The Brotherhood

By Mobius Loop

Published on Mar 24, 1997




(Mr. Bradley continues to read the entry on Secrets in the Brotherhood Journal from the summer of 1982. He had found the notebook slipped under his office door at Riverview High School on the first day of school)

The room was quiet for a few minutes. Kyle had stopped rubbing my back and I could feel an awkward silence. They were thinking about Anthony and the sexual abuse he had gone through.

"I didn't mean to bum you guys out, but not all first times are perfect," I said.

"It's not that," Jason said quietly. "It's that I feel guilty about enjoying your blowjobs now, considering where you learned the technique. That poor kid."

"No shit," Scott agreed.

"Well," I said, "I doubt there was anything we could have done to stop his abuse. But, because of him, I learned a lot about myself. I kind of thank him for that, and you guys should, too."

I felt Kyle's hands press into my shoulders again, kneeding my flesh with his fingers. It forced me to moan.

"I guess," Kyle said, "I'll go next."

"I hope its happier than Todd's," Scott said. Suddenly he sat up and got off the bed, leaving Jason's lap open. He went over to the window and turned on the fan. He scurried back to the bed and leaned back up against Jason. Jason moved his hands down and gently caressed Scott's dick.

"It's not happy, but I need to tell you guys," he admitted quietly. The room was silent, patiently waiting for him to speak. I had a feeling that whatever he was going to tell us had something to do with why he came back from Arizona so tense. And it did.....

I had known for a long time that I liked boys. I liked them beyond the buddy-buddy sense. In my young mind, I started a long track of junior league sports and intramurals so that could see other boys naked in the locker room. The surprise I found was that I was really good at sports. So I started to play all the time. What a great hobby-- doing sports I loved and seeing boys I love.

I knew that I could never really share that with anyone else. But, I had my moments of sweet secrecy, so I didn't mind. I almost wondered whether I would grow out of it, and at that young age, I hoped I didn't. I got along with girls okay, but I just didn't understand them. Boys were simple-- everything was physical. I guess my path was chosen.

Anyway, the real story happens when I'm twelve. I was getting boners and hair was starting to break out on my body. This kind of worried me, because I liked my nice skin without hair. But, I took it in stride as I realized my dick was starting to grow.

Like this year, my mother decided to visit my aunt in Arizona. My aunt is a writer and owns this nice ranch out there. The desert is beautiful, but not a lot of places to go. There was nothing to do. So, when we showed up, my eight year old cousin, David, was excited that I was there. Finally, there was somebody to do things with. But I kind of resented him always nagging me to do things. I relented, and I spent a lot of time playing games with my cousin. I felt childish, but there was nothing better to do.

One night after dinner, we were up in his bedroom playing with some Legos. I had to share the bed with him as my dad was on the sofa downstairs and my mom was on a really small cot in the T.V. room. Anyway, it was hot as hell. I wasn't used to the Arizona heat, and I was sweating like a pig. So, although there were windows and a fan, I needed further relief. I reached over and pulled my T-shirt off.

"What are you doing?" he asked me.

"It's too hot," I complained.

"It's not that hot," he snickered. I ignored him as he laughed at me for not being able to take the heat. I wanted to slug him one, but we had four more days there and I didn't want to screw things up.

"Man, you sweat alot," he commented, noticing my wet skin.

"Yeah, because I'm hot," I reiterated. He stopped playing and just looked at me.

"It will cool down in a couple of hours," he said. "Boy, you have some muscles. Do you work out?"

"A little," I said, "but I just play a lot of sports."


"Absolutely," I replied. That made him smile.

"I love football," he said, "but there aren't any kids to play with out here. I wish I lived somewhere else."

"You have a nice home," I said, "but you're just out in the middle of nowhere."

He looked at me quizzically, staring at my chest. "Can I.... can I look at your chest?" I really couldn't see the harm, so I nodded. He stood up and walked over, sitting infront of me. He reached out his hand and touched my pecs, wet with my perspiration. He felt the firm muscle mass. Then he moved over and touched the other one.

