The Bully Wins

By Micah Allen

Published on Feb 26, 2018


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"My house after school. I'm gonna teach you how to suck dick for real."

His house. HIS house. Hunter's house. The bully's house.

Josh couldn't focus all day. The words of his teachers evaded him. He couldn't stop touching the mark on his neck. The stares from his peers made him uncomfortable, so finally he put on his favorite black hoodie, pulling it over his head so he could hide the evidence of Hunter's professed ownership.

You can't wear a hoodie in gym class, though.

"Didn't think you had it in you, Morris," a voice said in the locker room as Josh dressed down for class. A couple other boys in the room chuckled. Josh knew right away it was Brian speaking, his ex-best friend. He'd recognize that deep voice anywhere. "Who'd you get lucky with, huh?"

"Probably some freshman faggot," some kid said.

"Probably Mr. Peters," another chimed in, referencing the school's elderly janitor.

"That true, Morris?" Brian teased. Josh turned to look him in the face just as he was getting closer. His shirt was off and he radiated heat; Josh couldn't help but notice the intensity in his eyes. "You fucking dudes now? You a little fag?"

The questions hurt, and Josh wanted to say so many different things. He wanted to bring up their past. He wanted to bring up all the things they shared with each other growing up. He wanted to hurt Brian, say something amazingly clever that would make him look bad in front of all his bros. He wanted to tell him the truth, `Hunter did this. Hunter. The same kid who fucked your girlfriend.' He wanted revenge for Brian abandoning him when his life started falling apart. He wanted to make Brian regret what he'd done to him.

But instead Josh kept it cheap and simple. "Must've been Sarah. Heard she gets around," he said, slamming his locker shut. A few guys oohed and awed. Josh half expected to get hit for the remark, but Brian just smiled darkly. "Yeah, right," he said, and walked back to his friends.

The sudden spike in confidence felt good to Josh, but it didn't calm his nerves regarding the evening's scheduled events. Later in the day, he overheard Mark and Vince say that Hunter had skipped his afternoon classes. That wasn't unusual for him, but Josh wondered if it had anything to do with the invitation he'd received to his house.

After school ended, Josh walked around for a bit. He knew where Hunter lived but he was scared to go. Things had shifted for him so drastically over the past few days and he didn't know how he felt about any of it. He thought about just going home, but eventually he got another text from Hunter asking where the fuck he was. Fearing repercussions, he took a deep breath and walked over to Hunter's house.

When he reached the Bailey home, Hunter was sitting on the front steps, smoking a cigarette and staring at his phone. The house was pretty rundown and scary looking, which was a contrast from the relatively nice neighborhood it was located in. The roof looked like it needed some patchwork and a few windows on the garage door were broken.

"'Bout time," Hunter said gruffly. He was wearing a white tank and some tight athletic shorts. His hair was a little damp. Josh had never really seen him like that before. He finally looked up from his phone, eyeing Josh from top to bottom. "Let's go inside. It's starting to rain."

Josh watched in silence as Hunter threw his cigarette butt to the ground and crushed it beneath his sneaker. He followed him into the house, the smell of smoke even stronger inside. His eyes watered a bit from the scent, but overall the house didn't look too awful inside. The couches in the living room were obviously old, as were the lamps and television, but it looked like it was clean at the very least. There didn't seem to be anybody else home at the moment.

Hunter led him down a short hallway to his bedroom. Once inside, Hunter locked the door behind them. The room was very small, housing only a cheap double bed, a heavily cluttered desk, and a small TV with a PlayStation. Clothes were scattered all over the floor; Josh was pretty sure he saw a girl's bra and panties in the mix. There was also a sliding door leading to the backyard but it was covered. The air was surprisingly fresher than the rest of the house and didn't smell quite as much like smoke, though the scent was still there.

"Sit on the bed," Hunter ordered. Josh did as he was told. He had butterflies sitting his ass down on the place where Hunter slept. Hunter wiped some sweat from his forehead as he threw his pack of cigarettes on top of his desk.

