The Capture of Agent Ned

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 16, 2023


Most days, Evans had been driving vinny to work himself. Not today. Today was the day he had chosen for getting Ned to surrender: to submit to him. He had spent a few days planning exactly what he was going to do, and he was delighted with his plan. "Not too fast, and not too slow. He'll be ready for when vinny comes home." Evans had something planned for vinny that night as well, and he might as well get the two of them done at the same time. He had begun by making Ned wear an outfit identical to the one he was wearing the first time he captured him: the time his colleagues broke in and Evans had to flee. That wouldn't happen this time. Wearing the yellow button-down shirt and the brown pants that Evans had found so hot, Ned was bound, and plug gagged in a chair. He couldn't move much, from the ankle ropes, the cuffs that kept his hands behind his back, and the ropes that bound his thighs, and his chest. Evans sat opposite him, with a hitachi in his hand. "One of my favorite toys, Nedman. Good for stimulating a man, and not letting him climax. You're familiar with how they work, aren't you?" Ned simply shook his head. He could see himself in the mirror behind Evans. His face showed a combination of anger, defiance, and fear. "MMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of Ned, as Evans turned on the hitachi, at its lowest setting, and touched it to Ned's crotch. "Now, when we're done, Ned boy, you're going to have to do a fair amount of catching up. I've been dominating vinny for a couple of weeks and it's been SOOOOOOOOOOOO sweet. But I need to treat my subs equally. Don't you agree?" Ned glared but gave no indication of an opinion. "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION HEMMINGS. ANSWER IT." If Ned hadn't been gagged, Evans would have seen the slight smile on his face. He also would have seen the smile disappear when he kicked up the hitachi 2, then 3 notches. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!" This moan was higher pitched and longer than the first. Now, it was Evans' turn to smile. "Not that your view matters to me, Hemmings. Once I have your surrender, I intend to take full measure of you." He got up, walked behind Ned and whispered, "beta slave," which provoked as much squirming and struggling as Ned could muster. Being defeated was one thing. Being subordinate to vinny was another thing all together. "It's what happens, Ned," Evans kept whispering as his fingers dug into Ned's shoulders. "I wonder how long you'll hold out. We'll start after we get some preliminaries taken care of. Whether you're a sub or not, these things must be done." Evans released the leg and torso restraints but kept Ned's hands tied behind his back, and the gag in his mouth. He led him to his bedroom. Since he had been recaptured, Ned had been kept in a cell, while Evans slept with vinny. Ned could smell vinny in the room. "First things first, Ned. This is a shortcut but a good one. You know about the chastity cage? Well..." Evans opened Ned's pants. He took the semi-flaccid cock in his hands. The device was in his other one. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph" the moan was one of helplessness as Evans locked him in. "EXCELLENT. Now..." He opened the buttons on Ned's shirt. "Wax would be a little extreme for today. Just a razor and some crème." He removed the wrist restraints off and the gag out of Ned's mouth. "Strip down. Then get in the spread-eagle position. You know the one." "Please, Evans. Don't do this. You HAVE a sub. You have vinny." "DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD NED, OR I PROMISE YOU... I WILL USE THE WAX ON YOUR CHEST AND I'LL MAKE EVERYTHING ELSE MUCH MORE PAINFUL." Ned sighed. He shucked his clothes and got in position. Evans locked Ned's ankles and wrists as tightly to the bed as possible. He stepped away and came back with what he called the "old school" shaving materials. "You know, Ned, in my entire career, I've NEVER done someone's pubes before the rest of their body. I guess we all must change, ha ha." Ned gulped as the cold crème hit his torso. He squirmed when Evans spread it over him, taking a bit for each of his pits. He closed his eyes when