"You're all sweaty," he laughed. I laughed, too, but was suddenly paying attention to the feeling of his smaller hands running over my chest, his sweat-slickened fingers pressing into my skin. I had never been touched by another boy before, not there, and I found it incredibly arousing. But he was my cousin, and only eight years old!! But he could have been five or three or two and his fingers would have started the erection I was getting. Thank God I was sitting indian-style.

"Oh, look," he said, leaning in closely, "you have little hairs there." His fingers slipped down to my nipples, were a few dark hairs had started to grow around the areola. As his thumb caressed my left nipple, feeling the hairs, my erection became intense. As he shifted sides to my right nipple, the sensations of his innocent touch made me shiver.

"You okay?" he said pulling away from me, thinking he had hurt me or something. If only he knew.

"That just tickled," I smiled at him. I reached over for my T-shirt again and lifted it up to put it on. As I raised my arms, the pungent smell of my new personal adolescent cologne wafted through the air.

"Jeez, you stink!" he said, backing away. "I don't stink like that when I sweat."

"You will when you get older," I assured him, putting on my shirt. We continued to play with his toys, him sometimes stopping to tell me about things he had found out about the desert. I listened to him while I waited for my dick to slowly go limp again. He hadn't noticed, but that innocent curiosity was getting my mind working. Sitting there, talking to him, I started thinking about seducing him. Yes, he was my cousin, but that's not the same thing as a brother or father or something.

I figured out he was a very curious child. He hadn't seen much of the world and he was young, so he was curious with a hunger. That would be useful to get him on my side. We also slept in the same bed, that was a huge incentive. If he was bold enough to want to touch my chest, than with a little coaxing I could have him touching my cock. Those fingers sliding around my penis would be heaven, and would maybe make my vacation here a little less hell.

Soon enough, I had a perfect plan. But I wouldn't try anything right away. I needed to bide my time and build our relationship a little better. So while I didn't do anything that night, I was still hard sleeping in that bed and resisting the urge to slip my tongue into his mouth.

The next day was 100 degrees. It was miserable hot. Even David felt the heat, but that didn't slow him down much. On that day, while I was sluggish from the heat, I still made the extra effort to be more enthusiastic about doing things with him. We spent the whole day together playing games and talking. I made an effort to talk about a lot of things, a lot of sharing things. David was a push-over, because he was just as eager to share things just as personal. My mother praised me for changing my attitude around my cousin. Little did she know that my dick was responsible.

After dinner, there was another hour of sunlight and the temperature was starting to break. We went out into the backyard and I while I made him close his eyes, I pulled out a football I had found in his garage that day. He was ecstatic. For the remainder of that hour, I taught him a lot of the basics I had mastered years ago in football. He showed a lot of potential, too. I especially trained him on tackling. Every now and again as I tackled him, I allowed my arm to brush against the crotch of his shorts. I didn't know if he noticed, but it was so subtle, he may not have seen it as intentional.

Finally, it was dark. While my mother and aunt talked about my aunt's latest book in the living room, my dad and my uncle were drinking beers out in the garage, talking about my uncle's 1967 Caddy that he was rebuilding. It was perfect for me and David to sneak off upstairs.

"This was a great day," he said. "You know, I thought you didn't like me all that much when you came."

"No," I assured him. "Hey, you're my cousin, aren't you?"

I played Uno with him on the floor of his bedroom, and after, I tried to teach him what I knew about poker. I would have loved to engage him in strip poker, but I didn't want to deviate from my plan. Soon enough, it was late and he was getting tired. I deliberately tried to wear him out during the day. As he got sleepy, we talked more and more about personal stuff. Finally, we got ready to go to bed. I tried to keep my imagination from getting me erect, because I needed to play it straight for my plan to work.

The night's temperature didn't break a whole lot. It was still uncomfortable. I was already under the covers of my cousins bed when he came in from the bathroom in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. I had on a pair of boxer shorts. He crawled under the sheet, and we turned out the light.

After a few moments of quiet, I asked him, "David, do you like any girls at your school?"

"No," he said. "The girls are a bunch of creeps. They sit together and talk about makeup and music and stuff. I play four-square with Billy, John and Emilio."

