The Bully Wins

By Micah Allen

Published on Mar 17, 2018


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Josh's Friday night was uneventful. Hunter and his friends had plans that didn't include him. Even though hanging with the group earlier in the day made him feel somewhat anxious, Josh still preferred it to being alone.

When Saturday finally rolled around, he couldn't help but feel a new sort of energy as soon as he woke up. He had no idea what would happen that night, but he was excited; his heart was in his chest the entire day. He had never been to a high school party before, and while he had always shunned the idea of going to something like that, suddenly he found himself wanting to go.

Of course, Hunter had the ability to throw Josh off kilter at any moment. Wear the panties,' he texted him that afternoon. I think Mark will like them, don't you?'

Josh took the panties from his desk drawer where he had stashed them after school. He examined them briefly before bringing them to his nose and inhaling. Sarah sure was hot, but by now they just smelled like Hunter's bedroom. Josh wasn't sure which of these elements turned him on. Maybe both of them did.

Standing in front of the full-body mirror affixed to his closet door, Josh slowly pulled his shorts and boxers down his slender legs, kicking them to the side. He stepped into the panties and pulled them up. Just as before, they barely covered his crotch; he could see his pubic hair sprouting out of the sides, which looked a bit silly. He then turned around and looked at his ass. Even though he definitely didn't fill them out like Sarah did, he was still surprised to see that he actually looked pretty good. He also realized that he was now resigned to the idea of wearing them. If Hunter wanted him to do it, he was going to do it. It was no longer a question in his mind.

Josh pulled his shorts on over the panties and laid across his bed. He sighed to himself, thinking about Hunter and the upcoming party. Hunter had this peculiar desire for Josh to make Mark cum that evening, and Josh didn't really understand the purpose considering Mark clearly didn't want to do anything with another dude. And sure, Mark was quite the Italian hunk, but he wasn't Hunter. `Stay by my side,' Hunter had told him, yet things seemed to change again.

Josh rolled over, trying to forget the Mark situation. He put his hand down into his shorts and stroked his semi-hard cock inside the panties, thinking about the last night he was at Hunter's house. He wanted so badly to cum, but couldn't bring himself to do it; he was just too stressed out. Instead, he flicked on his TV and waited for night.

`Come outside,' a text appeared on his phone later on that evening. It was from an unknown number. Josh hopped off his bed and walked over to his window. It had gotten dark outside, but he could see a black car sitting in front of his house with the headlights on. He couldn't tell who the driver was.

Josh threw his shoes and hoodie on and ran down the stairs. On his way out, he passed by his kid brother Max, who was drawing with colored pencils at the dining room table. "Where's mom and dad?" Josh asked his little brother.

"Dad's working late. Mom's taking a nap," Max said, looking up from his drawing. "Can you make us some dinner, Joshy?"

"I can't. I'm going out with friends," Josh said.

"Oh, okay," Max said, returning to his drawing. He then looked back at his bro with a hopeful smile. "Can I come?"

"No, squirt, you can't," Josh said. He ruffled his brother's hair, sensing the child's disappointment. "I'll make it up to you, okay?"

"Okay," Max said softly. Josh couldn't help but feel bad about leaving his little brother behind, but he knew there wasn't much he could do about it in the moment. He thought about letting his parents know he was leaving, but realized they probably wouldn't care anyway. He walked out the front door without regret.

When Josh approached the car, he realized right away it was Vince's Ford Taurus. He always bragged about being one of the few in his class to have his own wheels, despite the fact that the car itself was fairly old and unremarkable. "Hop in, loser," Vince teased, honking the horn impatiently. Josh opened the passenger door and got inside, Vince speeding off immediately after, blasting some AC/DC from the CD player. The car smelled like cigarettes and Axe body spray.

"Hunter told me to grab you on my way," Vince shouted over the music. "Y'know, you're pretty lucky he likes you, man."

"Why does he? Like me, I mean," Josh yelled back.

"He's Hunter Bailey. Who the fuck knows? He does whatever the hell he wants."

