The Capture of Supermans Protege

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 11, 2023


superman lay on the platform which Luthor favored for torturing him. The kryptonite restraints had been replaced with new ones, where the concentration of kryptonite had been quadrupled. Similarly, his chastity cage had 300% more kryptonite in it, and Luthor had added a cock ring. Further, his nipple rings were replaced by a smaller set that actually contained double the amount of kryptonite they help previously: Lex didn't need to increase the nipple ring quantity tremendously, because superman's nipples were so sensitive, he needed very little to control him via the rings.

Luthor straddled his sub, gently teasing his nipples as superman moaned. He leered. "It is important not to confuse submission with love, superbitch. I presume that is not a problem with you?" "No Sir.." superman sucked in air as Lex increased the pressure on his nipples. "That is good, because... unlike my weaker colleague Vulpus, I do not seek love. I seek SUBMISSION and ONLY submission. And I have that from you, BITCH. Move your head to the side. I want to mark you. superman sighed, and did what he was told. It would embarrass him to be marked if he saw Bolt, but as he felt Luthor's scruff rub his neck, he forgot his embarrassment. All he felt was the pleasure of the stinging as Luthor moved his chin back and forth over superman's tender flesh. He could feel that Lex was erect, and knew he'd be feeling his cock soon. Lex had responded to the news from Vulpus in the way superman expected him to. superman was broken: he was not going to try to escape, and he would honor his promise to the man who had bested him so many times. Luthor, however, very much enjoyed seeing his captive in pain: even if it was just a small amount of it. He experimented on superman, increasing the levels of kryptonite gradually, until he had found the concentrations that gave him the effect he wanted. Now, superman could NOT escape his prison if he wanted to: Lex had him totally under control once again. "You will make up for the time you missed, supercunt. Starting now.." Luthor moved superman's legs into the air, and his angry, stiff cock found superman's hole. "How many times have I fucked you, stud? It's way more than 100, but it's never enough. IT'S NEVER ENOUGH to see how you grimace, and try to adjust to the fact that... you are really just my BITCH." Lex was pulling on the rings as he fucked superman, and the combination was pushing superman into a frenzy, and he could do nothing about it. He pulled at the metal restraints and could do nothing. The rings, both on his cock and in his nipples, were draining his strength. The cage reduced his sexuality to being nothing more than a hole for Luthor's cock. Still, as that cock pounded him, he moaned in pleasure. He whispered, hoping Luthor didn't hear him. "Yes Lex. FUCK ME. FUCK ME. LET ME KNOW WHO'S IN CONTROL."

