The Breeder

By Michael Arno

Published on Nov 27, 2023


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The Breeder Part 6

Sheriff Ed Royal Stuart sat behind his desk on his leather office chair with his pants down around his ankles. Little Danny Davidson, his wife's son with nigger Dave, sat in his lap. Naked from the waist down, facing the sheriff with his feet on the chair little Danny slid his warm anal pucker up and down the fat white erection like he'd done every day since the sheriff popped his ass cherry the week before.

"You like that, Sheriff Ed, don't you? I sure do." The youngster purred as the sheriff stroked the huge, black boy cock.

The Sheriff fed his ass boy a bite from a warm pizza and said, "I'm gonna miss my little nigger boy. And this thing too." The lawman slid his hand up and down the thick eleven inch coco brown cock, then kissed it. "But the senator's got first choice. His family owns everything around here. Used to own you people too. Every nigger around."

"I'm gonna miss you too, Sheriff Ed. And mama too. She lets me fuck her whenever I want. Me and Rudi even did her together, but Rudi got her ass because I'm bigger hung."

"And because your mama likes them big and black, but don't you worry, little black stallion, you're gonna have plenty. The senator's got a real fine piece between his legs, Jazz is over there all the time, and his son, Sammy, well, you know him already. And his wife, well, she's taken a shine to dark meat too. I hear tell Jazz has stirred her pot a few times."

"I'll fuck her if she wants. My daddy says I got to let everybody have my dick who wants. it's the polite way it's done, he say."

"That's a good rule to go by, baby." The sheriff held the little negro by the ass cheeks and directed his anal pucker over his prick head. "Oh, yeah, that's nice, pony butt. And besides, it's only for a year of so. The senator likes his bed warmers real young, and you already almost six or so, just about too old for getting his bed warm at night."

"And Jazz says I can eat all the peaches I want?" The boy pushed against the fat belly and rose up to slam his ass cheeks back onto the sheriff's thighs just as Senator Montgomery Suckler and Jazz Breeder came in.

The sheriff tried to get the boy quickly off him until the senator said, "Don't let us interrupt, Sheriff."

"Morning, Senator. Got the boy right here for you." Ed kissed the little angel. "He's all broke in front and back, too."

Monty looked around and saw only one bag. "Is that all he's got?"

"Yeah. He don't come with much. Don't need much either. Just plenty of dick, is all."

"He'll come a lot when he's been trained at Suckler House." The senator laughed and walked up to the boy. Jazz undid his white master's slacks, fished out his penis and offered his half brother the placid white organ.

"Wow." The youngster grinned at the huge beautiful organ. "I like them big and white, Jazz."

"I know you do, pumpkin butt." Jazz swabbed Monty's glans over the boy's lips who sucked the huge beauty like it was his favourite candy. "And Monty here likes them big and dark. You going to be happy as a pig in mud."

"What a good little boy." Monty reached down and stroked the giant coco cock, an inch longer than his own and stiff as steel. "I think we're going to get along just fine, little Danny. That's a good boy. Get me hard." He gagged the boy. "Get you some nice new clothes too. make you real pretty. Oh, yeah. You like sucking that thing."

The boy pulled a leg across Ed's chest and swivelled around on the cock up his ass, facing out. As Ed held his hips and pumped his fuck hole Danny sucked and jacked the splendid alabaster organ until it swelled to a wonderful, thick meat post.

"Wow, I really like big white ones. You're bigger than Sammy even. And so hard."

The senator slapped his prick head across the boy's face, then stuffed it back into the open mouth saying, "Hung little nigger boys do that to me. Always have. Ask your brother, Jazz. He was my playmate when we were both kids."

"Were you?" Danny reached out for his half brother's horse cock as Jazz let his pants down.

The senator sat on the heavy, leather covered arm chair across from the desk and stroked the magnificent white column as he watched Danny suck his brother magnificent black meat stump. The sheriff held the boy by the ass cheeks and pumped up into he soft chocolate anus saying, "Yeah. I'm gonna miss my little nigger boy's ass."

