The Cabin

By Michael

Published on Dec 30, 2017


No special abilities were needed to figure me for gay. I guess you could call me queeny and it wouldn't be a far stretch, although I don't really see myself that way. I like to think I'm an ordinary gay guy, but if good hygene and a keen sense of style are indicators to the outside world so be it. My name's Chris, but I generally go by Chrissy. I'm 22yo., stand 5'7", wiegh in at a whopping 115lbs, Long shiney black hair and I don't mind saying a well designed face. Ice blue eyes, strong cheek bones and lips people pay good money to obtain. I have lots of friends, but admittedly most female. Living in a small mountain town doesn't offer many opportunities for the single resident queer, but the endless supply of outdoorsy type guys give me plenty to fantasize about.

I spent most of my free time with Jess, she's been my closest friend since I can remember and her boyfriend Travis "Trav" is pretty cool aswell. Unless weathered prohibited it Friday nights Jess, the girls and myself would likely head to Trav's cabin and act like twenty somethings.

"Tonight a go?" I texted Jess.

"It is, but I'm gonna have to meet you up ya know?" She responded.

"Think the snow's gonna hold off?" I asked her.

"You've lived here how long?..Who knows?..I'm not gonna worry bout it..Trav's been up there since yesterday text him if your worried..see ya round 7pm" Jess answered.

"I don't have his number?" I texted Jess.

"818-456-xxxx..Now you do..I gotta run" She sent.

"Hey Trav..Chris here..How's the weather up your way?" I texted Trav.

" snow yet..maybe some later heading up?" He asked.

"Yeah I guess" I replied.

"Been here for 2 days alone..hurry I could use some human contact..LOL" Trav texted.

"On my way..Need me to grab anything?" I replied.

"Booze!!..Looks like I'm fresh out..Haha" He responded.

"See you in an hour or so" I sent.

"Hurry..I'm afraid I may sober up..LOL" He texted.

I made quick work loading up my jeep and hit the highway headed west. 45 minutes of driving put me at the last liquor store before the roads turned to dirt.

"I'm at the booze store..What you got in mind?" I texted Trav.

"Vodka, Beer" He replied.

I grabbed a case of bottles and a handle and secured them in the back seat, the next few miles were gonna be a liitle bumpy. The sky had an ominous gray look about it now and snow was not far off.

"Snow there yet?..looks pretty dark in your direction?" I asked Trav.

"Yup..coming down pretty hard" He responded.

"Maybe I should turn back..I don't wanna get stuck here." I sent.

"You got your jeep?" Trav asked.

"I do" I answered.

"Fucking dumping now..4wd and take it'll be fine..Got a ripping fire going to warm ya up." He sent.

I guess at this point 5 slow miles sounded better than 50 slow miles, so in to the wilderness I went. I could see 15 feet past the front edge of my hood and the road was disappearing before my eyes, but I somehow made my way up the moutain side. Coming around the final hairpin the glow through the cabin windows was like a beacon. I relaxed my white knuckled grip and parked along Trav pick-up. There had to be at least a foot of fresh snow already. I loaded myself like a pack mule and trudged through the drifts. Trav met me at the door and lightened my load.

"You made it dude..I was getting worried bout ya" Trav said setting my gear on the counter.

I always thought he was a decent looking guy, but wearing only a pair of snug running shorts under his heavy parka was incredibly sexy. I quickly understood the lack of clothing, it must have been 90 degrees in this place. I watched side eyed as he kicked off his boots and hanged his coat on the hook by the fireplace. I don't think I've ever seen Trav without a shirt on before and boy was I pleasantly suprised. He was about the same height as I was, but must have out weighed me by a good 50lbs. of muscle. As I peeled off my winter gear I watched him strut his shit across the room.

"Looks like it's gonna be me and you Chrissy..Hope you ain't got any plans you might be here a couple of days..HAHA" He said.

