The Capture of General Tullius

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 2, 2022


tullius was lying on the ground outside of Arkos' quarters. He was staked out, tightly. He was dressed in nothing but his loin cloth, but he may have well been naked: he was rigidly hard, and anyone who walked by could see it. he was that hard because, tied down next to him, in the same position, was pulcrus. They were being "prepared" for the formal banquet that evening: Arkos had decided that it was time for tullius to lose his pit hair, and that pulcrus could use a shaving as well. (Interestingly, pulcrus had NOT been claimed by any of the nobles. He may have been too "pretty:" Corinthian tastes usually ran to the rugged handsomeness of a tullius, unless the man was slim, and blond. pulcrus was neither: he was dark haired, dark skinned, and dark eyed. His body hair was beginning to grow in - he was just out of his teens - but at least for now, Arkos had a plan and he would be shaved in the same manner as his sometime lover.

"He's humiliating us. As only a twisted mind like his could" ran through tullius' brain. Arkos had humiliated him by forcing him to take his cock orally: by "face fucking" him as the old Roman poem said. Face fucking was something one did to a whore, not to a man. tullius HAD face fucked pulcrus, but that was... different in his mind. pulcrus had begged for it. So had tullius. He just hadn't said that. The face fucking had happened in private. Now, however, there was the public humiliation of a shaving in the open. Only male sex slaves were shaved, and tullius knew this would happen because the apparatus Arkos had used on his chest lie on the floor next to pulcrus.

"What is to happen to us, General Tullius?" wailed pulcrus. He used what strength he had to pull at the bonds. If tullius couldn't move them, there was no way he could. "We are to be shaved, lad. And tonight? I have no idea. We may be forced to perform, sexually, in front of the Corinthians. I do not know. NOW BE STILL. Arkos is on his way." The arrogant young man approached. He crouched down and smiled. "And what a LOVELY pair the two of you would make. It is a shame that no one ever drew or painted the two of you in rut: BECAUSE NOW, IF SUCH HAPPENS, YOU WILL BOTH BE RECEIVING." He ran his hand over tullius' chest. "Your hair grows so quickly, handsome tullius. I will need to clean this again." "Please, Lord Arkos," tullius begged. "Spare pulcrus, and shave me in private, but.... " "AH, but tullius. You must learn to understand that you and pulcrus are equals now. Both slaves. Both subject to use at any time. " He grinned and lowered his voice. "And perhaps my father, when he sees pulcrus, can be persuaded to take him and renounce his claim to you tullius. A week remains before the ring becomes permanent, and it would pose no difficulty to replace it with one carrying my mark only." He picked up the sharpened stone, and the astringent vinegar. He poured some of it on pulcrus' chest, and pulcrus moaned. "Such a sweet, lovely young boy. My understanding is, you have been gifted with the seed and sword of our general." pulcrus gritted his teeth and spat out his answer. "I am PROUD to admit to that, Arkos. And I would take them again." Then he screamed because Arkos put the tip of the sharpened stone to his cockhead. "You will call me LORD Arkos or MASTER Arkos. To not use a title is to imply an equality that does not exist." He pushed the stone harder. "Do you understand?" Almost in tears, pulcrus answered "Yes Lord Arkos. I understand." "Then let us begin." pulcrus tried to remain still. He had never been shaved before and he couldn't help squirming. The blunt ends of the sharpened rock tickled him, and he began to giggle. Arkos laughed. "AH. You LIKE shaving, pretty boy. This is good to know. When you are ready for a full, MAN's shave." He dug his fingers into one of pulcrus' armpits and pulcrus broke down in helpless laughter. He couldn't help it: tickling aroused him and.... " "OH, we will have MUCH to discuss tonight, lovely boy. And now... for my handsome man BITCH." tullius gritted his teeth. He had a feeling: Arkos wouldn't want to cut him because it would run afoul of his father. So he squirmed. He struggled. Arkos kept on ordering him to keep still. When he didn't, Arkos grabbed the nipple ring, and reached under tullius' balls and grabbed them too. "AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH YOU UNBORN SON OF A SNAKE." Arkos laughed. "NOW you will be still, tullius. DO bear in mind that I have more than one stone and...." he pointed to pulcrus. "The blade is sharp enough to turn your young friend into a eunuch." "And then your father would reject him and not let you have me, " tullius thought, but he was unwilling to sacrifice pulcrus in that way. "Will you be still?" "Yes Lord Arkos. I know my place." "Heh heh. Your place is underneath me, with my sword deeply in your bowels. But that will come." tullius' chest hairs had only begun to grow back and that took no time. Then, Arkos proceeded to one pit. He held tullius' strong bicep down with his knee, as he carefully drew the blade over tullius' pits. A crowd had gathered. There were very few in the crowd who had ever seen a man's chest shaved before, and none had seen a pit shaving. "SOAKING WET. With an odor that is... of its own kind." Arkos grabbed a clump of the shaven hair, and pushed it under pulcrus nose. "Smell your would be lover's scent, young man. Perhaps you will get to smell more. " The smell of tullius got pulcrus aroused, but the hair tickled his nose and made him sneeze." Arkos thought for a minute. "Perhaps we will save this. Place it in a leather bag and make you carry your former lover with you wherever you go. Would you like that pulcrus?" "Yes Lord Arkos. Thank you Master." Then pulcrus began to cry, and Arkos snickered "Oh do not cry little boy. There is no hard dick inside of you. And I am SURE that tullius is delighted to know that ONE person still thinks of him as an alpha male, rather than a beta sex slave." He completed the shaving of tullius, untied him and immediately secured his hands behind his back. He left pulcrus. "You all heard his giggles. This boy needs some relief. Leave him breathless, but do not kill him." Arkos put his finger through the ring on tullius' collar. "You will come with me, my handsome stud. I will make sure that sitting is painful for you at the banquet tonight."

