The Capture of Supermans Protege

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 31, 2023


Bolt sat next to Vulpus on Vulpus' ship. His wrists were cuffed with a short chain running between them. There was also a metal bar that ran from that chain down to a pair of ankle shackles, joined by a longer chain. "I've been on more fucking ships and planes in the last 48 hours than my whole fucking life," he muttered. Vulpus laughed.

"One item on the report I received on you, Bolt, was your use of foul language. I am currently finding it amusing. I would simply tell you: I enjoy gagging my sweets, and it would be a distinct pleasure to gag you. I think if anything could make you more attractive, it would be a gag."

"WHY DO YOU KEEP CALLING ME YOUR SWEET? AND HOW THE HELL CAN YOU SPEAK SUCH PERFECT ENGLISH?" Again, Vulpus laughed. "It is typical of you earthlings to not understand that other races, on other planets, may have evolved to a point far beyond yours. Every single member of my people has the ability to understand nearly every language spoken in this galaxy. I actually know fewer than most: I believe my memory contains information on 755 of those languages. When you meet Dashan, my wife, you will meet someone who understands well in excess of 2000."

"YOUR WIFE? THEN WHAT THE FUCK DID WE DO?.... " Vulpus smiled. "All in good time my sweet. All in good time. You know, when I chose you, I said to Luthor 'I fear he will be difficult to capture, ' he laughed. He said 'he's a typical earthling. Easier than some of the others I've brought you. And he was correct. Easy to capture, and may I add, easy to control." "IT'S THAT FUCKING DEATH STARE YOU HAVE VULPUS! " Yet again, Vulpus laughed. "I believe it is more than that, whether you will admit it or not. While I am certain that I enjoyed our evening together more than you did, I do not think you disliked it." Bolt blushed to his blond roots. He HAD enjoyed it. It reminded him of Livio, but it was.... better. MUCH better. "What are you going to do to me, Vulpus? " Bolt pulled at his chains. "I suspect the closest phrase you may have in English, Bolt, is harem boy. You are going to be a member of my harem." "FUCK THAT! NO WAY!" "Would you prefer to be my chosen one, and be in my bed every night. I could certainly arrange for my other boys to find new homes, but you may wish to meet them first." "I DON'T WANT TO BE IN YOUR BED, I DON'T WANT TO BE IN YOUR HAREM, I JUST FUCKING WANNA GO HOME." He pulled hard at the chains. "Again, you earthlings do not understand the nature of the stronger and the weaker. You may be one of the strongest on Earth, but as with your superman, there is always one stronger. And the stronger is always the victor. With defeat, the ability to choose disappears. So, my sweet, this is a very convoluted way of saying, you ARE going home: your new home." Seeing that there was no way to get out of the situation, Bolt sighed. He would have to think of something to escape.

"AH, Home. We are entering the atmosphere now. Yes, it is artificial, unlike your natural one, but it is home." Vulpus piloted the ship to a hangar, where a group of Locadians were waiting. "It will be easier for you to walk if I remove the leg irons, Bolt, but of course, if you'd rather proceed over my shoulder, I would be delighted to do so." "Thanks. I'll walk." He heard Vulpus laugh again. It was an aggravating laugh: sort of a cross between an animal's whine, and a snort.

"WHAT THE... This is your.... " "Not just my, it is OUR home, Bolt. " They were standing in front of a structure which, on Earth, would make a castle look like a hovel. Bolt felt Vulpus hand on the small of his back. Bolt would be lying if he said it did not feel good. "Let us proceed. I believe it may be useful for you to meet your harem mates, and then... you and I will spend some time together. " Vulpus looked at one of the Locadians. "Marlis. Please bring this lovely boy to my harem. Introduce him to the others, then have him washed before bringing him to me." "I hear and obey Master Vulpus. Come with me, boy." The Locadian's hand, like the hand of all Locadians, felt metallic, and unfriendly. Bolt knew that he could be restrained at any minute. Resignedly, he went off with Marlis.

