The Captive Boy

Published on Nov 2, 2022


The Captive Boy - Chapter 1

The Captive Boy

By Johnny Kape ©2009-2022

Before this story:

This story is a love story between an adult, Joey, and a young boy, Johnny, not a BDSM one. It starts off bad, but eventually they will be bound together in a loving way, and will have more adventures in the part 2 of this story. In this chapter, the poor boy had some bad experiences, but they are a necessity for further development. If you're offended by such materials, you can skip those paragraphs of this chapter.

This story is completely fictional and it never happened in real life. The author does not condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in the story. All the names of people and places in this story do not contain any innuendo.

Simply speaking, it is just a story. Okay?

Special thanks to Greyson B., the author of Cadence and A Ghost Finds A Body. He helped me proofread the revised version and gave me many very good and professional suggestions. I really learned a lot from him. Thank you, Greyson.

I'd like to get your feedback. Please send a mail to tell me what you think about this story. I appreciate all the feedback from you.

If you enjoy this story, please support the Nifty archives.

-- Johnny Kape

Chapter 1

Johnny stood still in front of Joey silently, with a poker face. That was the only way Johnny protected himself.

Joey looked back at the little boy. After a while, he broke the silence. "Take off your clothes."

Johnny followed the order immediately. He took off his top -- Well, actually it was just a rag that covered his body, with a hole in it for the head to stick out -- and untied the rope on his waist. The shorts, which were apparently too large for him, slid down, and soon his nude body was shown in front of Joey.

Johnny watched Joey's face. He knew what Joey wanted. It must be his little body, no other possibility. He had been raped a lot since he was captured and imprisoned two years before. Everyone in this concentration camp wanted his body to quench their own sexual desire, including soldiers, jailers, and all the other prisoners. They fucked him day after day.

Joey studied Johnny in detail. Johnny looked very thin and small, perhaps 7 or 8 years old, however Joey knew that he was actually at least 10 years old. His body, arms and legs were full of scars, from being flogged and burned. Those scars were very distinct on Johnny's yellow skin. He had lost his left little finger, and Joey knew that it was a sign of being a prisoner in the Linbus Jail, the most notorious jail in Africa. His two little nipples were burned and deformed. Joey walked around Johnny to see his back. His back was also full of scars, but his ass was quite clear. Joey knew why they left Johnny's ass clear. He squatted to observe Johnny's ass and his hole. It didn't need too much examination to realize that Johnny must have been raped uncountable times. Actually, when he and his troops sneaked into this Linbus Jail, dismantled all the defense there in an extremely fast actions and broke into the chief warden's room, Johnny was being raped.

Joey couldn't forget what he saw. He had peeked at the room from the window and saw that Johnny was totally nude, with his hands cuffed to the corner of the bed. His knees were up by his shoulder. The chief warden was nude too, with an evil, toothy smile. His penis was huge and fully erect. Johnny closed his eyes and frowned due to the pain when the chief warden forced his huge penis into Johnny's boy hole mercilessly, but soon he resumed to his poker face when the chief warden started thrusting his penis violently. Johnny didn't cry, scream, or show any desire to call for help. Joey couldn't even see any emotion in Johnny's eyes.

After one or two minutes, Joey saw that the chief warden pulled his penis out from Johnny's anus, put Johnny's legs down, then sat on Johnny's chest. He then tried to push his penis into Johnny's mouth. Johnny didn't resist, but Joey could no longer bear what he was watching. He fired his gun twice from the window towards the chief warden's head, then ran to the door. He cracked the door frame as he bodychecked the door in his rush to get into the room with his troops. He jumped onto the bed. The chief warden had fallen prone across Johnny's face, without moving. He kicked the chief warden off the bed, then he jumped off the bed too, and kicked the dead body hard again. Finally he calmed down and turned to Johnny.

Johnny still lay there, with his little cock laid on his body. Though the chief warden was shot to the head in front of him, he was still very calm, not crying or screaming, even not showing any fear. He still put on his poker face, unchanged. Joey took off his jacket and covered Johnny's body with it.

"Find the handcuff keys," Joey said to others.

