The Brothers in Hexham

By Rufus Jones

Published on Nov 4, 2023


The Brothers in Hexham 10

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Back to Leigh and an epic party. This one is longer -- hopefully not too long. I had a great deal of fun writing this.

As December came to a close, things had settled down in my life. I had a quiet Christmas with my parents which was nice, but, you know, very parent-oriented. As an only child they felt they needed to indulge me, but in the end it felt all about them.

I had thought about asking Drew to join me and I had told my parents that I was dating. I didn't tell them I was engaged, however. It felt too soon. But Drew reluctantly declined. His father wanted them all home since some aunts and cousins were coming to stay and he didn't want to impose them on me. Apparently it wasn't about sexuality, which was my first thought, it was about the fact that they were difficult and boring at the same time.

"Next year. I don't want to scare you off before we get married."

"But won't they be there?"

"Well...we need to think about a date, which we haven't yet."

I realized it was true. We had thought perhaps before Christmas, but we both felt it wasn't the right time. I looked at Drew's face and he was clearly worried about his family. "I think we should decide on a date, even if it's six months from now. Families be damned."

To my surprise, he wrapped his arms around me and held me quite close. We were in my sitting room (although it was starting to feel like our sitting room) and I had just come home from the clinic. He released me and held my face in his hands. "You're right, of course. If we have a date, then everyone else will have to work around it. No matter what."

He leaned in and kissed me very firmly. It felt good and I was relieved to have decided to decide.

"So...?" I finally said.

There was silence. Then his face brightened in that Frankish way, "How about March 21?"

"March 21st...? Why then?"

"First day of spring. Renewal and all that."

When he said that, I immediately felt it was right. "That's perfect. I think we have a date."

We looked at each other almost amazed. As if we both were thinking: could it be that easy? Apparently it was.

In the meantime, we had to get ready to leave for Hexham as the brothers had decided to have a New Year's party. Rupert and Sam had been planning for ages and had only told us about it a few days before. In fact, it was Roger who told me about it even before that. He seemed rather excited and I got the feeling that he and Sam were exploring something with each other. I don't know what exactly that meant, but something was happening.

At the clinic, we tried to be all business. But he and I had shared a great deal in the last few months. Not least of which was a certain moment when he swallowed my cock which we had never really discussed. Part of me didn't want to discuss it, frankly. I was in love and not with him.

Don't get me wrong, I love Roger, but not in that way. Not in the sense of feeling like my life would be over without him kind of way, which is how I felt about Drew.

On the way to Hexham, Drew seemed quiet. I knew enough about him to know that if I just kept my mouth shut, he would eventually tell me what was going on. And sure enough, about ten minutes into the drive, he said, "I have a sense that this New Year's thing might be a little wild."

"Wild. What does that mean?"

"Well, my brothers, for instance."

He had a good point.

"Yes, well...I kind of expected whatever you might be imagining."

"Really? That would be all right for you?"

"Would it be for you?"

He was silent for a moment. "Yes, I think so." He was quiet for a moment, then he took my hand and said, "You know, you and I have never had that conversation."

I knew what he meant. "I know. But in a way, we've already shown what it might be like."

"Yes, I guess so. But maybe I want to spell it out." He looked at me for a second. "I'm happy if you and I play with other people...but I guess...I want us to either be together when we do it, or at least tell the other person all about it. Does that make sense?"

I wasn't surprised by the candour or the directness. This was the Frankish way. "It does make sense. I'm not all that interested in non-monogamy for its own sake, but if you and I are in a situation where it makes sense to be with someone else together or, if something happens when we're apart and we tell each other about the adventure, then I'm all in. In fact, I find that really exciting, to be honest. I think we're being honest...right?"

He glanced at me again, and squeezed my hand. "Yes, we are. And yes, that is what I want. I have really loved seeing you with my brothers. I mean, really. I'm getting hard just thinking about it. I even loved it when you were with them without me. I know that was really early on, but I think you understand. It's interesting isn't it? That the only "other" people we're actually talking about are my brothers.

