The Capture of General Tullius

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 24, 2022


As Tullius expected, Kito was a much more methodical, smoother sexual Master than his son. Kito only took Tullius once that night, but he spent more time with Tullius underneath him than Arkos would have, had he taken him two or more times. There was a care, coupled with a clear sense that he was in charge, that Tullius found somewhat appealing. Arkos seemed to enjoy the sense of conquest and release more than anything else. Kito, on the other hand, was maximizing pleasure. Tullius was experienced enough to know that this was not for his benefit, but he was grateful for it. Gaius was not so certain that Tullius' assessment of his second Master was correct. He had his reasons for that, but he needed, very much, to keep those to himself.

"Father. I apologize the interruption but... you had promised me that I could complete the bejeweling of my prize this morning. " Kito stirred in bed, Tullius next to him. "Ah, yes, indeed I did. " He laughed as he stroked Tullius' side. "You might have thought that there would be no more metal added to your body Tullius. That would be an error." Tullius knew. He had not forgotten. He had been taken not simply as a slave, but as a bed companion. Every city with which he was familiar marked their bed slaves to set them apart from other slaves. There was a "grammar" to the "jewelry" as Arkos called it: all slaves received a neck collar. Once sealed, it indicated to all that the man or woman was owned. For men, the "privates collar" as it was sometimes called, was to indicate that the slave was NOT to be used for breeding. (More creative owners, like Arkos and Kito, also outfitted the "smaller collar" with means for adding weights, or chains, or other forms of torture). Every owner also had a distinct "mark" for the bicep cuff. If one saw the markings, he (it was always a "he": women dealt with male slaves very rarely, and those who did our not our concern), he could identify the slaves' owner immediately. This was important in the event of an escape and recapture - and there were rules on returning captured slaves, which may concern us at some time. All of that "jewelry" could be done via a competent blacksmith, as had been done to Tullius. But the final jewelry required a special touch and the participation of the owner. The nipple ring. It was used SOLELY to indicated that a slave was used for sexual purposes. In a general sense, if a slave escaped and was recaptured, it allowed the captor to know how to put him or her to use. In a more specific sense, since bed slaves were considered "elite," and rarely escaped, the ring could be used to increase pleasure, or pain. "GET UP OLD MAN," Arkos sneered as he looked at Tullius. "A ring for the tip of your man sword is NOT out of the question. Indeed.... if the recovery period were not as long as it was, I would consider it. " As Tullius got to his feet, he felt Arkos pull his wrists behind him and join the cuffs with a short length of chain. "Yesterday you were my father's. Today, you are mine. And we have a busy day ahead of us. "

Arkos took Tullius' left forearm and held it roughly, Tullius asked: "Where are my men? What has happened to them?" "EYES TO THE FLOOR SLAVE. YOU DO NOT LOOK AHEAD WITH A MASTER." Arkos ordered. Chained, Tullius could do nothing but obey. "AND THEY ARE NO LONGER YOUR MEN SLAVE. THEY ARE THE MEN OF THE SOLDIERS OF CORINTH. BUT...." and he laughed. "You will see SOME of them today. We will begin our day with an auction." Tullius dragged his heels. He forgot his place and looked up. "You... You are selling my men?" "OUR MEN, SLAVE. YOU WILL HAVE TO LEARN THAT." He felt Arkos' hand slip under his loin cloth and tighten on his balls. "They will be sold, whole. Not as geldings. And you should count your luck Tullius. You could VERY easily be sold to the trireme owners. They were most impressed by your performances. Not simply your rowing ability." Arkos began to laugh. "COME. We will be late." Arkos led him to a small stadium. It sat no more than 100 individuals, and they were sitting. Arkos had no interest in purchasing more slaves. With the exception of Tullius, three other soldiers had been selected by the officers of the Corinthian army: Flaccus, a thin, dark haired young man, who was an expert at the art of foot fighting; Statius, solid, built close to the ground, like Tullius, muscular, and hot tempered. His hot temper got him in more trouble than it should have. And finally: Pulcrus. Ah, Pulcrus. Not a Roman, but a captive of a successful Roman raid, forced into the army of Tullius because... sometimes, women were not available, and as his name (pretty) implied, he was desired by all. The blond hair that never seemed to become soiled. The blue eyes. The smooth body. And his ability to squirm and to wriggle: to pose a challenge to one who would take him. Tullius had discovered how to neutralize that ability: when he took Pulcrus, he would bind him as a young animal, and then... his fingers, or a small brush, or anything, would play over Pulcrus' feet. They were terribly sensitive, and Pulcrus would do anything to secure relief, including... taking Tullius in his mouth and swallowing. "My prize is thinking of his past. Ha ha ha! I on the other hand, am thinking of OUR present Tullius." Arkos put his arm over Tullius' shoulders, and whispered in his ear. "Gaius was quite forthcoming about your relationship with Pulcrus. I am very much trying to see if my father would perhaps prefer him, leaving you all to me. Keep that in mind, my beauty. For some find the rugged handsomeness that you bring far more appealing than a girl/boy." His hand slipped down to Tullius' left nipple and teased it. "And while you recover from today's bejeweling, this one will remain available. As will so many things."

