The Charges

By Tags

Published on Oct 31, 2023



This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters portrayed herein represent any real person, living or dead. It includes characters invented by Chip Masterson including the muscle super kid, "Danny Henderson" who appears in a number of stories created by Chip. These characters are used in this story with his express permission, (Thanks, Chip!) although this story differs substantially in tone and theme from stories written heretofore by Chip. There are inconsistencies between Chip's story line and mine. The characters in my scenario dwell, therefore, in some sort of parallel universe.' Also included in this story is a character inspired by "Billy," the lead character in John D's "Billy Muscles up." One incident is borrowed directly from the "Billy Muscles Up" series and some of the things Billy does in this story echo "Billy Muscles Up." However, although this "Billy" begins with more or less the same personality and physical strength as the original, events take "my Billy'" in a somewhat different direction. My use of the "Billy" character is with John D's express permission. Thanks, John D!

If you are looking for erotic stimulation, please look elsewhere because you won't find that here. Aside from some coarse language and violence, this story could almost be rated "G." But if Chip's "Danny" series is one you have enjoyed, you may find this story entertaining as well. My interest in Chip's "Danny" series has been mainly, "what are people thinking and feeling?" (Something Chip has preferred to leave to the reader's imagination.) This story delves into that question in just a little bit more detail. Of particular interest to me as well, is how some of these characters respond to situations and circumstance that could happen to anyone as well as how they react to extraordinary situations.

I've introduced my own characters in this story, among them, "Andy Jackson Partlowe," and, to some extent, this is HIS story... how he came to meet Billy, Danny and his friends and how he reacts to their phenomenal strength and abilities.

My thanks to the web master for his work in maintaining this site and for posting this story. I would like to express my special thanks to Chip Masterson and John D. for graciously sharing their characters with me and especially for their work and creativity in creating their stories. This story is dedicated in their honor.

Thanks a lot for sharing, Chip and John D...



Next morning, Andy picked up Billy at six a.m. on the dot. As they drove away, a little sheepishly, Billy said to Andy, "I guess you're kinda mad at me cuz I spilled the beans to mom about quittin' the Naval Academy without telling you first that I was gonna go ahead and tell her."

Andy tried to remain stone faced, but his eyes betrayed him. Finally, he relented. With just a hint of a smile that he'd tried and failed to fight down, Andy said "Well, Billy, at first I was. I felt like you owed me one more shot' before burning your bridges' like that. But while you were waiting for my mom in the lobby at Pancho Villa's, and your mom took me outside, she smoothed things over fairly well. Your mom's one very special lady, Billy. I love her like I do my own mother!"

"She loves you, too Andy. I swear to God, she loves you every bit as much as she loves me!"

"Andy, I'm sorry I hadda put you on the spot yesterday with Salas on this mind link' thing, but I'm NOT sorry I told him. I would do it again in a heartbeat. This isn't all about me.' It's about you AND me. I've got this super strength thing goin' on... now more than I ever dreamed possible! But that was always both of us, not just me. Somehow it's just worked differently with me from the way is did with Salas, Cole and Danny. With me it took you being there to `stoke the fire' for me. I'm counting on you to stay with me, buddy. I meant what I said yesterday."

"I talked to Scotty yesterday during the drive back home. I'm OK now, Billy. I think I can `deal' a little better now. So, yeah, bud, I'll be here for you for as long as you need me."

"Well, Andy, that'll be for one looonngg ass time. I've been wanting to talk to you about that. I know you've got your heart set on medical school, and I'm behind you all the way on that. And I know you wanna do something more with your `MD' than just to be some rich doctor here in Orange County. That's part of why I love you bro. You're the most selfless man I've ever known. But why do you hafta go off and be some medical missionary overseas. Andy, doesn't charity begin at home? What about East LA? Why do you hafta go to Africa or Central America? You could do so much to make a difference right here in Southern California. Please think hard on that, Andy."

"Well, Billy. I've thought about what you said yesterday at lunch. And, besides, you've usually been very good about taking my advice, and what you said just now makes sense. Also, I had that little chat with Scotty on the way home yesterday afternoon... so now I'm gonna go ahead and take YOUR advice. And, like I said, I'll stick around for as long as you need me and for as long as you'll have me."

"Thanks, Andy. I can't tell you how badly I need you to help me work through all this stuff. And not just the `mind link' thing. Just knowing you're THERE means so much more to me than I could ever say. And, Andy, I really wanna be there for YOU, too. And I can't do that if we're in different parts of the country or, worse, different parts of the world..."

"...It's gonna get really hot'n heavy for me from here on out. Yesterday was only an introduction. Salas said he's gonna teach me how to hold a grenade and let it go off in my hand without getting hurt."

"Sheezz, Billy! You really think you can do that?

"Well Salas says I should be able to. I guess we'll find out!"

Frankly, I don't see why something like that would be worth the risk. I'm not gonna pretend I like that idea because I think it's kinda stupid..."

"What's next, Billy? He gonna teach you how to fly like Superman?"

Billy laughed. "Naw. Not even Danny can do that. At least I don't THINK he can. But he is supposed to teach me how to fly this harrier jump jet they have out at MCAS (Marine Corps Air Station) El Toro. Says, the way my brain works... you know, really fast... it shouldn't take me very long at all to get the hang of it."

"That's great, Billy. Wow! I really envy you there! I always wanted to learn how to fly."

"Well, Andy, why don't you? Salas' harrier is a special model. They call it the TAV-8B(4X). It seats four crew members. And there's flight controls for every seat. If I can get Salas to go for it, maybe you could come along. Maybe if you could `link up' with me with your mind, like when we're lifting, you could learn right along with me. You know how fast I catch onto things, Andy. Did you ever think what it could mean for you if you could tap into that?"

"Oh, Billy, I don't know if it works that way at all. It might be I would be inside your mind and still, everything between you and Salas would just whiz' by so fast it could be nothing but a mental blur' for me. Besides, I don't wanna be a distraction. And I sure wouldn't expect you and Salas to `throttle back' with your super fast minds on my account. I think you and Salas would have your hands full just with him training you. I could be a dangerous liability in the cockpit."

"Well, Andy, I don't see how. Salas is an experienced pilot. He'd be with us every step of the way. I think it would be a great way to try and expand your limits. You've already done that, just a little bit, yesterday, you know."