I considered this for a moment.    "That is interesting, but I'm not sure what it means. But in any case, this gives us so much room to play. Whether or not it's your brothers is not so important as the fact that we're sharing it -- literally or not." I squeezed his hand back. I wanted to kiss him, but I also didn't want us to drive off the road, so I gave him my brightest smile.

I could tell he was relieved, and I felt quite relaxed the rest of the way to Hexham.

The party was not actually on New Year's Eve, but the day before. We arrive at Hexham after dinner and the party was to be the next night. I had no idea who Sam and Rupert had invited, but I suspect it would be a crowd. I worried that there would a houseful of annoying, drunken rich twenty-somethings. Drew said he wasn't sure.

He and I had a snack before snuggling up in his room. We hadn't seen the other brothers or Roger for that matter. I assumed he was already there since he said so when he left the office earlier that day.

But I was glad to have the time alone with Drew. We lit a nice fire and curled up in his bed and I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, I woke to bright light. Drew was already up and sitting in the chair by the fire. He must have been waiting for me, because as soon as I moved, he turned and grinned. "Good morning!"

I lay for a moment, admiring his naked body and I just smiled at him. He put the newspaper he was reading down and crawled onto the bed, under the sheet and slid on top of me, grinding his hardening cock into mine. Our mouths met deeply and our tongues had much to say to one another. He leaned back and just looked down and watched our two cocks sliding together, then he pushed his against my balls, then increasingly lower. I spread my legs and lifted my hips as his cock started to push against my hole, and in that moment I really wanted to be fucked.

And in that moment, the door opened and I heard Rupert's voice saying "...wondered if you two wanted...oh. Shit, sorry."

Drew looked over at his brother who was standing just inside the room. He was wearing a robe that was not quite fastened. Drew looked down at me for a moment. I looked back at him and shrugged. He turned to his brother and said, "Well, close the door. You can watch."

Rupert smirked and he went to one of the chairs by the fire, tossing his robe aside. I was surprised at this development, but I also found it really exciting. We hadn't done anything with the brothers in quite some time, especially now that Sam and Roger were all over each other. I had occasionally felt sorry for Rupert, and I wondered what was going on for him.

Drew looked back at me, but then he turned to Rupert and said, "Make yourself useful. There's some lube in the table there."

He gave his brother a look, but got up and reached into the drawer, tossing the little bottle to Drew. Rupert's cock was rigid and it was something to watch him standing there. I also noticed that he didn't move. And I realized he was actually staring at me.

Drew seemed not to notice as he slid some slippery fingers into me. I threw my head back and moaned the feeling was so immediate and intense. His fingers were exploring me and I felt his mouth on my nipple, biting. I opened my eyes and realized it wasn't Drew's mouth, it was Rupert's. Drew had pulled his hand out of me and was watching his brother for a moment. He shrugged and began to pour lube on his cock, throwing the bottle to one side.

As Rupert moved to my other nipple, biting and licking, Drew pushed himself into me, watching his brother suck one nipple then the other, beginning to pivot his hips, and his cock stretched my insides. I watched Rupert's mouth and tongue moving down to my stomach and I put my hand in his hair, stroking it, then pulling it rather sharply. Rupert began to moan when he inevitably reach my cock and began to lick it.

His face was close to his brother's belly and Drew reached down and caressed his cheek. Rupert managed to inhale my cock and allowed the movement caused by his brother's thrusts into me to swallow my dick. I liked the warmth of his face on my stomach and I continued to caress his head and jaw. With my other hand I explored his chest and then grasped his cock which was close to my face.

When I did, he shifted his body so he was on top of me, his legs spread around my head and he cock and balls hanging above me. I wondered if Drew would say anything and, I realized, I didn't want him to.

Feeling Rupert's mouth inhaling me, I grabbed his cock and he slid into my mouth. In response, Drew started fuck me more intensely and I could feel the grip he had on my legs tighten. There was so much going on in my body I couldn't quite coordinate all the sensations, and I realized I was letting Rupert start to push his hips down, fucking my face. I just had to lie there and feel his tongue playing with the sides of my cock in his mouth.

