The Cabin

By Michael

Published on Dec 30, 2017


I spent Saturday night at the cabin and thoroughly drained Ted's nuts. I never imagined a pair of balls could make all that fucking juice and he was more than willing making 3 more deposits by Sunday morning. While cleaning myself up a bit in the restroom I recieved a text from another unknown number.

"Hey Chrissy this is John...Is Ted still there?" Someone sent.

Not realizing how quiet things had gotten the time I spent primping. I opened the door and let out a "Hello".

"Nada John..He must have left already..What's up" I texted back.

"You know what the guys are saying bout ya?..don't you?" John asked.

I thought it might be the right move to play dumb here. I didn't wan't to tell him anything he wasn't already aware of, plus John's a nice guy.

"I guess maybe I don't..What have ya heard?" I asked John.

"You know what I've heard..You want me to go in to detail?" He sent back.

"Only if you want to..LOL" I replied.

"Please don't misunderstand me I'm not judging you in anyway..I'm on my way up there..Told Trav I'd chop some wood for next weekend..You gonna stick around?" He asked.

"I guess I could...I don't have any other plans..See you in a bit John" I sent back to him.

I gotta admit I really felt at home at this little secluded cabin and figured with all it had given me the least I could do is clean her up a bit. I did the dishes, ran the vacuum and cleaned out the fireplace before starting a fresh source of warmth. The hour and a half I spent completely alone passed quickly and I heard a vehicle outside. After a quick knock the door flew open.

"Hey Chrissy..Nice fire you got going there" John said as he crossed the small room to warm himself.

"Thanks John..I've had a few opportunities lately to brush up on my skills" I answered hi.

"Yeah..I know..I heard all about it..Believe me" John said.

"I was refering to my fire making abilities and I'm guessing that's not what your talking about..Is it?" I asked him.

"Once again I'm not judging here, but do you really want to be known around town as a cocksucker?" He asked.

"I could be worse things..What if I were the town thief, or drug dealer" I answered.

"That's solid logic and I get what your saying, but still" He replied.

"Well..I guess I'm alright with it..You seem more upset bout the whole thing than I do" I responded.

"Fair enough..If you don't have any concern for your growing reputation why should I give a damn..Just remember at some point it's going to preceed you" John stated.

"Everyone already knows I'm gay and they probably already assume the rest..Am I wrong?" I asked him.

"No I guess not...The guys have speculated for years about your untapped potential..So to speak" John said.

"Exactly..Who gives a shit..So what's really changed..Almost everyone assumes since I'm gay I suck cock and now there are two guys that no longer need to assume anything..Oh well" I stated.

"Three" John said.

"Three what?" I asked John.

"Three guys around town that know you suck dick...You've mentioned it half a dozen times since I've been here" He said laughing a bit.

"Fine three than..I like sucking straight cock and I wouldn't mind if every straight guy with a big dick in a 50 mile radius catches wind of it" I said.

"I'm gonna go chop some wood while the sun is still up..All this cocksucking talk with the town cocksucker makes me wanna go do something manly" He said in a full roll of laughter.

"I'll whip up something for lunch..I haven't eaten anything since yesterday" I said watching pull the door open.

"That's not what I heard" John stated pulling the door closed behind himself.

I can't imagine how that conversation would go between a couple of straight guys. What were they telling each other. I wanted to find out, So I delivered a hot cup of coffee to the lumberjack in the side yard and tried to pry it out of him.

"Hey John can I ask you a question and get an honest answer?" I asked in serious tone.

"Sure shoot..An honest question deserves an honest answer..Right?" He stated.

"Not that I really care, but what have they been saying bout me and how did you find out?" I asked him.

"Shit here" He said tossing me his phone. "read the texts yourself" John added.

I pulled up Trav's words first "FYI..the best cocksucker ever was right under our noses all this time" Trav sent to John.

John responded "You know perfectly well Tiff isn't sucking my cock anymore..What's her fucking name".

Trav sent "Her name is Chrissy and he's been sucking my cock for 2 days..I strongly suggest you have a go..I already filled Ted in on the whole deal".

