The Buff Bear Bitch and the Bodybuilder Boss

By Aurelio Gallardo

Published on Oct 18, 2022


This is a sort of prequel of my story "A Couple of Crafty Cubs" (which can be found at, it's about how the two characters introduced in chapter 9 of that story met and began their relationship, not sure How I'm gonna work with it once the stories meet but I'll cross that bridge whwn I get there. Any feefback is welcome at

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Roy Knox entered his new gym that morning in a good mood. He had recently moved from another part of town and this place was pretty close.

As soon as he showed up he noticed he had attracted some looks. It wasn't unusual for him, he was tall and very big. He was on the bearish shide, a healthy layer of fat that didn't stop the bulging muscles from showing up, even under the black hair that covered his body.

Some of the people who looked were pretty attractive women. Roy had never had a serious relationship but was no newbie at sex, although not a horndog by any means. He could appreciate the beauty of women but the urge that most of his male acquaitances seemed to have was pretty unfamiliar to him.

He started his routine without paying much attention to the rest of the people, just him and the music on his earbuds, just the lifting and the sweating.

"You're new here, aren't you?" Said a voice close to him. He could barely perceived it so he paused the music from his phone and took an earbud out. He turned towards the voice and was dumbstruck.

He was just a muscle god. Just a human shaped mountain of well defined and enormouse muscle, ephazised by the fluorescent lights over the smooth, sweaty skin, covered by a thin and loose tank top that exposed his shoulders and even nipples. Brown well kept hair over a handsome face, bright blue eyes, a charming smile and trimmed beard.

Roy couldn't find the words in his brain to answer, he just froze contemplating this magnificent specimen. What was he feeling? Awe, of course, admiration, a bit of envy and... something else he couldn't quite define.

"I asked if you're new here, I don't remember seing you before" repeated the stranger after several seconds had passed in silence, Roy's big brown eyes blinked stupidly but he finally was able to get it together enough to answer.

"Yes! I mean... yes, It's my fist day, actually. Sorry, I was a bit out of it. I'm Roy, by the way, Roy Knox."

"Jason Thomas, nice to meet you. I've been a regular for a long time here, so I think I can welcome you." said the bodybuilder offering his hand. Roy Found it hard to hold his gaze, it made him very self consious, yet at the same time he couldn't tear his eyes away from him.

"Thank you, I'm not really good at making friends, I didn't really talk to anyone in my other gym, but it seems there's friendlier people here." Answered Roy shaking the offered hand. Unintentionally, when he lowered his gaze to shake it, he noticed a bulge in Jason's pants. Not as obvious as to imply he had a hard on, but enough to show he was pretty big. Thankfuly, Jason didn't seem to notice, he just said "Well, anything I can help with, just let me know" and wen't back to his own thing.

Roy spent the rest of the his workout throwing glances at Jason, trying to be sneaky. They finished at similar hours so when Roy went into the locker room, Jason was in his underwear getting ready for showering. His underwear turned out to be a bright yellowe thong that showed off his thick thighs, firm, shapely ass and impressive bulge. He bent over to take off the thong and Roy noticed his hole and crotch were completely shaved, allowing the muscle bear to get a really good look of his cock and balls.

"Hey, new guy!" Said Jason in that cheery tone. Roy almost jumped from being startled, quickly moving his eyes from the crotch to the face.

"Oh, hi there. Sorry, I was just wondering if that isn't uncomfrotable." Said Roy pointing at the thong at Jason's feet. It was the only thing he could think of to justify himself, even to his own self. He quickly started removing his own sweaty clothes, but stopped after the shirt and shoes with socks. He had been trying to get naked too so he wouldn't look like a peeping tom, but then noticed he had an erection that was covered by his gym bag and prefered not to move any further.

"A little at first, but you get used to it quickly, I like them because I'm kinda vain about my muscles. You must be pretty proud of your own body, maybe you should try wearing one." Said Jason, and with a towel and a bottle of shower gel entered into one of the shower stalls. Roy rushed to get naked and get into a stall of his own before anyone else walked into the locker room. Why was he so horny? And why had it gotten worse when Jason had suggested he wore a thong? He started masturbatingin the shower. Roy's own cock was pretty long and thick. He tried to think of hot women but his thoughts kept going back to Jason in that thong, and then imagining himself similarly clad. Both muscular, sweaty men in the tiny underwear. He was soon cumming as silently as he could.

It soon became routine: Running into Jason at the gym then talking in the locker room. Jason often wore those bright colored thongs, but it wasn't rare for him to change it for jockstraps or very tight briefs. Then showers where Roy rubbed one out to release the tension. He did buy a few thongs and started wearing them once in a while at the gym. Couldn't help feeling proud and happy when Jason noticed and ran his eyes through the hairy body, commenting on how good they looked on him. That day the shower jerkoff felt extra good for Roy.

But still, the big musclebear was disturbed. He wasn't gay, right? No, he had fucked women, he was straight, it was just admiration for a muscular body. He started masturbating to straight porn before every workout in an attempt to avoid any more locker room erections but the results were not great. The erections were not as strong but were far from going away, and it seemed he could only cum with porn if the chick was being banged by some muscular dude with a big cock. He couldn't help but imagine it was Jason doing the fucking. And then it crossed his mind, what if the one taking it weren't a woman?

