary of Defense, whose personal representative he now was. "Men, some of the things you're about to witness in this op are classified. You may see feats of strength, speed and agility, accomplished by some of the temporarily attached nonmilitary personnel, well beyond your wildest imaginings. You are to ask no questions. You are to say nothing to anyone about anything you see tonight. You may not discuss any of the details of the operation with anyone outside your unit, no matter WHAT his rank or position, without my authorization to each of you individually IN WRITING! Is that clear? The young leather necks, formed up in ranks, bellowed in unison, "SIR, YES SIR!"

The detachment commander saluted Admiral Tucker and he and his men mounted their vehicles for the drive into Los Angeles. Admiral Tucker, Salas, Billy and Vince climbed into a jeep with Vince as driver. Scotty, Cole and Danny boarded the jeep immediately behind with Scotty at the wheel. The Admiral pumped his right fist into the air three times and the convoy began to move out. The marine detachment commander's Humvee followed behind Scotty's jeep and a military truck, manned by the super cops from LAPD and Orange County followed. Behind were five more trucks loaded with heavily armed Marines in full combat gear.

As they approached the edge of the neighborhood abutting the old National Guard Armory, Admiral Tucker signaled with his hand for the convoy to stop. "OK, Salas. This is close enough. We'll proceed on foot the rest of the way."

He spoke to the marine detachment commander, "Captain, fan out your men and advance by squads. I want this to look like a `probe around the edges' of the area. Take the guys from LAPD with you. Your objective is to draw out as many of Lassiter's men from the Armory as you can to take the pressure off of us. Move out whenever you and your men are ready." The detachment commander saluted and began to organize his men and the super cops from LAPD and Orange County.

Admiral Tucker turned to Salas. "OK. This is you're op. From here on out, Vince and I are just `along for the ride.'

"Yes sir. We wanna move up to the Armory really fast. Danny, you take Scotty..."

Danny interrupted, "Salas, what's Scotty gonna do for us? We're gettin' into some really heavy shit here. Scotty-boy, you're staying here. I'm not letting you come along. There's nothing you can do and there's no way I'm gonna let you to go into the line of fire for no reason."

"BullSHIT, Danny. I didn't come this far just to sit on the sidelines. If you won't carry me, I'll follow on my own and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

Salas turned Danny around. "Son, I appreciate your concern for Scotty. But he's right. You have no right to cut him out of this op. He's as much a part of all this as you are. It's gonna be dangerous for all of us. But if Scotty wants in on this, that's his call and mine, not yours."

Danny relented. "OK, Scott. You're with me. But if I catch you doin' anything stupid, dude, I swear to God, I'll bean you on the spot. You stick close to me. No cowboy heroics, OK?"

Salas spoke, "Admiral, we can move very fast. I'm gonna carry you forward on my back. You'll need to hang on tight. Billy, you bring Vince. We're gonna be looking to find some cover as close as we can find it to the Armory perimeter. Have you got that floor plan on you, Admiral?"

"Yeah Salas, right here."

"Danny, Cole, Billy, scope this over and memorize it."

They each took a glance at the sheet and passed it along. Danny was last.

"OK, Salas, we got it."

Admiral Tucker interjected, "That fast?"

Salas answered, "Yes Admiral, that fast."

Salas went on. "Guys, the magazine is the most secure room in the building. My guess is they've cleared that room out and stashed Andy in there. There's another interior room at the opposite end of the building that's also relatively secure. I'm bettin', that's where they've put Billy's and Andy's moms. I don't know whether we can bust into there or not. So if we can't, Admiral, that's where you'll come in. Billy, get that bullhorn outta the jeep and give it to the Admiral."

Billy retrieved the bullhorn and handed it to the Admiral. "Here you are, sir."

Salas said, "You'll wanna hold onto that, sir. Now climb onto my back and let's move out."

The Admiral climbed onto Salas' back. Vince climbed onto Billy's back and Scotty on Danny's back. Cole took the lead and they `blurred' into invisibility. In a matter of seconds, they were opposite the Armory behind a low brick fence, surrounding the yard of a residence across the street. The Armory was encircled by concertina wire and there were sentries posted at twenty foot intervals all the way around the perimeter.

Salas sighed. "Well, now we know. The place is certainly guarded well enough. We could make a dash for it and dodge at least some of the bullets, but with those weapons selected to full auto, it'd be a miracle if we even got through to the Armory wall without one of us getting hit. We'd never get through the wall before they took us out. If the guys on the perimeter didn't get us, the ones posted on the roof probably would."

Admiral, I guess this is gonna be your show.

"Well, Salas, if we wait, those marines oughta be making their presence in the neighborhood known any minute. They're bound to make contact with Lassiter's patrols before too much longer. We'll hear the fire fight from here and so will they." The Admiral pointed to the sentries surrounding the Armory across the street. "I think I could make a stronger case for them to surrender if some of their manpower has been drawn down. And what about you and these other guys. That young fellah right there," The Admiral motioned to Danny, "looked mighty strong from what I saw back at you base. Ya think you guys might be able to hurl some projectiles into the perimeter? I think that might get `em a little flustered."

Without a word, Danny disappeared and reappeared momentarily, hefting one of the Jeeps from their convoy over his head. This attracted the sentries' attention and they immediately opened fire. Danny tossed the jeep aside and they all dove for the deck behind the low brick fence.