I could hear Drew's breathing getting louder, and Rupert seemed to be matching his brother's thrusts by jamming himself so his cock pushed further into my throat so I had to concentrate on relaxing. I could feel the flow from his cock coating my mouth, and his warm animal smell filled my nose.

Drew gave a few low moans and I could feel his body shudder and I could tell he was coming into me. The force of Rupert in my throat was becoming almost too much, but then I felt his cock gush, then he pulled back and the next spurt went all over my tongue and this sensation set me off as Rupert grabbed my cock in one hand and jacked me into his mouth. I could hardly breath and if his dick wasn't blocking the way, I could be making a lot of noise.

Rupert slid himself out of my mouth and rolled off me onto the bed. Drew was still kneeling, still holding himself inside me, watching. He looked down at his brother -- affectionately, I was glad to see -- and caressed his face. I could tell that Rupert hadn't swallowed yet and he turned to me with a grin and our mouths met and we traded my cum between us. Drew leaned down himself and nudged Rupert    out of the way and I gave him a taste of my cum while Rupert watched.

The three of us lay in the tangle of sheets for a few minutes, just breathing. I looked to my side and realized that Rupert was gazing at me, a slow smile growing on his face. It felt intense, this look. Without thinking, I leaned in and kissed him a few times. He reached over and pulled me in, our sticky bodies coming together. The kiss went on for longer than I would have expected and it felt kind of simple and clear. I pulled back eventually, and I knew I had a slightly bemused expression on my face. What was this feeling I had?

Drew sat up and looked at his brother. "How are you, Rupert? Did you have a nice time with Roger and Sam? I haven't had a chance to ask you.

"Oh them. It was fun. But they're kind of smitten with each other, don't you think?" He looked thoughtful and then again I realized he was looking at me, but then he got up and found his robe. He gave me one more kiss and caressed his brother's shoulder and left the room. Drew's face was hard to read. I caressed his arm and said, "What are you thinking?"

"Oh, I was watching you and Rupert."

I suddenly felt guilty. "Oh..."

He laughed because he could see it on my face. "It's fine. I have a feeling you two...I don't know...anyway, let's get some more coffee."

I didn't quite understand what he was talking about, but I knew it had something to do with the kiss that Rupert and I had shared, and for so long, and the looks we had been giving each other. But I felt some guilt, despite what Drew said. As I was thinking, he pulled me close, and we explored each other's mouths for a while, and I felt better.

Sam and Rupert had hired some extra staff for the occasion, and Mrs Bagley had taken the opportunity to visit her sister in Glasgow. Rupert was laughing when he told me. "Poor dear. Given how wild we've been over the years, the thought of a party that we organized fills her with horror. I don't blame her for leaving. But her sister is lovely and she'll have a nice time.

I was struck by how much a part of the family Mrs. Bagley was. Even her sister. There was something so...forthright about these brothers. They seemed to have a strong sense of what is right and to appreciate what is important. Despite their almost rapacious sexual needs, they were also really good, solid people. It was this combination, I knew, that attracted me to Drew in the first place. Attracted me to all of them, really.

Later in the afternoon, Drew and I went for a walk while the light held. There wasn't much to do in the house. Roger and Rupert were fussing in the kitchen and Sam was in the cellar trying to find some decorations.

The party wasn't massive, despite Mrs Bagley's fears. The house, of course, was big enough for a party three times the size, but I realized at about eleven that there were perhaps fifty. Most of them Rupert and Sam's friends, a few of Drew's. It was a happy group and most of the time everyone was in what must have been called the ballroom in yonder days. But now it was a vast sitting room. The primary sitting room, I suppose, since there were so many. They had moved the furniture so there could be dancing and a bar was set up in one corner.

Drew and I danced for some time. We had never done this together and it felt lovely to move with him, to stare into each other's eyes and enjoy the music. Occasionally Sam, or Roger or Rupert would replace Drew, depending on the music. I drank just enough to be feeling no pain, but not enough to get messy.

