The Call

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jan 22, 2001


Disclaimer: if you believe this is real or it actually happened, lights a candle to pray for your poor, unfortunate soul This story is in no way intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of any member of the Backstreet Boys.

Author's note: hope everyone has seen "the call" a.k.a. "Operation: kill off Backstreet." Crosses out their faces one by one what creeps me out was that I thought Howie was Nick's original girlfriend in the hotel. ^_^; Hope you enjoy this.

"The Call" Chapter 1: "Always Recharge Your Batteries"


"Hi, it's me, Wassup, Nicky? I'm sorry, listen, I'm gonna be late tonight. So don't stay up and wait for me, ok?"

"Where are you?"

"Wait, say that again?"


"I think my battery must be low. Listen, if you can hear me, we're going to a place near by, alright? Gotta Go!" With that, AJ McLean hung up and walked over to the Latin sitting at his booth. "Now where were we?" he asked coyly as they began making out again.

~At the Hotel~ Nick Carter stared at the phone in disbelief. This was the fifth night his boyfriend, AJ McLean, had called to say he was going to be late. It was the same almost everyday. AJ would appear to have a hangover everywhere Nick went. And when they came back from the concert, AJ would disappear and call him telling him he was going to be late.

"Hey, Frack what's happen--" a voice called from the door. Nick quickly soaked his tears in an old sweatshirt before seeing his best friend's, Brian Littrell, soft face. "What happened?" he moved to sit next to his sad friend.

"AJ called." Nick stated simply.

Brian gasped. The simple two words meant more than what they mean. AJ was out again...'With Paul again.' Brian added to himself. "Oh...I'm sure that this time, he'll actually be here before midnight."

Nick turned to face him. "Brian, what happened?" he demanded through tears. He picked up a photo he and AJ took in '98. "We were so happy." His fingers traced their happy smiles. "There were days where we would just cuddle on the couch all night. Just cuddle and do nothing. What happened to those nights?"

"Uh Nick..."

Nick looked at him with teary blue eyes. "What?"


"Tell me, Bri."

"Well, you see..."

"Please." Nick begged. "Please tell me what's going on." Brian looked at his friend. He suddenly looked 13 instead of 20.

"Wanna play that new game of yours?"

"No, I'm sleepy. I'm gonna turn in for the night." Nick walked over to his bed. Brian got up from the Playstation and tucked Nick in. "G'night, Bri. Thanks for being there for me." Nick mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

"That's because you were there for me." Brian whispered. He walked out and opened his locket. "Leigh, what am I gonna do?" he asked her picture. It had been a few months since Leighanne Littrell was killed in a car accident that a fan caused. They both went out and got married to cover up their sexualities. He was gay. She was lesbian. They became closer than friends, almost as close as Nick and Brian. But he confided in her his biggest secret: he was deeply in love with his best friend.

Brian went to bed with tears sliding down his cheeks. He turned on the radio and it was playing LeAnn Rimes' "How Do I Live Without You?" He knew how much the guys would rip on him because he listened to country once in a while. But that song touched his heart; in more ways than one. He knew he had to tell Nick before he would lose him like he did with Leighanne.

He also had to tell Nick about AJ. His blood boiled at the thought of what AJ was putting Nick through. He closed his eyes as he imagined Nick finding out on his own and running into Brian's open arms.

"It's alright, Nicky." he would whisper.

"How could I have been so blind, Frick?" he'd ask.

"Shh...we've all been blinded once in a while. But I just want you to know that I love you and I will always be there for you."

Nick would look up into his eyes and smile. "I've always loved you, Frick. I just never thought you'd love me back."

He felt the tugs of the dream world pull at him. "I love you, Nick." Brian whispered as he drifted off to sleep.

~Nick's Room~ Nick was sleeping on the couch when he heard the door open and close. He was about to get up when he heard two voices. One was AJ's and one was unfamiliar. He pretended to still be asleep as he hid his head under the blanket.

He gasped as he saw AJ and the mystery person kiss. "I can't believe you have all this to yourself, AJ."

"Well, Paul, it was me and Nicky's but I guess he won't hear us if he's sleeping." AJ whispered.

"Sorry to rain on your parade, Bone." Nick shouted sharply. "But I am awake."

"Nicky!" gasped AJ.

"Don't call me Nicky, Alexander James McLean." He glared at AJ. "I heard everything." His blue eyes filled with angry tears. "HOW COULD YOU?!" he screamed as he ran out.

"Nicky! Baby, wait!"

But Nick was already halfway down the hall; crying his eyes out. He repeatedly knocked on Brian's door.

Brian was rudely taken from the wonderful world of sleep because someone was pounding on his door. As soon as the door burst open, Nick flopped down on the bed; crying his eyes out. The tinny sound of Nick's crying brought Brian out of his dead state.

"What happened, Nick?" he asked softly as he moved over towards the bed.

"AJ...he..." he could barely get the words out. "How could I have been so blind?" he whispered. He wrapped his arms around Brian's waist as he sobbed. "I should've known that AJ was cheating on me. It's all so clear. The calls. The hangovers. Everything is so clear." Nick continued to sob as Brian's shirt became wet. But Brian didn't care; he had to comfort his friend.

"'s ok, Nick. We all get blinded one time to another." Brian advised. For now, he had to put aside his feelings to ensure that Nick would be back on his feet as soon as possible. Nick apparently fell asleep listening to Brian so he tucked his young friend in. "Sweet dreams, Frack."

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Next: Chapter 2

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