The Bus

By Homer's Odyssey

Published on Aug 19, 2003


This is a true story. There are only minor changes to the story, in order to develop the plot. Names and places have been changed to protect the guilty. the story contains explicit descriptions of adult male to male sex. There is no mention of protected sex in the story, but it is a given life or death matter to have protected sex at all times. Go ahead and copy or plagiarize this story if you want, there is no copyright. Who in hell would want to copyright this? It is written strictly for your enjoyment, so go ahead, un zip and enjoy. If you are underage in your state or area for reading this kind of story, what the hell are you doing here, anyway! Wait until you are legal and come back and enjoy. Comments are appreciated and will be answered at "homer's odyssey" . If you tried to contact me in the last two weeks I've been down. I'm back in business now.

Hey Dudes. Remember me? It's Jack, age 21 now, still a hunk, and living with my main man, Rob. In the first part of the story I met Rob on the bus. The bus went through the college campus where I was enrolled as a sophomore. It took me by the condo where I was living with my aunt and uncle. . Rob's car had thrown a rod and he was working for a construction company to pay for fixing the car. Bless the thrown rod, and hallelujah for the bus. some day I'm going to find that bus and fix a plaque to it saying "Here is where I met Rob and I love him" Cool, right!

Rob had an apartment, which he really could not afford on his own. That's where we first made love! Like I said, I was living with an aunt and uncle in a condo, a bus ride from the college. My aunt and uncle did a lot of traveling so when they were gone, Rob and I sometimes made love in the condo.

Rob and I talked it over, and decided to stay together for the summer. we asked my aunt and uncle if Rob could move in with me and share some of the expenses so he wouldn't have to pay rent on his apartment. There was only a double bed in my room at the condo, but my aunt and uncle didn't ask about the sleeping arrangements. We put Rob's stuff in storage and he moved in. He had a couch, ding size bed, easy chair, TV, video recorder, and a fantastic collection of M2M porn videos. Of course we took the videos to my room and left the rest in storage. The plan was for me to finish my sophomore year in the fall, and Rob's job would end then too. His company was moving him to San Francisco in the fall. I would enroll at a State University in the San Francisco Bay Area, and we could live together there. But, first we had to finish the summer.

Whenever my aunt and uncle were gone you could hear my double bed springs squeaking and the bed bumping the wall. Two young studs alone in the condo and all of that groaning, moaning amd yelling! I wonder what the condo neighbors thought. Rob tought me sucking, rubbing cocks, rimming and fucking. He was really a top, but he would ask me to fuck him once in a while. We tried to let him fuck me but once he got a little way in, it would hurt so much that he would pull out. When my aunt and uncle were there, we would slip into bed and try to do quiet things, like sucking, hugging and kissing.

I really felt guilty about not being able to let Rob fuck me. It felt so good when I fucked him.

My aunt and uncle went on a four week trip towards the end of summer, and Rob and I made plans. I wanted to give him the pleasure of fucking my ass. Sometimes when I was deep inside him, he would reach around and insert his middle finger in my ass hole. If I was near coming, it drove me wild. I would groan, moan, and even some soft yelling. For the benefit of you uncut dudes, my aunt and uncle were not around the condo on those occasions.

Well, my aunt and uncle left, and we started our plan. For the first few nights, Rob would lube his middle finger, and insert it into my ass. Usually, we would be sucking or rubbing cocks. When Rob's finger touched my prostate, I would go wild and lose any control that I might have had. Miss fires all over the place. (Uncut dudes, that means that I shot my loads un announced and un planned. For us cut dudes, that's frustrating and embarrassing.) (Why am I picking on you uncut dudes. I love uncut cocks, especially when they are long and hard.)

After the next couple of nights, Rob lubed two fingers, and put them into my hole. Talk about your sensations! My love nut, (that's the prostate for you uncut dudes), would feel like I was in fuck paradise. Three fingers really did it! "Oh Rob! Oh Rob! I want you. I want you. I love you!"