They searched the whole room, but failed to find any key. Joey took out a small Swiss knife and stirred at the handcuff's lock. Within a minute the handcuff was unlocked. Joey looked at Johnny's wrists. He seemed to have worn the handcuff for a long time.

Johnny stood up, and looked at Joey. Joey asked, "Where are your clothes? Put them on."

Johnny silently took a rag from the ground, with a hole in it, slipping his head through the hole and letting the cloth fall to cover his torso. Then he stepped into a pair of shorts, pulled them up to his waist, and took a rope to tie around his waist to avoid the shorts sliding down. Joey was surprised with how poorly the boy's clothes were. What on earth could they have done to torture this boy so severely? Joey wondered.

"Why is this boy here?" A guy asked curiously while watching Johnny's action.

Joey watched Johnny for a while. "I think I know who he is," said Joey finally. "Take him out of the room, but leave him alone in a dedicated room, away from other prisoners. I'll take care of him later."

Joey returned to here and now, and looked again into Johnny's eyes. His eyes were void of any reaction or emotion. Joey could not tell if Johnny was afraid or not, or even if he was planning something else. How marvelous the boy is, Joey thought. It's not that easy to hide one's reactions and emotions, even for a very well trained soldier.

However, Johnny's face made Joey think of another boy. Minh, the boy who lost his life for Joey; the boy who died in Joey's arm. Joey's heart started to bleed.

After a while, Joey sat back on the chair and broke the silence.

"There are some clothes on the table," said Joey, pointing to a table behind Johnny. "I just got them from another village nearby. They might be still a bit too large for you, but should be a lot better than what you wear now. Put them on."

Johnny's eyes now contained doubt. He started to suspect what Joey actually wanted. Joey nodded to him. Johnny turned back, walked to the table, and started to put the T-shirt and shorts on.

"Still a bit too large, but much better," said Joey. "Come and sit here."

Johnny obeyed Joey's command, and sat on the chair Joey assigned.

"How do you feel now?" asked Joey.

Johnny lowered his head and kept silent.

Joey didn't give up. "I know who you are."

No reaction from Johnny.

"Johnny, the genius sniper in Leer's anti-government army," said Joey. "I don't know how an Asian boy like you came to Leer, and how you became a sniper. You started out in the Leer's inner war since you were around 5. Your army was famous, and won some battles amazingly. You were especially excellent, because you could use your advantage of having such a small body to hide in a position a normal sniper could not hide, and you had a great marksmanship. You inflicted heavy casualties on the government army several times, and they hated you very much. You were then betrayed by a guy in your army, right?"

Johnny raised his head, and watched Joey silently. However, Joey saw Johnny's eyes start to change. He knew that it was not that calm in Johnny's mind. He stood up and moved to sit beside Johnny, and started to caress the boy's back.

"After you were captured, your army was defeated. Some of your friends hid in different villages, but still tried to rescue you. The government did not claim to capture you. It never occurred us that they imprisoned you in this jail."

Joey caressed Johnny softly. Johnny felt that the wall in his mind had started to break down. He tried to keep his poker face.

"This is not a concentration camp for captives. It is actually a jail for political prisoners and felons. We all did not expect them to confine you here..." Joey reached out to Johnny's left hand, caressed his cut-off little fingers. "It must have been difficult for you all these years... you seemed to be abused a lot..."

Johnny lowered his head, still keeping silent.

"You have a friend named Jack, right?" said Joey. "We met once and he pleaded me to find where you were held."

Hearing Jack's name, the wall in Johnny's mind finally crashed and his emotions breached. He closed his eyes, trying hard to control himself, but his body started to tremble, and his tears started to fall across his face.

He's really brave, but he's a kid after all, Joey thought. He tried to hug Johnny, but Johnny didn't move. Joey gave up, stood up, and left Johnny alone.

After several minutes, Joey poured a cup of water and gave it to Johnny. Johnny raised his head. While tears still streaked his face, he had managed to regain his poker face. He watched Joey silently.

"Drink?" asked Joey.

Johnny shook his head.

Joey put down the cup and looked at Johnny. After a while, he said, "All right. I'll take care of you. Nobody will hurt you anymore."

Johnny still watched Joey silently. Joey saw another emotion in Johnny's eyes. He has not decided whether to trust me or not, Joey thought.

-- To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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