The Breeder

By Michael Arno

Published on Sep 22, 2023


This story is pure fiction. It contains sex acts between men and boys, which should remain fiction. Do not read it if this subject matter upsets you. Just stop and go somewhere else. Leave comments if you like at


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The Breeder Part 5

Senator Montgomery Hardwood Suckler III fondled his crotch as he walked up the hill overlooking the ocean, happy that his wife, Emma, was pregnant again. He was thinking of old photos, drawings and stories of his family's glorious plantation days. For over a hundred years the Sucklers owned Hardwood Stud Farm, the legendary breeding plantation. For generations they bred the leanest, smoothest, most beautiful negroes with the biggest cocks and testicles in the South.

Legal ownership of prime negro breeders might be over, but Montgomery Suckler still felt he owned his. And they all felt protected, well treated and well rewarded by their present master, now known as the Boss, who had the Suckler eye for breeding prized negro meat.

His father had sent the young horse hung nigger Dave all through the South fathering dozens of black children for a fee, even bred him to a good deal of white women for good money. And Daddy Suckler had given his teenage boy Montgomery the cream of the crop, little Jazz horse cock, as a bed warming companion. The precocious little negro boy took quickly to his white master, pleasing him with his bubble ass and twelve inch cock.

Now at thirty Montgomery thought it was time to have for another little negro warming his bed like his favourite boy had done fourteen years earlier. He remembered how the soft little boy cuddled up to him in bed that first night wanting to know what all the fuss over his huge cock was about. By morning the boy had two loads of the young master's sperm in his ass and could suck his own cock and Monty's at the same time.

As he walked the hill stroking his hardening shaft he saw his favourite, the best product of his father's selective breeding, the most beautiful black nineteen year old in all the state, Jazz Breeder, standing behind his son whose torso laid on a pillow on the picnic table. Young Sam Suckler was enjoying the lazy after fucking of the twelve inch cock shaft that slowly faded in his ass as it sloshed around in all the cum the big dick negro had just dumped up his ass.

Jazz leaned over the nine year old and tweaked his nipples. "I think little Sammy likes nigger dick juicing his white ass." He pulled on the boy's hard on. "Seems to run in the family." He kissed the youngster.

The boy pulled his ass cheeks apart. Jazz obliged him with some deep grinding way up into the pink anus. "I love you, Jazz."

"You love big nigger dick, is all." The negro teen pumped the white boy hard and deep. "I seen you with nigger Dave, getting all wobbly over that monster he got."

"That too. But I love you like Daddy does. You're daddy's favourite nigger ever, and I want to be just like you when I grow up." Then Sammy saw his father. "HI, Daddy. Don't be mad. Jazz just came up my ass."

"That's good, butter butt." Montgomery kissed his favourite negro, then bent down and licked up his ass crack. "I was thinking of the first time I ever did this, Jazzy." The senator pulled the ass cheeks apart and tongued the brown ass pucker. "You were the prettiest baby with the pinkest ass flower. You still are my baby."

"Oh, fuuuck, Sammy." Jazz dug into the ass he was fucking. "Your daddy knows how to eat nigger ass like no white man I ever met." Jazz whimpered as he stroked Sammy's hard shaft. "Your daddy's been on my dick and ass all my life, Sammy. That's why I'm breaking you in, just like we did each other." Then to the senator, "Your boy likes the nigger meat as much as you, Master."

"Isn't Jazz wonderful?" The boy grinned up at his adored father.

"He ought to be." The pink tongue dug into the beige anus. "I trained him myself." The senator reached between the negro's legs and fondled his huge horse testicles, then worked up the shaft to his son's anus. "You like that, Sammy?" He undid the belt and suit trousers.

The cherubic youngster looked up sheepishly. When he saw his father pull out his meaty, half hard nine inches he grinned. "Really a lot, Daddy. It's so big, and smooth, and chocolatey. Is that OK?"

"You got yourself another nigger lover here, Master Monty. Worse than you." Jazz pumped the boy softly with twelve inches of thick horse meat.

Senator Suckler leaned against the table next to his son and pulled the boy's face to his crotch. Sam eagerly sucked in the spongy fat prick head. "You come already, Jazz?" He bobbed his son's mouth over his shaft like a jack off tube.

