The Charges

By Tags

Published on Oct 30, 2023



This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters portrayed herein represent any real person, living or dead. It includes characters invented by Chip Masterson including the muscle super kid, "Danny Henderson" who appears in a number of stories created by Chip. These characters are used in this story with his express permission, (Thanks, Chip!) although this story differs substantially in tone and theme from stories written heretofore by Chip. There are inconsistencies between Chip's story line and mine. The characters in my scenario dwell, therefore, in some sort of parallel universe.' Also included in this story is a character inspired by "Billy," the lead character in John D's "Billy Muscles up." One incident is borrowed directly from the "Billy Muscles Up" series and some of the things Billy does in this story echo "Billy Muscles Up." However, although this "Billy" begins with more or less the same personality and physical strength as the original, events take "my Billy'" in a somewhat different direction. My use of the "Billy" character is with John D's express permission. Thanks, John D!

If you are looking for erotic stimulation, please look elsewhere because you won't find that here. Aside from some coarse language and violence, this story could almost be rated "G." But if Chip's "Danny" series is one you have enjoyed, you may find this story entertaining as well. My interest in Chip's "Danny" series has been mainly, "what are people thinking and feeling?" (Something Chip has preferred to leave to the reader's imagination.) This story delves into that question in just a little bit more detail. Of particular interest to me as well, is how some of these characters respond to situations and circumstance that could happen to anyone as well as how they react to extraordinary situations.

I've introduced my own characters in this story, among them, "Andy Jackson Partlowe," and, to some extent, this is HIS story... how he came to meet Billy, Danny and his friends and how he reacts to their phenomenal strength and abilities.

My thanks to the web master for his work in maintaining this site and for posting this story. I would like to express my special thanks to Chip Masterson and John D. for graciously sharing their characters with me and especially for their work and creativity in creating their stories. This story is dedicated in their honor.

Thanks a lot for sharing, Chip and John D...



Northwest Airlines Flight 784, inbound LAX from Tokyo, turned to final approach heading, rolling wings level about sixty nautical miles from touchdown. Servo motors, nestled in the wings, whined as their worm gears deployed the flaps and leading edge slats for landing. The under carriage dropped into down and locked position with a loud "kathunk." Cabin noise, until now, a muted purr from the hi-bypass turbofan engines slung under the wings, and from the air- conditioning blowers, dropped in pitch and rose in volume to a deep throated rumble. The nasal voice of a female flight attendant droned over the PA system. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be landing at Los Angeles International Airport in about ten minutes. Please raise your seat backs and tray tables to full upright position for landing. Flight attendants are passing through the cabin at this time to collect your refreshment containers. Please have ready your completed customs and immigration forms, distributed to you, earlier during the flight. A Northwest passenger service agent will be standing by at the jetway exit to direct you to the customs and immigrations screening area. Your baggage will be available to you there you within thirty minutes after landing. We realize you have a choice. Thank you for choosing Northwest Airlines. We look forward to serving your travel needs in the near future... Thank you for your attention, Ladies and Gentlemen. Enjoy your stay in the Los Angeles metro area...."

Momentarily, the same announcement was repeated in Japanese.

Nineteen year old Billy Hartlander, in the aisle seat on the starboard side, immediately aft the partition between coach and first class, hadn't heard a single word of the announcement in either language. He was a little anxious. He had just finished his third class midshipman cruise in USS Nimitz in the Southwest Pacific, immediately following completion of his sophomore year at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. His mom, Andy's mom and Andy would be waiting for him at the airport by now. He hadn't seen them, the people he loved more than anyone in the world, since the previous Christmas. He had been looking forward to this reunion for a long time. The hours en route from Tokyo had dragged by and now time seemed to slow down even more. These last few minutes of this overseas flight seemed to Billy like an eternity.

Billy loved the Naval Academy. He loved the Navy. But he had missed this little trio more than he'd ever imagined he would. How his heart had ached from the separation. Without his mom, Andy's mom and Andy, it had been as though a vital part of his body were missing. He'd wrestled with this "issue" for months. Billy had gotten... homesick! Here he was, a big strapping, athletic young man... physically, the strongest midshipman in the history of the Naval Academy... having completed his sophomore year number one in his class standing, academically, militarily and in athletics... and he'd gotten as homesick as a nine year old little boy at summer camp away from home for the first time. Oh God, it was so good to finally be coming home!

Andy, his mom and Billy's mom waited nervously at the exit from US Customs at LAX. Passengers from the Northwest flight, just arrived from Narita Airport, outside Tokyo, were filtering out a half dozen or so at a time from the Customs quarantine room. It was Andy who first spied Billy, through the open door, inside the Customs area as another small group of passengers was exiting. Billy was next in line and would be coming out within a matter of minutes. The black opaque tinted glass door swung shut momentarily.

Not two minutes later, the door burst open again and there was Billy, all decked out in his tropical white navy midshipman uniform, big, blond, tanned, handsome beyond belief, incredibly fit, looking better than any Navy recruiting poster ever printed. Billy dropped his gear, ran to his mom and enfolded her in a muscular but gentle bear hug. He lifted her off the floor and twirled her around. Strictly against Navy regs, of course. PDA (public display of affection) in uniform is strictly `verboten.' But Billy didn't give a damned. He set his mom down, held her at arms length, looked into her eyes and said, "Oh, mom, I've missed you... God, it's so good to see you!"

Then Billy turned his affections on Andy's mom, giving her the full treatment, just as he'd given his own mother. (Andy's mom had been like a second mother to him, just as Billy's mom had been nearly a second mother to Andy.) This was a poignant reunion among a very close knit little group.)

Finally, Billy turned his attention to Andy. Andy extended his right hand, out of a cast less than a week, to shake Billy's. Billy started to clasp Andy's hand, but then he said, "Aw fuck this... C'mere, bro." ...and then Billy pulled Andy into a warm embrace but sparing him the "lift and twirl" he'd given both their moms. It's good to see you, Andy! You're looking great... But, shit, dude! Lookit all that gray hair you got goin' on!"

Andy laughed. "Yeah, Bill, there's a little bit of a story to that. I'll tell you all about it when I get the chance. S'matter of fact, we gotta lotta catchin' up to do.

Andy was obviously as excited to see Billy as Billy was to see him. But Billy sensed something "different" in Andy. He seemed just a little... `older,' not quite himself, and it wasn't just the salt and pepper hair. Billy thought, "Something's happened to Andy." Billy lay his hand on Andy's shoulder and asked, "Is everything OK, buddy? Are YOU OK?"

Andy laughed again, "Aw heck yeah, Billy, never better! I'm just fine, really."

Billy thought to himself, "Andy always was such a little white liar. He's doesn't wanna spoil the moment. But I'll get to the bottom of this. He never could keep a secret from me for very long."

As they made their way back to Billy's mom's car Billy said, "You didn't hafta do this yah know... Parkin' and meetin' me at Customs. You could've just as well met me with the car at baggage claim out front."

Billy's mom, Andy's mom and Andy all said in unison, "Yeah, right" and they all laughed.

As they drove along I-5 from LAX on their way back home, they caught Billy up on all the latest of this and that... Who married whom, who's having a baby, etc., etc. Billy's mom drew up in front of Andy's mom's apartment and before parting company, the two mom's agreed that They'd all meet at a nearby Mexican restaurant for supper within the next day or so. Mrs. Partlowe said her good-byes to Mrs. Hartlander and to Billy and went on inside.

Billy remained with Andy outside at the Partlowe's front door and they chit chatted for just a few minutes before Billy turned to rejoin his mom in the car. But Andy grabbed his elbow and pulled him back...

"Billy. I know you just got home and you need to spend time with your mom tomorrow. But do you think you and I could get together day AFTER tomorrow?"

"Sure buddy, besides spendin' time with mom, that's the number one item on my `agenda' for my time here. Like you said, we gotta lot of catching up to do and I got some stuff I really wanna show you. You'll think last Christmas with that Dodge duelie was nuthin'. Kinda weird though... almost startin' to scare me!"

"Call me tomorrow Billy. We'll hook up early next morning. Mebbe grab some breakfast together. After that, I know just the place we can go. Nice'n private. You can show me your stuff with nobody else around to bother us. That sound like a plan?"