"How do you mean, Billy? I saw what you did. What `limits' did I expand?"

"Well, think about it, Andy. Always before, whenever you got inside my head, seems like you always hadda be right next to me, if not actually touching me. Yesterday, you did it from across the room. Aren't you just a little curious to know how far away from me you can be and still have that `mind thing' work between us?"

"I dunno. I never thought about any of that stuff seriously until yesterday. I never wanted to go there, Billy."

"Why not, Andy? What are you afraid of? I can't understand WHY you are so afraid of this."

Well, Billy, I guess I don't really know... Maybe it's just fear of the unknown. I just don't know... You've always been special,' Billy. You've lived with that most of your life. Even before we met you had all that incredible strength. And then, once you let me talk you into getting serious with your schoolwork, with your mind launchin' off at the speed of heat... I guess I've been so comfortable being ordinary me,' just making the best of what I have. I've always liked to think anything I ever accomplished was at least in part because of my hard work and not because I had any kind of special talent. And I was never afraid of this head thing' between you and me, Billy. As long as we just let it happen' and didn't talk about it. But with other people, I really am kinda scared to try anything. You know how quickly things could go wrong? ... especially with these other guys. And, besides, we don't even know if I'm any more than a one man dog.' I might not be able to do it with anybody but you. And if that's how it works, why even go there' with anyone else?"

"Well, Andy, you'll never know if you don't try..."

"Well, let Salas get you up to speed first, Billy. Like he said yesterday, he's got enough on his plate right now getting you caught up to where you oughta be... We've got plenty of time to focus on what's goin' on with me..."

"OK, Andy, as long as you remember, like Salas said, this thing' you got goin' on is NOT gonna go away. Salas is gonna push you on that and push hard. You saw how he pushed ME yesterday. And unless I miss my guess, from here on out, the only easy day' is gonna be `yesterday.'"

They arrived at the machine shop gate. They were early. Billy got out, unlocked the gate and got back into Andy's truck. Andy drove on up to the building, leaving the gate unlocked and open for Salas.

They waited outside and a few minutes later, Salas drove up with Cole, Danny and Scott.

They entered the building together as Salas spoke to Billy. "OK, kid, `initiation's' over. Time for us to get serious. Now we're gonna teach you that thing I mentioned yesterday."

"You mean with the grenade."

"Yeah. Billy. We're gonna do that right now. First I'll demonstrate and then Danny. Then I'll talk you through it. You'll try it with a dummy grenade as I talk you through. Then, you'll do it with the real thing."

Andy interrupted. "Salas, this doesn't sound safe at all. Why is this necessary? Somebody could get hurt. Billy screws up we could all get wasted."

Danny walked over to Andy and put his arm on his shoulder. "It's OK Andy. Honest. I've done it several times myself and, hey, I'm just a thirteen year old kid. I promise. Billy's gonna do just fine."

"Well, I guess Scotty and I better get outta the way then and let you `incredible hulks' do yer stuff."

Scotty said, "No. We're not goin' anywhere, Andy. Believe me. We're in no danger. I've stood no farther from Danny or Salas than I am right now and never got a scratch. These guys can really contain the blast completely. I want you to see this."

"Billy," Salas said, "...this is as much a test of reflexes as it is of strength. The object is to apply exactly the right amount of counter force to contain the blast. Too much or too little and, tough as your body is, the blast could take your hand off. But if you meet the force of the explosion with the precise amount of opposite pressure with your hand, you'll come through without a scratch. Right before the grenade goes off, you'll feel a "click." That's your signal to begin squeezing. Don't crush the grenade in your hand, which you could easily do. That won't prevent the blast and it wouldn't save your hand. Time will slow down for you, Billy... Way down. Gradually increase the counter pressure with your hand, just meeting the pressure as it builds. You'll find it's a lot easier than it sounds. Just remember, Andy, GRADUALLY increase the counter pressure. That's the key. It'll only be a fraction of a second, but to you it'll seem like a full minute, or maybe two... Kinda hard to measure that, actually. Just remember, Billy feel the pressure build in your hand... counter act... as the pressure continues to build, keep applying just enough counter pressure with your hand to contain the blast... That's really all there is to it. There's no question you'll have all the power in your hand you need to do the job."

Salas withdrew four grenades from his satchel. Three live and one dummy. "OK, gather round. I've never missed on this yet so you guys will all be OK."

Andy wasn't so sure. "Salas. Is this really necessary? This just seems like unnecessary risk. What EXACTLY is this supposed to be accomplishing for Billy?"

Salas replied, "Andy, I can appreciate your concern. Really I can. But you'll see, Billy's gonna do fine. If you like, why don't you try that mind meld' thing? If it works like Billy said, not only will you see before we start that Billy already KNOWS he can handle this, you'll know it too and you'll FEEL for yourself that this is actually gonna be easy for him. Like I said, this is as much a test of his reflexes as it is of brute strength. You see, Andy, like I just explained to Billy, when our reflexes kick in, time slows down for us. Everything goes in slo-mo and it seems like we have a lonnnggg time to react. That's how we can dodge a bullet. Danny wasn't kidding when he told you that back at the mall. We can see a bullet coming at us and it's fairly easy to just get outta the way. As the grenade explodes, Billy will feel the pressure begin to build and he will EASILY counteract it. It'll be no harder for him than it would for you to dimple' a tennis ball in your fist. As the pressure continues to build, Billy continues to squeeze, just enough, just like YOU would do to slightly dimple' a tennis ball.' But, of course, unlike you and that `dimpled tennis ball,' Billy will be forcing the grenade to MAINTAIN it's original shape, notwithstanding the blast that is trying to break free of the casing and Billy's hand."

Here, I'll demonstrate... Salas pulled the pin and enclosed the grenade in his right hand. A muffled blast rumbled throughout the construction hall as Salas forearm momentarily `ballooned' to nearly twice normal size, cords of muscle and veins distending in a surreal display. Andy thought momentarily, "this has gotta be some kinda hallucination. That just looked so weird."

Salas open his hand and there sat the grenade, apparently intact. Salas blew into his palm and the grenade disintegrated into dust in his hand. Then he handed the second grenade to Danny. As the grenade exploded the 'ballooning' of Danny's 13 year old arm looked even more bizarre. It was almost too fast for the normal eye to see... almost, but not quite. Andy could not help wondering how this felt from Salas's and Danny's point of view. But he was still VERY afraid of this. Andy might've liked to have tried linking' with Billy to see if he could get a firsthand' sense of how this looked through the eyes of one of these supermen. But he didn't want any possibility of throwing Billy off his concentration. Oh GOD how Andy wished he could just stop this before Billy tried it!

