The Catamite

By J

Published on Mar 23, 2019


Dear readers, thank you for your feedback for my previous series, "Top to Bottom." This is part 3 of the new series, `The Catamite' - feedback and suggestions are always welcome - Email me on:

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The Catamite - Part 3: Fear and loathing

The night of his 25th birthday had passed uneventfully, as far as Julius Flavius was concerned. The usual decadent birthday orgy ended with him and his childhood friend Sextus Clavius double-teaming a disgraced Roman general and wife in front of the gathered nobility. The emperor himself had sent his greetings and apologies in a letter carried in a pouch hung from the neck of the the general Batistus, whom he had dispatched in a loincloth as a newly enslaved present for Julius. For rebelling against Rome he now paid the price with his liberty and his ass, which Julius then tossed into the rear courtyard for a quick branding followed by a free-for-all by the disgraced general's former officers. The 25 year old muscle stud then dismissed the guests and retired to his chamber, where the freshly-fucked twin lay under the sheets in a flimsy linen bridal nightgown. "Out!" he commanded the chamber attendant, an old man whose family had been property of the Flavius family for generations. Julius' father had fucked the old man as a youth, as had his father before him. Julius himself had taken the slave's son's 15 year old virgin cunt the day his own father, Gnaeus Quintus Flavius had passed away and he had inherited the wealth and estates of the family. He remembered how the athletic slaveboy had screamed bloody murder in front of his parents like so many others. How his parents had been forced to watch as yet another generation was bred into the Flavius household's harem of body-slaves.

Meanwhile the shaking teen lay still and silent. After the earlier fucking and the brutal fisting of his brother he was filled with dread that displaced his thoughts of escape. The old man had cleaned him up and draped him in silk like a Roman bride, powdering and roughing his cheeks, smearing dark lining around his eyelids and glazing his teen pecs and abs with scented oil after mopping away the master's cum from his thighs. He looked down in pity - the kid was nearly the same age as his own son. "Boy - your name?" he asked. "Curthan..." he whispered back. They could hear the debauched screams echoing from the dining hall as the master and his guests copulated freely with whatever flesh took their fancy; they winced at the screams of the slaves and the newly-enslaved, whipped and fucked under the auspices of Roman civilisation. "Just survive tonight, boy. That muscled brute of a master may take you as a body slave on campaign. Survive that, somehow. Use your body to pleasure those you have to. It is the only way."

As expected, the drunk Julius climbed on the bed, stepping over the trembling boy and splaying his thighs like a whore. "Fucking slut! Cumwhore!" he slapped the kid repeatedly, holding his head back as he fucked easily into the slicked hole. "Annnngggghhh!!!! Pleeeeasseeeee, go easy Dominus!!!" he begged. Julius continued in a drunken frenzy, pounding away at the moaning boypussy for the next two hours as the groaning teen strained to take the massive dick, riding it until Julius came deep into his guts and fell asleep. Spent, Curthan lay forward with his legs spread, rouge smeared across his face as his abs clenched despite his fatigue, the master's cock buried deep in his battered hole as dusk deepened into darkest night.

The next morning Julius Flavius' already hard cock pushed deeper into the sleeping boy's hole. "Unnnghh!!! Dominus!!" he exclaimed in surprise and discomfort as the dry cock greased itself within using leftover assjuices and the remnants of Julius' mighty loads from the night before. The `quick' morning fuck was the way the arrogant muscled Roman liked to begin his day, his wavy tousled hair, angelic grey eyes, handsome visage and high cheekbones belying his darker traits. As his six-pack abs clenched while he unloaded into Curthan's ass-cunt, Julius was already imagining the riches and slave bounty that he would claim from the forthcoming Gallic campaign...all the fresh flesh that he would use...and deflower...

An hour later he sped swiftly by chariot to the country villa of Sextus Clavius, stopping only along the way in a deserted clearing to drain his balls down the throat of his lithe but lightly muscled charioteer, Rhodus. The 19 year old dark blond had never been able to take all of Julius' mighty 10-incher without some forceful adjustments by the handsome Roman nobleman, who always ended up skull-fucking his indentured servant as he gargled cock, teared, choked and gagged repeatedly. Ah, the perfect start to a campaign. Of course he usually ended up fucking Rhodus silly in the chariot but today he had to get to Sextus' villa to address the legion that they would command. Sextus Clavius, his childhood friend was another Roman patrician, a champion wrestler and athlete who at that very moment was squeezing his 8-inch prick deep into the anus of his struggling Greek slaveboy Ikaros, whose dark ringlets just covered his forehead that was matted with sweat. "Annnngghhh Dominus!! Please, go slow, please!!" he begged. Sextus grinned with pleasure, watched by two other bedroom slaves who averted their eyes and tidied the large room. The muscle-toned 18 year old wailed as his master fucked like a wild animal, pounding his clenching ass-cunt like a bitch in heat.