"Any plans for tonight?" Asked Jason one friday after showering, carefully rubbing the towel over his amazing body. Roy said no.

"Why don't you come over to my place and we can have a few beers?" He asked. Roy was again momentarily at a loss for words as an involuntary but overwhealming barrage of mental images assaulted him.

"Roy?" Asked Jason again after several seconds had passed. He was almost fully dressed by then. "Oh! Yeah, sure. Sounds good, text me the adress and I'll be there." Said Roy, coming to his senses.

"Cool, see you then." Said Jason grabbing his things. On his way out of the locker room he grabbed one of Roy's big buttcheeks and whispered in his ear "Wear one of those thongs."

Roy froze in place, the only part of his body that was moving was a throbbing erectiopn. What was that? Why did it feel so good? Why did it make him want to worship and obey?

He didn't find answers to that, at least not answers that dind't make him even more nervous. Still, that night he obediently wore a tiny black thing that disappeard between his buttocks and in a confusing horny daze he knocked on Jason's apartment door.

The muscular man opened the door completely naked and with a full erection "Horny bitch straight to my door, how convenient." He said, it was disconcerting hearing those words from him, said with this usual friendly demeanor and charming smile.

"M... may I come in?" Said Roy, not knowing what to think or do.

"Not looking like that, are you wearing a thong like I ordered?" Asked Jason. Roy pulled a strap from the side of his hips to show he had obeyed. "Good, take off all your clothes except that." Roy tried to go inside, but Jason stopped him with a hand on his chest. "Perhaps I wasn't completely clear: Take off all your clothes except the thong, pose for me, THEN you can come inside. Oh, and wear this." He finished handing him a collar with a bowtie in the front.

"What!? Are you crazy? What if somebody comes and sees me?!" Said Roy. Jason kept his smile, but it had taken a devilish look. "Then you better hurry. You know you came to be my bitch, so better start showing how good you are at that."

Why? What was happening? Roy kept telling himself he wasn't gay, he was just here for a few beers with a friend. And yet when he looked down at Jasons huge cock he felt compelled to please his every whim. Her took off his shirt, his shorts, his shoes and socks, his hairy, bulging muscles completely exposed, then put on the collar. He looked like a sort of butler/sex slave. Jason smiled as Roy started flexing. Made his pecs bounce, flexed his impressive bicepcs, turned around to show off his back, but he knew that Jason's sight was on his ass.

"Good boy, you can come in." Said Jason. Roy was blushing all over as he picked up his clothes from the floor and crossed the threshold finding himself in Jason's living room. "There's beer in the fridge, bring me one" said Jason pointig to the kitchen. Roy just couldn't believe this was really happening, couldn't believe it when he obeyed and couldn't believe how incredibly horny it all made him. Soon he was putting a beer in Jason's hands, he didn's even say thank you, just gave another order. "On your knees"

Roy kneeled, he found Jason's thick beautiful penis standing mightly right in front of his face.

"I'm straigt" said Roy, with a slight pleading tone.

"I did"n't ask." Said Jason. "And if you are then you'll have no problem just kneeling there, without sucking.

"You're not gonna order me to?" Asked Roy, incredulous, it seemed like the logical next step.

"I'm not a rapist, I hate causing pain or suffering. What I do is allow you to serve me." Explained Jason "I won't let you tell yourself that I'm abusing you. No, you little closeted whore are gonna have to do it by your own free will. In fact, you're gonna have to beg for it."

"Jason, I'm straight." Insisted Roy, Jason gave him a slap, not so strong as to hurt him but enough to let him know he was displeased.

"We can pretend to be buddies in public, but in here you refer to me as Boss. And if you're not gay then you're welcome to get up, take off that collar, put on your clothes and leave. You've been and will always stay free to leave at any point.

Roy didn't move, his gaze returned to the thick hard dick rigth in front of him, he wanted nothing more that take it in his mouth, to feel like a whore. He went for it but was stopped by another slap.

"This time I know I was perfectly clear." Said Jason "You have to beg for it."

Roy was struggling with himself, trying so hard to cling to his self image of straight guy while all his instincts were aching to serve this gorgous man and his cock. But why? Why deny himself? He was kneeling in a thong and a collar, hornier than he had ever been, all he had to do is let himself be the whore he wanted to be.

"Please..." He said, looking up at Jason, who smiled at him.

"That's good, but I'm sure you can beg better."

Roy felt a rush of joy at seeing Jason pleased. He felt encouraged to give it his all "Please, Boss. Let me suck your cock."

"Good for a closeted bitch. I really should demand better of you, but you're so adorable I can't help myself." Said Jason, and moved forward allowing Roy to take his cock.