As they were speeding down the empty streets, Vince suddenly reached over and grabbed Josh's thigh. "Heard you were wearing those panties again," he yelled over the music. "Why don't you give me a sneak peek?"

"S-stop," Josh squirmed, pulling his short leg down a bit. Letting the car swerve around the open road, Vince used his right hand to pull down the side of Josh's waistband, revealing the top of the panties. He whistled suggestively as Josh tried to push his hands away.

"Never knew you were such a whore, Morris," Vince said, side-eyeing the younger boy. He snapped Josh's shorts down and then moved his hand to his own crotch. "Gonna get some pussy tonight, though. I can feel it."

Sarah lived on the outskirts of town, so it was a bit of a drive. When they arrived, Josh was blown away by how big her house was. Her last name, "Britten," was even printed on a large stone wall that surrounded the property.

"Killer place, huh?" Vince remarked after shutting off the stereo. Josh said nothing as he looked around. He knew Sarah's lawyer dad was a pretty big deal in their little town, but he didn't know how well the man had done for himself.

Josh suddenly felt nervous as he felt the car lurch to a stop. There were a few other cars in the massive driveway, though Josh could only recognize Sarah's silver Prius. The house looked dim; it was hard for Josh to believe that a party was going to take place.

"Weird. Looks like nobody's even here. Let's go in," Vince said.

Vince didn't bother ringing the doorbell as he opened the front door. The two boys could hear laughter inside. "Honey, I'm home," Vince sang as they walked down the hall and into an enormous, beautifully lit living room. "Where the hell is everyone?"

"Josh!" Sarah shouted as soon as she saw them walk in. She leapt from her spot next to a stone-faced Brian and ran over to him, throwing her arms around him in an awkward embrace. "I'm so glad you changed your mind."

"Someone's feeling happy," Vince said as he scoped out the room. He jumped onto the couch, right next to his buddy Mark who was drinking a beer.

"We had a few wine coolers before you guys came," a girl said. As Sarah let go of him, Josh nervously looked around the room. The girl who spoke was Jasmine, one of Sarah's best friends. She was one of the few black kids in their mostly white school. Her dad worked at Sarah's father's firm. She rolled her eyes at Vince, who had been staring at her hungrily from the time he walked into the room. It was pretty well known at school that Vince had asked her out multiple times, only to find himself constantly rejected.

There were far fewer people at the party than Josh expected. He saw Brian in the corner of the room with his arms folded across his chest, though Josh tried to avoid eye contact. Hunter was sitting in an armchair, sipping a beer and staring at Sarah's ass, seemingly in a daze. There was one more girl on a couch beneath a gigantic window facing the front yard. Josh recognized her as Teri, Mark's on-and-off ex-girlfriend. She was known for being a colossal bitch and she often made cracks at school about Josh being a pervert. Josh had no idea that she was friends with Sarah.

"Who invited him?" Teri said in apparent shock, glaring in Josh's direction.

"I did," Sarah said gleefully. "Like I said, my parents go out of town all the time on the weekends, so I like to have some peeps over. Thought I'd grow the group a little..."

"Not much of a party," Teri quipped.

"I'm keeping it small this week. New friends only," Sarah replied.

"You shoulda been here last weekend. It was epic," Jasmine added. Teri didn't say anything in response. These were not her friends. Josh wondered if she had come to the party because she knew Mark would be in attendance.

"Brian, go get Vince and Josh a beer," she ordered, turning toward her boyfriend.

"Yeah Brian, do as you're told," Hunter mocked. Brian rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, causing Sarah to giggle. He came back with a full pack and handed one to Josh.

"Thanks," Josh said quietly, taking the drink. He snapped it open and took a sip.

"Is there anyone in this room who hasn't already been drinking most of the night?" Jasmine wondered aloud. Hunter snapped his fingers and pointed at Josh.

"I think Joshy's gonna need a few more beers tonight," he said. A few people in the room laughed. "And maybe Mark, too."

