The Catamite

By J

Published on Mar 10, 2019


Category: Authoritarian, Historical

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The Catamite - Part 1: Birthday Boy

AD 75 - Imperial Rome

A sunny morning on the Palatine Hill

Puer: Latin for `boy'

Dominus: Latin for `master, lord'


"Unngh, fuck!! Yes, puer, fuck, fuck, puer, oh yeah, squeeze your ass around my cock!"

"Annnngggh!!! Dominus, please, please have mercy!! This is my first time, dominus, I beg you, mercy! Owwwww!!"

Over and over again the muscular figure shook the bed, his wavy brown hair curled over his forehead, pointing to a classically etched face with high cheekbones that smiled with satisfaction with each pounding that his 10-inch rock-hard phallus gave to the trembling slave boy Pullus below him, plumbing deeper into the now-slick bowels of the screeching blond beneath. The small tight buns were spread impossibly wide by the rampant cock that had broken violently through the virgin ass-ring just minutes before to deflower the nordic teen. There was nothing better than breaking the innocence of a terrified fresh slave in the morning, thought Julius Tullius Vitellius Flavius, loving the power that his position, wealth and family status brought him. In his 25 years, the son of Senator Quintus Gnaeus Flavius had grown from an athletic youth into a beguilingly handsome and muscular man, with features that seemed carved out of marble; hardly an ounce of fat lay beneath his well-toned Roman sinews as his muscular thighs lunges back and forth, plunging the raging 10-inch penis into the wriggling slave's love-chute.

A harem of fresh virgin slaves - both male and female specimens - were kept stabled in a guarded rear wing of the expansive Flavius family villa in Rome. Unmanacled, fed on healthy rations and exercised daily to maintain their physiques, these otherwise-idle house-slaves nonetheless had a good inkling of the fate that awaited them. None had any combat experience - these were often the unblemished, captured ruling classes of the territories conquered by Rome - their former kingdoms now subjugated as provinces while the barbarian nobles were executed and their families shipped off en masse to the Roman forum or Colosseum.

Julius was the scion of one of Rome's most distinguished patrician houses; his sense of entitlement was evident. "Roll over, puer." He slapped the howling boy beneath, watching the angelic blond features creased with fear as he flinched at being struck.

"Roll over!!" Pullus obeyed as Julius struck him again, feeling the hard cock pull out of him as he lay on his back to face the god-man who lined his massive prick roughly at the slave's anal opening again.

It was exactly 16 years ago today that, Pullus had been born a slave to captured slaves, the bastard offspring of some ruined Gothic chieftain and a Gallic princess, bred in captivity at the luxurious Flavian villa on Capri where he had served the family during their summer holiday dinners. Two months ago he had been summoned to Rome along with the more comely slave youths. A strict daily exercise regimen had been enforced with the male and female slaves separated. Pullus missed Livonia terribly, the pretty Slavic fellow-slave whom he had been secretly fucking in the slave quarters whilst in Capri. Her smooth body and wet pussy always made him cum bucketlods and were the only distraction from the grinding daily routine of a house slave on the island.

This morning he had been bundled by the household overseer to the chambers of the master's son. Kneeling at 7am between two large African slave-guards in loincloths he watched as Julius had risen naked from the bed. The young master had tugged at his erection and smiled at Pullus who wore a simple slave tunic. Snapping his fingers twice he turned to the door as Livonia was dragged in and flung on the bed by two other slaves. "It is my birthday today, little harlot slave - and today it is your honour to be deflowered by my cock!"

He grabbed the screaming girl and tore off her flimsy slave clothes, exposing her pert breasts and light brown pubes. She was barely unwrapped when Julius kicked her legs apart and sunk his entire pole into her spasming cunt in one thrust. "Eeeeeeaaaaarrrgghh!!!!!!!" She had thrashed and screamed as he raped her wantonly for all of two minutes. Abruptly pulling out to inspect his slick, unbloodied cock as he licked his lips slyly, Julius Flavius declared simply "This little cunt is no virgin. Have her flogged and starved for a week." Pullus clenched his fists, trying to restrain his anger as he knew the deadly consequences of speaking out of turn. It was a world of masters and slaves, the owners and the owned, where might was right and Rome had all the night.

"You. Puer. Boy! Are you the little studling who has defiled the property of your master without permission?"

Livonia's eyes bore into him with shame and defeat, begging him to keep silent."

"Answer me! Or else she shall be flogged doubly hard and her tongue cut out!"

"Dominus, master, I am her lover." Pullus answered meekly.