Monty grinned. "Bring that pretty little nigger ass over here and warm my dick up with it, Danny boy." As the senator undid his belt and pants Jazz knelt and pulled off his white man's shoes. Then the senator stripped off his pants and patted his thighs. "Come on, little angel. Come over and play with big Monty."

The boy grinned as he was lifted off the sheriff's cock, then scampered across the office, his huge stiff coco cock swinging in front of him. He stood on the chair with a foot on either side of the senator and squatted. "Can I kiss you, big Monty?"

Senator Suckler stood the boy up and stroked the huge beige prick head, as big as a winter apple, and then he sucked half the cock into his greedy mouth. After a good long throating he slid the cock out and stretched down the heavy testicles. "Damn, you're as pretty as your brother was. You want to kiss me with your ass or mouth, pretty baby?"

"Both." The boy grinned and squatted. As the senator's peach large glans touched his puffy anus he gasped. "You're bigger than the sheriff. He's the only one ever fucked my ass pussy."

"Ahh." Monty sighed and swiped his glans around the puffy anus that slowly spread its warmth over the prick head. "Such a tight little boy. That's going to change some." He stroked the giant boy cock. "Ah-huh. My butt pony is nice and tight." He pushed the base of the boy cock down, forcing his shaft's spongy head into the stretching anal ring. "And so hard." When his hand ran quickly over the ridge of the huge prick head the boy's ass muscle tightened up. "You like that." He pulled the ass cheeks apart forcing the anus wider. "Oh, baby." Monty made kissing sounds.

"Hnnn." The youngster squirmed on the immense shaft forcing its way into him and leaned down to kiss the senator's soft lips.

The master then curled down and sucked in the prick head of the beautiful boy again. "Pony." He whispered. "Such a pretty boy. You taste good too. Little Angel's juice is flowing." As he sucked the superb coco prick head he forced the boy lower and lower. "Yummy. Ooowee, yes." Danny shivered. "You want me to stop, little pony? Does it hurt too much?"

"No. Just a little." He rocked his ass as his cock was sucked, waiting. Then all at once his ass muscle gave way and relaxed.

The senator felt the looseness and pushed the youngster all the way down onto his lap. "Ahhh, that a boy. Now kiss me with those big soft lips while my dick warms up inside your pretty little ass." He stripped off the boy's shirt and held the naked child like the angel he was. His hands caressed the soft body as the boy rocked gently on the huge shaft up his ass.

Their kisses were long and sweet. Monty slipped to the edge of the chair so his huge testicles hung down. Jazz knew why and got between the senator's legs. Monty slow pumped the boy hole as his favourite negro chewed on his low hanging balls, and he stroked the giant boy cock.

"You like that, little Angel?" Monty squeezed up the boy's cock shaft, took the pre cum and smeared it on the boy's lips, then licked them. "I like how you taste." He pulled the ass cheeks apart again, fingering the sensitive anal pucker where his thick shaft disappeared. "I like your ass hole too. You like me in there, Angel?"

"Yes. It feels real full. I like that."

"It sure does. And I like kissing you, too." Their tongues licked each other's mouthes until Monty raised the boy off his cock shaft.

"What's the matter?" Danny asked.

"Nothing, Angel pony. I just want to suck your dick some. Get up and kneel on the arms of this chair." As the boy did Jazz pulled the senator's ass slicked fuck post to his lips. "That's it, Jazz baby. Suck my dick." The senator sucked the boy cock to the back of his throat, then began his gulping rhythm. Slowly, like a snake swallowing its prey, he got the entire eleven inches down his throat, moved it slightly in and out, and then eased off the huge shaft. "Whoah. You're easier than Jazz, but still a mouthful. Pony."

"I liked that, Mr. Monty. Do that again." Danny let the man slide his lips up and down his long shaft before pushing his prick head back into the licking mouth.

