The Chair

By Tom Cat

Published on Sep 17, 2013



The Chair

As I approached the walkway to the front door, I felt that familiar mixture of nervousness, anticipation, excitement and a bit of fear I first felt so many years ago as a 18 year old college student walking into my first adult bookstore. Back then, I had finally gotten up the courage to walk into the store after several attempts that ended up with me chickening out. When I finally screwed up my courage and entered, I was in awe of the cornucopia of porn lining the walls. People doing things I had never even thought of.

And I was soon to discover the delights of what was called the arcade, that dark maze of small rooms, where men indulged the desires they would never speak of to their families and even their closest friends.

To this day, I never fail to feel just the slightest bit nervous when anticipating an encounter. I suppose so called adrenalin junkies also feel that mixture of nerves and excitement when facing an open door of a sky diving plane, or facing a rock climbing wall. But my adventures of a sexual nature involved things,that many, if not most people would find wrong or even disgusting. I liked to think of it as just plain nasty and it fired my erotic imagination like nothing else and added to the entire experience.

I pushed the door bell on the modest suburban home and was soon greeted by a very good looking, compact middle aged man who introduced himself as Jim.

Jim's smooth, confident, and friendly manner immediately set my mind at ease. Our e-mails on Crag's list had been brief and matter of fact, basically establishing his desires as a top and my willingness to serve as a bottom. Jim invited me in and I followed him to the living room.

I was surprised to see another guy lounging in an easy chair sipping a beer. Jim introduced him as his friend Wayne. He looked up and smiled in a slightly sneering way, and went back to watching the TV which was showing a hetro porn, of some guy banging a blond chick. Jim had never mentioned anyone else in our e-mails, so I just assumed Wayne had unexpectedly stopped by and I would just have to hang out till he left. Little did I know how wrong my assumption would turn out to be.

Jim pointed out a very nice leather couch and said to relax and make myself at home. He asked if I wanted a beer and I nodded yes so he went into the kitchen to fetch it. While I was waiting for my beer, I looked at my surroundings. Jim's home was tastefully furnished in a definitely masculine manner. Not a feminine touch to be seen. In front of the couch, between it and the TV was an odd looking piece of furniture that had me puzzled. It looked like a large ottoman, about 3 feet by 2 feet. Covered with rich brown leather over a rounded, padded top. The strange thing was its height, it stood on four sturdy dark wood legs and it was almost 3 feet tall. Each leg had a small, black, wrought iron decorative ring about a foot off the floor. It was way too tall to rest your feet on while watching the TV. I decided it must be some kind of bar stool, that got left out in the living room.

Jim soon returned with a nice cold beer in a glass. He sat down beside me and handed me the beer. Wayne stood up and announced he was "bleeding the lizard" or some other crude remark and walked off to the bathroom. After Wayne left, Jim turned toward me and leaned in while he placed a hand on my thigh. "Sorry about Wayne being here. I know you and I never discussed anything beyond you and me. But you see, Wayne's wife is out this evening on a girls night and he and I have been getting to know each other while she is gone. Wayne has discovered he likes playing with guys and is a top when he does. That presents a problem, since I am a top also, and, well, that gets in the way. I am hoping you just might be the missing piece of the puzzle for us."

Suddenly my role became clear, I was to be basically a toy for these guys.

Just a fuck toy, and to be frank, it intrigued me and brought back those nervous, excited feelings I was so addicted to. I stammered in my nervousness, "ah... sure I don't mind". Jim, visibly relieved, leaned back, but left his hand on my thigh, giving me a firm squeeze.

Wayne returned from the bathroom and sat down next to me on the other side from Jim. I started to feel warm and even more nervous excitement being between these two good looking guys. Jim spoke up, "Wayne, I explained the situation here and he's cool with it, no problem". Wayne again gave me that mixed sneer and leer smile of his and place his hand on my other thigh. I felt my cock start to stir, feeling their warm hands on my thighs, so close to my cock, but so far at the same time. We all relaxed and leaned back to sip our beers and watch the porn. They guy in the porn had pulled out of the chick and was shooting spurt after spurt on her tits and face. The sight of a mans semen always fires up my dirty imagination and I hungered for a taste of it, even if it was just a porn scene.

After watching the porn for a few minutes, Jim reached over and took my almost empty glass away and set it down on the end table. At almost the same time, both Jim and Wayne took each of my hands and placed them on their crotches. I couldn't help but wonder if it had been planned in advance. I could feel each of their cocks, semi-rigid in their pants. I started to gently squeeze and rub, feeling each one become larger and harder. I knew what to do, so with one hand I unbuckled their pants, and pulled down each zipper in turn. With a little effort I fished out their now straining cocks. I soon had two fine specimens bobbing in the air waiting for more attention. Jim was about average length and width, cut with nice bulging veins lacing his penis. Wayne was considerably larger, but uncut. Jim had a fine reddish, mushroom head capping his cock. The sight of these two beautiful cocks in each hand soon had my own cock straining in my pants. But I knew my role was to pleasure the two men and my own pleasure was secondary. They way things were progressing I figured they each wanted a blow job while the other watched and they would be finished with me. Once again, my assumption turned out to be dead wrong.