John replied "Chrissy?..Isn't he Jess' little gay friend?".

Trav replied "Yup...Sissy Chrissy what a fucking mouth on that faggot and the kicker he fucking swallows."

John sent back "I guess you don't need to speculate any longer..His mouth does feel as good as its looks like it would..Huh?".

Trav responded "Indeed It does..Later man."

"Huh...So I clearly impressed him huh?" I said to John who was back busting up logs.

"You should read what Ted sent me this morning too" John said between swings of the axe.

Ted sent a group text "Not sure if you guys have heard yet, but everything you've heard about cockhungry faggots is fucking true...Throat fucked Chrissy for 3 hours and the little bitch didn't have one fucking complaint, or maybe with my cock stuffed down his throat he never got the chance...Thanks for letting me use the cabin and queer Trav."

"A fucking group text..really..How many people did this get sent to?" I asked John.

"Keep reading Chrissy" He replied.

First response was from Tyler "I should have fed him my cock when I had the chance..I know there were at least to times when I dated his sister that I could gotten in his mouth..Damn."

Second was from a guy named Kent. The only Kent I knew of ran the liquor at the bottom of the hill "Your little friendly faggot was in my store yesterday..Wish I knew sooner..Been married for twelve years and you know how that to get my big cock in that pretty mouth..I wonder if he's still up there?".

"See that's what I was telling you earlier..Your reputation is running wild" John said seeing the shocked look on my face. "Keep reading it gets worse".

A third was from Stew a guy I thought I knew fairly well "How's the queer handle big?"

Trav fielded this one "I'm almost 9 inches and the bitch took it like a porn slut..Stew I know your black shit is bigger, but I'd put my money on the on the faggot with the open throat".

And lastly John chimed in on the conversation "Well shit I'm only 7.5 inches I'd hate to disappoint an acomplished cocksucker".

I looked up from the captivating group monologue "Really?" I said.

"Yeah..sorry bout that last bit..It's just guys being guys..Ya know?" John answered.

I was completely fucking embarassed, I dropped Johns phone on the cheap plastic table that was holding his coffee mug and stomped back to the shack. I wasn't exactly sure what I was so pissed off about and the more I thought it through the less irritating the whole thing seemed. I watched through the kitchen window as John shed layers of clothing til he down to just a tee-shirt and his baggy running pants. I guess I never noticed his nice physigue before, Huge muscled arms accompanied his stocky frame. I could clearly see the muscles in his broad back flex with every swing. John took a quick break to read a new text or two I'm guessing. I looked away from the window for all off 2 seconds and when I looked back he gone. I heard some heavy boots clomping up the front staircase and through the door he came.

"There's more...Don't respond to any unknown numbers" He said trying to catch his breath.

I found my phone between the sofa cushions. "3 new messages" flashed on the little screen.

From unknown "Where ya at gay boy?"

A second unknown sender "Haven't seen your jeep pass by..You still up the hill".

And Lastly "I hear good things..Sure would like to recieve some attention" Unknown again.

"John what the fuck is going on?" I asked.

"There's some chatter about a possible gang fuck and I'm pretty sure you'd be the guest of honor" He said.

"Damn..this has gotten way out of fucking control..All I wanted to do was suck a couple of the big cocks I'd heard the girls talking about..I need to get the fuck out of here...Right?" I asked.

"I think your good for today, but I wouldn't come up here again without Jess, any other situation is a potential fag trap" John answered.

"Fag trap?..What the hell is that" I asked curiously.

"Come on Chris..figure it out..They lure you up here under false pretenses and fuck your holes raw..You can picture it a pack a straight dudes high fiving while they fuck the crying faggot..Get it?" John said.

"Do I have to cry or is that optional" I replied laughing.

"On a serious note...Chrissy you could get seriously hurt and I'm not talking about your feelings" John barked.

"Alright John..I understand..Unless I'm down for getting raped I should stay the fuck away..Hmmm" I said.