"I wouldn't have even come if I knew Mark was going to be here," Teri said, folding her arms across her chest. "Asshole's already wasted."

"Fuck you, too," Mark said quietly, taking a swig of his beer.

"Oh come on, Teri," Hunter said, stretching his arms behind his head. "We all know why you came here tonight."

"Oh? And why did I, Mr. Expert?" Teri asked.

"You know you were hoping for some more of that Italian sausage," he teased. Brian snickered nearby, but quickly shut himself up. Josh could see that Teri was fuming.

"Okay, shut up and gather round, people," Sarah said, completely disregarding Teri and Hunter as she practically jumped into the center of the room in excitement. "We're gonna play Spin the Bottle."

There was some dissent regarding the idea, but eventually everybody caved in to her request. Josh figured that nobody would dare argue with a cute, sweet drunken girl at her own get-together. Sarah cleared the coffee table at the center of the room and the whole group gathered around it. Josh sat next to Mark on the sofa. The bigger boy hadn't looked at him the entire night. The smell of booze was pretty strong from his direction, and he seemed to be in a different world entirely.

"If you don't want to kiss someone, you just have to take a shot," Sarah said excitedly, slamming down a shot glass and a bottle of booze. "Who's going first?"

"It's your fucking game. Don't you play this every weekend? Why don't you go first?" Hunter asked.

"So bossy," she replied. "Fine." Everyone sipped their beers as she excitedly made the bottle spin. It stopped on Mark, and everyone turned to look at his ex, Teri, for her reaction.

"What? I don't give a fuck. Kiss away," she said, taking a swig from her bottle.

"Shot," Mark blurted out.

"Really dude?" Vince asked.

"It's fine," Sarah said, pouring a shot for Mark. She passed it to him and he downed it in one easy go. "Nobody has to kiss anyone they don't want to. My rules. Who's next?"

The group took turns spinning the bottle. Brian's spin landed on Jasmine. He planted a huge kiss on her and she seemed to be a pretty good sport about it. Jasmine's spin landed on Sarah, and everyone cheered as the two girls made out, their tongues working into each other's mouths. Mark took a shot instead of spinning. When it was Josh's turn, he considered doing the same.

"Nooo! You have to spin, Josh," Sarah whined. She had been drinking throughout the entire game, so she was starting to become pretty messy. Feeling slightly buzzed from the beer, Josh decided to just go for it. He secretly hoped it would land on Hunter, but once again it landed on Mark, who promptly took another shot. Everyone seemed to laugh at this, including Josh.

Josh was starting to feel really good for the first time in a while. For once he felt like he was part of a group, and for the time being nobody was teasing him or making him feel like he was inferior.

Things were rather uneventful until it became Hunter's turn. All eyes were on him as he simply smirked and lit up a cigarette. "Hunter, put that out, my daddy will kill me if he smells smoke in here," she giggled. It was like she was only pretending to care.

"Those things are gonna kill you, man," Brian commented. Hunter just shrugged his shoulders and flicked the bottle. It only spun around twice before landing on Josh.

"Fuck yeah," Sarah shouted, pumping her fist.

"I'm not doin' it," Hunter said abruptly.

"What!?" Sarah yelled, standing up. She slammed her hand hard against Hunter's arm playfully. "I kissed a girl, now you have to kiss a boy. Fair is fair."

"'We don't have to kiss anyone we don't want to.' Your rules, right? The answer is no," Hunter said. He poured himself a shot and downed it. He then refilled the shot glass and slid it in Josh's direction. "Drink," he said. Josh stared at him for a moment before picking up the glass. He choked it down, eliciting a few giggles from the group. It had been forever since he'd taken a shot. In fact he hadn't had any booze since he and Brian raided his dad's liquor cabinet several years ago. He wondered if Brian remembered that. He barely remembered it himself.

