The Brotherhood

By Mobius Loop

Published on Mar 24, 1997



THE BROTHERHOOD: by Mobius Chapter 9: Exposed


Donna was almost hysterical over the telephone. I was sitting in my office during my lunch hour. She had called from work, absolutely livid about a telephone call she had received from Principal Maxwell's office. Teddy had been suspended for "inappropriate and disruptive conduct on school grounds."

"What is going on, Charlie?" she asked. "Do you know anything about this?" I was just as surprised.

"This is the first I heard about it," I said. "And he did it this morning!"

"Did he say exactly what kind of behavior?"

"No," she said. "He said he wanted to discuss that with me and the other parents together. I can't believe he didn't contact you!"

"Listen, honey," I said trying to calm her down. "I'm going down now to talk to him, find out what is going on."

"Okay, good luck," she said. "Call me as soon as you know what the hell is going on!"

We hung up on each other. As I stood to leave my office, the telephone rang again. I picked it up.

"Hello, Mr. Bradley's office."

"Mr. Bradley?" The boy's voice sounded familiar. I could tell that he was trying not to cry.

"Who is this?"

"Ben Maxwell," he replied in a panic. "You've got to help. My dad found out! He's suspended everybody and is going to have an investigation. I even heard he was going to have you fired!"

What??? The world was spinning.

"Slow down," I encouraged him. "Tell me what happened......"

My father was gone for the weekend at a New England educational conference. My mom was visiting her sick aunt. My house was free for the weekend, I invited the Brotherhood over. It was going to be the first time that they had been at my house, because of my dad.

They all arrived at seven. The evening started really relaxed. They had brought pizza over and we all sat around the television, laughing and eating. We were just watching MTV, eating pizza. The weather was warm, so we opened a few windows to allow the fresh air to come into the house.

We finished dinner, and continued to watch MTV. I saw that Ted was leaning back on the sofa, his eyes closed with a long smile across his face. I looked down and noticed that he was starting to get a bulge in his shorts.

"Hey, Teddy," I said to him. "What's on your mind, bud?"

"I was just thinking that all this warm air makes me really horny," he replied, looking over at me. "You know, the first blast you get after a cold winter just turns me right on."

Jason was sitting beside him, and he also noticed his bulge. Immediately, he put his hand out and starting rubbing it gently.

"You're in the right place, Ted," he smiled. Teddy just sat back, letting Jason pet his clothed crotch. After a few minutes, Teddy picked up his hand, unzipped his fly, and slipped his hand inside. None of us were wearing underwear that night--- it was a Brotherhood custom for meetings.

"I'm thinking," Billy said anxiously, "we should take this upstairs now. I think I'm about ready." He had been watching them, getting excited by their foreplay. It was agreed. Turning the T.V. off, we all stood and started up the stairs to my room. Jason slipped his hand out of Teddy's fly, but Teddy didn't zip up before we went up the stairs.

In my room, Teddy just jumped onto my bed. Jason sat down beside him.

"Where were we?" he asked. Teddy grabbed his hand and stuffed it into his fly again. "Ah, right, that's where we left off."

As I watched them, standing to the side, I suddenly felt hands wrapped around my waist. Billys arms were holding me around my waist. I felt him press up against me, his head nuzzling the nape of my neck. His hands slowly unbuckled my belt. As it clanged free, he uncapped my button and began to open my zipper. As the flaps of my shorts opened, he reached his hand inside and began to fondle my soft cock.

"The feel of your skin....." he sighed into my ear, "... it's so smooth!"

His fingers moved like satin on silk as they caressed me. I was quick to arouse, and I soon found myself starting to fill his fingers with my engorged hot flesh. His fingertips caressed against my hardening glans, sending shivers through me.

On the bed, Teddy was undressing Jason, opening his shirt and allowing his mouth to dance across his skin. Jason's hands were equally busy unfastening Teddy's shorts. As they sat up to pull clothing off, Teddy lay Jason back and began to kiss him, rubbing his undressed hips and crotch against his stomach.

Meanwhile, I stood there with my hot cock in Billy's hands. My shorts were opened, and as he slid his other hand across my leg, they slipped off to around my feet. I began to buck my hips gently against his hand, grasping my prick firmly. A pearl of precum oozed from my slit. His thumb found it and working it into my glans, making them slick and shining.

