The Bunkbed

By The Rascal

Published on May 16, 1998



A strange initiation right. Ken was laying face down on the top level of a bunkbed. There was no mattress, though. A thick plywood sheet covered the top, with a 2 inch layer of foam over top. His wrists were carefully fastened to each of the top posts, his ankles to the bottom ones. Moreover, he was made to remove all of his clothing before lying down. He was, understandably, nervous.

His verbal interview for the fraternity had been exhausting. They had asked very personal questions. He was hesitant to answer at times, but he desperately wanted to join, and had complied as best he could.

The 3 frat brothers stared at him. One of them came forward, and pulled a restraint from one side of the bed, securing it firmly to the other side. It went across his lower back. Now he really couldn't move.

"There is no one else in the house", one said matter of factly, "and this room has no windows, so don't worry..nobody will hear anything." His level of nervousness increased. "Now for the test stage", he finished.

The one speaking now disappeared beneath the bed. He heard what sounded like a latch open, and felt the foam underneath him move. A small trapdoor opened at his pelvis, and his cock, which had been pressed firmly between the foam and his body, now hung down.

"Very nice", he heard him say. He felt a warm hand take hold and begin to stroke. " can't..", he cried out. The stroking continued, at an accelerated pace. He struggled furiously, but to no avail. He could barely move. "Resistance must be eliminated", he heard him say, still under the top level. "Gentlemen, you know what to do." The other two walked to the end of the bed, and were now out of his view.

He felt a finger tentatively scrape each of his exposed bare soles. He squirmed, and cried out. This told them all they needed to know. They began thrumming the bottom of his feet with their fingers. He became hysterical almost immediately, laughing and pleading for them to stop. They continued unabated.

After 5 minutes, they stopped. " more..", he said breathlessly, "I'll do want." There was a momentary silence. "We know", one of them said, and resumed their tickling. His body bucked crazily, the sound of his hysterical shrieks filled the room.

Jerry, the one under the bed, studied the cock he was now stroking. He must find this at least somewhat arousing, he thought to himself; he's partially erect despite his pleadings. Jerry smiled to himself, and raised his head up.

"Ok, he's ready", they heard Jerry say. The tickling abruptly stopped. Ken composed himself in a few seconds, and noticed something different. "Noooooo..", he cried out loudly as he felt a warm, wet mouth encircle his partial erection.

Jerry sucked and licked expertly, his tongue dancing and flicking over the head. Ken's groans were very audible, as were his pleadings. The two at the bottom of the bed moved to the top, their hands now teasing and caressing his naked form. Hands reached underneath him and began to twist and tease his nipple area. Ken felt it welling up inside him, and he couldn't stop it.

One final protest was followed by a loud gasp. Jerry stopped, and took the erection firmly in his hand, groping it roughly. Ken spasmed, his body straining against the bonds, and he groaned loudly as the cum began to spurt wildly from his erection. It was as intense an orgasm as he'd ever experienced, and he was breathless and exhausted.

Still bound, they poured a glass of ice water, and let him drink. He finished the glass, and they poured another. "The first was for you..this one is for your friend..", Jerry said, and sat on the bottom bunk. Ken groaned as he felt his cock slide into the glass of the icy water.

The next few hours were spent carting a still bound Ken from room to room in the house. In each room, he was briefly tickled, then teased, the stroked and sucked until he came. He was spent and sore by the end of it. As he lay on the bed in one of the rooms, he was presented with he final part of the initiation. 3 erections stared at him, and he had to choose one. He chose Jerry, as he had the smallest erection of the 3.

The other 2 stood stroking their own erections as Ken's trembling lips pursed around Jerry's cock. He began to tentatively lick and suck at it, and was surprised that Jerry began to moan almost immediately. This seemed to spur him on; his licking became more intense, as did Jerry's reaction. Jerry suddenly pulled Ken's head into him. Ken gagged slightly as he felt the warm sticky fluid explode against the back of his throat.

"Very well done", Jerry said in a hushed tone, "your initiation is complete. Now, you are a full fledged member of this fraternity, which means you get to help us initiate another member." Ken was stunned.

