The Captive Boy

Published on Nov 7, 2022


The Chapter Boy - Chapter 4

The Captive Boy

By Johnny Kape ©2009-2022

Before this story:

This story contains sexual scenes between an adult male and a young boy. If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, ... then why are you here? Please stop reading now.

This story is completely fictional and it never happened in real life. The author does not condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in the story. All the names of people and places in this story do not contain any innuendo.

Simply speaking, it is just a story. Okay?

Special thanks to Greyson B., the author of Cadence and A Ghost Finds A Body. He helped me proofread the revised version and gave me many very good and professional suggestions. I really learned a lot from him. Thank you, Greyson.

I'd like to get your feedback. Please send a mail to tell me what you think about this story. I appreciate all the feedback from you.

If you enjoy this story, please support the Nifty archives.

-- Johnny Kape

Chapter 4

Joey knew that Johnny must have become the center of everyone's conversation, so he volunteered to be on guard duty that night. He brought some food and water, and took Johnny with him, sitting in the high sentry box, listening to everyone chatting.

The subject was, of course, Pokerface.

"Did you see that shot Pokerface made?" said Ian. "He pulled the gun, unlocked the safety catch, and pulled the trigger in probably... less than one second? And he hit the snake's head dead center. How did he do that?"

"Do you know where he comes from? Joey didn't tell us anything about him," said Craig.

"Joey protected him so well, huh?" snorted Ian.

"Now I'm starting to understand why the Leer government would imprison Pokerface in the Linbus Jail," said Sam. "If he is such a great marksman, he must be a thorn in the side of the government army. Maybe there was a great reward for capturing him?"

They kept discussing where Johnny might come from. Then Sam turned his head and shouted to the sentry box.

"Where did you learn to shoot, Pokerface?"

"Pokerface, were you born a mute, or did they persecute you so much that you became a mute?" Ian also shouted.

Johnny didn't reply, just looked off far away. Joey shouted back. "Don't ask him anything! Finish your dinner and rack out!"

"Ho-ho, you couldn't bear anybody trying to bully your little Pokerface, could you?" laughed Ian.

"All right, all right. Ask him if he would teach me how to shoot," shouted Sam.

They didn't talk to Joey or Johnny anymore, but kept discussing about this weird, yet incredible boy, and went to their own tents late into the night.

The moon was high in the middle of the sky. Johnny still looked off far away, and Joey watched the side of the young boy's face.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Joey softly.

Johnny did not reply.

"Do you know what I'm thinking about?" asked Joey. "You made me recall a boy I met in Vietnam."

Johnny turned his head and watched Joey.

"The boy was about 12, a bit older than you are now," said Joey. "He was tall and thin, and had a sweet smile. When I was in Vietnam, I lost contact with my teammates, and was trapped in the forest. I was stuck in a tree, and my legs were injured and bleeding.

"The boy's name was Minh. He was collecting firewood in the forest when he found me stuck in the tree. So he rescued me and brought me back to his village."

Joey seemed to sink into his memory. Johnny listened to him quietly.

"Although I was an enemy, everyone in the village still tried to heal me as best as they could. Minh sent meals to me every day. I sent him some small things back, and taught him some simple English. We soon became very good friends.

"After a few days, my legs were a lot better. I started to fix the villager's houses using the tools I'd brought. I also took Minh to hunt in the forest, and shared the prey we got with everyone.

"However, the happy days didn't last long. I had so much enjoyment that I almost forgot the North Vietnamese soldiers must check the traps in the forest.

"I was swimming with Minh in a river at the time. We played a lot, and took a rest on the river bank. We were both naked. I kissed him, and caressed his body. He hugged me tightly. We fondled for a while, and were ready to go back home. Two soldiers found us and shot at us immediately."

Joey closed his eyes. Johnny still watched Joey quietly.

"Minh was in front of me, and was hit by three shots. I took my gun and attacked back, and killed them. However, I could not save Minh's life. Minh lay down in my arms, smiling at me, and said, 'Kiss me, Joey...'.

"I wept, and kissed Minh deeply. Minh closed his eyes, and died in my arms."

Joey seemed to be very upset. He opened his eyes, inhaled deeply, exhaled slowly, and then continued.

"I dug a hole and buried Minh. Then I went back to the village, still didn't know how to tell Minh's parents about his death. However, as soon as I got close to their village, I saw a few North Vietnamese soldiers gather all the villagers in the middle square of the village. They were holding my military uniform, waving it, and yelling at everyone. I didn't understand what they were saying, but I knew that things had gone terribly wrong. It didn't take long for me to see those soldiers start to shoot at all the villagers. They all were killed.

"I tightly covered my mouth and didn't dare to make a sound, but there was nothing I could do. I could only watch everyone losing their lives because of me."

Joey's eyes closed again, and held Johnny's hands tightly. Johnny did not resist.

"I owe you so much, Minh," said Joey softly. He put Johnny's hand on his own forehead, and seemed to talk to Minh. "Do you know how much I miss you, Minh? I love you, Minh, do you know that?"

After a while, Joey woke from his trance and sighed deeply. He sat up and released Johnny's hands. He apologized. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

Johnny nodded slightly. Joey smiled, because he finally got another positive response from Johnny. He hugged the boy slightly.

"They kept asking me why I treated you so nice," said Joey. "That's because of your face, your eyes, your everything. They all made me think of Minh. However, you are different from Minh. I don't know how to describe the feeling. Maybe it was because of your part in this civil war; maybe it was because you had so many... terrible experiences. Anyway, please trust me. I'll find your friends and bring you back to them."

Johnny lowered his head. After a long pause, he raised his head, watched Joey, and said the first words after keeping silent for nearly two years.

"Forget it."

-- To be continued.

Next: Chapter 6

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