The Brothel Slave

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Mar 14, 2024



I had placed an ad: "strong-willed man needs to have its will broken by stronger-willed Dom."

Much to my surprise, a couple days later I got an email response from STRONGWILLED33. One line: "I will give you what you're asking for. Will you try hard for me?"

My fingers were shaking when I answered him: "Really hard. Please help me, Sir."

Sounding too pathetic? At this point I didn't care. It felt good to humble myself by begging for help, even if it amounted to nothing like it so often did.

"I want you shaved bare from the neck down," he stated.

"Will do my best, Sir," was my response.

"No. You'll go see my friend. He'll shave you then fuck you. Get you ready for me. Tomorrow night at 8."

Holy shit! I'm supposed to go to a dinner with colleagues but I'll make an excuse not to go. Name a family emergency or something like that. I never let my cruising interfere with my "Real Life" before. But this opportunity might lead to what I've been looking for.

"Yes, Sir."

The next email contains an address not far from me. Then "I'll want pictures. My buddy will film you, front and back. No face. Be there tomorrow night at 8. If you wimp out you'll never hear from me again."

"Yes, Sir. Will be there."

"His name is Clark. Don't disappoint me, faggot. You'd fucking better be real."

"I won't Sir."

Needless to say, I was useless at work the next day, just counting the hours. It was a long time since I'd ever been shaved bare like that.

Shortly before it's time to leave, I get an attack of nerves. I thought of backing out but I knew I'd always regret it if I didn't follow through on this possible opportunity. I just can't chicken out. After all it's only a shave. I cleaned out my ass and dressed in soft flannel pants and no underpants. T-shirt. I get to the address. Tall modern building. I'm stopped at the door. "I'm here to see Clark. He's expecting me."


I fumble for a second. "um, Denny. Denny West."

He speaks into his phone and then shakes his head. "Come on in.," He tells me shows me to the elevator and uses a key to send it to level 37. Before I know it, I hear a chime and the doors open. I get off. There are four apartment doors there. One is open but dark inside.

"Come on in, Denny. Make yourself comfortable."

I'm not sure what that means, but I kick off my shoes and take off my shirt. My hands are trembling until a tall man with some kind of Germamic accent comes to me and offers to shake my hand. I do, but he doesn't let go of my hand. "Use your other hand to pull off those pants, boy." He holds my left wrist tightly in his hand.

I'm left-handed, so it's all the more difficult trying to get my pants down and off my body. He looks at me and I realize that he knows exactly what he's doing to me. I realize that he's enjoying having this power over me.

I manage to get them off. I'm totally naked in the presence of a man obviously a lot younger than me. Still grasping my wrist, he leads me into his apartment to a bathroom. Several razors are laid out on a counter along with a wash cloth in a sink full of soapy water.

"Pits first," he says. "Raise your hands, faggot." I do so. "Higher," he orders. "Stretch them as far up as you can and hold them there. Don't move or I might cut you."

He deftly shaves off all the hair in my pits. He takes a photo then shows it to me. Surely enough, no face. Just denuded pits. He orders me to put my hands behind my back. It's a relief to let them down.

"Bit by bit I am going to remove your male dignity. Reduce you to boyhood," he says as he shaves what little hair is on my chest. He grabs each nipple and pulls it out so he can get all the hair which surrounds it. Pain. I grimace. "Welcome the pain, faggot," he says and I'm forced to face the fact that I'll be given a lot more before this night is over. Again I have an impulse to walk away and forget it all, but I swallow it down. I need to go through with this.

He has me sit on a bench and then raises it until my pubes are even with his face. I find myself wondering how old he is. Early 30's is my guess. He sets me so that just my ass is on the bench. My legs are spread and he clamps them to the bench so I can't close them again.

He takes a pair of scissors. Pulling on my pubic hair, he cuts most of it off. The pulling hurts too. "So what?" I tell myself. I call to mind other times things like this happened to me when I was younger. The shaving was always where it began. I'm being prepared for slavery by this young man. Slowly and with great precision he shaves me bare, grabs my scrotum and pulls it down so he can strip my balls as well.

He unbinds my legs and orders me to bend over the bench as he lowers it. He scrapes my taint bare and then actually waxes my asshole and damn does that hurt when he pulls off the strips. I cry out.