I kind of laughed, "You may think they're creepy today, but wait till you get older."

"Why?" he asked.

"Because you'll start to like them, that's all," I said. "Why do you think people get married? In a few years, you'll start feeling that you like them, and then maybe fall in love with one, and then....oh, Davey, you will like it."

"Is that when I start getting hair on my chest like you?" he asked. "Sounds awful. I don't want to get all smelly like you when you sweat."

I turned on my side and looked at him, "Yeah, but that's only part of it. You see, you also start getting more muscle on your body... important for football. And, the best part is that your thing gets bigger."

"Sometimes mine gets bigger for a little while, then it gets small again. Sometimes it happens when I have to pee real bad when I wake up," he said.

"No, no," I said. "It grows larger when its small, and grows really big when its hard."

"Cool," he said. "Would I have to wear a jock strap when I play football?"

"Definitely," I said. "In this family, all the men have big thingies."

It was quiet for a few minutes. It was dark in the room and I couldn't see David. I rolled over away from him, so I could continue with the next part of my plan.

"Why does having a big thingie mean I'll like girls?" he asked, breaking the silence. Fine, then I'd really bait the hook.

I rolled around to face him again, "Because when you get older, your thingie... can we just say penis? Thingie sounds so silly."

"Penis?" he asked.

"Or dick or cock or something," I offered. "When you say thingie, it sounds childish." I knew that would get him. He didn't want to act childish in front of me.

"Okay, then why will I like girls when my cock gets bigger?" he asked impatiently. Hearing him say the word 'cock' was enough to start arousing me.

"Because when it grows longer, it will also get harder more. When it gets hard, it will want to go in a girl's pussy. That's what adults do to make children. The dad puts his dick in the mom's pussy and white stuff comes out. The white stuff helps mom get pregnant and have a baby."

I knew all of this was mostly new to him, and I was probably giving him an earful he wouldn't forget. But soon enough, his curiosity was analyzing what I had just told him.

"It sounds painful," he said.

"Aw, no way," I replied. "It feels really good. It's the best feeling ever."

"Have you ever put your cock in a girl's pussy?"

"No, but I jerk off," I said. "I've been doing it for a while. Sometimes I'll get hard, and in order to make it go down again, I have to rub it until the white stuff-- the sperm-- comes out."

"Wow," he whispered. I don't think he understood it all, but it was laying the fertile soil for me later.

"Yeah, I know," I said, turning around and getting comfortable on my side of the bed. "Well, I'm tired. Goodnight."

I lay on my side for a while, listening in the quiet of the room and the sounds of the desert from the open window. The sheets rustled as I heard David turn a couple of times. I must have laid there quietly for a half an hour, moving occassionally, trying to get comfortable. The heat was very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, in the silence I heard the signal I was looking for. I could hear David open his shorts, hear the gentle slap of the elastic of his briefs as he fished out his boycock, and the gentle rustlings as he started to touch it.

That was my cue. I pushed off the covers from my side of the bed and stood up. Grasping my boxers, I pulled them down. As I turned to get back into bed, I saw David looking at me.

"Man, it's so hot out here," I complained. "I'm surprised you don't sleep naked." I got on the mattress and pulled the sheet up again, re-covering my dick. I could see that he noticed it.

"Actually, I wore the T-shirt and shorts because I thought you wouldn't like it if you slept in bed with me naked," he said. I knew he was lying. But just as I expected, he got out of bed, and pulled off his T and shorts. I saw a glimpse of his eight year old cock, half-hard, but lost it when he got under the sheet again. No matter, I would have it soon.

There we were, two naked boys under a loose sheet in the hot Arizona night. So far, I had his curiosity roused and going wild. It was only a matter of time. If I needed to, I would wait another night to finish my seduction. I would have him willing before I left Arizona.

It was quiet for a few more minutes. Suddenly, David broke the silence again.



"How do you put your cock in a girl's pussy?"

Damn, this kid was making this too easy. I figured I would get him to that question in an hour if he didn't fall asleep, or put it on tomorrow night's agenda. But this kid's mind was on high-speed.