"BOLT! HOLY. HOLY SHIT!" Livio, now Red Flame, was in the quarters when Bolt came in. "LIVIO? WHAT THE? YOU TOO? " Livio shook his head yes. "It's a typical story. There was a rumor that Luthor was planning to try to steal the Vatican jewels, and that he was accompanied by a force of 500. Every superhero within range, came to defend, leaving the graduates to defend the city." He looked down. "Two shots from Luthor's taser knocked me out. The next thing I knew I was on a ship to Luthor's asteroid, and then.. in bed with Vulpus. " He stopped. "Did he stare you into submission?" "HOLY SHIT DID HE! HOW THE HELL? They didn't prepare us for that at academy." "I don't think they know about it, Mike. no one seems to know about the Vulpanians. " "No one? Have you spoken to others?" "We have two harem mates, Mike. Right now, they're in orientation classes. Lucifer, and Blue Feather." "Lucifer? That doesn't sound friendly?" Livio laughed. "Lucifer means light bearer, Mike. He took the name because, of all four of us, he is the only one with a true superpower. He generates light. He can generate light at different intensities. It blinds his adversaries." "Then how...." "Luthor designed another trap. One based on darkness. Lucifer had to generate so much light to even allow his team to see, that he was exhausted when Luthor moved in. He wore filtered glasses and.... he wound up like we did." "And Blue Feather?" "From another planet. I don't know if you'd call it a super power, but everyone on his planet has the ability to fly. And they have claws: like an eagle. " He sighed. "Luthor designed a trap net, that even Blue's claws couldn't cut. When he was captured, first they removed the pin feathers, so he couldn't fly. Then... there was a surgical procedure. They removed the claws. He walks fine, but his powers, they're gone." Bolt tried to take all of this in. "And, Vulpus..." "Takes each of us. He will probably take you alone for the next week: that's how he operates. Then he'll put you in rotation with the rest of us. He's learning about your... well, there's no other way to put it... your weaknesses and... how to generate the most sperm from you he can." "HUH?" "He took you already didn't he Mike?" "Yeah, once." "You learned he produces no sperm." "I did. Fucking weird." "It's an evolutionary thing. You'll learn about it at orientation for new slaves. So to procreate, they need to secure semen from other sources. " "So..." Mike began to understand. "We're sort of like stud bulls for them?" "Somewhat. What you'll learn, Mike, is that out here in space, the ability to cum is rare. Men who CAN produce semen are sought after, or just their semen." He paused. "You know that superman's sperm is being sold to another race, in an attempt to breed super soldiers." "WHAT???" "So far , it hasn't worked. It seems that his sperm cells have a property that has destroyed every ova it has contacted. They're trying to develop technology to protect the eggs, but in the meantime..." "Luthor is making a fortune on selling supes' juice?" Livio just shook his head. "SHIT. I'm having a whole lot of trouble taking all of this in." "There's lots more Mike. Much more. " "Excuse me, Bolt." The Locadian was back. "It is time. Please come with me." Mike looked at Livio. "It's best to comply Mike. The consequences are... not good."

Marlis brought Bolt to a large bath chamber. Bolt could feel the heat from the steam and water as they got closer. "Is this where we bathe every day Marlis?" "No. You will be shown your own bath chambers, slave. However, before sharing Master Vulpus' bed, you must be prepared. Please disrobe. Your tunic will be provided, and your uniform will be cleaned. Master Vulpus will decide if you will wear it again." There were three young Locadians who hadn't quite developed the harsh demeanor and skin that the older ones did. They seemed to take a great deal of pleasure in washing Bolt's very dirty hair, and then his privates, which were still caked with his own semen. The water had a pleasant aroma about it, and Bolt had begun to drift into sleep when Marlis appeared again.

"That will be enough. Please let us complete his preparations. Master Vulpus grows antsy for his new toy." There was a bitter smile across his lips. "Please young man," one of the younger Locadians spoke. "The towels are soft, and they are warmed to your body temperature. " They were very gentle in drying Bolt, and before they were finished, they took a large toothed comb, and gave his hair a brush. One smiled and handed him a mirror. "Are you pleased, young master?" Bolt did have to agree, that they had made him look very attractive.