"I have a better idea," Hunter said. He stood up and walked over to where Josh was sitting. He grabbed the younger boy and yanked him up to his feet. Josh was feeling a little wobbly from the booze, so he had to wrap his arm around Hunter for support. The whole group had been downing shots here and there, even when it wasn't their turn, but Josh's alcohol tolerance was pretty low to begin with. "Lightweight," Hunter whispered into his ear.

"What are you doing, Hunter?" Jasmine asked in annoyance. "Leave the kid alone."

"Joshy's fine. It's time for a new game," Hunter said, his cigarette still sitting on his lips. He blew a puff of smoke at Josh's face, making the boy's eyes water. "It's a guessing game. Winner takes all. Vince, you already know the answer so you don't get to play."

"This is super lame," Sarah slurred. "Let's just, like, play beer pong or something. I also have Scrabble."

"Let the man finish," Vince snickered. "It'll be totally worth it."

"Fuck Scrabble!" Hunter shouted. "Now, take a look at Josh here. You wouldn't know it by looking at him, but this crazy kid is wearing a tight little pair of women's panties underneath his shorts. Isn't that right, Joshy?"

"Hunter, please don't," Josh said, dread filling his body. He was starting to sweat, both from the alcohol and from the embarrassment that he knew was ahead of him.

"You have to be kidding, right?" Jasmine said, rolling her eyes.

"He's not kidding, I saw it with my own eyes," Vince laughed.

"Really? And why were you looking?" Jasmine quipped, causing Vince's smile to fade.

"Enough," Hunter barked. He had a mischievous grin and his eyes were filled with excitement. "Whoever guesses the correct color wins. It's that simple. What color are Josh's panties?"

"This is stupid," Teri said. "And what do we even get if we win this dumb little game?"

"You get head a blowjob from Joshy here," Hunter replied. "Or he'll eat you out. Whatever. I hear the kid's a natural with his mouth."

"That's disgus-"

"They're fuckin' pink," Mark shouted out of nowhere, interrupting Teri. He suddenly started laughing hysterically; he was clearly pretty hammered, beer cans littering the floor near his feet. He was a big dude but he had clearly been drinking for some time. He had been like a bomb waiting to explode.

"Bingo!" Hunter yelled. "Ready Joshy?"

"Hunter, please don't..." Josh whispered into the older boy's ear. He was still hanging on him for balance.

"Just trust me, Josh," Hunter whispered back. "Remember why you're here." He then grabbed Josh's shorts and yanked them down his legs, revealing the pink panties to the entire room. The act caused Josh to lose his balance, with Hunter tipping him over into Mark's lap.

Mark pulled Josh into somewhat of a bear hug as he laughed hysterically. Josh was mortified. He couldn't see with Mark's big arms around his head, but he knew everyone was staring at him.

"What the fuck?" Teri exclaimed in disgust. "Is he really wearing women's panties? Gross."

"What the hell, Hunter," Sarah said, her mouth wide open as she stared at Josh's lower half. "Are those...mine?" The way she asked the question almost sounded hopeful...

"Are you serious? The kid's a panty thief?" Jasmine asked, bursting out into laughter. She then seemed to think for a moment, her laughter ceasing. "Oh, wait. How did he even get your panties? Sarah, you didn't..."

"No way," Sarah said. "No with Josh. I wouldn't-"

"She did. With me," Hunter said proudly. Brian stood up, anger apparent on his face. Josh noticed it, but something about it seemed disingenuous. He had seen Brian angry before; something was off. Forced, even.

"Sarah, I told you not to mess with that shit," Jasmine yelled in anger. She stood up, clearly agitated. "Why do you always do shit like this?"

"I didn't- I mean, I couldn't help it," Sarah slurred. "Look at him! He's so hot!"

As Jasmine continued to berate her friend, Hunter kicked the side of Mark's leg, grabbing the attention of both him and Josh. "Time to go enjoy your prize, big guy," Hunter smirked.

"Yes, daddy," Mark said. He was clearly wasted off his ass. He stood up and hoisted the younger boy over his shoulder, Josh's ass sticking up in the air.

