The Capture of Agent Ned

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 16, 2022


Vin was naked and strapped back on the St. Andrews Cross. Again, he struggled against the restraints that kept him spread eagled and again, he made no progress. "I can always count on Otto to make sure I'm prepared, even when he's spending the night out." Evans gloated as he wheeled over a cart holding shaving soap and crème, a bowl of water, cloths, scissors, clippers, and a long straight edged razor with a stropping strip. "I hope he feels comfortable bringing his boy by sometime. In my opinion, he's not nearly as attractive as either of you, but Otto thinks the world of him. BUT I DIGRESS." He smiled at Vin. "Hard to tell if you're beginning to get a stiffy, Vinny" he laughed. "Don't worry. Whether you're hard or not will almost never interest me." He got very close to Vin and took his chin in his hand. "Your stubble is very appealing, Vinny. That'll stay. Sort of gives you a street urchin kind of charm. And once I get that moustache fixed... You are going to be SO hot." Another pull at the restraints, and no luck. "Now, Ned." Evans walked over to Ned. "How did I let you get through the day with only one of your buttons opened. We can't have that." He popped a second button on Ned's shirt and, without thinking, Ned pushed his chest forward. "GOOD BOY. It looks like some of the training is working. But... hmmm. Now I see you are in need of a trim. Certainly not the shearing that Vinny is about to get, but a clean up is called for. But that is in the future. For now." Evans picked up a large white plastic object. Vin had never seen one before and thought "OH SHIT. Is he gonna shove THAT up Ned?" Ned, however, knew exactly what it was, and grimaced as Evans velcroed it onto his thigh, the head resting directly on his cock. "The thing about hitachis, is that everyone thinks they can control them; however, as a body moves...we may move from a dead zone to a hot zone, or vice versa. We'll have to see what happens with you, Ned." Evans turned it to a low speed. "Now, let me get to work on Vinny. This is going to take a while." Vin could see Ned grit his teeth and lean his head back as the hitachi began vibrating. He had his eyes closed. "Where shall we start, Vinny? Your chest, I think." "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS EVANS?" He got a chuckle back. "Trust me, Vinny, in due course, you will refer to me as MASTER Evans, in the same way Otto does, only you'll say it with a different inflection: the inflection of a sex slave." He paused. "Why do I have to do this, Mr. Fassio? I don't. But I think that since your life is going to change in a very big way very shortly, it should change in other ways as well. I think that shaved and naked with that moustache, you'll look somewhere in between a prison bitch and an old porn star clone. Hmm. I wonder if any such porn stars are in prison. Are they owned by other men the way you are? Maybe we'll research it. Anyway, time to begin." He picked up a cloth, dipped it in water, and rubbed it over Vin's chest. "It's warm, stud. You should thank me for that. A cold shave can be quite excruciating." "I'll keep that in mind" Vin remained defiant. "Mr. Hemmings," Evans asked "I wonder if that hitachi is set too low for an experienced sufferer like you. You don't seem to be squirming NEARLY enough." He went back and notched up the hitachi. Then he returned to Vin. He picked up the can of crème. "Now, Vinny: time to make you as smooth as silk." Vin gave a short cry when the crème hit his chest. He watched as Evans looked at his tools and picked up the straight edge razor. "A bit dicier, but it means I'll have to work more slowly, and you'll suffer more." He took the razor to Vin's chest. Vin sucked in his breath and tried to look away, but he couldn't help himself. He saw Evans move away the razor, with a big glob of the crème and Vin's hair in it. "Well, well, isn't this fun, Vinny?" Evans cackled and touched one of Vin's nips. "Can you imagine what you'd be feeling if I used clamps on you while I did this? Heh heh. Maybe in the future. For now though." He got back to work. Evans was very methodical, and Vin saw razor after razor full of crème and hair. He looked down and he could see that he was smooth: he couldn't remember a time when he didn't have a chest covered with fur. "Treasure trail next, Vinny. All that hair on your