Billy, almost reading Andy's mind, even WITHOUT a mind meld,' looked at Andy. "Buddy, now would be a good time for you to come into my mind. I think you should experience this along with me. It will take only a fraction of a second. But you heard Salas. He's saying time will seem to stretch out' for me. Lets see if your mind can keep up with that once you're inside my head. You OK with that, Salas.?"

"I'm all for it, Billy, if Andy's willing to go along with it. But, Andy, make sure you let Billy carry the ball' on this. We don't know yet whether your mind can speed up' along with Billy's and that is crucial if this is gonna work. This is great, we're gonna kill two birds with one stone on this."

"OK, Billy, lets try with the dummy. Lets see if you and Andy can link up. How long does that take? All eyes were on Billy now...

"Well, like I said, it's all Andy with the `mind meld.' I don't hafta do a thing. It's Andy who makes that happen."

Andy stood among the group a little uncertain. He was so against this thing with the grenade and he felt so powerless to stop it. He was a lot more worried about that right now than with his mind thing.' Always before, he'd done the mind link' with Billy under very different circumstances. Transition between his words of encouragement during Billy's lifts was so different... gradual... So natural. He'd never had to try' inducing a link' before. It had always just happened... more or less `spontaneously.'

"Aw guys, with everyone watchin' and stuff? ...That'd be just way to creepy. B'sides, I am afraid I'd throw Billy off his concentration. I can talk him through his lifts. I don't lift what he does, but we both KNOW how to lift. I got NO experience letting a grenade go off in my hand. I think I'd rather try that with something a little less dangerous. That way, if something goes wrong, there'd be less hell to pay. Lemme take a 'rain check' on that for now if you don't mind. In fact, I really wish to HELL we could take a 'rain check' on this whole crazy idea... like until... NEVER."

Salas looked at Andy. "I really think you outta give this a try, son. Just relax and let Billy carry the ball. All you'd be is an observer.' Can you handle that with Andy `inside your mind,' Billy?"

"Yes sir. No doubt in my `military mind.'"

Andy responded, "Salas, I'm going to be frank. I think this is a stupid, unnecessary, dangerous experiment...' You said yourself, if it isn't done right, somebody could get hurt. The fact that you, Cole and Danny have gotten away with this up until now is no guarantee that your luck won't eventually run out. You know, Salas, I'm kinda wondering... Do Danny's PARENTS know you've been letting him play around like this?"

Salas didn't respond. The answer was obvious.

Andy answered Salas' silence. "No, I didn't think so. And, you know, it's bad enough even now. But who was the first of you to try this cockeyed stunt? There's NO WAY you could've known for sure how it'd turn out. No, Salas, not only will I NOT participate in this idiocy by trying to `link' my mind with Billy's through this. I think I'm gonna leave. I don't want to be part of this in any way."

"Billy, I know you well enough to know there's nothing I can say or do to stop you. But no, I am not with you' or behind you' in this lunatic little `game.' There's gotta be plenty of safer alternatives available to build up your strength and speed. I could never look your mom or mine in the eye again if something went wrong. Now if you guys will excuse me..."

Andy turned on his heel and walked out of the building.

Salas turned and said, "Go after him, Scotty. And bring Andy back here. We're gonna do this MY WAY... WITH Andy, if it takes us all goddamned day."

Salas asked, "Billy, are you OK with this? REALLY OK with it?"

"Yes sir. And I'm really sorry about Andy. He means well, Salas. I hope you understand that."

"Yes, Billy, completely. And I can see Andy doesn't really understand why and how this works. Even though Danny and I have both tried like hell to explain it to him and now he's SEEN us do it with his own eyes . And it's obvious he can't understand why this is even necessary. But he's thinking like a normal guy. Scott is normal,' like Andy, but he's learned to think more like we do. It almost breaks my heart I can't do something to make Scotty strong and fast like us. He seems so open' to everything we can do. If I were ever able to find a way to make it happen for him, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Maybe one day we'll be able to do that for Scott and, who knows... Maybe for Andy, too, although with Andy it'd probably be a battle royal to convince him to let us try."

"Billy, your mind just speeds up so much and your instincts and reflexes will be so fast, this will be laughably easy. But most normal guys just can't see or understand how really easy for you it will be. It just happens way too fast for them. Scotty's the exception. Somehow, in spite of the fact that he's normal, he got it' the first time he saw it, even though it was really only a blur' in his eyes. The whole thing with this, Billy, is the speed your mind and body are capable of. We'll be working on your speed for the rest of the day, like we did with your strength yesterday. We'll work some more on your strength as we go, though. This thing with the grenade requires both, of course. So will most everything else for the rest of the day and from here on out."

"But I REALLY want Andy in on this, Billy. Even if it takes as all day to bring him around. I've decided I don't wanna wait on that. I want Andy to work his way through this TODAY! Scott's the man to bring him around. Do you have any idea what it could mean if Andy could `tap into' at least SOME of the speed of your mind? It may not be possible. He could be right in your head with you and it might still be happening so fast for him, that he won't be able to keep up. Finding out if Andy's mind can keep up with yours while he's in your head is as important as what this'll be doing for you. Really, Billy, on your side, the result is a foregone conclusion. You'll laugh when this is over it'll be so easy. But I'm hoping, by some miracle, Andy can tap into some of the speed of your mind. If he can, I don't think you need me to tell you what that could mean for you, for the three of us, for Andy... And maybe even for Scotty."

"I'm right with you, Salas. I know where this could lead. You want me to go outside and see what's up with Andy and Scotty?"

"No, Billy. Not yet. Let's wait and see how this plays out between them. You know, Billy, as time goes on, those two are going to get a LOT closer. I KNOW you and Andy will always be, as you keep saying joined at the hip.' No matter what Andy said yesterday, I don't see that ever changing. Billy, I was so happy with how you handled Andy yesterday at lunch, I coulda KISSED you! If anything, all this' will bring you and Andy even closer together than you two have ever been. Especially if this thing with the grenade works out like I'm hoping to God it does... with Andy being able to tap into' the speed of your mind when that kicks in.' But you gotta KNOW, Andy and Scotty are going to get very close, too. There's things the four of us have that they'll never really be able to share, unless one day, please God, we can find a way to make them like us. And there will be things between them that we can never be a part of. I hope you're OK with that Billy."

