The Brothers in Hexham

By Rufus Jones

Published on Aug 9, 2023


The Brothers in Hexham 1 Please donate to this noble cause: Please respect copyright.

This story could easily slip into the incest category, but that is not its central focus although I intend to have fun with that part of it as well. Feedback is always welcome!

For the most part, being a physician in Newcastle was relatively straightforward. The hardest part was putting up with the various jokes about my accent -- Canadian -- from my patients. Although I was born in Woodstock, Ontario, my family moved back to England when I was sixteen. My mother was Canadian, but my father was never happy in Ontario and mostly because of the winters.

So I spent the last of high school near Leeds and then to the University of Leeds for Medical School but I eventually found a practice in Newcastle that suited me. Being gay and single, I tried London for a while, but I found it too stressful and I wanted to be near the countryside, so the North of England seemed like the right choice. It did make finding boyfriends difficult being halfway between Glasgow and Manchester so life was a bit lonely and, to be honest, sexually frustrating.

But life was also quiet and being close to the sea and the Lake District almost made up for it.

Sometimes some rich old thing would summon a doctor to their mouldering house to minster to them, and I got to see some of the "Stately Homes" of the area, which I quiet enjoyed. I suppose being half-Canadian made me both immune to their centuries of class and fascinated by that history.

So it was no surprise when my assistant, Roger, came into my office one day. "I've got a good one for you now, Leigh. It's George Frankish...he's near Hexham and owns half the county and feels he can't make into Newcastle, the twat. Fancy a trip? Some kind of knee pain, apparently."

I sighed. I had heard about this guy. He was always poking his nose into Newcastle politics. He had three sons who still lived at home, no doubt taking care of the family fortune. "Oh well, I suppose I can manage it."

Roger smiled at me sympathetically and went out. I liked Roger. He was smart and organized and rather cute. When I hired him I had to restrain myself since I did not want to mix pleasure and business, but he was adorable. But good assistants are hard to find. I could have asked him out instead of hiring him, but I knew that might be a lost cause and then I would have no one to keep my office running.

The drive to Hexham was a nice change, and the A69 was lightly travelled. The Frankish pile was a few miles further west and I eventually found it down a winding road with a rather imposing stone and iron gate at the end.

I sighed. I didn't mind "house" calls, but this could prove especially trying. Sixty-something rich widowers with quasi-aristocratic genes could be a trial, and this was no "house".

Happily, the gates were open, so I drove on down the long lane that was shaded with tall trees in very neat rows. You had to hand it to eighteenth-century gardeners, they had an eye for the future.

I pulled up a curved drive to a large wooden door. There was already someone standing waiting for me, someone I took for "one of the staff" or some such designation. She was an older woman with tightly bundled hair.

"You're Dr Harding, I suppose." She said it like an accusation.

"I am. I'm here to see..."

"Yes. I know. Follow me." All business, this one. We entered a vast, dim, entrance hall panelled in dark wood and up an equally dark staircase to the first floor, down a few passages to a large bedroom. I walked in and the door closed behind me with an echoing thud.

"Good man. I've had some bother with my leg."

There was a middle aged man lying on the bed, fully dressed. I inwardly sighed and tended to the leg.

After a quarter of an hour, I was released. I had told him it was probably arthritis of some kind and that he should fill the prescription I gave him and call me in a few days if it wasn't feeling better.

I closed the door and found myself in a long hallway. The housekeeper (or whatever she was) was nowhere to be seen. I chose a direction and the hallway ended, then turned to the left. I followed this for a while, trying not look at the ancient Frankishes glaring at me from the portraits on the walls.

But I was lost. The hallways seemed to go in all directions. As I stood, looking back the way I came wondering if retracing my steps was a good idea, a door opened ahead of me and out walked a twenty-something man wearing nothing but tight black briefs. He didn't see me at first, then turned and stopped.

"Oh gosh. I'm so sorry..."

"I'm rather lost I'm afraid."

"Excuse my lack of clothes. You must be the doctor."

"Yes, I just finished with...your father?"