"Take her away. No flogging. Barala and Nikotas - You may use her cunt at your pleasure. But leave her ass for my dessert later." Julius waved the black slave guards away as they hauled the naked crying Livonia off the bed and away to the slave annexe, her screams echoing down the marbled hallway.

"Listen, you dumb fucking slave. On my birthday every year I like to break in a fresh virgin hole. For pleasure, of course, but also to remind myself that we Romans are conquerors. I like the pressure of an unused warm hole and you have denied my cock its breakfast!!"

He chuckled as he grabbed Pullus by his blond locks and pulled the terrified 18 year old onto the bed. Somehow it was his very nudity that was the symbol of Julius' exertion of confidence and power whilst the dull colours of the slave's tunic simply accentuated his servile status - as though the rampant hard cock was a badge of freedom while the slave's coverings were a defence from the onslaught that was to follow. "Strip!" he commanded, as the teenager clumsily tugged at the simple fabric that hugged his flesh. Pullus was lean and lightly muscled, his blond hair outlining his attractive boyish face. Julius pushed him down, nuzzling at his neck and biting at his shoulders, causing the youth to shudder. "Please, dominus, I'm sorry! She and I..."

" you shall pay the price of her virginity. Now get ready to fucking open up!"

He mounted the blond slave, Julius' powerful muscles forcefully holding the younger man down as he aimed his 10-inch, pussy-lubed pole at the tight anal opening. "Aaaaaaarrrrggghhh!!!! Ffffffuuuuccckk!!!! Please! Dominus, please!!!! Stoooppp please!!!"

The cries of helplessness were music to his ears as Julius forced his throbbing member deeper into the tight ass chute before pulling out. He examined his cock, now slick with the slave's ass-slime and tiny streaks of shit and blood. "Puer, your virgin hole is good for my cock. Now open up because I'm going to ram the might of Rome all the way into your cheap barbarian cunt!"

He spread the shaking slave's buttcheeks wide apart and forced his massive cock balls-deep in a single savage thrust, causing Pullus to scream "Aaaaaauuuugggghhh!!!!!! Arrrrghhh!!!! Unnnnghhh!! It hurts, it hurts, please oh gods have mercy, mercy dominus, please!!!!" All the time he had tenderly fucked Livonia in the Flavius family villa slave quarters back on Capri, she had moaned in pleasure as his 7-inch cock had plowed her furrow long and deep, begging for more of his virile teenage manhood which could fuck again and again all night. Now instead he felt the shock of being subordinate to a bigger, stronger, muscled god who used him like a cheap whore.

For the next half hour Julius Flavius bathed the slave in his spit as he ripped up the blond's asshole with his fat stud prick. The howls and pleas for mercy subsided into low moans as the master fucked mercilessly into his colon before rutting faster and faster, churning up the young ass into a frenzy as he came, flooding the young bowels with his copious load.

Half an hour later Pullus lay cast aside and prone on the large soiled bed, struggling through his tears to stand as he felt the master's seed dripping out of his battered and torn asshole. He eventually gathered up his garments as he limped slowly and tensely to the slave annexe in a vain effort to wipe away the torture and shame of his anal desecration. Meanwhile Julius Flavius was already striding out of the massive villa towards the slave markets, dressed in a fresh clean toga. Today was a good day - his birthday - a day to buy new slaves, to fuck and drink and enjoy the life of a young Roman nobleman and take pleasure in all the joys and privileges his gilded existence afforded.

Roman law gave Julius power over life, death...and fucking his slaves. His broad sculpted shoulders tapered to a slim waist that flared into muscular thighs. The emperor had recently announced his plans for a new expedition to subdue querulous Gauls and Julius fully intended to command a legion as he had before. The slaves...the bounty...the wealth... the glory and the gold that would be his. Julius could still remember the first battles he had fought, led by his father; how his men had pillaged the barbarian villages and pleasured themselves all night with the screaming Germanic sluts, raping each one until their balls were drained. Julius and the Flavius household had prospered over the years, capturing thousands of slaves and filling their storehouses with booty. He kept the best conquered flesh for himself, comely peasants and noble barbarians alike. Like the now deflowered Pullus, some slaves of the Flavius household were bred in captivity - others were captured or bought, and true to form, Julius Flavius now proceeded in high spirits to the slave markets of Rome where he would gift himself whatever slaves took his fancy for a debauched private orgy of birthday pleasure.

