The Capture of Supermans Protege

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 6, 2023


Bolt had to accept his new life. He had no idea where he was, other than "an asteroid." He didn't know how to fly the ship that had brought him here, and from what he had gathered (he had learned much in the two weeks), in order to operate that particular ship, a copy of Vulpus' DNA was necessary. There was a sensor that read it from skin cells on Vulpus' hands, and that was the only way to engage the power.

During the day, if he wasn't with Vulpus, he spend his time with his fellow captives. There was a gym, and there were classes for "new recruits" as they were called. There was free time too. For now, at night, he was called to Vulpus bed every single night. He took Vulpus' penis every single night, sometimes twice. Usually, there was some kind of "game" involved as well. If Vulpus did not have business matters to attend to, he would take Bolt riding - the local animal was not a horse, but something in between a unicorn and a camel. Vulpus had laughed mightily when Bolt had fallen off the beast, twice, the first time they went out. Vulpus had dispenses of Bolt's hero costume, and when he wasn't naked (which was usually the case in Vulpus' quarters), Vulpus dressed Bolt, the way he dressed his other boys, in somewhat elegant clothing, "to suit your role." The day that they first went riding, Bolt felt almost like a girl in his flowing white shirt and white riding breaches, now caked with a bit of dirt from the fall. Vulpus didn't seem to mind: they had ridden for about an hour before he said "let's take a stop. There's a stream up ahead. We can catch a drink, a rest, and then continue. Bolt could feel Vulpus watching him as he bent to take a drink. When he stood up, he saw Vulpus sitting underneath a large tree, smiling. Bolt walked over. "Any room for me?" Vulpus smiled even more broadly. "Always. Especially if there's room for me. Take your shirt off Bolt. It's warm." Bolt knew what was coming. He sat down next to Vulpus, shirtless, and felt the man's arm go around him. He felt his lips move in for one of his fierce, strong kisses, and then he was on his back, Vulpus on top of him. "Any room for me?" Vulpus smiled, as his tongue moved to Bolt's neck. "Yes sir. Fill me," Bolt answered, as if he had a say in the matter. His breeches were down, and Vulpus took him underneath what he would start calling, "their tree." Vulpus had packed a lunch. He knew that his food disgusted Bolt, so he turned to eat his own meal. Bolt had found a number of things that were available that he found quite tasty . There was a type of something that was like bread, only much darker, various fruits, a cheese that they made from the milk of whatever animal it was that they rode. There was meat, but Bolt learned that the inhabitants only ate their meat raw, the bloodier the better. Cooking meat was considered barbaric, and none of the guys knew where that meat came from anyway.

Vulpus finished, went to the stream to wash his hands and mouth, and then brought Bolt into him. "I have just assumed you would prefer Bolt. Do you? Or should I call you Mike? That is your choice?" "I prefer Bolt, Lord Vulpus. I put my life as Mike behind me when I went into the academy." Vulpus smiled, and pushed Bolt's hair back before he kissed him again. "Spoken as a young man. As you become older, Bolt, you will learn that you can never put your old life behind you. At best, you can push it to the side." Bolt began to think about that, but then he felt Vulpus' hand on his penis. "I think I would like some dessert, Bolt." "Yes sir ." Bolt found his breeches pulled down again and, after Vulpus had tickled his balls to the point where he couldn't hold back anymore, Bolt climaxed, with Vulpus catching as much of it as he could, and drinking it down, greedily. Then, as he did every time he let Bolt climax, he licked every drop off of Bolt's body.

In these two weeks, Bolt had learned much about this place. There had been a cataclysmic event that had almost destoryed the entire civilization, and had ripped their atmosphere away. Many had died, and the gamma radiation that had penetrated the atmosphere, and still did, had destroyed the gonads of the native men. That explained why Vulpus could not produce any sperm. The women could still reproduce, but with no men available, they had to find other sources for semen in order to maintain the planet. War captives were used - the most attractive and virile, and then they purchased semen from suppliers like Luthor. There was a tradition among the people which was the reason Vulpus worked so hard to keep Bolt from his wife. It was Livio who had explained it. "You know praying mantises don't you, Bolt?" "Oh yeah. The big females: they eat the males after sex" As he said it, Bolt realized the problem. "OH. OKAY. " Livio shook his head. "Yes. And Dashan is, shall we say, voracious. She can smell semen the way sharks could smell blood. That's why Vulpus licks you so clean after you cum. If she smelled you, she WOULD track you down to see if she could get some of your juice for her own needs." "Well.. gross. But why does he let me cum then?" "He likes it. He likes to see his boys release, because he knows he controls it. He also hates his wife. He likes to taunt her. She can see whether someone is hard or not: if they are, she works exceptionally diligently to try to seduce them. By keeping you... and us... empty. .. She's kept away. " "But... I don't understand. He hasn't taken anyone but me to bed these past two weeks" Livio continued. "Do you see Blue, Or Lux? They're off at a milking station. If you haven't been drained by a partner, and you're under 40, you're drained, twice a week. Over 40, once a week. Then, the semen is distributed to as many females as possible. "So, each of you could be...." "Fathers? Yes. Eventually, that will be true of you too." Vulpus was walking toward the chamber when he heard the tale end of that. "Not if I can help it," he thought. "This one is special. I decline to share him."