belly. The stuff that moves down to" he moved his hand to Vin's cock. "Right here. We'll get this next." Hearing that his pubes were going to be shaved next resulted in Vin struggling harder than he had from the start. Evans stood back and laughed. "Get it out of your system, sexy. It's going. Every hair of it. And at intervals too. I suspect I'll have to shave you far more often than Mr. Hemmings, but we shall see." He turned to Ned. "Oh, you seem to be suffering quite nicely, Ned. I wonder: do I need a third increase? Hmmm. No, I don't think so. Look at that bulge: it appears you're very close. Try not to climax while I'm shaving Vinny: it may disturb one of us." Ned WAS very close to a climax, and now that Evans had introduced the idea that the noise might result in a cut to Vin, he struggled to hold it back. Vin seemed to be out of energy for the minute, and he didn't watch as the hair all around his navel disappeared. He wondered how Evans had managed to do that without Vin breaking out in ticklish laughter. "If you're going to climax, Ned, this would be a good time. I'm about to start on Vinny's pubes." Evans looked directly into Vin's eyes. "You see how your bud is pushing his hips, trying desperately to finish so you stay safe? It's heartening and sickening. I can't decide if I want you two united or at each other's throats. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUYUUUUUU" Ned screamed, and you could see the wet spot forming at his crotch. "GEEZ, Ned. Look at all those baby Neds coming out of you. Good thing I didn't have you go commando. You ever go commando, Ned?" When Ned didn't answer, Evans laughed. "I know you too well, Ned. When you don't answer a question, you just don't want to let me know I'm right. But enough of this. Let me return to Mr. Fassio." He looked at Vin. "Very delicate strokes, Vinny. Very delicate ones. There's not much here, but don't make me slip and take away what you don't need anymore." Vin tried to keep as still as he could. He knew that nothing he could say, or do, would get Evans to stop. "They say that shaving makes your parts look bigger Vinny. If that's true, you should be thanking me. "Evans had Vin's cock in his hand, and Vin could feel it growing. So could Evans. "I'll make a mental note of that, Vinny. Now, we've got ONE MORE spot to shave: those pits. And it's going to be interesting, given how much you're sweating." He turned to Ned. "Tell Vinny how much more ticklish they get when they're clean. I'm sure he'll LOVE knowing that." "FUCK," Vin yelled as the blade went to his right pit. "Ha ha. I should have gagged you, Vinny. Again, a mental note." Ned saw the anguish on Vin's face, but he had to admit Vin looked very, VERY different without his hair. "Now, let me just make that moustache nice and pretty. Just a bit of a shave to make you look even more desirable than you do." Vin did shave his moustache and try to even it out, but he always made a mess of it. "Take a look, stud." Evans held up a small hand mirror. "Can you believe that you could get even more handsome than you were? I'm gonna untie you and let you take a look at your full smooth body, but first... DAMN, I have been wanting to do this since I started." Evans got extremely close to Vin, and whispered "Kiss me, Vinny." "NO. NOT WILLINGLY. NO." Then Evans shoved his knee into Vin's crotch. His mouth opened as he screamed in pain, and Evans shoved in his tongue. His fingers went up to Vin's nipples. Vin fought it but Evans was going nowhere. He slid his tongue around, wrestling with Vin's. And then, something happened. Vin began to like it. If he closed his eyes, he could imagine he was kissing with a woman. That's what he did, and he got harder. Ned, sitting there with his wet spot, began to get aroused too. His eyes WEREN'T closed. He couldn't believe he was getting hot over seeing two men kiss. Vin opened his eyes and realized what was happening. Now he fought, but it was too late. Evans had his hardened cock in his hand. "I think we discovered something that turns on Vinny. How wonderful." Now he released the restraints. "There's a full-length mirror in the corner. Take a look at yourself, stud. And that way, I can see your scrawny, but sexy ass. " Vin didn't know how to react. He wanted to cry, but he didn't. This was such a different look. He DID like how Evans had shaved his moustache. He saw Evans come up behind him in the mirror