"Well," I said turning towards him in the bed, "You can do it lots of ways. You can lay on top of her and squirm around until you've put your cock in her pussy. Or you can lie her down and slip your dick in from behind... well, there's just lots of ways."

"And it feels good?"

"It feels great."

"It just sounds kinda wierd."

Okay, this was the big moment. "Do you want to pretend, and I can show you?"

"I guess," he said. Oh, he was so easy to lead. With that, I sat up on the bed, pulled the covers off the both of us, revealing his smooth eight-year old body. I crawled over the bed until I was right beside him.

"Okay," I said, "you be the girl. You lie there like that." I straightened his body out of the bed, taking a second to look at his own cock in the shadows. I opened his legs a little and propped them up with his knees in the air. I crawled up and knelt between his opened legs. He watched me with curiosity, but I could tell there was a little excitement in his eyes.

"But I don't have a pussy," he commented.

"We're just pretending. Your pussy would be in the same place as your dick," I said. I came up against him, lifted my now-rigid cock and placed it on his crotch, pressed up against his leg. "You would put it in..... and then start moving in and out."

I started moving my hips back and forth, rubbing my hard cock against his smooth, hairless legs, his firm silky dick, his small sack. The heat had made him a little sweaty, and his crotch was nice and slick as I rubbed up against him.

I could tell he started to breathe faster. As I pumped against him, his own dick got really hard, point up towards me.

"Hey, my cock got hard," he said. I nodded with a smile as I started pumping even faster. As my dick rubbed against his, and I could hear him sigh.

"Yours is a lot bigger than mine," he said with short, quick breaths.

"Just like I said," I breathed.

"Can I touch it, Kyle?"

Oh God, could he. He reached out with his hand and brough his palm down on my cockhead. I slowed my pace, letting him touch my stiff dick. His fingers seemed to touch me with a fascination that was exhilirating. He simply had his hand against it, and with my slow pumping motions rubbed my glans against his palm, pressing my shaft into the clutch of his fingers.

"Oh, you are a good pretend buddy," I gasped, the sensations in my dick building up higher and higher. His legs, his cock, his hand... everything was arousing me. In that moment, I knew that boys were going to be my destiny, their cocks my prized reward.

After a few more quick pumping motions, my cock started to jerk and pulse. Thrust up against his leg and hand, he watched with wide eyes as my dick brought forth gob after gob of my semen. It pooled on his stomach and ran down in a little trickle into his belly-button.

I gasped quietly as I finished my release and my dick stopped spewing my milky ejaculate. He pulled his hand away and examined the streaks of thick cum that had hit his palm.

"Do you see now?" I asked, breathing heavily as I sat back on my legs, my slimy dick sliding down and leaving a trail across his own scrotum. "That pumping motion is what makes men's hard dicks shoot out cum."

"I'm all messy, now," he said. I nodded in agreement. I scootched down on the bed, leaned forward, and began licking my semen off of his stomach. My tongue lapped up the cooling thick pools of my ejaculate from his skin, and he gasped as my tongue lingered by his crotch and leg. Then I gently puckered my mouth over his belly button and sucked out the dollop that had settled within. Soon, the only thing left were wet tracks of saliva over his stomach.

I fell back on the bed beside him. The both of us were sweaty now, getting so excited in the heat. But we had noticed that the temperature had fallen a few degrees, and it felt cooler in the room than it had been all day.

"That was cool," he said. "And my cock will do that, too?"

"Well," I said, "you're probably a little young for the cum, but your dick can still make you feel that good."

"Can you be the girl now?" he asked. Was I going to say no, roll over, and go to sleep? This had stopped being a plan and had started being a piece of genius.

As he crawled over to where I lay, I suddenly had a great idea.

"Wait," I said. "I can be the girl and show you what a real pussy feels like."

"Okay," he said eagerly.

I sat up against the pillows facing him.

"Okay, put one of your legs over me, like you are walking around me," I instructed. He lifted one leg over me, standing above my body. His little cock was rigid and hard, bobbing as he did that.

"Now walk towards my face."