There was much to learn about these people - known as the "Fox Tribe" in the closet phrase the universal translator device could give them. Once, when Livio and Bolt were studying after a class, they found a manual on Fox Tribe anatomy. Of course, as 20 somethings, they proceeded to the chapter on reproduction and the close ups of the Fox Tribe male's penis. "Yup. Looks like Vulpus' cock. Only smaller." They both laughed.

They learned, though, that an original appendage on the Vulpine cock had disappeared over evolution. They saw that, originally, the cocks had two, side flanges that were closed at the length of the penis. According to the textbook " when engaged in intercourse, the flanges open to make sure that the penis remains inside the female for long enough to give the sperm a chance to contact ova. This DOES damage the wall of the female somewhat, and it explains why females are no longer fertile after approximately 35." "GEEZ. " Livio said. "The way Vulpus fucks.. Can you IMAGINE if he could deploy those in us?" Bolt looked away. He had mixed feelings about that.

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"I have wondered, my precious, what the sex play between you and Red Flame was like" Vulpus was brushing sweaty hair from the face of Bolt, who was tied down to Vulpus' bed. Vulpus had just fucked him, after a session of what Bolt's mother would have called "heavy petting:" deep kissing, Vulpus' skinny beard on Bolt's neck, the nibbling and pinching of Bolt's nipples: everything but tickling. Bolt didn't know how to answer. He wasn't surprised that Vulpus knew that they had fooled around: he seemed to know everything about him.

Then he gave a smart ass one. "I guess the camera was out of order the nights we did, SIR." That got him some tickling in his left pit. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHA. OK. SORRY SIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. UNCALLED FOR." Vulpus smiled. "But I have planned an entertainment, and I believe I will find out." Bolt pulled at the restraints. "What do you mean an entertainment?" Vulpus smiled, and ran a long nail around Bolt's navel. "You shall find out my sweet. You shall find out." He ran his hand over Bolt's torso. "You are such a perfect bottom, my jewel. I am fortunate that Lex prefers older men. Else." He kissed Bolt again. "He might have kept you for himself." He began untying Bolt's restraints. "Now, to bed with us. Your juice was especially delicious tonight." Bolt had to struggle not to laugh. Vulpus must have heard the "gang of four" as they called themselves call spunk, "juice." Hearing this strong, virile top using street language, was funny to him.

The entertainment was announced the next day: there would be a wrestling match for nobility to watch. Red Flame and Bolt would wrestle. The loser would be fucked, at the site of the match, by the winner. The winner could also choose whether to be fucked face up or face down by Vulpus. It was a rare opportunity that Vulpus gave to his boys. He did not relinquish ANY control in the bedroom easily. The day before the match, he brought Bolt and Red Flame to his rooms to discuss the match.

"My darlings, I want you to promise me something tomorrow. There is no possible way to exclude Dashan from the match: she is the daughter of royalty, and my wife. She can sense an erection. I have seen the blood rush to her eyes, and I have heard her breathing increase. I have never seen her when erections from each of two men she desires occur. She may be unstoppable. You must expend the erections as quickly as possible: she is not interested in spend semen: she will, however, pounce on any man who is capable of providing her with sexual satisfaction." Red Flame looked at Bolt, and then at Vulpus. "Lord Vulpus, would it perhaps be better if we both exhausted our seed prior to the match?" Vulpus smiled. "A clever thought, Flame, but it would not be successful. Were that the case, neither of you could, for lack of a better term, claim your prize. Dashan would know, and her deceit would grow. No, that is a valiant, but unworkable idea. What you must do is complete the orgasms. Both of you. As close to each other as possible." He rose. "Bolt, so as to eliminate the possibility of favoritism, I shall not call you to my bed tonight. Blue Feather shall be my partner tonight. " He then smiled. "I look forward to reuniting with one of my favorites tomorrow." When he left, Bolt and Flame looked at each other. "You know, we could throw the match, Bolt," Flame suggested. That way, the only one who would shoot would be the one inside the other. She would never see it. " "That's a possibility. Who would be the winner?" Flame looked at him incredulously "Me, of course. I'm the one who always topped, and I'm going crazy waiting for Vulpus to get tired of you." Bolt laughed. "Not to disregard your prowess, Flame, but Vulpus is a better lover than you were. No, I'm not throwing it." "And neither am I." "Then, let's wish each other the best of luck." Rather than shaking hands, they kissed. Their kiss was long. Bolt opened his mouth to his old friend, and felt the desire rise. But he had to restrain himself. The match was important. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "What a superb idea, Vulpus." Dashan said, sitting next to Vulpus in the small arena. "A match between your two favorites." She laughed. "You must be getting old. In your youth, you would have simply summoned them both to your chambers, and had them sequentially." Vulpus smiled. "I AM getting old Dashan. Everyone is but you." She showed her wicked teeth. "Young blood Vulpus. You must return to the old ways."