and start massaging his shoulders. "You are SO FUCKING HOT VINNY. I think that tonight, in preparation for tomorrow, you need to do something you've never done before: sleep with another man." He looked at Ned. "Sorry, stud. You get a break tonight. Tomorrow I'll toss an extra dose of tickling at ya, but tonight, Vinny has to begin to get used to what his duties are. And in case either of you are curious, the answer is yes: at some point, you'll be sleeping with each other too." Locked in his bedroom suite that night, Ned began to think. He hadn't seen the full-length mirror before. If he could shatter it, perhaps a shard or shards of glass could serve as weapons. He had to think about how he could break it without Evans or Otto knowing. And Otto had a male partner. Hmmm. That meant a seduction MIGHT be possible. He started putting things together in his head. Meanwhile, Evans had a firm grip on Vin's arm. "Welcome to my suite, Vinny. You'll be spending a lot of time here in the future. "I thought you weren't fucking me until tomorrow." "I'm not. See, not all love making involves fucking." He came up behind Vin and kissed his neck. "With me, it almost does, but not tonight." He rubbed scruff over Vin's neck and Vin moaned. "Admit it to yourself, stud muffin. You like how that feels. You like it even harder, Vinny?" Evans ground his scruff even deeper into Vin's skin. The moans were louder. "Get on the bed. On your back. Time to introduce you to some of the pleasures of the flesh you've never experienced." Vin saw the restraints at the corner. "Not tonight, sweetcake. I don't think I'm gonna need them." Evans shucked his clothes, and Vin saw the hard-on he had. It was huge. "You did this Vinny. You caused this. Vinny Fassio. My new prison bitch." He lowered his body on top of Vin and, without being told, Vin offered Evans the side of his neck. "Good boy," Evans whispered. "Good. Sweet. Boy." Each word was followed by a kiss. When he took Vin's earlobe in his teeth, Vin blurted "SIR. I'm gonna shoot." "Then shoot, Vinny boy. It may be the last chance you get to for a while." Evans rolled to the side and watched as Vin's tiny cock started shooting jizz into the air. He smiled as he traced circles on Vin's chest. "How about another kiss, stud bottom?" "Yes, please" Vin answered, then regretted his answer. He had still been in the "glow" of that orgasm. Had Evans tried to fuck him right then and there, he would have had no resistance. Evans knew it too. "You may be done, stud, but I'm just getting started. "Evans grabbed Vin's wrists and pinned them to the side of the bed. "I AM fucking you tonight, just not the way you think. That comes tomorrow." He saw the look on Vin's face and laughed. "And no, I'm not fucking your face. Not yet anyway. Tonight, I'm doing something that has an odd name I can't remember. You'll look it up. Put your legs together as tight as you can. I'm gonna slide my cock between your thighs, and it's gonna be pretty damn good." As soon as Evans told Vin to pull his legs together, Vin spread them. "Well, if you'd rather I did a traditional fuck, I AM hard, Vinny." He looked at Vin "Keep trying to get away. You won't. I've got you held down pretty well. I do this to Ned, and he loses every time. Think you're gonna do better?" "PLEASE. Do you have to do this?" Vin begged and Evans answered "No, but I'm going to. Now, unless you want me to play with your ass the way I did when you first came here, you're putting your legs together as tightly as you can." Vin gave an exasperated sigh and said "alright. You're gonna do it anyway". "That's true," Evans answered. Vin pulled his legs together. Evans reached over to the side table and got some lubricant. He rubbed it up and down his cock, then he took a small glob of it, and pushed a finger between Vin's thighs, lubing them. "Gimme just a little space here, Vinny. Relax those muscles. GOOD." He kept Vin pinned down as his cock went between his legs. "OH, that feels SO good. I may have to do it with Ned too." Vin began to whimper as Evans stretched out over his body. "I was SO lucky to capture you, too, Vin. You're a recluse. But I found the way to get to you. Just like I found the way to get INTO you. I can't wait." Vin tried to think of something else, but all he could feel was the dick sliding back and forth. He knew from talking to Ned that taking it up the ass would feel different, but he still felt