The Capture of General Tullius

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 13, 2022


Kitos rose, clasped his hands behind him and smiled as he walked back and forth. Tullius pulled at his bonds, and Arkos held his arm tighter. "CALM DOWN SLAVE." He saw his father smile more broadly. "You are right, son. The famous Tullius IS a slave. " He walked toward Tullis and when the Roman tried to look away, he pulled his head back, staring into his eyes. "THIS time, Tullius, you will not get away. Because this time, one you didn't expect: my son. My courageous son, has taken you." "He used the arts of VENUS to take me. That is far from fair fighting." "Father, he tried to outwrestle me. " Arkos ran his hand over Tullius' ass. "I defeated him. It was NOT solely the work of Venus' art."

Kitos shrugged his shoulders. "Be it the work of Venus, the work of Apollo, the work of Mercury. What is done, is done. And Tullius... AH, TULLIUS. What a position you are in." "And what a position he WILL be in father." Arkos laughed. "Yes, indeed. You make a good point son. " Turning to Tullius, he sneered. "To be desired by a father AND his son. What a predicament for you, slave." Every time Kitos called him a slave, Tullius gritted his teeth and pushed at the shackles that held his wrists close together. He wasn't getting away, but he fought anyway. "You have not asked about your faithful Gaius. Rest assured, he is being treated well. Rather than have him put to death, as we would with such an elderly prisoner, he is now in the care of my Poulos. Poulos will explain to him what your situation will be." "As soon as we know what it is," Arkos thought. This had not happened before: Arkos had taken his share of slaves. As soon as he had performed his duty to the country, and left his wife with two sons, he had turned to his pleasure: muscular dark haired men. Underneath him. It was that desire that had motivated him in the wrestling pit, in sword fighting, in all things. The type of man he preferred was much sturdier, much bigger than he was: one could argue that he preferred men who looked like his father. Such men put up fights. They resisted. And that only increased the hunger Arkos had for them. "Is there time enough to provide Tullius with the accoutrements of slavery, son?" "By your leave father, there are. I ask that we postpone a piercing until we are back at Corinth." Kitos shook his head. "Agreed. The conditions are less than ideal for a piercing in a military camp. When we have the family physician available..." "PIERCING????" Tullius wracked his brain. He did not know of a tradition of piercing slaves (and indeed, there was a tradition of such ONLY for slaves who were selected for sexual use, rather than physical labor). "Come with me, handsome general. It is time to be fitted with slave's jewelry. "LET GO OF ME WHELP" Tullius pulled away from Arkos, and ran for the entrance of Kitos' tent. Two large men, probably mercenaries from Egypt, blocked his path. He felt a lash hit his back: the last time he had been whipped was as a child, when his father caught him lubricating his penis with the cook's olive oil. "Do not force us to take turns, Tullius." Kitos barked. Tullius' shoulders drooped, and he allowed himself to be led out by Arkos. "Slave's jewelry." That meant a metal collar. Fixed, so that it could not be removed. "Would the young Master care to strike the spike to seal it?" the "jeweler" asked Arkos. "I would very much like that. My first prisoner of real importance." Tullius closed his eyes as the BANG of the striking of metal assaulted his ears. "A collar indicates that you are a slave, but a band indicates... you belong to nobility." "I BELONG TO ROME AND TO NO ONE ELSE." Tullius growled, and watched Arkos laugh. "It will be a surprise to all, especially me, if you ever see Rome again, Tullius. For now, the band will be sealed temporarily. Again, when we return, your band will be sealed with fire. It will never come off." "Do you...?" The jeweler began a question and Arkos answered "Not yet. My father and I must still decide rights of ownership. The issue of an ownership band showing his position will be discussed further. " Tullius looked up. He knew what they were discussing: whether to place a band similar to the one placed on his right arm, around his balls. "Were it up to me, the answer would be yes; however, my father has a soft spot in his heart and... a hard spot elsewhere for this one." "As you will, young Master. I will take care of it if Master Kitos and you decide to do so." "COME. We are done here Tullius. You have been to my father's tent, but not to mine. And you will be there but a night. Now that we are victorious, we will return home." Tullius began to think about how he would escape. As they walked to Arkos' tent, he saw Gaius, with .. that must be Poulos. "GAIUS! " Tullius could not help himself. He tried to run to his old friend and at first he felt Arkos' grip tighten, then release to allow him to go to Gaius. Gaius was not bound, and he threw his arms around Tullius. "My turtle." It was Gaius' nickname for Tullius. "You live. " He looked at Tullius sternly. "The gods favor you more than they should!" Tullius spat. "Capture, by GREEKS? How does this show the gods favor me ? Or us?" "We do not lie on the field of battle, spilling our blood in the ground." "GAIUS. We are SLAVES." Gaius looked at him. Meanwhile, Arkos was thinking: this man may understand our tongue sufficiently to make him dangerous. I shall have to consider having his... cut." "Come, my handsome slave. It is time that you be acquainted with your duties." "All will be well, turtle. All will be well." "Yes turtle," Arkos imitated Gaius. "A turtle is invincible until he is turned on his back. As you will find out," Arkos began to laugh when he finished speaking. He saw the look on Tullius' face. "Accept the inevitable, my handsome Roman. " He began to laugh again. "You might think of it in so many ways. For me, I will think of it simply as taking what is now mine, slave."