"BOLT! I would not have thought it possible for you to be even more beautiful than you were, but now that you're cleaned, and groomed. OH HEAVENS. " Bolt felt a little creeped out by what Vulpus was saying, but then... the stare. Vulpus had him, he knew it, and he smiled. "Thank you Sir. It was... it was a wonderful soak." Bolt felt his cock standing out in front of him: he had been brought to the chambers, naked. Vulpus approached, and kissed him. Bolt realized it was the first time that Vulpus had kissed him. His lips were rough, chapped, and his breath had a somewhat sour taste to it. Yet, when he put his hand behind Bolt, to support his neck, the electricity that pulsed through Bolt was more than mildly stimulating. He yielded to Vulpus easily. He didn't even realize that Vulpus had moved him to the bed. "For this, my sweet, I AM going to restrain you. Both because it is necessary and.... " Bolt saw the small smile on Vulpus' face. "Because I enjoy it." "NO. NO! I don't want...." The stare. Bolt was frozen. "Yes sir. On my back or on my belly?" "Your back, my precious. " "yes sir." As he was bound, Mike asked himself "Why the FUCK did I just let him take me like that? Next time, I'm closing my eyes." He saw Vulpus pull something over: like a small table. He took what looked almost like a small hat, attached to a long tube. He took Bolt's penis in his hand, and then he put the "cap" on the top of it. "I'm going to be measuring what does, and does not provoke you to produce semen, Bolt. It will not hurt, believe me. I will tell you if I'm going to hurt you." "I'M NOT A FUCKING COW TO MILK. GET THAT SHIT OFF OF ME." Mike began to squirm. Vulpus said nothing, but bent down at the end of the bed where Mike's ankles were restrained. "I'm afraid you're going to learn the first punishment, Bolt. " He stopped talking and then... Bolt felt that almost animal like fur/hair begin running over his bare soles. He gritted his teeth but... "NO. NO. PLEASE. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAAHAHA. VULPUS STOP! STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA." The intensity of the fur on his feet was increasing. When Mike's nerve endings were saturated on one foot, Vulpus switched to the other. "PLEASE. PLEASE. I'LL STOP CURSING. I'LL BEHAVE. I PROMISE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA." Vulpus stopped for a minute. "That is interesting Bolt. What I just did registers as having 'prime' you for ejaculation. Would it happen on your armpits?" "NO! NO! IT WOULDN'T IT WOULDN'T. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAAHAHAAHAHA. Vulpus did not have his fur on Mike's pits, but his long nails were scraping gently. Mike realized that if he pressed harder, Vulpus could have hurt him, drawn blood, scarred him. He seemed to know exactly what to do. "DID... DID... DID YOU DO THIS TO FLAME? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA." Vulpus stopped for a minute and grinned. "You will have to ask him. He has been extremely helpful in telling me about your hot spots, Bolt. " Vulpus looked at the meter. "Yes. Almost identical values. " He stroked Mike's belly with his hand. "The data indicate you are just about ready to ejaculate. Would this help?" Mike saw Vulpus form two pincers with his thumb and forefinger. They closed on Mike's nipples, and he yelped. "OH SHIT. OH. OH MY GOD. OOOOOOOOOOOH. " He began to buck. He couldn't help it. Vulpus released one nipple and put his finger under Mike's balls. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. I'm.. I'm. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGH" The white liquid moved through the cap and down the tube. There wasn't a single drop that the machine didn't get." Vulpus looked at the test tube at the end. "AH. You can tell you are still young Bolt. We must now move quickly before we move onto the next phase." Bolt saw Vulpus press a button on the side. Then, he heard footsteps. A tall, stunning woman was at the door. Her hair, henna colored with a white streak down the middle. She had what some of Mike's friends called "child bearing tits," which were barely covered by a fabric that appeared to be silk. "My wife Dashan, Bolt. Dashan, my..." "Your new toy. How exquisite. " She came over and looked at Mike. "Tis a pity you found him before I did. He would be... delicious." She smiled, and ran one of her fingers down the side of Bolt's face before putting it to her lips. "Perfect! You will have to be sure to keep him from me, Vulpus. Have you?" "I have, my princess. Here it is." She smiled. "As you will learn, luscious boy, impregnation of a woman on this asteroid is difficult. It can take many tries." She smiled. "I am certain that Vulpus will make sure that you do your part." She took the vial, and pecked Vulpus on the cheek. Her walk out of the chambers was as stately as her walk in. "I hope that wasn't too inconvenient for you Bolt. It WILL be necessary, and on a regular basis." Mike was too stunned by what had happened to say anything. "Can you let me go now?" "I could, but I would prefer to spend some time with you." He took a pair of what looked like blindfolds from the side. "You will be able to see, Bolt, but by putting these on you, we can avoid any impact of my stare. I want to know what you like, and what you do not." Gently, Vulpus put the blindfold on Mike. Mike found that they did not obscure his vision at all: they were almost like clear glasses. He saw Vulpus drop his clothing, and he saw the huge penis he had already experienced once. "Yes, Bolt. I will be taking you again. Not without some... what you call foreplay this time. " Mike felt the weight of Vulpus' body on top of him, and when he first kissed him and then moved Mike's head to the side, Mike did not object. The scratchy surface of Vulpus tongue felt delightful, and when the small, sharp teeth took Mike's ear, he gasped. "Too hard, my sweet?" "No Sir. No. It's.. It's intense though .MMMMMMMMMMMM" Vulpus had begun slipping his tongue in and out of Mike's ear. The fact that he had just been milked did not seem to be affecting Mike. He felt an arousal Vulpus felt it too. He lowered his voice. "We will not speak of it if you ejaculate a second time Bolt. I would be flattered to know that I could do that, but... I should collect the semen. " "Yes sir..." Mike whimpered. "I understand." What he didn't understand is why he was calling Vulpus "Sir," without the impact of the stare. "I enjoy a man's feet, Bolt, and yours are... beautiful." Vulpus had removed the ankle restraints to life Mike's legs in the air. First, though, he gathered them under his arm. "In the old days, I would start here, taking each one, starting with the largest and ending with the smallest and sweetest. But now..." Mike had read about foot worship, but he had never experienced it. He grew even more rigid. He remembered the lessons on interrogation, and the warning: "sexual torture is usually the most effective and it is hard to defend against. Develop a hardness to it, or you WILL succumb." Mike was succumbing now. He whimpered as Vulpus' large penis aimed for his ass. He whimpered "Please Sir, no...." but Vulpus didn't acknowledge him. The penetration was, again, like the slow motion sex they had at Luthor's estate. It felt... better now, though. Mike actually began enjoying it. Instead of whimpering, he moaned. "YES SIR. YES SIR. OH..THAT SPOT. THAT SPOT THERE. OHHHHHHHHHHHH."