The Admiral, from a prone position, turned to Danny and asked, "Son, do you think you could lob that thing across the street into the perimeter. That outta flush some of those bastards out of the building. "Danny answered. "Sir, Billy and I could lob any of those trucks from the convoy into there. And Salas and Cole would have no problem with that jeep or the humvee."

Admiral Tucker turned to Salas. "Well, whaddaya think?"

"Guess it's worth a try, Admiral. You, Vince and Scotty stay here.. We'll be right back. Cole, Danny, Billy, come with me and lets go get us some `ammo.'"

The four supermen returned with their burdens in less than two minutes. Again, sentries from across the street opened fire, but the supermen simply dropped the vehicles on their sides taking cover behind them. Salas said, "OK, Now we've got two jeeps, two trucks and a humvee. Cole, you and I will toss the jeeps into the perimeter. Billy, you and Danny lob your trucks. Then, Danny, I want you to hurl that humvee into the side of the building. Aim for the wall right at the entrance. Try to make the humvee completely penetrate the wall. I want a big hole."

The Admiral spoke... "Wait!"

"Look, Salas, I can see you guys are strong as hell. Lets think this thing through a little more. You start lobbing those vehicles into their perimeter, even if those sentries have been briefed on what you guys can do, I doubt they'll really believe it until the see it for themselves. I know I wouldn't if I hadn't seen you guys haul those vehicles up here with my own goddamned eyes. But I think we should wait until our marines start to make contact with Lassiter's street patrols. Once the fire fight begins, some of those guys on the perimeter are gonna venture out to reinforce their patrols. Then, once those vehicles start comin' down on the heads of those who stay behind, they're gonna scatter. They'll be disoriented for at least a minute or two. Danny, that's when you need to chuck that humvee into the wall to break open a hole. How `bout jumping? Can you guys do that?"

Billy answered, "Yes sir, Danny and I sure could."

"Well, son, I wouldn't ask you to do anything I wouldn't do. Think you could jump into there with me on your back?"

"Sir, no sir! I couldn't allow that. It's a needless risk. Admiral, My MOTHER is in there and the man I love more than my life... and, sir, I don't want anyone else in there that I'd hafta be lookin' out for. I appreciate your willingness to come along, but I'd better do this on my own."

The admiral cocked his eyebrows at Billy's remark about `the man [he] loves,' but he let it pass.

Danny said, "Billy, I wanna come with you. It's gonna take two of us at least to spring Andy and your moms. If they're where we think they are, they'll be at opposite ends of the building."

"No, Danny, it's way too dangerous. I'm not gonna let you risk your life on something that `iffy.'"

"Well, gee, Billy, I'd like to see you try and stop me."

Salas intervened. "Billy, if this is gonna have any chance at working, you and Danny together are the best shots we've got. You're both a lot stronger and faster than Cole or me. But he and I will be right behind you. Danny, you'll hurl that humvee into the wall. Once the wall is breached, Billy you leap across the street, over the wire and into the building if you can make it that far. Danny, you go in right behind Billy. Billy, you go for your moms. Danny, you go for Andy. Cole and I will do our best to get in there behind you. If we can exploit the confusion, we oughta be able to make it. We'll try to clear a path for you to get out and then once we're clear, we'll beat feet. Admiral, as soon as we get outta there, order those marines to close on our position. We'll wanna get them between us and the bad guys as fast as possible so we can get our people to safety. Then we'll head on out to Lassiter's base. I definitely want you along for that."

At that moment, the sound of distant gunfire could be heard coming from a few blocks south of their position. The marines had made contact with Lassiter's patrols. Within minutes, troops began running out of the Armory and through an opening in the concertina wire and out into the street, joined by about half of the sentries posted outside the building.

Salas waited until they were out of sight and then ordered the superman to begin lobbing their vehicle "projectiles" into the perimeter. As predicted, the remaining perimeter sentries were thrown into confusion as they scampered about trying to get out of the way of the vehicles slamming down into their position. Danny hurled the humvee into the wall right at the front entrance. The humvee crashed all the way through and into the huge gallery inside the Armory building. The wall had been breached. Billy leapt across the street landing on his feet just inside the building. Danny landed right behind Billy. Salas and Cole sprinted into the street, taking a running jump across the wire and landing well inside of the wire just short of the breach. They dashed inside joining Billy and Danny. The gallery appeared deserted. Danny started to his left toward the magazine where they had surmised Andy was being detained, Cole right behind him. Billy moved to the right toward the room where his mom and Mrs. Partlowe were supposedly being held with Salas hot on his tail.

A loud "clunk" echoed through the gallery and a giant heavy wire rope mesh net, weighted with heavy concrete blocks on all four corners, fell down from the ceiling on top of them, pinning them to the deck. They all began to struggle to free themselves, but at that moment, an officer, dressed in full combat gear, stepped into the room, picking his way across the edge of the wire mesh netting. He unholstered his pistol and fired a round into the ceiling, the shot reverberating throughout the gallery.

"That's enough, gentlemen. We've been expecting you! Right now, I have men with the two bitches and that faggot with guns to their heads. If I fire again, they will all be shot. So don't any of you move a muscle. We know very well you could free yourselves from the wire mesh that's holding you down but that would take time, wouldn't it." He grimaced evilly. "Time you don't have."