Teddy knelt by the side of Jason, pulling down his unfastened jeans. As he did so, Jason's long thick cock emerged, dark and hot. To this, Teddy straddled Jason's legs and lay down on top of him. Pressing his lips against Jason's bare chest, he rubbed up against him, rubbing their stiff dicks together between them. They felt the heat of each other's pricks as they bucked their hips together in a slow, rocking motion.

The hand that had been cupping my scrotum slipped away. I could feel it again against my bare ass. Billy's fingers quickly unbuckled his belt and opened his pant, freeing his own pent up member. I felt a surge of relief as I felt his hot cock rubbed itself against my ass, feeling the wetness of his precum trailing across my skin. His fingers were now working me over firmly, slipping up and down my reddened cockhead. I floated on waves of sexual arousal.

Teddy suddenly sat up again, inching himself up Jason's body. Jason's chest rose and fell quickly, feeling the sensation of Teddy's hot body against his. As he inched his way up, straddled across him, he started to slip over his crotch. After a few more inches, he could feel Jason's cock underneath him. One more inch, and he could feel his cock against his ass. Right where he wanted to be.

"Ben.... the gel?" he asked anxioulsy.

"In.......oohhhhhh..... my bedside table," I breathed out, concentrating on Billy's incredible body pressing against me sensually. From his perch, Teddy reached over and opened the nighttable drawer, pulling out a small jar of vaseline. Opening it, he smiled at Jason as he scooped out a dollop. Reaching behind him, he began to ran his fingers up and down Jason's prick, making it slick and greasy. Then he probed two fingers into his own anus, making it shine with gel. His hand grasped Jason's cock and after aligning it, began to sit back on his prick. Jason moaned as he suddenly found himself deep in Teddy's ass, tight and grasping around his pole.

"Hey, throw that over here..." Billy said. Teddy reached beside him and tossed him the jar. Billy caught it, already open, and himself scooped out a glob. As he set the jar down, his right hand went back to my aching cock and his left snuck between our bodies.

I groaned out as I felt the cool gel pressed into my ass, his fingers gently probing my anus with vaseline. I listened to what must have been him greasing his own prick. I was so eager for him, I was drooling! I blindly felt as he pressed his huge cock against me. My hole was resistant to taking him, but after a gentle prodding, I felt his cockhead part my lips. I sighed with a long breath as I felt it start to fill me, opening my ass once again to my Brother's erect prick. With gentle and rhythmic thrusts, he pushed himself into me deeper and deeper until I could feel his cock pressing up against my prostate. I loved it, wanted more of it. I flexed my sphincter to grasp at it, suck it in deeper.

"Oohhh, arghhh, unggg..." Jason groaned through his quick breaths as Teddy rode him, Jason' prick buried all the way into his young body. Teddy was pumping up and down, and then would rock back and forth, pulling his cock in and out. Jason had his head back against the pillow. His hands were grasping Teddy's hard prick, milking it stiffly.

I could no longer stand it. I began to buck my hips back and forth slowly. When I went forward, his hand pulled at me. When I rocked back, his cock would slide once again into my smooth ass, filling me with warmth. It was heaven... my body was being overcome with him. I could feel his hot breath against my neck, his left arm holding me tightly to him.

"I...... love...... you......." he whispered between his breaths.

Teddy was practically bouncing on Jason's cock. The both of them were were almost rolling off the bed. Jason's hands were now grasping Teddy's hips, steadying him as he fucked him hard and deep. Teddy's hard cock slapped against Jason's stomach as he moved up and down. Jason began to move his hands up his chest until they came to his breasts. His palms pressed against Teddy's more-defined breats, firm with muscles, and rubbed against his nipples.

"I want you," Jason said. "I want to feel you deep in my ass. Hold yourself for me...."

Behind me, Billy shuddered. I could feel him grip me tightly as his body tensed up, spasmed. With a quick thrust, I felt heat radiating from my ass, his white juices spurting against my prostate. As he gasped, his body bucked and quivered against me. I flexed my sphincter again, causing him to shudder once more. I felt an additional pulse shoot through his cock, spewing itself deep into my abdomen.