Tullius tried not to watch the auction. Truth to be told, he did not recognize most of the soldiers being auctioned that day, but when he saw one marked and taken away, he felt his heart fill with tears. It was HIS lust: HIS desire for this one, that had brought them to this. And now... was his desire returning, even though the roles were reversed?"

"EXCELLENT. The auction proceeded on time. They rarely do. We will have plenty of time to 'prepare' you. "How will I be prepared?" "I will answer your question though I need not. It will make the bejewler's task much simpler if you are shaved as smooth as a peach Tullius. And bed slaves SHOULD be smooth. My father would disagree, but he has let me have you today, and you will be shaved." He felt the shudder go through Tullius and felt it magnified when he added: "by me."

They walked from the slave arena to a white alabaster building. It was immaculate. A man with curly gray hair sat outside: clearly a Corinithian. He had a flask of what appeared to be watered wine at his side. "Master Arkos! You are the first to arrive today. Why does that not surprise me?" The man rose and he greeted Tullius. "Welcome to Corinth slave Tullius. I am Ludus, assistant to the bejeweler. As you might imagine, we do not have much call for his specialty, and when we do, he is very busy for the day. He has heard much of you." Arkos smiled. "I am sure that you will sooth Callos at the end of the day." Ludus smiled. "I have done so for ten years. He has, occasionally, sought another. Only I know the secrets to his most sensitive spots." He grinned at Tullius. "Will he learn yours?" "To the contrary, Ludus. I am learning his." "AH! So your new Master is letting you know you are his property." Tullius lowered his head and did not answer. "We will need the shaving chamber first, Ludus. If we may." "Indeed." He laughed. "Ah, when two disagree over body hair... I have seen some of the finest wrestling I have ever seen over that disagreement." "There will be no such with my father, Ludus. " He sighed. "For the first time, though, he has expressed interest in retaining a bed slave's fur. This I do not understand. But... at least for today, he will have nothing to say." "This way...." Ludus led them to a small room. It was unadorned, and had a column in the center. To the left of the column was a table with the instruments Tullius had seen in barber emporiums. He felt Arkos open the wrist restraints but then pull them roughly behind the column and lock them. "AH, would that there were sufficient time to shave you in all areas. I would LOVE to see your discomfort as I remove your private hair, and there will be time for that. For today, however, we must be content to only remove your chest hair. Tullius squirmed, knowing fully that the restraints would hold him, and even if he did escape, Arkos had defeated him in hand to hand combat, more than once. Further, he was weak from having eaten just enough to sustain him. Arkos picked up the implements. "PLEASE MASTER. PLEASE. DO NOT SHAVE A GENERAL." "Ha ha. A FORMER general Tullius. You are merely a slave: a concubine in fact, paid with your life." "I will do anything you ask if you...." This provoked more laughter from Arkos. "You will do that anyway. And it will not be at my request. It will be at my order. Now... remain still. The edge is sharp, and for now I do not seek to injure you." The sharpened rock WAS honed to a fine point. Tullius had had his beard shaved in the past, and it had always been a painful experience. This time, it did not hurt, but he saw the tufts of dark hair falling to the floor. He also felt his privates move under his loin cloth. The stimulation.... "When we are done, Tullius, I will donate this hair to the birds. Perhaps we will find a nest using it one day. It seems the snipes in the area truly love Roman chest fur. It makes a very soft nest." Tullius tried not to be overcome by the sadness he felt over his position, and the excitement building in his loins. It would be unfair to say he was enjoying this, but he was roused in a way he hadn't been in some time. "LUDUS! I believe I am finished. Would you check my work before we call for Callos." A smiling Ludus entered and looked over the shaved Tullius. "I favor shaved men myself Arkos, and dare I say, you have made the comely even more lovely. You have a gift. Perhaps in your retirement..." Arkos laughed. "In my retirement I plan to retreat to an island and be surrounded by 5 or 6 men NEARLY as handsome as slave Tullius. Because NONE could be as beautiful as this man." He seized Tullius' beard and pulled up his head. "As the son of Kito, I could have any I want. But I chose you, notwithstanding my father's desires. Yes, you will KNOW that I own you, but you will come to savor it." "And from what I understand, Arkos, there is MUCH to savor." In walked Callos: unusually fat for a Corinthian, but with a big smile and a handsome face. Had anyone seen the look that came over Ludus' face, they would know: he was bound to Callos by more than slavery. "You soldiers: when you are successful, I have to plan my day in a completely different way." He looked at Tullius. "But I see well why you would choose this one. Shall we start?" "We shall, Callos. The day grows shorter and you have more clients today. " "So I do. Would you insert the bit, or shall I?" Arkos laughed. "I do not mean to insult you Arkos. It is force of habit." The procedure was painful, so the recipient of the ring was always gagged: it was called a "bit" to remind the slave that he was not much more than an animal. It was a large piece of smoothed wood, attached to two strips of leather from a donkey's hide. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH TULLIUS." Arkos laughed. "Get used to hearing that." Soon, he had the piece inserted in Tullius' mouth and Tullius did feel like a helpless animal as Callos, who repulsed him, advanced with a very sharp looking stylus. First, he poured from a bottle of vinegar onto a clean cloth. "This should prevent any issues Arkos, but if you see any signs of disease, advise me immediately. I value my head." Very clinically, he rubbed Tullius' right nipple. "You might close your eyes slave. It is not always pleasant to feel the bite of the scorpion." Tullius did not close his eyes, but he looked away. The "bite" was substantial and he screamed. That scream was diffused by the bit. When he looked back and he saw that the "scorpion" had pierced his nipple completely, he thought he would faint. "A good pierce. No blood. He has significant tissue Arkos. It comes with the older ones. I think I will not be so lucky with some of the others. " He paused. "I presume you have your ring?" "I do." He produced a golden ring that had an "A" and a "K" , alpha and kappa inscribed on it. "With this, I name you the bed slave of my father and I." He placed it through the pierced nipple and then clasped it shut. "We will flame seal it in two weeks, Arkos. Congratulations. Enjoy your slave." "I shall." He unlocked Tullius' chains, and then reclasped them behind his back. "We will walk slowly," he said as he removed the bit. "And you will have time to rest. I will present you at banquet tonight. There is more to experience first though." Arkos was right to say they would move slowly: the stress of the day had taken its toll, and Tullius needed to sleep. "For today, you may sleep in my quarters Tullius. In the future, when you sleep alone - which will be rarely - you will be in the quarters reserved for your fellow bed slaves." "I understand Master. Thank you." Arkos laughed as he left the quarters. Tullius would never be that placid. He knew it. It was one of the reasons he had chosen him. Tullius slept for three hours. He was not used to sleeping longer than that from his time as a soldier. When he woke, Arkos was sitting on a stool near the bed. "AH. Excellent. There is plenty of time for what is next. For I need relief. And I will take it. ON YOUR FEET TULLIUS." "On my feet?" Tullius thought. "Why not directly in bed?" Still he did what he was told. "KNEEL. Before me." Now Arkos stood. "And clasp your hands behind you. For you will now learn one of your new duties. You will take me. In your mouth. " Tullius looked up. It was standard for slaves to be taken anally, but orally? It was dangerous, and he knew it. He had forced more than a few slaves, mostly women, but also Pulcrus and other young men, to take his privates. There was always the fear, the risk, that the submissive one would, well, bite. And given the chance, Tullius would. Arkos had finessed it. "Understand Tullius, that I am aware of your soldier mindset, and what you might plan." Arkos slipped out of his clothing. Tullius knew of the size of his cock. "And of course you realize that to harm me guarantees your death. Perhaps that does not concern you but.... MARCUS!" A curtain was pulled aside from the room, and Tullius saw Gaius on his knees, Marcus holding a long knife to his throat. "Perhaps you do not value your life. But I am more than aware of your bond to Gaius. If I am harmed, you will BOTH die." He saw the look of fear, of hate, of frustration, on Tullius' face. "I expect you to do well, Tullius. You may have a sip of water before you begin. And be glad I am using water. Some of the soldiers would... shall we say, not waste precious fluid on a slave, but would still moisten their lips." He handed Tullius his flask. "Drink deeply. Then begin." Hesitantly, Tullius moved his lips forward. He saw Marcus bring the blade closer to Gaius' throat. He took Arkos in his mouth and he heard him moan. "AH. As sweet as your ass, Tullius. OH, the pleasure. And to tell my father that now we can share you. DEEPER SLAVE. ALL OF ME." How often had Tullius said something similar to Pulcrus? His desire faded, then grew, first as he thought of Pulcrus taking his own member, but then, the feeling of Arkos' in the back of his throat. "OH YES! The Roman is good at what he does. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Arkos exhaled deeply as he shot seed down Tullius throat, and Tullius fought not to spit it back up. Arkos smiled as he withdrew. "You may bring Gaius back to his quarters. I will prepare this one for the evening repast tonight. " He grabbed Tullius' hair and stared at him. "Your precious Pulcrus will be there. This will be most interesting. "

Next: Chapter 6

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