Kito turned to Gaius. "Father, I am asking for your wisdom in how to handle the developing problem. You see it do you not?" "I do, Lord Kito, but I ask whether you can distinguish the problem from your own wants and desires." Kito sighed. "I do and I don't, Father. Please if you could express it the way only you can." "Yes, it is difficult to be subject and object, Lord Kito. You learned that in Latin class. And with your Greek too. This would be a simple problem to solve, were you not so interested in tullius yourself." Kito smiled. "Then you see the crux of the problem." "That is one half of the problem, Lord Kito. There is another one." Gaius paused, looked down, walked in a small circle as he had seen philosophers do. "Some believe that children should be given puppies, and others disagree. Why is that, Lord Kito?" "Well... I believe it is because there is a belief that a child and a dog should grow together but... puppies are not humans, and they are far more fragile as puppies than as dogs, and... human children, unaccustomed to restraint, would damage them. " "On the other hand, why do we not give young children adult dogs as companions." Kito answered that as well. "Because, as we say, 'old dogs are set in their ways' and if a child tries to change those ways: there is injury." "Yes. And the problem with Arkos and tullius, is that while we have no fear of Arkos harming tullius as if he were a puppy..." "He could injure others." "Yes, indeed. And tullius may choose to injure himself." "That would be difficult Gaius. He is under careful guard and ..." "I will be rude and interrupt you Lord Kito. Tullius did not become a general without being crafty and clever. If he can take no more, he will...." "I see." Kito sighed. "Tullius is a totally unsuitable partner for your son, Lord Kito. Pulcrus would be MUCH more suitable. And ...." Gaius chose his words carefully. "If Tullius is to be the sex slave of a man, and the choice is Arkos or yourself... it should be you." Kito smiled. "Unfortunately, Lord Kito, we have a difficult situation. To continue to discuss the issue in terms of dogs and puppies, we can view your son as an agressive dog, with a bone named Tullius in his mouth." "And how do you separate them without hurting one or both?" "Exactly son." Gaius slipped, so it would seem. "Is there a solution?" "There may be. Arkos remains in the Corinthian Army. He has not been released from service yet, has he?" "Not for another three years." "Is there not a campaign where newly appointed 'General' Arkos may lead a command? " Kito looked up. "And perhaps forget Tullius. Or find another he prefers. " "But... father. He is unseasoned. He has very little battle training. And no command training." "If I may, Lord Kito, between Protius and myself, how many years do we have advising commanding generals?" Kito made a joke. "Perhaps as many years as Zeus has been born." "Then you should promote him, name the campaign and send him with the two of us for advice. He may not listen to me..." "But he WILL listen to Protius, and Protius will listen to you." Gaius smiled. Kito smiled and then stopped. "And having gained my father, I will lose him again." Gaius dared to touch Kito on his arm. "If Gaius is half the soldier he claims to be, the campaign will end quickly. " "Arkos will know what we do. He will try to take Tullius with him." "And Tullius longs for battle. He will try to go. Those are aspects we can address. For now, we must put this plan in motion so that all can be done. The issue of Arkos knowing the plan is irrelevant. He must obey his general, and his father. To fail to do so would forfeit his property, including his slave, under Greek law. I am sure you have many ways of restraining Tullius to prevent him from going." He did.

Arkos had been correct about how tullius would feel at the banquet. The shaving had made Master Arkos even more aroused than he usually was. "The ceremony of ring sealing is days away tullius. I think of it regularly. Now, though, I think of how I will taste your salt before I taste the flavorless food of Father's chef." He had chained tullius' wrists to the bed and pulled his legs in the air. His face disappeared, and tullius, in spite of himself, began to moan, deeply, and with great pleasure. He wondered where this young man had learned this technique so well. "Enough tasting. Now... for impaling." Arkos cock seemed thicker than usual. He pushed tullius' legs apart as far as they could go, and rammed him as if he were ramming a battleship. tullius felt his teeth chatter as Arkos pounded him. "For an old man, you have an ass like a goddess, tullius. I could fuck it all day." "Sometimes you do," tullius thought, as he moaned. To say he did not enjoy the aggressiveness, or the power of Arkos' domination, would be incorrect. Tullius longed for another: for a chance to take the dominant role again. He thought of Pulcrus that afternoon - pulcrus who sat chained by the ankle and the wrists outside of Arkos' quarters . He longed for that sweet man's ass, and his mouth, as Arkos poured his seed into him. "As delicious as always, slave tullius. How you evaded capture and submission to my father, I will never know. Playfully, he pulled the ring in tullius' nipple with his teeth, and tullius moaned. "I will send both you and pulcrus to the baths. You should be more than presentable tonight. "