"Ohh," he groaned, "that was so perfect....." I felt his lips kiss me, up and down my neck. As he tongue played on the nape of my neck, I shuddered myself. His cock was still firmly implanted deep inside me, and I felt his hot semen starting to drool its way down his cock. I could feel its wetness start to spread from my hole.

"Oh GOD!" Jason cried out as he twitched on the bed. Teddy sat on him, frozen, his head cocked back. You could see him clamping his ass around Jason's prick as he came. You could tell how big it was by how long Jason twitched. His twitching lasted almost a minute, Teddy ferrociously milking him with his tight anus. Finally, he stopped. Teddy relaxed, leaving his cock buried deep inside him.

Behind me, Billy's left hand ungrasped my chest. Slipping it down to my cock, he switched places with his other hand. His left hand was still slippery with vaseline. As he rubbed it against my glans, making them slick, I groaned quickly. His palm engulfed my cockhead, rubbing it eagerly with smooth, greasy fingers. I couldn't hold out much longer. In a blurry moment, my heart stopped. I felt my cock start to jerk in his fist. My cream pulsed from my cock into his fist, tightly wrapped around my cockhead. Gently, his fingers rubbed my hot cum into my tingly glans, pushing me on into another orgasm. Suddenly, I felt faint. I reached back and hooked my arm around Billy, holding onto him so I wouldn't slip to the floor.

Teddy weakly lifted his body from Jason's softening cock, small drops of ejaculate drooling from his stretched hole. He fell back on my bed, beside Jason and kissed him. They looked at me and Billy, slowly untangling one another form our incredible lovemaking.

"I need a full service!" Teddy cried, his cock semi-hard. Billy threw his head back, quickly gobbling up the splatter of semen I had shot into his hand. The two of us then went over, falling onto the bed with our friends. After looking at one another, Billy and I leaned in and, after parting our lips, extended our tongues. Our tongues found his cock, and they slipped along his glans, up and down his shaft. It quickly regrew to its full erection.

Billy and I began to go down on him. I would take him into my mouth, tasting his building juices with my tongue as I sucked it firmly. I would bob up and down on it a couple of times before releasing it from my mouth with a pop. Billy would then slurp up his cock, pulling on it with a gently steady sucking, his tongue rubbing against his glans. Back and forth, we went down on Teddy, illiciting groans and sighs. His hard cock was quickly pulsing in our mouths, driven by his mad heartbeat.

"Okay, okay...." he groaned. We stopped our ministrations as Jason approached, his ass already slick with vaseline. He leant over the side of the bed. Teddy slipped off the side of the bed and after finding his legs, pressed himself against Jason's rear. He grabbed his prick with his hand as he pressed it against his slick anus. With a small push, he started to slide into Jason. Driven by his incredible need for sexual release, he stopped holding back. He gave a powerful thrust and buried his cock inside his lover's quivering hole. Jason hissed with the pain of the sudden thrust, but as Teddy started his pumping motions, his hissing changed into deep sighs of pleasure.

Teddy pulled out until only his cockhead lay nestled within Jason. He made two gentle, shallow strokes before pushing it all the way in again. Drips of sweat from his matted hair trickled down his forehead as he bucked and pumped against Jason faster and faster. Suddenly, with explosive force, he drove himself deep inside, his eyes closing and his breath paused. Jason groaned as he felt his body become full with Teddy's pent-up fluids. Soon the orgasm passed, and Teddy, weak with exertion, fell forward against Jason's body, his cock growing soft in his body.

We lay there and rested for a few moments before we went did anymore. As he gasped for breath, Jason turned his head to look at us.

"Did anyone hear a noise?"

Suddenly the bedroom door flew open........

"And it was my father!! He had come home early from the convention!" Ben said, his voice shaking. "I can't remember the rest of that night. All I know is that I'm called into the office this morning with the other boys and he tells us we're all suspended until further notice. He said our parents would be contacted and there would be an investigation to see how far our little club extended into the school. Christ, the look in his eyes. He hates me, Mr. Bradley."