"Yes, Sir, I did, but the boy can't get enough dick up his ass. You may have to fuck him yourself now."

The senator stood, held his son's throat and slid his entire shaft down it. "He won't feel much after your black beauty's been pumping him half the day." After a few deep plunges he let the boy's throat off his cock.

Sam panted and blurted out, "Yes I will, Daddy. If you fuck me I can suck on Jazz while you're doing it. Please. You're as thick as him, and I love you too."

Senator Suckler thought for a second. "I think the boy's ready to be put into the cock ring on campfire night in HIdeaway. What do you think, Jazz?" The senator moved behind his teenager and swiped his glans along the chocolate ass crack.

Jazz' whole body tingled with the white meat fever. "Oh, Master Monty. You know what that does to me when you get going on my ass." The reaction came from his earliest childhood training. Like a dog drooling over a thick steak he stopped his pumping and reached back to pull his hard, bubble ass open, then pushed his beige pucker against the dripping, smooth glans. "Oh, Master. Your nigger wants you. Make your boy happy."

The senator leaned over his beautiful lover and licked the sweat off his muscled back. "That's my nigger baby." Montgomery pushed his glans against the soft anal ring. "You're still my favourite ass, Jazz. Always will be."

"Then give your nigger his favourite toy, Master." He pushed against the thick white cock head that slid through his anal pucker and into his soul. The prize negro let out a warm, "Ahhh, yeeees, Sir. The Master's got a fine piece of hardwood to charge up his nigger's nuts." Jazz trembled for his boyhood fucker. Childhood memories danced in is head as his anus danced over the root of the white fuck shaft. "Oh, ohhh." He panted. "The master's putting all his love into me. And my ass is loving him back as best I can."

"You still like that." He gave the lean teen a few hard and deep slams. "Damn, nigger. You're a fine fuck." He leaned over the teen and licked his back. "And you love my cock."

"I been loving you ever since you saw me sucking on your big daddy and raped my nigger ass right there in front of everybody, before I even started school. When your big daddy put nigger Dave on your ass every week to make you big and strong, he didn't know how good it would work. You were on my ass every day. I remember my ass loving you good. And you taking my big dick. Remember? It's been a while since I bred you, Monty."

The senator pumped his favourite negro. "I was about what, sixteen when you saw that." The senator dug circles in the negro's anus. "Nigger Dave was on my ass a good ten years before that. Sucklers know the juice can make a young boy strong. I took a big nigger up the ass every day back then, and I knew you were old enough to break in. Those were the days when we couldn't wait. And still after fifteen years I love your nigger ass best."

"And my nigger ass loves you best too, Monty." Then Jazz laughed. "But it's been a while since I saw my daddy put some energy up your ass."

"I like them young now, Jazz. Except for you. You're my prime nigger." He leaned over the beautiful muscled body and stroked the smooth chest, the thighs, finally holding the horse testicles in one hand and the fat shaft that disappeared into his son's anus in the other. "And I've always been yours, like you've been mine."

"Well, if you want a young one Sara Royal Stuart, the sheriff's wife, had a boy by nigger Dave. So he's my half brother and Rudi's too. Ain't that something? Almost related. The sheriff broke him in last week, and he's a hung little fucker, like me or maybe nigger Dave even. He's a few years younger than Sammy here and ready to be a bed warmer like I done."

"Dave's been breeding without telling me?" He squeezed Jazz' testicles. "What's the boy like?"

"Little Danny's real cute," Jazz rolled his ass over the shaft pumping him. "He's just the right age to learn cock loving like I did." Jazz pulled his cheeks apart for more meat, and the senator dug in. "Master, how'd you make me love that fucking thing."

"Old plantation customs. Like training a dog not to beg at table, you can train a nigger to beg for cock." The senator kissed the negro's back and licked the salt off it, then whispered in his ear, "My Jazz grew into a nice stallion, my favourite in all the world. You know that?"

"I know, Monty." He twisted his head and they kissed. "I love you too."

"My own. My own black beauty. Damn I love you." He slow pumped his negro lover. "My wife is pregnant. I could fuck you forever."

"Congratulations." Jazz' ass pucker sucked on the thick cock root. Like a child born knowing how to suck a tit, Jazz had learned how to suck a cock with his anal lips.