"Yeah, Andy. Nice to see you're `on the ball,' as usual. I can see you're way ahead of me on this!"

Andy laughed and said, `Yeah, well, you know me. I like to stay just a little ahead of the game. Have a great day with your mom tomorrow. I'm look'n forward to seeing you the day after."

Billy turned to leave but came back to Andy and held him by his shoulders at arms length and just looked at him.

"What's up, Billy?"

"Dunno, little guy, it's been so long and I guess I just can't believe I'm really home. I've missed you guys: mom, your mom and you, mebbe a lil' more than I thought I would. I guess I just hadda get one more look at you to finally convince myself it's real... That you're really here... standing right in front of me and not all the way across the country or across the Pacific Ocean..."

Billy smiled broadly, but his voice had just a little hint of a quaver. "Guess I better get outta here before I get all weepy and embarrass us both."

Then he turned and walked back to the car. As he opened the passenger door, he flashed Andy his `trademark' million dollar grin, waved and hopped into the car, making it sag heavily to the right with his muscular bulk. Mrs. Hartlander pulled off, waving briefly as she drove away.


Billy called next morning and arranged for Andy to pick him up at his house the next day at "zero six hundred." Andy had said he wanted to get an early start.


The following morning, Andy pulled up in front of Billy's in his little 4-banger pickup at five minutes to six. Billy was standing at the curb.

"I figured I'd wait out here. Mom's sleepin' in. She's workin' a late shift."

Andy nodded and pulled away from the curb.

They drove over to the "greasy spoon" just down the road from Andy's mom's. Andy had worked part time there during his high school days. The old man he'd worked for had sold out right after Andy had resigned at the end of the summer after his senior year in high school. Through his high school years, Andy had gradually been entrusted by the old man who owned the place with more and more responsibility running the business. The old man had sold out to a group of investors for a bundle. He had shared in his `largesse,' giving Andy most of the credit for his handsome take from sale of the restaurant, as well as a cashier's check for fifteen thousand dollars. The investors had franchised the concept and still ran this place as a company store. The franchise national headquarters was situated in a glass office tower in Irvine. Andy's portrait hung in the franchise home office entry foyer alongside that of his former boss. They were billed as "cofounders." Andy and the old man had each been given a token parcel of franchise corporate stock by the investors. Andy never paid much attention to it, but it had grown to sizable value over the past couple of years. And the modest quarterly stock dividends he had begun to receive were a help. Andy was starting to enjoy some "breathing room" in his budget and had been saving and investing his money aggressively.

What Andy liked most about the franchise investor's generosity was that, in the former `greasy spoon,' he was treated like a king. He was free to come in any time, order for himself and a guest, anything he wanted from the menu, a menu largely of his own creation back when he had worked there.

Andy and Billy sat down to a hardy breakfast and engaged in small talk. Andy carefully avoiding any discussion of today's "agenda."

When they left, Andy drove straight to an old deserted industrial facility. It was relatively secluded, surrounded by a high cyclone fence hung with opaque screens to block the view into the property from outside. The gate was open. Andy drove through, stopped, got out, shut and padlocked the gate.

Then he drove up to the enormous deserted construction hall, situated at the center of the property. It had been built back in 1938 as a machine tool shop to service FDR's "Arsenal of Democracy." This is were Salas and Cole occasionally brought Danny to train him in use and control of his phenomenal strength.

As they approached the building, Billy spied Salas' unmarked police car parked outside... Andy pulled up alongside.

"Looks like we're not alone, Andy."

"No, Billy, we're not. I'm sorry to `spring this' on you, but there's some guys waiting for us inside you hafta meet. I can't explain what this is all about. You'll see for yourself... And THEY hafta see you and what you can do... Trust me, buddy, I wouldn't have confided in them about you if I didn't trust them with my life. There's a young man you're about to meet who saved my life, literally! And, Billy, this is VERY important! Trust me on this, OK, Buddy?"

Billy, now completely mystified said, "OK Andy, whatever you say! Now I'm REALLY wondering what this is all about. As for trusting you, Andy, I hope you know I'd trust YOU with MY life! I've felt that way from the day we met at Reagan Middle when you lied through your teeth for me to Mr. Harding right after I went and cracked one of your ribs for you. `Friends for life, joined at the hip!' Always have been.... Always will be. OK Andy?"

Andy nodded gravely. He was a little nervous. He'd been anticipating this meeting for several weeks and now it was upon him. He heaved a sigh and turned to Billy. "Dude, just remember to fasten your seat belt,' cuz your fix'n to experience one helluva ride.'"

The two young men entered the building. Salas, Cole, Danny and Scott were waiting for them inside. A little nervously, Andy made the introductions. It was obvious to everyone that Andy was really `keyed up.' Salas spoke. "Andy, I appreciate your setting up this meeting between Billy and us. I promise you, son, you won't regret this. Now lets get started."

"Billy, Andy has told us a lot about you. We know about your unusual strength, and we suspect it may be a lot more than even you realize. But right now, I'd like you to give us a little demo if you don't mind. Scott, go outside and bring my car in here. Salas smiled at Andy and said to him, "Why don't you move that little `piss ant' ride of yours inside too?"

Andy and Scott went over to a large access door, slid it open and stepped outside to drive the cars into the building. Scott maneuvered Salas' police cruiser inside and Andy followed in his ancient, battered Japanese pickup. As they alighted from their vehicles, Salas spoke again. "Now, Billy, Andy says, Last Christmas, when you were home on leave, you military pressed the front end of a big Dodge Ram duelie pickup for well over 50 reps. So, the front end of my car should be easy for you... Think you could do that for us right now?"

"Yes sir."

Billy stepped up to the police cruiser, bent down and lifted the front end over his head. But instead of leaning into it and military pressing for reps as he had done with that Dodge Ram duelie last Christmas, he walked his hands rearward, underneath the full sized black Ford `Crown Vic' police interceptor until it was standing almost on it's rear end! Then he grasped the frame, lifted the car off the cement floor, balancing it carefully and began military pressing . He pumped off ten reps and then carefully lowered the car back down to the floor.

Salas, remained very cool. "That's very impressive, Billy! Very impressive indeed!"

Andy had watched his friend as he executed his ten-rep set, lifting and lowering the weight of the police cruiser, having military pressed the full sized sedan, weighing in at well over a ton, as though it weighed no more than a well loaded barbell. Maybe Andy should've been prepared for this. He'd seen what Billy had done last Christmas, as well as having gotten an eyeful of what Salas, Cole and Danny could do since then. But he was not ready for this demonstration of phenomenal muscle power from his friend. Lifting a full size car clean off the floor and pressing it for ten reps??? Billy??? Andy fell to his knees, literally floored by Billy's demonstration. The others in this small company had watched intently but impassively. Billy had broken a light sweat. His heretofore loose fitting Naval Academy cotton jersey had suddenly "filled out" as his muscles strained against the confining fabric.

Then Salas turned to Danny. "OK, kid, show time."

And then thirteen year old Danny stepped up to Salas' sedan and repeated Billy's performance, but besting Billy by 100 reps! ... Not that he couldn't easily have done many, many more!

Now it was Billy's turn to be floored. He sagged to his knees and looked over at Andy. Billy's own performance had caused him to break a just a little bit of a sweat, but DANNY'S feat had Billy sweating freely, like a stuck pig. Danny, on the other hand, had clearly not exerted himself at all. He was NOT sweating.

"My God, Billy murmured.... Oh... my... GOD!

Salas's eyes bored into Billy. "Son, before this month is over, you may well match that little feat of Danny's. We aren't sure what your full potential is, but we suspect you haven't come anywhere NEAR your limits. Danny's strength far exceeds mine and Cole's here but either Cole or I could have easily done at least as many of those reps with my car with no strain. You're getting your start with really heavy weights fairly late in life. Danny, Cole and I got our start much earlier in our lives. So you may never get to where you might've been. Then again, maybe you just might. But if you stick with us these next three or four weeks, I'd say you'll at least double your strength, and you might increase ten fold or maybe much much more.

