The Catamite

By J

Published on Sep 9, 2023


The Catamite - Part 5: Battle cries

Dear readers, thank you for your feedback for my previous series, "Top to Bottom."

This is part 5 of my other series, `The Catamite' - feedback and suggestions for both series are always welcome - Email me on:

It's been fun writing!

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"Fuck!!! Yeeeaaaarrrgghh!! Agh!! Angh, angh, aghhh!!!" the heaving agonised panting of Sextus' naked sweat covered body echoed around the forest clearing. He screamed over and over again for help, his proud and handsome Roman face contorted in agony as the barbarian chieftain behind bent him over, spread-eagled like the prone defeated Roman emblem, his hands and feet tied to stakes in the ground with coarse ropes as his body was slung prone over a log in the open air.

How different things had been just a fortnight ago when he had been luxuriating on his bed in his grand villa, burying his 8 inch cock deep into the slick gripping asshole of his pretty toned 17 year old British slave Mastus as the youth had squirmed in discomfort beneath his muscular lean frame. Sextus had anticipated the conquest of another tribe by the mighty Roman Empire, accruing wealth to his estates and more enslaved booty and slaves than he could fuck for ten lifetimes. Now, as it were, the boot was on the other foot as 25 year old Sextus found his 6 foot 2 inch hunky athletic wrestler body restrained beyond his control for the first time in his life, subdued by a dirty barbarian Briton.

Rewind mentally and two weeks ago, Sextus had chuckled to himself as Mastus' forehead had dripped with sweat as the cherry-blonde slave strained mightily, squealing in a mixture of fear, pain and indignation as Sextus, a prime specimen of Roman man-meat had raped his slave's tight shithole over and over again while he waited for Julius to arrive. He had bred the teen daily for a week after purchasing him at a slave market auction, loving the feel of the silky warm anal tunnel that gripped his cock like a virgin's asscunt with every thrust of his fat prick. The teen's yelps and screams had died down a little over the first few days but whenever Sextus Clavius grabbed the British barbarian teen's asscheeks and spread them wide as he fucked him rapidly doggystyle the painful moans crescendoed to a pleasurable cacophony of grunts and pleas for mercy that only turned Sextus on even more until he sprayed the boy's bowel lining with a gushing torrent of cum while the nubile slave bottomed out on his pistoning cock as the fluids dripped out of the plugged and contracting hole.

Now in some godforsaken forest, amidst his own futile wriggling, a wave of fear washed over Sextus as the gruff Britannic chieftain spat on his lower back, scooping up the spittle to coat his stiff 6-inch cock. "Fucking Roman bitch!! Spread your bitch hole wide for me!" the Briton pawed lustily at the taut, slim lower back of Sextus, feeling the heat radiating from the 25 year old Roman loins, roughly grabbing the muscular thighs. Those thighs that had for so long been used to force apart the legs of his struggling slaves of whatever sex in his plush chambers whenever he had felt like raping, pillaging and taking pleasure from their tight conquered holes. Now it was the aristocratic Roman hunk's turn to quiver in fear as the cool breeze blew against his exposed virgin anus in the middle of the forest, streaks of grime, dirt and sweat from the battlefield streaking across his taut muscular buttocks as beads of sweat and spit dribbled down his glutes.

"No!! Stop!! Julius!!! Help me!!" Sextus cried out as he felt the tip of the chieftain's fat prick throb against his tight virginal ass-ring that clenched with every pounding fearful heartbeat while the stocky man behind panted with anticipation. The Briton's rampant 6-inch cock throbbed with his own heartbeat that leapt with lust for the defeated Roman's asshole. "Nooo!!" Sextus shouted defiantly, "I'll give you gold and wealth - Release me, return me and I'll make your rich and spare you!"