Senator Montgomery Suckler gulped again, and again the giant black shaft slid down his throat. He took the boy more easily the second time and throated for a while, then slid off the giant and said, "Get up here and fuck your brother, Jazz. Might as well give him the whole thing." Then to the boy, "You aren't going to have anything bigger than this until you get your daddy, nigger Dave."

"He won't fuck me. He said so." The boy complained.

"Not until you're ready, pony. That's normal. Now give me your dick again." Monty held the boy's ass cheeks apart as he lightly sucked the leaking glans, waiting for the giant black cock to throat him like he'd done all his life.

Jazz swiped his wet prick head over the soft pucker and eased it into his half brother. "You OK, Danny?"

"Uh-huh." The boy arched his ass back to meet the poking organ. "I got to get myself ready for nigger Dave."

"Why you got to do that, Danny?" Jazz eased more and more shaft into the tight hole.

"Cuz' I love him best, and I want him to know it."

"He knows you love him, Danny." Jazz forced more inches into the tight hole.

"But I want to love him with my butt. It's my favourite thing now." The boy held the senator's head and pushed to the back of his throat. "That feels good, Jazz. You, too, Mr. Monty, sucking on my dick."

"I know it does, Baby." Jazz giggled, and the senator nodded his gagging face.

After pumping his brother's ass for ten minutes Jazz slipped out, straightened the boy's legs up over the arms of the chair and lowered the puffy anal pucker down over Monty's dripping shaft. Danny grinned up at the wonderful, handsome white man as he slid right down to the root of the giant cock.

"That's my favouritee piece of white meat on you, Monty. I do love your cock." The beautiful black man licked at the cock root before chewing on a giant testicle.

"Yeah. Get those nigger lips I love so much on my nuts. You're my nigger, Jazz, and I love you. Oh, yeah, get a finger up my ass."

"I think I'm going to fuck you later, Monty." Jazz pumped the warm pink anus.

"You just might, handsome." Then the senator's hands slid all over the smooth young boy; his back, his soft, hairless ass cheeks, stroking his cock, pulling up and weighing the full brown hairless testicles, kissing his soft thick lips, licking his neck, bending down and sucking in his smooth, perfect coco prick head.

"I like you sucking on me, Mr. Monty."

"I just want to eat you up, Danny baby, you taste so good. Your ass is going to keep my cock warm at night, drain the piss out of me, too, when I don't want to get up." He spat into the boy's mouth who eagerly sucked it up.

"I like you doing that, Monty."

"Of course you do. I'm going to love you so much." He bent down and licked the sticky cum slit some more. "Uh-huh. i already love sucking on your big black cock. You like that too, baby? When my dick's up your ass? Huh, little Angel?"

"I sure do." Little Danny wiggled his ass and reached around to hold the shaft when it eased out of his loose ass hole. "I like big white cock so much. I sure do. You can fuck me all you want, Monty." He embraced the senator and rested his head on the strong chest as he wiggled his hips. "I'm loving you in my ass."

After some tender embraces the senator bent down and sucked the boy until he came, savouring the few squirts of boy juice that flowed out of the fresh young testicles. "Oh, that's my boy." Monty said proudly.

"I come for you, Monty. You gonna come in my ass now? Pleeeeease." The boy pleaded.

"Later, Angel. We'll do that at home." He lifted the boy off his huge steel hard shaft and began to dress. While Danny licked the ass slick off his cock shaft and balls the senator said, "I hear your wife is pregnant again, Sheriff." They grinned.

"Can't keep your prime breeder satisfied." Ed laughed. "Old nigger Dave's gonna have another one."

"I know. I've spread him across the whole damn state. He's got so many kids I've lost track. Four in New York and some in Virginia." Then the senator pulled Jazz to him and kissed his lips. "But this is my prize. He's number eleven, baked up when I was a boy. And he's baking up his number four right now."

"That right?" The sheriff grinned. "Who'd you breed him to?"