"I fucking knew I should've turned back when I had the fucking chance..Dammit" I answered trying to sound a bit annoyed, but I wasn't..hehe.

"News says 3 to 4 feet by morning..So make yourself at home dude." Trav said stuffing a log in to the blazing fire.

I hadn't noticed before, Trav had classic strong features about him. Large black eyes, dirty blond short cropped hair, a big nose that seemed right on his face and a nicely toned body. His hand almost completely encompassed the brown bottle he poured in to his mouth. I was guessing maybe size 10 feet, which were huge on his shorter frame.

"Can I make ya a drink Chris" Trav asked doing a six count over some ice.

"Sure..Easy on the vodka please" I answered.

"Well hell not like your gonna be driving anytime soon..haha" Trav replied.

"So you've talked to Jess than..She's not coming" I asked him.

"Yup I did..she said no one is coming..So like I said just You and I" He answered me.

"Did you tell her I was on my way up here?" I inquired.

"Nope..didn't think to mention it..Sorry my bad" He said slyly.

Glancing a text from Jess "Stay home..blizzard coming..Keep warm..Luv ya." It read.

Trav quickly had my glass refilled before I could decline, the first concoction had more vodka than I probably would normally have, but hell what's one more. I enjoyed watching Trav stroll back and forth from the kitchen. His back side was as impressive as the front, strong well defined back and his round bubbled ass looked incredible in his shorts. He handed me a glass full of what smelled like entirely vodka and took seat on the hearth.

"So what you wanna do?" He asked me.

"I dunno know..What's on Tv tonight?" I answered.

"Nothing..Dish is under 3 feet of snow" He answered quickly.

Trav definately had a sizable package between his out stretched legs and I snuck glimpses when the chance arose. I liked the way his biceps bulged with every little move his arms made. His tiny dime sized nipples sat in the middle of a clearly worked out chest. How could I have missed this all along, Travis is fucking hot.

"Aren't you fucking sweating in all those heavy clothes dude?" He asked cracking his toes.

"I hadn't planned on spending the night..So this is all I got" I replied.

"You want some sweats or something dude?" He asked.

"That would be great Trav..Thanks" I answered.

I looked on as he got to his feet and scurried to the small make shift closet in the corner. "Your about the same size as Jess..these outta fit" He said tossing me a small stack of fabric.

I returned from the bath wearing and skin tight pair of white leggings and a pink tank top. I felt a little silly and sexy at the same time.

"See I knew they'd fit ya dude..Thats a good look for you..haha" He said laughing. "Spin around give me full show" He added.

The alcohol was in full affect at this point, so I gave him a quick twirl.

"Jess would be fucking pissed dude" He said.

"Oh yeah..why?" I asked.

"your ass fills them out better than hers" He said snapping open another beer.

"You think?" I asked looking back to check out my own ass.

"Fuck yeah got a nice meaty ass there" He said snickering.

"Well thanks..I think" I answered awkwardly.

"Bet the guys love slapping that fucker while punding your hole" He said in a full roll of laughter.

"Woah..What makes you think I'm the one getting fucked?" I asked.

"Come on dude..Is that a fucking serious question?" He replied.

"What?..yeah I'm fucking serious" I answered.

"Your not a fucker..your clearly a fuckee" He stated.

"Yeah Iam, but how can you tell that?" I said laughing.

"Your fucking kidding dude?..right?" He said.

"I'm just wondering" I answered.

"Shit where do I fucking start...well...You hang with the dress as much like a girl as you can get away with...You probably wish you were a those fucking lips" He stated.

"What about em?" I asked licking my lower lips.

"That's it right there...what you just did..those fucking lips were put on earth to be wrapped around cock" He replied on his way to the fridge. "You know from over here you look like a fucking chick" He added.

"If your asking me if I suck dick...I do yes" I answered.

"I'm not asking if you suck cock dude, but what Iam fucking asking is if your any good?" He asked from the kitchen.