He stepped closer to me, his precious cock coming closer and closer. Finally, my face was in his crotch and his dick practically brushing my chin. He looked at me anxiously as I held his dick with my right hand and gently put it in my mouth.

As my lips wrapped around his shaft and my tongue starts to flick around his cockhead, I saw as he closed his eyes and started to fall back. I reached out and grabbed him by the cheeks of his perfectly smooth ass to hold him up.

I released his dick for a moment, slick with a coat of my saliva.

"David, you're job is to pump your hips in and out, just like you would if I was a pussy," I told him. He nodded at me dreamily as I slurped his dick back into the warm cavern of my mouth. What I had failed to tell him was that a real pussy did not have a tongue.

He started to slowly pull it out and then push it in again. My lips, tightly clenched on his cock, sucked and licked his virgin shaft as if there was no tomorrow. I was doing well with him as he started bucking his hips back and forth faster. You could hear the rocking of his body as the bed springs sang out a perfect rhthym.

He sighed quite a few times as I suckled his boydick. Sucking cock was definitely something I would be enjoying in the future. I felt the sweat of his body as I grasped his ass with my hands, savored the smell of his young skin as his stomach pressed against my nose. The moment could have lasted forever, except that he suddenly started seizing up and froze, forcing his hips hard against my face, pushing his cock in as far as it could go. It spasmed between my lips and jerked against the firm pressure of my tongue, but no fluids came out.

As soon as it was over, he seemed to slump down on the bed, laying flat on his back, his hard dick still pointing in the air. He was gasping for breath, his eyes lolling around from the intensity of his orgasm.

I also forgot to tell him that when you can't cum, you can orgasm more repeatedly. So, I quickly crawled over to him and before he knew what I was doing, had his dick in my mouth again. Bobbing my head up and down, I found that it had lost no stiffness. The glans of his dick pressed up against the roof of my mouth, my tongue wrapping itself around the base of his dick. He started to groan in weak little whispers, high pitched little gruntings as I worked him back up.

"Ung....... uhn....." he chanted as my mouth gently sucked on him. My lips pulled up to his cockhead, urgently licked his slit and smooth glans with my tongue, and then plunged down again. I reached out my hands and rubbed his little nipples which were hard to my touch. I pressed my nose deep against his skin, smelling the beautifully innocent fragrance of his muskless sweat.

Suddenly, his hips bucked up, forcing his dick into the depths of my mouth again. He squealed with a high, raspy breath as I saw the tremors of his second orgasm in as many minutes tear over him. His rigid cock in my mouth quivered against my tongue and gullet before it came to rest again.

I pulled my lips off of him with a gentle plop. He had passed out in exhausiton of this second one, his body sweaty and limp. My own mouth was sore, but that was nothing compared to what this guy had gone through. I leaned over and kissed him on the mouth, then lay his body back the way it should be against the pillow. I pulled up the sheets around him and then got back in bed. I fell into a deep, deep sleep.

I woke up at three in the morning. He was still sound asleep. I knelt up on the bed, pulled back the sheet, and jacked off over him. His chest was riddled with splotches of my semen. Again, I licked and sucked my milky cream off his body and then went back to bed.

The next day, he was really shy with me. After some gentle prodding, I found out he feared he may have done something wrong. I reassured him that we hadn't done anything wrong, that we were just pretending for the day when he would have sex with a girl. He seemed to feel better. The rest of the vacation passed without merit.

Then we got a call two weeks ago from my Aunt. Apparently, while finishing up the high school float for the fourth of July parade, he and his friend decided to have sex. They were caught by a gang from from his school and the two of them were beaten up. The other guy had a lot of broken bones, but my cousin suffered head trauma. He was in a coma for days, induced by a subdural hematoma. The doctors could do nothing. He died on July first and was buried on July fourth. We didn't go out there for a vacation, we went out there for his funeral.

I was so proud of myself for seducing him so I could get off with another boy. I didn't even think that I may have turned him into something he didn't want to be, something that he got killed for. I can't help thinking that it's all my fault... that I killed him.

Next: Chapter 6

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