Andy looked on in an abject stupor. He'd set this whole thing up. He'd known Billy nearly half his life and had always known he was strong beyond belief. But, even with all he'd seen Billy do with his phenomenal strength, he never thought he'd live to see the day when his friend could lift a full size auto over his head and military press it ten times. He was more shocked by Billy's display than by Danny's far more formidable demonstration! Billy was, after all, Andy's best friend in the world! The two young men were closer than brothers... Andy's mind was completely blown!

But so was Billy's. He just continued to murmur, "Oh God... Oh God... Oh God..."

"Who ARE these guys, Andy???"

Andy looked over at Billy and said, "My God, Billy. Who are YOU?"

Andy was trembling. His friend Billy had always been abnormally strong. But now he could see, before his eyes, that Billy had moved on to a different `level' altogether with, if Salas were to be believed, much much more to come! He'd always managed, not withstanding Billy's phenomenal strength, to regard him as more than a brother. In many ways, they'd remained peers. But that had been before Andy's having been blown away by Billy's performance just now. Things would never... COULD never be the same between them. Billy was among new friends now... His own kind. From now on, Billy would always be "other than" Andy... like these supermen and NOT remotely like him. A wave of grief crashed over Andy that he struggled to resist, but couldn't. Reason could not withstand this battering ram assault on his senses. Andy was surprised and disappointed in himself that he was affected this way. He hadn't anticipate his own reaction. He should've KNOWN Billy would continue to grow in strength but he'd never expected anything like this! And Billy's opportunity to test and hone his strength had been so limited at the Naval Academy, what with so few opportunities for him to work out in secret. What would be the result, now that for the next month, Billy could train openly in front of these men who would push him to his limits, expanding them, mercilessly?

Andy struggled valiantly to regain control of his emotions. Then he said with as much `enthusiasm' as he could muster, "That's incredible, Billy! Really incredible!"

Billy was still in shock, on his knees, rocking back and forth, thoroughly intimidated by what he had seen Danny do. He was oblivious of Andy's words.

Danny said to Salas, "Well, I guess now that Billy's circuits' are completely blown, yah think you can bring im back' and lets get him started? C'mon, enough with the pussy weight' lets get after the heavy stuff."

"In a minute, Danny," Salas said.

Salas spoke again... "Billy, c'mon, kid, stay with us here. Now I want you to get back under my car and do what Danny just did... Not 10 reps... I want you to squeeze off 110 reps right now."

Billy looked up, still shaken by the muscle teen's phenomenal power, making his own raw brute strength seem insignificant in comparison. "Sir, there's no way. Not if my life depended on it!"

"Yes you can Billy... Yes you can... Now get on your feet and DO IT! ... MOVE!"

Billy complied. He repeated his earlier movements, lifting the front end of Salas' car, walked his hands under the body and lifted. Balancing the weight as before, he pumped off his first rep...

"Sorry, Billy, I forgot to tell you... `count off' as you do each rep... I'll start you off... One...'

Again, Billy pressed the car upward to full arms length, then with his next rep, he took up the count...

"Two... Three... Four... Five..."

At rep twenty five, his Naval Academy jersey began to come apart at the seams, streams of sweat pouring off his body. His sweat pants were beginning to give way as his massive tree trunk legs, supporting the weight of the car, expanded obscenely, almost grotesquely. The jersey finally gave way to Billy's seething upper body musculature as his bulging arms, heaving armor plate chest, flaring delts, traps, lats and back expanded, tearing it to ribbons.

Billy continued to count... "Thirty-five... Thirty-six... Thirty-seven... Thirty- eight..."

His body was racked with agony from his struggle with more than a ton of Detroit steel but he continued on, ignoring the searing pain in his tortured muscles.

At rep fifty-five, Salas encouraged Billy, "All right son, you did all those reps so you could `warm up' for these comin' up. Now reach down deep and pull it out... Keep going man, you're doin' great... Just keep it pumpin'."

Billy croaked, "Talk to me, Andy... Talk to me, buddy... Get me through this..."

Andy's mind was reeling. At first he could not respond...

"Andy... PLEASE!"

Andy recovered and began to coach his friend. "OK, Billy, keep it coming! One rep at a time. Just do this one... Don't think about anything but this one rep... Push it, boy. Just go for this rep... Pull it out... Push it! Push it! Make it happen... Easy Bill, watch your balance... Good one! YEAH!

Andy started to move alongside Billy under the car but Salas restrained him. "No Andy, you can't. Billy's gotta do this on his own. If anything goes wrong under the car... if Billy `loses it,' he won't be hurt but you could be. Stay right here with me."

From where he stood, Andy continued his nonstop staccato with Billy, encouraging him... WILLING the weight of Salas' car to submit to Billy's muscle power. "Yeah, Bill, keep em comin' Watch that form! Don't loose it... Yeah, Billy that's all you... All you... It's all yours... Stay with me, buddy... Stay with it... Oh YEAH! You OWN that weight... It's all yours... All you babe, All YOU!"

Billy's body was quaking from head to toe from the strain. His jersey and sweat pants were in tatters as his terrifying muscles were revealed through his shredded clothing. His flesh had flushed beet red and he was bathed in sweat but he kept on pressing and continued his count...

"One-Oh-Eight... One-Oh-Nine... One-Ten!"

Billy grunted... "OK, think you guys could get this thing offa me?"

Cole and Salas stepped to either end of the car and lifted it off Billy's shoulders. Billy staggered out from underneath as Cole and Salas lowered the car to the shop floor. Again Billy sagged to the deck, utterly spent from his Herculean effort and momentarily drained of all his strength.

Andy rushed over to Billy and knelt alongside his friend. Billy reached over and held onto Andy his body now racked with sobs. "Oh God, Andy... Andy... What is happening to me?"

Billy's whole body felt like jello. He held onto Andy and just bawled.

Danny rolled his eyes at Scott... "Oh brother, here come the `water works!'" Scott flashed Danny an icy stare and, immediately, Danny settled down.

Andy was struggling with his own feelings nearly as hard as Billy had struggled to pump off his 110 reps with Salas' police cruiser. He wanted desperately to be there for his friend but it was nearly all he could do to deal with his own turbulent emotions. Softly, he murmured to Billy, "It's OK dude... It's OK... I'm right here for you, Billy... You did good... It's OK..."

When Billy finally recovered and rose unsteadily to his feet, he looked at Salas.

"I wasn't at all sure you could do that well, Billy. At least not today. Maybe you THOUGHT you've pushed yourself hard before but, evidently not like you're really capable of. Next time you'll find you can do more... A LOT more. Even normal guys can lift more; the more weight they workout with. The more demand they put on their muscles, the more the muscle grows and the stronger it gets. But it takes time for their muscles to recover and rebuild. With you, Billy, it's kinda different. Your muscles respond, recover and get stronger almost immediately even as you continue working them. Eventually, you can get worn out but, as you can see, it takes an awful lot. And next time, it'll take more before you give out. In a just few minutes your body will completely recover. You'll see... except for an unbelievable `pump,' you'll feel like you haven't even exerted yourself. Right now, your body is rebuilding itself and getting stronger. This is how it works Billy. And unlike normal guys, that pump you have goin' right now never really goes away. You'll just keep getting bigger and stronger... and stronger... and stronger." Not only that, your body heals, not only recovering from physical exertion very fast, but from injuries as well. I'm sure you've already realized that you never EVER get sick. Isn't that right, Billy?"

Billy nodded.

"Your body attacks any virus, any poison, any foreign agent, at least any WE know of, and destroys it. You are by no means invulnerable, but you'll find as you get stronger, your body will get tougher and more resilient. You'll find your injuries, if you ever have injuries, will heal faster. What should take days to heal, takes only a few seconds; what would take weeks for any ordinary man will take only a few minutes."

Billy was already getting his strength back. He could feel the "engine" that his body was becoming "miraculously" restoring and refreshing him. Billy was still a little shaky but this was more emotion, than physiology.