he felt the blade touch his chest. Maybe if he could just think of something other than the shaving that was happening. "You're gonna be the hottest sub in town, handsome. I can't wait to show you off the way I showed off vinny. Now, let's get those pits." Evans seemed to be taking a long time to shave those, and Ned could see him smiling. "You know, you'll feel everything I do to you much more strongly now that you're smooth, Ned. Actually, I think you're both sexier when you're hairy, but for these purposes, shaving's necessary. Makes you feel MUCH more vulnerable, doesn't it?" Ned didn't want to answer but he feared what Evans would do, especially with the edge in his hand. "Yeah, it does. That's why you do it. That's why you do ALL of this, fucker. You want us to be vulnerable. And helpless. " "Well, you got that right, Hemmings. Anyway, now that the preliminaries are over, I can get to work. Unless, of course, you'd like to spoil my fun and submit right away." Ned wanted to ask what the difference between what Evans did to him and what he'd do when he submitted would be, but he knew some of it: he saw it in vinny. "Now, why would I spoil your fun, Evans? You're such a fun guy as it is." Ned spat out, and Evans smiled. "Defiant even now. GOOD. That makes this so much more fun. So, let's start with something very easy, and a good reminder. If I were to tickle your feet constantly, you'd break in 15 minutes, and you know it, Hemmings." Ned gulped. This was true. As Evans' nail traced a line on his left sole, he tried to pull his foot back. "FUCK" he gasped, and Evans just continued, now moving another nail to Ned's right sole. "Fuck? In a little while. A victory one, and then a celebratory one." He switched to two nails on each of Ned's soles, and Ned burst out into helpless laughing. "Maybe it would only take ten minutes, Ned." Then Evans stopped. "I need to prolong this a bit. By the way, I learned that you had a nickname when you were a young boy, Ned. I think it's time we brought it back. Nelly." Ned hadn't heard that name since he started at college, and it stung. "DON'T FUCKING CALL ME THAT!" He fought to get up from the restraints, which didn't give. "OH, that's funny, Ned. Or Nelly. Seems I hit the mark as hard as I did when I found your prostate. And speaking of that." Evans pulled out a curved, purple hard plastic object that terminated in what looked like a thumb. "This, my handsome stud, is a combination of vibrator, and dildo. Let's get it inside of you, just at the right place." Ned saw Evans put a drop of lube on the tip of it. He couldn't move his legs as Evans pushed the thing inside of him. He did it slowly, and when he hit Ned's "spot," even though Ned tried to swallow it, he gave out a long, slow moan. "THERE WE ARE, NELLY. Now, once I turn this on, it's going to move in a circle. Very, very slowly. It'll hit your spot about once every ten seconds. Unless I speed it up. Which is unlikely. I think all I'll do is slow it down." Ned was beginning to sweat. If this was how Evans was starting... Then the toy made its first circle, and Ned moaned again. "EXCELLENT. Working properly. Now, what else do we have? "The gleam was in Evans' eye, as he produced what looked like a typical pair of nipple clamps. "That the best you got? You need to go toy shopping, Evans." "AH, always a smart ass with a hot ass. You ever hear the expression `it's not about the pen you use, it's how you sign your name? Well, this is a bit of both." Ned winced, getting ready for the pain, but when Evans attached them, he didn't feel much. "You're puzzled, Ned. Well, worry not. There IS another layer to this. By the way, are you enjoying the vibrator? Best tell me if you want me to slow it down, because in a few minutes, you won't be able to speak." "I FUCKING HATE IT. BUT YOU KNEW THAT." "Yeah, I did. Oh well. Now, maybe you saw that the chain between the clamps is a little shorter than the ones I normally use." Evans pinched the middle of the chain and pulled it up. NOW they began to hurt. "Open your mouth. I'm putting this in there." "FUCK YOU!" Ned screamed, and then he felt the smack of Evans' open palm on his balls. He yelped, and Evans put the chain in. "CLOSE YOUR MOUTH OR YOU GET ANOTHER ONE," he ordered. Ned obeyed and then, the true