Arkos led tullius and pulcrus in by leads attached to their collars. There WAS a minor breach of protocol in him bringing pulcrus: as a slave not "claimed" by a member of the dinner banquet, he should not be there if he wasn't there to serve. Arkos had plans that he WOULD be serving, however, and also... "Father, I did not know if you had inspected one of your new slaves in whom you may have an interest. Please meet pulcrus." Gaius and Arkos both saw Kito raise his head, saw his eyes widen, and saw him smile. "Hmmm. This was a MUCH better victory than I thought it was...." He got up and circled pulcrus, who had his head down because Arkos pushed on his neck until he was staring at the floor. "How old are you pulcrus?" "I am not sure, but I'm told that I am 19 circles of the sun, Lord Kito" "VERY close in age to my son. How nice. And your coloring: it DOES compliment him. You are like the moon to the sun." Arkos bit his tongue. This was NOT what he thought would happen: his father was trying to place pulcrus with HIM, and not take him for himself: SO THAT HE COULD TAKE TULLIUS. "Father, I brought pulcrus tonight because I have learned that he has special experience, and special talents that will be of interest to us all." "And what might those be? Perhaps pulcrus could tell us." Experienced as he was, Kito knew that something sexual was behind this. "I... I was sometimes General Tullius' lover when we were on campaign, Lord Kito." "AH. SPLENDID. Then you can tell me ALL you know about what tullius likes and dislikes. He IS now my sex slave as you know." "Excuse me Father, he is OUR sex slave," Gaius saw bile rising in Arkos' eyes, and began to worry: would he challenge his father? "Oh, a slip of the tongue I apologize. I was just looking forward . Let us proceed with the banquet - unless you would like the entertainment to proceed son?" Arkos smiled. Things seemed to be back the way he wanted. "The last man who's face tullius fucked, was that of pulcrus. I thought it might be enjoyable to watch that again since tullius has not been permitted to relieve himself for sometime. "WHAT A SPLENDID IDEA." Arkos smiled. "There is more, Father. I thought it might be entertaining for each man tonight (there were six, excluding Gaius) to take a turn at the boy's pretty mouth." pulcrus looked around helplessly, and his eyes fell on tullius, who could do nothing for him. "Perhaps at the end of the evening, someone will wish to claim pulcrus as his . You would not mind that, would you Arkos?" "Not at all Father. Indeed, I think it best that a slave as pretty as this one belong to another man." "I COULD NOT AGREE WITH YOU MORE. But rather than let others select, I think I shall choose the lad's new owner. Also, dear Arkos, I appreciate your offer, but.... " He smiled. "There is a rumor that you have taught our tullius how to take a cock in his mouth. Arkos didn't like where this was going. "I did Father. He was... adequate." His father moved in for a victory. "Well, you are more demanding than I am, so tonight I will be the judge of that. And there is no reason why you can't enjoy the ministrations of this pretty lad. So, let us begin. tullius, please drop your loin cloth. pulcrus, I assume you know the proper position." "YES LORD KITO" pulcrus said with too much enthusiasm. He LOVED tullius' cock. "I think it would be much more erotic if you were holding tullius as if forcing him to accept pulcus' ministrations, Arkos." "Very well father," Arkos sighed. He stood behind tullius, pulling him back so that his ass leaned against his stiffening cock. He felt every shudder in tullius' body as pulcrus went to work. "BLISS" thought tullius. "pulcrus' mouth is softer than ripe melon." He thrust to the extent he could from his position, and the time in between release was such that... it was not long. He screamed, and unloaded in the mouth of the pretty cock slave. "MAGNIFICENT TO SEE. " Kito turned to his guests. "I believe now it is time for us to proceed. I will have pulcrus take each of you by rank, starting with my son, newly appointed GENERAL Arkos, while tullius tends to my needs. " "BY YOUR LEAVE FATHER. GENERAL ARKOS?" "Yes, my son. I am appointing you General. And you should enjoy this banquet, my son, because in three days time, you will be leading a detachment to suppress a rebellion to the west. I will send you with Gaius and Protius." He paused. "And to keep you warm at night, pulcrus will accompany you." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...." pulcrus yelled and suddenly, Arkos changed his mind. He did NOT like it when he was refused. "Go with me you will, cur. And perhaps, if you are lucky, when you return, you will wear a ring and a band the way tullius does. " "Enough conversation. Let us begin the celebration of Arkos' appointment. And so as to ease transition, son, it is my turn for our shared slave. He will remain with me tonight." He laughed as he grabbed tullius' hair. "You will be draining an old man, and then sleeping with him. At the least, you know your ass will be safe for one night." There was general laughter, except for Arkos. He was enraged that his father was taking tullius, for who knew how long? But he looked at pulcrus: beautiful. Almost feminine. He would make him a man. In every way possible.

Next: Chapter 7

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