"Been told I'm great" I replied softly.

"Super..Could you give Jess a lesson or two..She's fucking terrible" He stated giggling.

"You want me to teach your girlfriend to suck cock?" I asked him.

"Fuck yeah..If your any where near as good as you claim it would be an improvement for sure..Is it safe to assume you can throat?" He asked.

"If it's big enough..yeah" I responded.

"Believe me it's big enough..maybe that's the fucking problem" He replied as a hand disappeared down his shorts.

"Yeah Jess may have mentioned that" I said.

"Oh did she..How did the size of my fucking cock come up in conversation?" He asked with a curious tone.

"I dunno know..Just girl talk I guess..I don't remember the exact situation." I answered.

It was hard to tell if he was getting excited or pissed off, but Trav's dick was obviously intrigued by the topic. The front of his shorts were getting snug to say the least. I had a good buzz going and my subtle glances advanced to full blown stares. It cute watching how he tried to hide his growing meat.

"Well..I guess at first she had a tough time taking it, but now she rides it like a pro." Trav said.

"Sorry..I may have made that sound negative..Believe me she's a fan...Big fan" I stated.

"Thought so..Jess is a great chick..Just wish she was born with a bigger mouth." He said adjusting his package.

"I'll give her some pointers" I said jokingly.

"The would be awesome dude..I'm wondering what would you suggest she do differently?" He asked.

"I dunno" I replied.

"'s how it usually goes..Her mouth feels great on my head, but when I try to get further in she gags and it quicjly turns in to a disapointing hand job" Trav said.

"She needs to relax her throat and not worry bout choking on it" I replied.

"I tell her practice makes perfect, but she doesn't seem to enjoy the practice" He said setting a pillow on his lap.

"Some people are able to deepthroat ond others just can't" I stated.

"MMMM..yeah deepthroat..I fucking love that word" He said kicking back.

"I guess it's possible your just to fucking big though" I said.

"Yeah's a gift and a curse..girls love getting fucked, but I can't recall a good blowjob" Trav said softly.

Just to be clear all this talk has made me pretty fucking cock hungry. I was torn Jess was my best friend and Trav was her guy, but I kind of felt bad for him. He's never had a decent blowjob and he's big. I was finding it difficult staying off my knees.

"Ya know Trav...Throating isn't the only aspect of proper head...Tongue and lips can go a long way in getting you off...Does she at least swallow your load?" I asked.

"Nope...Fucking never..She doesn't like the taste..Her standard reply is "That's gross".

"Huh..That's a shame...There's probably no changing that" I said.

"Your a swallower aren't ya Chrissy?" Trav half asked.

"Yeah I guess..I like the taste...Plus look how shiney my hair is" I replied laughing.

"I noticed dude..Eating gizz makes your hair shine?" He asked laying down on the sofa.

"Yup it's a fact..pure protein" I answered.

"Milk does the body good" Trav said closing his big brown eyes.

I wasn't real surprised how quickly Trav dozed off and was snoring in under a minute. I draped a sheet over his hard body and unrolled a sleeping bag in front of the fire. I just layed there and watched this sexy stud sleep. He must be having a fantastic dream, Trav had the cutest lil grin and his lap was in full bulge. It was early just past 9pm and a whole lot earlier than I would typically hit the hay. After throwing a couple more logs in the fireplace I managed to drift off. I was awoke by a dirty pair of socks landing on my face. I knew Trav had some big feet, but the site of them was impressive. He wasn't a real tall guy so the size 9 or 10's looked freakishly huge at the end of his strong legs. My eyes wandered up his tanned, hair covered legs to the lump still hidden under the thin white sheet. His left arm layed across his face and right one was under his head. There wasn't a shower at his little cabin and the aroma from his rank pits filled the room. The glow from the flames danced on his hairless chest and small brown nipples. I can't explain why, but I loved watching him sleep. A full bladder sent me to the restroom and when I returned his shorts and underwear had found thier way to my pillow. The sheet still across his lap hid what was clearly a big piece, I'd put him at 8-9 inches and the outline suggested some thickness. Laying back down and burying my nose in his underwear they reeked of sweaty man parts. The 2 day old scent was almost overwhelming. I watched with great inticipation as he shifted around revealing more skin with every movement and there it was. The head of his pole peeked out and hung off the right side of his lap.