It was midday by the time Julius arrived on the dusty road, striding into the villa where he was greeted by Sextus. The two studs were of a similar height and build, gorgeously muscled with barely an ounce of fat on their 6 foot 2 inch broad shouldered frames, their toned bodies crowned by statuesque visages. "Julius! Come and rest, the household will tend to your slaves and baggage when they arrive. I know all you need is a tight hole to fuck after the journey, but mother has ordered a bath prepared for you..." he smiled slyly.

Julius threw off his travel cloak and stepped into the cool shade of the villa that he had often visited growing up. The Clavius clan was wealthy, powerful and had been allied to the Flavii for generations - his own sister was married to Sextus' younger brother. Nubile slaves walked ahead deferentially, leading him to the private bathhouse where they undressed him on the marble dais and rubbed expensive oil into his muscles with their bodies. The slim, olive-skinned girls wore nothing but long silver chains looked around their breasts and backs and fastened to leather collars around their necks; their tanned complexions glistened with scented oils as they worshipfully writhed all over his studly sculpted physique, smearing more oil across his toned biceps, hamstrings and perfectly proportioned torso in the dimly lit room. Julius Flavius' 10-inch cock stood proud and erect as the slave girls licked the shaft and soaped his loins.

Julius luxuriated in the steamy room, listening to the sound of trickling water from the alabaster fountains at each corner. One slave girl knelt beside him, lapping at the nipples of his chiselled smooth pecs that seemed carved out of marble. He knew he was going to split these pussies wide open with his trunk-like cock and make them squeal. Julius grabbed a fistful of long brown hair to drag one of the kneeling girls over to his cock, expecting her to deep-throat him as he closed his eyes and thrust his cock upwards to her face...

...clink! snap! Julius heard the unmistakeable sound of metal chains fastening to brass bars attached to the marble platform on which he lay. He tensed, squinting in the dim room to find the slave sluts had quickly latched their leather collars around his wrists and bound him to the marble slab with the long attached silver chains! Outraged, he growled and wrenched hard like a chained beast - "Fucking sluts!! Release me!!" he shouted indignantly. Julius Flavius was the one who bound and topped others, like the blond slaves he had fucked with such vigour on his birthday the day before. No proud, self-respecting Roman noble like him could be tied down like this. He tugged harder as he heard them scamper away, laughing quietly as he slid on his back across the oiled marble platform. A dark shadow approached, wearing only a simple dirty tunic. As he emerged from the shadows, Julius recognised the bedraggled figure of Marcus Verrus, the son of the disgraced general he and Sextus had fucked into submission the night before. When his father had been defeated, Marcus had fled Rome but he now sought revenge upon those whom he held responsible for his father's shame. "Shut up, fuckslut!" he hissed, backhanding a stunned Julius. Marcus was shorter than him and less well-built - he would clearly have made a good field slave once his years of ease as a citizen of Rome had been beaten out of him, thought Julius while he had raped his parents during the birthday bacchanalia the night before. "You brought shame to my family, you destroyed my parents, and now I will teach you the meaning of getting right royally screwed, fucked, hammered in the ass, you son of a fucking whore!!" The younger man glared with revenge burning in his eyes as Julius stared defiantly back, tugging harder at the chains. Marcus Verrus advanced, pushing him down. Suddenly and for the first time his nakedness was a source of vulnerability - the odds which until that point had always been so heavily stacked in favour of the wealthy, powerful, muscled Roman nobleman were stripped away. Marcus groped at his round firm glutes with both hands, massaging the muscled buttcheeks and feeling the abs of one of the most desirable men alive. "Hnnngh, not such a strong man, when you're the one tied down, you're just more of a pretty boy asshole aren't you!!" he taunted, stroking Julius' huge erect cock - the instrument of anal torture for thousands of slaves over the years. Well your libido got you into this, and I'm going to really enjoy fucking your ass-pussy - very sweet revenge, Julius Flavius! Right after I cut off your cock and balls!!"

Marcus reached further round with his oiled paws to search for the untouched anal opening of the muscled top, brandishing a dagger in his other hand. "Arrrghh!!!" shouted Julius, struggling harder. He gasped and a glint of fear flickered in the reflection from Julius' eyes, when the supine muscle stud suddenly kicked back, fighting like a beast as he managed to snap one of the chains and free his left fist that caught Marcus squarely on the jaw. "Agggh!" he shouted, as the commotion finally attracted Sextus to the bathhouse, bearing a torch that shone into the dark room. Sextus froze for a second, taking in the scene - his close friend, oiled and lying on his back, chained by one wrist to the marble centrepiece as he swung wildly at the figure carrying a small dagger that he instantly recognised as Marcus Verrus. Sextus felt his own cock rise at the sight of Julius prick - the glimpse of his hot hunky friend tied down - something about the scene made him very horny indeed. But of course, the sight of Julius always made even the most red-blooded Roman males question how committed they were to the pursuit of fucking pussy.