"You know...I thought the guys were probably exaggerating as guys often do, but you truly are a cock loving fag..Aren't ya?" John asked.

"Word on the street is your not getting head at home anymore..Hmm" I stated tossing a couple of logs in to the flames.

"Wait..Are you offering to blow me?" John asked.

"I guess Iam..I mean I would..John you've always been cool toward me and I kind of feel like I owe you for that" I said.

"Is that how your queer mind works...Do you imagine I've been nice to you all this time because one day I'd find myself in need of some good head?" John stated.

"Well..are you?" I asked.

"Am I fucking what" He replied sounding irritated.

"In need of some good head..Duh" I said jokingly.

"Ya know...lets change the fucking topic...As you already know I'm not getting it at home and talking about with you isn't gonna change that shitty situation..Even better I'm gonna haul wood in before the snow buries it...And you should carry-on with your domestic duties in the kitchen..smells good by the way" John stated closing the door.

I watched John load his arms and when he started his trip up the stairs he was met with an open door and a big smile.

"Thanks Chrissy" John said passing by me.

"I'm here to help..Don't mention it" I replied quickly.

"Jesus..You don't give up do ya?" He said stacking the new logs where just yesterday was a significant pile yet to burn.

"Soups just about ready..You hungry?..I know I fucking am..I can't remember a time I've been this friggin hungry" I said coyly.

"Yup..I heard ya..Your friggin hungry..You can stop rambling on about just how fucking starved you are..Okay?" John barked "I'm gonna bring in one more load and dump it in the corner" he added.

"Haha..You said load and dump in the same sentence" I said.

"The fucking relentless one " He said and Out the door he went.

John was back in minutes arms piled to his chin with logs "Chris I can't see where I'm going Could you grab some this wood..Please" He asked.

"It would be my pleasure" I said as my hand found the log hanging in his pants "That's a pretty serious piece of wood you got there John" I added.

"Sure take advantage of me why don't ya" John said shaking loose of my grip and continuing on his way.

"Soup's ready..I'll bring it to ya..Want a beer?" I asked him.

"A beer would be awesome..Why don't ya bring me 2 while your at it" John answered from the sofa.

John made quick work of the first beer and soup. I sat in my familar spot on the floor.

"Hey John..Let's get those wet boots off" I said as I tugged on the laces.

"Thanks Chris..My feet are soaked" He answered lifting his sweat soaked feet out of the heavy boots.

I pulled the liners out, gave them a quick wash and put em within reach of the fires heat.

"You didn't need to do that buddy, but thank you I appreciate it" John said.

"I got a sink full of hot water..Anything else need cleaning..I mean other than that shirt it's fucking filthy..Give it here" I said to John.

I watched with great pleasure as he pulled his tee-shirt over his head and tossed it to me. His nicely tanned upper body was incredibly sexy. He wasn't ripped, but his strong pecs and arms made up for the slight beer gut.

"I hate to ask, but think you could wash my socks while your at it?...I gotta warn ya though they're pretty fucking rank" John asked shyly.

"Let's have em" I answered bending down and rolling them off one at a time "You weren't lying..They fucking stink John" I added.

"Sorry..I did warn you" He said laughing.

"Those sweats look pretty nasty too" I asked.

"Nah..They're good..Thanks just the same..Your gonna make some guy a good little wife one day" John said jokingly.

"HaHaHa..very funny" I said on my way to the sink. "John another beer?" I asked loud enough to be sure he heard.

"I'll come get it..You don't need to wait on me hand and foot..Thank you though" I heard him reply.

A minute or two passed before he entered the kitchen, dropped sweats in the sink and pulled a brew from the fridge. He had gotten a towel and wrapped it tightly around his waist.

"Might aswell do these thing while the water's still hot..Aye?" He said twisting of the cap.

"John I'd clean your briefs too..Unless that makes you uncomfortable" I asked scrubbing away at his yellow shirt.

"I'll tell ya what makes me uncomfortable Chrissy...Underwear..I never wear em" He answered on his way out of the room.