"Why are you all sweaty?" Josh asked, surprising himself with the question. "I mean, I didn't think you were much of a jock."

"You don't have to be on the football team to be in shape," Hunter retorted. He flexed one of his arms. "My dad has weights in the garage. I lift every day."

"Oh," Josh said simply. He couldn't help but stare at Hunter's bulging arms in his tank top, but also felt embarrassed about looking.

"See, this is why you're here," Hunter stated, rolling his eyes. He walked up to Josh, stopping right in front of him. The bulge in his shorts was inches from Josh's face. "I see it in your eyes every time we're together. You like the idea of being owned by me. You fucking love it. Don't lie, Joshy."

Josh swallowed hard. His heart was racing. He could smell the salty sweat coming from Hunter's body and it made him grow hard in his jeans.

"Look at dick in my shorts," Hunter ordered. "Look at it and tell me what you want to do."

Josh obeyed, allowing his eyes to focus on Hunter's bulge. His mouth started to water a bit as he watched Hunter's dick grow hard. "That's it. Tell me what you want, Joshy," Hunter repeated.

"I want..." Josh started. He swallowed hard again. "I want to suck your dick."

"No kidding," Hunter said sarcastically. He tugged at his dick a little bit, making it plump up in his shorts. "Everyone does, because I'm a real man. You're really just like a girl, Joshy. Stick out your tongue."

Josh did as he was told. He looked up, his stomach in knots as he made eye contact with Hunter. Hunter stepped forward, closing the gap between them, his bulge making contact with Josh's tongue.

"Lick the front of my shorts," Hunter said. "Move your tongue all around it. You like that, right, perve?"

"Mmhmm," Josh moaned, betraying himself as his tongue moved up and down the tight fabric. The butterflies in his stomach began to flutter frantically. He felt so exposed, his dick oozing pre-cum in his boxers.

"Fags are supposed to be good at sucking dick. Guess I'm gonna have to teach you, kid. Pull my shorts down."

Almost too quickly, Josh yanked Hunter's shorts down his thick, hairy legs, exposing a pair of navy-blue boxer-briefs. The shorts settled right at Hunter's ankles, covering his white sneakers. "Sniff `em," Hunter said lowly. Josh placed his nose right against Hunter's briefs. He inhaled deeply, taking in Hunter's sweaty scent. It was humid and hot, and made Josh's dick twitch. Hunter's cock was so hard it was stretching the fabric. Josh kept inhaling, running his nose along the shaft.

"Yeah, girls love that shit, too," Hunter said. "They usually deny it though. You're obviously loving the shit out of it."

Ignoring Hunter's words, Josh continued sniffing and licking at his junk. He reached down and began to touch himself, but Hunter all but kicked his hand away.

"None of that shit, Morris. You need to focus on MY body. Get high on my smell and beg me for what you really want."

"I want your cock," Josh pleaded, inhaling deeply. "Show me what to do. Show me how to suck your cock."

"Pull down my underwear next, nice and slow," Hunter said. Josh wasted no time grabbing the sides of Hunter's briefs, slowly maneuvering them down his waist. Hunter's cock jumped as it was freed from the cotton prison, the scent of Hunter's crotch even stronger. It had looked big before but looked massive and powerful from this angle.

"Now here's the deal, kid. I'm about to choke you with my cock. If I feel your teeth, I'm going to punch them out," Hunter said aggressively. "If you stop sucking me at any point, I'm going to kick you in the balls. You're gonna learn to take my cock like a fucking champion. Do we understand each other?" Josh nodded eagerly, his eyes wide with excitement and a little bit of fear. "Good. Now open your mouth."

Josh no sooner had his mouth open before Hunter had his hands on the back of his neck, forcing him forward onto his massive cock. Josh could barely breathe as his mouth was filled with dick. Hunter started off slowly, pushing himself in and out, allowing Josh's saliva to lube his dick up. After a minute or so, he started pushing further down Josh's throat, making him choke. "That's right, choke on it, bitch," Hunter said before a moan escaped his lips. He pulled out almost all the way, the tip of his cock resting between Josh's lips. "Take it down your throat." He pushed forward again, as far as he could.

