The Capture of Supermans Protege

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 20, 2023


Well, Vulpus had spoken too soon about returning to his asteroid. Every action has ramifications, and the increased fecundity and fertility at home was going to lead to a "protein crisis" if the Fox People didn't do something. That meant, as it had with the Lacodonians: war and slaves. As the asteroid prepared for conquest, Vulpus decided that he, Bolt, and the other boys would be staying on Luthor's asteroid. He began thinking of what he would do with the boys: now that the trips to the asteroid, and to Tuscany, were becoming more and more popular (there were almost daily excursions to each), money was pouring into Vulpus' accounts separately from Dashan, and he had purchased the three contracts back from Lex.

That was well and good: Bolt had not been as happy as he was in a long time: if he wasn't taking care of his Master, he and the others would enjoy the asteroid, the visiting Fox people, and especially: Bolt's son and superman's daughter. Bringing Bolt's son from the asteroid was easy. Vulpus was of royal blood and with the young Fox kit's mother in estrus almost constantly now (like with all of the women of the asteroid), his life was in danger when she went into a "protein sink." Vulpus had enough friends on the asteroid to get the kit out. The boy's name was Branner: a compromise between Bolt, who wanted to call him Brian, and Vulpus, who had chosen a Fox name. Bolt didn't "feel" like a father, but he'd crouch on his haunches and watch his son for hours as he played with superman's daughter. Branner had three "uncles" too in Lucifer, Flame and Feather. His uncles now lived in separate homes, with their new Masters. We will come to that. Superman's daughter, Lucia, lived with Vulpus too, because Luthor wanted "NO FEMALE ENERGY" in his domain. He gave superman permission to visit for several hours every day, and he'd join Bolt, watching the two young kits learning, on their own, how to be future Vulpans.

The onset of immunity from kryptonite had led to changes in superman: he stopped aging. His hair stopped growing, much to Luthor's chagrin. He still looked at Luthor as his conqueror and Master. There was never any dispute, any argument. If Luthor wanted him, superman's answer was a simple "yes sir," and he did what he was told. Once, Vulpus was with Bolt when they saw Luthor leading superman back to home: superman's wrists were bound behind his back, he had on a collar, and Lex was leading him by a set of clamps hanging from his nipples. superman was in the middle of another long term lock up, and the outline of his cock cage could be seen through the leather shorts he was wearing. As they watched, Bolt felt Vulpus' furry hand on his shoulder and Vulpus' big lips on his ear as he whispered "That's the kind of behavior I expect from you, slave boy." Bolt snorted as he felt Vulpus begin to gently but firmly pull his arms behind his back. "That's not happening.... Lord," and Vulpus laughed. "Lots of time to train you now. It's just us." Bolt felt the rope going around his wrists. Then he felt the furry hand on the back of his neck. "I want you, Bolt." Somehow, that simple sentence always put Bolt in the mood. He just wondered: what did Vulpus have in mind? His desires changed, and Bolt could never get a good "read" on what they'd be doing in bed. "It's just us" Vulpus had said to him. That calls for explaining. While all of these changes were happening, Vulpus was changing too. At first he spent almost every one of his evenings with Bolt in his bed. When he realized that, when he brought one of the others to him, he thought only of Bolt. That's when he began looking around for Fox people with whom to place the other heroes. There were plenty of Fox men who preferred the company of men, but Vulpus was not letting the boys leave Luthor's asteroid. He felt responsible for their safety, and he wasn't willing to expose these handsome men to the whims of Fox women. When everything was set in place, the three Fox men moved to the asteroid.