Arkos had quarters that were very similar to other soldiers in his army. He had a few more possessions, reflecting his upbringing, but beyond that, it was a typical soldier's arrangement. "Turn, tullius. I will untie you." Tullius laughed. "You trust me enough untied?" "HAH! You think I know no strategy. You would be wrong, slave. To begin, I defeated you when you tried to subdue me. Do you think it was by the luck of the gods? Second.... remember that we have your Gaius. SHOULD anything happen to me, shall I simply say that you will be the second one to die, and you will watch how much pain can be inflicted on an innocent man before he is put to death." Tullius massaged his wrists. He had been willing to take his chances in a fight with Arkos, but he had forgotten, again, about Gaius. "You are treating him well?" he asked. "OF COURSE he is being treated well. His collar will be changed, as he belongs to the Greeks now, and there will be no question about jewelry for his privates since... there is no worry. Poulos fully intends to treat him as an equal. Which is NOT how I intend to treat you." He smiled before he said "On your back turtle, or I will put you there myself."

Tullius had last taken a man's penis when he was in soldier training. There was a notorious commander who would have the recruits wrestle "to develop their skills at hand to hand combat" as he said. He would take only the winners. The recruits knew it but their pride would not let them intentionally lose. Tullius was one of the better wrestlers, and as such he was one of the commander's more frequent bed fellows. When the commander died in battle, Tullius was relieved; however, he remembered much of what he learned at the "hands" of that commander, and used it on his own slaves as he acquired power. Now, though, he felt calloused hands on his ankles as Arkos lifted Tullius' legs in the air. He tried to prepare himself. He closed his eyes, too late not to have seen Arkos' smile, or his swollen cock.

"Old man, you are being treated like an ephebe again. By one who has only recently stopped being one." Arkos' cock showed absolutely no indication of it being that of a young man, let alone an inexperienced one. Had Tullius opened his eyes, he would have seen the broad smile as Arkos entered him. He DID hear Arkos' low voice: "The most sought after of Roman generals. Mine," and he felt the full length of Arkos' cock penetrate him.

"You do know, My Lord, that you can claim seigneurial rights to Tullius. Simply take him from your son." Poulos was in counsel with Kitos. Gaius had been chained by his collar to a post in the floor outside of the more luxurious quarters of the general. "It is not without precedent." "Yes, yes, you are absolutely right Poulos." Kitos paced the floor. "Yet those cases involve the seizure of a female virgin, not a war captive taken in a fair fight." His hand dropped down to his tunic. Thinking about taking Tullius was driving him more than a little frenzied. The sight of that man, bound, helpless, and knowing what his son was about to do to him. He wished he had been brazen enough to insist on watching his son take the Roman. "You MUST discuss this with him, Kitos. If you do not, you will suffer from something not unlike brain fever. I will speak to him as well. He trusts me. Do not take the prize from him, but insist on sharing it. " He smiled. "If he is like MOST young men, including his father as a young man, his interest will fade soon enough." Kitos smiled. "I WAS a fickle lover was I not, friend?" Poulos laughed. "I have lost count of how many women can say their child's father is General Kitos, and how many men can say that Kitos was their first." He looked at the general: "all in good time, my Lord.

All in good time . I will speak of sharing Tullius with you."

Kitos' quarters were far enough from those of his son that he did not here the bellow from Tullius' scream as Arkos took him. The scream of a man brought to beg for mercy from his cock, was not new to Arkos. He relished it. Was he as big as his father? Probably not. But he was younger and his thrusts were strong. "Do you like it slave?" He pushed harder. "A strong, muscled, superior Roman general like you should be able to handle... THIS. It is just the penis of a would be Greek slave." He laughed as Tullius began to beg. "PLEASE. PLEASE. IS IT NOT ENOUGH THAT YOU HUMILIATE ME, ARKOS?" "MASTER ARKOS, SLAVE TULLIUS." He pushed in again, only harder.

Another scream. This one woke some of the guard dogs not far away, and the sentries began to laugh. All but one, who had been the recipient of what Tullius was receiving now, and had mixed thoughts on whether he wanted it again or not. Arkos began to pump faster. As he did, he grabbed Tullius' nipples. "ARE THESE SENSITIVE SLAVE? HOW MUCH MORE SENSITIVE WILL THEY BECOME WHEN THEY RECEIVE THE RINGS OF SERVITUDE? " "AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOO" Arkos squeezed hard. Tullius could not recall pain of this type. But his screams did no good. Gaius could not help him. He tried to steal himself to endure it. "It seems that my old man's cock remembers a time... ha ha ha." Arkos dropped a hand and grabbed Tullius' cock. It had been growing itself, in spite of Tullius' pain. "Have I found the spot that all sex slaves wish to have found, Tullius?

Did you even know you HAD one?" Tullius didn't. The commander had not been interested in his pleasure and he thought Arkos did not either; however, he enjoyed seeing Tullius writhe under him. Arkos began experimenting. He was close to a climax, but he wanted to find "the spot." He pushed into Tullius as far as he could, and then he withdrew, slowly, paying attention to Tullius' breathing and then... when he hit the mark, the moans. He stopped pulling back. "Open your eyes Tullius, and I will remain there. Or, I will see how much deeper I can penetrate. " Tullius imagined a fish on a hook felt as he did. Except the fish did not experience the waves of pleasure he was experiencing. "Tell me you're my slave. Or...." Arkos began sliding further into his captive. Tullius gritted his teeth, but then Arkos moved back to the spot he had found. Through moans it came out. "I am your slave. I am the slave of Arkos." "Ha ha. Yes, you are. And now, you will receive... the gift all sex slaves receive." Tullius felt a gush inside of him, taking him back, again, to his younger days. He had never received as large a "gift," as Greek soldiers called it, as he received from Arkos that night. Arkos did not even seem winded when he was done. "You will be glad, Tullius, that you will march into Corinth rather than ride a horse.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA."

They remained in camp for another week. Kitos came for him in three days. We will return to this story in the next installment.

Next: Chapter 3

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