A detachment of twenty heavily armed goons entered the gallery from a side room and trained their weapons on the four trapped supermen.

"It'll take a several rounds to do each of you in. So, I regret to say, your deaths will be somewhat protracted and very painful. I'm really disappointed. Taking you faggots down was almost too easy."

Across the street, Scotty had started to get nervous. "Admiral, Commander Provenzano, this is taking way too long. Those guys shoulda been outta there by now." Then he heard the renegade officer's pistol shot... "We got trouble. I think you better get those marines on the horn and get `em over here, fast!"

"Can't, son. They're tied down mixing it up with Lassiter's street patrols and those reinforcements we just flushed outta there. We're gonna hafta do this on our own. Best thing we can do is to try to make our way back to what's left of our convoy, commandeer one of the trucks and try to bust in there with it and see if we can spring our guys."

"Fuck that, sir. We'll never make it there and back in time. We've gotta find something nearby. I'll hot wire that sucker and we'll bust in there with that. C'mon. Let's move. They'd trotted about half a block, around the corner to the left and down a few houses on an adjacent residential street when Scotty found what he was looking for... A big Ford F-250 two ton four door pickup was parked alongside the curb. He borrowed Vince's pistol and shot out the window. He reached inside, unlocked and opened the door, hopped into the driver's seat and pulled out his pocket knife. He had the ignition jimmied in less than thirty seconds. He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. The Admiral hopped into the front passenger seat and Commander Provenzano climbed into the back seat.

Scotty spun the truck around in reverse and revved the engine. He popped the transmission and with a squeal of the tires, the truck hurtled down the block. He roared around the corner into a right turn and onto the street in front of the armory. When he drew even with the gap in the concertina wire, directly in front of the breach in the wall, he wheeled to the left and accelerated, then, applied the brakes at the last second. The truck jumped the broad steps leading into the gallery. It slid to a stop just inside, barely missing a collision with Danny's crumpled humvee projectile,' lying on its side under the wire mesh netting deeper inside the gallery. Lassiter's goons were momentarily startled by the big Ford pickup's sudden arrival in their midst. Their attention was distracted just long enough for Danny, Cole, Salas and Billy to tear free from underneath the wire mesh. Like lightening, the four supermen disarmed and tapped out' their erstwhile captors. Then they resumed execution of their rescue plan. Billy and Salas made for the room where his and Andy's moms were being held. Danny and Cole sprinted for the Armory magazine where they expected to find Andy.

Billy kicked the door down and entered the room with Salas right behind him. The women were chained to the far wall. Two armed sentries had their weapons trained on the women. In a flash, Billy was on one and Salas on the other, disarming them. Billy stepped over to his mom and Mrs. Partlowe and snapped their chains with a mighty jerk of his powerful fists. Billy scooped up his mom, Salas picked up Mrs. Partlowe and they dashed back into the gallery.

Across the gallery, Danny had punched the door leading into the magazine with his fist. The door flew open, swinging violently around on it's hinges into the wall, embedding itself in the cinder block. Quicker than the eye, Cole was on top of the guard. He cold cocked the guard and Danny moved up to the hospital gurney Andy was strapped onto. He carefully removed Andy's IV. A constant sedative drip was being administered to keep Andy unconscious. Then Danny tore loose the restraining straps and took Andy's unconscious body into has arms. He and Cole ran back out into the gallery and sprinted toward the Ford F-250. He and Cole leapt over the left side of the cargo bed and into the back just as Salas and Billy landed in the truck bed from the other side with Mrs. Hartlander and Mrs. Partlowe. From the back seat, Vince yelled, "Go, Scotty, GO!"

Scotty jammed the truck into reverse and with a squeal of the tires the truck bolted backward out of the building, down the front steps, through the opening in the razor wire perimeter and out onto the street. He wheeled the truck around to the right, lining up with the street and roared away.

When they were well clear of the area, Scotty pulled over to the curb, jumped out of the cab, joined by Admiral Tucker and Vince.

Salas leapt out of the truck bed ran up to Scotty and grabbed him around the waist, lifting him off the street. "Goddamn boy! You fuckin' saved our asses! Salas set the boy down, placing his hands on Scotty's shoulders and looking into his eyes. "Scotty, a few weeks back you told me you didn't know anything about being a superman.' I told you then, kid that you're learning fast. Well, son, you've really earned your stripes tonight. Salas hugged Scotty again. What you did for us was very brave. You didn't hesitate to come in after us. You thought fast, and made it happen for us. And, Scotty, or should I call you Parnelli Jones?' that was an incredible performance behind the wheel. I am SO proud of you, boy, I could fuckin' bust wide open. Scotty, I'm really glad you came along with us tonight!"

Danny hopped out of the back of the truck, walked up to Scotty, wrapped his arm around his waist and leaned his head on his shoulder. His gesture said it all. Scotty, had come to Danny's rescue. In Scotty, Danny finally had that `hero older brother' he'd so often dreamed of... standing up to the line to protect him from a pack of bullies out to whup his ass. Danny didn't ever want to let go. He held onto Scotty, savoring the moment.