The heathen Britons whom he and Julius had been sent to subdue on the Roman frontier in Britannia had laughed at his pitiful pride, spitting at the prone hunk. Barely hours before, Sextus had led the charge on horseback alongside Julius in his chariot, taunting the filthy barbarians before the battle with the customary Roman arrogance, threatening to enslave them and rape their daughters and wives before sending the survivors to be fed to the lions as they had done the year before. Now he was about to have a taste of his own medicine, as the proud handsome muscular Roman was bent over, "Fucking fat chance, stupid Roman whore," the British chieftain roared to the acclamation of his crowd of barbarian troops. "Fuck him hard already!! Just cunt that ass out!!" shouted the crowd.

Sextus felt a sudden pressure against his sphincter, the cold dirty spit-greased cockhead of the heavyset Briton prying apart the puckering dry asslips.

Sextus suddenly remembered how Mastus had shivered in fear - how the petrified British teen had struggled the first time Sextus had bent his legs back to his ears and deflowered him balls deep in just a couple of thrusts as Mastus clutching uselessly at the silk sheets, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the bedsheets while the Roman stud had plowed his hard 8-inch cocksword deep into his boypussy with barely a gob of saliva from one of the attendant slaves who slept at the foot of his bed to ease the forced entry. "Annnnggghhh!!!! Dominos!!! Mercy, please, stop, unnnnghhhh!!!! Owwwwww arrgghhh!!!" the toned British teen had cried, bawled and pleaded to no avail as his muscular Roman owner had bred him rapidly like a bitch in heat. The irony wasn't lost on Sextus that his captors might be the very same tribe as his teen fuck-slave Mastus. Sextus had left the lightly muscled strawberry blonde slave chained to the bedposts in his tent less than half a mile away, freshly fucked and speeded that very morning so he could unleash his pre-battle hormones. Mastus had strained at the leather straps that morning while his master Sextus fucked his pre-battle pleasure into his pained stretched anus. "Unnnnghhh mmmmmaaarrrghhhh!!! eeiiioooowwwwww!!!" Mastus howled and whined, struggling as Sextus rabbit fucked him, cunting the 17 year old jockpussy until it spasmed and twitched, gripping his rigid member like a tight glove. As the fat cockhead rammed his unwilling prostate Mastus elicited a spurt of hands-free cum from the teenage cock, triggering his own heavy climax into the bitchpussy's tight throbbing hole which now dripped Sextus' copious cum-load onto the silk sheets. Small pink streaks of ass-mucus dribbled from Mastus' torn hole as the teen called on all his gods for retribution this day, and a chance for freedom. He could smell the wet English air outside, hundreds of miles away from the heat of Rome. The smell of freedom denied him, the smell of his homeland so close and yet so far, the stench of cum and ass and sweat and fear cloaking his lightly muscled teenage body as Sextus unsheathed his man-cock from the British teen's ass-cunt. "Unnnnghhhh!! Arrrghhhh!!!" Mastus had howled in discomfort as his master suddenly jabbed back to the hilt, his 8-inch prong erupting again as he bred the teenager, teasing the teenage ass-pussy one last time before wrenching his battering cock out of the raw asspussy as strings of cum dribbled onto the sheets from the inflamed hole, the Roman stud grunting with pleasure as his slave winced in pain, mentally sending curses to the underworld as he begged his gods for deliverance.

Two hours later the Romans had commenced battle at noon, fully expecting a thumping victory within a couple of hours. An army of a few thousand would soon crush the rabble of eight hundred British rebels in this clearing twenty miles west of Londinium. All surviving captured soldiers would be enslaved, their wives and children too, with an expected booty of at least a thousand souls: 250 to Julius, 250 to Sextus, 250 to the emperor and the rest divided amongst the troops by ballot.

Holding a lance astride his favourite steed Sextus looked the very picture of a hunky chiselled godly Roman statue as he commanded the legion forward. His fellow patrician and boyhood friend, 25 year old Julius stood proudly in his battle-chariot, the slightly loosened wheel axle pins barely noticed in the commotion as the legion marched in tight formation towards the barbarian heathen Brits. The sun shone as grey clouds drifted past. They advanced towards a forest clearing as the horde of barbarians gathered, a cacophony of noise rising from their rabble.