"You will notice another change, Billy. To fuel your body, your food intake will have to increase, massively. I'm sure you're already a big eater. You'd have to be. But you'll be eating more now... A LOT more... You can eat almost anything and your body will make it work for you, but, of course, massive infusions of the proper nutrients are best for you, just like with any normal guy. Before you leave today, I'll start you off on your diet. You'll take several meals each day here with us but you'll need to eat a lot more besides to fuel the kind of rapid muscle and strength growth you'll be experiencing these next few weeks. We're going to try to get you to your present day max while you're here with us and plenty of food and proper rest are a big part of that. You'll need a lot of sleep. You're playing catch-up' right now, Billy. Eventually, you'll level off. You'll continue to grow and get stronger, but not quite as fast as you will right here at the start. You'll continue to eat more than normal guys, A LOT more... but you will be able to slack off to something just a little closer to normal food intake." And once you're past this rapid-growth catch-up' phase, your need for sleep will begin to diminish. Eventually, even though you'll still need SOME sleep, you won't need much and you'll almost NEVER feel tired or worn out unless you have REALLY exerted yourself on something."

"Your muscles will get bigger, of course, but they will also increase massively in density. Your size and physical appearance will be impressive, but it won't quite match your body weight because your muscles will be so incredibly dense! Don't count on being able to ride in Andy's little pickup for very much longer. It won't handle the load. At the very least it'll lean so far over to one side that you'd loose steering traction on the high side."

"You feelin' a little better now, Billy?"

"Yes sir, I guess I'm ready to go again. In fact, I've never felt stronger."

"Great, Billy... Now Danny, pick up Andy's truck... But use only on hand."

Danny nodded, stepped over to Andy's little Mitsubishi pickup, squatted down, reached his arm under the body, even with the rear wall of the cab, grasped part of the frame with one hand and stood up. He balanced the load on his palm and one arm pressed the vehicle over his head. Danny held it over his head for a second or two and then began to do reps.

"OK Danny," Salas, said, "that's enough. Now you, Billy. You saw how Danny did it. Now it's your turn."

Billy complied, lifting Andy's little pickup just like Danny had. And then he began his one arm over head presses. His already distended upper body muscles flared even wider. But Billy wasn't straining nearly as hard as he had with Salas' sedan. After fifty reps, Salas said, "OK Billy, I know you could do a lot more but we're just getting the feel of `all this,' right now... OK, other hand. Billy lowered his right hand slightly, cocking his arm, and then heaved the little truck straight up into the air. It "hung" momentarily, as though suspended in mid air and then fell. Billy caught it on his left palm and did another fifty reps.

Then with his head bent slightly forward, Billy balanced the vehicle nose up, high on his back. He spread his arms and grasped both sides of the frame. Then he straightened with the little pickup vertical along his back and began to do reverse curls with it. Salas finally stopped him at 150 reps. This time, Billy felt like he could've gone all day.

Again, Andy's little truck rested vertical along Billy's back. From the full down position of his reverse curl Billy hurled it straight up. As the truck rose toward the ceiling of the construction hall, it pivoted in mid air about its lateral axis as the weight of the engine began responding to gravity faster than the relatively lighter rear cargo bed. By the time Billy caught it on his right palm, the truck had returned to horizontal. Billy squatted down, lowering the truck to the shop floor.

This time, even Danny was impressed. "Dang, Billy, what's with you? You're growing and getting stronger right in front of our eyes!"

Scotty smirked at Danny and, playfully, Danny gave Scott a gentle shove. Scotty smirked again and snickered. "Looks like this guy might give you a run for your money, Danny, dude."

Danny stuck out his tongue... "Mebbe so, Scotty boy, but not today... Not today."

But then Danny turned to Billy and said, to him. "The grand finale' at the end of the month will be you and me, one on one... Arm wrestle!"

"OK, kid, yer on. But only if you promise to go easy on me. Right now I'd be afraid you might KILL me!"

Danny couldn't hide his frank admiration for what he'd seen of Billy in the last few minutes. "Well, at the rate you're going, dude, come the end of the month, you may hafta go easy on me! Danny narrowed his eyes at Billy but he was smiling impishly. "We'll see, Billy boy... We'll just wait and see."

Salas spoke again . "OK Danny, next demo..."

Danny stepped over to the scrap bin and pulled out a twelve foot I Beam. He methodically tore off the two horizontal flat edges from the vertical member. His striated muscles swelling to intimidating proportions as he worked. Then with his powerful hands, he rolled up first one and then the other of the long, flat metal strips as one would roll up a toothpaste tube, the muscles in his forearms rippling outrageously as he worked. Next, he grasped one end of the vertical member of the I beam and tore it in two, lengthwise. The groaning, ringing, protesting, hardened steel split down the middle in Danny's powerful grip as though it were not much more than heavy cardboard. Only a couple of months ago, this would have cost even Danny some exertion. But not anymore. His strength and body had grown substantially over the last few fortnights. But the steel hadn't. Danny wasn't done yet. He then proceeded to warp and "mold" one of the torn lengthwise strips of steel, his dangerously swollen muscles bulging incongruously all over his thirteen year old body. The metal glowed red hot in Danny's hands. Danny tossed the scalding softball shaped spherical hunk of scrap steel at Billy who caught it. Amazingly Billy's hands were not burned. Billy tossed the smoldering steel spheroid back onto the scrap heap were it landed with a crash.

Cole spoke, for the first time since Andy's introductions. "OK, Billy, now you try."

Danny pulled another length of I beam off the stack, hefted it momentarily, then tossed it to Billy who caught it easily. Andy was standing right next to Billy. He had flinched.

Danny giggled. "Well Andy, finally! I never thought I'd live to see the day!"

Billy looked quizzically at Andy. Andy laughed and said, "It's an `inside joke'... long story... I'll tell ya about it later, when I tell you all about all the gray hairs this kid put on my head."

Billy attacked the I beam, ripping the ends off the vertical member one at a time. His bare muscles surged and quivered. This was not as easy for him as it had been for Danny, but the cold steel submitted to Billy's muscle and tore free. Then, surprisingly, with less difficulty, he split the vertical member lengthwise, tossed one half back onto the scrap heap and went to work on the other half, crushing it in his powerful hands, working it like heavy clay into a ball. As it had with Danny, the hardened steel glowed form the heat. When he was done, Billy worked the surface until it was smooth. It was an almost perfect sphere! Then he worked the softball sized sphere even more, compressing it in his powerful hands down to the size of a golf ball! He tossed his "work" to Danny who caught it and pitched it onto the scrap heap.

"Wow, Billy," Danny said, "I could SEE you getting stronger as you mangled that thing. You ever see anything like this guy, Cole?"

Cole answered, "No, kid... Never... Someone `blooming' like this right in front of our eyes... This is new territory for me. Billy's growing and getting stronger by the minute! His muscles have been STARVING for this!"

Cole, Salas and Danny continued to demonstrate for Billy who followed suit, growing ever stronger as the morning progressed. Periodically, Billy asked Andy to resume his line of chatter. "C'mon Andy, talk to me... Help me do this..."

Andy would encourage, cajole and coach Billy as he worked. Finally, Salas asked Billy, "What's up with that?"

Billy walked over and wrapped his massive arm around Andy's neck. "This here's my main man. He talks to me... Tells me what to do and I do it. But sometimes, it's kinda weird. He talks to me in my head. Doesn't even hafta open his mouth."

Andy's jaw fell open...

"Oh?" Salas, asked. "That's interesting. How do you mean?"

Billy continued. "Well, Andy here won't admit it, but it's been happening for years. We used to workout in my garage as kids. Andy would spot me and encourage and coach me, just talking to me like you've seen him do this morning. Then he'd go quiet on me, but I could still hear him inside my head! He'd be right in there with me, like he was spotting' me from the inside! And then when we switched out, he'd pull me inside of HIS head and kinda make ME spot' him from the inside, the same way he did for ME! Like I said, He'd never admit it. Still hasn't. But I know that's how it went down. He's been doing it for me all morning... Not just talking to me with his mouth. He's been inside my head. And when he does it, you would not BELIEVE how much stronger I feel. It's always been that way. Same goes the other way around. He's not like us... you, me, Danny and Cole and I guess maybe he never will be. But you'd be blown away by what he can lift for such a little guy, especially when he pulls me in' and makes me help' him. He'll stand there and lie through his teeth about it, but, in case you haven't noticed, whenever I start to sweat when I do my stuff,' his body sweats nearly as much as mine does. While we were still training with the weights in my garage, I tried to shrug it off. But then he took me to this old junk yard down the road from our neighborhood. I used to do some of my stuff' there. No question about it, guys, Andy would get inside my head and make' me pusher harder than I ever could've on my own. And sometimes, if I got carried away, he'd make me put on the brakes.' I `fought it' sometimes, just to see if I could. And, yeah... I could. But it was just so much easier to go with Andy's flow. So I'd just let it happen."