Billy was in the back of the truck with his mom, Mrs. Partlowe and Andy. He spoke to his mom. "Are you guys OK?"

"Yes, Billy. June and I are fine. Check on Andy."

Billy moved over to Andy and checked his pulse. "He's OK but he's still unconscious. Mom, there'll be time for reunions later. I'm so glad you two are OK. Right now, we've got some serious business to attend to. He gave his mom and Mrs. Partlowe a quick peck on the cheek each. He turned, lingering momentarily over Andy's unconscious body. Then he hopped out of the back of truck and joined the other men standing on the street to the left side of the cab.

"OK, guys. Now what."

The Admiral responded. "Now we go after Lassiter."

Salas said, "First we gotta bring Andy around. We're gonna need him for this. Billy, is he OK back there?"

"Yeah. He's out cold but he should come around fairly quickly now that he's off that IV. And when he does, God help Lassiter. I'll wanna talk to Andy before we go out there to Lassiter's base. He might well kill him if I don't."

Salas growled. "That'd damn well serve him right if Andy did."

Admiral Tucker broke in. "No! We've gotta take General Lassiter alive. He and his cronies have to answer for high treason before a Court Martial."

"Not if I get my hands on him first," Danny said.

Billy said, "Danny, we're gonna do this the Admiral's way. This is not just about us. What Lassiter did, he's done to the whole country. He's gotta answer for that. Killing him is way too easy. He's gotta stand trial and then he'll spend the rest of his life in the brig, unless they wind up hangin' him."

From the back of the truck, Mrs. Hartlander called to Billy. "Andy's coming around!"

Billy ran back, hopped into the truck bed and knelt alongside Andy. He took Andy's hand in his and said, it's OK, buddy. You're safe now. Oh God, Andy, it's so good to have you back. This has been the worst day of my life. He pulled Andy into his arms and gave him a gentle squeeze..

Andy was disoriented. "Where the hell am I. What happened. Last thing I remember, we were in the truck riding to the shop..."

"Lassiter's men grabbed you and drugged you. And they took our moms. We've just sprung you guys. Actually, it was Scotty who saved the day. Now we're gonna head over to Lassiter's base. The general didn't back down. He just moved up his time table for the coup. We'll bring you up to speed on the way. If you're up to it, Andy, we're really gonna need your help on this."

Then Billy turned to his mom and Mrs. Partlowe. He held onto his mom with his right arm and Mrs. Partlowe in his left and hugged them. He kissed them both gently on the cheek and released them. Then he turned back to Andy. You OK now, buddy? We're gonna need you if you think you're up to going with us."

"Billy, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Lassiter is dead meat when I get my hands on him. And FUCK the `mind' thing. I'll take him apart with my bare hands."

"No, Andy. Not that. We're gonna take this guy into custody and turn him over to the authorities. Vice Admiral Tucker is with us. He's superintendent of the Naval Academy and he's gonna take Lassiter back to Washington in chains to answer for what he's done."

Billy and Andy jumped from the back of the truck down onto the street and joined the other men.

Vince looked up and asked Billy, "So this is Andy?"

"Yes sir. Commander, Admiral, guys, I'd like to introduce my life partner,' Andy Partlowe.'"

Danny's eyes lit up. He went up to Billy and Andy and wrapped one arm around each of their middles. "Oh, Andy! You said `yes!' Thank God! I'm so happy for you guys!"

Billy looked at the Admiral and Vince and said, "Admiral, Commander, I'm sorry, but when this thing with Lassiter is over, I guess this'll be 'good-bye.' I know the rules."

The Admiral quickly responded, "No, son. Not unless you want it to be. As far as Vince and I are concerned, neither of us have heard anything you just said."

Vince added, "Billy, I never held much truck with gays. In fact in my community,' we jet jocks are, most of us, quintessential homophobes. And I'm sure back at the Academy I've passed off some anti-gay' remarks in your earshot that, in hindsight I guess I wish I hadn't. If I said anything at all that was offensive to you, please accept my apology. Billy, you're no 'pansy.' Not by a long shot. And you'll make a fine naval officer. It'll be an honor to serve with you in the fleet."

Billy faced Vince and the Admiral. "Well I'M honored. I've looked up to both of you. But I'd still hafta live a lie if I stayed in the navy. I can't do that. I love this boy with all my heart. And I won't hide that from anyone for any reason. And, besides, the navy is a team. How can I be a team player in the navy now? If I were gonna try, I'd always hafta hide what I am and what I can really do from my shipmates. I could never really be myself. I'm gonna stay here with these guys and work with them if they'll have me."

Salas said, "For as long as you and Andy want."

Admiral Tucker moved closer to Billy and said, "Son, I guess I understand. But I'm sorry as hell to loose you. Lets you and I keep in touch. If there's ever anything I can do for you, I want you to call on me."

Billy responded, "Yes sir. Thank you, sir. And the same goes for me."

"Thank you, Billy. I'll definitely keep that in mind."

The Admiral turned to Salas. "OK, I think we'd better get a move on. We've still got Lassiter to deal with. Lets' get out to El Toro. I've ordered some satellite infa red overhead imagery of Lassiter's base. The AI (air intelligence) types should be analyzing those images by now. We'll have a good assessment of the lay of the land before we head on out there.