controlled. Evans pumped faster and faster. He stopped for one minute, covered Vin's ear with his mouth and whispered "bottom," before he shot a load. He pulled out before he finished and smeared it all over Vin's shaven chest. "I love that I can do that now, Vinny. No worry about clogs of hair, or stuff drying out. Nah, just conditioning your skin." He kissed Vin lightly again. "Let's get some sleep. You have a VERY big day tomorrow." Evans wrapped an arm around Vin's middle. To Vin it felt like an iron bar. He wasn't going anywhere, and he knew it. His mind was racing, conflicted over how he felt about what had just happened. Evans had leaned over and whispered "fuck toy" into Vin's ear just before he fell asleep. Involuntarily -- at least he thought it was involuntarily -- Vin pushed back against Evans' body before he dropped off to sleep. He tried not to think about what would happen the next day. In his locked suite, Ned was lying on his bed, naked, jerking off. Evans had told he and Vin that they were both going to be caged for at least a few days, so Ned was relieving himself while he could. With one hand on his cock, he stroked his body with his other hand. He felt the hair stubble and remembered what Evans had said: a trim in the future. His cock stiffened. He moved that free hand up to his nipple and began squeezing. It wasn't the same as when Ned did it. He stopped. "DAMN. Why the hell can't I get him out of my mind?" A thought that kept on going through his head was the first time Evans had tied him up -- the time he had ALMOST become Evans' prisoner. Then he thought about being tied up during this time. He had tried to convince himself that he didn't struggle as much as he could because it wasn't worth it. He knew he was lying to himself: to a large extent, he liked it. He continued to stroke, and his mind wandered to when Evans would tickle him again. He tried to change those thoughts, and to think about things he could say to make Vin feel better about what would be happening to him. He couldn't do it. He thought about the fucking machine, and he thought about Evans' scruff on his neck and then he lost control and shot all over himself.

Next morning, Evans rolled Vin onto his back before he climbed on top of him. Vin squirmed, which only got Evans excited. "You give off a lot of body heat, Vinny. Just a little combustion engine." "I couldn't have you uncomfortable, could I?" Vin responded bitterly. "Ho ho. You know, I have to do a few things to get you ready. First: you won't be needing this anymore." He reached between Vin's legs and removed the butt plug, twisting it as he went, which provoked a series of groans and moans from Vin. "THERE we go. One thing out, and now, one thing on. You drained pretty well last night, Vinny, so you won't need to for a while. Time for the cage." Vin squirmed even more. He hated the cage. "Please. Don't use that. I promise, I won't. I just won't." "Captivity is a bitch, Vinny, and so are you." Skillfully, Evans took the cage from the drawer in the table and locked it on Vin's cock. "Now, you're going off to your bedroom to get cleaned up. Otto is undoubtedly back from his evening out and he'll come to help you prepare. I need to go and tend to Mr. Hemmings. He's going to have a front row seat." After he locked Vin's door, Evans went to Ned's room. "Well, well, well. Look at my handsome stud. Did you miss me last night?" "NO." Ned answered in a strong voice, making Evans laugh. "Well, you'll have me this morning. Remember, we have a few things to take care of. Unfortunately, one of them is not going to be that sweet ass of yours. reason you shouldn't feel full today. I think we're going to begin with that trim I promised you. On your back, but hands up OVER your head." Ned felt the restraints go around his wrists. He wasn't spread eagled. The wrist restraints and the restraints on his ankles stretched him out. His body was exposed but in a slightly different way than previously. "This won't take long, Ned. You WASP guys sprout more slowly than guys like Vinny." "He HATES being called Vinny." "I know," Evans replied. "Believe me, if I knew there were a name YOU hated Nedster, I'd use it. Keeps you knowing who's in charge. Now." Evans used clippers to take care of Ned's chest, and then his pubes. He looked at his pits. "OH, you are going to hate me even more than you do now, Ned. Freshly shaved pits, and the brush..."