Sextus lunged forward, knocking the dagger from Marcus' hand and sending him sprawling to the ground in a brutal tackle. With his free hand Julius loosened the remaining leather collar around his wrist and freed himself, standing upright but flushed. The next half an hour passed awkwardly as Sextus apologised profusely to his brother in-law and Julius brushed it off, shaken by the episode and the close shave - an attempt on his manhood, his virility and his life. Marcus Verrus would, of course be executed as a traitor to Rome and an attempted murderer. He was immediately cast into the slave-pen to be violated by the household staff. "Think nothing of it, Sextus" he spoke reassuringly, "just send some fresh meat to my room. My slaves will arrive soon and I'll feel much better after my cock has been properly satisfied!"

Julius had probably fucked a few thousand slaves in his lifetime. The 25 year old muscled Roman always had a raging libido that found its release in his fond taste for virgins, both men and women. Between military campaigns, he found the freshest source (apart from regular forays to the slave markets) of `fresh meat' was Romans drowning in debt. Buying their debts allowed Julius to collect on the liberty of the debtors, who always preferred to remain in his service rather than being sent to the front as conscripts or to the salt mines or the naval galleys in the service of the emperor, which were the other fates that he occasionally threatened them with. Of course this meant a lifetime of serving the house of Flavius...and after he had ravished their bodies, Julius often set them to work as prostitutes in one of many brothels across the empire that he and Sextus had bought. He recalled how an entire terrified family from Herculaneum had been forced to submit to his whims last year, serving as house-slaves and bedroom-whores at his last birthday. The old man and his wife had been sent to the mines, but only after they had watched Julius, Sextus and Sextus' younger brother Gaius turn the assholes of their three strapping teenage sons into ass-twats. They were forced to felch the dripping cumlods from each other's gaping holes before each dominating Roman lord took his turn at the next cock, an ordeal that carried on all night as the teenagers had bellowed with pain. Julius calculated that each slave-slut had probably earned him a healthy profit of a denarius per day for the past year, shuttling between the slave gymnasium where he forced them to stay toned and smoothly muscled, and the Roman brothel bedchambers where they were whored out for the pleasure of

Now, however, Julius needed to reassert his proper authority. As a Roman noble, a paterfamilias, a man of wealth and standing and a legion commander about to wield the might of Rome - he felt the need to fuck, to overcome the recent attempted assault. His flesh was unscathed but his immense pride needed an ego boost to restore him in his own mind as the alpha top. Julius stroked his rampant cock. The fat arrowed head pulsed as a small dribble of pre-cum dropped to the floor. By way of an apology for the earlier mishap to such an esteemed guest under his own roof, Sextus had dispatched his prize possession to Julius' chamber. Now bent over, with his wrists bound to his ankles, the smoothly shaved Germanic stud, Sextus' personal bed-slave, felt the enormous pressure of the huge Roman cock thrusting forwards into his clenching hole. "Annnnnnnggggh!!!!!" he screamed, bucking in a futile attempt to throw off the jock top. Every muscle in Julius' ripped body tensed as he fucked harder into the blond muscle slave. "Take my fuck, fuck yourself onto my cock, bitch!" he roared, grabbing the firm shoulders and impaling every inch of his rod deep into the bowels of the screaming stud below. Julius fucked mercilessly, fucking to forget the earlier attempted assault. He was the top. He was the alpha jock, the muscled god who dominated his slaves and those he chose to fuck. The slave Sextus had sent was some high-born barbarian warrior whom he had been keeping as a treat but now gladly offered up as a sexual sacrifice to appease Julius Flavius. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!! Unngh!! Fuck, you're such a tight fucking cunt!!" he roared, ramming his swollen prick deep into the silky rectum of the screaming blond stud below. Every hair on his body had been removed and his introduction to Roman slavery at the sharp end of Julius' 10-inch monster cock was a brutal nightmare that was just beginning. Julius pounded mercilessly, fucking missionary style as he bent over to lick the face of the 21 year old German slave, holding his bound legs back with one firm hand while the other grabbed his blond locks. "I'm going to fuck this ass-cunt into a cum-dump, slut! Before the day is out, I'll hear you call my name, shout Dominus and beg me for more cock or else I'll slit your throat and annihilate your family, do you hear me!? Now get ready to take my load, you fucking whore!!"

