The Call

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Feb 14, 2001


Disclaimer: you should know this by heart by now.

Author's note: You love me! You really love me! (Well, not that far but close enough) I'm-a cut this short so you could just get to the story already, mmmk?

"The Call" Chapter 3/Epilogue: "Stronger than Yesterday"

Nick Carter sat stock still on the hotel bed. Had his dream been right? Was Brian Littrell him? He began to shake. Brian loved him. Brian Thomas Littrell loved him! Him; Nickolas Gene Carter! Nick let out a loud whoop and fell to the bed laughing. He took a picture from his pocket and kissed it with all his worth.

"BRIAN THOMAS LITTRELL LOVES ME!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. "HE LOVES ME! HE LOVES ME! HE LOVES ME! HE LOVES ME!" He jumped up and down on the bed.

A small cough brought him out of his celebration. "Can you keep it down? Some people are trying to sleep." Haruka smiled.

Nick blushed. "Uh...sorry."

"Your friend out here is asleep; just telling you just so you know." Haruka left.

Nick rushed out and saw the tear-streaked Brian sitting in a heap in the hallway. He scooped the smaller man into his arms and retreated to the room. He tucked the older man in. he sat next to the bed to pray. "Dearest God, please give Brian the courage to tell me that he truly loves me. That I didn't imagine it." He paused. "That I didn't dream it. Amen." He looked at Brian. They were always close. He always swore that Brian had feelings for him but was too scared to ask. "Why didn't you tell me sooner, Frick? I thought that when you up and married Leighanne that you were straight as an arrow." He smiled as he stroked Brian's cheek.

"Sometimes..." Brian whispered as he opened his eyes. "Sometimes arrows are crooked."

"How long have you been awake?" he gasped.

"Long enough to hear your prayer to God." He sat up. "I did mean it. I truly love you. I don't remember when or how but I just know that I can't live life without you. I always thought you were straight too but when you got together with AJ, it was both good and bad for me. It hurt me every time I saw you being held by AJ and not me. It had hurt me when he would call in late and see you not comforted." He pressed his forehead against Nick's. "I love you, Nickolas Gene Carter. I always have and I always will."

"Oh Brian." Nick leaned in to kiss him and felt a jolt of electricity shoot through him. "I thought you didn't care about me. When you hooked up with Leigh, I thought that my chances with you were shot. That I couldn't have you in my arms. I always dreamt of those days when I would wake up next to you after a long night of making love. I also dreamt of you whispering sweet words in my ear. Us cuddling." Nick sighed. "I never thought that was possible. I was always scared that you would condemn me to hell or something."

"That's what the good book says." Brian smiled. "Maybe it won't be so bad in hell. We might get more swimming done."

"Kiss me, you dumbass." Nick smiled as their lips met again. It was a while before they separated. "Did you really mean what you said when AJ was in here?"

"Yes, everything."

"I would have these wonderful dreams about us then wake up lost. When I try to tell AJ, he would just say 'go to sleep, Nick. It's just a dream.'" Nick sadly recalled. They seemed content just sitting there; holding each other. "Brian?"


"Is it possible that AJ didn't really love me?"

"If you want my opinion, yes. It's very possible. He perceived you as naïve. That's why he asked you out just when you told us all."

"I can't believe it."

"I sure can." Brian whispered.

~At Rehearsals~ Nick Carter and Brian Littrell walked in with the biggest grins on their faces anyone has seen. Kevin took one look at them and braced himself.

"What did you two do this time?" he asked.

"Why, absolutely nothing." Nick replied.

He looked back and forth between the two. "When did you get laid?"

"Not since...well...never." Brian replied.

"Something's is going on. You have the Frick and Frack faces. Nothing good comes when you have that."

"Damn straight!" shouted a voice. AJ stalked out of the dressing rooms and came close to Kevin's face. "Your god damn cousin stole my boy. Isn't that one of the things the good book says wrong?"

Kevin looked between the angry man in front of him and the two men in the corner. "Uh..."

"But that would mean you are being hypocritical, wouldn't it?" asked a voice.

"Haruka, what're you doing here?" asked Howie.

"I'm here to support my boyfriend." Haruka smiled as Aaron came out of the showers. "Hey man."

"Oh that's it! This place is turning into a three ring circus." AJ screamed. "And it all started with you." He pointed at Brian before jumping on him and beating the living daylights out of the older man.

"AJ! STOP! AJ! PLEASE! STOP!" Nick begged. His hysterical screaming only made AJ punch harder.

"What're you gonna do, Carter? Sit there and simper or do something?" asked Haruka.

AJ continued to beat Brian. Brian felt his life drip away. "It would be wise if you would stop now, Alex." Nick's hand gripped AJ's neck as he lifted the smaller man up. He threw AJ to the wall with such force that the wall cracked. "Brian, honey, can you hear me?"

"Nick..." he gasped. "Nick, my sweet darling. Don't forget me."

"Don't talk like that Bri...Please don't." Nick wept. He felt as if he was losing part of his soul. "Don't go."

"I'll always..." Brian gasped. "Love you."

"Impossible...for a plain ol' country bumpkin to fall for a Floridian. "Impossible...for their strong love for each other just to last oh, say, forever..." a voice sang as gold strands of light enveloped Brian.

It was a few minutes later when Brian's eyes fluttered open. "Nick?" he called out softly.

"I'm here." Nick felt Brian's heartbeat as it thudded steadily. "And so are you." He hugged his lover tightly. "Thank goodness."

~50 years later~ "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, Let these two rest in peace." The reverend finished as he left.


Nick grabbed Brian's hand. "To Heaven or Hell?"

"Either is fine as long as I'm with you."

A long escalator descended from the heavens. "No way on Earth are you two going to Hell." an ominous voice boomed. "Come on up. Single file, please." Nick looked over to Brian and surprised the older man by carrying him towards the escalator.

"Oh no! We got Frick and Frack coming up!" shouted a familiar voice.

"We missed you too, Kevin!" Nick and Brian laughed.

"At least now, they can make love like rabbits and weasels." Haruka smiled as she witnessed the pair ascending into Heaven with her tired old eyes. "Now they are happy."


Yay! It's done! It's a LOT shorter than me other stories. Maybe I should make this into a series. Have them be reborn again and tie that in with the Hands of Time storyline. I dunno. So write to me:

A) Turn it into what I mentioned above B) Stop right there. (I am Sailor Moo--nevermind)

It's your choice. As usual, majority rules.

Ta-ta, pip-pip cheerio and all that good stuff, MN9

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