Midnight came and went, and at one point I found myself alone in a chair away from the dancing. I watched the other guests in various states of inebriation or drug-induced frenzy move around me. Sam, I noticed, was dancing with Roger and another woman. They seemed to be having a great deal of fun, which made me happy.

Rupert appeared out of the crowd and I could tell he was a little drunk. He came and sat in my lap, kissing me rather messily. "How are you Rupert?"

"Oh...I'm just lovely. Here."

He handed me a little pill. I knew exactly what it was, having indulged before. I thought for a moment, then said, "Thanks, Rupert, I guess", but I tossed it in my mouth and took a swig of my wine. He kissed me again and gave me a long look, then ran his hand down to my crotch and then got up and wandered off.

As the E took effect, I decided to get up and find Drew who I hoped was in the same condition. It was well past one and I found him in rapt conversation with someone I assumed was his cousin who was an older fellow and quite rotund. I sat down beside them and he turned to me, looking at me fondly. He introduced me to the cousin -- Gerald -- and continued talking. It seemed to be about politics or something, but my mind was spinning and all I wanted to do was run my hands over Drew's body.

Gerald must have sensed that we wanted to be alone, because he excused himself and went in search of wine.

Drew turned to me with a big smile. "It's really hard to have a serious conversation on E."

I was so relieved. Then I realized something. "You sent Rupert to give me some...?"

"Of course." He kissed me and, not surprisingly, the kiss went on for ages. Our overstimulated bodies wanted nothing more than just to feel things.

I pulled back from the kiss and said, "I think we should go upstairs...don't you?"

Drew's smile was wide and a little manic. He nodded and we got up together and went upstairs. After all this time, I still got lost on the first floor, so I just followed him. At one point, we passed an open door which turned out to be Sam's. We stopped when we saw Roger and Sam and...someone we didn't recognize, on the bed. They were naked and clothes were everywhere. The stranger was fucking Roger. I decided we needed to keep moving, so I took Drew's hand and pulled him away from the sight.

We got to Drew's bedroom and I fell onto the bed, feeling light-headed and my whole body was pulsing as if there was music playing very loudly all around me. I lay there staring at Drew who was standing just looking at me while he pulled his shirt off. He undid his pants and tried to step out of them, but ended up falling onto the bed beside me.

"You had better be careful." It was Rupert's voice and he was standing, naked, inside the door, leaning against the wall. His cock was half hard.

Drew looked up and smiled at his brother while kicking his pants off. "You're right...come and join us."

I felt a buzz of excitement as I watched Rupert cross the room and slide onto the bed. But I was distracted by Drew when he lay down on top of me and our bodies seemed to be radiating into each other. Our hands were roaming, our mouths were almost sealed together and I had to close my eyes to contain all the sensations in my body. I became aware there were now two bodies and Rupert joined us and our three mouths met. I could feel Rupert's cock rubbing against mine, then Drew's. I opened my eyes and pushed myself back so I could watch as our cocks explored each other, getting wetter and harder.

Rupert began to move himself down, kissing our chests, sucking our nipples, then, reaching further down, holding our cocks and licking the heads, pulling the two together and sucking both at the same time.

The feeling of his tongue and the feeling of Drew's cock sliding against mine was all I was aware of in my altered state. I realized I was moaning, and moaning into Drew's mouth. Sparks seemed to be crossing my mind and I felt Rupert's mouth swallowing me, and it was as if my whole body was my cock and I was inside him. My hips started to fuck his face, then I felt his mouth move away to be replaced by his hand. I looked down and Drew's cock was deep in Rupert's mouth. I vaguely realized that Drew's reticence when it came to his brothers was somewhere else right then.

I was aware of the warmth of three of us together and it felt safe and intense at the same time. I put my hand on Rupert's head as his mouth moved back to my cock and I pushed him down on it. I forced my hips forward, driving my cock deeper in his mouth. Drew pulled my face to his and our mouths met again. I imagined my tongue reaching into the centre of his being. I could taste wine in his mouth and I found myself sucking on his tongue while my hips were rhythmically driving my cock into Rupert's mouth.

"Can we join?"