Josh coughed harshly, his eyes filling with water as his throat was invaded. He did his best to swallow Hunter's massive dick but he couldn't help but gag. He sucked the top half of Hunter's dick as it moved in and out of his mouth.

"Sit on the floor," Hunter ordered as he completely pulled his cock from Josh's mouth. Josh moved to Hunter's carpet-covered floor, putting his back against the side of the bed. Hunter kicked his shorts and underwear off his legs and placed one of his sneaker-clad feet on top of the bed, aiming his wet, hard cock at Josh's mouth. Josh opened as wide as he could as his mouth was filled up once again.

In this new position, Hunter was able to gain some momentum, pumping swiftly in and out of Josh's mouth, his huge set of balls slapping against Josh's face. Every time he pumped, he tried to go a little deeper. Whenever Josh gagged, he'd pull back a bit before starting the process over. Josh was intoxicated by Hunter's body odor; it was like a spell had been cast over him.

Suddenly Josh reached up and grabbed Hunter's cock at the base, his other hand holding onto Hunter's leg. Holding Hunter's dick prevented it from going too deep down his throat, but also caused Hunter to moan loudly. "Yeah, grab my dick, you little slut," he said, his breathing becoming ragged. "Suck my fucking dick. Yeah, that's it. Just like a little slutty girl." The words made Josh feel humiliated, but they made him suck a little harder, too. He wanted to be better at this than a girl. He wanted to be the best. He sucked harder, allowed Hunter's cock to go in a little deeper, and stroked the base of Hunter's wet cock with his hands as it went in and out.

"Fuck! I'm gonna cum," Hunter said loudly. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Hunter slowed a bit as he shot his load into Josh's mouth. Three, four, five spurts of hot, sticky liquid hit Josh's tongue and throat. "Hold it in your mouth," Hunter said breathlessly. After he finished cumming, he pulled his still hard dick from Josh's mouth. "Show me," he said. Josh opened his mouth, showing Hunter the massive load inside. "Now swallow." Josh complied, proudly choking down the sticky, creamy load.

"Good boy," Hunter said, an odd smile appearing on his lips. "So much better than yesterday. Fuck." He grabbed his briefs and shorts and pulled them both back on, stuffing his semi-hard dick inside his briefs.

"Um, thanks," Josh said weakly, wiping the spit and cum from his mouth with the sleeve of his hoodie.

"I need another cig. Let's go outside," Hunter said, heading for the sliding glass door.

"You don't smoke in here?" Josh asked, surprised.

"Fuck no. What am I, a bohemian?"

"Your house smells like a bar."

"Fuck you, Josh," Hunter said, stepping outside with his pack of smokes. He lit up as Josh followed, closing the door behind them. Hunter took a puff from his cigarette and stared out into the rain. "My parents smoke inside, but I'm not my fucking parents."

"I didn't mean to be insulting," Josh said, looking to the ground. They were both quiet for a bit. "I'm sorry," Josh finally added. "I know how you feel. I'm not my parents, either."

"Again I'll say it: fuck you, Josh," Hunter said angrily. "Don't act like we're the same. We're nothing alike."

"Okay," Josh said. "We're nothing alike."

The two were silent for some time as Hunter finished his smoke. He eyed Josh for a while as they stood there, listening to the rain pick up speed. "I want another blow job," he finally said.

"Fine," Josh said, heading toward Hunter's room.

"No. Get on your knees."

"Here? Outside?" Josh asked nervously. The yard was fenced in but the fence was pretty shitty; neighbors could surely see through if they wanted to.

Hunter shook his head, throwing his cigarette butt down. He grabbed Josh by his sleeve and yanked him over, shoving him down onto the pavement in front of him.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I own you now, Josh? And if I tell you to do something, you better fucking listen to me," Hunter said. He yanked the front of his shorts down, freeing his cock and balls again. "Lick my balls; get me hard."