I was anxious to get back in the same room as John and possibly get a peek up his towel. I did a half ass job on the rest of his laundry and hung them to dry. John was sitting on the couch just as I imagined he might be. He had his legs spread pretty wide and if it were earlier in the day the sun would have lit his junk up like Christmas, but being late afternoon the sun provided absolutley no fucking help.

"How's your beer Bud? I asked.

Shaking an empty can "Guess I could handle another..Thanks" He replied.

I handed John a fresh cold one and sat on the hearth, The heat felt pretty good on my backside.

"John your arms are huge and beautiful..I hope I'm not overstepping?" I asked.

"You like these things" He answered while putting on a private gun show for me.

"Yikes..You must work out a lot..huh?" I asked him.

"Never seen the inside of a gym..Hard fucking work is how men get arms like these" John answered proudly.

"Speaking of the gym..I need to get my skrawny ass a membership" I said.

"Don't waste your time Chrissy" He said sharply.

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?" I asked quickly.

"Well...Don't take this the wrong way, but taking everything in to consideration your little skinny body works for you...Ya know what I mean?" John said.

"I guess I don't understand what your getting at..Taking everything in to consideration?..What?" I asked.

"No judgment here, but your the little town sissy and if you bulked up the name wouldn't fit any more" He replied with a laugh.

"Oh...I see...Once you put it like that makes perfect sense" I said joining in on the laughter.

"Your not exactly the brawny mountain man type and few trips to a gym Isn't gonna change that..Just be who you are" He added.

"Yeah...Your probably right, but to be completely honest I thought the gym might be good place to the find some hot guys" I said.

"Sure...You could hang out in the showers on your knees..HaHaHa" John stated.

"That's fucking fabulous idea...Thanks..HaHa" I replied.

"Bet they'd see a spike in new memberships...Hell I'd go every fucking day if some whore was walking around on her knees" John said slapping his leg in a full bodied laugh.

"John your shit is dry if you wanna get dressed" I told him.

"I'm good thanks..The fire feels awesome on my sore muscles" He answered sitting up and turning his back to the glow.

"I been told more than once I give a mean back rub...You game?" I asked him.

"Chris that would be incredible... My shoulder are all fucking knotted..You don't mind?" He said.

"Believe me I'd enjoy it as much as you..Hell maybe more" I said.

I fetched my lucky sleeping bag and laid it out in front of the crackling fire "Make yourself comfy and I'll get to work" I said waving a hand over the spread blue bag.

John wasted little time and was face down with his arms folded under his head "This is another thing I'm not getting at home these days" He said sounding a bit pissed.

I sat on John's hard butt and went work on his left shoulder "What kind of girl won't rub her hard working husbands back" I said.

"The same kind that won't suck his dick after a long day...Hell I'm lucky if she lets me fuck her more than once a week" He answered.

I kneaded the tweaked muscles in his right shoulder "She shouldn't have married you if she didn't plan doing some wifely duties" I stated.

"I can do without a massage, but a blowjob on my birthday or maybe valentines day would be fucking nice..Chrissy your great with your hands by the way" He said.

"That doesn't sound unreasonable..I bet a good sucking would eleviate some of tension your got here" I said working his lower back.

"You think?" He asked quietly.

"I'm not trying to be pushy, but the offer is still on the table..Incase you were wondering" I said.

"Thanks, but I'm married...I gotta tell ya though I'd love to see the look on Tiff's face when I tell her I'm done begging for head and that I've found someone that actually enjoys sucking cock...It would be worth the cost of a divorce lawyer" He said laughing.

"I do" I said.

"You do what?" John asked.

"I love sucking dick...Just putting it out there" I answered.

"That's what I hear...Of course you already know what I've heard..Haven't you?" He said.

I rolled up John's towel to gain access to the backside of his thighs and massage each leg "No use trying to hide what Iam from you..I'm a cock hungry sissy that lives to eat hard working stud nut" I stated.

"Let me know if this is to much, but ya think you could work my feet over they're sore as shit?" He asked.

"Hell yeah...Flip over" I said quick.