"Yes. I'm Drew." He came up to me, hand extended, as if he wasn't wearing virtually nothing. I tried not to look too closely at his very nice, toned body and the very appealing shape of his equipment in those tight briefs, but it was rather distracting.

He enveloped my hand in a warm, firm grip. "Dr...?"

"Harding. Leigh." I realized I was getting flustered by his distractingly lovely chest. "I'm rather lost..."

He smiled, then laughed. "Yes, it's rather a warren up here. Follow me."

So I followed him. Which meant I got to admire his truly lovely ass as he led me down a narrower passage then ended right at the vast staircase.

"You know where you are now?"

"Yes, thank you so much."

"Not at all." He shook my hand again with a very nice smile. "Perhaps I'll have more clothes on the net time you're here."

I wasn't sure how to respond to this, but I said. "I suppose it's up to your father's knee."

"Yes, that." He was suddenly a bit withdrawn. He turned and disappeared down the passage and I had one more chance to admire that ass as it disappeared down the ancient passage.

I found my way out, the housekeeper nowhere to be seen. As I drove back to Newcastle, I found myself thinking about Drew in his underwear a little more than I wanted to, but I couldn't help it. I remembered the nice trail of hair that went from his belly and down into those briefs, and that bulge...

I shook my head. I wasn't to be shagging the sons of patients. Was I?

As the days went by, the memory began to fade and I could concentrate of my work in Newcastle. But the office got another call from Frankish with a similar complaint. I sighed, but also felt a little stab of excitement at the possibility of seeing Drew again.

Roger called after me as I left. "You be careful out there. Those toffs can be a strange lot."

I had to agree with Roger. They certainly can and George Frankish was certainly one of them.

This visit was a repeat of the last one, save for Drew in his underwear. There was no sign of him, but when I got downstairs again after a rather pointless examination of George, I met Drew in the main hall. He was, this time, completely dressed. Nice tight jeans and a very tight t-shirt. He was almost more enticing with clothes on.

"You're back. I hope my father is behaving."

"Oh, yes. He's fine. I mean he really is fine. I'm not sure why I'm here."

"Ah. He's playing at being in invalid again, I see. Don't worry, it will pass in due course. Care for a glass of lemonade?"

I was surprised by the invitation, but how could I say no to that bright, open smile? "That would be lovely. Thank you."

"It's the least we can do to repay you the journey out here."

He led me through a door and down a long hall to and down some stairs to the kitchen. He poured me glass of lemonade and we sat at a large table in the the ancient kitchen. We made small talk for a while, but after a few minutes, there was silence.

"Look. I know it's odd, but I have to be blunt. Are you...seeing anyone?"

I was so stunned, I couldn't quite answer. "Uh...."

"I know. Ridiculous. I just thought I would ask."

I realized he had wanted to ask me out, and so I found some words in a hurry. "No, as a matter of fact. Any reason?" I smiled my most engaging smile.

His face brightened. "Oh right. Well. Why don't you come for dinner next weekend. Everyone will be out except one of my brothers and we can have a quiet meal down here. Does that suit?"

Does that suit? What a ridiculous question. "That sounds lovely. Thank you. Saturday?"

"Yes, grand. Saturday around seven. I'll rustle something up for us."

He was beaming and, frankly, so was I. Drew was a little younger than I, but not much and he was...really attractive. And not just because I hadn't had sex in...I forgot when.

I arrived the next Saturday and was met at the front not by the stern housekeeper, but by someone who I realized must be Drew's brother. He was the same height and a little huskier. He extended his hand in the same way as Drew. "Sam. Lovely to meet you, Leigh. Come through."

Were all the sons in this family gorgeous? Apparently.

I followed Sam down to the kitchen where we found Drew busy preparing our dinner. The three of us had easy conversation and sat at the big table eating some nice pasta and some wine that I'm sure had been bottled when my parents had married.

After the meal and when the plates had been cleared, Sam stood up. "Well, I'll leave you two alone..."

"Thanks, Sam." Drew smiled up at his brother.

"Good night, Leigh. It was lovely to meet you." He put his hand on my shoulder for a moment, and it felt...a little flirtatious.

I bid Sam good night. Drew looked at me a moment, then leaned forward and kissed me. "Let's go to my bedroom."