At El Toro, the Admiral, Vince, Salas and the guys met in a secure conference room situated inside the air intelligence "cage." The senior staff intel.officer, Marine Lieutenant Colonel Hank Briscoe presented the briefing.

Lt .Col. Briscoe began. "Admiral, gentlemen, on screen in front of you is daylight satellite imagery of Gen. Lassiter's base. Note the position of the main headquarters building... here. Lt. Col. Briscoe indicated the position with his laser pointer. Next slide. This image is a night infa red view, down linked from the satellite less than an hour ago. As you can see, the base is ringed with armor and ground troops. There are concentric defensive perimeters at successive intervals starting at the outside fence. Lassiter has positioned defensive citadels throughout the base, the most heavily fortified being his headquarters. Troops armed with shoulder launched heat seeking "stinger" missiles are scattered throughout the installation. So an airborne helo assault is out of the question."

The Admiral asked. "Do we have anyone on the inside?"

"Yes sir, but he is very junior. We are in contact with a second lieutenant platoon leader attached to the detail guarding Gen. Lassiter's headquarters. We have secure intermittent communication with him. But for him to contact us places his life and the lives of his men, every one of whom are with us, in grave peril. Needless to say, we NEVER contact him. He always takes the initiative making contact with us. The information they can feed to us is limited but he assures us there are other `friendlies' scattered around the base. But their communication with each other is very spotty. They have arranged a rendezvous point inside the base. At the first sign of an assault, our sympathizers have agreed to meet at the rendezvous point and join forces with our assault team. They'll fight for us from the inside. When they do, they'll don RED brassards..." (armbands) "...on their right arms."

Lt. Col. Briscoe continued, "The challenge is getting our forces inside. You'll have to leap six successive heavily fortified and manned concentric perimeters. No question, Lasstier's got the manpower and firepower to fend us off indefinitely. There will be casualties. This will be a very bloody engagement, sir."

Danny elbowed Salas, seated at the conference table right next to him. Quietly, he said to Salas, "Billy and I could tunnel inside. We can move underground like a couple of gophers. Once we get the tunnel cleared out, we lead the marines through it and pop up anyplace on the base we want to."

Salas spoke up. "Admiral, Danny may have the answer for us. Tell him, Danny."

Danny repeated his idea for the rest of the men.

The Admiral responded, "Well, like I said before. If you guys say you can make it happen, I believe you. We don't have any other more palatable alternatives, so let's give it a shot. Danny, you and Billy will do the tunneling. But I don't want you to venture out of the holes inside the base by yourselves. You two will come back through the tunnels and lead our forces onto the base. We need you two in one piece because, if this works, we'll need your services to break inside Lassiter's headquarters citadel. Once we're inside the base, our sympathizers will rally to us. Then once we've secured a `beach head' on the base, we'll have you tunnel into Lassiter's headquarters. As soon as that tunnel is secure, you'll come back and get us. I will personally lead the assault on the headquarters. Lt. Col. Briscoe, bring in Brigadier General Webster and his staff. As the General and his staff entered the briefing room, everyone stood, even Vice Admiral Tucker. He strode over and greeted the tall, black beefy Marine Brigadier with a warm handshake. "Ritchie, great to see you gain. I see you're looking fit and as intimidating as ever."

Gen. Webster laughed. "Great to see you again, Admiral!"

Admiral Tucker and Gen. Webster had attended the Naval Academy together many years ago. Webster had been two years behind Tucker. They'd been team mates on the Academy varsity basket ball team. And they'd remained close friends ever since; standing as best men in each others' weddings and standing godfather for each others' oldest sons; each of whom had been named after their godfathers. When they were in social settings, they were, of course, on first name basis. But on duty, although Tucker was free to call General Webster "Ritchie," for Webster, since Tucker was senior in rank by two additional stars, it was always "Admiral."

"Ritchie, these men sitting around the table are our ace in the hole against Lassiter. They're going to lead our assault on his installation..."

Ritchie smiled, "Including that kid sitting there? What's he doing in a classified briefing? How the hell does HE figure into this op?"

The Admiral grinned. "Ritchie, I was HOPING you'd ask that... I can't wait to see your face when you see what he can do. Lieutenant Colonel Briscoe... Your sidearm please..."

Lt. Col Briscoe unholstered his pistol and handed it to the Admiral. Admiral Tucker handed it off to Danny who stood up to take it from him. Danny looked at the Admrial.

"OK, kid, do yer stuff."

Danny crushed the pistol in his fist as though it were made of styrofoam and then rolled it into a sphere the size of a golf ball. He could've compressed it further, but he didn't bother. He'd made the Admiral's point.

Gen. Webster whistled.

"Billy, come over here. I want to introduce you to Gen. Webster."

"General, you're about to meet one of the finest midshipmen ever to attend the Naval Academy. General, meet Midshipman Third Class Billy Hartlander. He's every bit as capable as that young man who just crushed Briscoe's pistol."

The two men shook hands. Billy's handshake with the general was warm and firm, but NOT the `bone crusher' he was capable of. General Webster smiled at Billy as they broke their handshake and said, "Thanks for goin' easy on me, son!"

Billy grinned back.

General Webster said to the Admiral, "He's goin' `Marine,' right?"

Admiral Tucker laughed. "Not if I have anything to say about it! Billy, when this is over, it's NOT over between you and me. I really wanna have a talk with you about your future."