Not startled, Drew and I looked up and there were Sam and Roger, naked. They clearly had been watching us as they both were stroking themselves. Rupert pulled himself off my cock and grinned. "Please." was all he said.

I suddenly was not as sure. I was enjoying the three of us and my addled brain wasn't convinced I could handle more. But as thoughts do under the influence, it went away. Sam slid onto the bed almost in the middle of us. He burrowed his face into my balls and I felt his tongue working. Roger, clearly in a state himself, got behind him and began to lick his ass.

I looked up a Drew and he smiled at me. He eyes were big and dark and we moved toward each other. Instead of kissing, he put his mouth against my ear. I felt his breath which made my whole body shiver. "I want to see you and Rupert. I want him to fuck you."

His words excited me as he knew they would. But I also knew in that moment that I had some control over what was happening. Despite my very stoned brain, I knew what I wanted and didn't want.

I pulled Rupert off my cock and brought his face to mine. It felt like I was claiming my territory. It wasn't that I wanted Rupert instead of Drew -- far from it -- but in that moment, if this was going to happen, I wanted Rupert more than anyone else. I pulled him to me and our bodies met, our cocks slid together. I kissed his neck and his shoulder as I gyrated my cock into his. I also felt Drew's lips on my chest, his tongue flicking over my nipple.

I wanted Rupert inside me. I found I could ignore whatever Sam and Roger were now doing -- and they were definitely doing something even though I hadn't noticed Sam move away from us -- and concentrated on getting Rupert's cock near me. It was all I could think about. I lay back and spread my legs to the sides of me. I was aware there were bodies and activity around me, but it felt like something you see in the corner of your eye but can't quite make out.

Rupert looked down at his cock, then spit into his hand and rubbed it all over his cock. Drew watched him, not moving. I had the thought that all three of us were suddenly able to read each other's minds and it seemed that way since no words were spoken, but we apparently knew what we all wanted and how to accomplish it. Drew moved his face to my hole and drove his tongue inside me. I could feel his saliva running from me. He sat up and started to run his hand up and down his own cock, watching his brother as he leaned forward, letting the weight of his body push himself into me. I barely felt it until his body met mine and it was as if my ass and his cock had suddenly become one flesh.

He bent lower and started kissing me. I was aware he wasn't moving but then I noticed that Drew was behind him, wrapping his arms around Rupert's chest. Drew closed his eyes. It seemed as if I could feel Drew's cock sliding into Rupert, that Drew's cock and his brother's were the same cock and they were both becoming part of my body. Drugs. They do things.

Drew was kissing his brother's neck and I reached up and caressed Rupert's face. They were both so beautiful and I felt a wave of affection for them. Rupert opened his eyes and said, "Are you ready?"

I smiled at him and pulled him down and I took his bottom lip in my teeth and gently bit it. This seemed to have started him thrusting forward. I felt his cock move inside me more and more quickly, and I was unable to think, just feel. We could have been doing this for a minute or an hour. I could tell that each time his cock found new depths in me when he pulled back, Drew's cock was opening him up. I imagined that some unseen force was guiding all the movements: of Rupert into me, and Drew into Rupert. I realized that Drew was biting Rupert's shoulder as his lower body pumped forward.

Rupert leaned down again gasped near my ear, "I'm going to..." and with that I felt his body tense and his mouth met mine, his torso trembling. He pulled back, his eyes tightly closed and he grabbed his brothers arms that were around him. He seemed to be lost for ages. Drew was still, just holding him as he breathed heavily, his head thrown back.

I suddenly became aware next to me that something similar was happening, and I looked through a haze as Sam was in a similar pose to Rupert and they were both glowing it seemed, with some kind of magic.

Drew pulled Rupert's limp body back and lay him down next to me. His cock was still rigid and shiny with his cum. Drew moved forward and smiled at me. "Now it's my turn."

Indeed it was. He slipped himself into me, into my depths that were made smooth and slippery filled with Rupert as they were. I turned to Rupert as Drew began to slide easily in me. He and I looked at each other, our noses almost touched. We kissed very softly and our tongues played with each other. My body was shifting with each time Drew pressed into me. I could feel the skin around my asshole tingle and I could feel even the hair around his cock touch my buttocks.