"Fucccckkk!!! Annnggh!!! Stop, stop, stop, don't cum inside me, don't, please, fuck!!!" he shrieked, feeling every last inch of his masculinity being drained away by the brutal thrusts into his stretched anus with each ass-ripping cock-ramming ball-busting slam of Julius' pelvis as the huge cock dug deep into his upturned glutes. "Annnngggh!!! Dominus!!! Please!!! I give up, stop, please!!!"

Julius heard the slave's pleas and with his pent-up lust sated by the gripping ass-canal, he roared in ecstasy. Squeezing the slave's neck with his powerful hands he proceeded to asphyxiate the muscle bitch, which triggered a tightening of the engulfing anal muscles that clamped firmly around his throbbing cock that suddenly unleashed a fresh torrent of cum into the German slave's cum-hole. "Unnngggh!!! Going to bust your ass so hard today, slut! You'd better keep this load deep inside your filthy barbarian slave cunt or I'll have to slice your balls off!" he threatened as he fired hot jets of Roman semen deep into the burning bowels of the slave, who had passed out as the master continued to fuck his load deep into the spasming hole of the German stud.

After the wild fucking, Julius found himself refreshed and energised. He rose and bathed, wiping the bitchpussy's ass-slime and his cum off his 10-inch phallus as the unconscious blond lay helplessly sideways on the bed. His own cum puddled in a little blob, forced out from the vigorous prostate milking. Julius kicked him off the bed and walked downstairs to the rear of the house. He found Sextus and the overseer whipping the two bound female bath-slaves, both maidens tied to an X-shaped cross fixed to the ground and howling in pain from the lashes. They would, of course be executed quietly to hide any evidence of Julius' momentary binding and their roles in his near-miss. As Julius entered, Sextus' cock twitched when he gazed upon his friend's deliciously hot hunky body. "Ah, my friend! Tomorrow we lead the legion towards glory, wealth and victory! I trust the German gave you sufficient pleasure?"

"Aaaaaaagghhh!!!!" the girls shrieked in a unified chorus as the stinging lash came down across their backs again.

Julius smiled and stepped forward, strutting his 10 inches which remained rampant after the earlier fucking. "Nooooooo!!!!!" screamed the girls, "Aaaaaaanngghhh!!!" as the whip bore down again. He moved forwards and unceremoniously impaled his cock all the way to the root inside one of the screaming girls, whose bloodcurdling scream echoed around the house. Her dry pussy was ripped deep by his Roman sword as her taut olive skin shook and her pussy lips parted. She could feel his bulbous cockhead buried in her cervix, bruising it with every thrust. Julius long-dicked her for a minute before inserting the entire length like a dagger, balls deep into her asshole, pounding away as she continued to scream. He inflicted the same punishment on the second girl, climaxing in neither slut. "I expect you'll have them both impaled after they get fucked to death" he said casually to Sextus, who simply nodded as one of the two accomplices pissed in fear.

Julius turned and left the room, calling for Rhodus his charioteer to follow him. Rhodus' dirty blond floppy hair curled around his temples. His own father had served Julius' family loyally and been rewarded with his freedom as an old man and a small farm; Rhodus could only hope that his skill as a charioteer and his cute bubble-ass were enough to satisfy Julius in the same way and someday help him do the same. He thought he had heard some of the commotion screams from the bathhouse and definitely caught wind of the unmistakeable sounds of his master raping the German stud in the bedroom and the two slave girls downstairs. He had seen the trembling roughed up Roman fugitive Marcus Verrus bound and bundled into the slave quarters to face twenty slaves eager to fuck a Roman hole, or any hole for that matter. Rhodus knew his master and Sextus were sadistic dominant horny bastards who took homoerotic torture to extremes. He shuddered as Julius beckoned for him to follow. "Come, puer. You're such a pretty boy...your sweet hole stays elastically tight, it's going to be such fun fucking you on the eve of Mars and Cupid!" Julius ran his hands down Rhodus' back, feeling the fine muscles of the 19 year old charioteer. "Dominus....! Unghhh...." he moaned quietly. He looked up as Julius grabbed his neck for a kiss - the kiss of a conquering overlord, not the tender embrace of a lover. He was utterly overpowered by the masculine strength of the alpha stud. They were interrupted by the loud arrival of a wagon unloading slaves in the courtyard. The lash of a whip kept the semi-naked cowering slaves in line as they carried Julius' possessions into the villa. Sweat glistened on flesh in the Roman sun as Curthan slowly made his way under the large portico into the house, staring at the luxurious marble statues before an overseer led him to the large room where Julius stood over the crouching Rhodus.

Next: Chapter 4

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