Billy replied, "Well, yes, sir. But I don't see any way you'll change my mind."

"Just gimme a shot, Billy. I'll want you to hear me out. That's all I'm asking."

"Yes sir."

Then the Admiral introduced General Webster and his staff to the Salas, Cole and Scotty and briefed the General on the assault plan.

The General said. "Well, my boys and I will hold up our end of the bargain. Our guys are ready to mount out.' There's a dozen CH-53's..." (heavy lift helos) "...standing by on the ramp along with two UH-60 blackhawks. We'll fly to within a mile of the objective and set down in a shopping center parking lot there.'" General Webster pointed with a laser pointer to their landing zone, shown on a map hanging on the briefing room wall. We'll `hump it' from there to the fence. Any questions?"

"OK, let's do it."

As the meeting broke up, Admiral Tucker took General Webster aside. "Ritchie, I want to be there when General Lassiter is taken into custody. I'm going to personally escort that bastard back to Washington to stand charges."

"Yes, sir. As long as you're OK with bein' in the line of fire, which, unless I miss my guess, you're almost lookin' forward to."

"You bet yer sweet ass I am, Ritchie. Bet yer sweet ass!"

The twelve CH-53 heavy lift helo's, loaded with a platoon each of heavily armed Marines, led by the two UH-60 blackhawks carrying the admiral, the general and Salas' bunch, lifted off the tarmac at El Toro and headed for their landing zone outside Lassiter's base.

The helos settled down onto the shopping center parking lot and the troops began to deplane. After Admiral Tucker, General Webster, Salas and his gang stepped out of the UH-60's they took off and ascended. They did not dare approach too close to the fence for fear of Lassiter's stinger missiles. But at least they would be able to view the troop's `avenue of approach' to the fence to make sure they'd meet no opposition en route. In a few minutes, the helo crews verified that the coast was clear up to the fence.

Admiral Tucker turned to Vince and said, "This engagement is gonna be a charnel house. I want you to stay here and help organize a marshall pattern overhead. The airspace around here is gonna be busier with medevac helos than Atlanta Hartsfield in just a very few minutes. You and I both know, this kinda thing can degenerate into a major `cluster fuck' unless we have an 'airdale' (naval or marine aviator) on the ground to keep things moving along smoothly. You were the best LSO..." (landing signal officer) "...I had when I was air boss on the Teddy Roosevelt. Ritchie, I need you to have your senior UH-53 helo jock arrange to get Vince everything he needs."

General Tucker motioned for the senior helicopter pilot to join them and introduced him to Vince. Vince you tell Major Wallace here whatever you need. He'll make it happen."

Vince replied, "Aye aye, General, good to go!"

Admiral Tucker added. "And Vince, get with Major Wallace here and organize a medevac `air bridge' between the field hospital that's bein' set up now and NRMC (Naval Regional Medical Center), El Toro."

Both Vince and Major Wallace responded, "Aye aye, Admiral."

Then General Tucker yelled out, "OK, men, lets MOVE OUT!"

Webster's formation arrived near the fence and took cover as best they could behind a low lying knoll. The general surveyed the area immediately inside the fence with his night vision goggles.

"No sign of movement, but they're in there all right. I can smell `em. Bring Billy and the boy forward."

When they'd joined General Webster, Admiral Tucker and Salas, Webster said to them. OK, guys, lets have a look at the map..."

The General pointed out their location, "Here... He took a black ball point out of his pocket and drew a straight line on the map, extending from their position into the base all the way beyond the most interior line of fortification. Can you guys tunnel that in far? ...And can you make the tunnel large enough for my men to crawl through with all their gear?"

Danny answered, "General, Billy and I can do better than that... We'll dig you TWO tunnels and your guys will be able to STROLL right through, standing upright. And we'll have it done for you in ten minutes or less."

The General rolled his eyes but didn't comment. This kid was way beyond can do,' all the way into the realm of cocky.'

"How about stability, son? We can't afford to have those things caving in on us."

"General, that'll be no problem. We'll pack the walls and ceiling so hard, it'll be almost like concrete. I guarantee, those tunnels would withstand a mild earthquake when we get through with `em."

"Well, all right then. Whenever you two are ready to go to work..."

Danny and Bill stepped aside and conferred for a minute or two. Then Danny called out, "OK you guys, stand well clear of the hole!"

Then Danny and Billy literally DOVE into the ground and disappeared. Almost immediately, a violent sustained spray of earth began to spew out of the holes. Occasionally, the stream of earth was peppered with stones and even boulders. Intermittently, the dirt stream petered off and stopped altogether, only to start again, with even more violence than before. Ten minutes later, Billy and Danny appeared at the entrances of their tunnels and dug out the remaining earth, packing the dirt hard as rock with their bare hands. As they worked, they presented the normal eye with nothing but a blur. They were moving way too fast for the normal eye.

After eleven and a half minutes, Danny and Billy were standing at the entrances of their tunnels. Danny spoke again. "Well, General, that took a little longer than I though. We ran into a substrata of solid rock. I hadn't counted on that. But she's solid as the rock of Gibraltar. The tunnels come out about seventy meters inside the interior most perimeter. We've covered them over with some foliage. Unless one of Lassiter's men falls into it, they can't be seen by the guys inside the fence. We came out the other end inside a stand of trees, so at least the first wave can muster on the surface under cover once we get through."