"It's yours, nigger. If it's a boy I'll breed him to my new born peachy white niece Patricia when they get old enough, get some more big cock into he white side of the family."

Jazz rolled his ass over the cock pumping his ass. "Damn, Monty. You're big enough." Then he laughed. "And you better watch out. Once the wife's gone black she won't go back."

"That's OK. I'm sure he'll be hung. Emma comes from prime Danish stud lines. The men in her family go way back, married off to royalty as good breeders."

"What you going to do with it?"

"Send it to HIdeaway if it's a girl. She'll be good breeding. If it's a boy I'll keep him here. I want your boy around." He held his negro's hard chest and pumped the loose anus softly. "Bring him up right. Start him on the cream once he's off the milk tit, like I did you."

"Is that what made me grow so big and strong?" Jazz laughed.

"Could be. I just know it's been working for generations." He held Jazz' cock root and pumped deep. "I love you, Jazz."

"I love him too, Daddy." Sammy rocked his ass pucker over the half hard shaft.

Montgomery thought on as he slow fucked his negro lover. "Do you know this boy of Sara and Dave, Sammy?"

"I sure do, Daddy. We fucked at the sheriff's once. He's got a real big nigger dick, and likes big white ones a lot. I bet he'll like yours even more than mine."

"Well, send your little half brother over, Jazz, if the sheriff will give him up, and we'll see what to do for him. Sara's a cousin of mine after all, and I like to love my family, especially the negro side of it."

Jazz slipped his huge shaft out of the Sammy's anus and turned the boy around. "Suck my dick, Sammy, while your daddy fucks my ass."

Sammy sucked on the ass slicked prick head, so smooth and shining and huge like a horse's prick.

"Ah, Jazzy, I love hard round asses." The senator sighed and slammed the black hole.

"Come on, baby." Jazz pulled Sammy's mouth over his shaft to encourage the boy. "Get it all in. I ain't so rock hard now." He pulled Sam's mouth forcing his shaft deeper. In, out, in, out, deeper and deeper, gagging and breathing the boy. Slobber dripped from Sam's mouth and nose. His eyes watered, but he wanted it, and in a daze he let himself be drawn over the wonder cock.

"That's it, baby. Open up. We going down." He massaged the soft white neck. "Yeah. Oh, oh, yeaaaahhh" Jazz pulled the throat over his shaft, felt the nose push into his soft lower belly. "You feel that, Sammy? My dick in your belly? Fuck yeah, I felt it go in. I could piss right now and give you a nice warm drink." He used the boy like a melon, ramming the thick meat tube in and out, pulling the nose into the shaved area above his pubic bone.

"Damn, Sammy." Senator Suckler watched the huge cock slide in and out of his son's throat as he fucked the creamy anus. "Stay on that nigger meat as long as you can, boy."

"Look at him, Monty. Your boy just love nigger dick so bad. I think maybe you're right, little Sammy's ready for the cock pen." Jazz slid the boy off his shaft, let him breathe and then throat fucked him another few long smooth glides before letting him up.

"What's the cock pen?" Sam slobbered and drooled over the succulent chocolate cock head, licking its gleaming smoothness.

"You gonna be the little pink piglet, Sammy, and we gonna put a bunch of nigger stallions on you. See how much black meat you can take. Lots of white men pay big money to see a little white lamb stuck on the nigger spit, and I got plenty of big nigger dick lined up for the pen. That's a good boy. Suck on my nuts some more."

"Really?" The boy lit up and chewed the smooth scrotum. "Can I, Daddy? Please."

"You can't tell anyone, Sammy." Montgomery Suckler slow fucked his negro's creamy smooth anus as he rubbed his nipples. "You weren't born yet, Jazz, when my daddy sent me into the pen. Made a man out of me. The whole town treated me all grown up after that, and I was Sammy's age. Had all the cock and pussy I wanted after that. Respect too."

"I won't tell anyone, Daddy. I promise."

"He can tell his little friend, Rudi. That'd be OK, Monty." Jazz held up his thick shaft and offered his testicles to the eager boy. Sam sucked one into his mouth.

"Little Rudolph Royal Stuart, huh?" Suckler looked surprised.

Jazz laughed. "Yeah, he's so gentrified I landed right up his eight year old ass real good last month, and his daddy's been calling me ever since. The boy just won't stop begging for me and nigger Dave. Ain't that sweet? So you got competition, Sammy. Better be the best at what you do."