As I sat there slowing stroking their cocks on each side of me, Jim reached into the drawer on the end table and pulled out two leather cuffs. I had never been into bondage, so I watched with a little trepidation as each man fastened a cuff to my wrist. I said, "what are those for". Jim explained "we both like leather and it turns us on to see you stroking us while wearing leather. Made sense to me, but I couldn't help but wonder why each cuff had a small clip attached to it. Maybe to hang on a rack when not being used. Looking back, I realize I was so naive.

So I kept stroking my two cocks, occasionally running my finger around the top and hefting their massive balls. The porn had changed to a bi-sexual scene with two guys taking turns fucking a big titted woman. Content in my task and anticipating wrapping my lips around each cock in turn and being finally rewarded with a two nice salty loads of semen for my efforts, I relaxed and enjoyed the experience. Again I noticed the strange ottoman/stool in front of us and asked Jim what that was. He smiled and I caught him giving a glace at Wayne who also smiled. "Well, its ah... ah... a reproduction of a greek massage chair. Oh I said, "I have never seen one before, how does it work". Again Jim and Wayne both smiled and Jim said, "here let us show you". Immediately I felt two strong, firm hands take my arms and they stood up and brought me forward in front of the massage chair. "You will have to remove your shirt before a massage so we don't mess it up". I slipped off my shirt and they brought my arms forward over the chair and firmly pushed my shoulders down so I was laying across the narrow middle of the chair. Quickly, before I could react, both cuffs were clipped to the rings on the legs. I tried to stand up, but those rings were more than decoration. I started to protest, but Jim reassured me, "it's necessary so you can appreciate the deep massage we are going to give you" Wayne quietly chuckled when he heard that.

Soon I felt some warm oil being spread on my shoulders and upper back.

Strong hands started kneading my muscles and I started to relax. But as he leaned over behind me to work my neck muscles, I could feel a hardness push up against my pants in the back. After a minute or so, the massaging hands stopped and I felt someone else reach around, unbuckle my pants and start pulling them and my underwear down until I had to step out of them.

What a relief to have my raging hard on freed from the confines of my pants. Cool air now touched my bare bottom and I started to feel vulnerable and open. Next I felt two more cuffs being fastened to my calves. One by one, my legs were pulled to the side and I heard the cuffs being clipped to the ring on each side. There I was, immobile, naked, helpless, with my ass sticking up in the air, laying over the soft leather of the massage chair.

Behind me I could hear clothes being removed and dropping on the floor. My head hung down in front so I couldn't see much but the porn playing on the TV when I looked up. Soon the hands returned to my back and the massage resumed. Now, however, I could feel bushy hair brushing up against my bare bottom as my masseuse worked my neck and shoulders. I heard Jim's voice as he quietly leaned over me and said in my ear, "relax, you will enjoy your deep massage if you don't fight it." and he again chuckled somewhat ominously. I heard and saw Wayne step around in front of me and watched him pull off his pants, leaving a dirty t-shirt on. Jim stopped massaging me and lifted my chin up while Wayne turned around, bent over and pulled his ass cheeks apart. As Jim held my head, Wayne backed up till my nose was buried in his ass crack and his sphincter was up against my lips.

Although I had never rimmed a man before, I knew what was expected. I stuck out my tongue and gently licked up and down over Wayne s asshole.

Running my tongue around and around the edge of the opening. Occasionally pushing the tip of my tongue into his opening. I must have been a natural.

Wayne started a little moaning and said "Jim, this boy really knows how to lick a man's ass. You need to try it." Jim laughed and said "maybe later".

With my mouth and tongue occupied, Jim let go of my head and I felt him move away, leaving my ass uncovered and bare to the world. Then I felt his hands pull my ass cheeks apart and a warm, wet tongue start moving over my asshole. I had never been rimmed before and the feeling was exquisite. I thanked my foresight is taking time to thoroughly clean myself inside and out before coming here. I had figured it was better to be prepared than sorry. Knowing I had nothing to worry about, I relaxed and let the feeling of Jim's warm probing tongue wash over me. Soon I was moaning a little as I mimicked what Jim was doing with my own efforts on Wayne's ass. Wayne was a dirty talker, the entire time. Calling me a "dirty ass licker", "a little cock whore" and other degrading phrases. Hearing someone talk dirty while you gave them a blow job or licked their balls was a huge turn on for me.

After awhile, all too soon, Jim stopped licking me and left my bottom bare and a little wet and cool in the breeze. What would happen next? I was helpless to whatever they wanted to do to me. I prayed it wouldn't be something bad I would regret later. Then I heard the bottle of oil opening and I relaxed, anticipating Jim's strong hands again on my back. Wayne had moved off in front of me leaving me with nothing to occupy my mouth for the moment. Waiting for the warm oil to pour again on my back I was startled to feel it drip directly on the top of my ass crack. Did he miss? I wondered as it slowly ran down my crack and towards my asshole. Strong hands again pulled my ass cheeks apart and fingers started rubbing the oil around and into my asshole. I felt an oily finger push against my sphincter ring and slowly enter my rectum. Slowly moving back and forth, in and out. Soon it was replaced by two fingers, in and out, relaxing my asshole, I knew what was happening, I was being readied for a man's penis to enter me.