I realized I was now looking at Roger on the other side of me. He and I just stared at each other, both of us smiling. I looked over at Rupert and then back to Roger. I could feel my smile getting bigger. "Love is wonderful, isn't it."

I laughed suddenly and leaned in and kissed Roger. My head was swimming and there was a pulse in my cock, in my hole, in my temples. Drew leaned down slowly and then our mouths met in a long series of short kisses. He licked my upper lip, he kissed my nose, he drove his tongue into my mouth and then leaned back. He shut his eyes, his body taking some kind of primordial journey as I felt his cock explore my from the inside.

I felt movement beside me and Roger was now on his knees beside me and he slid his dick into my mouth without a word. Drew leaned down again and helped me, licking the sides of Roger's cock. I became aware of a sound that Drew was making. It was almost a whimper and it was getting louder. I could feel his orgasm as if it was my own and I wrapped my arms more tightly around him as Roger jammed himself deeper into my mouth.

Drew then suddenly leaned back and gripped my hips very tightly and cried out. He froze, gasping and I could feel his body shudder. He pulled out of my ass and I could see cum spilling all over my cock and dripping onto my balls. Rupert sat up and Drew's cock plunged into his mouth, a trail of cum on Rupert's cheek. I collected some of the sloppy liquid and smeared it on my cock while spitting Roger's cock out. I wanted to concentrate and my fist was firmly around myself. I jacked a few times, but Drew, having recovered, took over. He leaned down and took the head of my cock in his mouth and his fist seemed like a blur.

With an epic thrust of my hips, in a way only possible when I was stoned, I came in a rush, one immense burst through my body and into Drew's mouth. I felt like didn't breath for an age it was so powerful. I had the image of cum pouring out of Drew's mouth in a wave.

When I opened my eyes, I realized that Roger had moved around and was in the process of fucking Sam, really hard and really fast. He was on top and staring down at him with a fixed, glazed, expression and a second later his eyes closed and, continuing to thrust, I could tell he was exploding. His face became red and his breath came in short gasps.

He collapsed on Sam and was still, just his chest moving. I looked up at Drew. There was a long string of my cum hanging from his chin. I suddenly was aware that Rupert had moved closer and licked it off. 

I reached up and caressed his face. He kissed Drew, then bent down and kissed me very deeply. I could taste my cum.

Rupert lay down beside me and turned, wrapping his arm around my chest, his cheek close to my neck. Drew lay down on the other side in a similar position. I looked over at Sam and Roger. They were now sitting up and their mouths were connected. I turned to one side and kissed Drew's forehead, then I turned to my other side and kissed Rupert's nose. I had the thought that in another universe, I would be in love with Rupert in the same way I was with Drew. I tried to tell myself it was the MDMA, but I knew it was probably more than that. But I fell asleep before the thought could take hold.

I must have slept for some time, because when I woke up, there was a grey light in the sky outside the window. I was on my side and Drew was wrapped around me from behind. I could feel his whole body in my post-E haze, including his cock which was firmly held by my ass cheeks and mine firmly held in turn by Rupert's beautiful ass. It wasn't very sexual -- I think we were way beyond that, but the feeling was intense. To be so held by two amazing people.

But I had to pee. My bladder felt as if it was as big as my body. I slowly, carefully pulled forward, feeling Drew slip from in between the muscles of my butt, then pulling my sticky cock out from Rupert's.

They didn't seem to notice at all their sleep was so deep.

I got off the bed and put on Drew's robe. At least, I realized, I knew where the WC was now. When I finally emptied my bladder, I felt very thirsty and went down to the kitchen. There was a light on over the stove and everything seemed very peaceful. I walked out of the kitchen and almost ran into Rupert.

"What are you doing up at this hour?"

He looked at me and smiled. "I could say the same to you."

"True. I needed to pee. I mean a lot."

He laughed and took my hand, leading me into a little room next to the kitchen where we sat on a big velvet sofa. He was, of course, naked and he sat very close to me, his hand holding mine between us.