Andy shuffled his feet and looked down at the deck, flat busted. He hadn't wanted Billy to `go there.'

Salas spoke up... "Andy, why don't you tell us about this over lunch. We're way overdue for some 'fuel,' especially Billy, and I've got a little something set up for all of us."

In a very small voice Andy responded, "Well, I guess so. It's not really that big a deal but I guess I could tell you what I know."

They quit the main construction hall for a small 14' x 20' room, partitioned off from the rest of the building. It was situated in a corner at one end of the shop. It had served as office space for the plant when it had been in commission as a machine shop. There were old fashioned glass windows along the two walls partitioning the small room from the rest of the building, the kind of windows with the little checkerboard glass panes. The windows afforded a view from the room out onto the shop floor.

Salas had a heavy duty six-man picnic table set up in the center of the room. There was a refrigerator at the far end of the room and a counter along the back wall with overhead cupboard cabinets above. At the far end, there was a four- burner electric range set into a space cut into the counter and a divided kitchen style sink alongside. At the opposite end of the counter were two desktop computers set side by side and networked peer to peer, with a laser printer in between.

The guys pulled plates and utensils out of the cupboards and took the food out of the refrigerator. In addition to plates and utensils, there were containers of food supplements in the cupboards. Once everything had been set out, the men sat down. As they were taking their seats, Salas had patted the bench alongside where he'd sat down and motioned for Billy to take a seat alongside. He motioned for Andy to sit across from him. Danny sat down to Andy's right, Scott sat to Danny's right and Cole sat down across from Scott. That became the regular seating arrangement for the rest of the month. They would be eating three meals a day here. Well, Andy and Scotty would "eat." The four supermen would GORGE!

Danny spoke first. "OK, dude, what's up with this `mind game' thing you and Billy got goin' on?

Andy sighed.

Salas spoke up. "Andy, you're among friend here. Just tell us what's going on. Nothing you say here will go outside this room unless you want it to." The rest of the men around the table nodded.

Andy sighed again and said, "I'll tell you what I know, which isn't much. You've already got the gist of it from Billy. I guess I didn't really believe it. Maybe I just COULDN'T believe it... couldn't face it. Besides, I never thought it was really all that important. Nothing like what Billy said ever happened between me and anyone else. And the only time it ever happened between Billy and me was when we were workin' out. And I'm not really sure exactly when it started... I guess it was sometime when we were training in Billy's garage before we started going out to the junkyard. Billy started it, really. He used to make me talk him through his lifts. Said it made him stronger. I thought it was crazy but, shit, he's always been too big for me to argue with so I guess I just went along. Then all the weird stuff where I would talk' without actually speaking just started to happen sorta gradually. Didn't take long for Billy to call me' on it. But I just told him it was his imagination. But, yah, I could get into Billy's head and I could pull him inside of mine and get him do for me what I did for him. Not that I had to, I guess. Might've worked out just as well, just letting him talk to me with his voice. I'm not really sure how much it really affected either one of us. But it sure SEEMED to make the workouts go better. And besides, I gotta admit I kinda liked it. I could FEEL Billy's strength like it was my own. And whenever I pulled Billy into my head. That made me FEEL stronger than I felt when I didn't do it. But that's gotta be all it was, just a feeling. Like I said, it DID give me something of a feeling what it's like to be as strong as Billy is when I get inside his head. I felt it this morning, like when Billy was lifting your car, Salas... and my truck....

Well, that's it. That all I know. Like I said, I never tried it with anyone else but Billy and with him only when he and I were lifting. And then, it always seemed to come on kinda naturally. I didn't ever really hafta force it.' It's not like I have telepathy' or anything like that. I'm really not a freak."

Then Andy looked at Billy and said, "Billy, I never would've hurt you with it. I don't know WHY I even did it. I guess it just sorta happened. I really didn't ever want this to come out like this."

Billy reached across the table with both hands, grasping Andy's right between his palms. "Andy, I wouldn't trade what we have with this for anything in the world. And, yes, Andy, it DOES make a difference. I've grown and gotten stronger while I was away at the Naval Academy. But not near as fast as I would have if I'd stayed back here with you. I've wasted two years of my life while I've been away at Annapolis. I was nothing but a damn fool. I wanted what you give me, Andy and for two years I've been too stupid to realize it. All these years I've begged you to own up to it. I'm sorry I hadda put you on the spot in front of these guys. But this has GOT to come out some time, Andy... Even this morning, I would NEVER have done those things I did if you hadn't been there for me. And now, come to find out, you don't hafta be right next to me for it to work. I'll bet you didn't even realize what you were doin' when you almost came under Salas' car with me and he hadda hold you back. None of us knew when I might've given out and maybe `lost it.' I was so focused on my lifting and your line of chatter and what you were doing with me inside my head and my body, at first, I didn't even realize you were coming to me, or I would've stopped and put the car down. You really could've gotten hurt bad, Andy, or, God forbid, killed!"

"Salas, THANK you for stopping him!"

Salas nodded.

"But, Andy, I know it was just instinct, when you started to come to my side... You were just goin' back to the way it always was before between us when we lifted together. I guess now's as good a time as any to tell you, Andy. I'm not going back to the Naval Academy. I'm stayin' home. I'm gonna transfer to Cal Tech. I'll stay with the Navy thing, I guess. I can get into the NROTC unit here. But now I think I'm gonna try for something else besides the SEALS. I found out something else about myself. I don't wanna get into anything where I'd hafta kill somebody face to face. I just can't do that. I may go for Naval Aviation or nuc power... maybe try for submarines. But the bottom line is YOU, Andy. I wanna keep you close to me. I KNOW having you there makes a difference. I KNOW it does.

Andy was quiet for just a minute. He sighed again. "Billy, I think you're makin' a big mistake. God knows I've missed you while you've been away. But don't let the flush' of being back home with all this' cloud your judgment. You've been doing so well at Annapolis. You're gonna be a ring knocker...'" (a navy term for academy grads. ed.) "...and that's a big thing in the Navy. Please don't throw that away just because you've got some crazy idea that this weird thing' we had goin with our workouts really MEANS anything because we both know that's impossible."

Salas interjected, "Andy, after what you've seen over the past month or so, how can the word `impossible' still be in your vocabulary? I think you need to delve into this a little deeper, son. See what you can do with it. If Billy is willing to explore his limits with us, why won't you let us help you too?"

"Salas, I really just don't want to `go there,' please. This is crazy... You don't really understand how it works. It's just not that important. Besides, none of this is about me, it's about Billy. And now this whole thing seems like it's derailed Billy's navy career. I'd never forgive myself if that happened."

"Andy," Billy said, "I've been wrestling with this issue' for months. And what finally clinched it was when I came back up to your front porch and just looked at you day before yesterday and nearly started blubbering like a baby. I don't wanna sound like a queer or nuthin'. Hey, you got nuthin' to worry about there, bro. I'm all man' that way. But you and me, we got something goin' on with this mind meld' thing. I don't understand it, but there's no doubt in my military mind' that I'm stronger with you there than when you're not. And it's not just that mind thing.' It's more than that. I'll say it in front of all these guys, Andy, I love you... Not like a woman or like some gay guy' kinda thing. But like the brother I never had. Like a brother but way more than that. It's like we were joined at the hip' at birth. That's what we've always said, Andy... joined at the hip and friends for life....'"

Andy looked down at his lap and shook his head. "Billy, I can't deny I feel the same way about you, but I don't think it's healthy. It's almost like we're 'codependent' or something. We can't do this anymore. All it'll do is hold you back. First you ditch your navy career before it's even gotten off the ground... What's next? I'm just holding you back... Go back to Annapolis, Billy. Get away from me... as far as you can... I can't do this thing' with you anymore. Keep it up with these guys for the rest of the month while you're in town but I'm not coming back here with you any more. I'd just be in the way.' I do NOT belong here.... I'm nothing..." Tears fell from Andy's face as he said this.

