The Capture of General Tullius

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 10, 2022


"TULLIO! LORD KITO CALLS FOR YOUR PRESENCE. NOW, SLAVE!" tullius was in the outdoor area where slaves were kept. Phobos, ironically named after one of Mars' sons, was grooming tullius with a strigil. He had volunteered to do it: Phobos was trying to avoid being given to one of Kito's underlords, and when he was given a chance to "make sure that Lord Kito's bed slave is always in top condition, or you will grace Colonel Lystros bed," he had agreed immediately. Lystros had made no secret of his desire for Phobos, who's red hair was unique among the captured slaves. And it was impossible for Lystros to keep the size of his penis secret. When he took a bed companion, normally a woman but not always, the cries of pain could be heard throughout the camp. He had said, of Phobos "his beauty is such that women are safe from my touch if I have him," but Kitos had forbidden it up to now. Phobos was the son of one of the wealthiest men in Rome, and the possibilty of ransoming him was being discussed. If Phobos were "damaged" when ransomed, after Kitos had promised to keep him safe, there would be issues. Phobos did not know of the promise, however, so the threat of being underneath Lystros, with his penis inside of him, tearing him to pieces, kept him in line.

"tullio." tullius winced. It was a derogatory nickname, one used to address men and women beneath the status of the speaker. He had not heard it used, until now. Even Arkos had always called him "tullius." "Your Lord and Master desires you tullius. I am sorry I have not completed my work, but... you are nonetheless handsome." Phobos smiled and tullius smiled back: he had charmed another young man. Phobos slept most nights fearing that he would be underneath Lystros, and wishing that he were underneath tullius. "He may use the python on you tonight, tullius. Be careful." "The python? He is not...." "TULLIO. DO NOT MAKE ME USE THE LASH." "Yes Granus. I am on my feet." tullius thought that Phobos was speaking of Kitos' own member. He was confused because Kito was endowed, but not such that tullius would have called his cock a python. He DID expect to be taken by Kito that night. The evening that Arkos had been sent off to battle, Kito had merely used tullius' mouth, and only because Arkos had spoken of what pleasure tullius had given him. "This face fucking. It is for men younger than me," Kito had thought when he was finished. He had not released tullius, keeping him in his bed for the night, but tullius returned to the slave quarters the next day, unpierced. He had remained there for two days, but now... Granus placed manicles on tullius' wrists and attached them behind his back. "DO NOT SHOW DEFIANCE TO OUR LORD KITO BY STARING AT HIM TULLIO, OR BY ALL OF THE GODS, I WILL SEE TO YOUR FLOGGING MYSELF." Granus was easily the biggest soldier in the detachment. This was no mean feat: the detachment was filled with men who made tullius feel almost dwarfed. There had been speculation, since all knew of tullius' wrestling prowess, if he could take Granus in a match. There was no question that in hand to hand combat, tullius would have gotten the worst of it. Granus brought that up as he pulled the captive to Kito. "Perhaps we WILL wrestle tullio, ha ha. I have no interest in your ass other than beating it as hard as I can, and it will be a pleasure to do so." "You assume you will win, Granus. Assumptions are never valid when there are unknowns." "Very true, tullio. An intelligent educated general like yourself undoubtedly has much to teach a man from the country who cannot read alpha or beta, like myself. Still, perhaps you can answer the question of why YOU are bound, and I am the one leading you to your.... MASTER."

tullius reddened. He should have said nothing. His pride as a Roman general was suffering every single day and it was difficult to maintain his dignity among these Greeks. He was assuming that Kito would treat him with more respect than Arkos did. Time would tell.