pain from the clamps began. "Drop the chain, and I'll make the toy go slower than it is, Nelly." Evans saw the fire that was in Ned's eyes. He was in pain, and angry. And helpless. "You want to submit, Ned?" Ned shook his head no, and a wave of pain went through him. "GOOD. Then I can use another toy. Actually, two." Now, Evans pulled out a spiked pinwheel. "I think I'll start on your pits with this, Ned. After that..." Evans snickered as he pulled out a blindfold. "The pinwheel is interesting enough, but when you can't see where I'm going." When Ned tried to squirm to avoid the blindfold, the chain fell out of his mouth. "On your balls, stud?" Evans started moving the pinwheel "south." "NO! NO. I'll hold it harder. I will. I will." "Let me get the blindfolds on first. Then, you'll do what I say." Ned smelled the "new car" scent of the blindfolds, and then he felt Evans push the chain to his mouth. He complied. "My new sub is coming along, isn't he? "Ned couldn't see anything, but he felt the pinwheel running up and down his right armpit. It was a combination of pain and tickling. He was trying, desperately, to keep still, but when Evans moved the wheel to his other pit, he couldn't, and he dropped the chain again. "I think I have the solution, Ned." Ned could hear Evans rustling about, and then he felt him stick something under each of his pecs. "My special invention. My old friend Peter taught me how to put VELCRO on a sub's nips before he put on his shirt. I've adapted that, with Otto's help." Again, the vibrator was at a low setting, but the tiny, plastic protrusions began to tease Ned's tits. He didn't have the chain in his mouth anymore, so Evans heard his moans and groans. "So sexy to hear you like that, Ned. SO, FUCKING, SEXY. So, should I just leave you like this for about an hour? "NO. NO. Don't leave me here, please." "Maybe I should slow down the vibrators?" Ned began to feel the pinwheel going over his torso. "You ready to submit, Ned?" Evans heard an anguished, swallowed cry come out from Ned. He knew he was close. And he knew what to do to bring Ned right over the edge. The pinwheel went on Ned's balls. Very gently, very delicately, and Evans said nothing. It took about thirty seconds. "NO MORE! NO MORE! PLEASE NO MORE! I SUBMIT! I GIVE! I SURRENDER. I FUCKING SURRENDER!" Evans held the pinwheel on Ned's balls as he bent over and whispered "tell me you're my bitch. My slave. " "I AM! I AM! YOU WIN. I'M YOUR BITCH. JUST LIKE VINNY." Evans chuckled as he moved the wheel. "No, not like vinny, ned. Vinny is my alpha sub. You're the beta. Say it." "YES YES. I'M THE BETA, SIR. THE BETA." Ned heard the triumphant chuckling from Evans. "Oh, this is SO wonderful. FINALLY! It only took three captures, but I've broken the infamous ned hemmings. Haven't I?" "Yes sir, yes you have." "And now, I'm going to celebrate my victory with a good, solid fuck." He took the blindfolds off ned and took out all the toys. Ned saw him release the ankle restraints, and then felt him pushing his legs up in the air, over his shoulders. "Are you, are you forgetting the cage, Sir?" Evans saw ned's face. "Oh, my nelly bitch boy wants to cum, doesn't he?" "Yes Sir, yes, I do. I need to." "Well, as beta sub, you're going to need your alpha's permission for that, and vinny will be back later. So, for now...I hope that prostate isn't too exhausted." Evans dropped his jeans and his hard, almost beet red cock aimed for ned's ass. "Your first fucking as a sub, ned. Far from your last." It had been a while since Evans had fucked ned, so ned wasn't prepared for the powerful thrusts, the teasing, or how sensitive his nipples were going to be after their torture. As Evans thrust, he said "I've left your ears alone for now, ned. But tonight, oh, am I gonna mark you. BAM!" He pushed into ned so hard, ned thought he was going to shoot. He didn't. Instead, the powerdrive fucking went on for a good ten minutes. Evans never asked ned if he was enjoying it. He didn't care. He had a new sub. He had two of them. And one of them was ned hemmings! He closed his eyes, savoring the mastery of the man he had desired for so long, and shot into ned. "I'M GONNA BREED YOU NELLY. BREED YOU LIKE THE BITCH YOU ARE." All ned could bring himself to do was to say, weakly, "yes