Part 2

"Initiate another member..what do you mean?", Ken asked. Jerry looked almost bored. "The final part will be for you to do to a new pledge what we just did to you, except you will be by yourself. We will ensure the pledge is securely tied so he can't get away. You have to make him cum at least once; otherwise, you go back to the beginning, and we put you on the bunkbed again..I can assure you we won't be quite so charitable with you this time." Ken wasn't sure what that meant. He didn't really want to know.

They left him in one of the rooms for about an hour, and then brought him back to the room with the bunkbed. He walked in, and saw the pledge. He was tied spread eagled on the lower part of the bed, naked, a blindfold covering his eyes. He pulled nervously at his restraints.

Jerry motioned for Ken to disrobe. He did so, and was led to the bed where he sat on the side. He looked over the prone form laying in front of him. Jerry handed him a small bottle of colored liquid. "Strawberry flavored love oil" was proclaimed on the front of it. "Use it if you need to..we will be in the next room watching TV. Come get us when you are done, or rather, when he is." They all walked out of the room. Jerry turned to him before he closed the door. "And remove that blindfold", he said, the door clicking shut.

The pledge nervously twitched before him. He bent over, and removed the blindfold from his eyes. "What's your name?", Ken asked. "David", was the soft reply. His eyes now uncovered, David saw the equally naked form sitting beside him. "What..what's going on..what are you going to do?", he asked hesitantly. Ken believed, perhaps naively, that honesty was the best approach. "They told me that to get into this fraternity, I had to make you cum at least once". At once, David was crying out and struggling to free himself. "Leave me alone", David cried out as Ken's hands began to explore his helpless body.

He took pity on David, now crying and struggling still, pleading for it to go no farther, but he also knew he had to get into this fraternity, and he continued caressing. David's struggling was becoming frenzied, and it was difficult to continue. "Grow up, will you", Ken said, annoyed. "Fuck you", David screamed back. "Fine. You asked for it." Ken moved to the bottom of the bed, and raked his fingers over David's bare soles. David cried out, and Ken began to tickle him with no remorse or mercy. For 10 minutes, David's hysterical, panic-sticken laughter echoed in the room.

Ken stopped, and moved back up to the side of the bed. He squirted the love oil all over David's chest and crotch. His head immediately bent down, and he ravenously began to suck and lick the partially erect nipples before him. "Oh,", David cried out,much softer now. Ken moved up further, and pressed his lips tightly against David. His muffled cry went unheard.

Ken began to notice something else. As his hands continued to find their way to David's most sensitive areas, he was becoming erect. The thought and reality of having someone completely helpless to your every whim was arousing to him, even if it was another guy.

His body was now on top of David's still struggling form. His lips still pressed tightly against David, his hands teasing the erect nipples beneath him. He pulled away from the kiss..and saw that David's cock had, if only minutely, become hard.

His mouth returned to the nipple area, his hand now firmly stroking a slowly hardening erection. David still resisted, although his motions were less frantic, and his cries less strenuous.

Ken sat back, straddling David's thighs, and began to rub his own stiff erection against David's. Ken heard David grunt, and felt his pelvis lift up. A very small amount of liquid seeped from the head of his cock. Ken began to rub them together furiously. David grunted again, this time more loudly, and then gasped as the sticky white liquid shot from his erection. Ken thought he himself would have none left after his ordeal, but he felt it rise within him, and a small amount spurted from his own throbbing erection.

He went crazy. His head quickly lowered towards David's still spurting erection, and he licked the head feverishly, cajoling every drop he could from it. David spasmed several times, each one eliciting a bit more of the sticky fluid from him. "No..more..", he managed to gasp. Ken didn't want to stop, but he was exhausted. He collapsed onto David; their breathing slowly returned to normal after a few minutes.

He didn't see much of David for the next month. Both had been admitted to the house, but they shared no common classes. Ken felt sort of guilty for what he had done, despite the frenzy of the moment. He felt he should at least apologize, or something. He knocked on David's door, and was told to come in. David stood in a bathrobe at the edge of the bed. He smiled slightly.

Ken tried to stammer through an apology, although it didn't come out very well. David turned away momentarily, and Ken figured that he should shut up and leave. When David turned back, his bathrobe trailed away, and a very hard erection was between his legs. Ken felt a familiar rising of his own, and he disrobed without uttering a word. They lay beside each other on the bed, and as hands began to explore each other, Ken was grateful that this time it was mutual.

The Rascal

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