I couldn't argue with that. He led me up the warren of the first floor and the hallway where I had first seen him in his lovely briefs. He took my hand and we entered a large bedroom with big windows and an equally big bed.

Once the door was closed, he was all over me. We stood kissing quite intensely, our tongues playing with each other and as I got to know his mouth, I felt his hand undoing my pants. I decided to help him, and I leaned back and slid them down. I was in white boxers that he almost ripped off me. Soon I was standing in my shirt and nothing else. He led me to the bed where he pushed me back.

I lay there, my hand on my cock, watching him slip out of his jeans and pull his t-shirt off. He wasn't wearing underwear, something I love in a guy. He got on top of me, our cocks meeting in a bit of a duel, rubbing against each other and getting wet, our lips mashing together. He was thrusting himself against me, my cock ramming into his, our balls rubbing together.

I rolled us around so that I was on top and I felt a kind of hunger build up in me. I kissed my way down his chest, licking his nipples, sucking on the ends while my hand found his cock which I gripped, my thumb playing with the sticky head. His hips were gyrating under me. I leaned back and admired the cock in my hand which was thick and uncut. His balls were big and everything was unshaven, something I don't often see in guys that age. I ran my face threw his busy, enjoying the nice spicy smell and then began to lick my way around the base of his cock. He pressed my face into his groin, pushing up with his hips so his balls were pressing against my chin.

My mouth found the head of his cock which I began to lick and I took the head in my mouth, my tongue playing with his cleft and I nibbled on his foreskin.

I sucked the head in again, and then let him slide all the way in, his cock thicker than I was used to, but not too long so that I could almost take him all in. I could taste salt from the copious liquid drooling into my mouth and he started to fuck my mouth, driving his cock up and into the back of my throat.

But I wanted more. I pulled of his cock, now slippery and read. I looked up at him. "Do you have..."

He reached beside the bed and then handed me a little bottle. I put my hand under his balls and slid some fingers in between his lovely ass cheeks. "Can I?"

I looked into his eyes and he just smiled and spread his legs, lifting his knees so his ass was more exposed. Once I was all slippery, I got myself between his legs and the head of my cock found his entrance. I began to rock forward and back so the head of my dick slid into him, then out. He was looking at my face the whole time, but he gave a little gasp every time my cock entered his ass.

I was driving myself a little crazy, so I pushed forward and I slid all the way in. I kissed him furiously and started to push my hips forward. I gripped his legs, giving myself some traction and rammed home, pulling back, and driving forward. I wasn't being all that gentle, but he seemed to be into it. Meeting my kisses with intensity. I pulled back a little and looked into his eyes. I was going a little crazy and I realized I had sped up, the rhythm of my thrusts making the bed vibrate and I could feel a tingle of building energy in my balls.

I grabbed his cock in one hand and started to jack him while I worked. He was moaning now, and is eyes closed. I couldn't hold out much longer and my hips were tired, so with a few more huge thrusts, I felt my cock explode in him while I continued to pump his cock in my fist. As I slowed my fucking, I felt his cock swell and they spurt all over his stomach, and my fingers while he gasped below me.

I let go of his cock and licked my hand off, tasting him, then leaning down and kissed him, spitting his cum into his mouth. We stayed attached for a while: sweaty and hot, kissing as I continued to slowly slide my cock into him. It felt lazy and sensual. I could feel his cum between us.

Finally, I slowly pulled my cock out of him and collapsed on the bed beside him. I reached for his hand and we lay for a while not talking.

He sat up and reached for a glass of water by the bed and took a sip. He looked down at me. "You are so sexy, you know that?"

I just smiled up at him. "So are you." He leaned down and kissed me. I could almost start again, but my body was tired. He put his glass down. "You want to...stay?"

I was relieved at the question as I had no interest in dressing and driving home. "I would, thank you."

We pulled up the covers and brought our bodies together. I was awake for a while, enjoying the feel of him beside me, enjoying the funk of sex in my nose.

I awoke to a dark room and silence. But I was thirsty. I leaned over to see if there was any water left, but the glass was empty.