On the big night, we came home, stripped and walked around naked, touching and hugging each other. We both had raging hardons. (For the uncut dudes, of course we had the door locked and no one answered the phone). Rob gave me a couple of beers from the refrigerator and I was slightly buzzed when Rob took my hand and gently led me to bed. He said, "I want to fuck you on your back, so I can see your face while I am doing it! He had me lie down on the bed and he knelt down in front of me. His cock was super hard, and when he positioned himself he had me put my legs over his shoulders. Then he lubed my ass and his cock. He lubed deep inside me with three fingers and almost set me off when he brushed my prostate with the lube. When he thought I was ready, he slowly pressed the head of his cock into my hole. It was good and he pressed more of his cock, little by little into my ass. It stretched my ass but suddenly it went in like it was being sucked in. At first I felt like my ass was stuffed but when Rob's cock touched my prostate, I forgot everything except the sensation and being connected to Rob. He began slowly to push in and out, which was giving me unbelievable sensations. When I fucked Rob, he would squeeze my cock when I pulled it back and open his muscles when I pushed in. I tried doing that with him inside me and immediately felt his excitement rise. God, We were both in fuck paradise! I was saying "Fuck me Rob! Oh fuck me! Fuck me hard!" Rob has unbelievable control, so he must have been in me forever before I shot my load all over his chest and belly. That did it for him too, and I felt the cum fill my ass. God, what a feeling, to have Rob's juice in my ass. We rolled over and Rob kept his cock in, ntil we went to sleep. About an hour later we woke and went into the shower together. We soaped each other and got hard again. This time we hugged, sucked face and sucked each other right there in the shower with the water pouring over us. I came first and he took it all in his throat. I tried to do the same, but I gagged a little. When we finished the shower we went back to bed and spooned. (Yes, uncut dudes, we dried each other before we got into the bed, and we changed sheets).

From then on, I gave Rob my ass for his pleasure when he really got hot. We didn't fuck a lot, but it was an option among sucking rimming and rubbing cocks. When my aunt and uncle were in the condo, we were quiet as could be, but when they were on a trip we let it all out. We walked around the Condo nude, we sucked face, we hugged, we rubbed cocks, we sucked cocks, we rimmed, and we fucked. What a glorious summer! We were in our first love, and we've been in love ever since.

The summer ended and I got my AA degree in Civil Engineering and Rob's job ended in that area. We found a cheap apartment near the University in the San Francisco Bay Area. We said goodbye to my aunt and uncle, got Rob's stuff out of storage and moved to our new home. I enrolled at the University and Rob was given a job in San Francisco with the construction company. We lived on my student loans and the small salary from Rob's job. We ate lots of macaroni and cheese, top ramin and hamburger meat. We were poor, but we had Rob's King size, and other stuff from storage. We didn't have money to hook up the TV but we had the video machine and Rob's collection of M2M videos. The King size was our entertainment center, and we couldn't wait to get into it and in action.

We made it through to Christmas, but neither of us wanted to go to relatives without the other. "Hi mom or aunt, Merry Christmas, and, oh, by the way, this is my live in lover Jack (or Rob)". We went to Rob's company party on the 20th and filled our pockets with whatever food we could. That kept us through until Christmas Eve, when we went to a church we had found, and stopped in for a cookie, cake and punch Christmas party. The next day we went back for a free Christmas dinner. We spent most of Christmas day in the King size and exchanged high school class rings for Christmas presents. Since it was our first Christmas together, it was the best of our Christmases, then or later.

I got a job (for you uncut dudes, that is what they call it when you wash pots and pans, cut vegetables and clean floors) at the University cafeteria. Sometimes I was able to take home food to our apartment for Rob and me. That's how we got through until summer. Rob had signed up for night classes so a lot of the time we were close to one another. When summer came, Rob was offered a job in Oregon with his company on a heavy construction project. The job was to last all summer so we would be apart for almost three months. I was to stay on at the University for summer session, and Rob would send me what money he could. What with the cafeteria job, and what I got from Rob I could make it. God , how it hurt when he drove off to Oregon!

I ate five meals a week at the cafeteria and took advantage of the text books on loan from the library for the classes I had. The problem I had there was that class textbook loans were only for two hours, and could not be reserved in advance. I would finish up at the cafeteria and dash over to the library to check out the needed text book for my next assignment. There was a cool dude working on the check out desk, and sometimes he would hold back a book if I asked him. He couldn't hold them more than a half an hour, but that was a great help when I couldn't get away from the cafeteria right on time.