While my ass and rectum were being prepared, hands lifted my head up and I was staring at a rock hard cock, inches from my face. Wayne's cock had grown even larger now and the uncut foreskin had slid back revealing a shiny penis head that looked like blue steel. And there at the urethral opening was a crystal clear drop of pre-cum almost ready to drop off. I eagerly stuck out my tongue wanting catch that sweet drop of nectar.

Wayne took his cock and gently wiped it on my out stretched tongue, cleaning that drop of pre-cum off. It was soon replaced my another while I savored the salty sweetness, knowing I would soon be rewarded with a mouth full of hot cum. Wayne started to tease me with his cock. Putting it so close it would brush my lips and I strained to lick it clean and pull more of it into my mouth. Wayne laughed and taunted me at the same time.

"Look, Jim, filthy little cock whore wants to suck off big Wayne. Should I let him?"

While I was preoccupied with Wayne's cock and his teasing, Jim had removed his fingers from my ass and it felt empty and wanting. Soon however, I felt Jim's legs up against the back of mine and an object, bigger than a finger started poking against my asshole. Pushing gently, I could feel it just start to enter my opening. Of course I knew what it was and knew I was about to be fucked, and fucked good. I relaxed my sphincter and tried to push back, but that would put Wayne's cock just that much further from my eager mouth. Wayne saw my predicament and laughed. "What's the matter dirty little whore, can't decide which end want's it worst." Jim kept pushing and I felt the head of his cock finally push past my ring and then he slide all the way in till I felt his cock head bump up against my prostate. God it felt so dam good to have my rectum filled up. Now the thrusting slowly started and my prostate and rectum walls were being massaged. Now I knew why it was called a "greek" massage chair, and I smiled to my self.

As Jim grabbed my hips and started humping me harder and faster, I started to let out involuntary grunts and groans. I just felt so primaeval, a grunting animal being used by two men for their own perverse pleasure.

Wayne hearing me grunting decided to finally fill my mouth up and slid his massive cock into my mouth. I did my best to accommodate his wide cock and used my lips to slide his foreskin back and forth while he held my hair and face fucked me. All the while, a constant string of disgusting, but hot erotic words issued forth. "Suck my cock, sissy" "Your gonna eat my cum, pig" Like your face full of man cock?" My own neglected cock was just rubbing against the chair as Jim pounded in and out of my ass. Not enough friction enough for me to orgasm, so it was frustrating knowing I couldn't cum. I know there was probably a puddle of pre-cum pooled on the floor under me. Especially as Jim pushed up against my prostate with each thrust.

How long Jim and Wayne used me I have no idea. I lost track of time as Jim and Wayne indulged their dirty, filthy desires. Could have been an hour for all I know. I was out of my mind with pure animal lust, high on hormones and endorphins. I couldn't think beyond the feeling of that cock filling me up, the balls slapping against my ass, the thrusting cock inside and doing all I could think of to please the huge cock in my mouth. I Desperately wanted to feel and taste Wayne's cum. I was brought back to earth when Jim leaned over me, telling me he was going go shoot his cum up my ass. I felt him grip my hips tighter, pull me into him harder and increase the speed of his insistent thrusting. Then it happened, he gave one deep, deep thrust, held it as far as he could and I felt a warm feeling in my gut as his seed gushed out and filled my rectum. Jim gave a few more urgent thrusts, then collapsed against my back and held there, keeping my ass filled with his still hard wet cock.

Seeing Jim cum, must have put Wayne over the edge. He pulled back, held my mouth open and started squirting spurt after spurt of warm, salty semen into my open mouth. I looked up and he was just leering at me as he said.

"Here's your reward sissy cock sucker, don't spill a drop" I swallowed as fast as I could, wanting to enjoy that unique, musky and salty flavor of a man's cum. When he was done squirting, he put his cock back into my mouth as I eagerly cleaned off every drop I could find. I used my tongue to push up the underside of his penis, to get out every last drop of his delicious semen. Jim had now recovered and pulled out his softening cock from my ass. I felt so empty now after having been so adequately filled up by Jim.

Both men now collapsed on the couch with me still tied to the massage chair. I could taste Wayne's cum in my mouth, still salty. I started to feel a liquid start to run down the back of my leg. Cooling in the air as it slowly run down. I heard both men behind me laugh as they saw it to.

"Nice job Jim, you filled up the boy so much he's leaking" and they laughed again. "Look at all the drops of pre cum under his hard on.

Should we finish him off, milk him like a cow?" "Nah, we might want to use him again tonight, he should be nice and lubricated now." "This time I get the other end"

All I could think of was how Wayne's cock had stretched my mouth.

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