I stood and looked down at John as he rolled over and bunch up the red towel in his lap. Sitting at his feet I looked up the length of his almost naked body as he folded his arms under his head again. His feet fucking stunk like nothing I'd ever smelled, but I enjoyed my time with them every bit as much as I thought I might. I can't be certain, but if John was the mans man I've known him to be he likely had a raging hard-on concealed under the pile of red material that covered the one part of his hot body I've yet to set eyes on.

"That feels fantastic...Thanks again for taking on that nasty job" He said.

"Your feet are just as sexy as the rest of you" I said lowering my mouth over his big toe and running my tongue around it.

John propped himself up on his elbows "What the fuck are you doing" He asked.

"Sorry..I couldn't help myself" I answered looking in to his eyes while ran my tongue between his toes.

"You can add expert foot service to your resume..That is fucking awesome...Fuck that feels good" He said wiggling the toes on his negelcted foot.

I provided the same tongue service the other had recieved and John watched every moment of it.

"Damn...If your that fucking eager to lick my feet..Is there nothing you won't put in your fucking mouth"" He asked.

"Nope..your welcome to stick anything you'd like in here" I said opening mouth as wide as I could.

"You can't tell a fucking soul about any of this..Not Trav..Not Jess..Absolutely no one..Go it?" He barked.

"Yes...I've got it" I said slobbering.

"You fucking promise?" He asked.

"MMM..HMM..I fucking promise" I answered.

"You know what to do" He said tossing the towel to the side.

Johns meat wasn't as big, but no less fantastic than either of his buddies. I slithered up his strong legs till I had my tongue running the length of cock that layed on his belly.

"You've been trying to get on that cock all day..What the fuck you waiting for" He said.

I wrapped a hand around his wood and stood it straight up and after admiring it for a moment took the head in my mouth.

"Oh yeah..That's what I've been missing...You gotta catch a plane?..Slow the fuck down" He ordered looking in to my eyes "Hope you don't mind an audience?...I like watching an eager cocksucker doing thier thing" He asked.

"NNNN..HNNN" I hummed with his dick resting in my throat.

"Damn Chrissy..Your even better than I'd hoped..If there was an olympic cocksucking race you'd be my horse..Suck that fucking cock sissy" John said softly.

I worked John swollen 7.5inch cock for a solid 20 minutes. I loved giving this hot stud the head he'd been denied.

"Got a big fucking load for ya...Hope your hungry?" He asked.

I came off his pole to answer and grab some air "I'm fucking starved...Feed me" and back on it I went.

After a few more slow trips balls to head, the grin on his face said it all. A hot torrent of man nut shot to the back of my mouth followed by three more blasts. I had a mouthful of Johns juice.

"Swallow that shit and get back to it...There's more where that came from" He ordered.

I gulped down the massive deposit John left in my mouth. It was so much gizz I could feel warmness hit my tummy. Most guys would have been spent by this point , but not this neglected stud. During the time I spent cleaning off the meat two more shots were fired. The first hit my cheek and I quickly found it with my tongue and pulled it in to my mouth. The second blasted a good two feet in to the air and landed on Johns chest.

"Didn't see that shit coming did ya sissy?" He asked watching me lick any stickyness from his pole.

"Six bullets if my count is right" I said while tongue bathing his cock head.

"Wow...So many talents and you can fucking count too...Six is correct, but my math puts only five down your throat...Get the fuck up here and clean this shit up" He ordered.

I reached for the earlier discarded towel and made movement toward the shiny white spunk strewn across his nipples.

"We wouldn't want that going to waste..You know what to do" He said halting my actions with a strong hand around my wrist.

I lapped up the still warm seed and gave his hard nipples a little nibble along the way.

"Nice thorough job your sissy tongue has done there...I should have you wash my fucking truck" He said laughing.

"I know I said I wouldn't judge you, but on a scale from 1 to 10 that cocksucking was a 12...Not a fucking soul..Got it?" He asked one more time

"I got it John...Thank you" I said.

"Your fucking welcome sissy" Were the last words he spoke before a well deserved nap.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 4

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