The Brothers in Hexham

By Rufus Jones

Published on Nov 7, 2023


The Brothers in Hexham 11 Please donate to this noble cause: Please respect copyright. Rupert has something to say.

When Leigh left the room after I kissed him, I sat for a while thinking. I had said so much to him, and he was able to hear it and in fact I realized we felt the same way. How did we feel? That seemed to be the question.

I tried to explain what I was thinking and he certainly responded. He didn't say much, but I could tell by his eyes, his body, his touch that he and I were thinking the same way. But it confused me because he was with Drew. Very much with Drew.

After the party, we spent the day on New Year's Eve at the house. It was quiet. We were all tired and depleted. We watched some bad movies and sipped wine and napped. By the time ten o'clock came around, we all decided we had celebrated enough the night before, so Drew and I slipped away upstairs, and I could tell that the others were soon to follow.

Roger and I had a talk the next day since he asked me how things had been. I was talking to Roger more and more. At first I was unsure of him, but as Sam seemed so taken with him, I began to realize there was more to him than I thought.

We were sitting at the kitchen table, eating something Sam had invented which was, of course, delicious. Roger finished chewing and looked at me, "So...tell me everything. What happened after we all...well, you know."

I was slightly embarrassed which for me is unusual. "I got up early, and bumped into Leigh downstairs. We talked. We had sex, it was great."

"Oh...interesting. I want details!"

How could I explain it? There were no words that made any sense. So I said, "Give me a few days to work it out." I realized I was slightly annoyed and I couldn't understand why. Roger just looked at me. I could also feel Sam's eyes on me as well. It was irritating. After that Sam drove Roger home and I was a little relieved.

The next day I went into Sam's room. He was laying on his bed wearing headphones and listening to something loud. He smiled at me and I got on the bed and wrapped my arms around him, my head on his chest. He pulled the headphones off and mussed my hair. "What's going on?"

"Fucked if I know."

He looked at me, shaking his head. "You want to fuck?"

"No, Sam, I don't."

He was silent, as if I had offended him, but I really didn't want that. I looked up at him and said, "What do you think of Leigh?"

"Where is this question coming from?"

"You remember the other night?"

"How could I forget?"

"Well, when I was fucking Leigh I had a kind of revelation or something."

"I don't understand."

"I was looking into his eyes and we had a moment. And then, later, he came downstairs and bumped into me by the little sitting room beside the kitchen. We had a really intense, emotional fuck. I mean the kind of sex you have with someone you love..."


"No, it's not like that. Drew approves and in fact encouraged it."

"Now I'm really confused. So what you three did the other night wasn't just because of the drugs?"

I sat up and looked at him. In one sense he was being thick, but in another he had just pointed something out. It had been an almost mystical experience.

But Sam looked a little frustrated. In the past, especially when we were young, we would at this point in a conversation decide to have sex. But more and more -- drugs notwithstanding -- I wasn't really into it.

"No I guess it wasn't. Drew seemed to be almost inviting something, he was almost happy that it was happening, that I was fucking his boyfriend in front of him." I thought for a moment. "But it's not just the sex. I think about him all the time. I know it's odd that I can't just say: I love him. That would make this so much easier. But somehow I can't. And Leigh said the same thing.

"So you two agreement?"

"I told Leigh that I wanted to have sex with him as often as he wanted, that I want to be with him in all kinds of ways, not just fucking. And he said Drew and I were almost like two parts of the same person. That blew my mind but it was amazing to hear."

"I'm not sure what to say. So what does Drew think?"

"Drew seems to think this is something that Leigh and I need to express and explore. He's all for it. He even says it turns him on."

"I see. Well I guess that's what you'll do." He put his headphones back on and it was clear he was finished talking. Sam could be a total shit sometimes.

I left Sam's room feeling frustrated. He was no help. I realized the only thing I could do was go and talk to them. I knew they were in Drew's bedroom. Probably reading or having more sex. I stood in the hall, not sure of what to do. I realized I had never felt conflicted before. I had never felt like I couldn't say exactly what I was feeling. I guess I mean to Drew, more than anyone. I sighed and walked to his bedroom door and went in.

