The Captive Boy

Published on Nov 2, 2022


The Captive Boy - Chapter 2

The Captive Boy

By Johnny Kape ©2009-2022

Before this story:

This story is a love story between an adult, Joey, and a young boy, Johnny, not a BDSM one. It starts off bad, but eventually they will be bound together in a loving way, and will have more adventures in the part 2 of this story. In this chapter, the poor boy had some bad experiences, but they are a necessity for further development. If you're offended by such materials, you can skip the last few paragraphs of this chapter and advance to the next chapter.

This story is completely fictional and it never happened in real life. The author does not condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in the story. All the names of people and places in this story do not contain any innuendo.

Simply speaking, it is just a story. Okay?

Special thanks to Greyson B., the author of Cadence and A Ghost Finds A Body. He helped me proofread the revised version and gave me many very good and professional suggestions. I really learned a lot from him. Thank you, Greyson.

I'd like to get your feedback. Please send a mail to tell me what you think about this story. I appreciate all the feedback from you.

If you enjoy this story, please support the Nifty archives.

-- Johnny Kape

Chapter 2

Joey and his troops were standing in the courtyard of the jail. Johnny was sitting under a tree nearby, holding his knees with his arms, watching Joey talking to the others.

"Arnold, Sam, go collect the food and weapons in this jail and see what we can take with us."

Johnny saw two guys nod.

"Ian, Craig, prepare the time bombs. We'll blow up the entire jail after we leave. Don't leave any evidence behind."

Another two guys nodded. One of them asked, "How about the prisoners and jailers here?"

"Where are they now?" asked Joey.

"Except the targets we need to rescue, all others are held in the restaurant now. George, Al and Callum are watching over them."

Joey nodded, thought for a while, then made the decision quickly. "Arnold, send a message to George: let all the prisoners go but warn them to forget everything happening here. Execute all the jailers."

Johnny saw Arnold nodded.

"What about this little guy? Also let him go?" asked another guy pointing his thumb to Johnny.

Joey shook his head. "You don't have to worry about him. I'll take care of this kid. Craig, set all the bombs to detonate in seventy-five minutes. Everyone must finish your work and retreat from here in thirty minutes. Time sync!"

Everyone raised their wrist and looked at their watches.

"1340. Action now!" Joey ordered.

Everyone except Joey left. Joey walked to Johnny, who looked up at him. Then the man stretched out a hand, and pulled the boy up to his feet. He put his hands on the kid's shoulders.

"Follow me tight. Don't get lost. Okay?" said Joey softly. Johnny looked at him quietly. He could sense that Joey was kind to him, unlike the others who just wanted to torture him or just wanted his body. Joey nodded to the boy, tapping him on the shoulder and gesturing to follow.

While retreating from the jail, Johnny didn't speak, just followed Joey in silence. However, his walking speed was not fast, and it didn't take long for him to draw a little distance from Joey. Soon Johnny was struck by an uneasy feeling. He felt someone walk beside him and reach out to touch his ass.

"Nice ass, kid."

Johnny didn't reply. He just tried to speed up. Then he felt someone grab his T-shirt.

"Why run so fast, kid?"

Johnny stopped. He didn't turn his head to see who it was. He just lowered his head and kept silent. Then he heard Joey shout at them.

"Leave him alone, George! Don't touch him!"

Johnny heard George snort and the hand released his T-shirt. He saw George walk passing him. He glanced up to see Joey staring daggers at George, and then walked toward him.

"Sorry, I walk too fast." Joey squatted down in front of Johnny and said softly. He turned his back to Johnny. "Get to my back. Let me carry you."

Johnny hesitated for a while, and climbed up Joey's back. He wrapped Joey's neck with his arms. Joey stood up and adjusted his position to make Johnny comfortable, then he started to walk again. After a bit, Joey felt Johnny's head lean against his shoulder. He turned his head and smiled at the little boy.

They walked for a long time, eventually stopping in a clearing. Joey put Johnny down. After a while, Johnny saw a helicopter, slowly landing in front of them. The strong wind almost made Johnny fall down, and he had to hold on to Joey. Joey had Johnny hide behind him, wrapping a hand around the little boy.

A tall blonde man in military uniform escorted several people, who were rescued from the Linbus Jail by Joey's troops, boarding the helicopter. He watched Johnny in question, and talked with Joey for a while. Johnny saw Joey shake his head, then the man boarded the helicopter too.

Johnny watched the helicopter flying away, and sighed in relief. Then, Joey carried Johnny on his back again and started to walk back with others.

