The Capture of Agent Ned

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 5, 2023


Ned did not sleep well that night. He remembered what vinny had told him before Evans had taken him out: that he'd see, first-hand, how much power Evans had over him.

"I could've asked for help! I had SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES! WHAT THE..." he thought as he lie there. "Is he putting something in the food, or..." He began to think: was the submission he had yelled out loud just the first one? He had surrendered because he couldn't take the torment he was receiving from Evans, who seemed to be inexhaustible, but he always planned to resist.

Except he didn't when he had the chance. Now, he felt Evans move closer to him, felt his hand go to his pec, and he felt Evans' beard tickling his ear as he whispered:

"Ready for a second round, ned? I bet you're hard as a rock in the cage. Roll over." Evans was right about ned being hard: desperately hard. He sighed as he rolled onto his back, whispering "yes, sir," as Evans climbed up on top of him.

"It took a while, ned. But I GOT ya. Didn't I?" He felt Evans' hands sliding down his legs, finding spots on his calves that made it easier to lift them in the air.

"Yes, Sir. You did." Evans laughed. "Ha ha. Tough guy hemmings, now just a submissive sex slave." Evans pushed ned's legs in the air. Ned saw how stiff Evans was. "He came less than 5 hours ago. How could he?" Then he stopped thinking because Evans' prick was inside of him. Ned's body hadn't adsorbed all of the fluids from the time before, and Evans' cock moved in easily, sliding with the added lubrication.

"You and vinny don't get fucked enough, ned. But don't worry. I've got a solution to that coming up." Evans' cock seemed to get even harder as he said that. "You're both gonna start getting fucked every single day. At least once and maybe twice." He pushed hard, and ned knew that he was trying to cause pain. He was succeeding. "Tell me you're a fucktoi, hemmings. SAY IT." Ned gritted his teeth, but then when Evans slid to his prostate and pinched ned's nipples, he couldn't help it.


"You're more than that, hemmings. You're a BITCH. A fucking MANBITCH." Evans paused before he nearly slid out of ned, before pushing back to ned's prostate, eliciting a howl.

"YES SIR. YOU'RE RIGHT. OH GOD, SIR. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." Evans voice dropped. "You wanna cum don't you ned?" He got a whine that sounded like a plea when ned answered.

"I do. Please, Sir. I need to. I need to desperately."

"You'll get your chance, ned. I think my boys are going to cum together tomorrow. And who knows? You've both been caged for the same length of time. Maybe we'll have a contest depending on who does what." He shoved hard, and ned felt a small trickle of jizz as Evans bred him.

"That chest needs shaving. I'll make sure vinny takes care of it tomorrow. Now roll back into position. Time to get some sleep."

"I didn't even struggle," was the last thought ned had before he fell asleep.

"Vinny, get the shaving things. It's time for ned to get a body shave. No pubes, yet. Torso and pits."

"Yes, Sir," vinny headed off to where he knew the shaving materials were. When Evans shaved him, it was now vinny's job to get the materials before he got into position. When he came back, he knelt down in front of Evans, putting his hands behind his back.

"You'll shave ned today, vinny. Then, we're going to have a little game playing." Evans hadn't brought ned down with him: he had woken up, left a pair of athletic socks, sneakers, and a blue jockstrap for ned to dress in. When ned saw his "outfit" for the day, he muttered "fuck" under his breath. Was Master Evans REALLY going to have vinny shave him down?

"Get up, vinny. Strip down to your jock."

"Yes, Sir," came vinny's answer. Evans appraised his alpha sub. "I think you can probably use a pube shave . I'll take care of that. Or maybe..." he paused. "Maybe we'll wait." He looked up at ned. "Vinny, show ned proper sub position."

"Yes, Sir," was vinny's answer. He got back into position. "Beta hemmings, you will assume that position in the future. You'll keep in it until you have permission to change it. That's how subs comport themselves. Am I clear?" Ned's mouth went dry. He saw the shaving equipment. Didn't Evans say something about...?