"Fuuuck, please don't drop me," Josh pleaded.

"I won't, unless I do," Mark said, laughing his ass off.

"Make me proud, Joshy!" Hunter shouted gleefully. The two girls were still arguing, completely oblivious to what was happening. Brian just watched wordlessly while Vince had his phone out, aiming it right at Mark and Josh.

"What the fuck!?" Teri practically screamed as Mark stumbled off. "Mark, you're a dead man if you leave this room with that little queer, I swear to god."

"Bitch, sit the fuck down," Hunter yelled drunkenly. "Don't be jealous the kid's got a nicer ass than you, ya boney skank."

Suddenly Mark was halfway down the hallway, leaving the chaos behind. He stumbled into an open door, kicking it shut behind him. Josh found himself being dropped onto a bed, the bigger boy crashing down next to him. The room was illuminated by a small lamp, covered with a red shade that made the whole room look crimson. Josh could see soccer balls on the bed sheets and what looked like bikini models and athletes on the walls.

"Sarah's little brother's room," Mark said. Josh had seen Sarah's little brother around school; he was a freshman named Donny. Mark leaned back and belched loudly. He was staring a hole into Josh now.

Josh was nervous. He sat up and put his head into his hands. Was this really happening? It all felt so unreal.

"Do – do you like the panties?" Josh stammered. Even though he felt humiliated, he still knew he had a job to do.

"They're okay," Mark said quietly, his voice sounding funny from the alcohol. "They look weird on you though. Stand up." Josh got up off the bed and stood in front of Mark. The Italian boy's eyes seemed to wander across his body. "Take your hoodie off," he said. Josh did as he was told, pulling the hoodie up over his head and letting it drop to the floor. He then stepped out of his shorts, which had been hanging around his ankles.

Mark reached over and grabbed something from the other side of the bed. "Here, try these on instead," he said, handing the item to Josh. It was a pair of white y-front briefs that looked a little too tight for him. Josh felt really weird about the idea of wearing some other kid's underwear, but he didn't argue as he lowered the panties off of his body and slipped the briefs on over his shoes. They were extremely snug on his body, but at least they covered everything up, unlike the panties. Mark didn't even blink as he watched Josh put them on.

"Fuck, I must be really drunk," the older boy said as he leaned back. He then unzipped the fly of his jeans and pulled them open before putting his hands behind his head. Josh got onto his knees and studied him. Mark's shirt was riding up his muscular stomach; he sure was built like a beast.

Josh reached into Mark's boxers and fished for his dick. Mark's pubes felt a little sweaty as Josh's hands gently wandered over them. Finally Josh's hand made contact with the base of Mark's cock, which was pointed like a steel rod down the leg of his pants. "Fuck," Josh couldn't help but gasp as he pulled Mark's dick upright. The bigger boy grunted as his massive rod was removed from his jeans.

"Put it in your mouth," Mark groaned. Josh stroked his big cock briefly before going down on it. It was so long and thick he could only get it halfway into his mouth. Mark's hand found the back of his head and he started pumping upward into Josh's mouth, forcing the younger boy to choke momentarily. Josh pulled off, caught his breath and then went down on it again. He did his best to use the techniques he learned sucking Hunter's dick, but this one was a little harder to swallow.

After a few minutes of getting his dick sucked, Mark sat up, holding his weight up with his arms. He was breathing hard as Josh swallowed his cock. He then leaned forward, pulling Josh's head further down into his crotch as he seemed to be looking down Josh's back. Josh could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Take your shirt off," Mark said breathlessly. Josh felt Mark's hands on his body as he helped the boy get this t-shirt over his head before shoving his mouth back onto his big dick.

Mark's hands slid down the back of Josh's shoulders as he checked out the boy's ass in the tight white briefs. From this angle, Josh found himself being choked on the massive cock buried down his throat. He did his best to fight through it though, sucking the older boy down as best as he could. Soon Mark was breathing pretty loudly, and just as he felt Mark's hand reach down to grip the back of his cotton-covered ass, Mark moaned loudly and shot his load deep inside Josh's throat.