Kito was waiting at the outer door of his home. His arms were folded and he was smiling. tullius noticed that his moustache had been groomed, and his hair had been washed. His loincloth was immaculate and his sandals: soft calves' leather. "TULLIUS. I see that you are grooming yourself in your free time." Granus growled when he heard the more polite form of tullius' name being used. "I seem to have found a friend amongst the slaves, Lord Kito. Phobos grooms me as if I were a prize beast." A smile formed on Kito's face. "The analogy is not inappropriate, tullius. Indeed, you are like a beautiful wild stallion, finally captured and in the process of being tamed." Then Kito laughed. "Of course, a stallion is not a good metaphor for you but... an appropriate analogy does escape me." Granus whispered so only tullius could hear "A good one is BUTT SLAVE" He shoved tullius forward. "Would you have me release the manacles, Lord Kito?" Kito smiled more broadly. He had already taken tullius' nipples in his fingers, and was twisting them. "There is no need Granus. I shall release him when I am ready. You should return to Drusilla." (Drusilla was the slave that had been given to Granus for his needs and desires. He had no complaints. ). "I thank you Lord Kito. Should you have need for me this night, please let me know." "I will Granus. Thank you." Kito didn't look at Granus: he was staring at the gyrations on tullius' face as he continued to work his nipples. Arkos had bragged of how he could get tullius erect in less than a minute by working his nipples. Kito had needed less time. Then he let go. "I would untie you tullius, but you are SO HANDSOME bound as a slave." "I suppose you are complimenting me, Lord Kito. I will take it as such. " "It may be difficult, but please take the stool. We will talk." The stool was backless and Kito was right: it was challenging to sit, with his hands tied behind him. He managed and tullius could see that while his own erection had faded, the one that Kito had remained strong. "We have not had opportunity to speak man to man, tullius. Perhaps we shall start that dialogue this evening." "As you will, Lord Kito." Kito smiled. "Even as you speak as if you comply, I can tell you do not, tullius. " Kito rose from his seat. He moved over to tullius, and stroked his forehead. tullius tried to pull out of the way, and Kito laughed. "I am sure that you will find my approach to sex far less disruptive than my son's. And I would ask you to remember certain things, tullius?" "What would THOSE be, my Lord?" tullius felt the fingers go back to his nipples and he struggled to speak. "Well, one is that I have desired you for very long. But you know that." "I do, Lord Kito. I did not understand why you let Arkos have me." "Well, by the laws of war, you WERE his captive. Yes, I could call upon my rank and have taken you at any time, but he is more than a soldier. He is my son. " "But now you have sent him off. I am not unaware of why, Lord Kito. You wished to have me for yourself." "AH, were it that simple, tullius. " He stopped squeezing tullius' nipples . "Neither of us is young, tullius. And Arkos is. Pulcrus is much more of a suitable match for him." "Arkos told me he prefers older men." Kito began to laugh. "Arkos prefers toys. He prefers them sparkly, and impressive. He captured a general. An attractive one. One who is arrogant, proud, and defiant. And he broke you every time he had the opportunity. " "HE DID NOT BREAK ME LORD KITO." Kito shrugged his shoulders. "We can disagree on that, tullius. But if he did not break you... I will." "And what happens when he returns?" "Well, if I know my son as I do, he will be so enamored of his new toy, he will not even remember the bliss you brought him - and you DID bring him bliss. I, on the other hand.... have the man whom I have desired for years. And now, it is time." "For the python, Lord Kito?" Kito laughed. "Goodness. So much information gets passed around in this camp. You do not know what the python is, do you, tullius?" "I suspect it is not your sword, Lord Kito." "That would be correct. The python is something I use.... to make a man submit. I am not ready to use it yet but I will. And rest assured, tullius.... when I DO use it, you will. " "We will see about that, LORD KITO" "Indeed we will. For now though... it is time to see what interests me most." He moved up close to tullius and pulled a drawstring to remove his loincloth. His hands moved behind tullius, and squeezed his butt cheeks. "I seem to have excited you tullius. Not as much as you have excited me." He pulled the drawstring on his own loincloth, and tullius saw Kito's dick. Not as long as Arkos' but thick. "There are different restraints for you in the bed, tullius. For now, though, I am going to show you something I am renowned for." He pressed in and, when tullius resisted his kiss, Kito went back to the nipples and slipped his tongue into tullius mouth. The other slaves had not told tullius about the power of Kito's kiss. When he was finished, he said to tullius: "I am ready to take you." tullius answered, meekly. "I am ready to give myself to you, Lord Kito." Kito removed the wrist shackles, and led tullius to the bed. "At some point, I will probably NOT need to use these, but for now..." He bound tullius to the bed and then lifted his legs. "OH, I have wanted a night like this." tullius grit his teeth. He felt the warmth from Kito's body on his, and his desire grew. With Arkos, desire had been driven by something:

raw. With Kito, there was a true sense of being overpowered. He felt Kito's thick cock penetrate him and he moaned. "More, Lord. Please, more. Take your slave." As he drove his cock into tullius, Kito was thinking: that ring will have to be changed but... I will wait. Arkos will tire of him. And.... " he began to scheme: the two of them: father and son, taking their respective bed slaves. That thought pushed him over the edge, and his hot waves of semen filled slave tullius.

"SEND ME THAT LITTLE BITCH. THE MARCH WAS EXHAUSTING AND LONG AND... I NEED TENDING TO." Arkos was still unhappy about being sent on campaign. He was absolutely correct about why his father had sent him away, but... he had a title! He had the same title as his father, and as.... he sniggered "my bitch tullius. He will be sorry when I'm back." "Did my Lord summon me?" Pulcrus stood before Arkos, staring down submissively. Unlike tullius, he had never known the active position. tullius had not been his first dominant: far from it. He was young, but experienced. He felt Arkos grab his hair. "How many men have had your ass, pulcrus?" I do not know Lord Arkos. Perhaps ten." "PERHAPS? Has anyone had it since your capture?" "No Lord Arkos." "But you wish that tullius would take it again?" pulcrus hesitated. "Yes, Lord Arkos." "HAH! Begin to forget that thought, slave. You are a Corinthian bed slave. As is tullius. And the penalty for bed slaves to enjoy each other unless for the entertainment of their Masters.... is death. Neither I, nor my father, can block that law." "I understand Lord." "My understanding is that you are an expert at taking cock in your mouth." He saw pulcrus give a little smile. "I am frequently asked to do so, Lord Arkos." "And you will be again. AFTER I have had that well used ass of yours." "Yes Lord Arkos. " "I would tell you to strip, but... it will be so much more enjoyable to do so myself. " pulcrus was dirty from the march, as was Arkos. The sweat had dried on his body, and Arkos tasted the salt as he ran his tongue along pucrus shoulder. He heard the young man gasp. "You will do more than gasp when I am done with you pulcrus. " pulcrus remembered tullius speaking of how rough Arkos was, but tullius was not used to such treatment. "BEND, SLAVE BOY." "Yes Lord Arkos." pulcrus felt the wad of spit hit his ass crack, and then he screamed as two fingers went into him roughly. They caught his prostate and his dick grew. "You mewl like a cat, pretty boy. But even a bitch cat in heat cries when she receives.... the sword of her Master." "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG" pulcrus didn't remember one this long before and Arkos drove in. He grabbed the thick hair of the young man and pushed in further. He seemed to almost want to hurt the young boy. "So THIS is what tullius desired." He began pounding pulcrus, faster and faster. "He has good taste." "Tthhhhhhhank you Lord Arkos." pulcrus began to enjoy the rhythm, and he began to think: he could give his love tullius a respite, by taking Arkos' cock. He would sacrifice that of tullius, but Arkos had just explained the danger of being caught doing so. He teared up at the thought of losing tullius as a lover, but he moaned at the physical pleasure Arkos was giving him. "Please Lord Arkos. Can a slave beg for his Master to take him HARDER?" "SO BE IT, BITCH SLAVE." Arkos began to smile. He would have two: this pretty boy and.... he had to remember tullius' name.

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