Roy had never felt anything like it. The warm, soft skin of a penis filling his mouth, using him, violating him. He tried to take it all but soon was choking on it. Jason took his cock out. "Good, you have enthusiasm. Here's your prize for that." He spat on Roy's mouth, who eagerly took it. "You just need practice and training, and I can give you plenty of both." He returned to the face fucking, and as he did he kept instructing Roy on things like not using his teeth, using his tongue and sometimes focusing on the glans and others tryig to take as much as he can. Roy was starting to get better at it. And feeling more comfortable. Jason started moaning and praising him. "Oh, yeah, that's nice" "You learn fast, good boy" "What a pig! you can't get enough cock in you, can you?" Roy just let himself enjoy it, it was so freeing to be able to obey and be a good slave, he felt like he could just stay there sucking cock for Boss forever.

Jason grabbed him by the collar and pulled him so he would stand up. It was almost comical, Roy was taller, hairier, bigger. Yet he was totally at Jason's mercy. The bodybuilder got close to him their faces barely apart, and whispered "You're my special bitch, so I 'm gonna let you kiss me if you want. But know that I'm only letting you BECAUSE you're my special bitch, no more of that 'I'm straight' nonsense. I don't kiss straigth men, I don't let them suck my cock and I don't fuck them. You want this cock and this body? you have to stop being a fucking coward and own up to your desires."

It took Roy a moment, he clung to his former idea of himself just for a few seconds. But that man, that fucking god, made him feel so good. He had found a sort of comfort in being straight, in being "normal" but now he found true freedom and joy in revealing his true self, in assuming his true role. "I'm your special bitch." He confessed, and started giving Jason a hot, horny, wet kiss. He melted in the strong arms and soft lips of a real man, feeling the erections rub through the tight fabric. Jason started playing with the thong, making Roy feel it rubbing his hole.

"I'm already having a drink, let's have a snack." Said Jason sitting on the couch. "Give me that hole, I wanna taste it." He ordered. Roy stood on the couch, his legs at the sides of his boss, his ass just in front of Jason's face. Roy pulled his thong to the side showing a hairy, pink hole. It was unused, nobody had ever fucked it, eaten in, even fingered it. It gave off ths strong smell of manly ass sweat. Jason soon started eating it, exploring the new territory with his tongue, getting it all nice and sloppy.

Roy had never felt anything like it. A shiver and then just waves of pleasure. He couldn't believe it felt so good.

"Thank you, boss." He said. Jason spanked him and he knew it was not a punishment but a reward, he liked it. "I love how that feels, thank you for showing me this pleasure." It was too much, he had found out how good it felt to have his ass played with and just couldn't stop himself from yelling. "Oh god, just fuck me!" He suprised himself when he realized what he had said and even more when he realized that it was the truth, he really wanted Jason to fuck him.

"What did you just say?" Asked Jason. With the rimming stopped Roy's hole was begging for stimulation and he would do anything to get more of it.

"Please Boss, I need to be fucked. I need to feel your cock making me your bitch I will be a good bitch, I'll never again say I'm straight, I'll obey you in everything. Just fuck, me please."

Jason gave him a specially hard spank and a final lick at his hole, then made him step down from the couch and opened his legs to give the bear easy access to his cock. Roy sat until the thick head was just at the entrance of his hole and slowly started taking it in. It was more pleasure than he had ever imagined, Jason's hands were all over his body, occasionally pinching his nipples or grabbing his cock. Being so incredibly horny made Roy's ass relax easily, and he could feel Jason's hughe cock dripping with precum helping the penetration even more, this made him feel pride in knowing he was pleasing his boss. Still, he was a virgin and the top's cock was huge, it took effort and pain but finally he felt the full dick was deep inside him, he let out a moan "Thank you, Boss". He was like a teddy bear, so docile and eager to please, he started pumping up and down, fucking himself, getting lost in the intense sensations in his prostate. Then he heard the soft pleasure sounds from his Boss, telling him he was doing a good job, that encouraged him to fuck himself harder and faster. "What a filthy, cock hungry, horny bitch. Boss is happy with your work, keep at it and you might get a reward." Roy intensified his pumping, his only want int life was to get praised by Boss, to make him happy, to be a good bitch. His hole was in charge, he couldn't belive it had taken him so long to have it filled with cock.

He earned the reward, Jason made his stop for a moment, stood up and had Roy bend over in the couch, he took off the bottom's thong and after a finall spank he buried himself between the hairy cheeks. Roy yelled in pleasure as Jason started fucking him hard, pounding him with hard meat. "Look at that, you dirty bitch, you're making a puddle of precum. That's nice, I'm gonna enjoy fucking you many, many more times. You'd like that, wouldn't you? Having my cock inside you every day."

"Yes Boss!" Said Roy, smiling "Please make me your bitch every day! I wanna be just a hole for you to use. I wanna be yours, your bitch, your slave your... ooooh" At that moment both reached climax. As Roy's ass was being filled with Jason's sperm, marking him as property, his cock was shooting more cum than he had ever seen, it felt so good to be a cum dump.

"You're such a good bitch" Said Jason, taking in his fingers some of the cum dripping off of Roy's anus and feeding it to the bottom, who eagerly left his boss' hand completely clean. "In fact, I think I wanna share you with the other guys."

Next: Chapter 2

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