The Captive Boy

Published on Nov 3, 2022


The Captive Boy - Chapter 3

The Captive Boy

By Johnny Kape ©2009-2022

Before this story:

This story contains sexual scenes between an adult male and a young boy. If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, ... then why are you here? Please stop reading now.

This story is completely fictional and it never happened in real life. The author does not condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in the story. All the names of people and places in this story do not contain any innuendo.

Simply speaking, it is just a story. Okay?

Special thanks to Greyson B., the author of Cadence and A Ghost Finds A Body. He helped me proofread the revised version and gave me many very good and professional suggestions. I really learned a lot from him. Thank you, Greyson.

I'd like to get your feedback. Please send a mail to tell me what you think about this story. I appreciate all the feedback from you.

If you enjoy this story, please support the Nifty archives.

-- Johnny Kape

Chapter 3

Joey was quite upset with himself for the mistake he made. He knew that Arnold and George had raped Johnny, but they still had many missions; he had to take the overall situation into account. Breaking with the two would have serious consequences. So he decided to let drop the issue that the two had left their posts and raped Johnny for now. He carried Johnny into his tent, cleaned him carefully, dressed him, and handed him a small handgun.

"We may need your skill to snipe," said Joey, "and let you protect yourself."

Johnny took the gun, loaded it, locked the safety catch, and put the gun in his shorts. He still did not reply to Joey.

After that, Joey kept Johnny close by his side, even taking him on duty. He taught Johnny how to find the enemy's track, where enemies moved to, and how to set traps along the way enemies must go. Johnny started out in the Leer's civil war at 5, but he was mostly assigned to snipe. The things that Joey taught were mostly new to him, so he kept those things in his mind. However, he still did not speak with Joey at all.

Joey didn't give up. Every night he always sat beside Johnny under the tree, telling the boy about his own experiences. He told Johnny that he used to be in the special forces of the United States, and had been in the Vietnam War. Now he was a leader of a mercenary army. They were hired to execute some secret missions in Africa.

It didn't take long that Joey's friends started to tease him. "Joey, did you fall in love with Pokerface?"

Joey didn't answer them, just smiled.

"Pokerface" was a nickname given by Joey's friends. They all were very surprised to know that this weird Asian boy was confined in this notorious Linbus Jail by the Leer government. Then, though Johnny was rescued, he never showed any appreciation. Actually, he didn't speak with anyone at all, nor smile or cry either. He just kept a poker face. Nobody knew where Johnny came from, why he was there, and why Joey treated him so nice. Joey did not explain anything to his friends either, and nobody knew that one of the reasons why he treated Johnny so nice was that Johnny made him think of Minh, the Vietnam boy he owed his life to...

Days passed. Joey would still see Arnold and George stare at Johnny maliciously, so he kept the little boy close to him and didn't want to give anyone else a chance to hurt the poor boy again.

During their duties and missions, Joey also tried to inquire about Johnny's friends. He took Johnny to where he saw Jack last time, but Jack had escaped to somewhere else. He inquired about other guys, but could not get anything useful. Finally, somebody told him that there were some people in Anka Town, which was in the north of Leer, planning another attack.

"Anka?" Joey felt a bit surprised. "Wow, they are so bold. It's not very far from the capital City of Leer."

Thinking for a while, Joey patted Johnny's shoulder. "We won't go north for now, but we will have a chance."

Johnny still didn't reply to him.

One day when they went back to the base after their duty mission, they saw everyone standing still very nervously. Joey stopped and watched others in question.

"What's wrong?" asked Joey.

"Snake," Sam replied. "Just behind Arnold. Look."

Joey saw Arnold standing still there, and on a branch of a tree behind him was a medium sized, green snake, ready to attack. He knew that once Arnold moved, the snake would attack immediately. He could not tell what kind of snake it was, but according to the shape and the pattern of the snake, he could say it must be a poisonous one. He didn't have any serum. If Arnold was bitten, nobody could save his life.

"Do you know what kind of snake it is?" asked Joey.

"Mamba, maybe," said Sam. "But I'm not sure. I just can say that it must be poisonous."

Joey nervously thought about how to save Arnold, but soon he heard everybody exclaim. The snake started to attack, jumping toward Arnold at a very fast speed. At that very moment, everyone heard a gunshot. They watched the snake flying along a parabolic curve, then hit the ground heavily. It struggled on the ground for a few seconds, then stopped moving.

Everybody was dumbfounded for a while, then started to find where the gunshot came from. They saw that Johnny's hands were raised at his shoulder height, with a small handgun in them. There was smoke floating from the handgun's barrel. Then they saw Johnny locked the safety catch, and put the gun back into his shorts. Everyone started to applaud.

"Good shot, Pokerface!"

"Wow, it's amazing. Why didn't you show us your skill before, Pokerface?"

"Pokerface, where did you learn to shoot?"

Arnold knew that his life had been saved. He felt his knees weaken, and knelt down on the ground. All the other people lifted Johnny up to their shoulders, still applauding. Joey watched the young boy, who was still keeping his poker face, but his eyes were active and smiling this time. He smiled watching the boy being thrown up and down, then he walked to Arnold, squatted in front of him. He looked into Arnold's eyes.

After a few seconds, Joey started to speak, in a severe way. "He could have chosen not to save your life, Arnold. I hope you will regret what you did to him."

Arnold lowered his head, avoiding Joey's serious eyes. Joey stood up and left him.

-- To be continued.

Next: Chapter 5

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