"Salas, I only met you yesterday morning. But already, I know I'd follow you into hell. And once Andy understands `all this' better, so would he. I appreciate your patience with him. All he cares about is lookin' out for me... and my mom. It would kill that boy dead if anything happened to me, just like it would me if anything happened to him. As for Scott. I would NEVER begrudge his friendship with Andy. Andy's heart is so big, he's got room in it for the whole damned world. Scotty could NEVER take my place in Andy's heart. And I would NEVER presume to try taking Scotty's place. Besides, Salas, I already think the world of Scott. Andy would never begrudge MY friendship with him. I'm looking forward to lifelong friendship with Scotty and with all the rest of you guys."

Salas answered, "But, you know, Billy, there's more to it than just that. At some point, this thing' you and Andy have, where he get's into your head and helps you, will do more harm than good. It's OK for it to happen if it helps you, Billy, but, eventually, you've GOT to get where you're not dependent on it. Andy WILL eventually hold you back if you don't wean yourself off of your dependency on him.. It's not his fault. I know he's just looking out for you. Andy is one of the "ballsiest" guy's I have ever met. You'll know exactly what I mean when we get together on Sunday. But he'll risk a lot more on his own than he ever would with you. He seems VERY protective of you, Billy. A LOT more protective of you than he is of himself. I'm OK with your depending on Andy now because you're playing 'catch-up.' I'll take any advantage I can get with you right now. And Andy seems to really augment something inside you. But at some point, you're gonna hafta learn to work independently of Andy. Not that you won't still sometimes let him in to help you. I m hoping he can help all of us that way. You're gonna hafta encourage Andy to work with the rest of us, if he can. But if you two keep it just between yourselves, Billy, you'd be holding ANDY back. You'd both hold each other back. That wouldn't be fair to him, to you or to any of the rest of us.

Right then, Andy and Scotty came back inside. "OK, Salas. I'm all right now. And I'm sorry how I acted. I'm ready to for us to go ahead."

Scotty had joined Andy outside. He found Andy walking around aimlessly, boiling mad.

"Andy, wait up. I want you to listen to me for just a minute."

Andy stopped and faced Scotty. "Did Salas send you out here?"

"Yes, Andy, he did. But if he hadn't, I'd have come out here on my own. Look dude, we went over all this on the way home yesterday. Nothing about this is easy for either of us. But you can't go making things harder than they already are. Under normal circumstances, Andy, everything you said inside would make perfect sense. A thirteen year old kid letting a grenade go off in his hand would be insane... Hell, with anybody but Danny, it'd be suicide. But you saw how easy it was for him. The normal rules simply don't apply with Danny, Salas, Cole, or Billy. You wanted to leave here yesterday because you were afraid you might be holding Billy back.' All I'm asking you to consider is not to make that a self-fulfilling prophecy.' Billy is still behind the power curve on his abilities. And Salas, Cole and Danny are doing everything they can to bring him up to speed. If you think about it, Andy, you'll agree that you owe it to them to get with the program and get behind Billy. I know you want what's best for Billy. Hell, Andy, you're the one who set this whole thing up in the first place! The best thing for Billy right now is for you to take your cue from Salas and let him push Billy hard. C'mon, Andy, you outta know Salas well enough by now. Can you stand there and tell me you think he could let Billy try anything he couldn't handle?"

Andy looked down and kicked a stone but didn't answer at first.


"No, Scotty. I guess not... I'm sorry. But, damn, this is really hard."

"Well, let me help you just a little bit, Andy. Salas and Danny have tried explaining it to you and SHOWING it to you... but maybe you'll understand it better coming from me. This thing with the grenade is an exercise in both speed and strength. I've talked to Danny about this and I think I've gotta pretty good handle on how it works. When these guys go into this kinda mental overdrive' thing, everything around them slows down... Waaaaayyyy down. It's almost like the rest of the world is standing still. Not exactly that but almost. Everything around them goes really slow. They CAN dodge a bullet. That's not bullshit. I've seen em do it. Even Salas and Cole can do that, with ease! I can sympathize with you, Andy. I like to have come unglued the first time Salas made me take a shot at him with a firearm. I wouldn't even be telling you this right now. I never told you before because I thought it might do more harm than good. But I think you need to know this so you can get a better handle on `all this.' Billy could dodge a bullet too, even though he probably doesn't realize it yet. What you and I would see is nuthin but a blur if even that. When they get that way, they're moving faster than the normal eye can follow."

"Yeah, Scotty, I've seen a little of that. Back at the mall, when I told Danny to get outta there before the cops came, he literally vanished before my eyes. No blur,' he just flat disappeared!'"

"That's what I mean. And what THEY see is the opposite of that. Everything around them is practically standing still!"

"Yeah, I guess I understand what you mean. Thanks, Scotty. I'm OK now and I'm sorry I've acted like such a prick."

"No, Andy. You just didn't understand. This can be tough to get your arms around. I KNOW how tough that can be!"

"OK, Scotty, I'm fine now. Thanks... Let's go on back inside. I'm gonna try to do this `mind thing' with Billy."

As Scotty and Andy reentered the building, Andy spoke, "OK, Salas. I'm OK now. And I'm sorry how I acted. I'm ready to for us to go ahead."

"Good, Andy. Are you ready to try `linking' your mind to Billy's?"

"I am if Billy is."

"I'm ready anytime you are buddy... Let'er rip!"

"Well, Billy, I'd like to see if we could try it the easy way for now. Do you think you could try lifting something? I'll go through that with you and see if I can get inside your head. This time, when you stop, I'll see if I can STAY inside your head. Might take a few tries. I really dunno."

Salas pointed Billy to a forklift parked a few feet away and said, OK, son, go for it.

Billy stepped over to the machine, squatted down and reached under it, lifting it over his head and began to do military presses. "OK, buddy, do yer stuff."

Andy slipped into Billy's mind with almost no effort. Billy relinquished control of his body to Andy and, with Billy's body, Andy continued pressing the forklift, just as he had done with some of Billy's reps with Salas' car the day before. Through their minds, Andy and Billy communicated. Andy `thought' to Billy, "OK, dude, that's enough, I'll let you set this thing down."