"Get up, vinny. Get beta onto the cross and secure him. He needs a VERY thorough shaving, don't you think?" Vinny LOVED seeing ned get shaven. After Evans had captured the two of them, vinny used to fantasize about being underneath ned, feeling his hairy chest the way he felt Evans'. Now, though, the thought of seeing a man whom he always considered arrogant and a bit obnoxious, shaved, got him so hard he had to wince as his cock banged against his cage. Ned muttered "you're a fucking traitor," thinking Evans didn't hear, as vinny bound his wrists. Vinny thought ned was about to spit on him. Then he heard the words.

"You've seen me do it, vinny. You're a smart guy. Get to work. His chest, his pits. No need for pubes. You're the only one who's getting pubes shaved.

"FUCK!" slipped out of ned's mouth. He had just about gotten used to Evans' shaving him. He had NOT accepted being in the sub position to vinny, and now vinny was going to do what Evans had been doing. He saw the smile play over vinny's face as he picked up the instruments. "Shaved by a traitor. How humiliating." Ned began to squirm in the restraints, but when he saw how vinny's hand was shaking, he tried to keep as still as possible. He thought it very likely vinny would cut him, and moving around and squirming would make that even more likely.

"JUST GET IT OVER WITH," ned growled at vinny, who smiled. "I'll take my time, sub boy. Remember, ned. I sub for Master. YOU sub for both of us." He pushed the blade to ned's chest, and ned tried to think of anything but what was happening to him.

Evans left the basement area for a few minutes. Ned seethed as vinny took small, careful strokes with the razor, trimming ned to a finer degree than Evans ever had.

"I am going to kick your ass, vinny. From here to the next fucking state," ned growled and vinny just smiled.

"No you're not. If I complain to Sir, he'll make sure you pay in some other way." He stopped for a minute. "How was your date last night, stud? Get any help to come and rescue us." Ned reddened. "OK. You were right about that. It's something in the food and water." Vinny laughed.

"No it's not. It's two natural subs finally meeting a natural DOM. Keep your arms still, ned. I got to get to work on them and I know you're ticklish there, aren't you?" Vinny curled a finger into ned's left armpit, and got the reaction he was looking for, but just as Evans came back into the area.

"VINNY! I did NOT give you permission to torment ned. You have to earn that."

Vinny answered. "You're right, Sir, and I apologize. I forgot my place."

"Don't forget your place now. Get him cleaned up. We have a game to play when you're done. If I do say so myself, it's a delightfully wicked game." He was holding a double headed dildo. Ned began to wonder, as vinny dutifully and carefully finished off his pits. When he was done, Evans came over and inspected.

"Nice job, vinny. Now, let's get this boy down and towel him off. Then each of you, out of the skivvies. And on the mat. On your backs. Time to use my new toy."

Evans had vinny tie ned's wrists to one of the standing machines behind the mat. Then, when vinny had laid down as well, his legs running along side ned's, Evans secured him. Both vinny and ned saw the cock cage keys and there was a deep sigh of relief from both of them as Evans unlocked them.

"Now, here's my little game, boys. So devious if I do say so myself. This big boy is 12 inches long. And there's a mark at 6 inches. I'm going to lube each head and put one at both of your man pussies. Then, you're going to start trying to get it in your ass. ALL you have to take is six inches. Whoever gets to the line first, gets to jerk off. The other?" He shrugged his shoulders. "The other will be sucking dick and if he does a good enough job at that, he gets to cum. Then you both get locked up again."

"FUCKING HUMILIATING" went through ned's mind, but he was so horny, so desperate, he made up his mind: he was going to get to six inches. But how? Neither one of them could use his hands, and..." He felt vinny move his legs inside of his. Once they were there, he pushed ned's legs apart, so that ned couldn't close his glutes around the lubed head. On the other hand, vinny took a deep breath and slid his ass onto a head. "Feels so good, ned. Whatcha gonna do?

Ned saw the dildo beginning to disappear into vinny's ass. He had to try to get their legs in a different position: ned's legs were stronger, but the leverage vinny had was going to be hard to overcome, and he couldn't. He began to sweat. He saw Evans crouching down like some preying mantis watching smaller insects struggling.