"FUCK!" Ned muttered as the razor cleaned his pits. "Let's get your feet first, stud." Ned saw Evans put the serrated gloves on and began stroking his feet. "You remember the first time I fucked you, Ned." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAAHAHAHA. YEAH, I DO. YOU WERE BRUTAL." "AWWW. A compliment from you, stud. Think how it woulda felt if you had been a virgin." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHA. PLEASE GO EASY ON VIN. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Evans smiled as he untied Ned's feet. He spread Ned's legs. "You're ready for the big plug, handsome." He took an eight-inch butt plug. "I don't want you to feel unfulfilled today." As he twisted the one out of Vin, Evans twisted this one into Ned. "And, since you did have yourself a little party last night, you won't need to release yourself for a while." A cage went onto Ned's dick. "Tomorrow is your turn in the bed, handsome. And I promise you, I'm gonna make you SCREAM when I get inside you." "Mr Fassio, good morning. I trust that your evening went well." It was Otto, at the door of Vin's suite. "You know what happened, Otto, don't you?" Otto gave a short laugh. "If you're asking me if I know the details, I don't. I do know that you spent your first night in Master Evans bed. A big step. A bigger one tonight, and that's why I'm here. Master Evans wants it to be unforgettable for the two of you, and he's instructed me to assist you in your outfit for today. He has something picked out. He has seen film of you wearing it Mr. Fassio, and it is his favorite. Vin looked down for a minute. "Otto, I remember the stories about you at Verdant. Why did you leave?" Otto didn't miss a beat as he went through Vin's closet. "There are many hypocrites in this world, Mr. Fassio. Mr. Greiner, the head of Verdant, is one of them. Like so many men, he claims to be open-minded, and in favor of rights for everyone. Yet, when an issue with controversies comes close to home, one sees the man for whom he is. "Otto paused as he pulled out a white oxford shirt and laid it aside. "Were you aware that Mr. Greiner has a son?" "Vaguely. Michael?" "Yes, Michael. Michael who is gay and favors older men." He looked off for a minute. "It would be a waste of time to argue that he approached me, as it is irrelevant. When his father found out, my time at Verdant was over." Another pause. "Of course, all of the information I had about the workings of the organization had to be, ahem, `removed'. I am still recovering from that. Michael is a very big help." He gave a wry smile. "The cleansing did not remove my ability to enjoy the wiles of a handsome, well built young man. "Yet another pause. "But enough about me. Where are they...? AH, here." He pulled out a pair of very worn jeans. "Please prepare yourself, Mr. Fassio. You must be immaculate and, well, there is no other way to say this other than to be honest. You will need to be purged in a way that can be very uncomfortable. I shall do my best to make sure it is as unremarkable as possible. Now please drink this when you finish your bath. It will assist greatly." He handed Vin a small bottle of a very dark liquid. "It's a purge, Otto?" "Indeed it is. As mild a dose as is effective. I will be back in two hours to check on you. Kindly make sure that you've taken the dose." "It IS a good look for me," Vin admired himself in the mirror. He didn't want to admit it, but his dick banged against his cage. He tried to turn and get a look at his backside. Otto was at the door. "Excellent, Mr. Fassio. You'll have some time to spend with Mr. Hemmings this afternoon before Master Evans comes for you. I will bring you to the lounge area where he's waiting." It was the first time since their capture that the two of them were together without being restrained. Ned gave Vin a small smile. "You look good, bud." Vic gave out a bitter laugh and thanked Ned. "I guess we're going to be sharing duties from now on." Ned laughed. "I hope you don't get him too excited. He's a fucking horny beast right now and he may go on with taking us both every day." "Is he rough?" Vin asked, looking scared. "Yeah, he can be. But most times he's not rough, just demanding. Remember, it's about him. If he does something that makes you feel good, it's because he wants to see your face, or hear your moans. SHIT, he's coming." Ned had the plug in his ass now, and it began to vibrate. They heard the steps and then Evans was in the room. "VINNY! I hope I haven't kept you waiting long. In any event, I've surely kept you waiting for a shorter period of time than you've kept me waiting." He walked