I've always received hood grades, but that summer I worked my ass to keep them up. The dude at thee loan desk helped , and I soon began to take an interest in what he looked like. Good package, (yes uncut dudes, I always check the package). He was young, maybe 20 and very good looking, About 6 foot tall and blond hair. Wow! What was I doing thinking of things like that with Rob barely out of sight. Oh, well, day dreaming isn't forbidden is it?

one Friday night when I checked out my text book and went to a study desk, a note fell out of the book. I thought someone before me had left a study note in the book so I unfolded it and saw at the top two symbols for man with crossed arrows. (For the uncut dudes again, there is a written or printed symbol that has a circle with an arrow or spear sticking up at fortty five degrees. and it means man. Woman has another symbol but I won't go into that here). The spears or arrows were crossed and that most likely meant crossed cocks. There was a note under the symbols, and it read "How about meeting me outside on the library steps when the library closes? Kyle"

That did it for me! I very nearly made the worst mistake of my life. As it was I walked into something I live with every day of the rest of my life. I was horney and terribly lonesome for someone to hold me and for me to hold. Any sense I had, flew out the library window, and when the library closed I went out to the front steps. Kyle the library dude came out in a little while and said could we hang out together, and did I have some place where we could go? "I have wheels," he said, "And, I could pick up a six pack and we could go from there. I don't have to be at the library until 1 PM tomorrow, so we don't have to be in a rush". "Sounds cool to me" I said ad away we went.

When we got to the apartment and had opened a beer, we sat on the couch and Kyle put one arm around my neck. "OK" ? he murmured. "sure" I said. From there it flowed like a dream. We sat back and hugged. Then we kissed and started fondling each other. I was getting hard and I groped him to find that he was hard too. It wasn't long before we were stripping each other. When he was naked and lay in my arms, I found a beautiful hard bod. For being so slender, he was well muscled and toned. I caressed him as he played with my cock. He was smooth and tender, and he was soon sucking my cock and balls. It was great! Pretty soon we were 69ing on the couch. It had been a week since Rob had left so it didn't take long for me to shoot. Kyle held off and asked me to go to bed where we could get a better grip on each other. When we were on the King size, he asked me if he could buck me. Visions of Rob fucking me passed through my mind but I was so turned on by now that I assumed a doggie position and let him do it to me. He lubed himself and my ass, and then slowly pushed it in. He was almost as gentle as Rob and I was getting it off with his thrusting and his balls slapping my ass. He was jacking my cock and fucking deep when we finally came. "Oh God!" I groaned "Fuck!! Fuck!". He pulled out fairly soon and we went to the shower. when we were back in bed (Yes dudes, we dried each other off and changed the sheets) we drifted off to sleep. Next morning we had a 10 o'clock 69, went out for some bagels and Kyle went to the library with me where he went to work and I studied.

We became a closet item, and spent almost every night in each others arms. Kyle helped with food when he saw how short of cash I was. He kept me from being hungry a lot of times. We were together for over 2 ! months when we knew that we had some decisions to make. Kyle wanted to go back to Ohio where he had left his last lover. Kyle would transfer to the Ohio State University and I would wait for the next 2 weeks for Rob to come back to me. It worked, and there Rob was knocking at the door. I cried, I sobbed. I held him and kissed him. Later we made urgent love in the King size, and I thought a little about Kyle.

I still think of Kyle when Rob isn't around and I'm feeling lonely. I've never told Rob about Kyle and I think that it is best that way. We are a tight couple now and it would only hurt him. I have never strayed again from Rob and as far as I know Rob is totally faithful to me. We love each other, you see, and couldn't imagine being apart or having sex with some one else.

A year passed and I graduated with a BS Civil Engineering and Rob is a Junior in Engineering at the University. We've got a little money and live in a decent apartment. We still have the King size, and the M2M videos. We are saving a little money and when Rob graduates we are going to Mexico on holiday. I'm working for Rob's original company as a Junior Engineer (that's one step above the bottom, udes). We make enough to get by and I have my Rob with me every night, spooned against me.

If you are ever travelling along the highway and you see a plaque on the side of a bridge over a river that leads to the ocean, stop and take a look. It might just say "Jack and Rob designed this bridge, and we love each other.

The big end!

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