Billy lowered the forklift to the floor.

Through Billy's mouth, Andy said to Salas, "OK, this is Andy... I'm in.' I did' a couple of Billy's presses with that forklift and I think this `link' is fairly stable. Seems like I'm able to keep it open even when Billy isn't lifting. Let's just see how long this lasts.

Danny spoke, "Oh WOW, Andy! Is that really YOU in there with Billy?"

"Well, Danny," Andy spoke with Billy's voice, "Really it's both of us. But I'm gonna take a back seat' and let Billy carry the ball on this. If I can keep up' with him, I'll feel everything and I'll know what's going through Billy's mind. And Billy will know what I'm thinking. But it'll be BILLY doing this, thing with the grenade. not me. I'll just `observe.'"

Danny was very rarely wide eyed over anything. But he sure was now! "Oh WOW, you guys, this is so fuckin' cool! Andy, I want you to try that with me next!"

Salas asked "OK, Billy, you and Andy ready?"

"Yes..." came out of both Billy's and Andy's mouths." Andy was able to speak with either his own or with Billy's voice. Andy could easily have brought Billy into his mind. Either could occupy' BOTH their bodies simultaneously... and process input' from both their bodies simultaneously. But for this exercise, Andy did NOT pull Billy's mind into his body. He remained in his own as well is in Billy's, but Andy left Billy only in his own body for now. Andy didn't want anything to distract Billy's concentration. Andy moved his own body right next to Billy's. Salas made no move to stop him this time.

Salas thought to himself, "I'm really gonna hafta get up EARLY in the mornin' to stay ahead of that kid! Andy is TESTING me to see if I'll allow him to get that close to Billy with his own body!"

The only question now was whether Andy would be able keep up with Billy's super fast mind.

"OK, Billy, just take the dummy grenade and wrap your hand around it like this. Got it?"

"Lemme try it, Salas."

"Yeah kid, that's just fine. Now just pull the pin as you squeeze with very gentle pressure."

Billy pulled the pin.

"Did you feel the `click.?'"

"Yes sir."

"Andy, what about you."

Andy replied with his own voice, "Yes sir, I felt it just fine."

"OK guys, here goes. Now this is the real McCoy.' Billy, just pull the pin, feel the click' and start squeezing... gradually... Andy, when this is over, I want you to break your `mind link' and tell me everything that went on in yours and Billy's head."

"Yes sir."

"OK, Billy, any time you're ready..."

Billy pulled the pin...

Time slowed down for both Billy and Andy. Just as Salas had predicted, the `click' was followed by a gradual buildup of pressure in Billy's closed fist, wrapped around the grenade. Billy's hand began to squeeze. As the pressure continued to build, Billy met the increasing force with irresistible muscle power... just enough to contain the explosion. As Billy continued to apply pressure, he asked Andy with his mind, "you with me, buddy?"

"Yeah dude, right with you. This is a piece of cake."

"OK, Andy, now you think you could `take the helm' for a little bit of this?"

"Yeah Billy, I can DO this!"

Billy relinquished control and with Billy's hand, Andy continued to squeeze, gradually increasing the pressure with Billy's closed fist to counteract the pressure buildup of the exploding grenade. After what seemed like 15 or 20 seconds, Andy `thought' to Billy, "OK, bud, this is your show. I'll let you take it from here..."

"I got it, dude. You did great!"

As the pressure from the grenade continued to build, Billy continued his gradually increasing counter force. His forearm gradually expanded as the corded muscles flexed. The veins popped out under his paper thin skin in a phenomenal display of brute muscle and finesse.

After what seemed to Billy and Andy like a minute and a half, it was over. Billy opened his fist and there sat the grenade. Like Salas, he blew into his palm and the grenade disintegrated into dust.

Andy `thought' to Billy. Well, I guess that worked out for both of us. I think I'll back on out now.

"Not yet, Andy. Stay with me, Buddy."

Billy spoke to Salas. "You got another one of those things? I want Andy to try. I let him go with mine for a few `seconds' and he did just fine. But I'd like this one to be his."

Salas replied. "Yeah I gotta few more of these in my bag. You wanna `go for it,' Andy?"

With his own voice, Andy answered, "Naw, Salas, I might have a better idea but it's up to you guys if you wanna try this."

Billy, able to read' Andy's thoughts spoke. "Andy wants to see if he can maintain his link' with me and try to `bring Scotty in' here with us. You game, Scotty?"

Danny spoke up. "No! Wait!"

Danny looked at Andy. "You're `in there,' right, Andy?"

"Yeah, Danny, actually I'm here AND with Billy."

"Well, I'd really appreciate it if you could try that with Scotty and me. I'd really like Scotty's first experience with this to be with me. Do you think you could do that?"

Andy said, well, we won't know if we don't try.

Salas said, "Well, Scotty, how do you feel about this?"

Scott was just a little overwhelmed. "Oh, Andy, to actually `feel' what it's like! If I could have that just once, I could die a happy man. And, sure, I'd like to see if I could have my first time with Danny if you could make it happen for us."

Andy thought' to Billy, "OK, dude, I'm gonna back out' now."

"No, Andy, don't! I wanna feel' Scotty's reaction. I gotta rush outta yours. If you can link' us ALL up, maybe we could all focus on Scotty and let him do it through Danny. He's waited a long time for this and if you could handle ALL of us, I think it would be something we could all share and remember for the rest of our lives. This would mean a helluva lot for all of us if you could manage it!"

"Well, I dunno if I can handle all of you, lets ask Salas."

Billy explained his idea to Salas.

"Well, lets see if Andy can `link' us up."

Andy said, "Is everybody OK with this?"

Everyone said "Yeah!"

Is anybody NOT OK with it?"


"OK, here goes. I'm still `with' Billy. Danny, you wanted to be next. You OK with this?"

"Yeah, dude! This is sooo waaayy cool! C'mon! Do it!"

Andy, while still with' Billy, slipped into Danny's mind. He thought to Danny, "Can you hear' me?"

"Yeah! Just like you were talking to me with your voice! This is really RAD, man!"

"OK, Danny, good. Billy, could you hear Danny?"

"Yeah I can! ...oh fuckin' wow'! This is incredible! Danny, can YOU `hear' ME?"