Where there was no battle for control at Luthor's abode, there was friction at Vulpus' castle. Bolt sat, shirtless, tied to a chair at his ankles and wrists. There was a mark on his face where Vulpus had smacked him. It was the first time since Bolt had been captured and sold that Vulpus had hit him. He had been angry: VERY angry. Bolt had provoked him. He'd not do that again. The provocation had come after Bolt came back from visiting his friends at the brothel. Lucifer had found a "sponsor": he was wearing an earring that the sponsor had "given" him : a red jeweled stud to remind Lucifer of the bright red tip on his sponsor's cock: the cock that was 13 inches long, and 2 inches thick. Lucifer couldn't pronounce the name of the planet the sponsor was from, but he recalled when Lex and the sponsor had come to his room, and Lex had announced: "There is news for you, Lucifer. You now belong to......" You will not be having sex with anyone else. He has paid handsomely for you, and I expect you to not disappoint him." Indeed, as Bolt had learned from Feather, disappointing clients was not something you wanted to do at this brothel. One client had fucked Feather three times, and wished to do so a fourth time, when Feather said he couldn't: he was tired, and he was sore. The client had complained to Luthor, who then arranged for six incoming clients to fuck Feather in succession. Feather had slept for three days after that, drinking a special solution that Lex had prepared in the laboratory to relieve pains of this type (he gave a glass of it to superman every week). Flame had told him about the strange client who wanted to hogtie him and tickle him until he peed his uniform. He came to the brothel at least once a week, and Livio dreaded him as much as he dreaded some of the others with cocks that were six inches across, or ten inches long, or shot bitter tasting cum. Luthor and another client had not been able to come to terms, but Luthor had seriously considered allowing one of the clients to shave Livio's head and to inscribe his name on it. Bolt did not know that Vulpus was receiving half of any revenue that the three brought in, nor did he know that Vulpus could not afford to stay away from his home asteroid without this income. Nor did he know of some other plans which Vulpus had in mind that will become clearer as we go on. When he got back to the castle, and Vulpus put his hand on his shoulder saying simply: "Come. I want you," Bolt pulled away and screamed. "FUCK YOU. YOU CAN KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF ME AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO MY FRIENDS." Vulpus looked at Bolt: clearly he had forgotten that he had been captured, and sold, like cattle. Clearly he had forgotten that if they were back on the home asteroid, it was very possible that Bolt would have been eaten by one of the women (Dashan or the other) who had received his sperm. Vulpus was angry now himself. When he was on the asteroid, Bolt had read some of the history of the Vulpan people. He had read about how, while normally peaceful, in battle, the Vulpans were ruthless fighters who could call upon reserves of strength and energy that were rarely seen in the universe. It was how, though outnumbered by orders of magnitude, the Vulpans had conquered the Locadians, and kept them in bondage for their use as slaves and.... nourishment. Nor did he know that the "stare" which he would get from Vulpus was at about 10% of its full strength. Vulpus first reacted to Bolt's outburst with some empathy. "It is difficult, I know my sweet. Now, I am not going to ask a third time: go to the bedroom and prepare yourself. "FUCK YOURSELF BEASTMASTER!" Bolt yelled. THAT's what got him the smack across the face, that sent him halfway across the room. Now he was scared, because the anger had activated some of those suppressed energies in Vulpus. His voice darkened, and he seemed to grow. "WHEN I TELL MY SLAVE TO GET READY TO GET FUCKED, HE GETS READY TO GET FUCKED. THERE ARE NO OTHER OPTIONS, SLAVE BOY. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Bolt did not realize Vulpus could move as fast as he could. Soon, he had Bolt in his arms, in a front bear hug, and Bolt thought he was going to die as Vulpus squeezed. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry.. I.. " "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" was the answer he got as Vulpus threw him on the bed. There was no gentleness, no subtlety as Vulpus ripped Bolt's costume from him. When Bolt looked at the penis he had grown to know so well: it seemed to be at least 2.5 times thicker, and the pincers were enlarged. There was also a second set of them. "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" came out of Vulpus as he RAMMMED his cock into Bolt. Vulpus had fucked Bolt roughly before, but this was the first time Bolt actually felt pain. "PLEASE LORD VULPUS PLEASE. YOU'RE.. YOU'RE HURTING ME. " Bolt didn't know that any sign of weakness to a Vulpan when they were in this heightened state, only egged them on. "GOOD! A SLAVE NEEDS TO KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO HURT. I WILL HURT YOU MORE." Vulpus drove in further, and the two sets of pincers were not letting go. Bolt felt them lock into his canal, and there was no pleasure for him. He wished he were in the brothel at that moment: it couldn't be as bad as it was now. Fortunately for him, in that state, Vulpans climaxed quickly and Vulpus did: the cum burned Bolt as it traveled up him. "There has never been a case of a Vulpan woman NOT being seeded when a Vulpan male is in this state, SLAVE" Vulpus growled as his tongue came out and licked at Bolt's neck. "You are DELICIOUS. It is rare for a Vulpan male to enjoy the taste of live flesh, but I am tempted." "Please, Please Lord Vulpus please! I was wrong. I deserve punishment, but... if you consume me, you will lose my ass. You will lose the pleasure you take with me. Please...." Vulpus was coming out of the state, and he began breathing less rapidly. "You are correct slave boy. I must recall WHY I purchased you. " He gave a Vulpan smile "And realize that a meal of you would be quick and unsatisfying unlike one of your superman. So I will spare you that. But you will have to learn, perhaps for the first time, perhaps for more than the first time, what your role is. " He looked at the torn costume . "Now you are naked. It suits you. Slaves SHOULD be naked. Enough with these costumes." "Yes Lord Vulpus." Vulpus was holding Bolt down at the wrists. Bolt knew he was bruising from the rough treatment. "While you have NO right to it, I will provide you with answers to some of your questions and your concerns, but not ALL of them." He pushed his bony knee into Bolt's crotch until Bolt yelped. "And you will NOT deny me your body again, SLAVE. You were not purchased as nourishment, you were not purchased as a worker. You were purchased to pleasure me. IF YOU DO NOT DO YOUR APPOINTED TASK, YOU WILL GO TO THE BROTHEL AS WELL." Bolt tried not to cry. "Yes Lord Vulpus. I understand. I understand fully." "SEE THAT YOU DO." He looked at Bolt . "A boy less comely than you would have had his throat cut by now. Realize that your beauty has saved you. This time. There are many slave markets opened, and it may not the next time. Now, I must be in contact with the home asteroid. You, as part of your punishment, will remain bound until I am ready for you next time." That is how Bolt found himself naked and bound in a chair in the sitting area of the castle. Vulpus was in a small office, speaking on one of the space channels. Bolt could not make out what he was saying, but he heard words like "children" and "travel" and "price." Vulpus was on the system for a while, and Bolt's wrists began to feel like they were losing circulation. When he came back, he pulled up a seat across from Bolt. "My Lord. I again offer my apologies." Vulpus put his hand up to the spot where he had slapped Bolt. He touched it gently. He almost seemed to weep. "You must never anger me my sweet. You should recall the history you read, of how my people act when angry. I will not apologize to you for doing what a Master does to his slave, but I will endeavor not to do it again." "And I will try to see to your wants, Lord Vulpus. Again, I offer my apologies. Would My Lord wish for his cock to be sucked." Vulpus smiled and ran his hand along the inside of Bolt's thigh. "In due time, my prize. For now, I will tell you some of what is happening. You should know this because... among other things, you are a father." "WHAT?" Bolt exclaimed and pulled at the restraints. He saw Vulpus laugh. "Ah, this is always how slaves react when they learn that their milking was successful. There were two births on the asteroid this week, Baba (he used the Vulpan slang for Father). We analyze ALL DNA from newborns to determine paternity. " He paused. "You have a son. And superman has a daughter. I must let Luthor know." "Lord, what will happen to them?" "AH, yes, that is the question Bolt. Or Mike. Which do you prefer, or shall I continue to just call you my sweet, or my gem?" "I am Bolt Lord Vulpus. But you decide what I am called. I will call you Master." Neither of them knew why they were playing this game, other than to signal that things were MOSTLY normal. "That was part of the discussion, Bolt. Your son... there would be debate. The asteroid needs males, but... he is not the male that Dashan expected." When Bolt's eyes widened, Vulpus nodded. "Yes, it is Dashan who bore the child. The female who thought she had purchased YOUR seed, and received superman's, bore the daughter. SHE will be preserved, there is no question about it, although Dashan will seek to take the child as her own. I am concerned for their welfare. And... for other things. " "Such as , Master?" Vulpus paused. "You, more than anyone else, have recognized that my inability to climax on the asteroid is not an issue here, nor was it an issue when we were at the earth castle." "That is true My Lord. Indeed, you have been quite 'vigorous' ." "And you have enjoyed it, my sweet. I have seen your face. " "I do not deny it." "In any event.... I have been thinking... my people have had problems reproducing. There is room at the castle, and there is room here. Perhaps.. perhaps my people can be convinced to take... it is a cheap and ugly concept from your planet..." Bolt interrupted "Sex clubs. That's what we called them. Call them. You go away to an exotic place which is supposed to inspire you to a higher level of performance. That's what one ad said." "Then we are thinking alike. The properties are mine, so Dashan will not profit from them. And if they are profitable enough..." he paused. "Since my desires do not include procreation, we may very well be able to return to the asteroid and live in peace. Away from Dashan." His fingers moved up and tweaked one of Bolt's nipples. "Would you like that, my sweet?" "I would. Lord." Vulpus saw the shadow pass over Bolt's face. "Yes, I know what you are thinking. That is clear. What of my friends? What will happen to them?" Bolt reddened. "That is in fact the case, My Lord." He teared up. "We are like four brothers. I do not wish to separate from them." Vulpus paused. "I understand your wishes, my sweet. Would that I could have avoided this, I would have. Livio has to answer for what he has done, although my understanding is that Luthor has been sending the most demanding clients to him. Perhaps he is repentant. And the capital to begin this enterprise is substantial. You would not know: Luthor and I share the income from your three friends equally. That is how I am building the funding I need" "I did not know that Lord." Bolt paused. "My Lord, you would earn more capital if you... the expression on my planet is 'turn me out.' Put me to work the way you have put them to work " Vulpus began to laugh. "My sweet, that is NOT going to happen. I would rather wait longer than share you with anyone else. Indeed, when the four of you were... what is the word I have seen 'cavorting?' , while I knew it was harmless, it disturbed me greatly that MY prize was being taken by someone else. No, we will not do that. And again, part of the discussion with the asteroid was determining if I could secure funding. I believe I have. And if the decision is positive, the trips can begin very shortly. We will start on a trial basis. I will invite Dashan to spend time with me, so that I can give her a fully Vulpan child. During that time, you will be with Superman. And while she is away from your son... we will secure him and bring him here as well. So, too, with superman's daughter. Others will be invited to use the Tuscan castle. " He paused. "Yes it is complex but it can be done. " He ruffled Bolt's hair. "Now, I believe that taking my cock in your mouth is appropriate. "Yes My Lord." Vulpus was tall enough to take Bolt's mouth without letting him out of the chair. It was a measure of his trust for the young man that he did not fear Bolt's teeth. Nor did he allow his pincers to engage Bolt's mouth.

