The Camera

By Justin Balancier

Published on Feb 10, 2013


"The Camera"

By – Justin Balancier - Please email me with comments

This story is not the typical "run of the mill" sexual fantasy that gays are in the habit of reading. Although I have written my share of lust and erotic porn stories. This is not one of them. It is gay loving and tender...

I wasn't much older than fifteen when I lost my virginity to a girl who gave me a blow job that lasted all of three minutes. Hell – I didn't even know what virginity was. All I knew was girls were fun pal around and hang out with and men were sexy to look at. I never cared much for boys my own age because they would be the first to tease you in gym class every time you dropped a damn ball. I hated that gym class but once outside it was the best of times.

Older men had a greater appreciation of me so I took that as a compliment and acceptance. Little did I know – they just wanted to get in my pants and use my young body to pleasure themselves. It was really the bulge in my crotch that they appreciated.

By the time I reached adulthood – I was pretty adapt at hooking up with men. I went from pulling my pants down to pushing my head down; but all that was about to change

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"How much is this digital camera, I asked the clerk at Sibley's Camera Shop.

"Oh that's a dandy camera, sleek, light weight, easy to operate and takes great pictures." Top of the line" -The clerk replied.

"How much?" – I repeated

"Well – it's a darling tad on the expensive side"

"Did you say – darling tad" – I asked

"Well I mean a touch `pricy' replied Luke Sibley who also happened to be the store owner."

"A-huh" – I answered

I liked Mr. Sibley. He always dressed very nicely with a pressed white shirt and tie which he wore to work every day. I thought he must be awfully smart because he talked funny much of the time and was strangely dramatic. He used some whimsical fancy expressions when he spoke which I found odd hearing a straight man talking that way.

Not everybody shared the same opinion that I had of Mr. Sibley. Some people, but mostly the men, would comment on how Sibley was probably a fag. He was not married and lived with his mother. I thought that was kind of sweet and besides he wasn't old. He was not much older than me. I was nearing forty at the time and he was well into his forties – maybe fifty. I didn't know and it didn't matter.

Luke Sibley was rather plain and not especially good looking but he had a trim body and was sexy from the neck down. This is my opinion and I believe I know a sexy guy when I see one. Trust me on that.

I liked him probably because he would fix his gaze on me and politely stare. That type of thing doesn't happen much anymore. It did make my dick begin to swell. It seemed to do that whenever I was around Luke Sibley.

"The camera is $1249.00" – quoted Mr. Sibley –"It's been reduced from $1400.

"Wow that's a tad out of my range – Guess I'll have to think on the idea." - I said stressing the word `tad'. – But got no reaction.

"No problem" – replied Mr. Sibley – "Look around and maybe you will see something else that will bubble burst your fancy"

"Did you just say –"bubble burst my fancy"??...Oh never mind – I told him.

I was conservative when it came to spending money. I was raised in a relatively poor to modest household and money was spent mainly on things that were needed for the family. Times were different now and I was independent and in good shape financially. I managed to stash away much of my earnings being comfortably employed as a waiter in the town's only western frontier restaurant.

Let me tell you about the restaurant. I worked at "The Dry Gulch Saloon", which I thought was a dreadful name for a restaurant. It sounded like a rowdy beer joint off the street of Matt Dillon's Dodge City. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Dry Gulch, had an incredible chef and the restaurant served excellent western American cuisine. It attracted folks from miles around who would come here just for the steaks, barbecue ribs and salad bar. The restaurant had a massive lunch menu which included the biggest mouth-watering burgers in the state and served humungous family style dinners in the evening.

There were seven people between two shifts who waited tables in the afternoon and evening. Waiting tables were four mature attractive ladies who dressed like buckboard ranch women, wore bonnets and looked like characters out of "Little House on the Prairie".

The men wore jeans, western shirts, cowboy hats and kerchiefs around their neck. Boots were optional but I liked them, so I wore them every evening – Yes – I was one of those guys.

My name is Alex Wendell and I worked the evening dinner hour most of the time. I was not one of the kids. I was forty two years old and attracted older ladies to my tables.

I settled a couple of years back here in Timber Nevada, which is located on the northeast side of Lake Tahoe. At the time, I had a boyfriend that I brought along with me from California. Things didn't work out so well living in a small Nevada town so Mr. "special nobody" returned to California and I stayed in Timber quite comfortably by myself. I had a nice apartment, a great job and a few friends – good friends. Occasionally I would wander across the border to CA but always found my way back to Timber where I felt the most at home.

There were not many gay sexual contacts around compared to the coast but it was adequate for me. I preferred older men anyway and was most pleased if they were married. I knew married men only wanted one thing from me. Since I only wanted one thing from them – everything seemed perfect. - Yeah, it was okay.

The days drifted by rather slowly as they often do. Sometimes I took walks and snapped interesting objects with my old digital camera. Photography was becoming a hobby with me and I would look for interesting things to shoot. Sometimes it would be something as simple as a rock or a lizard.

This particular day - I walked to the town park and watched the people going about their everyday routines. Girls were playing tennis on the enclosed tennis courts. Mothers were pushing babies in a stroller and guys of all ages were riding bicycles. I sat on a park bench and snapped away at people without zeroing in on anything special. It was amazing the candid photos that I came up with. They were nameless faces going about their everyday business of which I knew nothing about.

"Did you get any interesting shots" – a voice said to me. "- Well – push over and let an old dude sit down" – He said

I slid over and Luke Sibley took the seat next to me.

"Hey – Mr. Sibley" – I said

"Oh please – it's Luke, please call me Luke" – he Said "Okay Luke – my name is...

"It's Alex – I remember your name from coming into the store" – He told me.

"How's business?" – I asked him trying to make proper conversation.

"It's pretty steady and I am thankful for that. Say - Do you remember the Cannon XXL digital camera that you were interested in?" – He asked

"Don't tell me...I know – It's been sold" – I blurted out

"Don't be so fast my good man. I had only one of them so I set it aside and it is not on display for just any customers to purchase" – He told me. "I'll hang on to it for a while" – He added.

"Well please don't save it for me when you can sell it. I'm not sure if I really can afford it or not" – I told him.

"Oh, that is okay – but you do like it. - I can tell by the way you held it, looked at it and read the tag over and over" BUT I am not trying to make a sale or convince you of anything. I'm just trying to be nice. –besides it makes for good conversation. - Luke told me.

"You are nice Luke – very nice and I don't need convincing". – I told him.

"Really!! – are you serious Alex?" – He quizzed me

"Certainly" – I answered.

A small smile came over Luke's face and he moved his head slightly and ran his fingers through his hair. Luke at forty seven had a full head of sandy brown hair with a hint of silver running through the sides. I had never looked at him this way before. I wasn't quite sure but I thought that Luke Sibley was approachable. He was certainly appealing.

Luke glanced at his watch and stood up to leave. I have to get back to work. My mother is watching the store so I could take a brief lunch break.

"Here" – I said and handed him a scrap of paper with my email address on it. I knew he had email from his business card that I picked up in his store; but wasn't sure about text messages – so I stayed with email

"Send me a quick note if you are a mind to" – I said to him – "we can talk some more."

"Yeah – oh yeah...I will do that" Luke said as he walked away.

That evening at work I thought about Luke. Nothing serious, mind you – just casual thoughts. I imagined how nice he would look in jeans and a tight body shirt. There were no `cutesy' phrases today in his conversation. (Except for when he said – "My good man") which sounded British and that's fine.

He was surely my type although I realized that it was an acquaintance going nowhere. – I was becoming blown over thinking about it.

Part 2 – The "hook up" to follow.

Next: Chapter 2

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