Josh winced a little at the roughness of the ground against his knees, but he obeyed, placing his tongue against Hunter's hairy balls. Hunter stared down at him, studying him intently as Josh took one of the warm orbs into his mouth before switching to the other, slowly making Hunter's penis grow with each lick and suck.

Hunter reached down and gave his cock a few strokes. He continued watching Josh's face as he slapped his cock against the front of it several times. Josh couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of Hunter's hardness slapping against him.

"Suck my dick, Joshy," Hunter said. Josh took the length of it into his mouth, suckling at the end before moving deeper onto it. This time he did all the work, bobbing his head up and down on Hunter's boner, trying to work up a rhythm. He then started using both of his hands, milking Hunter's cock for all it was worth, the wet sound of his sucking fighting with the rainfall inches away from them.

"Shit. You're a fast learner," Hunter moaned. "Damn. Your mouth feels great on my cock."

Josh increased his pace, using his hands to stroke up and down Hunter's cock as it went in and out of his mouth. Suddenly Hunter moaned loudly. Josh could feel his dick spasm as he once again shot into his mouth. It wasn't as big of a load as before, but it still felt like a fuck ton of cum inside Josh's mouth. "Show me, kid," Hunter said. Josh showed the older boy the cum in his mouth, just like before. He then swallowed it down his throat in one gulp.

Hunter silently pulled his shorts over his cock and went back inside. Josh stood and followed him like a puppy. "I need to piss like a racehorse," Hunter said. He unlocked the door and headed down the hallway; Josh was unsure whether to follow before Hunter whistled for him.

"When you're with me, stay by my side no matter what," Hunter said as he flicked on the bathroom light. He stopped for a moment, turning to look at Josh. "Y'know, you should just let me piss in your mouth. You'd like that, right?"

"Fuck no," Josh exclaimed. He was shocked by the idea.

"You would do it if I told you too," Hunter said with a catlike grin. He then turned toward the toilet, pulled his shorts down and let the stream of piss flow with a sigh. Josh couldn't help but stare at Hunter's dick with odd curiosity as he pissed.

"Faggot," Hunter said with a grin. Josh turned to look at the floor.

Hunter pulled his shorts up, not bothering to flush as he headed for the front door. When they were outside, he turned to Josh with a serious gaze. "My pops is a trucker, so he's gone during the week, so I want you here every day after school, got it?"

"Got it," Josh said obediently. He then felt Hunter wrap his arms around him, their crotches pushed roughly together. He felt Hunter's breath against his face. "What about your mom?" he asked nervously.

"She works at the diner downtown. They're home on the weekend," Hunter replied, looking away for a moment. Suddenly their mouths were dangerously close together. Hunter looked like he was about to kiss Josh on the lips, letting himself get close before pulling away. "Go the fuck home, Morris," he said with an evil smirk. He stepped back into his house and slammed the door.

Josh walked home in bewilderment, trying his best to get his erection down. The cold rain helped a little bit. He started to think about Hunter and what his motivations might have been. He knew Hunter had been teasing him with the kiss but he couldn't help but wish it had happened. "Why me?" he thought in his head.

When he got home, the house was dark and empty. His parents had both gone somewhere with his little brother. He immediately went to his room and fell down on his bed, burying his face in his pillow. He couldn't help but cry out of frustration. His life was a mess, and his relationship with Hunter was beyond fucked up.

A sound erupted from Josh's pocket: a text message on his phone. He slowly reached in and pulled it out, the screen already lit up. "Can't stop thinking about me I bet," the text read. Then another text came in. It was a media message and took a little longer to load. Josh just about died when the picture de-pixelated. "This is from my Tinder profile. Have fun," it said. On the screen was a very shirtless and very sexy Hunter, posing in front of his bathroom mirror. His muscles looked amazing.

Tears still fresh on his face, Josh urgently unzipped himself, shoved his hand into his jeans and jerked himself to orgasm.

I really appreciate the positive feedback! I love talking with you guys about this story. There have been a lot of varied opinions and I'm trying my best to keep up with the messages. Email me at and let me know what you think. Should I keep going? ~ Micah

Next: Chapter 4

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