The senator was intrigued. "How'd you get up the Stuart boy's ass, Jazz. His daddy watches over him like a hawk."

"That's last year's news, Monty. And don't stop pumping my nigger hole. I like to get slow fucked after I come. Especially by the senate."

"So what changed everything?" Monty deep humped his beauty holding Jazz' cock head in his son's mouth and licking his ear.

"Don't know exactly. Sheriff Ed's been fucking little nigger boys ever since he took office. I guess Rudi snuck a peek and got curious. I caught him once coming out of the woods after sucking off George Ferber, the judge's son. George was still hot and anted some nigger dick, but when Rudi saw it he kind of got crazy for it. He been wanting nigger dick ever since."

"Me too, Daddy." Sammy said proudly. "I love Jazz' big nigger dick best of anybody in the whole world, just like you do." He licked at Jazz' shining prick head again. "And Rudi's mama likes it too. She sucked on nigger Dave with the sheriff watching last time I was over there. They want another baby by him too because Sheriff Ed sent them into the bedroom together. And we could hear Dave fucking her by what he was saying."

As he fucked Montgomery Suckler thought of his wife, Emma, and the night he finally convinced her to have a black child. He told the woman he needed a boy hung like all the Breeder men. But he never thought his wife would squeal like a stuck pig, spread her legs and beg for the huge black shaft to pump her harder.

She'd sucked her husband's cock better than ever before. As Jazz slammed her slit he throated her as never before. Once Jazz had filled her full of cum he rolled her over and slowly forced his thick cock up her virgin ass. She was in such a cock daze she hardly resisted as the giant meat post stretched her anal channel wide enough for a tanker. Now she spread her ass cheeks whenever he wanted. Just yesterday when he dug into her anus she'd asked for two at once now, he knew she wanted Jazz again, and he loved her for it, loved her for wanting more nigger meat.

"What you doing, Monty? Losing interest? Jazz pulled the senator deep into his ass. "What you thinking?"

"That you and me are gong to fuck the missus tomorrow. I want to feel your cock against mine inside her. You can have either hole you want, or we can switch fuck. And when she's had your boy I'm going to put nigger Dave on her next until I get one of his boys too."

"Going to make her a brood mare, are you?." Jazz rolled his ass.

"Something else too. You know my cousin Amanda died. Aunt Julia's still upset how it happened." Monty hung his hand on the giant black horse testicles to stretch them until the negro flinched. "I think I'm jealous you fucked my boy and not me."

"Yeah, heard it was a car crash. Give me some more meat, Monty."

The senator held his negro's hips and rammed him hard. "Aunt Julia was spared the details but it was a good death." Monty slow pumped again. "She died sucking off her boyfriend. Sheriff thinks when he shot off he hit the tree and they both died instantly. His cock was still in her mouth along with plenty of cum."

"Damn." Jazz sighed. "Ain't that a way to go."

"So now it's time you know. Nigger Dave bred Aunt Julia. She's your mama and from the same Danish horse clan. That's why Daddy took you into our house. Also makes you the closest heir. You're going to get her money and land when she dies. We're going to make you a rich nigger, Jazz."

"Just as long as I'm still your nigger, Monty. I remember you feeding me when I was a baby. You're my first memory."

"And you were s strong sucker, loved the milk juice too."

"I still do, Monty. Now get to work and feed my ass, you nigger lover."

Like all the Sucklers Montgomery was an expert performer. Given the queue it took him no more than a minute of deep slamming to shoot a heavy fountain of cum into his Jazz' soft ass. "Uh, yeah. here we go, nigger boy."

"Fuck, Monty. You're in the need. Do me up good."

"I'm cooooming, nigger - errrrrrrrr, yeah." He pumped and pumped. "Oh yeah. I'm coming good." Slam, bam. Slam, bam. "Fuck, I'm filling your ass. Oh, yeah. You feel that?" He fell over Jazz panting. "Oh, baby. I love your ass."

"You did good, Monty. You always do good." They both stood there feeling the shaft pulsate and the cum oozing into the warm anus as young Sammy squeezed under them and sucked the four testicles hanging close together, two huge black horse testicles and two pink peaches.


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