Bolt and Flame wrestled in their tights, but without their jersey tops. They were quite a contrast: Bolt, not shaved, but nearly completely smooth, and Flame, covered with the dark hair that would have told an earth resident: Mediterranean. Bolt's muscles were akin to a swimmer's, Flame's to a wrestler's. And they grappled accordingly: Bolt relying on speed, and precision, Flame on his strength. Where Bolt used intricate holds, Flame tried to overpower his opponent. The match stretched on for an hour. There was not a single Fox Tribe man who did not feel his penis stiffen. Nor was there a woman - few that there were, who did not dream of literally sinking her teeth into one of them. Then it happened: Flame slipped, and before he could recover, Bolt was on him. Flame tried to recover by folding himself in as small a package as possible, his back turned to Bolt. The floor they wrestled on, however, was sand, and Bolt was able to dig his hands into that soft surface, and get enough of a space to first tight waist, and then cradle Flame. As he began twisting Flame to his back, Bolt heard his friend whisper "nice job. I'll STILL win," and that's what brought him down. He fought wildly to get out of the hold, and Bolt remained calm. Flame found himself pinned: beaten. "THE COMPETITION IS COMPLETE. BOLT IS THE VICTOR." Vulpus had come to the center of the ring. All could see his bulging cock. "BOLT, TAKE YOUR PRIZE." In no time at all, Bolt had Flame's tights pulled down, and then his. He said, loud enough for all to hear "GET YOUR LEGS IN THE AIR, BITCH" "Bitch" was not a word that the Fox Tribers knew. Many went searching their universal dictionary that night, and many were perplexed by the reference to a female dog. Bolt began to get nervous as he realized: he had seen people getting fucked, he had BEEN fucked: he had never fucked anyone. Flame was smiling. He whispered. "You won. I'll help you pal. Are you hard? Just shake your head." Bolt shook it yes. "Then spread me. Aim your cockhead at my hole, and then just let it do what it wants." Bolt closed his eyes. "GOD MAKE THIS WORK" he thought, and it did. He was in Flame. Flame whispered again. "Take my cock in your hand. Squeeze it. I'll be done fast. He NEEDED to be done fast. Dashan had gone silent. Vulpus could see the gleam in her eyes. He hoped, he hoped beyond hope. Flame screamed. And the jizz went flying. Bolt pushed one time. And then..he felt his own jizz enter Flame. "How's it feel bud?" Flame asked, smiling. "Weird. I hope I never have to do it again."

Bolt chose to take Vulpus "doggie style" that night. "You don't know this position Lord, just let me get into it. No restraints. You know you can handle me." He got on all fours, and presented his ass to his owner. Vulpus smiled. "Yes. I DO know this position. We see it amongst our animals. Is it appropriate?" Bolt laughed. "As appropriate as anything else we do Sir." Bolt winced. He knew that he would feel Vulpus much more from this position, than he would in others. He wanted it. He needed to feel PAIN after what had just happened. And he did. For someone who didn't know the position, Vulpus learned quickly. Bolt's hair was too short for Vulpus to pull back his head, but Bolt felt his arm go around his neck and pull it back. The mild choking got Bolt more excited. "YES SIR. YES SIR. PROVE YOU'RE MY OWNER. MY STUD. TAKE ME." As Vulpus pumped him, hard, Bolt thought he felt a small amount of liquid enter his ass. Perhaps he imagined it? Vulpus stopped, and rolled Bolt to his back. "My sweet. My adorable boy. You have taught me something today. " "Do it to me again, Lord. I love it when I feel you that strongly." "I shall. " He paused. "It may be a while though." "What Sir? I do not understand" Vulpus sighed. "The harem grows restive. They all want their turn. And it is time for your first milking because... well, I have to justify the state expenses on adding a new boy to my harem. You will have to start producing." Bolt gulped. "I'm not sure I can produce without... without you Sir." Vulpus smiled. "Who said you would have to? And I will have a surprise for you too." "A surprise? Can you tell me?" Vulpus laughed. "Then it would not be a surprise. Let me just tell you this: I know you have been using the libraries and learning about us. I have been researching your people too. Objects such as... electric toothbrushes... pie cutters... vibrators... they are not common here, but I have found them and they are on their way." Bolt played dumb. He knew what they were for, but he asked. "Why would you need those, Sir?" Vulpus rolled on top of him so Bolt couldn't squirm very much, and dug his nails into Bolt's ribs. "SO I CAN USE MY HANDS DOING SOMETHING ELSE WHILE I TICKLE YOU WITH A TOY." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. OH SHIT. OH SHIT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA." Bolt had seen movies where men were tickle tortured with the electric toothbrushes, and the vibrators, but not the pie cutter. He had always wondered how long he would stand up to those. He would be finding out. Lex was bringing them. As Vulpus and Bolt fell off to sleep, Luthor was loading the goods into his own ship. superman was already in the ship, bound and gagged, with a chain attached to his pierced nipples. He was going to be milked too, as per the contract with the Fox Tribe.


Next: Chapter 5

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