"Are you still stoned?" He looked into my eyes, as if examining them.

I looked at him. His eyes were still dark, so I assumed mine were as well. "I suppose." In the light of the lamp next to us, it felt all of a sudden timeless. As if this could have been two hundred years before.

He laughed and pulled me in and kissed me. "That was awfully fun, wasn't it?"

I sat back and admired his face. "It really was. I really enjoyed you fucking me."

I was startled that I had said it, but it was true. Not in the same way as Drew. That was particular and intense, but with him, it felt very, very real. He looked at me for a moment, a half smile on his face. He leaned back against the sofa and said, "You know...we can do that whenever you want. I would like to do that whenever you want. Or I want."

I was surprised by his candour. "Very direct as always. Isn't that complicated?"

"Yeah. But why not? I know you and Drew...are what? Almost married? But you and I clearly have something, don't we? It would be shame to leave it...unexplored."

I had to agree and said so. I untangled my hand and put it on his leg, stroking the fine hair on his thigh. Part of me felt guilty, but part of me felt a warm glow go over my body. I had never thought about loving more than one person at the same time. Was this love? Or was this something that had no name? It was more than just sex.

As if to elaborate his point, he leaned toward me and pushed me back on the sofa. He opened my robe. "See? You know exactly what I mean." My cock was hard, but it really was more than that. Then he kissed me once and said into my ear, "And Drew says he's fine with it, by the way. He thinks it's a good idea and in fact, says it turns him on as well as makes him happy."

I looked up at Rupert in amazement. "Why didn't he tell me this?"

"Because I told him not to. I wanted to be the one to say it to you first."

In answer, I ran my hands down his torso, then around to the smoothness of his ass. I pulled my legs apart and guided his cock to me where it slid right in, obviously well lubricated by what we had done a few hours before.

I lay there a moment, feeling him in me again. It felt very right. Different than Drew which felt...astonishing to me. This felt...comfortable. That's the word. He and I were comfortable together. Not magical or earth-shattering or anything superlative. He fit inside me.

And in this case, literally. He started to move his body, his cock sliding inside me which made it hard to think. He leaned in and kissed me, his tongue playing with my teeth. He leaned back again, smiling. He began to fuck me a little faster now. I felt myself being driven into the sofa. He leaned down and kissed me again and again, alternating by sitting up and just looking down at me.

This was both unexpected and wonderful. I didn't have any way of thinking about it. I had the semi-stoned thought that some connections we have with people are not definable. Perhaps it was actually a thought that could survive a sober moment. I loved Rupert, I lusted for Rupert, I wanted to him to fuck me, but I wanted so much more, and I wanted to feel myself in him, but also to just look into his eyes. But we were not partners, we were not committed -- literally, anyway. But we had a bond that was profound and undeniable.

I finally said, catching my breath, "Yes, it would be shame to leave this unexplored. I want to explore this -- whatever the fuck this is -- with you." I put my hands on his chest.    "When you were fucking me last night, I looked at you and I almost imagined you and Drew were two sides of the same person. I know I was stoned, so there's that, but it still feels really important. You are really important. To me. And not just the sex. To say that I love you is not quite the right way of putting it, so I won't say that."

That's as far as my mind could take it. He pulled me up so I was more or less sitting in his lap as he now fucked upward and I helped him by lifting myself against his thrusts upward. Our mouths never lost contact with his while he came, gasping into my mouth and I leaned back, pumping my cock until it burst all over his chest and cum ran down between us, dripping on his cock, and the sofa, on my balls.

I collapsed backwards and he lay down beside me. We were face to face, breathing heavily, staring at each other. This was something I had never considered. Whatever this was. His eyes were very blue.

As I lay, feeling his eyes take me in, like bottomless wells, the thought came to me: I need to tell Drew. That was the missing piece. It was to Drew that I needed to take this, and I think Rupert knew that. He seemed to be reading my mind and he kissed me very lightly, then said, "You should go upstairs and be with him."

Next: Chapter 11

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