"For the glory of Rome!!" Sextus shouted. "Attack!! Show no mercy!!" Yelled Julius. Both men spurred their troops on as the barbarians charged into the melee, arrows raining down on either side. It hadn't been ten minutes into the throes of battle when one of the wheels from Julius' chariot spun out of control, the axle buckling suddenly as a bolt came loose which sent the chariot careening into the left flank of the troops. Sextus was forced to tug hard on the reins of his horse to prevent a collision. The two men shouted with frustration and mild panic as their horses reared and Julius stumbled on his chariot platform, thrown forwards out of the armoured chariot so he landed face down on the grass as the clash of steel and spears resounded and the startled troops tried to resume their formations. It was one of those small turning points that can sway the course of a battle because just at that very moment, a grey shadow covered the sun overhead as a partial eclipse cast its pallor over the battlefield. The Romans flinched mentally as the Britons took the fallen chariot, disarrayed troops and sudden eclipse as a sign that the battle would turn in their favour, pressing forwards and dividing the ranks of their smug invaders. Savage battle cries echoed as they cut the legionnaries down. Five cloaked Britons surrounded Julius, clubs and maces hovering over the fallen Roman while another five slung ropes and cast whips at Sextus. "Arrrggghhhh!!" He yelped in pain as one lash cracked overhead and stung his back, causing him to flinch forwards and tumble sideways while the barbarians brought his steed down with their ropes and, pointing their spears at the fallen Roman, forced him to his knees. Barely 40 minutes into the chaos of battle, what was meant to be a foregone conclusion to collect a thousand slaves and cut off some rebellious British heads had turned into a rout of a proud Roman legion and the capture of their two muscular strapping leaders. As the soldiers were disarmed and taken prisoner, an entirely different fate awaited Julius and Sextus.

The barbarians swept through the nearby Roman encampment, where Mastus lay tied to Sextus' bedposts in his well-appointed tent. Calling out to his compatriots in their native tongue, he could scarcely believe the turn of events as he gathered what clothes and coins he could find. Before he turned to flee the camp, Mastus caught sight of Rhodus and Curthan, the good looking bed slaves of his master's fallen friend Julius who were locked in his tent. They looked as tired and fucked up as himself and he surmised they had probably spent the better part of the journey to Britannia servicing the ramped up libido of their master. Hacking their bonds free, the three scurried out of the encampment, following the victorious British tribe back to the forest clearing as their hearts pounded with excitement. Mastus in particular found his pulse quickening and his cock hardening as it soon became apparent that the muscular ripped physique of the man bent over a mossy log with his hands and feet tied to stakes in the ground belonged to none other than the golden haired stud who started and ended Mastus' days and nights with a throbbing painful fuck.

"Free me!!!! How dare you!!!" Sextus shouted hoarsely. "Don't be fools, I can spare you and give you gold!! Don't you fucking dare come any closer!!!" Sextus felt further pressure against his virgin anal sphincter, the gruff British chieftain prying apart his muscular but cheeks which clenched in futility as two rough hands held them apart. "Arrrrrrrnnnnnnngggghhhhhhhhh!!!!! Unnnnnnghhhh Unnnngghghhhhh!!!!" He screeched as one invading digit pressed in roughly to the second knuckle, breaching past the muscular anal opening which clenched tightly as he tried to expel the invader, panting hard. "Coooooooooo!!!!! She's a tight one, boys!!!" Laughed the chieftain, pushing the rest of his pudgy index finger in all the way, feeling the heat of the Roman's virgin sanctum as Sextus grunted. "Take it out!!!! take it out!!!!" He yelled in a mixture of rage, pain and fear, wiggling his buttocks while trying hard to shit the finger out. "Look at her, boys! She wants more!!" The chieftain withdrew before shoving two spit-greased fingers roughly into the quivering asshole. "Arrrrngh eeeeeiiiiiiiingggghhh annnnghh!!!" Bellowed Sextus in a shrill voice that twisted in pitch, both from the discomfort and the public degradation. He couldn't understand the barbarian's words but he could fully fathom the context. Meanwhile his fallen friend Julius was nowhere in sight and the rest of the troops had been killed or captured. The sharp boring digits dug their way forwards, pushing the remnants of the chieftain's globs of spit a little further into his rectum. Had he been more mentally reconciled to what was to follow, Sextus would probably have welcomed this intrusion and been more willing to have his hole pre-loosened and lubed a bit more. "Fucking take it out, you dirty pig, I'll rip you to pieces and fuck your daughters to death!!!" He shouted, grunting again as he struggled vainly to reject the barbarian's fingers from his virgin ass-cunt. Mercy and compassion were not part of Sextus' repertoire; he never gave any and never expected to have to beg or plead.