Danny put his left hand on Andy's right shoulder and spoke his name...

Sadly, Andy acknowledged Danny's comforting gesture. "These guys are your 'peers,' Billy. You need THEM a LOT more than any of you need me. All I am is 'in the way!'"

Billy spoke across the table to his friend... "Your wrong there, Andy... WRONG! ...All this 'strength stuff' I've got goin' on was never ME, Andy... It was always YOU and me... I'd never have gotten as far as I did without you by my side. You saw how it worked between us this morning. Besides, I'd never have met these guys, Salas, Cole, Danny and Scott if it weren't for you. How many YEARS might it have taken for me to finally get around to doing what I did this morning? ...NO, Andy... NOT me... It was US... WE did it together, you and me, with my body. That might NEVER have happened if you hadn't brought me here today." I couldn't have done it without all you guys. And it was YOU, Andy... YOU are the one who pulled this whole thing together for me..."

Billy continued, "You're really disappointing me, man, big time. You've always been the strong one between you and me, not physically, Andy, but you know very well how I mean. Now c'mon, man, get a grip. I NEED you, now more than ever! I can't 'do this' by myself! You are NOT 'nothing,' Andy. Don't EVER let me hear you say that to my face again. Cuz it makes me VERY angry. You've said to me out of your own mouth so many times, 'everybody matters.' I think you need to let your ears hear what your mouth is sayin'. Cuz you MATTER, Andy. You matter a helluva lot to me and to the rest of these guys. And, bud, you're not leavin' me now! Andy, you are NOT leaving to 'get outta my way,' as you put it. I won't allow it!

"...You are NOT... going... ANYWHERE..."

Andy looked down at the table and wept as, from across the table, Billy held Andy's right hand gently between both of his own. Danny kept his left hand on Andy's shoulder gently stroking it and said, "Stay with us, bro... Stay with us..."

In just a minute, Andy was back in control of himself, more or less... "I'm sorry guys. I'm OK now. We were just supposed to be having some lunch here so let's have at it. Somebody pass me the beans."

Salas looked at Andy and said, "Son, this isn't over. This `thing' you've got with Billy isn't gonna just go away. We won't push you on this for now. We've got enough on our plate with Billy at the moment. But whatever you've been doing for him. I'm counting on you to stay with him. Billy says he needs you in this and that's good enough for me. Once we get Billy up to speed, I want us to come back to you and try to figure out what's really going on."

"Yes sir," was all Andy replied.

"OK, Andy. Good show. Now lets eat and get back out onto the shop floor. Time's a'wastin'."

The afternoon went much as the morning had, Billy following Salas', Cole's and Danny's lead. By late afternoon, his strength had grown phenomenally. They broke for "snacks" two more times during the day so the supermen could refuel. Although this wasn't strictly necessary for any of the four supermen, except for Billy. These next thirty days were going to be very interesting... Very interesting indeed.

After they'd more or less cleaned up the place, Andy spoke to Salas, Billy and Scott. "Billy, would you mind riding home with Salas? Remember, we're meeting your mom and mine for Mexican food tonight... Scott, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me drive you home. I need to talk to you, OK."

Scott said, "Sure, Andy. Lemme grab my stuff out of Sala's car and we'll head on out. See ya Danny, Salas, Cole, Billy."

Billy moved in front of Andy and said, "Thanks, bro., thank you for today and thank you for being my friend. Everything you've done for me, everything your are means more than I could possibly tell you..." Billy was silent for just a moment, just looking into his friend's eyes.

Andy answered, "OK buddy, mom and I will see you and your mom at Pancho Villa's at eight."

Scotty opened the sliding access door as Salas, Cole, Danny and Billy boarded Salas police cruiser. The car settled down heavily on the shocks. Salas started the engine and backed his car out of the building and drove away. Andy moved his truck outside and helped Scotty slide the access door closed and Scotty locked up. Andy drove through the gate, got out, shut and padlocked the gate and then they headed for Scott's house.

"Scotty, I meant what I said when I told you a few weeks ago about what I wanna do with my life. But now it looks like you guys are gonna figure into my life from here on out as well. Seems like I kinda got `drafted' into this little thing. But, Scotty, I'm not some 'superman' or anything like that. I'm really the weak sister in this bunch."

Scotty answered, "Well, that's not what I heard Billy say. You're no 'superman,' but Billy says your one strong ass sombitch. Sounds like you might even be able to take me."

Billy smiled to himself. "I doubt that, Scotty, but, really, it's academic. You're not a 'superman' and neither am I. I know you've been at it with these guys for almost a year now. I just need to know how you do it and how you keep from going insane. And I just hadda get away with someone `normal' even if it's for just a few minutes. Billy says I gotta help him get through this. Fine. OK. I'll be there for him. But, Scott, I need YOUR help. You're the expert between us on how to handle living alongside these human volcanos. If I don't figure out how to manage this, I'm afraid I'll go out of my mind!"

Scotty thought for a few moments. "Andy, sometimes I really don't know myself how I manage. All I do is all you can do. It's all anybody in our position could do. Just keep doing what you always have. Just do the best you can and try to do what's right, come what may. Just take each day, one day at a time. That's all anybody can do. That's all a mule could do."

"Well, Scotty, like I said that night I first told you about Billy, I respect you, but I don't envy you. Now it doesn't look like Billy's gonna let me off the hook with this... even though none of this has anything to do with me, really. I love Billy like a brother. Really I do. But I don't relish the though of living in the shadow of any man. And, Scotty you with Danny! least Billy is MY age. Danny is only thirteen! I feel so emasculated around these guys. The only way I can `deal' is just not to think about it. It makes my stomach churn when I think about it. And, get this. When I first met Billy back at Reagan Middle School, he wasn't much into school work. He helped me with my workouts. So I helped him with his studies. We both brought something to the table. At first I hadda struggle with him just to get him to focus. But when he finally put his mind to it, he passed me by academically like I was standin' still. He didn't even hafta WORK at it. Everything just CAME to him. By the time we graduated high school, he was not only the class stud, he was the class brain! By our senior year, it was BILLY helping ME with MY studies! He was class valedictorian. I came in a VERY poor second as salutatorian."

"Andy, you have NO idea! If you knew the stuff Danny could do, it would curl your hair. I swear to God, he's even got PHD's in the Physics Department at Cal Tech. cowed. He knows a gazillion' languages. He learned Mandarin Chinese in an afternoon! At Cal Tech, he sat at two computer terminals doin' stuff on both... SIMUL-FUCKIN-TANEOUSLY... At the same time, he, reproduced a renaissance etching of a view of Florence from Brunicelli's Duomo... from memory, with his BARE ASSED FUCKIN' FOOT, cross hatching and all... and all the while, he sang a Mozart aria flawlessly, in perfect goddamned pitch! There is no astrophysicist who can touch him. Stephen Hawking is a fuckin' RETARD by comparison. No opera singer alive could hope to perform at his level... no pianist who could come close to his musicianship, and there is no human being on Earth, at least none *I* know of, who can match him in physical strength. Oh, and get this, he can hold onto a glass tumbler, boil the contents out of it and then melt the glass in his hand. And his hand doesn't get burned. I just keep telling myself, the kid ain't human. I really have NO idea why he keeps me around. Many times I've wished to God he'd let me go. And, Andy, from what Billy said at lunch today, you're in the same boat as me. We're both trapped! At least you've got this mind meld' thing goin' on with Billy... He seems to feel you bring a LOT to the table with that. Seems like you got a LOT more goin' for you in `all this' than I do. And Salas seems like he wants to help you develop that."

"Scotty, please, let's don't go there.' I really never wanted any of that to come out. It's part of the reason I never owned up' to it to Billy. Now I guess I should have. Mebbe then I could've managed to talk him into keepin' his mouth shut about it."