Bolt moved in with superman the day before Dashan and her entourage arrived at the castle. The arrived with two other couples who would be in separate wings of the castle. Their stay was for three suns. All of the females were "ripe." Luthor required superman and Bolt to perform sex shows for him twice a day while Bolt was with superman. He was delighted when he saw Vulpus leading in Bolt, bound at the wrists, and naked. "EXCELLENT , VULPUS. You are learning how to properly treat slaves and submissives. Clothing is fine as a prop when they are entertaining you, but a slave needs no clothing. Simply an unnecessary cost. " "I have learned again from you, Lex. I hope that my boys are performing to task." "They are EXCELLENT workers, Vulpus. Again, you have trained them well. It seems that they can satisfy anyone, and can handle more than the other workers." While they were having this discussion, superman and Bolt were talking. "He put more kryptonite on you superman. Are you okay?" superman smiled. "I have learned to be a good actor, Bolt. The kryptonite no longer has an effect. What does? Lex' touch on my nipples. The sight of his hard cock. His fingers pressed into my ribs. He has total control over me, and I do not object." He paused. "And I see you have accepted your destiny with Vulpus." It took Bolt a minute to collect his thoughts. "I think I have. I'm still not certain. I do not want to leave my friends behind." superman rustled his hair. "I hope you speak of the gang of three" as we call them here." "NO! Do not exclude yourself superman." superman shook his head. "My destiny is with Lex, Bolt, and nowhere else. Yours is with Vulpus. The others? I don't know. You and Vulpus will work that out." He looked at Bolt. "Never think for a moment that you do not have power, Bolt. He slapped you. I know he did. I can see the marks. " "Yes, and he apologized." "A Master need not do that you know. There's your superpower Bolt."