"Yeah, dude, as well as I can hear' Andy! And it's so easy to tell who's talking!' I can tell when it's Andy or when It's you, Billy. Now let's see if you can do it with Scotty."

With his own voice, Andy spoke to Scotty. "OK, dude, I got Billy and Danny `linked up' with me. You ready?"

Scotty answered, "Oh, dude, you have NO idea HOW ready I am for this!"

Andy slipped into Scotty's mind and established a stable `link.'

"Andy thought' to the group. OK, guys, lets establish a little protocol' here. I want each of us to think his name. So far it's me, Billy, Danny and Scotty `linked.' I'll start off, then Billy, then Danny, then you, Scotty... Everyone should be able to 'hear' all the names as we call them off in succession... "Andy."




"OK, did everybody get that?"

"Yeah," they all `thought' in unison.

"Did anybody NOT 'hear' any of our names as they were 'called off?'"

Andy spoke to Salas with his voice. "OK, Salas, I got us all linked up. You and Cole wanna `come in?'"

Cole nodded.

Salas answered, "Son, I wouldn't miss this for the world. I can't tell you how much this means to me that, thanks to you, I can share this with Scotty and Danny."

Andy brought first Cole and then Salas into his six way link' and ordered another sound off' of the names. Everyone `heard' everyone else just fine.

"OK," Andy said, "everybody's reading everyone else five by five. Scotty, Danny, this is your show. Salas, I want you to brief Scotty and Danny through the link.' Everyone should hear Salas now and if anybody doesn't, I want to know about it. Try telling me through the link' but if that doesn't work, use your voice. Just to make sure, I want a VOICE sound off from each of us by name right now... I'll start off..."

The voice sound off went without a hitch.

"Now, Danny, I want Scotty to see if he can move your body. Would you relinquish control to him so we can test that right now?"

"Danny thought' to Andy and Scott, "OK, Scotty boy, you got the helm.'"

"OK, Scott, Andy `thought,' "Nothin' fancy. Just reach up with Danny's hand and scratch his nose."

Scott complied without difficulty.

"OK. Good!"

"Now, Salas, if you'd proceed with the briefing. I realize we all know the procedure by now, but I want you to go through the litany' again just so I can make sure this six-way link' is stable. I've never tried ANYTHING like this before and I wanna make sure I've got this right. Remember, if ANYBODY looses it, sound off immediately both through the link AND with your own natural voice. Has EVERYBODY got that?"


"Anybody NOT understand?"

There were no "neighs."

Salas did a quick brief, handed a live grenade to Danny who wrapped his hand around it and thought' to Scotty. You with me,' dude?"

"Yeah, Danny... With you all the way."

"OK, dude, just pull the pin and give it gentle, gradual pressure as the pressure builds inside my fist. Oh MAN is this so fuckin' COOL!"

With Danny's left hand, Scott pulled the pin, continuing to grasp the grenade in Danny's right. Everything went flawlessly. As Salas had predicted for Billy, it had been `laughably easy' for Scott. His mind had kept up with Danny's just as Andy's had with Billy's.

Momentarily, Andy broke the six-way link.

Everyone was silent for the moment. Finally Salas spoke. "That was very good, Scotty!"

Danny piped up, "Yeah Scotty, I couldn't have done better myself! I'm really proud of you dude."

"Thanks, Salas! And thank YOU, Danny for sharing your body with me..."

Then, realizing what he had just said, Scotty turned beet red as Danny giggled.

Scotty recovered and said to Andy, "Dude, that's as amazing as anything I've ever experienced! I never dreamed in a million years I'd feel for myself what it's like to be as strong as Danny. I gotta tell you, it's one helluva rush! Imagine living like that all the time! Thanks, Andy! Thanks a million. I can't tell you what this means to me!

Danny spoke up, "And, Andy, thanks for letting ME be Scotty's `first.'" Then he winked at Scotty who turned beet read all over again.

Salas spoke, "Andy, I don't think you need me to tell you what this means for all of us. Not only were YOU able to keep up with Billy's mind, we ALL managed to keep up with Danny and Billy! All of us! This means we ALL have Danny's fantastic mental acuity when you link us up!" Salas smiled, "Now if only there were some way we could all share his super strength."

Danny countered, "Watch it, bozo. Don't get carried away. Andy's good, but he ain't THAT good!" Danny grinned at Andy as he said that.

Billy wrapped his muscular arm around Andy's neck. "What'd I tell you guys! Andy's amazing! He's been pullin' shit like this out of his ass on me fer years! No TELLIN' what he'll come up with next! And don't put it past him on that super strength thing. I wouldn't put ANYTHING past him."

He bent Andy over and gave him a noogie. "What else you got in that head of yours, buddy?"

Billy let Andy up but then shifted behind him and gently but firmly dug his big hands into Andy's ribs and started TICKLING him unmercifully. Andy started to thrash but Billy easily held him fast in his powerful hands. "C'mon, buddy, tell us. What else're you holding back on us? C'mon, buddy? Yah give?"

Through his laughter, Andy `growled,' NEVER!

"C'mon, dude... Yah gotta say `I give' or this'll go on fer ever'n ever!"

"Awright, awright, I give, I give!"

Billy let Andy go and turned him around, holding him by his shoulders at arms length and just looked at him like he had his first day back home.

"How long has it been, little guy, since we used to do that? God I've missed you and the good times we had. These last two years, at least up until Christmas, I guess I just didn't realize how badly I've missed those days."

Andy responded, "Welcome home, buddy. Welcome home."

"OK, guys, we've just gotten started here. It's time to move on to our next project. Danny, I want you to take Billy out on the road... Just the two of you. Take him on the `grand tour.'"

Danny tapped Billy on the shoulder and motioned with his head toward the door. "C'mon dude, lets see if you can stay up with me. I'm gonna run yer ass from here to San Diego and back."

Danny and Billy stepped out the door and simply vanished.

Andy decided, on his own, to try something new.

He close his eyes and "Called" to Billy with his mind. Billy answered up immediately. "Yeah Andy, I can hear' you... Yah wanna come along?'"

"Yeah Billy, I think I do. You said I oughta see how far away I can maintain this `link.' Lets see, OK?"

"You got it, bud. Lemme know whenever you wanna `take over.' You just gotta getta load of how this feels! I never KNEW I could run so fast! Danny's tryin' to run my ass into the ground but I don't think he's gonna manage, at least not on the outbound leg! This is all so new but it is so easy!"