Mastus stood mesmerised and noted that the British chieftain's ass-fingering of his captive Roman stud was regrettably short-lived - something that Sextus would not have any clue about as he was used to breaking his slaves dick-deep to the balls with his 8-inch prick. Standing behind the prone hunk the British chieftain spat again on his cock, which he slapped across his captive's firm glutes, tracking up and down the ass-crack and nuzzling his throbbing cockhead in anticipation against the clenching muscular cleft. Sextus and been stripped of his military vestments and his cock and balls pressed against the rough surface of the log beneath, his rippled torso straining and his pecs heaving as he strained against his bonds. The chieftain slung a leather belt around the prone stud's neck, bridling him like a mare about to be mounted. He jerked the belt tightly. Sextus gasped in shock, gulping air as his head was jerked sharply backwards like a beast of burden, his tousled dark blond locks flailing as his muscles tensed and he momentarily let down his guard in an effort to avoid choking. Grasping his opportunity, the chieftain pawed at his captive's perfect rounded asscheeks, spreading them so he could lunge forward and press his greased cock at the virgin anal rosebud. He pulled the cheeks tauter and wider for just another instant, thrusting his erect member forward like the lance that had speared Sextus' prize war-horse, impaling the proud Roman stallion.

Sextus buckles at the knees for an instant. His head has just been jerked back after a leather belt has been slung around his neck, wrenched into sudden extension with sudden choking force. As his windpipe is compressed he stops clenching his fists tightly around the stakes on the ground to which he has been bound. His back and pectoral muscles ripple as he releases his grip and arches back, flailing within his binds to gasp for air. His toes curl, his knees bend and his powerful muscled thighs and glutes involuntarily unclench. In that moment as the British chieftain lunges forward he feels a sharp piercing rip of pain that blasts through his entire being.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" He howls with a blood-curdling scream, halfway between a squeal or terror and a roar or anguish. "Mmmmmaaaarrrmmmmmppppfffff!!!! Annngghhh!!!!!" His choked screech continues, his lungs running out of air as he expels the air with his futile howls and the belt chokes off the air. The British chieftain's cock splits his virgin anal orifice, pushing the cockhead and a second inch past the previously perfectly tightly puckered asslips as the ring of muscle refused to yield. Sextus maidenhead was tight, clenching on the invading cock with a vice-like grip. In his fog of confusion the Roman's taut muscles are displayed for all in their nude glory as he remembers all the virgin fucksluts he had raped in front of his slaves in a similar manner, cunting their pussies and asses with his battering rod to fill their fuckholes with his superior Roman seed as he choke-fucked them, loving the sensation as their unwilling tight holes spasmed on his cock while they dipped in and out of consciousness and tried to scream from the pain and fear. Hell, he remembered how he had fucked one bitch so hard that despite a thorough lavage, she had soiled herself on his cock as she had passed out.

As he realises his ass might be heading for a similar date his howls of protest are laughed at by the watching barbarian tribe. Mastus stands at the corner, gaping open-mouthed as he sees his former master shout out in fear and anger, the same tones of shock and protest that he himself had yelled for the past four weeks as Sextus had plundered his tight teenage asscunt. Sextus spits and babbles raggedly what few words he can gasp as the ripping pain in his anal canal radiates into his loins and he desperately tries to shit the barbarian cockhead out. "Aammmpppfffggggghh! Oowwwwwww!!!! Ah! Ah!!!!! Pppftttt!!! Stoooop!!! Stop! Stop!!!!! Stop... pffftt arrrrgghhh!!!! Please!!!! Stop!!!! Stop now stop stop owwwwwwww!!!!!!!"