"MMMMMMM" I let out in a whiney tone filled with want.

"I'm guessing you like?" Trav said in soft tone arm still covering his eyes.

"Oh..Sorry..I thought you were sleeping" I said nervously.

"Chrissy..grab me a glass of water..Would ya?..I'm fucking thirsty dude" He asked.

I was on my feet and at the sink in seconds. When I returned Trav swung his legs off the couch and sat up. I layed on my back and looked on as he poured the entire pint of water in to his mouth. From this angle I could see a pair of huge nuts in a sweat covered sack.

"Did you really think my cock was gonna let me sleep with you in the room?" He asked.

"Can I see it...please?" I asked licking my lips.

"There you go again...Those fucking lips dude" He stated.

I ran my tongue around my gaped mouth "Please..Show it to me..Please" I asked again.

"Bet you'd love to see him" Trav said sliding a hand under the sheet and grasping his meat.

"Please...Just a quick peek...Please?" I begged.

Trav stretched his arms in the air and put his massive feet on my chest "You like those big feet..Don't cha?" He asked.

"How big are these fucking things Trav?" I asked rubbing his filthy feet.

"Size 9....everything" He anwered laughing.

"Everything?" I inquired.

"Yup..Fucking everything" He stated spreading his legs wide.

"Hey Chrissy would ya do me a favor?" Trav asked.

"Thought you'd never fuckin ask...YES...Please" I answered eagerly.

He let out a laugh and said "Go wash the stink off my clothes in the sink and hang em by the fire."

"Oh...Sure." I replied .

I collected what little clothes Trav had been wearing and headed to the kitchen. Making quick work of it I had his shorts and socks layed out on the hearth.

"Underwear..Where the fuck are they" He asked.

"Sorry...Their good..Infact they're perfect just as they are." I answered him.

"You like the way a mans dirty shit smells..Don't ya Chrissy?" Trav asked stroking his big stick under the thin fabric.

"I do..I fucking love it." I replied.

Without warning Trav was standing in front of me completely nude. His long fat cock hung slightly downward.

"What ya think Chrissy..Am I big or what?" He asked looking down to me.

"Fuck Trav it's beautiful" I answered biting my lower lip.

I watched Trav's cock swing back and forth while he treked to the bathroom. With the door left open I could hear a heavy stream of piss exit his thick pipe. Upon returning Trav squatted in front of the fire to add more wood.

"That's quite a log you got there" I said cleverly.

"Yeah..That's what I hear..a lot" He answered poking at the coals.

"Nice long poker too" I said.

"I fucking knew you'd like it" He said finding his spot back on the sofa.

"9 fat inches..The chicks love getting poked with this fucker" He said slapping his cock on his leg.

"I can see why they'd have a hard time getting in down though..I mean shit look at it" I said.

"I'd love getting down some chicks throat and dumping a load, but haven't found that slut yet" He stated.

"Damn...What's a guy to do?" I asked jokingly.

"Okay I fucking get it Chrissy...You wanna suck me off..I get it" He said.

"Fuck yeah I do...I'd love to throat that fat pole" I said in my best girly voice.

"I gotta be honest that sounds fucking awesome and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't pictured those lips wrapped around my cock, but.." He said hiding his pipe under the sheet once more.

"But What?" I asked.

"But your my girls gay friend..How could this not go fucking wrong" He stated.

"Well one of two things is gonna happen..You can either kick back and enjoy a blowjob or the moment you fall asleep I'll be on it..Either way works for me" I said suprising myself.