After walking for another long time, Johnny saw Joey's base. That was a cleared space in the tropical jungle in the south of Leer. Joey made Johnny sit under a tree, and started a campfire with the others. They were busy sorting out the food and weapons looted from the jail, then all of them started to drink to celebrate the wonderful success of this rescue action.

Johnny hugged his own knees alone under the tree, watching those people celebrating. He noticed that the two guys named Arnold and George, kept whispering to each other and looking at him. He kept his facial expression number one, trying not to meet their eyes. Then he saw the two climbing up to the guard's sentry box.

Joey walked to Johnny after a few minutes.

"How do you feel now?" asked Joey. No answer.

"Come and eat something."

Johnny did not move. Joey took a plate of meat, and passed to Johnny. Johnny looked at Joey, who nodded to him. "Take it."

Johnny took the plate. It had been a long time since Johnny smelled roast meat. He felt hungry, but he put the plate on the ground.

Joey sat beside Johnny, and gave him a smile. He took a piece of roast meat, and took a bite. "It's OK, don't worry," said Joey.

Johnny watched Joey eating the meat. After a while, he took a piece of meat too. He started to have a small bite, and then another bite, and then he started to wolf the meat down.

Joey patted the boy's shoulder. "Don't hurry. We have plenty to eat," said Joey. He stood up and poured a cup of water. Then he sat back beside Johnny and handed the cup to him. Johnny took the cup, and kept wolfing the meat down. He must have been starving for a long time, Joey thought, while watching the boy eating.

Johnny finished the meat and drank water, and sighed satisfyingly. Joey asked, "Have you had enough?"

Johnny looked at Joey, and then nodded slightly. Joey smiled. This was the first time he got a positive reaction from Johnny. He found that the doubt and vigilance was less in the boy's black eyes.

Joey stayed with Johnny, sitting under the tree without talking. After a while, Joey felt the boy's head lean against his shoulder. Joey was a bit surprised, and then found that Johnny had fallen asleep. He watched the young, sleeping face, and started to smile.

It was a kid's face. Although this boy had had an incredible, even tragic childhood, his sleeping face was still pure, innocent, and cute.

Pure, innocent, and cute, just like Minh. Minh's happy smile appeared again in front of Joey.

Joey caressed Johnny slightly, and then laid the boy down on the ground. He took off his jacket, and then covered the boy's little body. Then he joined the others as they celebrated.

Johnny was roused suddenly. He didn't know how long he slept, but he felt something wrong. He opened his eyes, and saw everyone was sleeping, including Joey. It looked like everyone was so drunk that they didn't even bother walking back to their own tents to sleep. Johnny used to see similar scenes in the past. His friends in the anti-government army sometimes would be like this, except Jack, who had never been drunk and always insisted on taking Johnny back to their cabin or tent to sleep.

Arnold and George, however, were not on the sentry box. They were moving toward Johnny.

Johnny stood up, but a gun was pointing at him.

"Freeze," said Arnold.

Johnny glanced at Joey, who was still sleeping deeply, and knew that he wouldn't get help from anyone. He stood still there, watching the two walking toward him and then standing in front of him.

Arnold and George looked fierce. However, Johnny knew what they thought by their expressions.

Desire. Sexual desire. They were both burning desire fire. Just like others Johnny saw in the jail.

And, just like every moment when he was abused in the past, he wanted to escape, but he couldn't. He was confined and couldn't move. He put on his poker face and kept silent. Again, that's the only way he could use to protect himself.

After a long pause, Arnold could not control himself anymore.

"Take off your clothes," said Arnold.

Once again, Johnny took off his T-shirt and shorts. He faced Arnold and George in the nude. George forced Johnny to kneel down, and took a rope to tie his hands behind his back.

"Hoho, you lost your finger, uh?" George said teasingly. "Did it hurt?"

Johnny pretended to not hear George's words. Arnold put his gun down, and started to unzip his pants, revealing his hairy cock and sac.

"Why hurry? He is ours tonight," said George.

Joey woke up at the sunrise. He looked around. Everyone was still sleeping. He felt his hangover and knew that he drank too much last night. Sleeping on the ground made him feel stiff and sore. He stood up and stretched his body, then he saw Johnny, totally nude, with both hands tied backwards. Johnny's eyes were open, just idling there watching the leaves on the ground.

"Oh, no!" Joey rushed to Johnny. He saw the dry semen on Johnny's face. "Who did this?" asked Joey while cutting off the rope on Johnny's wrists.

Johnny raised his head, watching Joey silently. He did not answer Joey's question. His face was so peaceful, just like nothing happened. Joey groaned inwardly, because he could not read any more information from the boy's eyes, and the tiny trust in the black pools vanished.

-- To be continued.

Next: Chapter 4

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