"Looks like vinny's gonna take this easily, ned. What are you gonna do?" Vinny grinned. "I'll give you a break, beta boy." He had the dildo far enough in him that he could afford to move his legs and still hold the head inside him. He did that and ned pushed down harder and faster than he would ever admit. He was trying to make up lost ground and it hurt. Meanwhile, vinny was methodically swallowing the dildo, centimeter by centimeter. "Poor Mr. Hemmings," he teased. "All that time without a good wank, and it'll go on." Then vinny made a mistake. He laughed and the laugh was powerful enough to push some of the toy out of him. He lost about an inch and a half, and now, ned had the advantage with his legs. Vinny began to sweat. He was worried, but ned was exhausted. He had taken the dildo so hard and so fast that he needed to catch his breath and relax his glutes, and while he did that, vinny began to inch the thing back into him.

"I'd say about 4 inches for you, vinny, and about 3.75 for you ned. This is close. Much closer than I thought it would be. Notwithstanding ned's mighty bottoming skills, I'm getting hard again." The two of them went at it. Evans was chiding them both on. "Oh, vinny, you're slowing down now, and it looks like it's about 5 inches each. One more inch. ONE MORE INCH. Who's going to get it?"

Then, maybe because his ass had been loosened by the two fucks Evans had thrown into him, the red line disappeared into ned's ass.

"GENTLEMEN, WE HAVE A WINNER. Mr. Hemmings, you get the prize today. And it's a fine prize." Evans walked over and began untying vinny. "HEY, WAIT. I thought I won!"

"You did, ned. And I said, you'd get to cum. I didn't say you'd get to do it yourself. Vinny is going to milk you. And he'll probably be as deliberate as he was when he shaved you. You are going to SUFFER."

Ned did suffer. He didn't know how vinny had learned so many techniques for keeping him at the edge, but by the time he was ready to shoot, he had promised to do most of vinny's housework, to blow him when his technique was perfected, and to let vinny plug him with a smaller dildo whenever he wanted. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" ned screamed when he finally did shoot. He shot all over himself, and on the floor. Evans was clapping his hands.

WHAT A SUPERB FIRST ACT. BUT THERE'S MORE." Now he untied ned's hands. "Beta, get in position. The alpha slave needs relief." Ned saw vinny's hard cock. Vinny moved it in front of ned's mouth. Ned looked shocked.

"Well, you're not gonna practice on ME handsome. You get mine when you're a pro. Get to work. Vinny's not that long. And whether you swallow or not is up to you. You're gonna clean all this jizz up anyway."

"If he had been malicious during the shaving, vinny was solicitous during the blow job. "Probably because I could bite that weeny off," ned thought to himself, as vinny stroked his ears, purred, and gave him encouragement.

"That's right, ned, that's right. Good boy. Good boy. OH SHIT I'm gonna bathe your throat. Here it comes. " A whine sort of like the whinny a donkey makes came out of vinny, and ned felt a small stream of very sour liquid go down his throat.

"Are you satisfied, alpha?" Evans asked.

"Yes Sir. Quite drained. "

"Excellent. Then I suggest you get yourself cleaned up and dressed properly. Ned will follow you AFTER he gets this mess cleaned up. You may take a drink of water first, ned, because you're licking this up. And vinny is going to inspect to make sure you did a good enough job."

Twenty minutes later, vinny was back in the basement, wearing blue chinos and a blue buttondown shirt: one of Evans' favorite outfits on him. He pointed to spots ned hadn't gotten to, and finally, gave a thumbs up to Evans.

"Then it's time for you to get cleaned up, ned. I expect you back down here in twenty.

"Yes sir," ned walked fast, getting upstairs. He remembered what Evans had said about both of them getting fucked every day and didn't know what was up. He put on gray corduroys and the white button-down shirt -- also a favorite outfit of Evans. Ned noticed that the Velcro was still inside the shirt from prior play. He thought about trying to take it off, but he knew better: Evans would know. He'd HEAR the difference. He knew it.