General Webster said, "Oh man, this I really gotta see! You two are a field general's dream. You two guys are, without doubt, the best `tunnel rats' in the history of warfare!"

Danny piped up, "And we can FIGHT, too, General. Don't forget that."

"Not this time, Danny. I don't think so. You've done your job. Now let me and my guys do ours."

By this time, Scotty and Andy had joined them. Scotty wrapped his arms around Danny and said, "Danny, these men are trained for combat. You're not. I know how you get and it won't be easy for you to sit this one out. There's not a swinin' dick here who could stop you, but I'll stand here and beg. PLEASE, Danny. Let these guys do their job."

Salas, added, "Danny, there's gonna be some plain and fancy killin' goin' down in just a few minutes. Don't let all that strength you have go to your head. This is NOT fun and games here and it's not another opportunity for you to show off. I'm asking you to think of all of us and stand down for this first engagement. We don't really know what the hell we're gonna be up against. Once we get our `beachhead' established inside the wire, we'll call you and Billy forward. We need you both in once piece to dig a tunnel into Lassiter's headquarters citadel."

Billy stood in front of his young friend and said, "Danny... all right, dude, you heard the man. Stand down. Everybody's got their part to play. This isn't over yet. Just standby and be ready to go again with the next tunnel. OK, dude?"

Danny bit his lower lip but it was obvious these men were right. "Oh OK. This is killin' me. You know that."

General Webster smiled. "I can imagine. Thanks for doin' this our way, son."

General Webster turned on his electric torch, signaled his men to follow and entered the tunnel. Admiral Tucker, Salas, Cole and Scotty started to follow. Danny stepped in front of Scotty and stopped him. "Where do you think YOU'RE goin', Scotty?"

"To war, sonny."

"Over my dead fuckin' body!"

Danny, stand aside and let me do what I gotta do... I'm good to go... I got two years of Army ROTC under my belt."

Danny motioned with his head for Webster and his party to proceed. "`ROTC' my livin' ass! ...Scotty's stayin' right here with me!"

Scotty was mad as hell, but he knew he'd lost this round. Having just managed to persuade everyone that Danny should remain behind, he didn't have a leg to stand on. Gently but firmly, Danny, wrapped his powerful arms around Scotty's narrow waist and held him fast. Scotty knew damn well he wasn't going anywhere without the super boy's consent.

Danny spoke gently to Scotty. "When the time comes, big bro, we'll see plenty of action. This isn't over, Scotty Boy. But you're stickin' with me for the duration. Yah never know when I'll need around you to save my ass again. You can't do that unless YOU'RE in one piece."

Billy, Danny, Scotty and Andy milled around the entrance as the last of Webster's men entered the tunnel. In a few minutes, they heard gunfire. The fire fight had begun.

General Webster, Admiral Tucker and Salas crouched at the tunnel exit inside the inner most perimeter as point men fanned out in all directions. Within minutes, they encountered elements of Lassiter's defensive formations. Webster's men poured out of the tunnel and joined the fray. The battle was intense and bloody, often hand to hand. Lassiter's forces had gained the upper hand and were pressing their advantage, forcing Webster's men back toward the base side tunnel entrances. A red star burst night flare burst overhead, illuminating the whole area. Within seconds, mortar fire began falling among Lassiters' men. General Webster glanced at Admiral Tucker and Salas and said, "Our guys on the inside have come through for us. He turned to his deputy force commander and said, when this is over, I want the name of every man in that mortar outfit who came to our rescue. Everyone of `em gets a bronze star. Got it?"

The colonel replied, "Yes sir!"

After about ten minutes, Lassiter's defensive force had been staved off. Sympathizers were streaming into their position from all over the base, sporting their red armbands. With this added manpower, Webster easily stabilized his "beach head" inside Lassiter's base.

Within an hour, all Lassiter's citadels but one had lain down their arms and surrendered. Except for some `mopping up' ops around the base, the only remaining objective was General Lassiter's heavily fortified headquarters. He turned to Salas. "Go ahead and bring Danny and Billy forward. We're ready to make our final assault."

Salas responded, "We're gonna need Andy in on this, too."

"Andy? He's like you guys, too?"

Salas chuckled. "No Admiral, he's not. He's one of a kind.' I think it's time for another little demonstration. You'll get the picture when he's done with you. Lassiter's already had a taste' of what this young man can do and he shit all over himself, literally."

When Danny, Billy, Andy and Scotty, escorted by Salas, emerged from the tunnel, General Webster and the Admiral were waiting for them.

Behind them was a steady stream of stretcher bearers, moving into one of the tunnels with wounded from both sides. They were headed for a field hospital that had been set up about four hundred meters beyond the outer fence."

"OK, Salas, lets see what this kid can do."

Salas turned to Andy with a wicked grin and said, "OK, son. Show time."

Andy immediately slipped into General Webster's and Admiral Tucker's minds. He thought' to them. "Gentlemen, I'm inside your minds now." He assumed control of their bodies... He didn't' need their consent... Back at the shop, Billy had been bang on' when he first brought to light everything about Andy's "mind games.". Andy's mental power was unstoppable. He had the Admiral and the General scratch each other's noses. He `thought' wryly into their minds, "Resistance is futile... You are being assimilated!"