Bolt had seen their new "neighbors," but Vulpus had been very secretive about who they were, or why they were here. The day that the new owners came to pick up the boys, Vulpus had spread eagled Bolt to the bed and tied him tight. He also gagged him, and put one of the toys they had found on earth - the hitachi - on Bolt's crotch. It was held there with a leather strap. Bolt was already aroused because that morning, Vulpus had basically manhandled him in bed, twisting him into positions Bolt couldn't possibly get out of, and then nibbling his ear, or squeezing his nipples, or running his finger down the crack of Bolt's ass without entering it. Struggling on the bed, Bolt heard the noise, and heard the voices of his three friends and then nothing. The next thing he heard was Vulpus' foot steps: yes, the fur on his feet made it hard to hear when his Master was coming, but Bolt had gotten used to it. He saw the smile, and he saw the hard cock in front of Vulpus: yes, he was primed. But primed for what? Vulpus looked down at Bolt, and gently brushed back his hair: Bolt would need a haircut very soon. Vulpus ran his hand over Bolt's face, and smiled. "You've always been my favorite, and I knew.. you were the one." "mmmmmmmmph?" Bolt was confused. Vulpus was not usually this serious. Then he felt the fingers on one of his nipples, and the teeth on his other one, and he forgot his confusion. Vulpus was working a hot spot, and he was getting hotter. "Are you ready to take my cock, slaveboy?" Vulpus whispered into Bolt's ear. He had started calling Bolt "slave boy" more than "my sweet," and Bolt had come to like it. "Not that you have any choice. I have conquered you, and you will obey your Master," Vulpus continued. The dominant talk was arousing Bolt more and more. Vulpus had removed the hitachi and now, his big hand was manipulating Bolt's cock. The feel of Vulpus' hair on Bolt's neck was the end of it. He couldn't take any more stimulation and went limp. It was the moment Vulpus always waited for: when he knew that he had Bolt in a totally helpless position. That's when he took off the gag. "I want my slave boy's ass." Bolt closed his eyes. "Yes Master. Yes. Take what is yours. " He felt the rough fingers at his tights as Vulpus began sliding them off. Bolt thought about how he should have been trained enough to resist an assault like this. He didn't want to resist. They hadn't studied how to address desire, or lust, or longing, and when he saw how completely superman had been broken, it didn't feel so bad. What he felt next was GOOD. Vulpus' cock began to slide into him. "OH YES MASTER. YES. TAKE ME." "Heh heh. My superhero is a super bitch. " "YES! YES I AM MASTER. A BITCH FOR YOU. " Vulpus drove in harder. "OH MY GOD. OH SIR. SIR . " Vulpus was smiling. Sex, and then tickling later, and perhaps some sex later. And if , as he expected, Bolt revolted against the placement of his friends with new Masters, there would be punishment too. For now though, all he wanted to do was enjoy fucking this sweet young man. "Best purchase I have ever made," he told himself. "FILL ME MASTER PLEASE FILL ME," Bolt begged, and Vulpus laughed. "My, you're today,aren't you?" "Only for more of you, Master. Only for you. OOOOOOOOOOOH. You feel SO GOOD IN ME." Bolt had accepted that he was never going to escape Vulpus. He wasn't a boyfriend, he wasn't a fiancee' : he was property: property of a man who did not need to do much to overpower him, or any of the others. He heard the whine that was almost a whinny as Vulpus shot into his ass before he collapsed on Bolt. "He didn't tickle me," thought Bolt. "That must be happening later." Indeed, it was. After the tickling session, Bolt realized how well he had been played. " Vulpus had fucked him and after the recovery, and after Bolt had gone looking for his friends and hadn't found them, Vulpus told him about the new situation. Bolt's temper took over. He screamed, he broke things, he cried, He ran, trying to get out of the compound. When Vulpus came to him, Bolt turned around and began trying to strike him. THAT's when it happened. "ENOUGH SLAVE BOY. YOU CLEARLY NEED TO BE RESTRAINED." That's how Bolt found himself on his side, on Vulpus' bed, in nothing but shorts. His ankles were tied, always a sign that tickling was in the waiting. His wrists, bound behind him, and the apparatus all laid out: feathers, electric brushes, and the extenders for Vulpus' already long nails. Bolt giggled as he felt the first stroke along his ribs. "You haven't completely grasped, slave boy, that you and the others are property." Vulpus fingers began digging in, and moving toward Bolt's armpit. The laughs began to erupt as Vulpus drove in deeper. "You hate being tickled, I know that Bolt, but I LOVE tickling you. So what happens?" Struggling for breath, Bolt answered. "I... I get tickled Master." Vulpus rolled Bolt on his belly. "An incomplete answer.." His furry fingers began to probe Bolt's belly, and now, the young man burst into gales of laughing. "I... I.. hahahahahhahahahahaahaha. I meant I get tickled BY my Master. " Vulpus did not relent. "And who is that?" "Hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaa. YOU SIR. YOU. YOU ARE MY MASTER." Then Vulpus stopped. Bolt saw that he was hard again. OH NO. It had been about 5 hours since he had gotten fucked so thoroughly. "And because I am your Master, I can do things like this..." He grabbed Bolt's bound ankles and began running his nails over the young man's soles. "NO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." "SAY IT. SAY YOU BELONG TO ME." "I DO Master Vulpus. I belong to you." "I should fuck you right now, sweet slave boy. But no.. I have too much concern for your well being." Instead, Vulpus did something he almost never did. He rolled Bolt completely on his back and then... he jerked. The long, stringy strands of his cum covered Bolt's body. Without thinking, Bolt opened his mouth to receive some. Vulpus smiled. "Next time my sweet. Next time. For now, though, we must rest. There will be a reception tonight. You will meet the men who now own your friends. You will like them. They are very kind." He grinned. "But they are NOT gentle." Bolt fell asleep on Vulpus' broad, hairy chest.

It was a nude reception. Now that the four young men were officially "love slaves" or "sex slaves" of Vulpan Masters, they were expected to adapt to the Vulpan custom of not wearing clothing. All any of them wore were the locks on the penises that showed their position. Things were a bit awkward at first, but the Fox wine was intoxicating. The homes were close enough that the four would see each other every day. Seeing each other naked would take some getting used to , but this was how it would be.

When Vulpus and Bolt returned to Vulpus castle, Bolt stopped for a minute. "I ask but one thing of you Master. I am yours now. Completely. It is tradition. Earth tradition, that the taken be carried over the door of the house before...." he smiled. "Being taken sexually." Vulpus smiled. "Some of your earth traditions are worth keeping." He hauled Bolt up over his shoulder and Bolt held his laugh to himself. "I have some work to do on some fronts. " But the sexual taking: yes he was still sore, but.. OH, THAT COCK. He slept even better than he did earlier that day.

"A new life. With my Master. I'll be fine."

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