Mastus sees what he never thought possible, his gods answering all his prayers as the chieftain's girthy six incher plows forward another inch. "Aaaaoooowwwwww!!!!!" Sextus yelps, feeling every sensation of the spit-lubed cock busting his virginal opening further apart. The tiny corrugated ass-folds around his sphincter scattered further in enforced dilation as the light brown asslips started to fold inwards with the thrust. Mastus saw the Roman attempt to shit the cock out, sniggering as he stepped forward from the crowd and slapped the gasping Sextus across his right cheek, shouting out "yeah good slut!! Push out like a good whore! Push out and let that cock in!!"

The sudden intrusion startled and Sextus as the teen who had been his latest unwilling fuck slave barely that morning spat his own words back at him as he inadvertently strained further to bear down and expel the rigid turd of a penis that was disimpacting his rumpled anal canal. "Fffffuuuucckkkkk Aaaaaggh!! Unngh owwww!!! Euuuuurrrrggghhh!!!!! Annnnffffhhh" he howled as another inch slid forwards, realising the discomfort of getting fucked from the receiving end for the first time. The pain was immense as the cock pushed into his anal passage, boring deeper into the hunky Roman's ass-canal as beads of sweat dripped down his face and the barbarian chieftain whacked Sextus across his ass cheeks and shouted in pleasure with the thrill of raping this tight unwilling Roman's proper virgin asspussy. "Yeaaaaah ffffffuuuccckkk splitting your tight pussy open!!!! Yeah bitch, fuck that gash back onto my cock, pussy slave yeah fuck tight fuck!! Gonna break your ass first before your tight hole breaks my cock!!! Haha take my cock in your cunt, let me fuck that slit wide open, fuck fucccccckkkkk unnnnghhh!!!"

Like all his previous fuck-slaves Sextus realises his useless straining to oust the impaling penis only aids the ass-rape as his shit-hole is forced to accommodate another man's member, fucking away his dominant veneer as a top muscle stud as the fourth and fifth inch seesaw in and out of his hole while the Briton long-dicks him.

Sextus still can't believe this is happening, the shame, humiliation and pain as his anal passage is split further apart with each thrust. After his man-hole is pounded by what feels like another hundred wrenching back and forth thrusts the final inch presses home balls-deep. "Aaaarrrrgh!!!! Noooooo nooooooo!!!! Please take it ooouuut!!!!! Aaaaaaannngghh" he pleads, his brain refusing to submit but his mouth desperately blabbering the words in another vain attempt to cling to his masculinity. The rough balls bang against his asscheeks. "Fucking feel that cock against your clit, bitch, boy...puer!" Mastus chimes in, spitting back the Roman's words which burned deep. He can see the anal ring of muscle clench and involuntarily release as the chieftain steps up the fuck, occasionally pulling out all the way before ramming balls deep into his freshly-cunted Roman twat. "Noooooooo you'll tear me!!! Stoooppppp!!!! Fffffuuuuuccccckkkkk" Sextus bawls in desperation as he experiences the unwelcome sensation of repeated penetration from the receiving end, a power-fuck manoeuvre he loved to force on his sluts but one he found extremely unwelcome as a newly-bitched bottom. Mastus licked his lips as he slapped Sextus again, stunning the stud as his brain struggled to figure out whether to avert his gaze or stare defiantly at his former slave despite the humiliation of his own public ass-rape. Mastus watched spellbound as the chieftain's cock slid out, pulling the sleeve-like inner asslining slightly as the asslips parted when the cock briefly exited. The Roman's freshly-devirginised twat winked back quickly before it was wrenched open again when the chieftain heaved his girth forwards and re-penetrated, banging balls-deep against Sextus' prostate. Mastus reached forward and grasped the prone hunk's semi-hard cock, polishing the knob as the erection stiffened uncomfortably to a full 8 inches while Sextus shook his head in dismay, his cock leaking pre-cum as his hormones and body betrayed him like a field slave or a common beast of burden, which is how he himself had viewed all his fuckees until half an hour ago. Just that morning his slave's ass-tunnel had been prised open to pleasure the same fuck-stick which was now being unceremoniously wanked in synchrony with the rhythmic power strokes of the gruff British chieftain.