"Well, Andy... The cat's outta the bag now. And Salas is NEVER gonna let that go. Once he gets Billy up to speed, you're next, buddy. And from what I heard today, Billy is four-square' behind him on that. I don't understand how that thing you got goin' on works, Andy. But these guys'll MAKE you try to get stronger at it. You won't have any choice. And don't even THINK about tryin' to sneak off someplace. They'll run you to ground and bring you back no matter WHERE you go. Trust me, I know. In may ways, they are some of the finest guys I've ever met in my life. But they've gotta dark side to em, Andy. Wouldn't do to cross `em. You better stick close to me and follow my lead. I'll show you when and how to keep your head down... Remember this morning how you told Billy to take one rep at a time with Salas' car?"


"Well, Andy, you just gotta take `all this' one DAY at a time... One day at a time."

Andy pulled up in front of Scott's house. "OK, Scott, thanks for talkin' to me. I'll keep what you said in mind."

"Sure thing, Andy. Thanks for the lift."

Andy pulled away from Scotty's and headed home. He had just enough time to get ready to leave to meet with his mom and ride with her to Pancho Villa's where he would be meeting with Billy and his mom....

... Meanwhile, in Salas' car, Danny spoke up. "Billy, I gotta give it to you. You're really something else. I can't believe how far you've come today. But is that stuff between you and Andy for real?"

"As real as it gets, Danny... As real as it gets. I know. From time to time, I was able to sneak out of my quarters at the Naval Academy and try to work off excess energy. And I got a lot stronger doin' it. But, compared to workouts I do with Andy around, it was like I was spinnin' my wheels. I made more progress this morning than I have in the last two years! He does something to me with his head that helps me make it happen."

Salas asked, "Billy, do you really think what Andy has been doing for you has something to do with your `breakthrough' this morning?"

"Yeah, Salas, like I just told Danny, there's no doubt in my military mind.' Andy's got something goin' on that's as amazing as anything I did this morning or anything any of you can do. And I'm fairly sure it's just like he said. He hasn't even begun to try to tap into it'. But if he ever did, I think you might find some very useful applications for what he could do."

"Billy, could Andy do for the three of us what he's been doing for you?"

"Well, Salas, I really don't have any idea. There's a certain dynamic' goin' on between Andy and me. That might not be there between Andy and any of you. Without that, why would you follow his lead once he gets inside your head? I trust Andy with my life. He would lay down his life for me and I'd do it for him. I love that boy more than I love my own life. When somebody gets inside your head and you get inside theirs, you just know things like that. You feel what he feels and he feels what you feel. Maybe if he got inside your head, you might just freak out and tear him to pieces. Andy and I were already so close to each other before any of that happened, it just felt GOOD to have him inside my head right from the start. And I know he had to feel the same way I do. It's Andy who PULLS me into his head. I couldn't have gotten into his mind on my own. I don't know how that would work between Andy and any of you. I KNOW Andy would NEVER do anything to hurt any of you. But you've GOTTA FEEL that in your heart, not just KNOW it in your head. It HAS to be FELT. Trust is just such a big part of it. So I'd hafta be sure Andy was protected... That none of you would lose it' and go after him. You might not MEAN to hurt him. But I'd hafta know it COULDN'T happen."

"Billy, you know we all think the world of Andy. But you really don't know the story of how we met him. You probably know Andy better than anyone. How could it be otherwise since you've shared each other's thoughts and feelings the way you have all these years? ...Even though it's been kinda limited so far. But until we tell you how we came to meet Andy, and until you see it, you're blind sided. Billy, none of us would DARE raise a hand against Andy. You have my word on that. We know as well as you do, Andy would never try to do anything to hurt any of us. So there won't be any freaking out on any of our parts. Frankly, from my experience with Andy, I'd be more worried about HIM `losin' it. And goddamn, Billy, you don't wanna be around when Andy freaks, cuz he's unbelievable when he does."

Billy said, "Oh, so you've SEEN that side of Andy! Yeah Salas, I've been around for little of Andy's `mean streak' and it ain't nuthin' nice!"

"Boy, have you ever got THAT right!"

Salas continued, "Now I'm leaving it up to you, Billy. Once we get you up to speed, I want you to persuade him to work with us... to develop that ability' he has and find out everything he can do with it. We all have an obligation to do what we can to develop whatever talents' we have the best we can and try to make our lives matter. Andy has already proven to us that he believes that. He doesn't know how to live any other way. Now all you have to do is to convince him that he can do more with us and with that special gift he has than he could just living an ordinary life as an ordinary man on his own. You said all the right things to him at lunch today, Billy... telling him you wouldn't let him go. After seeing what you, Cole Danny and I can do, I guess I can understand how inadequate and insignificant he must've felt. But, as you know better than anyone, Andy's always lived his life by his words, that `everybody matters.' Just keep helping him to remember that, Billy. And while you're at it, keep helping US to remember it, too. And, Billy, I'd REALLY consider it a personal favor if you would keep that in mind with Scotty. He's a vital member of this team even though what he brings to the table is less tangible and less conspicuous than what the rest of us have. Without him, we'd be crippled."

Danny piped up, "Yeah Billy, especially me!"

"OK, Salas, Danny, I'll keep that in mind with Scott. He seems like a great guy and Andy obviously thinks he hung the moon."

Salas responded "Thank you for that Billy. It really means a lot to me."

Salas pulled up to the curb in front of the Henderson's and let Danny and Cole out. Salas had picked up Scotty at his house early that mooring and then driven over to the Henderson's to pick up Danny and Cole. After brief good-byes and agreeing on the same rendezvous arrangements the next morning, Salas pulled away. Now he and Billy were alone. He set out for Billy's house.

"Billy, there's something else I wanna talk to you about. Are you serious about dropping out of the Naval Academy and transferring to Cal Tech?"

"Salas, I've never been more serious about anything in my life. Consider that a done deal.' I'd already decided that even before I'd met you guys. I love my mom more than anything and I've missed her like you wouldn't believe. But when I'm away from Andy, it's like a part of ME is missing... like my right arm is gone or something. Andy says he's afraid that makes us 'codependent' or something. But, Salas, I don't give a damned. I'm not queer' for him or anything like that, but I don't really care what anybody thinks. It's not just the mind meld' thing, either. He completes me' is some weird, off the wall kinda way."

"Well, Billy, it wouldn't matter a hill of beans to me if either you or Andy WERE gay. You're both `all man' in my eyes, I don't care WHAT either of you does in the bedroom...."

Salas had one more item of business with Billy... "Look, son, I know all about how Andy got you to "sandbag" on your strength. I think you're having to do that may have had a lot to do with why you've never managed to reach anything remotely approaching your full potential. The only time you've ever really busted loose has been around Andy and then only when you two were alone. And I can see now how Andy might very well have been responsible for holding you back' even though he obviously never intended to. If that's what happened, most likely it was because he was afraid you might hurt yourself. How could he have KNOWN that as you got stronger, you'd become practically indestructible. Well, Billy, now Andy has a much better sense of that. Now, you two can both take the gloves off' and go after everything you've got inside you. After today, it'd probably take an Army field gun to do you in. And even that may not do the job. Tomorrow I'm going to teach you how to hold a grenade in your hand and let it explode without leaving a scratch on you. There IS a trick to it. You get it wrong... you'll blow your hand off. But, trust me, Billy, you WON'T get it wrong. When the time comes, you'll KNOW how to do it. And, if Andy can handle it, I think you'll wanna have him inside your head with you. I want him to KNOW and to FEEL inside himself that you're gonna be all right with us. Billy, like I said earlier today, you and Andy are among friends. Stick with us and you'll get there, son... you'll get all the way to where you were meant to be... And I KNOW Andy will be behind you in `all this' once he understands."

"But, Billy, Andy's advice to keep your super strength under wraps was absolutely the right thing to do. More than either of you could ever have appreciated. It's important, now more than ever! When you're in the military, they think they own you and, in a sense, they do. Some of the brass think they own' everybody and can do anything they please with them. Some of the finest men who ever trod shoe leather are guys I worked with in the military... Good, decent, dedicated, patriotic men... But we've also run into some of the nastiest pieces of work ever spawned by the human race ... men in the military. The things that those bastards did to me, to Cole and to Danny, who, let's remember, is still just a boy, would break your heart. Please, Billy, just be careful and don't trust anybody in the Navy with your secret. If they lock you away and try to do stuff to you, we might never know and even if we did, we might not be able to get you out. And even if, by some miracle, we managed to bust you loose, you'd be a hunted man. And, my God, if they ever found out about how close you and Andy are... or got wind of his mind meld' thing! ...Well, Billy, just keep all this in mind before you decide to join the Naval ROTC unit at Cal Tech. I'd feel a lot better if you just gave the Navy a wide berth!"