Both boys fell backward, breathing hard. Mark reached down and shoved his dick back into his jeans before zipping himself up. He was silent for what felt like several minutes. Josh then felt around for his shorts and put them on before doing the same with his t-shirt and hoodie. He stood up and started to leave, but an arm reached out for him.

"Not a word about this to anyone," Mark said, sitting upright.

"Okay, but why the briefs?" Josh asked.

"I just thought they'd look, y'know, good on you..."

"Uhh, thanks," Josh said awkwardly. He could tell they were both feeling nervous. "I'm gonna go find Hunter," he said.

"Okay, cool," Mark said. "Lemme rest a minute." He then fell back onto the bed again. This time Josh was pretty sure the guy had passed out.

When Josh exited the room, he couldn't hear any voices anywhere. It seemed like the chaos from earlier had ceased. He stopped at a mirror in the hallway to fix up his disheveled appearance.

"Don't bother," a voice suddenly said from behind him, causing him to jump. Josh turned to see Vince looking at him, grinning. "Your work isn't done tonight."

"Where is everyone?" Josh asked. "Where's Hunter?"

"Fuck `everyone,' it's just you and me right now," Vince said in an eerie voice. "Why don't we go somewhere private so you can show me what you did for Mark?"

Josh swallowed hard. He didn't want to go anywhere with Vince; he wanted to find Hunter and the others. "No," he finally said. Not without-"

"Not without Hunter's permission?" Vince finished the sentence for him. He then grabbed Josh's hand and placed it against the front of his pants. "He's one of my best friends. He won't mind at all."

Josh tried to pull away, but Vince kept his holding his hand in place. "Why don't you like me, Josh?" Vince asked, staring into his eyes. "What have I ever done to you?"

"I-I do like you," Josh stammered. Vince grunted, disregarding the answer.

"I can make you like me," Vince said. "I can be really nice to you." He then put his own hand against the front of Josh's shorts, grabbing his semi-hard cock. A chill went down Josh's spine. It should have felt good, but it didn't.

"I'm good," Josh said, pushing Vince's hand away. He really did want someone to touch his dick, but this felt off, and Hunter had told him not to touch anyone without his permission.

"Fine. Whatever," Vince said in apparent disappointment. There was an odd tone in his voice – sadness, perhaps? Was it real? He then quickly turned and walked away. Josh followed him out to the living room, where they remained alone.

"So...where'd everybody go?" Josh asked nervously.

"Party was a fuckin' bust. The two bitches went home. Sarah is off fuckin' the man of her dreams. Or is it the man of YOUR dreams? Fuck, the MEN of BOTH your dreams?" Vince chuckled, popping open another beer as he laid back on the sofa.

Josh took a seat on a chair nearby. He tried to picture Sarah getting it on with both Hunter and Brian. How the fuck did THAT situation come to be? How would it even work? "I need a drink," he said. He then walked over to where Sarah had placed the bottle of liquor and poured himself a shot.

"Attaboy, man. Though you coulda drank directly from the source," Vince said, grabbing his crotch and shaking his dick in the younger boy's direction.

Josh took a second shot, then a third. He felt extremely lightheaded. "Slow down, dude, I just thought of something," Vince said, sitting upright. "You ate Mark's cum, right?"

"Um, yeah," Josh said, blushing.

"Did you get a pic?"

"Huh?" Josh said.

"A picture. Evidence. Doesn't Hunter want to see proof that you completed his task?"

Josh thought for a moment. It was true that each time he'd sucked Hunter or one of his friends off, Hunter had made him prove it by holding the guy's cum in his mouth. The only time this didn't happen was with Mark in the bathroom stall, so perhaps Vince had a point.

"Look man, I'm just sayin', I didn't get any pussy tonight and if you want we could help each other out," Vince explained. He reached down and unzipped his pants. "Here. You suck my dick, I take a pic of my babies swimmin' in your mouth so you can say it was Mark's. Hunter won't know nothin'. Sound like a plan?"