Ah, the sheer variety! Julius inspected the trembling flesh on offer from the centre of the market - all sizes, shapes and hues, chained or roped or caged. He sniffed the sweat-scented air haughtily, like a bloodhound scenting defeat, shame and pain. His eye was caught by a pair of flaxen-haired Celtic twin youths cowering in one corner, probably 15 years old. They were strikingly beautiful, with defined musculature from working in the fields - firm shoulders and squared pecs, and good abdominals. Oil glistened on their naked bodies, accentuating their firm pubescent teenage meat as an overseer flicked a light leather strap across their taut buttcheeks - "aaagh!" they cried together, whipped like animals.

"Stand and display!" the overseer shouted at them as Julius Flavius walked closer, knowing the young patrician was a connoisseur of slave meat and a regular customer - unlike many other wealthy Roman nobles he liked to survey the slaves himself before sampling their delights at his villa. The twins stood straight, hands behind their heads with pelvises thrust forward. "Unused in the anus but practiced cocksuckers, Dominus. The children of a barbarian ex-chieftain from Gaul who led an uprising last year. They'll command a hefty price. Their shapely penises make them worth a lot more - 7.5 inches! I've been keeping them bound and unable to cum in order to build up a hefty load, knowing your preferences, Dominus!"

Julius felt a quickening in his loins, anticipating how he would make the two boys suck each other's cocks before using his own rampant manhood to force their virgin assholes wide open.

"Send them to my villa, slave-master. And throw in a pretty blonde peasant girl as a birthday gift; I want the three to be kept together."

He circled them like a shark, grasping the firm buttocks of each twin and smearing oil from their bodies around their virgin rosebuds, tickling each in turn as they retracted in fear. Nodding approvingly, he adjusted his toga to better cover his stiffening cock while the slave merchant fawned over him, bowing and scraping as he brushed him aside and signalled for his sedan chair to return him to the Flavius villa.


Julius wore only a white linen overshirt over his tall muscular frame as two gorgeous young female slaves, clad only in nearly see-through loose green tunics knelt at his feet and removed his sandals in the large, empty atrium. One remained kneeling and immediately took his large cock into her moist mouth, lapping and sucking it to rapid tumescence. He remembered the first time he had fucked her in front of her slave family the day she had turned 15 - she had begged and screamed and cried while her slave parents, third-generation slaves owned by the Flavius family, had stood meekly to the side, wondering whether if she sired the master a child, it too would continue in their line of servitude. "Oh god, Diana - your sucking gets better every day, bitch!" Julius grabbed her ears and began to skull-fuck her rapidly, staring into her deadened expression, knowing how much she probably hated him and relishing all the more his power over her body. "Eat my cum, slave-whore!" he spat, spurting a hefty load from his heavy balls down her gullet as she tried to swallow rapidly. The frothing cum and saliva bubbles over her chin and was quickly lapped up by the other slave girl who knew better than to let a drop of the master's cum touch the ground. She quickly bent over, kneeling on the floor and offered up her ass, which Julius used more like a cleaning cloth, grabbing her waist as he plumbed deep into her. "Unnnngh!! Ugh! Ungh!!" she moaned as he injected a few final drops into her waiting hole. The two slaves knew their job well; they alternated their mouths, vaginas and abuses to his whims as the personal cock-holes of their master, following at a discrete distance, greeting him at the door when he returned, sleeping at the foot of his bed like bitches, always ready at every and any hour were he to suddenly require a pair of warm holes to deposit the load burning in his balls and built up by his insatiable sexual appetite.

Julius Flavius was a happy, wealthy, handsome, virile young man in his prime - surrounded by slaves to cater to his every whim and pleasure, lording over his peers at the pinnacle of Roman power and society. Indeed, more than one young Roman wife had succumbed to his charms and begged him to fuck them harder than their husbands ever could.

As the two kneeling slave girls cleaned his still-hard cock with their tongues, he peered into the rear courtyard as his overseer raised a hot branding iron. Pullus was strapped down to a rough bench. "Please! Please! I beg you, spare me!" he cried. Just that morning he had been woken on his own 16th birthday to have his anal virginity plucked as the breakfast course for his master's birthday; quite apart from the internal injuries caused by the master's demonically brutal fucking, he was now to be branded outwardly forever as the property of Julius Flavius. The branding iron sizzled as it burned into his flesh. "Arrrrrrggghh!!!! Fuckkkkk!!! Owwwww!!" Pullus yelled in pain, the acrid stench mixing with the smell of his piss as he emptied his bladder from pain and fear. Somehow, unlike his master's nakedness in the bedchamber, tied up in the rear courtyard Pullus was more like a vulnerable animal as he bucked away until the branding iron was removed.

Julius looked away uncaringly, summoning another slave to fetch the two freshly-cleaned twins for his entertainment.

Next: Chapter 2

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