Mike opened his eyes and saw the smile on Vulpus' face. Mike wanted to please him. He didn't know how.. Instinctively, he tightened his gluteus muscles. "OH YES MY VIXEN. YES. You know about that. Tighten them some more my sweet prince. YES... OH, would that I could reward you with more than this." Vulpus pushed a finger on a spot on Mike's balls and... a second orgasm, larger than the first one, poured out of him. "VULPUS! AM I GOING TO GET YOU IN TROUBLE?" Vulpus made that strange laughing noise as he lay down next to Mike. "No my sweet. You will not. No one will know that this happened. Believe me." Vulpus curled his fingers, so that his knuckles, rather than his nails, trailed over Mike's body. "Did you enjoy that Bolt?" "Yes sir. I did. Could you take the glasses off?" Vulpus laughed. "You behaved as if you weren't even wearing them , Bolt. I believe..." He reached down and kissed Mike. "I believe you will make an excellent addition to my harem. Now, let me take care of this mess." Mike saw Vulpus move back down to the end of the bed, and he felt that tongue begin licking up the semen. It tickled, but he tried not to move. Vulpus seemed to be taking his time, but when he was done, he came back up to the head of the bed. "As sweet as the boy who produced it. I will untie you now, Bolt, and I will have Marlis return you to your quarters. Of course, you have the option of remaining overnight with me." "If it would please you, Sir, I would stay here, " Mike answered. "It would please me very much. " Vulpus undid the restraints, but his strong arm encircled Mike, and held him securely. As he began to drift to sleep, Mike heard Vulpus say. "The past has its goods and bads. Oh, for the days where I could fill this boy, even if it meant..." He didn't finish. He fell asleep just before Mike did.

Next: Chapter 4

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