"The boys and I have had more than one conversation about what type of cocksucker we thought you'd be" He said rubbing his lengthly shaft.

"Oh have you?..What kind do you think I'd be?" I asked.

"I didn't admit it to the guys, but I've always had you figured for the open throated swallowing type. " He replied.

"DING..DING..DING..We have a bingo folks" I said laughing aloud.

"I still don't think this is such a great idea, but I could really go for some good head" Trav said taking a hit off a small pipe. "You want a hit?" He added.

"Nah..I'm good..Thanks though" I replied.

Laying back and exhaling a giant cloud of smoke "Fuck it" He said.

Trav set the bowl on the side table and spread his legs. Weaving his fingers behind his head and closing his eyes. I sat in awe of the spectacular site before me and waited for the go ahead.

"Well..what ya waiting for?..Not having second thoughts are ya?..Get the fuck over here before I come to my senses." He asked quietly.

I quickly found myself kneeled between his open legs and licking his hefty log through the white cotton material. I was a little suprised to see Trav watching my efforts.

"This is gonna be fucking awesome..Those fucking lips dude" He stated as his hand tugged the sheet off to the side. bringing in to full view a perfect 9 inch cock.

I could feel a big smile grow on my face as I wrapped my fingers around the base of his pole. I shook Trav cock back and forth admiring it. The smell was pungent to say the least.

"You look like a kid who just got a new toy" He said watching me play with his log.

I ran my tongue from his massive ball sack up the length and swirled it around the head. The salty taste was familiar and delicous. My plump lips encircled the head and slid 3 or 4 inches down the shaft.

"Those fucking lips feel better than I had imagined" He said resting a hand on the back of my head.

Trav meat was definately the biggest I've had in my mouth up to this point in life and the sticky pole seemed reluctant to slide in, so I spit on the head and let it run down his stick.

"Fucking slobber on that big cock dude" He stated slapping my face with his wet dick.

"Get on that fucking thing dude...Suck that big dick" He ordered.

Reaching for the pot pipe and taking another big hit. "I'll smoke this and you know what you can smoke" He said laughing.

I got half his meat down with little trouble, but he wouldn't pop in to my throat like other guys had. Up and down I went trying my best to get him down, but the thickness of his junk was making it a real chore.

"Thought you could throat big cock dude..I can get this shit anywhere" He said sucking on the pipe.

I closed my eyes, relaxed the muscles in my neck and with some help from Trav managed to swallow the entire length. After some minor gagging my chin was resting on his nuts.

"Fucking awesome Chrissy..I knew you'd be a pro sucker..Your throat feels great stroking my dick." He stated softly.

I bobbed on Trav big cock taking him completely to his ball sack and than back up to the head to collect any leaking gizz that may have been generated.

"What til I tells the boys about this..What a fucking cocksucker..Suck dude" He said laying back.

I had heard what he said and I might have been freaked out, but my lips riding his big pole seemed like the only thing that mattered at the moment. Trav wrapped a strong hand around his cock just below the mushroomed head halting my progress.

"You wanna eat my seed dude?" He asked.

without coming off I simply shook my head in clear receptive manner "MMMM...HMMM" I hummed.

"You want it in your mouth or down your throat dude?" He asked.

Coming up for air and to answer what could be my favorite question "YES" I said.

"Fucking greedy cocksucker..huh?" He stated forcing my mouth down his shaft and blasting a load of hot spunk down my throat.

"That one's for your hair dude" He said pulling meup by my hair leaving just the head in my open mouth.

Stroking his pole with the other hand Trav let loose another burst on my tongue "eat that fucking nut sissy" He demanded.

I did eat that fucking nut and while Trav layed back I cleaned off his pole being very sure to get every bit juice that dribbled from his slit.

"Thanks dude..Your mouth was all I dreamed and more..See ya in the morning" He said laying on the sofa with his back toward me.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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