sir." Evans was pretty spent from his working over ned, so he locked him, naked, in his cell, and went to take a nap. He chuckled: when was the last time he had slept alone when vinny and ned were both in the house? He had been topping vinny for several weeks now, and whether vinny liked it or not, he was about to get a break. Ned had confounded him for too long, and Evans knew that submissions where the sub didn't think about recanting were rare. Vinny was the exception. He'd have to keep ned on a very short leash, a thought that amused him as he was falling asleep. And training vinny to be an "under-dom" was going to be fun too. "Don't play with yourself," he told himself as he nodded off. "More juice for ned tonight." Evans woke up about half an hour before Otto and vinny were due back. He thought he'd have ned tell vinny what had happened. It would be more fun. He'd call the parlor ahead of time and tell Marco that he'd have two clients, not one. He heard the key in the door, and then Otto came in with vinny. Vinny still had his jacket on, as he walked over to Evans, knelt, put his hands behind his back and looked up. "Good evening, Sir? Would you like your evening blowjob now?" Evans ran his thumb around vinny's lips, provoking an "mmmm" and a "thank you, Sir." "Tonight, vinny, I have a surprise for you. Let's go visit ned." He smiled at Otto, who gave him a "thumbs up" very quickly. When vinny walked into the room where ned was locked in a cell, he knew exactly what had happened. He heard the door close, and he was alone in the room with ned. "He broke me vinny. I gave up." Ned sounded completely heartbroken about it. "He said he's putting you in charge of part of my training." Vinny felt sorry for ned until he heard that. He was locked, and he could feel his cock bang up against the cage. He had no desire to be a top man, but he knew that with ned around, his time with Master Evans would be cut back. "I'm gonna make his life absolute HELL" vinny thought to himself. "He's pretty hard to stand up to," vinny told ned. "And he's wanted you for how long? Ned, since he retook me, he's been planning for this day. You didn't stand a chance." "Do you think I can fight it, vinny? Do you think I can resist this?" Vinny looked at him. "I'm not the one to ask, ned. I like being a sub." As he said that he felt Evans' hand on the back of his neck. "And you make a fine one, vinny, and a good example for a reluctant one like ned. Now, vinny, as I've been telling you, you'll have some control of ned. Not complete control, for sure, but some. And here's your first decision: you see, ned is caged just like you. He's already asked me to have permission to jerk off. When do you think he should be allowed to do so?" Vinny thought about it for a few minutes. "Sir, am I remembering correctly that I get unlocked in two days?" "Correct, boy." When vinny smiled, he had a wolfish look. He smiled now. "Three days."

Ned looked up, shocked. "I agree," Evans answered. "Now, I had a surprise planned for you tonight, vinny, and I've arranged things so that the surprise is for BOTH of you." He came over to the cell and unlocked it. "Ned, you need to get dressed. I've laid out an outfit for you. Vinny, change into jeans, and leave the jacket at home. We're leaving in fifteen minutes." "Yes sir," came the answer from both. When they had left to change, Evans let out a laugh. "He has no idea. Neither one of them does." Ned's blue polo shirt was very snug, but not as snug as the leather pants Evans had provided for him. "Look how nicely your nips show, ned. And your arms. You continued to work out, didn't you?" "Yes sir, I did," ned muttered. "I did it to protect myself." "Gee, that did you a lot of good, didn't it?" Evans was driving, with vinny in front. Ned was stewing in the back of the car, wondering how he could get out of this. "OH SHIT" he thought, when he saw that Evans had pulled up in front of a store that advertised "erotic jewelry. All body piercing." Vinny swallowed hard, too. "Is he gonna make me wear an earring?" he thought, still totally unfamiliar with the situation. "LET'S GO BOYS! Marco's very busy tonight." Marco was a big, burly guy with a moustache and dark hair. He shook Evans' hand and grinned. "So, you got yourself two when you were looking