Everyone went upstairs to the living area. Evans took a seat and signaled for vinny to sit next to his left leg on the floor, and ned at the other one. Vinny immediately cradled the boot Evans was wearing. Ned didn't, but Evans didn't seem to mind.

"Master Evans," Otto entered the room. "Right on time. Master Jeremy is here."

"AH! Please send him in." The two subs looked up as a much more classic DOM walked into the room: thick moustache, the cap, everything. Evans stood up.

"JEREMY you old son of a bitch! SO good to see you. And so sorry about you catching your sub cheating." Jeremy nodded. "Thanks. It was okay. He was getting a little ass flabby, and it took more and more pain to get him excited. " He paused. So, these are your boys? " He looked at vinny and grinned. "This must be vinny. The geeky nerdy one." He looked at vinny: "my last sub was a physics professor. You might even know him."

"Get over there, vinny. Show some respect to a Master who is talking to you." Vinny was stunned. "Sir. I don't understand."

"You don't need to understand, vinny. You may be an alpha, but you're an alpha sub. Do what you're told."

"Yes, sir," vinny looked down and walked over to Master Jeremy. He noticed, for the first time, that this new Master was wearing leather gloves. He rubbed a hand around vinny's face.

"Stubble looks good on you boy. Before you kneel, kiss me."

"Do what he says, vinny. Remember that book Heather has two mommies? Well, vinny is about to have two Masters. Master Jeremy is moving in, to help me keep the two of you in line. And in gratitude, he's going to have one of you every night. He favors men like you, vinny, so tonight, you'll be servicing my good friend. You, ned, will be continuing to receive my undivided attention." He looked at Jeremy. "Would you like to try out your new toy before dinner, or wait until after?" Both Evans and Jeremy smiled when they saw the doe in the headlights look on vinny's face.

"I think vinny has to start learning as soon as possible, Ev. I'm sure we both end up at the same place, but we travel a little differently. GET OVER HERE BOY" Vinny gave Evans a pleading look.

"Do what my friend says, vinny. Tonight, HE'S your DOM. When Jeremy teased vinny by growling, vinny thought he was gonna crap himself right there. His voice stammered.

"At your service, Sir," he said very quietly. Jeremy laughed when he saw vinny begin to get in sub position on his knees.

"Not necessary, geek boy. We're heading RIGHT to the guest bedroom. I'm short and thick, not like Evans. A GOOD sub has to be able to accept ANY size cock." He wrapped his arm around vinny's middle, and roughly opened his shirt so he could get his hand inside. "Hmm. He's ready for a shave. Mind if I do that, Ev?"

"Oh, it'll be fun. Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow it is. Let's go boy."

"Yes, Sir," vinny answered, almost crying. Ned began to feel sorry for him, but that sorry feeling ended in about fifteen minutes, because that's how long it took for Evans to get him onto his bed, spread out and tied tightly.

"I haven't spent a good amount of time tickling you for a while, ned. I think...tonight's the night as our friend Mr. Stewart might say." Ned didn't answer "yes, sir." He HATED the way Evans tickled him and Evans knew it.

"Toothbrushes on the soles. Let's start."

"I'm not giving him satisfaction. I'm not giving him satisfaction. I'm not... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA." It started. And after Evans finished with the feet, he opened ned's shirt. "Tickling is always better with a freshly shaved body," he began to put the long, banjo pick style extensions on his fingers and lightly played them across ned's ribs, first moving horizontally, then vertically. Ned squealed, and then he screamed. When Evans' fingers went up to his pits, his screaming stopped because Evans had covered ned's mouth with his own. That was when ned began to hear the groans and moans coming from the other bedroom. Had he been a fly on the wall, he would have seen how vinny had foolishly tried to get away, and when that failed, had been thrown to the bed, face down, pants dragged to his ankles, and then had three fingers -- more than he had ever taken -- pushed into his ass, followed by Jeremy ordering him to lick them. The real scream came when that thick, short, sparkplug of a cock pushed into vinny without mercy. Being an alpha slave made no difference at that point. Vinny realized: "I'm a slave. Period. "

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