over to Vin: "Are you ready?" "NO," Vin answered, and Evans smiled. "I'm afraid you are." He hit the button and Ned winced as the shock from the butt plug intensified. "Surely you don't want Ned to suffer. Please come with me." Vin blanched, but he stood up. Evans stepped behind him and pawed his ass. "I have been waiting for this." He licked Vin's ear. "Come with me." He collected Vin's wrists behind him and instructed him to keep them there. He didn't ask Vin to bow his head, but he did. As Evans cuffed Vin's wrists to the bed, he was speaking: "I have something special for your ankles. I won't use them yet because I do need to get those sexy jeans off of you. For now though." He smiled and climbed up on the bed and then on top of Vin. "OH, my sexy beast here. Let's have that neck." He began kissing the side of Vin's head as a finger ran around Vin's lips. It was the first time anyone had ever done that to Vin, and it was electric. "No more arguments from you, Vinny. No more trouble. No more fights." He began opening Vin's shirt. "You look so hot shaved down, Vinny. Makes it even harder to decide who's getting into the bed." Vin began to shiver as Evans' tongue worked its way down his torso, all the way to his navel, where Evans dug in for a few minutes. Vin could hear his tongue working. Evans looked up. "You like how that felt Vinny? No need to lie. I already know the answer." Vin sighed. "Yeah, I did. "Remember when I taught you how to kiss? Well, let's review." Evans tossed off his shirt and flattened out on top of Vin again. His lips touched Vin's, and he whispered "open those sweet babies, Vinny. Show me what a good prison bitch you are." He pushed his knee into Vin's crotch and Vin opened his mouth. He didn't' resist at all, letting Evans take total control. "MMMMMMMMMMM. Your kisses arouse me so damn much Vinny." He opened his zipper. "See?" Vin began to freak. "IT'S TOO BIG. I CAN'T TAKE THAT. I CAN'T." "Oh yeah, you can. And you will." Evans' hand slipped down, and Vin felt the button of his jeans open. "Since you're locked, we don't have to worry about your hard-on getting caught in your zipper, Vinny." Evans expertly slipped them off Vin. "I like these jeans. You're gonna have to wear them more often. But now, let's get some mechanics out of the way." First, he slipped off Vin's underwear. Then Evans took one of Vin's ankles, and attached a restraint to it, but pulled the restraint up to the headpost of the bed. "You need to keep your legs in the air, Vinny, and until you get more strength in them, we'll do this. Normally, I'd hold them up, but I want my hands free to do other things." The other restraint went on Vin's second ankle, and his legs were up in the air. He was able to move them around: there was slack in the rope, but he couldn't bring them down. "MMMMMMMMMMM," he moaned as he felt Evans' finger at his hole. Then he moaned and screamed as Evans' tongue dug in. He was eating Vin for a while, and then he looked up. "It's time. "Vin saw Evans rub saliva all over his cock and then he felt the head at his butt. It felt very different from the butt plug. "OW. SIR, IT HURTS." Vin moaned as Evans began sliding in. "Shhhh. Just relax Vinny. Just remember last night. You enjoyed yourself. Enjoy yourself now because I'm not stopping." He didn't. Evans pushed in more. Vin tried to relax but then he tightened his glute muscles, trying to push Evans out. Evans sighed. "Do you want me to maybe twist your balls until you calm down, Vinny?

"No, No. I'm sorry. I'll try. ""Tightening your glutes when a man's cock is in you can be fun, but not when he's entering you. Relax. Yes. That's the way. OH YES, VINNY. GOOD BOY." Evans had all of his dick inside his former virgin. "Now, this is something that the butt plug can't do, and it's the best part." He began sliding back and forth inside of Vin. Deep and short thrusts, a little movement. Vin began to get pleasure from it. His cries became moans of pleasure, and he felt Evans get thicker and even longer. "I'm gonna breed you, stud bitch. I'm gonna unload inside you. Give you my babies." Evans pushed hard, and he shot. He shot big. Vin felt the flood of thick semen in his ass. "Today was a short one, Vinny, because you're not ready for some really prolonged love making, but trust me, within a week you'll be taking my cock for a half hour and then, in a month, much longer than that." "A month of fucking?" Vin thought. No, he couldn't do that. He had to work with Ned to try to get out of this. And he'd have to try to ignore how hard he had gotten in his cage.

Next: Chapter 9

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