for one? HOMBRE, you always surprise me." "Sometimes I surprise myself, Marco. And you can see from their looks, that these boys are surprised themselves. "He looked at them. "Nipple piercing. And don't make me start thinking about additional pierces because, well, just don't." He turned to Marco. "Vinny's my alpha, so he can go first. Ned, you come with us." He spoke to Marco again. "Ned is newly broken. Not more than six hours ago. He may make a break for it." "Well, he can come in, of course, but I could also lock the door." "Nah. I'll get a kick out of keeping him under control while you do vinny." They went into the studio where Marco did the piercing. "Open your shirt, vinny," Evans ordered, and he got a "yes sir" in response. He looked around, frightened, and for the first time, he didn't want to be there. "So, he's the alpha. You want me to use the "a" tips on the bar?" "YEAH. Great idea, Marco. In case anyone gets close enough to them to see it, they'll know. But I think vinny has the potential to make sure everyone does anyway." "Yeah, right, " ned thought, beginning to get cocky. "Okay, alpha vinny. That chair. It would be better if you put your hands through the loops on the arms. Helps with first timers. "I gotta pee, Sir," ned told Evans. "Hold it. Or you can let it slosh in the leather. Cleaning it up tomorrow will be your first task if you do." When Marco brought out the instruments, vinny began to shake. "You're gonna hurt him!" ned growled, and then he felt Evans taking his arms, holding him in place. "Only for a second, beta boy. Like a little needle prick." Marco looked up. "There's some kind of joke there, but I got work to do." He took vinny's right nipple in his piercer, pressed it, and vinny winced. He hated needles. But it was over. Now, the bar was going through the hole, and it was sealed off. "It's a mark of ownership, alpha boy. Let's people know you're an owned sub." The weight of that sank into vinny. "But it doesn't give my master's name." "Ha, ha. Are you asking for a tattoo, vinny?" Vinny lowered his head. "I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to presume." "No, I'll think about it. But you know, if you get one, beta boy is gonna need one too. How about "Evans' alpha" and "Evans' beta" over your asses?" He felt ned trying to fight him and heard vinny say "If that's what you would like, Sir." "You're in for an interesting few months, Evans, that's for sure. Now, can we get beta boy's shirt off?" Evans had thought about a regular button-down for this, but ned was going to need as much training, overt and subtle, as he could give him. The polo would show the pierce when ned put it back on, and it was snug enough that he'd feel residual pain. "I DON'T WANT THIS" ned growled. "You don't have a choice, nelly. Get in the chair," Evans was annoyed that ned was embarrassing him. "Four days," he thought. "Don't make me force you in the chair, ned. Get your shirt off and SIT THE FUCK DOWN." Beaten, ned grunted "yes sir," and took off his shirt. "Newly shaven, too. Bet you let his hair grow back, Evans." "We'll see," he answered, having already decided that they'd both get their hair back. Marco worked efficiently, and when ned squirmed too much, he brought out a neck collar and locked him into the chair with that. "If you don't watch him do it, ned, there will be punishment." Ned gulped. He didn't want to see this but... "One, two, three," Marco called out, and ned felt the pinch. "Beta bar for the beta boy," Marco continued. "Not even any bleeding. GOOD. You can put your shirt back on now, ned." When he did, ned figured out why Evans had him wear what he did. "FUCKER" he thought. After some small talk between Evans and Marco, they headed back to the car. "So, you really want a tattoo, vinny?" "I don't know, Sir. It, well, sounded kinda hot." "We'll think about it. Maybe on your six-month anniversary. Now, vinny, I'm gonna need you to let me take ned to bed tonight. He must catch up on his bottoming, but tomorrow," he grinned. "No, not tomorrow, but when you're uncaged, you'll start training him in giving a good blowjob. You could use a sucking. And don't worry. We'll use the ring gag. He's not gonna hurt my alpha boy.

Next: Chapter 15

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