"My missus. Finally got some nigger meat in her." Monty spoke proudly. "Might have lost her now to the dark side. And since the two wives are both baking up chocolate, I thought we might send them on a nice cure together. My treat. What do you say, Ed?"

"And the kids?" Ed asked.

"I get pick of the litter, as usual."

"Sounds fine to me, senator." The sheriff watched Danny tuck his shirt into his loose pants. "And when you're through with the little one here, I'd be happy to have him back for a while. He and I get along real good."

"Those things are always up to Danny himself. What do you say, Pony. You ready to go? Or do you want to stay with Sheriff Ed?"

Danny wrapped his arms around Monty and buried his face in the senator's belly. "I like being with you already, Monty. And Ed said you might even have a bicycle small enough for me. Mine one is old and only has one gear."

"Well, we'll get you a brand new one, Pony, with as many gears as you want."

Danny looked up with loving eyes. "Really? Then I love you best of all, Mr. Monty."

Monty squatted before the boy. "Don't think like that, Pony. You want to love people for other things like cock up the ass and cum, and warmth and comfort, and books and learning. Not presents like bikes and phones. That's nonsense."

"OK. Whatever you say, Mr. Monty."

Jazz squatted next to the two. "And when we're alone, you call him Master Monty. You hear that, Danny? Because he takes care of us and does everything for us. It's just a sign of respect, is all. OK?" When Jazz grinned Danny kissed him. "You're such a sweet butt, Angel. I'm gonna love your ass so much."

"And call me Uncle Monty when we're in public, Danny:" The senator added.

"But i'm a nigger, and you a white man." The boy still held Jazz and stroked his giant cock with pure love.

"Well, you're only half nigger, Danny. You could easily be my nephew." Montgomery Suckler squatted next to the boy and they both licked along Jazz' long shining cock shaft. as the black stroked their hair. "I love your brother, Danny."

"I love you too, Jazz." The boy kissed and stroked the massive cock that still hung out of the open pants, thrilled to go off with him and the wonderful master Monty. "I want your love up my ass, too. OK, Jazz?"

All this time the sheriff had sat and jacked off to the scene in his office. Now he said, "Damn, I'm gonna come. Anybody want a nice load of cum?"

All three turned toward the thick cock that was about to go off, but Danny was fastest. He stripped down his pants and backed onto the hard shaft. "That's my baby boy." He pushed Danny over the desk and rammed into the loose ass hole. "I'm gonna fuck your little nigger ass good, butter butt."

As he pumped the boy Jazz went behind him and poked his still hard enough cock into the white anus. As he prick head spread the tight hole without too much strain he said, "Shit, sheriff, you taking it regular up the ass, aren't you?"

"Damn, boy. Nothing as big as you, Jazz. Go slow on me." The sheriff rapid fucked the boy.

"Just every nigger dick you throw in jail. I been hearing about you."

"I like to keep my prisoners tame and happy. Less fighting that way. You're gonna get me now." With the black horse cock up his ass Sheriff Ed shot off immediately. "Oh, dah --, damn, Danny. You're getting it now. Ahhh, ahh yeaaaaaahhhhh."

Danny wiggled on the shooting shaft deep up his ass, panting and giggling at the same time. When his ass was full and he knew the shooting was over he turned and licked off the shining cock, savouring every drop of cum he could milk out of the slit. Then he stood up and kissed the sheriff who patted the naked ass and then pulled up the boy's pants.

"OK, time to go now, Pony." The senator said to his new bed warmer.

Little Danny walked to the car happy as a pig in mud holding the hand of Montgomery Suckler on one side and his brother Jazz on the other, and a fresh load of cum up his ass.

"What say we stop at the bike shop on the way home?" Monty asked.

"I thought we were going home for you to come up my ass now." He pouted when offered a new bike.

The senator laughed and ran his hand over the short cropped hair. "But that's where Ferber Trump works. I bet he'll be real happy to show you some new bikes in his store room, and fuck your ass good. He's got a nice thick cock, Pony."

"Does he? OK."


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