"Billy, lets just keep this between us for now. And make a note of the distance, when and if we loose the link.' I'll be able to maintain' back here. I don't think Salas, Cole or Scotty will even know we're doing this. Whatever you do, try not to let Danny know. He'll be the toughest to fool."

"OK, Billy `thought' back. I'll try to keep it under wraps for now."

Andy and Billy were flashing across the open countryside, moving over the ground so fast they were completely invisible to the normal eye. They couldn't take I-5 because the sonic boom shock wave would've disrupted motor traffic. As they dragged their sonic booms behind them, leaves were ripped off their tree limbs. They'd reached the fence at Naval Air Station Miramar, just north of San Diego, in less than six minutes, Billy easily keeping pace with Danny.

They stopped at the perimeter of the Air Station and Danny turned to Billy and asked, "You need to stop and catch your breath?"

"Naw, Danny, don't think so. I think I can manage OK."

"Great!" Danny grinned. "Race yah back!" He disappeared.

Billy lit out after Danny in a cloud of dust. Danny was barely in sight. "Let's see if I can close the distance on him. Andy, buddy, you still with me?"

"Yup. Now we know I can MAINTAIN a link' at least as far as San Diego. Tell yah what... I'm gonna BREAK link' and try to reestablish."

"Roger that, Andy."

Andy broke and immediately reestablished his link with Billy. "OK, Billy, you still `there?'"

"Yeah buddy, I read you' five by five. Yah wanna take over' and see if you can close the distance on that lil' smart ass?"

"Piece of cake, bud... Piece of cake."

A piece of cake' it wasn't, but Andy shoveled the coal' to Billy's boiler' and, gradually, the distance began to close. As the machine shop complex came into view, Andy had Billy's body dead alongside of Danny. "OK, Billy, home stretch. I think I'll let you do the honors and bring er in.' I'm passin' the baton' and you've got the `con.' Billy smiled to himself at Andy's navy parlance and shot back, "I relieve you, sir."

Not to be outdone, Andy replied, "Very well, sir. I stand relieved." Even though he was at a dead run Billy cracked up!

Billy kicked hard and began to edge past Danny, but, Danny, reached inside himself and poured on the steam, using everything he had. When they arrived at the gate to the machine shop complex, they were in a dead heat! They `reappeared' at the door and stepped inside.

Danny spoke first. "Well, Scotty, you sure were right. Billy gave me a REAL `run for my money.' It was a dead heat! I couldn't shake him!"

"You helped him, didn't you, Andy."

Andy smiled at Danny, "Maybe... maybe not."

Danny stuck his tongue out at him... "Cheaters," he grinned. If I'd `a known you two were gonna play me that way, the least you coulda done was give ME Scotty!"

"Well, fair's fair, Danny boy. Next time mebbe I will."

The entire round trip had been run in under eleven minutes.

Andy said to Billy, "See, I TOLD you Danny would be the hardest to fool."

Salas asked, "You mean you maintained a `link' with Billy all the way down to San Diego and back?"

"No, Salas. I intentionally BROKE link' right after Billy and Danny started their return leg and immediately reconnected.' By then, I KNEW by then I could maintain a link' that far away. I just wanted to know if I could 'break' and 'reestablish' at that distance. It worked. We hooked back up' with no problem. It was easier than I thought."

Salas spoke, "Billy's progress is going WAY better than any of us ever expected. I wanna try something different. I'm taking you, Billy, Andy and Scotty flying tomorrow. I wanna see if all four of you can qualify in the harrier. Billy, by yourself, we could get this done in an afternoon. But I want Scotty and Andy to get some stick time' in their own bodies, so, hell, it might take all day! With all of us linked up,' Scotty and Andy, our minds will work at Billy's speed. But I'm assuming your reflexes in your own bodies will still be limited to normal speeds. But it might not make all that much difference. The flight controls have been modified somewhat to accommodate my quicker reflexes, but there's only so much that could be done on that score. The controls are digital fly by wire.' There might not be all that much difference in aircraft performance, even with one of you "normal" guys on the stick. If we get lucky and get done early, I want us all to come back here and work a little later than usual. I wanna find out if you guys stay linked' up how that affects Andy's and Scotty's strength and reflexes in their OWN bodies."

Billy, mentioned again that Andy is a LOT stronger than he outta be for his size. And Danny added, "Billy, Andy may not have reflexes like us, but if you'd seen him at the mall, you wouldn't BELIEVE the kinda moves he has for a normal' guy. I meant what I said, Andy. I'm holdin' you to your promise to show me what you got with those Rambo' moves."

Salas said to Danny, "Yeah, I wanna delve into that a little bit, if not tomorrow, no later than the day after. Damn, Andy, first you bring us Billy and then it turns out, you're as big a find for us as HE is!"

"OK, Danny, now I want you to take Billy over there and check out that boiler."

"C'mon, Billy," Danny called over his shoulder as he moved down the construction hall toward a good sized cylindrical boiler, resting lengthwise on twin cradles.

Danny briefed Billy on the exercise. "Now Billy, Salas wants you to note everything about this thing. In a minute, I'm gonna dismantle this sucker. Your job is to put it back together... With your bare hands. He's lettin' yah off easy, though. I'd make yah do it bare ass naked... Just to make sure you don't cheat this time." Danny winked at Billy who, like Scotty a few minutes before, turned red as a beet.

Danny tore into the boiler, he pressed his fingers into the hard steel, wedging in between the overlapping plates, easily popping rivets, pulling the steel plates free. After he'd ripped a couple of the plates off the boiler, he ripped them in two. Then he paused. "Oh, Billy, I'm sorry. I plumb forgot. You gotta go outside until I'm done. No fair peeking. And, Andy, you gotta go too, and take Scotty with you. I don't want either of you two "peeking" for Billy with that `mind link' thing. None of you come back in until I call you. I'm gonna tear this baby apart and mix the pieces up on the shop floor. Then, Billy boy, lets see how long it takes you to put it all back together just like it was. You do it wrong, we start over and keep doing it till you get it right. Salas did the exact same test on me with this very boiler a couple months ago and it took him longer to get it apart than it did for me to put it back together. He took about 15 minutes to tear it down. I had it back together just like it was before we started in less than ten. We'll see if you can beat my time, Billy boy."