"OK, Salas, I'll give that some serious thought. You KNOW I'll hafta talk to Andy about that."

"Well, this morning, Andy was dead set against your leaving the Naval Academy. I think he'll freak right now if you tell him you've decided to leave the navy altogether. The night he told Scotty about you he said in no uncertain terms that he didn't want us trying to recruit you into our little thing.' Now I've gone and crossed him' on that. Please be careful with Andy. He's a strong kid in many ways. But I don't know if you really understand how wild he can get if he goes and freaks out."

"Yeah, Salas, I do. I've know Andy a lot longer than you have. I know very well when I can take the gloves' off with Andy and when I hafta handle him with kid gloves.'"

"Well, you still don't know the story of how we met Andy. And you need to, Billy. There isn't time for me to go into that right now. We're almost in front of your house and I know you've gotta get a move on so you and your mom can meet Andy and his mom for dinner. But we'll be taking this Sunday off. The Hendersons take Danny to church on Sunday mornings. I want to meet you for breakfast, just the two of us. I need to fill you in on that. There's still some things you don't know about all this,' Billy. Things Andy would never tell you. Not that it's a secret. But he just wouldn't be the one to tell you, at least not in any detail. That has to come from me. Be ready to be as blown away' as you were by anything you experienced today.

Salas pulled up in front of the Hartlander's house and Billy got out. "I'll see you and Andy down at the shop at seven thirty. You guys have a good time at dinner." And then Salas drove off.

Billy and his mom were waiting just inside the entrance at Pancho Villa's when Andy and his mom walked in. They were led to a table in the nonsmoking section where they sat down. Andy's and Billy's mom's did most of the talking. Neither young man had EVER shared very much with their mom's about Billy's extraordinary strength and their moms were, of course, clueless about the `mind meld' thing between the two boys. The talk was chatty and lighthearted until Billy brought up his plans to leave the Naval Academy. Mrs. Hartlander appeared stunned as did Andy's mom.

"But, Billy, you've been doing so well at Annapolis. What about your career in the navy?"

"Well, mom, I'm not so sure about that now. I've put a lot of thought into it but I'm not at all sure that's what I want to do with my life. For one thing, the SEALS is out. I know now I could never kill a man face to face. I'd love the physical challenge of BUDS (Basic UDT/Seal School), but I'm just not a killer and never will be. As far as going forward with the navy, I could join the NROTC unit at Cal Tech, but I'm not really too sure about that either. Naw, mom, I wanna come back home, if you'll have me. I've missed you guys more than you could possibly know and all this separation has `worked on me,' especially since last Christmas... more than I ever thought it would. I GOTTA get back home and figure things out. Meanwhile, I'm gonna take classes at Cal Tech and see where I go from there."

"Andy sat quietly as he bit his tongue.' He'd be having a little chat' with Andy about this later. He hadn't expected Billy to break the news' to his mom without telling him first that he was going to burn his bridges' like this."

Mrs. Partlowe picked up on Andy's silence. "You're awfully quiet, Andy... Did YOU know about this?"

"Yeah, mom, Billy just told me this afternoon."


"Mom, I can't tell Billy what to do. Yeah, I think he's making a big mistake. I told him that. But I have no right to interfere with Billy's life decisions. He's gotta make his own choices and live with the consequences. Billy and I are already `talked out' on the subject. Mrs. Hartlander, I know you and Billy have a LOT to talk about on this but could you two PLEASE go into that later when you're by yourselves? Please, lets talk about something else."

The rest of the meal went smoothly, the two moms doing most of the talking as before... chatting about this and that. Andy picked at his food. He didn't have much of an appetite. Billy, on the other hand, ate like a starved animal. He cleaned out his plate and then scavenged what was left of Andy's meal.

They rose to go, walking to the exit. Andy now flush with cash for the first time in his life, picked up the tab. Billy had left the tip on the table. Andy got a little bit of an argument from Billy on the tab, but `won the day' as he usually did with things like that.

Before they walked out the door of the restaurant, Mrs. Partlowe excused herself to go to the ladies room. Mrs. Hartlander asked Billy to wait for Mrs. Partlowe in the lobby and motioned for Andy to join her outside.

After they'd stepped through the door, Mrs. Hartlander took Andy aside to keep from blocking the entrance. "Andy, I don't really know exactly what's going on with Billy. But I think I've got the gist of it. I'm his mother. I've known that boy all his life. You know how it is between mother and son. He's coming home because of you. He never said that in so many words but I know it's true."

Andy choked... "Mrs. Hartlander..."

"No, Andy, it's OK. I guess I'm a little disappointed that Billy won't be finishing at the Naval Academy but I know I shouldn't be entirely surprised by his decision. I was more surprised he went off to Annapolis in the first place. There's always been something about you that Billy's really NEEDED. I may not understand all the in's and outs of it. But I know it's there and that it's very real. Thank you for `being there' for my son..."

"...And, I guess I'm a little selfish, too. It's going to be so good having Billy back home... You know, Andy, you and your mom have meant so much to Billy and me through the years. Your mom is like a sister to me and you and Billy are closer than brothers. We both love you and your mom very much. Please don't ever doubt that."

As Mrs. Hartlander hugged him, Andy was at a loss for words.

Momentarily, Mrs. Partlowe and Billy joined Andy and Mrs. Hartlander outside. They said their 'good-byes' and started toward their cars. Billy called back to Andy, "Zero Six Hundred tomorrow morning, mom's house?"

"Yeah, Billy, I'll be there."

As Mrs. Partlowe drove, Andy sat in the passenger seat and reminisced in his mind. He was nostalgic for those early years with Billy. Flashbacks were passing through his head, one after another...

Andy smiled to himself as he recalled Billy's valedictory address at high school graduation.

He remembered every word Billy had spoken that day...

Billy's address had included the usual rhetoric, "... Today is the first day of the rest of our lives.. The future lies ahead... Academic achievement... The memories... Hopes and dreams... Thanks to the families, the teachers... etc. etc. But in his closing remarks, Billy singled out his mother and Andy, his class salutatorian, pointing them out to his classmates their families and the faculty.

"I am standing here today because of two people, my mom, Mrs. Emily Hartlander and my best friend Andy Partlowe..."

"Since I was six years old, my mother has raised me as a single parent. My father died in the line of duty as a police officer, serving and protecting this community. Mom has always been there for me. She has worked her fingers to the bone to keep us in food, clothing and shelter. She has made me laugh, dried my tears and whipped my bottom when I needed it. She is a living study in courage, honor, good humor and unconditional love. She has been my role model in my father's place. Thank you, mom, for always ALWAYS being there for me. I love you, mom..."

"...I met Andy Partlowe one day back in middle school. I am ashamed to say, I failed to live up to that auspicious occasion. I was a bully and I hurt him. But he stood up to me. He answered my contemptible behavior with courage, defiance, and uncompromising will..." Billy's voice cracked... "...but also with common decency and uncommon charity. That day, I learned from Andy what it means to be a real man. Andy is a young man who kowtows to no one, but who extends his hand in friendship to anyone. He is today, the kind of man I aspire one day to become... I owe Andy so much. If it were not for him, cracking the whip over me and MAKING me hit the books, starting way back when we were in middle school together, I might've turned out to be nothing more than a big, dumb muscle head... Nothing more than a stupid young moron in an over grown body. He has been my moral rudder.' ...And he is my dearest friend. Without Andy, I might be in reform school or prison today, or maybe even dead... instead of being on my way to the Naval Academy. This young man has poured himself' into me...' making me stronger, helping me to become a better person. I cannot begin to tell you all the things Andy has done for me... all his friendship means to me... I know I am supposed to know exactly what to say to thank you, Andy... But I just don't have the words. I love you, buddy..."

Andy wiped a tear from the corner of his right eye and stared out the passenger side window.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 11

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