That discussion was nearly the last one Bolt and superman had. The visit from the Vulpans ended later that day and Bolt was taken back to Vulpus' castle. "I have a surprise for you, my sweet," Vulpus was smiling as they entered the castle. Standing in the living room were the three : Lucifer, Feather and Flame were standing there: naked and smiling. "OH. OH. MASTER. YOU DID THIS FOR...." "Yes, for you. You have the evening together. Then the boys will go to their quarters, and you will return to our bed. Am I clear?" "OH YES SIR. YES. THANK YOU..." Vulpus walked out of the area and left the four of them to their time together. The price was their earnings for the next span of seven suns. It would delay the project a bit, but not terribly so. Later that night, when Bolt came to the bedroom, he was smiling. "Thank you My Lord... Thank you." Vulpus looked up from the book he was reading. "A very interesting product of your Earth Bolt. This "Kama Sutra." Some of these positions, I am familiar with. Others... not . And some, we will practice tonight.. On your back please." "Yes Master. And you never need say please to your slave." Vulpus smiled before he began nibbling on Bolt's nipples. They were both learning. The word came back from Vulpus' asteroid very quickly. Dashan was carrying another child. And the two other females were gravid as well. The mystery of the male sterility had been solved. The first trips to Tuscany, and the second trips to Luthor's asteroid and Vulpus' castle began immediately. Within a month, there were 25 trips, each of anywhere from 3 to 5 Vulpan couples . One night , in bed, Vulpus whispered into Bolt's ear: "We will be able to return home very soon my love. "

Next: Chapter 12

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