Billy, Scotty and Andy stepped outside. Through the walls, they heard groaning, protesting, screeching metal submit to Danny's phenomenal super strength. Scrap metal clattered to the deck. Intermittent "booms" reverberated through the construction hall...

Scott said, "That'd be Danny's fist pulverizing that thing. You're gonna have your work cut out for you, Billy. Sound's like Danny's really goin' to town on that boiler. Did you get a good look at that thing before Danny started tearing into it?"

"Yeah, Scott. I've got a perfect mental image in my head. I guess All I hafta do is just shuffle through all the scrap steel and figure out how everything goes back together?"

"No, buddy... Won't be that easy. You saw how Danny ripped those two plates apart after he pulled them loose? Well, he was just getting started. I saw Danny's little performance' back when he put that thing back together. Andy, think you could set up a little `mind link' between Billy and me. I'll let him in and he can check out my memory. That outta give Billy something of an idea how Danny did it."

"No problem, Scotty. Piece of cake."

Andy linked their minds and very quickly, Scotty's memory' of Danny's performance was copied verbatim into Billy's mind. Andy took a mirror image' into his own mind as well.

The door opened and Salas stuck his head out. As Billy, Andy and Scott walked back in, Danny was just finishing up. He was `scrambling' the scrap metal across the shop floor. Then, quicker than the normal eye, he heaped the debris into a pile.

Danny grinned at Billy, "OK, Billy boy, my job's done. Now let the fun begin."

Billy strode over to the scrap heap and surveyed Danny's handy work. He consulted Scotty's memory' of Danny's approach. There wasn't as much information as he might've liked. Scotty hadn't been able to follow everything Danny had done because he had worked so fast. Much of what Scotty had seen had been a blur. But, in his mind, Billy had slowed down the action and was able to extrapolate' to some degree. The key was NOT to put the pieces of the 'puzzle' back together. He would follow Danny's example and simply take what was available from the scrap heap and re fabricate the boiler from scratch, `machining' new plates and rivets from the debris with his bare hands. Danny had left almost no components of the boiler sufficiently intact to warrant salvaging.

Salas held a stopwatch in his hand...

"OK, Billy, thirty second warning... I'll give you a countdown from ten seconds..."

"Ten.... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One... Start!"

Billy attacked the pile of scrap metal. In a flash, he had the pile spread out more or less evenly on the deck. With his fists, he began pounding the steel together into a solid sheet. He had this done in less than sixty seconds, but he thought to himself... "Uh oh, I'm running behind schedule... Then, one at a time, he began ripping boiler plates out of the large steel sheet, smoothing the jagged edges with a single `swipe' of his palm. This took only another thirty seconds. Next, Billy stacked the precisely sized boiler plates. Then he started with the top plate and punched rivet holes along the edges with his index finger and started a new stack alongside the first. He had all his boiler plates rivet-holed in twenty-two seconds. Then he fashioned new rivets out of strips he had torn from remnants of the large sheet of steel he had pounded together at the start of the exercise.

Next Billy took each boiler plate one at a time and hammered the cold steel with his fist to heat it and make it malleable. Then grasping each plate by both edges, by eyeball, he bent each one into a precisely curved arc. Finally, he went to work on the end caps. This was the toughest part. He would need to shape them into slightly convex bowls,' rivet holed flanges at the edges. Time was now four minutes and twenty-five seconds. Although time had slowed down for Billy, he was still able to compute real time' accurately. All the components had been fabricated... with his bare hands. Now he was ready to reassemble the boiler. He started at the bottom.

To the normal eye, the boiler appeared to be "blooming" into shape by itself from the bottom up as Billy riveted the overlapping plates into place. It was easier at first. He would hold the next plate in position, pop each rivet into place and squeeze, flattening the rivet between the thumbs of each hand. The top row of plates would be the toughest. He jumped atop the nearly reconstructed boiler and dropped the top plates into position, one at a time and then flattened one end of each rivet, carefully leaving the opposite end as it was. Then he dropped each rivet into place. Billy decided this was taking too much time so he simply remained in place and `fired' the remaining rivets into the remaining rivet holes, tossing them into the holes with flawless aim.

Billy hopped back down to the deck and jumped inside the boiler. Starting at one end, he popped the inside end of each rivet using the thumbs of both hands with such speed and force that the inside ends flattened before they could be moved back upward through the rivet holes.

Finally, he lifted the first of the two flanged end caps into position and riveted it securely into place, flattening both ends of the rivets between his thumbs and forefingers. Then he did the same with the other end cap.

Job done.

Billy had finished in eight minutes, fifty eight and three tenths seconds, besting convincingly Danny's ten minute record by one minute, one second.

Danny grinned. "Well, Billy boy, that was pretty good. But you cheated again. Scotty `told' you how I did it. I spent a good minute trying to figure out what to do. I started off wrong, trying to salvage that junk. I didn't really make any progress until I figured out I hadda start off by hammering all that scrap into one large sheet."

Billy grinned at Danny and said, "Two heads are better than one, Danny dude... And THREE heads are better than two! Besides, in the Navy, we don't believe in reinventing the wheel... or `boiler,' as it were."

Cole laughed. "Good answer, Billy! ... Good answer!"

"OK," Salas, said. Time to refuel. The men ambled into the lunchroom and set up for a midmorning 'snack.' The rest of the day consisted of Salas, Cole and Danny setting up tests of strength, agility and reflexes for Billy, punctuated by frequent `refueling' breaks.

During the noon meal, by far the heaviest of the day, Danny was all over Andy. "Dude, I can't BELIEVE you! I guess I better get used to the surprises I keep getting from you, starting back at the mall!

Billy smiled at Danny. "Bud, he's been doin' that to me for years!"

Danny said to Andy, "Thank you again for `linking' Scotty and me with the grenade thing. I can't tell you what that meant for both of us!"

Scott nodded and smiled. "That was fantastic, Andy! I never dreamed in a million years I'd ever experience anything like that for myself. And, Danny, thanks for... uh... you know."

Danny giggled and flushed just a little pink in his cheeks. But he recovered and winked at Scotty.

"You, know, Scotty, I think I felt a little bit of a woodie comin' on as soon as Andy put you inside my head... D'yah suppose that was you or me?"

Scotty flushed red again but bit his tongue.

Danny heard it first. Then Billy. Then Cole and Salas.

Danny announced. "We've got company..."

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 12

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