"Okay, okay," I said. "Try to remain calm. I was just about to talk to your father and try to work this out. Listen, no matter what happens, you know you can always talk to me. It may seem pretty bad right now, but wait until we find out what happens."

"Okay," he said. "I just feel so bad about getting everyone caught! Please, tell Teddy to call me. He hasn't spoken to me and I need to know what he's going through."

"I'll tell him," I said. "Goodbye, Ben. Keep calm."

"Bye..." and we hung up.

"You know that you're on thin ice suspending those kids when you have no direct proof that anything they did was done on school property," I said, walking into his office. He sat in his chair and looked at me levely.

"As I suspected," he said in a low tone. "You knew. You knew what was going on and you didn't report it."

"All I know is that the Brotherhood has been at Riverview High since the late 1970s."

"You knew about my son," he said, his voice become stressed with his anger. "My son told you and you never said a word to me."

"Come off it," I spat back. "You know I have a professional responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of my clients!"

"And you have a responsibility to inform me if there is anything occurring in this school which may make it a dangerous or unsafe environment!!"

"What are you talking about?" I demanded. "Nothing the Brotherhood ever did threatened this school in any way! Within these walls, they were students!"

"All of their associations occurred at this high school!" he growled as he rose out of his chair. "They met each other, scoped each other out, and seduced each other in this building. Hardly behaving like students. This is a high school, not a place to scope fag lovers!"

"Get off your high horse, John," I challenged him, dropping my voice low. "What is this really about? Is this about the school or is this about you?"

He seemed to paused. "What are babbling about?" he demanded.

"Those boys posed no threat to the safety of this school and they engaged in no conduct inappropriate to these halls," I pointed out. "So it only stands to reason that your suspension of those boys is purely based in your bruised, homophobic ego!"

"What?" he asked, sitting back down in his chair.

"Admit it, you were so embarassed to have discovered your son was having some meaningless sex with a couple of boys that you needed to punish them all."

"My boy was a fine until he was seduced by that crowd!" he insisted. "I'm not going to let that happen anymore, to anyone else's son. Your son! Don't you care about that?"

"If I felt that Teddy was doing anything dangerous, I would stop him."

"Your kind piss me off," he countered, "because you encourage them."

"How did I encourage them?"

"By not stopping it!" he hollared. "For how long have you been sitting back and letting this immoral, improper behavior continue in the halls of my school?"

"Look, John, you're not using good judgement suspending those boys. You're trying to blame someone, anyone, about this because you can't accept that your son has gay feelings....."

"Enough!" he insisted. "I've wasted enough time on this subject today. The investigation will proceed. Until further notice, your employment is suspended on the charge of professional negligence. I want you out of the building by fifth block. Get out of my office."

Collecting myself, I turned and walked out of his office. I gathered my stuff and left the high school. All the way home, I fumed about this. It was so unnecessary, so out of control. Why were people so scared of homosexuality? How could he condemn his own son?

When I got home, I called Donna. I told her what happened, telling her that whatever it was, they think I knew about it beforehand and didn't report it. She said she'd see me when she got home, and that she was going to call her attorney to see what rights we had. I said that would be a good idea.

As I hung up the phone, I looked up to see Teddy standing in the doorway to the living room, looking at me timidly.

"What is it, Teddy?" I asked him. He took a few steps forward, his eyes gazing at me in a quizical way.

"You knew, Charles?" he asked me. "You knew I was a member all this time and didn't say anything?"

"I knew it existed long before you did, Teddy. I knew four years ago."

He walked closer to me. "You knew that every time I walked out that door to hang out with my friends, we were really having sex? Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because," I said, "I don't care who you have sex with. I don't care who you fall in love with. I don't care if your gay , or your straight, or your bisexual. The only thing I care about is that your my family, my son, and nothing can change how I feel about you."

He threw his arms around me, hugging me tightly. "Thanks, dad. I really needed to hear that right now." I was absolutely floored. It had been the first time in over the year since I had married his mother that he had called me dad. I returned his hug warmly.

"Looks like we're in this together," he said. "What about mom?"

"The principal is bent on telling everyone," I said. "We should probably tell your mom before he does."

"Will she be mad?"

"I don't know," I said. "But even if she is, she'll still love you."

Next: Chapter 10

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