Then, to make certain both men got the message, he induced momentary sharp pains centered at their right temples. Then he backed out of their minds and spoke to them with his normal voice.

"Admiral, General, now you have the barest sense of what I can do. But, rest assured, what I just showed you was nothing. I've only been at this level a relatively short time so I'm still exploring my limits. But that sharp little `stab' of pain at your right temples was NOTHING compared to what I did to General Lassiter in his office last week."

Both men were thoroughly intimidated by Andy's demonstration in a way neither had been by what they'd seen of Danny's, Billy's, Salas' and Cole's super strength.

They stood there looking at the gray haired 5'6", well muscled youth with their mouths agape.

Admiral Tucker sucked air between his teeth. "Fuck, Salas! This shit you guys got goin' on just gets deeper and deeper! I'm sure glad as hell you guys aren't on Lassiter's side! If you were, this country would be very in very deep kimche!"

Salas answered, "I'm keeping these young men VERY close to me, Admiral. They're trying like hell to get their arms around what they can do. And you can depend on them to do the right thing. And it's just like Andy said... What he did to you men just now is NOTHING compared with what he did to General Lassiter. If you'd gone through anything like that, you'd KNOW this guy Lassiter has gotta be out of his mind to cross Andy. "We'll have our hands full keepin' Andy off the General once we get to him. Billy's gonna have a little talk with him before we get started for our objective. I almost HATE to bring him along, because you guys have never SEEN a mean streak like this boy has when he gets pissed off. And let me tell you, you don't wanna see that!"

Billy stepped in front of Andy. "Lil' bro., you heard Salas. This is gonna go down by the book. Now I know how you get sometimes But this is not a personal vendetta between us and Lassiter. I'm counting on you to keep your head and do the minimum required to get the job done. Right, buddy?"

Andy looked up from his feet and answered sullenly. "Yeah, right, `Mr. Eagle Scout.' Danny. Just you and me. We'll take GOOD care of General Lassiter, won't we."

Billy put his hands on Andy's shoulders. "No, Andy, you WON'T. Admiral Tucker is taking Lassiter back to DC to answer for what he's done. Danny's already got the message. And, unless you do, we can't take you along, bad as we're gonna need you."

Andy stood there, not saying anything for nearly a minute. Then he said tightly. "You know, I was a sentimental ASS feelin' sorry for what I did to that bastard, Lassiter. But, yeah, Billy, I get the message."

Billy turned back to Salas. "OK. Andy's on board. He's good to go."

General Webster pulled a floor plan off Lassiter's HQ out of the map case strapped to his pistol belt. Billy and Danny would tunnel into the citadel. They would dig tunnel openings affording access to the area immediately outside the building. Then they would tunnel under the building itself, breaking through the concrete foundation from underneath. They would emerge on the ground floor in an enclosed stairwell, under a stair case leading up to the second deck.

General Webster would lead the assault against the outside area. Salas would lead the assault against the interior of Lassiter's HQ building, followed by Andy who, with his mind would ferret out pockets of resistance and, ultimately, General Lassiter himself. Behind him would be Billy, Danny and Scotty. The Admiral would follow Scotty and a dozen marines would accompany Salas' assault party.

Danny and Billy went to work. As before, streams of dirt, dust gravel and mud poured out of the hole in the ground. They were done in less than five minutes. Billy and Danny had dug two tunnel exits into the yard immediately adjacent Lassiter's Headquarters building, Then a tunnel had been dug under the building, but Billy had opted to leave the slab intact, for now. He and Danny would hammer through with their fists at the last possible moment, but not before General Webster's men had emerged from their tunnel exits outside. Hopefully, the noise from the fire fight would conceal, at least partially, the racket of Billy and Danny hammering through from underneath building's concrete foundation with their bare fists.

Salas, Andy, Billy, Danny, Scotty and the Admiral entered the tunnel first and made for their initial assault position, immediately under the concrete slab.

With Cole and three marines serving as point men in the lead, General Webster, and his men moved up to the two tunnel exits outside the building. As soon as Cole and the other point men emerged, the fire fight began. Webster's men continued to pour out of the holes into the pitched gun battle.

Billy standing with Danny under the exposed concrete slab, turned to Salas and said, "OK you guys. Sand well back!" Salas and the others backed up.

"More, guys. Get farther back."

They turned and waked another dozen or so feet back into the tunnel.

"OK, better."

"OK, Danny, let's hit it!"

Immediately both boys began to jackhammer' the slab from underneath with their fists. The racket was deafening. Within about ten seconds they'd broken through! Then, with their bare hands, they widened the hole and began shoving aside large chunks of concrete. Once Billy was satisfied the hole was wide enough, he reached up into the stairwell and pulled down a large flat chunk of the cement slab laying it flat on the floor of the tunnel. Then he brought down a somewhat smaller fragment, laying it atop the first and then finally a third even smaller chunk. He had constructed a crude stair' from the tunnel leading up into the stairwell, accomplishing this feat in a matter of seconds. Then he and Danny hopped up into the stairwell, standing alongside the hole. Salas joined them in the stairwell, joined by Andy, the Admiral and Scotty.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 16

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