"Um, okay," Josh said dumbly. The shots were really kicking in and the plan made sense to his drunken brain. He also couldn't help but feel awfully horny from so much talk about dick and pussy.

The older boy grinned and pulled his uncut dick out of his pants, wagging it at Josh, who walked over and took hold of it almost instantly. He sloppily shoved it into his mouth; Vince was elated.

"You have no idea how bad I needed this, bro," Vince sighed. Josh answered by taking his cock all the way down his throat until his nose was buried in Vince's bushy pubes. The older boy loaned loudly. His dick felt nice to Josh's throat. It was smaller than the other two, which made it a little easier for the smaller boy to handle.

Josh started sucking steadily, and Vince didn't last long at all before he was spewing his seed into the boy's mouth. Josh nearly choked, almost forgetting that he was supposed to hold the cum in his mouth.

"Shit, where's your phone, dude?" Vince asked. Josh reached into the pocket of his shorts and handed it over. "It's locked. Show me your password." Not thinking, Josh clearly pointed out the numbers Vince needed to press to get into his phone. Vince smirked as he pulled up the camera app.

"Smile," Vince said sarcastically as he aimed the phone at Josh. Josh opened his mouth and let the jizz settle on his tongue. After snapping a photo, Vince handed the phone back to the boy. "Swallow," he added. Josh gulped the creamy liquid down. It was far bitterer than that of the other two boys he had sucked.

Vince zipped himself up and then violently kicked Josh backward onto his ass. "Get out of here, faggot," he said with a laugh. "Party's over."

Josh grunted, hobbling to his feet and brushing himself off. He grabbed the bottle of booze from the table and wandered over to the sofa he had been sitting on earlier. He fell backward onto it. Within minutes he was out like a light.

At some point within the next hour, Josh dreamt that his clothes were removed.

"Wake up, kid," a voice said to him, startling him awake. He was pretty hammered, but conscious. When his eyes settled, he realized he was fully clothed. Weird.

"Bro, wake up," the voice repeated. Josh looked up to see a very naked Hunter towering over him. He was smiling and holding something in his hand. Sweat was glistening from his body and he looked like he'd just ran a marathon, his hair matting to his head.

"Did you do what I told you?" he finally asked.

"Yeah," Josh said. "I got a picture..."

"Good. Text it to me in the morning," Hunter said. "How was the Italian Stallion? He's got a great big dick, right? Gave you a mouthful?"

"S-stop, Hunter," Josh squeaked out. This sort of teasing was embarrassing, alcohol or not.

Hunter leaned down, so close to Josh that the younger boy could smell the sex on him. "Is his dick bigger than mine?"

Josh thought for a second. He considered telling a lie, but something told him that he needed to be honest with Hunter. He nodded slowly. "Mark's dick is huge..."

"Fucker," Hunter said, laughing loudly. "Don't worry, I've already seen it anyway." He then threw the item he was holding onto Josh's stomach, right above the mound in his shorts. Josh picked it up and inspected it; it was a used condom, filled with cum and tied in a knot at the top.


"It's Brian's jizz. You can have mine whenever. Thought you'd like it," the older boy said coolly. He then turned and walked away slowly. "Goin' back for round two. We're probably gonna get this bitch pregnant tonight, condom or not. Vince can take you home if you want."

Josh sat, totally speechless as he watched Hunter's muscular ass disappear down the hallway. He looked down at the condom and thought for a moment, realizing that it really didn't turn him on at all. All he could think about was Hunter wasting his seed on Sarah, when he could have been messing around with Josh instead. It pissed him off.

Brian's, that's not what he wanted. He took the condom and buried in the cushions of the sofa before sleep took over his body once again.

So I pretty much rewrote the bulk of this chapter multiple times. It started out waaaay different and ended up being what it is now.

Next time: Someone pays a visit to Josh's house...

Email me at and let me know what you think of this one!

Next: Chapter 7

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