I sat up and found my underwear and left the room to search for the bathroom. I had no idea where it was. I realized I should have asked before we fell asleep. I went down the hall in the direction I thought it might be, but really, I hadn't a clue.

I got to the end of the hall, checking a few doors as I went. Nothing. Here I was in a strange old house in nothing but my underwear and a holding an empty glass. I decided to find the kitchen.

I managed to find the main staircase and I felt more confident. The hall to the back, more stairs and there was the kitchen, a light over the sink still on.

I was filling my glass when I heard a voice, which made me jump. "Oh, you found the kitchen...oh, sorry, I didn't mean to startle."

I turned and saw Sam standing in the kitchen door. He was wearing a dressing gown and clearly nothing else. "Um...I tried to find the WC upstairs, but..."

"Right. How could you? It's a maze" He smiled at me and came over to the sink, pulling a glass off the drying rack and filling his own glass with water.

He was standing quite close to me and I felt his heat and my cock, to my horror, began to harden in my briefs.

He turned to me a gave me a little smile, sipping his water. I tried to look innocent, but I wanted to pull away but I wanted to be close to this guy who was just as attractive as his brother. I wondered if he could see my cock starting to push the fabric of my underwear out.

We stood for a second not saying anything. Then, as if in answer to my unspoken need, he slowly undid his robe and opened it. "You interested in mine?"

His dick was rigid and it was bigger than Drew's. I looked into his eyes then down at the amazing sight below. As if in slow motion, he put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me gently until I was kneeling at his feet.

I looked up into his face in the dim light. "Go know you want to."

And I did. I opened my mouth and ran my tongue under the head and then sucked him all the way in. He gasped above me and I felt his hands on the back of my head pushing me down on him. I couldn't quite believe I had left the bed of one brother and now I was on my knees sucking the cock of the other. But the thought didn't last long. He started to fuck my face with long, slow stokes, his cock almost choking me. He tasted of sweat and lust and my head was spinning. I pulled my own underwear down and started to run my hand over my cock lightly.

I was so turned on I could hardly think. He pushed me against the counter and held my head in his hands and started to rock his hips forward, the length of him reaching my throat. I was so close to gagging, but something stopped me and I was able to take him even as he fucked even harder into my mouth. His breathing was getting heavy and I heard his voice. "You may have fucked my brother, but you are one good cocksucker."

I wondered how he knew I fucked his brother for a moment, but I decided the feel of his flesh in my mouth was more important. I was having a little trouble breathing his cock was taking so much of my mouth and throat. I let go of my cock and held his balls in my hand, and I was vaguely aware of their size. I heard his voice again. "You want to taste me, mate?"

I looked up into his eyes. He was clearly almost there and he pulled his cock out of my mouth and started to pump it, the head right by my lips. "I'm going to spew all over your mouth. You want that?"

I just nodded. And he did. With a choking sound, he cock began to spew cum all over my lips. I opened my mouth and caught most of it as spurt after spurt rocketed out onto my tongue. The smell was sharp and the taste was almost overwhelming, but I began to swallow.

With one last big dollop, he slid back into my mouth and started fucking my face again, but a little more slowly.

Finally, his movement slowed and he pulled me up so I was standing. Our mouths met and we kissed. I realized he had taken hold of my cock and was jerking me while we kissed. I wasn't going to last long, and I threw my head back as cum spewed out onto his softer cock and balls. I leaned my head forward and watched the cum flow out.

He looked down at his cock and said "You better clean that off."

I knelt down again and slurped my cum off his cock, sucking it off his balls. Then I stood up again and just looked at him. "Fuck, mate. That was crazy!"

He laughed and kissed me. "I'm different than my brother, yeah?"

"Oh, yeah. I should say so." I kissed him again, leaning against the work top, exhausted. Two guys in the same night. I hadn't done that in many years.

I finally spoke. "I suppose I should get back to bed..."

"Maybe you should. I'll show you the way."

He left me at Drew's door with a kiss. Getting back into bed, I felt strange with Drew lying there, innocent of what I had just done.

I heard his voice in the dark. "Did you and Sam have a good time?" And he pulled me close and kissed me, reaching down and grabbing my dick.

Next: Chapter 2

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