I was relieved to see they were reading. The fire was burning and the room was warm and the nice smell of bodies and a little sex. I imagined my scent was part of that.

They both looked up at me when I came in. I felt uncertain, but Leigh patted the bed beside him, so I got up and lay down beside him. I felt like a child. I turned and rested my head on his shoulder. I heard Drew's voice. "What's wrong, Rupert."

I was silent for a moment, just feeling Leigh's chest rising and falling. "So what do we do now?"

I knew I didn't have to spell it out. Leigh put his hand in my hair, stroking my temples. I heard his voice, and felt it through his chest at the same time. "What do we need to do?"

But I could hear uncertainty in his voice. I raised my head and looked at Drew. Drew seemed quite calm, which annoyed me. He was so...unflappable. So even-tempered. He said, "I don't know. I really like that you two are exploring each other. Have explored each other, apparently." He sounded slightly wry.

I sat up. "Yes, we did. And it was...amazing." I looked at Leigh who nodded. There was a flush on his face and his eyes were bright. I wanted to kiss him so badly, but it didn't feel like the right time.

Drew slid closer to Leigh and took his hand. "Do you want to watch us fuck?"

The question startled me and mostly because it was exciting, which I wasn't expecting. "Watch you...? Right now?" And, I have to admit, a part of me was annoyed, almost resentful.

I looked at Leigh who shrugged. I decided to be provocative. "Only if I can be on the bed with you."

Drew laughed. "Of course. You can help out as well."

But then something occurred to me that felt similar to my conversation with Sam. "But Drew, I don't want anything like what we did at the party, as fun as that was. I mean with you fucking me, for instance. I think I've come to a point in my life where I don't want that."

Drew looked surprised, but then he nodded. "Yeah. I don't either. I never have, really. But you know, E and all, it makes it hard to be consistent."

With that he pulled back the sheet, revealing both of their naked bodies. Drew was hard, and Leigh was on the way. They turned to each other and their mouths met, and I could hear the sounds of their lips working. Leigh ran his hand across Drew's chest and over his nipples, then slid his hand further down, lightly trailing his fingers over the hardness of Drew's cock which twitched with each touch.

I moved to the corner of the bed and unzipped my fly, hauling down my pants. I was fascinated, but I also felt something else that was a little more complicated, but I decided to ignore it.

Leigh turned and got on top of Drew and they began to grind themselves into each other. From the angle I was watching, I could see their balls mashing together, as the energy they brought to their mouths increased, an almost rapacious urgency taking them over.

I could tell that Leigh was in a mood, because he sat up and on his knees, pulled himself forward until his cock was at Drew's lips who began to lick the head, then he opened his mouth and sucked the end, his tongue exploring. Leigh grabbed Drew's head and pushed his cock all the way in and stopped when his balls reached Leigh's mouth. They were draped on his chin. Leigh gasped and threw his head back.

He adjusted his grip on Drew's head and lifted his hips so his cock pulled out, then drove it back in. He did this a few times, Drew moaned each time he thrust. After the fifth time, Leigh pulled himself out and sat back, just looking at Drew. Then he moved to the side and said, "I want you on your hands and knees. I've never fucked you from behind."

Drew almost excitedly sat up and pulled forward so he was looking at me, his ass aimed at the top of the bed. Leigh quickly dug in the drawer by his bed and extracted the lube. To my amazement, he threw the bottle at me. "Do you want to?"

I didn't need an engraved invitation. I opened the bottle and crawled over to Leigh and with a slippery hand, massaged his cock for a moment. I gave him a very wet kiss and then sat back. He looked into my eyes for a moment, a look that seemed to open me up, bare me to the world. What was going on? But I sat back and poured some lube on myself, slowly stroking my impossibly hard cock while I watched.

Leigh got behind Drew, who had watched this moment. He had an unreadable expression on his face. I wasn't sure if it was lust or confusion or both, but I chose to ignore that as well. But that was replaced by a gasp as Leigh pushed forward and slid into him. He held Drew's waist and then ran his hand up Drew's back. He bent over so he could lick Drew's shoulder as he started to fuck himself forward.