"Look boys, our hunk's enjoying his maiden fuck from the other end!!!!!" Someone called out, as the crowd laughed. Sextus' face contorts in a grimace. He cannot deny the physical sensations stirring in his loins from the rapid polishing of his glans which he suddenly finds himself thrusting forwards into Mastus' cupped fist, aching for release. "Fuck fuck fuck!!" The chieftain bellows, his hard member hammering rapidly to the hilt, buried like a sword in the unwilling Roman's cleft, plowing into the anal furrow as though he were trying to gouge the silky ass-canal into a proper sloppy pussy. "Agghhhh!! Ungggh!!! Owwww!! Eiiiiooowww" rasps Sextus with each stroke, gasping for air as he becomes all too aware of his own throbbing erection craving for release. High-born Roman men like him were born to dominate and never spilled their seed outside a willing (or unwilling) orifice, fucking selfishly into them like skewered meat to satisfy their lusts. Mastus tightens his grip, rubbing the prone Roman stud's cockhead roughly and quickly.

Three of the Britons stepped forward, suddenly jerking their own cocks to the sight of the Roman's ass-rape; as they climaxed suddenly on his face, Sextus was caught by surprise, tasting another man's cum for the first time as he panted for air and groaned from both his rough penetration and the rough wanking hand of his former slave. "Mppppffffttt agggh prrrffftttt ahhhhh!!!!" he tried to spit the slobbering salty globs of cum that had landed in his mouth and coated his tongue" whilst trying to pull in another breath, feeling the chieftain speed up just as he pulled harder on the leather belt, choking off the air even more. "Urrrgghnnghgngh ahhhhhh uhhhhhh nnnnghhhh aaaaahhhhh arrrrgggh!!!" he both gurgled and tried to scream, from the pain of the fuck as the friction grew, stimulating the chieftain's cock to swell even more within him as his spit-lube dried up. "Pussy not wet for me, eh!? Fuuuuucccckkkkk!!!!!!" The chieftain belted out, pounding so hard into Sextus the log shook forwards and the ripped Roman stud strained at his binds, every muscle sinew taut while the fallen stud was asphyxiated, fucked and wanked. "Noooooo annnnnnnnggghhh naaaarrrrrghhhh" he managed to call out, his chest thumping as it beat faster with each rough thrust into his violated ass-cunt. Mastus' own cock was rigidly standing at full-mast, watching as the violated man-pussy spasmed on the chieftain's cock with each savage onslaught, drops of ass-mucus, spittle and pre-cum mixed with a tinge of blood frothing in a mess around the pistoning cock. With three sharp jerks from the former slave's fist Sextus suddenly climaxed, spurting against the log beneath which triggered his ass-pussy to clamp yet again around the chieftain's stabbing cock. The pressure sent the heavy Briton's cock over the edge and with a final lunge forwards and a rapid series of fierce jackrabbiting pulses his heavy loins rammed into the Roman's glutes spasmodically. "Noooooooooo don't cum in me!!!! Ffffuuuuuuckkkkk by the gods, nooooooo!!!!! Annnnnnggghhh!!!" Sextus shouted, his mind a blind panic as he felt the impaling cock climax deep in his bowels, breeding the fallen stud's no longer virgin ass-cunt with a heavy load of barbarian British cum that overflowed from the depths of his guts out of the puffy anal opening, bubbling around the cockshaft and dripping down the stud's muscled hamstrings. "Busting my nut in you, breeding your virgin Roman stud ass!!!" Called out the chieftain.

As his vision clouded over and his mind fogged out from the lack of oxygen the last thing Sextus registered was the simultaneous sensation of his own cock spurting hands free for a final time on the ground below while his muscled chest heaved on the rough log and every abdominal clenched with his battered asshole that the chieftain rutted into, breeding his ass-pussy and coating his rectal walls with creamy barbarian British cum.

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