He chuckles then uses his lubed finger to encircle my hole. He enters me and continues probing. I feel like I'm getting a prostate exam at the doctor's until he begins to stretch me. He inserts another finger and the two fingers stretch what I guess is my sphincter muscle, opening me up. I've been fucked before, but this is different. He's taking his time preparing me.

"Beg me to fuck your cunt, faggot."

Cunt? Wow. I've read about guys' holes being called "cunt" and "pussy," but this is different. It hits hard. I struggle to get the words out.

"Please fuck my cunt, Sir."

He slaps my ass a number of times until it's burning. "You can do better than that, faggot. Prove to me you know you have a cunt now. A bare shaved cunt craving a man's dick."

I compose myself, feeling waves of humiliation over me. "Please, Sir, please fuck this faggot. Please fuck my cunt, Sir. Please." Satisfied, I hear his pants open and something warm and hard pokes at my opening, then slowly enters me and the pain is awful. I cry out. He backs off.

"It won't hurt once you offer that cunt to my cock, faggot. Stop resisting it. Make your cunt crave my cock then beg me to fuck it again."

"Please, Master, (where did that come from?). Please feed my cunt with your dick. Please fuck my cunt, Master. Please."

"I'm going to drive it into you, faggot. You sure you're ready for it?"

"Please, Sir, yes."

He slams himself into me all at once and I holler out "fuck! fuck this faggot, Master, please. Take me. fuck my cunt."

And he does. Hard and fast and I lose my mind in the experience. I've been fucked before, but never like this. I'm not just being fucked now; I'm being taken by the man who's taken away my manhood, made me completely bare, taught me that what I used to think of as my asshole is now a cunt and I've begged him to fuck it. If nothing else happens tonight, I can say that I just had a peak experience.

With a shout, he cums and holds himself in me until he slips out. I feel like he's left me wide open.

He helps me stand up. I can feel the slippery moisture at my hole---or, at my cunt. He orders me to squat and hold my ass cheeks apart so his seed can drip out of my cunt and onto a metal pail he places under me while I'm squatting. I can feel him dripping from me. This is something new. In the past I've always cleaned myself up in private. Suddenly I have a horrifying thought: He's going to make me lick up what I just shitted out of my cunt! Oh, please no. Please not that. I think I'd have to give up if he ordered me to like up that awful discharge.

This is humiliatingly, not private at all. Finally he has me stand up and bend over. He shoves a nozzle up my ass—um, cunt---and douches me, then does let me sit on the toilet to let it run out. He doesn't allow me to wipe myself and I'll be constantly aware of what's going on back there.

Then come the pictures. Fine. I'm relived I didn't have to lick up that mess. Many of the pics from every angle, focused on every part of my pathetic body that was once covered with manly hair. He calls me "boy" as he orders me into different positions.

Not "faggot" now. Only "boy." I remember back when I was hairless—probably age 10 or 11. Should I be regressing to that age? Nothing was said about it. I put it out of my mind.

He leaves the bathroom and I follow. When we get to the door he speaks. "Go to the 25th floor. Take the stairs. You'll meet the Master there. Apartment 3. Knock three times and the door will open."

I bend down to pick up my pants and a paddle is slammed across my ass. I cry out as much from the shock as from the pain, but the pain is acute. "I didn't give you permission to get dressed. Go down naked. Naked and hairless. The way He wants you to be. NOW!"

I wanted to object but realized that I have no control over what happens to me tonight. He opened the door and gestured for me to leave. I don't have the words to describe what it was like for me to be walking down twelve flights of stairs in a dimly lit stairwell, totally naked, terrified that someone else will see me. I had been forced to leave my pants and shirt behind along with my car keys and my phone. I'm truly naked and frightened that someone will see me. It hits me hard to realize that I have no chance to escape or back out at this point. My ass is sore and I can still feel the thrusts of Clark's cock within me, within what I've been told to call my cunt. What have I gotten myself into?

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Here are the other stories I have posted, with the dates where you can find them:

The first five should be read in order:

The Alex Chronicles 9/25/2022 Sweet Subjugation 1/15/2023 Brandon's Bosses 4/3/2023 Brandon's Brothers 5/19/2023 Total Subjugation 5/25/2023

These stories are stand-alone

Tommy Loves His Sub 8/17/2023 Training Toby 12/31/2023 Breaking Me In 03/10/2024

Next: Chapter 3

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