I didn't know Leigh could be this way and it excited me beyond where I already was. That was another thought, the meaning of which I yet again chose to leave unexamined. And as if to prove the point I was not making to myself, Leigh reached forward and grabbed Drew's hair which was just long enough to get a fistful and as he thrust forward he pulled back, as he fucked again, his hand pulled again.

This was a side of Leigh that I realized I wanted to see. It was that simple. My hand on my cock moved a little faster as my excitement grew. Drew was making sounds I had never heard, and Leigh was literally pounding his asshole with his whole body. I could just make out Drew's cock which was rigid below him and I also saw that Drew was jerking himself in time with Leigh's movement.

I closed my eyes for a moment, savouring the intensity. When I opened them again, Leigh was looking directly at me in a way that I had done to him at the party. I felt vulnerable and that vulnerability made me even harder, even more turned on.

Leigh's body was getting sweaty and he was keeping up a pace that I knew couldn't last forever, but he kept going. Drew seemed to be transported and the sounds he was making were rising in pitch, and every time Leigh thrust, his voice got a little louder.

I looked down at my own cock which was almost angry looking, and streaming onto my fist. I looked up just as Drew made a choking noise and I saw streaks of his cum hitting the bed, over and over. It seemed to be endless. Leigh kept going until Drew finally was quiet, just breathing heavily, at which point he pulled out of Drew and sat back on his heels at the head of the bed. His cock was shiny in the light and as hard as mine was. He looked at me again. Without a word, he crawled down the bed until we were face to face. He reached his arms out and pulled me closer, away from the edge, then, as we had done before, he pulled my legs out and got in my lap, positioning his ass over my cock. I just looked at him.

I said very softly, "Leigh..."

"No. This is what I want."

I realized I didn't know quite what he meant, but the rest of me didn't care. I let him impale himself on me and the feeling of his body enclosing mine almost pushed me over the edge. We were face to face again and our mouths met in a constant, almost frantic exploration, our tongues almost entwining, as he lifted himself and I fucked upwards and we found that odd counterpoint we had found the other night almost immediately.

I felt like my orgasm started the moment our bodies connected and didn't stop the whole time we fucked. He was grunting with the effort, but our mouths never separated. I lunged up, our bodies colliding, my cock finding somewhere deep in him. But my body, my balls, all the nerve-endings in my cock had one conclusion in mind and this conclusion was arriving, and arriving quickly. I tightened my grasp around Leigh's torso and fucked as hard as I could up into him until I had to freeze as I held him, as his breath blew in my ear, as his heart raced in his chest against mine and I felt like I emptied my body of all the cum I had ever had.

I could feel it leaving my body into his, so much that it seeped out of his asshole and onto my legs, and on it went. I was almost crying with the release. Our mouths never parted until, my cock finally calming down, he leaned back and -- just as it had on the sofa downstairs -- he took hold of his own cock and immediately jets of cum squirted up between us, as high as my chin where it hung, as high as my shoulder where I felt it run down my back.

His head was thrown back and his mouth was open, but no sound came out, no breath. He was rigid as the cum kept spewing a little lower, hitting his own chest, my stomach and then pooling on his thigh, running down between his legs.

He finally, slowly, brought his head down and looked directly into my eyes. We just stared at each other and there was a mutual amazement in the look. He leaned forward and said very quietly in my ear, "I just figured something out."

Then he leaned back, a more solemn expression on his face. And then I understood. "Yeah, I think I did, too." He looked a little sad, but didn't say anything more, I knew why he was sad.

And I also knew in that moment what I had to do and so did he. He pulled himself off me and crawled over to Drew who had been watching us, nestling down by his shoulder. Drew ran his hand through Leigh's hair, wiping sweat from his brow. They seemed so peaceful and gentle.

I felt it was time for me to go. I stood up and found my pants, and collected my shirt, my socks and, with a nod in their direction, I took myself to my room where I lay on the bed, feeling spent. I stared at the ceiling and thought about how complicated things could get between people so quickly

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